Energy-Telecom test cases and bug reports
City. Requirements
- Text field.
- Accepts all characters.
- No more than 50.
- Required field.
City. Test Cases
ID ===Purpose============Instruction===========Expect ed Result
#1. ==Accepts all characters==New York City =========Accepted
#2. ==Max input ===========50 Characters========= Accepted
#3. ==Max+1 input =========51 Characters =========50 accepted
#4. ==Required field========Empty field============"required field" message
#5. ==Paste Max+1 input=====Paste 51 characters ====50 accepted
?#6.== Lower boundary.======??? character ========"?????" Accepted
City. Bug Reports
#1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for the "City" field.
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State. Requirements.
- List Box offering the list of all 50 states.
- Required field.
State. Test Cases.
ID ==Purpose================Instruction============== Expected Result
#1==Select one value in list box==TX======================Accepted.
#2.==Required field===========Empty field '--' , ==========="Required field" message.
State. Bug Reports.
#1. State 'HI' is missed. Should be between 'GA' and 'ID'.
#2. State 'NV' is missed. Should be between 'NE' and 'NH'.
#3. Suggestion: "Other" (for i.e. Washington D.C.) should be at the bottom of the List box, under 'WY'.
#4. Please, replace the postal abbreviation of Indiana state 'IND' with 'IN'.
#5. There is no state with the postal abbreviation 'BC'.
#6. There are only 48 states in the List box.
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Email. Requirements.
- text field, accepts digits, letters, and some special characters.
- 255 characters.
- Required field.
Email. Test Cases.
ID===Purpose==================================Inst ruction===============Expected Result
#1.==Accepts all valid (include some special)
#2.==Max input==================================255 Characters============Accepted
#3.==Max+1====================================inpu t 256 Characters========255 accepted
?#4.=Lower boundary.=============================??? character "?????"=======Accepted
#5.==Required field===============================Empty field==============="required field" message
#6.==Paste Max+1================================input paste 256 Characters===255 accepted
#7.==Invalid input (for each invalid sp. characters)================================"invali d d sp. character" message
#8.==Paste Invalid input (for each invalid sp. characters)==========================="invalid sp. character" message
Email. Bug Reports.
#1. Please, provide a minimal amount of characters for the "Email" field.
#2. Please, provide the list of accepted special characters for the "Email" field.
City. Requirements
- Text field.
- Accepts all characters.
- No more than 50.
- Required field.
City. Test Cases
ID ===Purpose============Instruction===========Expect ed Result
#1. ==Accepts all characters==New York City =========Accepted
#2. ==Max input ===========50 Characters========= Accepted
#3. ==Max+1 input =========51 Characters =========50 accepted
#4. ==Required field========Empty field============"required field" message
#5. ==Paste Max+1 input=====Paste 51 characters ====50 accepted
?#6.== Lower boundary.======??? character ========"?????" Accepted
City. Bug Reports
#1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for the "City" field.
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State. Requirements.
- List Box offering the list of all 50 states.
- Required field.
State. Test Cases.
ID ==Purpose================Instruction============== Expected Result
#1==Select one value in list box==TX======================Accepted.
#2.==Required field===========Empty field '--' , ==========="Required field" message.
State. Bug Reports.
#1. State 'HI' is missed. Should be between 'GA' and 'ID'.
#2. State 'NV' is missed. Should be between 'NE' and 'NH'.
#3. Suggestion: "Other" (for i.e. Washington D.C.) should be at the bottom of the List box, under 'WY'.
#4. Please, replace the postal abbreviation of Indiana state 'IND' with 'IN'.
#5. There is no state with the postal abbreviation 'BC'.
#6. There are only 48 states in the List box.
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Email. Requirements.
- text field, accepts digits, letters, and some special characters.
- 255 characters.
- Required field.
Email. Test Cases.
ID===Purpose==================================Inst ruction===============Expected Result
#1.==Accepts all valid (include some special)
#2.==Max input==================================255 Characters============Accepted
#3.==Max+1====================================inpu t 256 Characters========255 accepted
?#4.=Lower boundary.=============================??? character "?????"=======Accepted
#5.==Required field===============================Empty field==============="required field" message
#6.==Paste Max+1================================input paste 256 Characters===255 accepted
#7.==Invalid input (for each invalid sp. characters)================================"invali d d sp. character" message
#8.==Paste Invalid input (for each invalid sp. characters)==========================="invalid sp. character" message
Email. Bug Reports.
#1. Please, provide a minimal amount of characters for the "Email" field.
#2. Please, provide the list of accepted special characters for the "Email" field.