1. "First name" field: accepting max 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement.
2."Zip" field: user is able to type in letters ( no digits only)
3. "Zip" field: user is able to paste letters ( no digits only)
4. "Zip" field : user is able to paste more than 5 characters ( should be no more than 5)
5. "Zip" field :should be validating the input for a valid US zip code
6. "Referred by" field: is missing from the requirements
7. "Referred by" field: doesn't have asterisk but it behaves like required field.
8."Last name" field: accepting only 30 characters max instead of 31 as per requirement .
9. "Street name" field: accepting only 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirement.
10. "Email" field ; with empty input does not show the error as required field.
11."Email" field: are accepted more then 255 characters
12. "Phone" field : user is able to paste letters ( no digits only)
13."Current provider" field : in a list box no option "OTHER"
14. Below the row "7.Gas and Electric Services"
I am opento using different provider. Miss spell "Opento"
2."Zip" field: user is able to type in letters ( no digits only)
3. "Zip" field: user is able to paste letters ( no digits only)
4. "Zip" field : user is able to paste more than 5 characters ( should be no more than 5)
5. "Zip" field :should be validating the input for a valid US zip code
6. "Referred by" field: is missing from the requirements
7. "Referred by" field: doesn't have asterisk but it behaves like required field.
8."Last name" field: accepting only 30 characters max instead of 31 as per requirement .
9. "Street name" field: accepting only 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirement.
10. "Email" field ; with empty input does not show the error as required field.
11."Email" field: are accepted more then 255 characters
12. "Phone" field : user is able to paste letters ( no digits only)
13."Current provider" field : in a list box no option "OTHER"
14. Below the row "7.Gas and Electric Services"
I am opento using different provider. Miss spell "Opento"