I have been a QA engineer for over 10 years. I have experience testing manual and some automation. I needed to upgrade my skills with updated practices and industry standard tools. I found Portnov online and went to the school. I met with Sofia. She and I discussed what I needed to bring my skills to a more marketable level. The classes I took were exactly what I needed! The school offered instructors who are working in the software development industry as QA managers. These are instructors who are recognized as industry gurus. My instructors were able to give me new best practices and upgraded tools that I was able to parlay into a well paying position. Thank you, Mikhail, Sofia, Olga, Vlad, Lena, and of course, Tatyanna! Without the training I got from Portnov, I would not be moving on in my career. I would be stuck or worse, left behind. Much respect should be paid to this school. They offer classes that reflect what's going on with the software development industry. This industry is ever evolving. Portnov offers classes that will get you into the job market and remain competitive. You guys totally rock! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!