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Bug reports

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  • Bug reports

    1. Invoice number -в окне печатаются и цифры и буквы, должны только цифры.
    2. Castomer- не работает окно, не печатается нужное название фирмы.
    3.Purchase order- в окне печатаются и цифры и буквы, должны только цифры.
    4.From amount и Invoice date - имеют два окна для промежуточных дат. Поэтому упорядочено обозначить : Amount : from (окно поиска) to ( окно поиска), знак бинокль излишен.
    5.Invoice status- не работает окно, не печатается нужный статус платежа.
    6. Results per page- Неверно отображается кол-во страниц в таблице.
    7. После всех обозначений окон отсутствуют двоеточия.

    1. Inv. Date и PO # - не выровнен столбец, упорядочено обозначить для дат 1-9 в формате 05-Jun-2011.
    2. Due Date и PO #- - значения не соответствует названию столбца, поменять столбцы местами. Номера заказов на страницах 2,3,5,6,7,8 имеют одинаковый номер.
    3. Amount – Разное обозначение валюты в столбце. Более упорядочено указать обозначение рядом Amount ( названием столбца) или сделать функцию переключения валют на странице. Суммы в столбце не идут вниз в большую сторону ,как указывает на это знак под Amount.
    4.Status – Значки означающие статус платежа стоят неравномерно по отношению к словам в столбце. Упорядочить местоположение значков по отношению к словам (одобрено, оплачено ит.д.) или исключить совсем, т.к. статус там обозначен словесным форматом.
    5.Pyment- В столбце даты напротив строк Paid (оплачено) ошибки в датах, неверно указаны число или месяц, например 2011-1844 и не стоит точка между числом и месяцем.
    6. Не хватает кнопки Action ( действие) на 11 строке.
    7. Количество страниц указано неверно, т.к указано количество счетов 422. Путем подсчета 422 : 11( строк) = 38,363 = 39 страниц.
    8. Непонятно значение кнопки Поиск справа над таблицей, т.к параметры поиска уже заданы в лейбе.

  • #2
    #1. "Actions" button is missing in the row #11
    #2. 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results
    #3. Search results should display 10 rows (as per "Results per page" listbox), not 11
    #4. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 0f 422 invoices"
    #5. "Type" column is redundant since all the search results are of same type (invoice)
    #6. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00", not above
    #7. "Amount" column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction
    given by the arrow next to the column title
    #8. Leftmost column title: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"
    #9. Misspelled word in first row/"Status" column
    #10. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page "5" is missing
    #11. "Search my invoices": provide all the label with the colon character at the end
    #12. Columns "Due Date" & "PO #" - swap places
    #13. Columns "Inv. Date" & "PO #" - not aligned
    #14. Listbox "Invoice status" - cannot select a different status
    #15. Listbox "Results per page" - cannot select a quantity other than 10
    #16. Listbox "Customer" - cannot select a value other than "General Electric"
    #17. Field "Hide search parameters" does not work
    #18. Listbox "Invoice date" - cannot change the date
    #19. In rows "2,3,5,6,7,9,11" - identical numbers in column "Due Date"
    #20. In columns containing dates, the date format is not the same
    #21. In column "Amount" - incorrectly aligned


    • #3
      Taulia bugs report
      #1. Missing colons on the following labels: "Invoice number", "Customer", "Purchase order", "Invoice date", "Invoice status", "Results per page";
      #2. Invoices are missing from "Showing invoices" as there's 10 results per page and grand total of 32 pages instead of 43 pages;
      #3. Missing "Actions" button on the last invoice showed on the page;
      #4. Columns "Due Date" and "PO" in the "Showing invoices" are mixed up;
      #5. Missing column "Customer" on "Showing invoices";
      #6. Date format mismatch in the search field and the list (e.g. 6/5/2011 and 5-Jun-2011);
      #7. "Purchase order" field doesn't filter out non-digits as an input;
      #8. Missing input focus as the page loads;
      #9. "Invoice date ... to" field gains input focus two times as you cycle throgh the fields with Tab.
      #10. Input fields aren't looped as you cycle throgh them with Tab;
      #11. Numbers in "Amount" column aren't aligned properly (it should be aligned by the right side so you can easily read the amount and compare it;
      #12. Misspeled column name "Invoce" in "Showing results";
      #13. Misspeled "Rejcted" in "Status" column in "Showing result";
      #14. Missing any Invoice status other than "All" in search parametrs;


      • #4
        #1. "Actions" button is missing in the row #11
        #2. Page #5 is missing
        #3. Results should be shown to 9/30/2011, but there is on the page are mentioned results for october 2011
        #4. Dates are specified wrong in the column "Inv. Date": month is specified after number of the day
        #5. Dates are specified wrong in the column "PO #": month is specified after number of the day
        #6. "Invoices" button is lighted while other buttons in the upper side of page are not lighted
        #7. In the column "Status" replace "Rejcted" for "Rejected"
        #8. In the column "Amount": amounts are not centered
        #9. 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results
        #10. Search results should display 10 rows (as per "Results per page" listbox), not 11
        #11. Replace Showing 422 invoices with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoces"
        #12. Type column is redundant since all the search results are of same type (invoice)
        #13. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00", not above
        #14. "Amount" column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title
        #15. Leftmost column title: replace "Invoce #" for "Invoice #"
        #16. Misspelled word in first row/"Status" column
        #17. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page "5" is missing
        #18. "Search my invoices": provide all the labels with the colon character at the end
        Last edited by Veronica; 03-31-2022, 01:09 PM.


        • #5
          Баг репорт толия
          1. Invoice number при нажатии выдает только один номер из множества возможных должно выдавать все имеющиеся в базе номера
          2. Customer при нажатии на поле выдает оного заказчика , нет возможности ввести имя заказчика вручную для поиска в системе
          3. From amount: to: в графах пишутся вместе с цифрами буквы
          4. Invoice date нет возможности изметить дату
          5. Invoice status нет сортировки по иным признакам
          6. Results per page нет возможности изменить количество отображаемых на странице результатов
          7. Due Date в данном столбце пишется информация из столбца PO #
          8. PO # в данном столбце отображается информация со столбца Due Date
          9. В столбце Amount не работает значок сортировки
          10. неверная сортировка в столбце Amount
          11. В 10 строке отсутствует Actions
          12. При выбранной сортировке на 10 строк выдает 11 строк
          13. Showing 422 invoices но на самом деле показано меньше (11 на странице)
          14. Название столбцов не выравнено по отношению к содержимому столбца
          15. Не появляется курсо позволяющий переходить на др страницу
          16. в 6 и 9 строках в столбце Payment отстутствует информация о дате оплаты
          17. нет возможности отсортировать иные столбцы кроме Amount
          Last edited by Sokolik-86; 04-02-2022, 02:56 PM.


          • #6

            №12. Формат даты


            • #7
              #1.When hovering over "download list" a hyperlink appears at the bottom of the screen. this may disagree with security settings.
              Пояснение: в теории неавторизированные пользователи могут украсть данные
              #2. Opposite the label "Purchase order" in the icon "Binoculars" there is no Tooltipe.


              • #8
                Taulia bugs reports
                #1. The first column title from the left: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"
                #2. Enumeration at the bottom of the page: page 5 is missing
                #3. The bottom line of the search list: button Actions is missing
                #4. The Search results list: row #11 is redundant (Search results should display 10 rows in accordance with 'Results per page' listbox)
                #5. Enumeration at the bottom of the page: 32 pages is not enough to show 422 search results
                #6. The row of titles of the search results: interchange the 'Due Date' title and 'PO#'
                #7. The Search results list: the seventh row with the invoce date of 1-Oct-2011 is redundant (Search results should not display invoices after 9/30/2011 in accordance with 'invoice date' listbox)
                #8. The date structure in the invoice date listbox (date separated by /) and search results (date separated by -) are dissimilar.
                #9. The column 'Type' is redundant (The search is conducting through invoices)
                #10. The sorting in 'Amount' colomn is incorrect: Numbers $22,409.37 and $22,376.00 need to be interchanged.


                • #9
                  Taulia bugs reports:

                  1. "Actions" button is missing in the row #11
                  2. 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results
                  3. Search results should display 10 rows (as per "Results per page" listbox), not 11
                  4. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 0f 422 invoices"
                  5. "Type" column is redundant since all the search results are of same type (invoice)
                  6. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00", not above
                  7. "Amount" column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title
                  8. Leftmost column title: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"
                  9. Misspelled word in first row/"Status" column
                  10. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page "5" is missing
                  11. "Search my invoices": provide all the label with the colon character at the end
                  12. Invoice 1122338089: the "5-Jun-2011" date is outside of range (6/5/2011-9/30/2011) specified in "Invoice date" fields
                  13. Suggestion: in column "Invoce #" to make the ability to sort invoices by number
                  14. Suggestion: in column "Status" to make the ability to sort invoices by different status: (Rejected , paid, Approved, In process etc.)
                  15. Suggestion: user name schoul be displayed next to the "logout" link in the top right corner of the web ( screen)


                  • #10
                    There is a mistake in Mikhail's note, it is the third lesson notes in "BUG REPORTING RULES" the second rule, the word street has been written wrong. He has written "streat" instead of street.


                    • #11
                      1. In "Search my invoices" next to "Purchase order" field, Binocular icon - purpose is not clear
                      2. In "Search my invoices", "Invoice date" format is inconsistent with date format in the Results Table
                      3. In Results Table it is showing 11 results instead of 10 as requested in "Search my invoices"
                      4. In the Top row of Results table, number of invoices found is not consistent with the number of pages if displayed 10 or 11 per page
                      5. In the Top row of Results table "Showing 422 Invoices" should be replaced with "Showing 10/11 out of 422 invoices"
                      6. In the Column headings of Result Table change the first column heading to "Invoice"
                      7. In the Column headings of Result Table column 3 heading is abbreviated "Inv. date" which is inconsistent with the first column full "Invoice"
                      8. In the Result Table column "Due date" data format is incorrect
                      9. In the Result Table column "PO #" data format is incorrect
                      10. In the Result Table column "Payment" column is unclear what information is showing, is it payment date / reference or other
                      11. In the Result Table row 3 "Status" replace with "Rejected"
                      12. In the Result Table the last row is missing an "Actions" button
                      13. Under the Result Table the page count is missing page 5
                      14. Under the Result Table the page count between pages 10 and the last page is missing a dot
                      15. In the Result Table "Amount" column sorting sign is inconsistent with sorting result, showing down but sorting up
                      16. In the Result Table "Amount" column sorting results #7 and #8 are inconsistent with other sorting results
                      17. In the Result Table result #7 is outside the date range from the "Search my invoices" Invoice date entry
                      18. Search my invoices "From amount" label has a colon which is inconsistent with other labels
                      19. In the Results table in the header row headings' alignments are off
                      20. In the Results table in column "Status" result #4 is showing "Approved" instead of "Paid" when hover over
                      21. In the Results table results in column "Inv.Date" are not properly aligned


                      • #12
                        Taulia bug reports

                        #1 In invoice column "Invoce #" is misspelled
                        #2 In invoice #1122339225 in column Status word "Rejcted" is misspelled, must be corrected to Rejected
                        #3 Due date has incorrect format on all results of 1st page
                        #4 Sorting by "Amount" is incorrect Invoice #1122339225 must be below Invoice #1122338089 and Invoice #1122339546 must be below Invoice #1122339134
                        #5 Incorrect amount of pages. With 11 results per page with 32 pages limits amount of results to 352. Amount of pages must be change to 39 with 11 results or 43 with 10 results per page
                        #6 Page #5 is missing
                        #7 Incorrect amount of results re page
                        #8 Button (Action) is missing
                        #9 Payment information is missing in invoice(s) #1122339225,1122339500,1122339199,1122339546,11223 39226,1122339302
                        #10 Incorrect information in "Due Date" column
                        #11 Invoice #1122339546 must not be displayed due to incorrect Invoice date
                        #12 Column "Type" is redundant since all results have the same type (Invoice)

