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Energy-Telecom test cases and bug reports

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  • Last Name

    • text field
    • accepts all characters
    • no more than 31
    • required field
    Test cases:

    ID Title/Purpose/Description Instruction Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail
    1 Accepts all characters Last name = 25Smith!@#$ Accepted Accepted Pass
    2 Max input 31 characters Accepted Accepted only 30 characters Fail
    3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted Accepted only 30 characters Fail
    4 Paste Max+1 Paste 32 characters Accepted only 30 characters Fail
    5 Lower boundary, one character "A" Accepted Accepted Pass
    6 Required field Empty field "Please enter your Last Name" message "Please enter your Last Name" message Pass

    Bug reports:
    1. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now.


    • text field
    • accepts all characters
    • no more than 50
    • required field
    Test cases:

    ID Title/Purpose/Description Instruction Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail
    1 Accepts all characters City = 25City!@#$ Accepted Accepted Pass
    2 Max input 50 characters Accepted Accepted Pass
    3 Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted 50 accepted Pass
    4 Paste Max+1 Paste 51 characters 50 accepted 50 accepted Pass
    5 Lower boundary, one character (???) "A" (???) ??? Accepted ???
    6 Required field Empty field "Please enter your City" message "Please enter your City" message Pass

    Bug reports:
    1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "City" field


    • List Box offering the list of all 50 states
    • Required field
    Test cases:

    ID Title/Purpose/Description Instruction Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail
    1 List Box offering the list of all 50 states Make sure that all states are in the list List Box contains the list of all 50 states List Box contains 48 states Fail
    2 Required field Choose "---" "Please select your State" message "Please select your State" message Pass
    3 Any state can be selected Choose "FL" "State" textfield is assigned to "FL" "State" textfield is assigned to "FL" Pass

    Bug reports:
    1. "HI" and "NV" are missed in the list in "State" listbox.
    2. "IND" should be changed to "IN" in the list in "State" listbox.
    3. "BC" should be removed from the list in "State" listbox.
    4. "Other" should be moved to the beginning or to the end of the list in "State" listbox.


    • text field
    • accepts digits, letters, some special characters ("@", ".", " –", "_")
    • 255 characters
    • required field
    Test cases:

    ID Title/Purpose/Description Instruction Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail
    1 Accepts all characters Email = Accepted Accepted Pass
    2 Special character instead of the first letter Email = "Please enter your Email" message Accepted Fail
    3 Max input 255 characters Accepted Accepted Pass
    4 Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted Accepted 256 characters Fail
    5 Paste Max+1 Paste 256 characters 255 accepted Accepted 256 characters Fail
    6 Lower boundary, 6 characters (???) "" (???) Accepted (???) Accepted ???
    7 Required field Empty field "Please enter your Email" message Accepted Fail

    Bug reports:
    1. Email can't be started with special character.
    2. "Email" field can't accept more than 255 characters.
    3. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Email" field.
    4. "Email" field can't be empty.

    Last edited by aleksasha; 04-19-2022, 09:17 AM.


    • First Name

      text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
      Test Cases:
      | ID |------ | Purpose | -------------------------- | Instruction | ------------ | Expected Result | ------ | Actual Result |
      - 1. - accepts all characters -------------------- Dmitrii123 @ ------------------ accepted ----------------------- pass
      - 2. - max input 31 ------------------------------ 31 characters ------------------ accepted ------------------------ pass
      - 3. - max input 31+1 --------------------------- 32 characters ---------------- not accepted --------------------- pass
      - 4. - required field -------------------------------- empty field ------- * Please enter your First Name -------- pass

      Last Name

      text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
      Test Cases:
      | ID |------ | Purpose | -------------------------- | Instruction | ------------ | Expected Result | ------ | Actual Result |
      - 1. -
      accepts all characters ------------------ Dmitriev123 @ ---------------- accepted ------------------------ pass
      - 2. - max input 31 ----------------------------- 31 characters ------------------ accepted ------------------------- pass
      - 3. - max input 31+1 -------------------------- 32 characters ---------------- not accepted --------------------- pass
      - 4. - required field ------------------------------- empty field -------- * Please enter your Last Name -------- pass

      Street Address

      text field, accepts all characters. No more than 255. Required field.
      Test Cases:
      | ID |------ | Purpose | -------------------------- | Instruction | ------------ | Expected Result | ------ | Actual Result |
      - 1. - accepts all characters -------------------- Ulitsa123 @ ------------------- accepted ---------------------- pass
      - 2. - max input 255 --------------------------- 255 characters ------------------ accepted ----------------------- pass
      - 3. - max input 255+1 ------------------------ 256 characters ----------------- not accepted ------------------- pass
      - 4. - required field ------------------------------- empty field ----- * Please enter your Street Address ----- pass


      text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.
      Test Cases:
      | ID |------ | Purpose | -------------------------- | Instruction | ------------ | Expected Result | ------ | Actual Result |
      - 1. - accepts all characters ---------------------- City123 @ ------------------ accepted ------------------------ pass
      - 2. - max input 50 ------------------------------ 50 characters ----------------- accepted ------------------------- pass
      - 3. - max input 50+1 --------------------------- 51 characters ---------------- not accepted --------------------- pass
      - 4. - required field ------------------------------- empty field ---------- * Please enter your City --------------- pass


      List Box, offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.
      Test Cases:
      | ID |------ | Purpose | -------------------------- | Instruction | ------------ | Expected Result | ------ | Actual Result |
      - 1. - offering the list of all 50 states -------- Count the list ----------------- 50 states ------------------------- fail
      - 2. - offering the list of all 50 states --- Check states of the list --- There are all 50 states -------------- fail
      - 3. - required field ---------------------------- not selected field --- * Please select your State -------------- pass
      - 4. -


      text field, accepts 5 characters (digits only). Required field.
      Test Cases:
      | ID |------ | Purpose | -------------------------- | Instruction | ------------ | Expected Result | ------ | Actual Result |
      - 1. - accepts only 5 digits ------------------------- 12345 ---------------------- accepted ------------------------- pass
      - 2. - accepts 5 letters ------------------------------- zippo -------------------- not accepted ----------------------- pass
      - 3. - accepts 5 special characters--------------- !@#$% ------------------ not accepted ----------------------- pass
      - 4. - max input 5 ------------------------------------ 5 digits ---------------------- accepted ------------------------- pass
      - 5. - max input 5+1 --------------------------------- 6 digits -------------------- not accepted ---------------------- pass
      - 6. - required field -------------------------------- empty field ------- * Please enter your ZIP Code ----------- pass


      text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field.
      Test Cases:
      | ID |------ | Purpose | -------------------------- | Instruction | ------------ | Expected Result | ------ | Actual Result |
      - 1. - accepts digits ---------------------------------- 12345 ---------------------- accepted ------------------------- pass
      - 2. - accepts letters ---------------------------------- zippo -------------------- not accepted ---------------------- pass
      - 3. - accepts special characters------------------ !@#$% ------------------ not accepted ---------------------- pass
      - 4. - accepts space ------------------------------------ " " ---------------------- not accepted ---------------------- pass
      - 5. - max input 255 --------------------------------- 255 digits ------------------ accepted ------------------------- pass
      - 6. - max input 255+1 ------------------------------ 256 digits ---------------- not accepted ---------------------- pass
      - 7. - required field ---------------------------------- empty field ------- * Please enter your Email: ------------- pass

      Bug Reports:
      1. "Contact Information": inconsistency - align all labels to the left
      2. "Email":
      Last edited by Racerrdmitry; 04-20-2022, 04:37 PM.


      • maximum number of decimal places should be limited with 2 digits in the “My monthly bill is approximately” field
        The field “Email” should not accept the imputing of space to the field and should give the message of “invalid email”


        • Phone:
          - 3 text fields
          - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
          - Required field
          ID Purpose Instruction Expected result Actual result
          #1 Accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only) 333-333-4444 Accepted Passed
          #2 Invalid input - letter 3-3-4 chars aaa-bbb-cccc not accept Passed
          #3 Invalid input - sp.characters 3-3-4 chars $$$-%%%-#### not accept Passed
          #4 Required field empty field "required field" message Passed
          #5 Paste 4-4-5 chars (digits only) 3333-4444-55555 Accepted only 3-3-4 chars Passed
          #6 Paste 3-3-4 chars (letters) aaa-bbb-cccc not accept Failed
          #7 Paste 3-3-4 chars (sp.characters) $$$-%%%-#### not accept Failed
          Bug reports:
          1. "Phone" field: If copy paste letters (3-3-4 chars) it accepts it.
          2. "Phone" field: If copy paste special characters (3-3-4 chars) it accepts it.
          ================================================== ================================================== ===

          - text field
          - accepts all characters
          - No more than 50
          - Required field
          ID Purpose Instruction Expected result Actual result Note
          #1 Accepts all characters Enter City12@ Accepted Passed
          #2 Max input 50 char Enter 50 characters Accepted Passed
          #3 Max + 1 input: 51 char Enter 51 characters Accepted 50 characters Passed
          #4 Required field Empty field "Required" error messange Passed
          #5 Paste 51 characters Paste 51 characters Accepted 50 characters Passed
          #6 Lower boundary, ??? character "????? Accepted Wrote a bug report to the requirements
          Bug reports:
          1. "City" field: Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "City" field.
          ================================================== ================================================== ====

          Last Name:
          - text field
          - accepts all characters
          - No more than 31
          - Required field
          ID Purpose Instruction Expected result Actual result
          #1 Accepts all characters Petrov21@ Accepted Passed
          #2 Max input 31 characters Petrov21@Petrov21@Petrov21@1234 Accepted Failed, it accepted only 30 characters
          #3 Max + 1 input: 32 characters Petrov21@Petrov21@Petrov21@12345 Accepted only 31 characters Failed
          #4 Required field empty field "required" error messedge Passed
          #5 Lower boundary only 1 characters "X" Accepted Passed
          #6 Paste 32 characters Petrov21@Petrov21@Petrov21@12345 Accepted only 31 characters Failed, it accepted only 30 characters
          Bug reports:
          1. "Last Name" field: field should accept 31 characters inclusive, no 30 as it accepts now.

          ================================================== ======================================

          - List Box offering the list of all 50 states
          - Required field
          ID Purpose Instruction Expected result Actual result
          #1 Required field Empty field "required" error message Passed
          #2 List of States are in alphabet order Open the list Box and check alphabet order Failed
          #3 States are existing Open the list Box and check States are existing Failed
          Bug reports:
          1. "State" field: List of states aren't in alphabet order.
          2. "State" field: move the "other" option to the end of the list.
          3. "State" field: List of states include non-existent states.

          ================================================== ================================================== ============================

          - text field
          - accepts digits, letters, some special characters
          - 255 characters
          - Required field
          ID Purpose Instruction Expected result Actual result Note
          #1 Accepts digits,letters,some sp.characters accepted Passed
          #2 255 characters 255 characters accepted Passed
          #3 256 characters ??? 256 characters 255 characters accepted Failed
          #4 254 characters ??? 254 characters accepted??? Wrote a bug report to the requirements
          #5 Paste 256 characters Paste 256 characters 255 characters accepted Failed
          #6 Required field Empty field "required" error message Failed
          Bug reports:
          1 ."Email" field: According to requirements "Email" field should be 255 characters. Maybe it can be no more than 255? Please, clarify.
          2. "Email" field: "Email" field is required field. But if it is empty, there aren't any error message about it.
          3. "Email" field: accepted 256 characters, but it should accept max 255 characters.
          4. "Email" field: If copy paste 256 characters in "Email" field it accepts it. But it should accept max 255 characters.

          ================================================== ================================================== ===========

          - text field
          - accepts 5 characters
          - digits only
          - Required field
          - Existing
          ID Purpose Instruction Expected result Note
          #1 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted Passed
          #2 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted Passed
          #3 4 digits 9408 "enter a valid ZIP code" message Passed
          #4 Required field empty field "enter your ZIP Code" message Passed
          #5 Invalid input - letter 94O85 "digits only" message Passed
          #6 Invalid input - sp. character 9408% "digits only" message Passed
          #7 Paste 6 digits Paste 940855 Accept only 5 digits: 94085 Failed
          #8 Paste 5 digits and 1 letter Paste 94085B Accept only 5 digits: 94085 Failed
          #9 Paste 5 digits and 1 Sp.Character Paste 94085@ Accept only 5 digits: 94085 Failed
          #10 Non-existent zip code (5 digits) 00000 Please enter a valid ZIP code" message Failed
          Bug reports:
          1. "ZIP" field: maybe you need to provide a field highlight in red if 4 digits are entered (before hitting submit)
          2. "ZIP" field: If copy paste 6 digits in "ZIP" field it accepts it. But it should accept only 5 digits.
          3. "ZIP" field: If copy paste 5 digits and 1 letter in "ZIP" field it accepts it. But it should accept only 5 digits.
          4. "ZIP" field: If copy paste 5 digits and 1 Sp.Character in "ZIP" field it accepts it. But it should accept only 5 digits.
          5. "ZIP" field: It accept non-existent zip code.


          • Email
            text field
            accepts digits, letters, some special characters
            255 characters
            required field
            Test Cases
            ID Purpose Instruction Expected results
            #1 Email: required field Submit the form with an empty "Email" field Error message "Please enter your email"
            Bug Reports
            #1 Provide a list of special characters allowed in the "Email" field. Should any template be required like


            3 text fields accepting 3-3-4 chars
            digits only
            required field.
            ID Purpose Instruction Expected results
            #2 Phone: required field Submit the form with empty "Phone" fields Error message "Please enter your email"
            #3 Phone: 3-3-4 characters Enter: 650-307-1070 Accepted
            #4 Phone: 4-4-5 characters Enter: 6501-3071-10701 The cursor goes to the next "Phone" field after 3-3-4 characters
            #5 Phone: 4-4-5 characters Paste: 6501-3071-10701 Only 3-3-4 characters accepted
            #6 Phone: digits only Enter: ab#-ab#-ab## the fields do not accept these characters
            #7 Phone: digits only Paste: ab#-ab#-ab## the fields do not accept these characters
            Bug Reports
            #1 "Email" field is marked as required in the specification and in the form before its submission. After submitting an empty "email" field, there is no error message "Please enter your email" and the * sign is not highlighted in red.
            #2 Provide requirements for the "Phone" field digits. At the moment the phone "111-111-1111" gives an error "Please enter a valid Phone Number"
            #3 The "Phone" fields should accept digits only. It is possible to paste letters and special characters now.
            #4 When the digits are entered into the "Phone" fields from the side keyboard, the cursor does not go to the next field automatically.


            • Last Name:
              - text field
              - accepts all characters
              - No more than 31
              - Required field

              Test cases:
              ID: Purpose: Instruction: Expected Result:
              #1 Accepts all characters Last Name = Baran0v@ accepted
              #2 Max input 31 characters accepted
              #3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 characters accepted
              #4 Required field Empty field "required field" message
              #5 Lower boundary, 1 character "X" character accepted

              =======================================BUG REPORTS=====================================
              #1. "Last Name:" field accepts max 30 characters, while it is requiered to accept max 31
              ================================================== =====================================

              Street Address:
              - text field
              - accepts all characters
              - No more than 255
              - Required field

              Test cases:
              ID: Purpose: Instruction: Expected Result:
              #1 Accepts all characters Street Address = LomoNo$ova 16, accepted
              #2 Max input 255 characters accepted
              #3 Max+1 input 256 characters 255 characters accepted
              #4 Required field Empty field "required field" message
              #5 Lower boundary, ??? characters ??? characters accepted

              ====================BUG REPORTS=====================================
              #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field (validation bug report)
              #2. "Street Address" field accepts not more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements

              - text field
              - accepts all characters
              - No more than 50
              - Required field

              Test cases:
              ID: Purpose: Instruction: Expected Result:
              #1 Accepts all characters City = T0m$k accepted
              #2 Max input 50 characters accepted
              #3 Max+1 input 51 characters 50 characters accepted
              #4 Required field Empty field "required field" message
              #5 Lower boundary, ??? characters ??? characters accepted

              =======================================BUG REPORTS===========================================
              #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "City" field (validation bug report)
              ================================================== ===========================================

              - list box
              - offers all 50 states
              - Required field

              Test cases:
              ID: Purpose: Instruction: Expected Result:
              #1 Required field Choose "--" "required field" message

              ====================BUG REPORTS=====================================
              #1. Add Nevada (NV) instead of unexisting "BC" state showed in the list
              #2. Missing Hawaii (HI) state, add it
              #3. Abbreviation of Indiana state (IND) has 3 letters instead of 2, correct it to "IN"
              #4. Sort the drop-down list in the alphabetic order for the convenience
              #5. Put "other" in the end of the drop-down list


              • City: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.
                ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                1 Accepts all characters City = Main-City123 accepted
                2 Max input 50 characters accepted
                3 Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                4 Required field. empty field "requred field"
                5 Lower boundary character "?????" accepted
                State: List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.
                ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                1 There is a listbox open listbox displayed
                2 Max list 50 states 50 in the listbox
                3 Max+1 list 51 states 50 in the listbox
                4 Choice from listbox select value from listbox displayed correctly
                5 Required field empty field "requred field"
                Bug repotrs
                #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "City" field
                #2. Missing state of Hawaii
                #3. Error in Indiana state abbreviation: should have two letters, but not three - "IND"
                #4. Refine Requirements: Inconsistency in form. The listbox option "other" is different from the other options
                Last edited by larisa.shineleva; 04-19-2022, 09:17 AM.


                • Note
                  It's the second part, since the forum doesn't accept more than 10000 characters in one post. The first part is located on the following link:

                  SECTION "Cell Phone Service"

                  "Current Provider:" dropdown list test cases

                  Selected item in "Current Provider:" dropdown list
                  Select "Verizon" item in "Current Provider:" dropdown list. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  "Verizon" accepted

                  Unselected item in "Current Provider:" dropdown list
                  Skip selecting an item in "Current Provider:" dropdown list. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  Zero data Accepted

                  "I am happy with my current provider" checkbox test cases

                  Checked "I am happy with my current provider" checkbox
                  Check "I am happy with my current provider" checkbox. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  "I am happy with my current provider" accepted

                  Unchecked "I am happy with my current provider" checkbox
                  Leave "I am happy with my current provider" checkbox unchecked. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  Zero data accepted

                  "I am open to using different provider" checkbox test cases

                  Checked "I am open to using different provider" checkbox
                  Check "I am open to using different provider" checkbox. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  "I am open to using different provider" accepted

                  Unchecked "I am open to using different provider" checkbox
                  Leave "I am open to using different provider" checkbox unchecked. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  Zero data accepted

                  "My monthly bill is approximately:" TextField test cases

                  Accepts digits in "My monthly bill is approximately:" TextField
                  Input "600.25" into "My monthly bill is approximately:" TextField. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  "600.25" accepted

                  Non-required TextField
                  Leave "My monthly bill is approximately:" TextField blank. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  Zero data accepted

                  Doesn't accept letters in "My monthly bill is approximately:" TextField
                  Input "60r" into "My monthly bill is approximately:" TextField. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  Error message appears

                  Doesn't accept special characters in "My monthly bill is approximately:" TextField
                  Input "60!" into "My monthly bill is approximately:" TextField. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  Error message appears

                  "Minutes on plan:" dropdown list test cases

                  Selected item in "Minutes on plan:" dropdown list
                  Select "500" in "Minutes on plan:" dropdown list. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  "500" accepted

                  Unselected item in "Minutes on plan:" dropdown list
                  Skip selecting an item in "Minutes on plan:" dropdown list. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  Zero data Accepted

                  "Months left on current contract:" dropdown list test cases

                  Selected item in "Months left on current contract:" dropdown list
                  Select "3" in "Months left on current contract:" dropdown list. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  "3" accepted

                  Unselected item in "Months left on current contract:" dropdown list
                  Skip selecting an item in "Months left on current contract:" dropdown list. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  Zero data Accepted

                  "Number of phones on plan:" dropdown list test cases

                  Selected item in "Number of phones on plan:" dropdown list
                  Select "20" in "Number of phones on plan:" dropdown list. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  "20" accepted

                  Unselected item in "Number of phones on plan:" dropdown list
                  Skip selecting an item in "Number of phones on plan:" dropdown list. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  Zero data Accepted

                  "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:" dropdown list test cases

                  Selected item in "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:" dropdown list
                  Select "1" in "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:" dropdown list. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  "1" accepted

                  Unselected item in "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:" dropdown list
                  Skip selecting an item in "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:" dropdown list. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  Zero data Accepted

                  "I like my handset" checkbox test cases

                  Checked "I like my handset" checkbox
                  Check "I like my handset" checkbox. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  "I like my handset" accepted

                  Unchecked "I like my handset" checkbox
                  Leave "I like my handset" checkbox unchecked. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  Zero data accepted

                  "I am interested in updating my handset" checkbox test cases

                  Checked "I am interested in updating my handset" checkbox
                  Check "I am interested in updating my handset" checkbox. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  "I am interested in updating my handset" accepted

                  Unchecked "I am interested in updating my handset" checkbox
                  Leave "I am interested in updating my handset" checkbox unchecked. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  Zero data accepted

                  "I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop" checkbox test cases

                  Checked "I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop" checkbox
                  Check "I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop" checkbox. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  "I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop" accepted

                  Unchecked "I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop" checkbox
                  Leave "I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop" checkbox unchecked. Push "Submit" button.
                  Expected result:
                  Zero data accepted

                  BUG REPORTS

                  Short description:
                  Rename "IND" item in "State" dropdown list into "IN"
                  Steps to reproduce:
                  1. Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review" web page.
                  2. Open "State" dropdown list in "Contact Information" section.
                  3. The list has an invalidly abbreviated item: "IND".

                  Short description:
                  Missing items in "State" dropdown list
                  Steps to reproduce:
                  1. Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review" web page.
                  2. Open "State" dropdown list in "Contact Information" section.
                  3. The list lacks "DC" and "HI" items.

                  a. Every instruction in every test case in "Contact Information" section starts with the following instruction:
                  1. Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review" page.

                  b. Every instruction in every test case in all sections except "Contact Information" section starts with the following instructions:
                  1. Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review" page.
                  2. In "Contact Information" section:
                  • Input "John" into "First Name:" TextField
                  • Input "Doe" into "Last Name:" TextField
                  • Input "110 Somewhere St." into "Street Address:" TextField
                  • Input "Pasadena" into "City:" TextField
                  • Select "CA" item in "State" ListBox
                  • Input "90210" into "ZIP:" TextField
                  • Input email used for testing into "Email:" TextField
                  • Input "253", "341", and "2255" into 3 corresponding "Phone:" TextFields
                  • Input "Jack" into "Referred by:" TextField*
                  * Because "Referred by" TextField works as a required field, though it's not required one in the requirements. So we should (temporary?) also include it.
                  It was made to shorten my post on the forum.

                  c. The requirements for "Referred by" TextField aren't formalized. Suggested formalized requirements for "Referred by" TextField: it accepts all characters; it's a non-required TextField; it's suggested to formalize the max input which is set to 100 characters and set the min input which is set to 1 characher now.

                  d. The range of 1st digit in 1 of 3 "Phone" TextFields (the area code) isn't formalized in the requirements. It's suggested to formalize it as: 1st digit in 1 of 3 "Phone" TextFields ranges from 2 to 9.

                  e. 2nd and 3rd digits in 1 of 3 "Phone" TextFields (the area code) aren't formalized in the requirements. It's suggested to formalize it as: 2nd and 3rd digits in 1 of 3 "Phone" TextFields cannot be equal "1" simultaniously.

                  f. The range of 1st digit in 2 of 3 "Phone" TextFields (central office code) isn't formalized in the requirements. It's suggested to formalize it as: 1st digit in 2 of 3 "Phone" TextFields ranges from 2 to 9.

                  g. The requirements for "My monthly bill is approximately:" TextField in "1. Cell Phone Service" section aren't formalized. Suggested formalized requirements for "My monthly bill is approximately:" TextField: it accepts only digits (QUESTION: WHAT ABOUT THE "DOT" (AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, "COMMAS"); it's suggested to limit the max quantity of digits and formalize it.

                  h. Error messages aren't described in the requirements.

                  i. Do we need "Other" item in "State" dropdown list in "Contact Information" section?

                  How to write test cases for other sections, since all required fields should be correctly filled for test cases in other sections? But, we have an error with "Referred by" TextField, which works as a required field, though it's not required one in the requirements. So, we should include it in test cases, otherwise we cannot test other sections. Should we exclude it after "Referred by" TextField will be dealt, or shouldn't we?
                  Last edited by alex_cyberneticist; 04-19-2022, 12:52 PM.


                  • FOR 1. Cell Phone Service
                    ____UNSPECIFIED FIELD VALUES"Months left on current contract:","I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:","Number of phones on plan:"
                    THE MESSAGE "Thank you for your participation" APPEARS
                    ____ITEM "PREPAID" IN THE FIELD"SELECT" FOR LABEL "Months left on current contract:"-AMBIGUOUS

                    FOR 2. Local/Long Distances/International Service
                    ____ Inconsistency AND CONTRADICTORY IN VALUES FOR FIELD "SELECT ONE" FOR LABEL "Current Provider:" IN PAGES "1. Cell Phone Service" and "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service".
                    ____ In FIELDS for LABEL "Primary Phone Number:" accepted all character using copy paste.
                    ____ In FIELDS for LABEL "Primary Phone Number:","My monthly bill is approximately:", "Total Bill:" accepted all character using copy paste and invalid input result "Thank you for your participation".
                    ____ IN VALUES for LABEL "Long distance included?" "s"for "distance" and calls is missing.
                    ____ Inconsistency in Ascending order for LABEL "International calls included?" and "Long distance included?"
                    FOR 3. High Speed Internet Service
                    ____ In FIELD for LABEL "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepted all character using copy paste.
                    ____ For LABEL "Provider:" select menu is missing or impty.-IS CORRECT?
                    ____ suggestions push the checkbox for"Both" then chekbox for TV and Phone completion selected automatically.
                    ____ suggestions: swap between each other pages "3. High Speed Internet Service" and "4. TV Service".
                    FOR 4. TV Service
                    ____ Inconsistency item"other" in selectbox for LABEL "Current Provider:"
                    ____ In FIELD for LABEL "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepted all character using copy paste.
                    FOR 5. Home Security Service
                    ____ In FIELD for LABEL "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepted all character using copy paste.
                    ____ Inconsistency item"other" in selectbox for LABEL "Current Provider:"
                    FOR6. Digital Phone Service with Video Phone
                    ____ In page "
                    6. Digital Phone Service with Video Phone
                    ____ only one checkbox "I am interested in Digital Phone Service (Unlimited Calling)". Is correct?
                    FOR 7. Gas and Electric Services
                    ____ Inconsistency item"other" in selectbox for LABEL "Current Provider:"
                    ____ In FIELDS for LABEL "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):","My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" accepted all character using copy paste and invalid input result "Thank you for your participation".
                    ____ IN value for checkbox "I am opento using different provider" requires "open to" instead "opento".


                    • Happy Path:
                      Page: Contact Information:
                      First name : requirement-only 32 characters of three classes.-passes only 30 characters in the field instead of the 32 characters specified in the requirement.
                      Last name : requirement-only 32 characters of three classes.-passes 30 characters in flight instead of the 32 characters specified in the requirement.
                      CITY : Accepts 50 in the field.
                      CITY : The field accepts 59 characters of different classes in fact .
                      State : In the list of proper abbreviations of state names, there is a name : other.
                      ZIP : Expected five characters accepted
                      ZIP : Valid input for field LABEL "* Street Address:","* City:","* State:" not automatically value for field LABEL"ZIP".
                      UNDER : UNDER PAGE "Contact Information" IN THE TEXT"We will keep your information strictly confidential"
                      ____-"IN" BETWEEN "information" AND"strictly"IS MISSING.


                      • Last Name:
                        - text field
                        - accepts all characters
                        = No more than 31
                        - Required field

                        Test cases:
                        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                        #1. Accepts all characters Last name = Ivanov75@! accepted
                        #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
                        #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
                        #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                        #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted

                        - text field
                        - accepts all characters
                        - No more than 50
                        - Required field

                        Test cases:
                        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                        #1. accepts all characters Lenina34@* accepted
                        #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
                        #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 characters accepted
                        #4. Required field empty field "Please enter your City" message

                        - List Box offering the list of all 50 states
                        - Required field

                        Test cases:
                        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                        #1. Total amount of states is 50 Сount the number of states 50 accepted
                        #2. Required field empty field "required field" message

                        - text field
                        - accepts digits,letters, some special characters
                        - 255 characters
                        - Required field

                        Test cases:
                        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                        #1.accepts digits godblessyou75 accepted
                        #2.max input 255 characters accepted
                        #3.max+1 input 256 characters accepted
                        #4 Paste Max paste 255 characters accepted
                        #5 Paste Max +1 paste 256 characters accepted

                        __________Bug Reports____________
                        #1 "Last Name" field should accept up to 31 characters no 30 as it accept now
                        #2 "Last Name" fields should accept up to 31 characters with Paste, no 30 as now.
                        #3 "State" field contains 48 states of America ,not 50.
                        #4 The state BC is not state of America. This should be removed.
                        #5 The state HI is missing. This should be added.
                        #6 The state HV is missing. This should be added.
                        #7 The "Other" isn't correct in this list and it should be deleted
                        #8 "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters, it's incorrect, should accept no more than 255.
                        #10"Email" field is requirement, but it has a blue asterisk next to the field. The asterisk should be of red color.


                        • __________Bug Reports____________
                          #6. The Buttons "I am happy with my current provider" and " I am open to using different provider" are selected simultaneously. But they are opposite.
                          #7. In the list "Current Provider" in the section "1. Cell Phone Service" missing value “Other”
                          #8. "Email" field takes more than 255 characters when copying.
                          #9. "Email" field takes adress wihtout character @.
                          #10. The Messege page "Thank you for your participation!" has no link to the main page.


                          • Last Name
                            Requirements: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.

                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Istruction Expected Result

                            1. Accepts all characters 14Lastname)+]@% accepted
                            2. Max input 31 characters accepted
                            3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
                            4. Paste Max+1 characters 32 characters 31 accepted
                            5. Required field empty field "required field" message
                            6. Lower boundary, one character "L" accepted

                            BUG REPORTS
                            1. "Last Name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now.

                            Requirements: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.

                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                            1. Accepts all characters Chicago1+@ accepted
                            2. Max input 50 characters accepted
                            3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                            4. Paste Max+1 characters 51 characters 50 accepted
                            5. Required field empty field "required field" message
                            6. Lower boundary, ??? character ????? accepted

                            BUG REPORTS
                            1. Suggestion: "City" should accepts only letters, not all characters.
                            2. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "City" field.

                            Requirements: List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.

                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                            1. Select a state from the list "AR" accepted
                            2. Input first letter from the list "I" suggest state to the first letter
                            3. Required field empty field "required field" message

                            BUG REPORTS
                            1. Remove "Other" from the list of "State".
                            2. "NV" and "HI" are missing in the list of "State".
                            3. Replace "IND" for "IN" in the list of "State".
                            4. Remove "BC" from the list of "State".
                            5. Enumeration in the list of "State" should be displayed in alphabetical order.

                            Requirements: text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field.

                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                            1. Existing email accepted
                            2. Invalid email uuu888000 "enter valid email" message
                            3. Max input 255 characters accepted
                            4. Max +1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                            5. Accepts digits, letters, some special characters Yr909}!-> "enter valid email" message
                            6. Paste Max+1 characters 256 characters 255 accepted
                            7. Required field empty field "required field" message

                            BUG REPORTS
                            1. "Email" field is not processed as a required field when it is left empty.
                            2. "Email" field the form gets submitted even if non existing email is entered.
                            3. "Email" field allows to paste invalid input - special character.
                            4. "Email" field assepts more than 255 characters.

                            Requirements: 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). Required field.

                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                            1. 10 digits 678-683-9090 accepted
                            2. 11 digits 678-683-90901 10 accepted
                            3. 9 digits 678-683-909 "enter valid Phone" message
                            4. Paste 11 digits 678-683-90901 10 accepted
                            5. Required field empty field "required" error message
                            6. Invalid input - letter 678-683-909O "digits only" message
                            7. Invalid input - sp.character 678-683-909} "digits only" message
                            8. Paste non-digits/letter 678-683-909O "digits only" message
                            9. Paste non-digits/sp.char. 678-683-909} "digits only" message
                            10. Non-existing Phone 10-digits 000-000-0000 "enter valid Phone" message

                            BUG REPORTS
                            1. "Phone" field allows to paste invalid input - letter or sp.char
                            2. Requirements to the "Phone" fields do not clarify wchich out of 3 fields are required.

                            BUG REPORTS for the WEB Form
                            1. No default input focus.
                            2. "Referred by" field: there is no information in the requirement on the field being/not being a required field.
                            3. "Referred by" field: inconsistency between the field not having the asterics, but being processed as a required field.
                            4. Tab order violation: input focus moves from "First name" field to the "Referred by" field ("Last name" expected).
                            5. "Clear" button does not clear the form.
                            6. Suggestion: "We will keep your information strictly confidential" make it bold.
                            7. Add "Others" to the list "Current Provider" in "1.Cell Phone Service".
                            8. Fonts on "Clear" and "Submit" buttons have different size and style.
                            9. Asterisk for the field "Email" should be red when required field is empty.
                            10. Confusing error message when user pushes the "Clear" button.
                            11. Numpad does not work for the "Phone" and "Primary Phone Number:" fields.


                            • Energy-Telecom Service Review Testcases
                              Address of the form:
                              First Name * Recuirements:
                              - text field
                              - accepts all characters
                              - No more than 31
                              - Required field
                              Test cases:
                              ID Title/Purpose/Description Instruction Expected Results Actual results BUG ID
                              1 Accepts all characters 78Konstantin!@#$% accepted Pass
                              2 Max input 31 characters accepted Fail #FN1
                              3 Max+1 input input 32 characters 31 accepted Fail #FN1
                              4 Required field empty field "required field" message Pass
                              5 Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted Pass
                              BUG ID BUG REPORTS
                              #FN1 First name field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                              Last Name * Recuirements:
                              - text field
                              - accepts all characters
                              - No more than 31
                              - Required field
                              Test cases:
                              ID Title/Purpose/Description Instruction Expected Results Actual results BUG ID
                              1 Accepts all characters 78Konstantin!@#$% accepted Pass
                              2 Max input 31 characters accepted Fail #LN1
                              3 Max+1 input input 32 characters 31 accepted Fail #LN1
                              4 Required field empty field "required field" message Pass
                              5 Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted Pass
                              BUG ID BUG REPORTS
                              #LN1 Last name field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                              Street Address * Recuirements:
                              - text field
                              - accepts all characters
                              - No more than 255
                              - Required field
                              Test cases:
                              ID Title/Purpose/Description Instruction Expected Results Actual results BUG ID
                              1 Accepts all characters Street Address = 123 My Street, Apt. #12 accepted Pass
                              2 Max input 255 characters accepted Fail SA2
                              3 Max+1 input input 256 characters 255 accepted Fail SA2
                              4 Required field empty field "requred field" message Pass
                              5 Lower boundary ??? ??? Fail SA1
                              BUG ID BUG REPORTS
                              #SA1 Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
                              #SA2 "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements


                              • Check List Energy-Telecom Service Review
                                anvironmebt Windows 10
                                Test data 19.04.2022
                                Tester Iorka Nataliia
                                Test Type Checking Result Status
                                Required Fields
                                First Name username exists accepted Passed
                                double username exists accepted Passed
                                empty field "Please enter your First name" Failed
                                Last edited by IorkaNataliia; 04-19-2022, 12:35 PM.

