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Bug reports energy-telecom

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  • Bug reports energy-telecom

    1. From “FIRST NAME” to “Email” doesn’t work TAB ORDER
    2. “ZIP” field accepts letters
    3. “State” list box: remove “BC” first Item
    4. In the first section “CELL PHONE SERVICE” in line “MY MONTHLY BILL IS APPROXIMATELY” field accept letters
    5. “SUBMIT” and “CLEAR” buttons have different front sizes

  • #2
    1. TAB control - When selected first field "First name" and press TAB then selected the last field - make the next selected field "last name"
    2. No default field focus - make the field "first name" by default
    3. The field "email" is not required - make it required
    4. Best Way To Contact Me - evenly distribute the phrase over two lines - move words "to contact me" to another line
    5. Months left on current contract - have only 10 month - make 12 month
    6. "State" list box - move the "other" state to the end of the list


    • #3
      #1." First Name" combo list iteams allows to write digital,please make sure it is the way it should be
      #2. "Last Name"combo list iteams allows to write digital,please make sure it is the way it should be
      #3.'City' combo list iteams allows to write digital,please make sure it is the way it should be
      #4. "Email:" field has an asterisk assigned but it is not really required
      #5. "ZIP" field has an asterisk assigned but it is not really required
      #6."ZIP" field allows to write letters, please make sure it is the way it should be
      #7."State" list box, remove "BC" since it is a Canadian state, not USA
      #8. Cell Phone Service: "Current Provider:" list box is missing "AT$T"
      #9. Cell Phone Service: "My monthly bill is approximately" list iteams allows to write letters ,please make sure it is the way it should be
      #10. Local/Long Distances/International Service "Current Provider:" list box is missing "T-Mobile"


      • #4
        #1. In the "State" list box remove "BC" as it's a Canadian province
        #2. Section "Referred by" behaves as if it's a required field
        #3. "Clean" button doesn't work, shows "Error 17896 - Invalid data request"
        #4. Section "Name"/"Last name" accepts numbers
        #5. Make sure that the ZIP code field accepts only digits
        #6. In section 7 "Gas and Electric Services" there is a typo, change "opento" to "open to"
        #7. In section 1, add "Other" to the list box "Cell Phone Service"
        #8. In section 1, the line "Months left on current contract" should include 12 months, instead of 10
        #9. In all sections, the line "My monthly bill is approximately" shouldn't accept more than 4 digits
        #10.In section 1, email has an asterisk assigned, but it's not really required

