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Energy-Telecom test cases and bug reports

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  • Energy-Telecom test cases and bug reports

    City. Requirements
    - Text field.
    - Accepts all characters.
    - No more than 50.
    - Required field.

    City. Test Cases

    ID ===Purpose============Instruction===========Expect ed Result

    #1. ==Accepts all characters==New York City =========Accepted
    #2. ==Max input ===========50 Characters========= Accepted
    #3. ==Max+1 input =========51 Characters =========50 accepted
    #4. ==Required field========Empty field============"required field" message
    #5. ==Paste Max+1 input=====Paste 51 characters ====50 accepted
    ?#6.== Lower boundary.======??? character ========"?????" Accepted

    City. Bug Reports

    #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for the "City" field.

    ************************************************** ********************************
    ************************************************** ********************************

    State. Requirements.
    - List Box offering the list of all 50 states.
    - Required field.

    State. Test Cases.

    ID ==Purpose================Instruction============== Expected Result

    #1==Select one value in list box==TX======================Accepted.
    #2.==Required field===========Empty field '--' , ==========="Required field" message.

    State. Bug Reports.
    #1. State 'HI' is missed. Should be between 'GA' and 'ID'.
    #2. State 'NV' is missed. Should be between 'NE' and 'NH'.
    #3. Suggestion: "Other" (for i.e. Washington D.C.) should be at the bottom of the List box, under 'WY'.
    #4. Please, replace the postal abbreviation of Indiana state 'IND' with 'IN'.
    #5. There is no state with the postal abbreviation 'BC'.
    #6. There are only 48 states in the List box.

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *
    ************************************************** ************************************************** *

    Email. Requirements.
    - text field, accepts digits, letters, and some special characters.
    - 255 characters.
    - Required field.

    Email. Test Cases.

    ID===Purpose==================================Inst ruction===============Expected Result

    #1.==Accepts all valid (include some special)
    #2.==Max input==================================255 Characters============Accepted
    #3.==Max+1====================================inpu t 256 Characters========255 accepted
    ?#4.=Lower boundary.=============================??? character "?????"=======Accepted
    #5.==Required field===============================Empty field==============="required field" message
    #6.==Paste Max+1================================input paste 256 Characters===255 accepted
    #7.==Invalid input (for each invalid sp. characters)================================"invali d d sp. character" message
    #8.==Paste Invalid input (for each invalid sp. characters)==========================="invalid sp. character" message

    Email. Bug Reports.

    #1. Please, provide a minimal amount of characters for the "Email" field.
    #2. Please, provide the list of accepted special characters for the "Email" field.
    Last edited by Aleks Bel; 04-19-2022, 12:00 AM.


    • ----------------------BUG REPORTS IN CLASS-------------------------------
      #1. "Email" field is not processed as a required field when it is left empty
      #2. Requirements to the "Phone" fields do not clarify which out of 3 fields are required
      #3. "Referred by" field: there is no information in the requirement on the field being/not being a required field
      #4. "Referred by" field: inconsistency between the field not having the asterisk, but being proceseed as a required field
      #5. Confusing/misleading error message when user pushes the "Clear" button
      #6 Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
      #7 "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
      #8 "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
      #9 "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now

      ____ MY BUG REPORT___________________________
      #10. “State” list box missed 50th State
      #11. In “State” list box a name “IND” change to “IN”
      #12. In “State” list box a name “Other” should be in the end of the list
      #13. “Email” field accepts more than 256 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
      #14. “Email” field accepts another special character ex “@”
      #15. “Email” field accepts invalid email format without “@”
      #16. “Current Provider” list box in “Cell Phone Service” should have option “Other” in the end of the list

      #17. “Submit” and “Clear” buttons have different font size
      #18. “Submit” and “Clear” buttons have different button size
      #19. “Months left on current contract” field should have 11th month


      • Test cases for "Contact Information".

        First Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.

        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
        #1. Accepts all characters First name = 25Misha!@#$ accepted
        #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
        #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
        #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
        #5. Lower boundary one character "X" accepted
        #6. Max+1 paste 32 characters 31 accepted
        Last Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.

        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
        #1. Accepts all characters Last name=10Petrova!@#$ accepted
        #2. Requred field empty field "required field" message
        #3. Min input X accepted
        #4. Max input 31 characters 31 accepted
        #5. Max+1 iput/type 32 characters 31 accepted
        #6. Max+1 input/paste 32 characters 31 accepted
        Street Address: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 255. Required field.

        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
        #1. Accepts all characters Address= 123 Main Street, #14 accepted
        #2. Requred field empty field "requred fild" message
        #3. Max input 255 characters accepted
        #4. Max+1 input/type 256 characters 255 accepted
        #5. Max+1 input/paste 256 characters 255 accepted
        City: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.

        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
        #1. Accepts all characters City=Pi-hi12! accepted
        #2. Required field empty field "required fild" message
        #3. Min input Y accepted
        #4. Max input 50 characters accepted
        #5. Max+1 input/type 51 characters accepted 50
        #6. Max+1 input/paste 51 characters accepted 50
        State: List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.

        ID Purpose Instruction Exepted Result
        #1. Ounly all 50 states are in the list check list box items 50 states with correct short name
        #2. Required field default value "--" "required fild" message
        ZIP: text field, accepts 5 characters (digits only). Required field. Existen.

        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
        #1. 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted
        #2. 4 digits 9408 enter valid ZIP" message
        #3. 6 digits/type 940851 94085 accepted
        #4. Non-existen 00000 "non-existen" message
        #5. Non-digit/type letter 9408o "digits ounly" message
        #6. Non-digit/type sp. ch 9408% "digits ounly" message
        #7. Required field empty field "required field" message
        #8. Non-digit/paste letter 9408l "digits ounly" message
        #8. Non-digit/paste 9408$ "digits ounly" message
        #9. 6 digits/paste 940851 94085 accepted
        Email: text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field.

        ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
        #1. Accepted characters accepted
        #2. Required field empty field "required field" message
        #3. Max input 255 characters accepted
        #4. Max+1 input/type 256 characters 255 accepted
        #5. Max+1 input/paste 256 characters 255 accepted
        Phone: 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). Required field.

        ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
        #1. 3-3-4 digits 423-456-7980 accepted
        #2. Type letter/part1 p23-456-7980 "digits ounly" message
        #3. Type letter/part2 423-45p-7980 "digits ounly" message
        #4. Type letter/part3 423-456-798o "digits ounly" message
        #5. Type sp.char/part1 42#-456-7980 "digits ounly" message
        #6. Type sp.char/part2 423-45$-7980 "digits ounly" message
        #7. Type sp.char/part3 423-456-798) "digits ounly" message
        #8. 2 digits: part1 42-456-7890 "enter valid phone" message
        #9. 2 digits: part2 423-45-7890 "enter valid phone" message
        #10. 3 digits: part3 423-456-789 "enter valid phone" message
        #11. 4 digits: part1/type 4234-456-7890 "enter valid phone" message
        #12. 4 digits: part2/type 423-4565-7890 "enter valid phone" message
        #13. 5 digits: part3/type 423-456-78907 "enter valid phone" message
        #14. 4 digits: part1/paste 4234-456-7890 "enter valid phone" message
        #15. 4 digits: part2/paste 423-4565-7890 "enter valid phone" message
        #16. 5 digits: part3/paste 423-456-78907 "enter valid phone" message
        #17. Non-digit: paste letter/part1 l23-456-7980 "digits ounly" message
        #18. Non-digit: paste letter/part2 423-45p-7980 "digits ounly" message
        #19. Non-digit: paste letter/part3 423-456-798o "digits ounly" message
        #20. Non-digit: paste sp.char/part1 42#-456-7980 "digits ounly" message
        #21. Non-digit: paste sp.char/part2 423-45$-7980 "digits ounly" message
        #22. Non-digit: paste sp.char/part3 23-456-798) "digits ounly" message
        #23. Required field empty field "required field" message
        Bug reports

        #1. "Contact Information":поле "Referred by" не помечено звездочкой, но в уведомлении оно обязательно для заполнения.
        #2. "Contact Information": поле "First Name" принимает 30 символов, должен 31.
        #3. "Contact Information": поле "Last Name" принимает 30 символов, должен 31.
        #4. "Contact Information": поле "Street Address" принимает 100 символов, должен 255.
        #5. "Contact Information": список "State": добавить штаты: "HI","NV".
        #6. "Contact Information": список "State": убрать несуществующий штат "BC".
        #7. "Contact Information": список "State": заменить штат "IND" на "IN".
        #8. "Contact Information": список "State": убрать значение "Other"(согласно требованиям список содержит все 50 штатов).
        #9. "Contact Information": поле "ZIP" принимает несуществующий индекс "00000".
        #10. "Contact Information": поле "Email" допускает ввод больше 255 символов, а должен не более 255.
        #11. "Contact Information": поле


        • ID Purpose/Title/Description Instruction Expected result Actual result Pass/Fail
          "First Name:" textbox (text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.)
          1. The field is required (textbox demands input) Enter " " in the textbox and push Submit button The AUT does not submit the entire form; message about filling a required field appears The AUT does not submit the entire form"; "* Please enter your First Name" message appeared Pass
          2. The textbox accepts all characters Enter Ivan$$66 in the textbox and push Submit button No error message No error message Pass
          3. No more than 31 Enter 32 characters and push Submit button Only 31 characters are entered Only 30 characters can be entered Fail
          4. Required field has an asterisk visual check whether textbox has an asterisk above or not The textbox has an asterisk above The textbox has an asterisk from the left Pass
          5. Validation bug report: "First Name:" textbox should accept letters only not all characters as it's set (given) in the requirements.
          "Last Name:" textbox (text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.)
          1. The field is required (textbox demands input) Enter " " in the textbox and push Submit button The AUT does not submit the entire form; message about filling a required field appears The AUT does not submit the entire form"; "* Please enter your Last Name" message appeared Pass
          2. The textbox accepts all characters Enter Ivan$$66 in the textbox and push Submit button No error message No error message, the data is accepted by AUT Pass
          3. No more than 31 Enter 32 characters/Paste 32 characters and push Submit button Only 31 characters are entered Only 30 characters can be entered Fail
          4. Required field has an asterisk visual check whether textbox has an asterisk above or not The textbox has an asterisk above The textbox has an asterisk from the left Pass
          5. Validation bug report: "First Name:" textbox should accept letters only not all characters as it's set (given) in the requirements.
          "Street address:" textbox (text field, accepts all characters. No more than 255. Required field.)
          1. The field is required (textbox demands input) Enter " " in the textbox and push Submit button The AUT does not submit the entire form; message about filling a required field appears The AUT does not submit the entire form"; "* Please enter your Street Address" message appeared Pass
          2. The textbox accepts all characters Enter Ivan$$66 in the textbox and push Submit button No error message No error message, the data is accepted by AUT Pass
          3. No more than 255 Enter 256 characters/Paste 256 characters and push Submit button Only 255 characters are entered Only 100 characters can be entered Fail
          4. Required field has an asterisk visual check whether textbox has an asterisk above or not The textbox has an asterisk above The textbox has an asterisk from the left Pass
          "City:" textbox (text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.)
          1. The field is required (textbox demands input) Enter " " in the textbox and push Submit button The AUT does not submit the entire form; message about filling a required field appears The AUT does not submit the entire form"; "* Please enter your City" message appeared Pass
          2. The textbox accepts all characters Enter Ivan$$66 in the textbox and push Submit button No error message, the data is accepted by AUT No error message, the data is accepted by AUT Pass
          3. No more than 50 Enter 51 characters/Paste 51 characters and push Submit button Only 50 characters can be entered Only 50 characters can be entered Pass
          4. Required field has an asterisk visual check whether textbox has an asterisk above or not The textbox has an asterisk above The textbox has an asterisk above Pass
          "State:" dropdown listbox (List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.)
          1. The listbox is required (demands to choose a certain state) Choose "--" in the listbox and push Submit button The AUT does not submit the entire form; message about filling a required field appears The AUT does not submit the entire form"; "* Please select your State" message appeared Pass
          2. If a certain state is chosen the AUT accepts data Choose any state given from the listbox. Push Submit button. No error message, the data is accepted by AUT No error message, the data is accepted by AUT Pass
          2.1 If the "Other" is selected the AUT accepts data Choose the "Other" from the listbox. Push Submit button. No error message, the data is accepted by AUT No error message, the data is accepted by AUT Pass
          3. List Box offering the list of all 50 states Count the number of states are given in the listbox Number of states included in the list is equal to 50 Number of states included in the list is equal to 49 Fail
          3.1 States names are given in listbox are correct Validate states names (compare with external official data) States names are given in listbox are match the official data States names are not match to the official data Fail
          4. Required field has an asterisk visual check whether textbox has an asterisk above or not The textbox has an asterisk above The textbox has an asterisk above Pass
          Validation bug report: the requirement is given is contradictory or incomplete - it is given that the listbox offering the list of all states but it is not given whether it could be an option to choose "Other" as well
          UI bug report: state names should be displayed in an alphabetical order
          "ZIP:" textbox (text field, accepts 5 characters (digits only). Required field.)
          1. The field is required (textbox demands input) Enter/paste " " in the textbox and push Submit button The AUT does not submit the entire form; message about filling a required field appears The AUT does not submit the entire form"; " * Please enter valid ZIP Code" message appeared Pass
          2. Accepts 5 digits Enter "12345" and push submit button No error message, the data is accepted by AUT No error message, the data is accepted by AUT Pass
          3. Doesn't accept less than 5 digits Enter "1234" and push submit button The AUT does not submit the entire form; message about filling a required field appears The AUT does not submit the entire form"; " * Please enter valid ZIP Code" message appeared Pass
          4. Doesn't allow to enter more than 5 digits Enter/paste "123456" Only 5 characters accepted 5 characters accepted as a result of entering)/6 characters accepted as a result of pasting (the error message occurs) Fail
          5. Doesn't accept letters Enter/paste "l2345" Only 2345 is accepted l2345 as a result of entering/of pasting (the error message occurs) Fail
          5.1 Doesn't accept special characters Enter/paste "!2345" Only 2345 is accepted 2345 as a result of entering/!2345 as a result of pasting (the error message occurs) Fail
          6. Required field has an asterisk visual check whether textbox has an asterisk above or not The textbox has an asterisk above The textbox has an asterisk above Pass
          Validation bug report: the textbox accepts non-existing ZIP codes
          UI Bug report (Inconsistency between title of label "ZIP:" and the error message text occurs if the ZIP textbox is not filled = "ZIP Code:".
          Last edited by Ivan Dav; 04-18-2022, 11:49 PM.


          • Проект -
            Testing WEB Forms
            #1. Required Fields
            - fill in the required fields of the form, input "submit"
            - fill in the form "Cell Phone Service"
            - values to be consistent with the rest of the list
            - values offered in the list to be complete
            - default button Assignment, the cursor should move to the next field

            Bag Reports
            #1. "Minutes on plan" field: inconsistency single spelling order minutes
            #2. "Number of phones on plan" field: when choosing a value "more" - can't select 3 digit number
            #3. "Months left on current contract"field: number of values 11, should be 12
            #4. On button click "Enter" in the form "Cell Phone Service"does not move the cursor to the next field


            • 1.Cell Phone Service

              Bug reports:
              #1. In "Current Provider:" drop down field not have value "Other"
              #2. In "My monthly bill is approximately:" field may use letters
              #3. In "My monthly bill is approximately:" field may copy special characters
              #4. In "Minutes on plan:" field change "Other" on "Over"
              #5. In "Minutes on plan:" field values is not consistent
              #6. In "Months left on current contract:" field not have the values "11"
              #7. In "Number of phones on plan:" field have very long list, he must be shortle

              ================================================== ================================================== ========

              2. Local/Long Distances/International Service

              Bug reports:
              #1. In "Primary Phone Number:" field may copy special characters and letters
              #2. In "My monthly bill is approximately:" field may copy special characters and letters
              #3. In "Total Bill:" field may copy special characters and letters

              ================================================== ================================================== ========

              3. High Speed Internet Service

              Bug reports:
              #1. In "My monthly bill is approximately:" field may copy special characters and letters
              #2. In "Provider:" not have select drop down menu

              ================================================== ================================================== ========

              4. TV Service

              Bug reports:
              #1. In "My monthly bill is approximately:" field may copy special characters and letters
              #2. In "Months left on plan:" drop down list delete values "24"

              ================================================== ================================================== =======

              5. Home Security Service

              Bug reports:
              #1. In "My monthly bill is approximately:" field may copy special characters and letters

              ================================================== ================================================== =======

              7. Gas and Electric Services

              Bug reports:
              #1. In "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" field may copy special characters and letters
              #2. In "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" field may copy special characters and letters

              ================================================== ================================================== =======


              Bug reports:
              #1. Field "Comments" can be stretched out of the form

              ================================================== ================================================== =========

              Bugs documentation:
              #1. Defferent drop down field have defferent the mask (example: "--", Select one, Select)


              • Last Name:

                text field
                accepts all characters
                No more than 31
                Required field

                ---Purpose-----------------------------------------Instruction-------------------------------------Expected Result

                1 Accept all characters-------------------------Last Name = st25#! ------------------------accepted
                2 Max input----------------------------------------31 characters---------------------------------accepted
                3 Max+1 input------------------------------------32 characters---------------------------------31 accepted
                4 Required field----------------------------------empty field-------------------------------------"requred field" massage
                5 l ower boundary one character------------"A"-----------------------------------------------accepted


                text field
                accepts all characters
                No more than 50
                Required field

                ---Purpose-----------------------------------------Instruction-------------------------------------Expected Result

                1 Accept all characters-------------------------City = Pasadena123!@--------------------accepted
                2 Max input----------------------------------------50 characters---------------------------------accepted
                3 Max+1 input-------------------------------------51 characters --------------------------------50 accepted
                4 Required field-----------------------------------empty field------------------------------------"requred field" massage


                List Box offering the list of all 50 states
                Required field

                ---Purpose-----------------------------------------Instruction-------------------------------------Expected Result

                1 List box verification---------------------------amount of States----------------------------50 States
                2 Required field----------------------------------empty field------------------------------------"requred field" massage



                ---Purpose-----------------------------------------Instruction-------------------------------------Expected Result

                1 Paste 6 digits-----------------------------------ZIP = copy 100216-------------------------10021 accepted
                2 Paste Letter-------------------------------------ZIP = copy l002W--------------------------"digits only" message
                3 Paste Sp. Character--------------------------ZIP = copy !002%--------------------------"digits only" message


                text field
                accepts digits, letters, some special characters
                255 characters
                Required field

                ---Purpose-----------------------------------------Instruction-------------------------------------Expected Result

                1 Accept all characters-------------------------Email =
                2 Invalid characters-----------------------------Email = ^"incorrect email" message
                3 Max input----------------------------------------255 characters-------------------------------accepted
                4 Max+1 input ------------------------------------256 characters-------------------------------255 accepted
                5 Required field---------------------------------- empty field------------------------------------"required field" massage


                3 text fields
                accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)

                ---Purpose-----------------------------------------Instruction-------------------------------------Expected Result

                1 Accepting 3-3-4 digits------------------------Phone = 555 384 2743---------------------accepted
                2 Accept letters, sp. characters--------------Phone = aB$ !cd &fgh----------------------empty field
                3 Paste 3+1 3+1 4+1 digit input--------------Phone = 5551 3841 27431---------------555 384 2743 accepted
                4 Paste letters------------------------------------Phone = 55s 3B8 27g3---------------------accept only digits
                5 Paste sp. characters-------------------------Phone = 55$ !84 &743----------------------accept only digits

                =====================================BUG REPORTS============================

                #1. "Last Name" field should accept up to 31 characters, but accepts to 30 now
                #2. List Box "State" Has 48 states instead of 50
                #3. List Box "State" has a non-existent state "BC"
                #4. List Box "State" the line "Other" needs to be deleted or moved to the end
                #5. List Box "State" fix "IND" on a IN
                #6. List Box "State" Add states: HI, NE
                #7. "ZIP" field using copy-paste take more than 5 digits, field must contain only 5 digits
                #8. "ZIP" field using copy-paste takes a letters, must accept only 5 digits
                #9. "ZIP" field using copy-paste takes a Sp. Characters, must accept only 5 digits
                #10. “Email” field remaining empty does not give the message “required field"
                #11. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters
                #12. "Email" field accepts forbidden characters
                #13. "Phone" 3 fields using copy-paste accepts letters. Fields must only accept digits
                #14. "Phone" 3 fields using copy-paste accepts sp. characters. Fields must only accept digits
                Last edited by Oleg M; 04-18-2022, 07:55 AM.


                • Sorry for uploading files instead of posting text
                  Attached Files


                  • Bug Report "Cell Phone Service":

                    01. "Current Provider": lack of "Other" and "None" items in listbox
                    02. "My monthly bill is approximately": digits only values should be accepted for the field
                    03. Suggestion: "Minutes on plan": simplify listbox items using a range of values, for example: "0 - 250", "251 - 500", etc.
                    04. "Months left on current contract": lack of "11" item to listbox
                    05. "Number of phones on plan": add "Over" listbox item instead of "More"
                    06. "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately": remove item "24" in listbox and replace "More" item with "Over"

                    Bug Report "Local/Long Distances/International Service":

                    01. "Current Provider": lack "None" item in listbox
                    02. "Primary Phone Number": there is no automatic transition from one field to another when typing with numlock keypad
                    03. "My monthly bill is approximately": accept letters and special characters when paste
                    04. "Total Bill": accept letters and special characters when paste


                    • ------------------------------BUG REPORTS-------------------------------------------------
                      ---1.Contact Information
                      #1.Field "Referred by" does not have a mandatory sign, but there is a reaction to an empty field.
                      ---2.Cell Phone Service
                      #1.In the "Current Provider" window: there is no "other" in the dropdown list.
                      #2.Contradictory fields I am "I am happy with my current provider" and I I "am open to using
                      different provider" - both can be used.
                      #3.In the drop-down list field "Months left on current contract" -should be from 0 to 11, and is
                      from 0 to 10.
                      #4.There is no more field "Months left on current contract" in the drop-down list
                      #5.In the drop-down list of the field "Months left on the current contract" - extra "Prepeid".
                      #6.In the field "Number of phones on plan"-when sending, the "Submit" value is not saved.
                      #7.Contradictory fields "I like my handset" and "I am interested in updating my handset" - both can
                      be used.
                      ---3.Local/Long Distances/International Service
                      #1.In the field "Total account" - do not enter the sign "," for the correct writing of sums.
                      ---4.High Speed Internet Service
                      #1.The "Provider" field accepts one special Character.
                      #2.Entered in the "Provider" field special character - when "Submit" does not show an error.
                      ---5.TV Service #1.In the drop-down list of the field "Months left on plan" no more.
                      #2.In the drop-down list of the field "Months left on plan"-extra "Prepeid".
                      6.Home Security Service
                      #1.In the field "My monthly bill is approximately" - do not enter the sign "," for the correct
                      writing of sums.

                      -----#1.button "Submit" does not change color when the data is entered.


                      • ZIP COD

                        Тест кейс:
                        7) Вставляется ли большее 5 цифр при Копи Паст 1111111111111 Сообщение "Please enter a valid ZIP Code".

                        - Текстовое поле
                        - Принимает все символы
                        - Не более 50
                        - Обязательное поле.

                        Тест кейс
                        №1. Принимает все символы Maiami12#@ Принято
                        №2. Максимальное кол-во символов 50 символов Принято
                        №3. Максимальное кол-во символов +1 51 символ Принято только первых 50 символов
                        №4. Без знаков (поле пустое) 0 символов Сообщение " Please enter your City"
                        №5. Нижняя граница, один символ М Принято

                        - Окно списка
                        -Предлагающее список всех 50 штатов
                        -Обязательное поле

                        Тест кейс:
                        №1. Выбираем один штат LA Принято
                        №2. Не выбираем штат -- Сообщение " Please select your State"
                        №3. Выбрать "Другой" "Другой" Принято

                        Эл. адрес:
                        - Текстовое поле;
                        - Принимает цифры, буквы, некоторые специальные символы;
                        - 255 символов;
                        - Обязательное поле.

                        Тест кейс:
                        №1. Принимает все символы Принято
                        №2. Оставить поле пустым (не заполненным) Пусто Принято
                        №3. Максимальное кол-во символов 255 Принято
                        №4. Максимальное кол-во символов +1 256 Принято

                        - 3 текстовых поля, принимающих 3-3-4 символа;
                        - Только цифры;
                        - Обязательное поле.

                        Тест кейс:
                        №1. Принимает только цифры (646) 206-2316 Принято
                        №2. Оставить поле пустым 0 символов Сообщение об ошибке "Please enter your Phone number"
                        №3. Несуществующий номер (001)789-8888 Сообщение об ошибке " Please enter a valid Phone Number"
                        №4. В номере указать букву (646) 206-231I Буква не принимается, не печатается
                        №5. В номере указать спец. символ. (646) 206-231+ Спец. символ не принимается, не пропечатать.
                        №6. Указать спец. символ и Копипастить (646) 206-231+ Сообщение об ошибке " Please enter a valid Phone Number"
                        № 7. Вставляется ли большее кол-во символов (6466) 2066-23161 В каждое поле было принято (646) 206-2316
                        при копиПасте в каждое поле

                        Баг репорт
                        1) В поле ZIP, надо устранить возможность ввода более 5 знаков (цифр/букв/символов) при Копи пасте.
                        2) В поле ZIP, надо устранить возможность указывать символы и буквы.
                        3) При выборе штата, не имеет значения какой город выбран. Даже если в реальности этого города в данном штате нет.
                        4) В поле "Город", надо сделать возможность ввода, только букв и некоторых символов.
                        5) Пожалуйста сделайте минимальное кол-во символов в поле "Город",
                        6) Штатов всего 49 и один вариант "другое". В описании нужно изменить на 49 штатов.
                        7) В поле "Штат ", надо упорядочить список штатов по алфавиту.
                        8) Поле "email" обязательное. Если в поле не вводить адрес, то система не сообщает об ошибке.
                        9) Поле "email", принимает более 255 символов.
                        10) В поле "Номер телефона", можно скопировать и вставить номер со спец. символом.
                        11) В поле "Номер телефона", можно скопировать и вставить номер с буквой.
                        12) Поле "Referred by", не является обязательным, при сохранении формы без указания данных. Появляется сообщение"* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by".


                        • Test case for the Contact information field

                          #1. First name

                          Req-s: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.

                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected result

                          #1. Max input 30 letters accepted
                          #2. Max input +1 31 letters not accepted
                          #3. Input charachters Andrey12@*&= accepted
                          #4. Empty field input nothing Not accepted

                          #2 Last name

                          Rq-s: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.

                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected result

                          #1. Max input 30 letters accepted
                          #2. Max input +1 31 letters Not accepted
                          #3. Input charachters Pupkin187766.//. accepted
                          #4. Empty field Input nothing Not accepted

                          #3 Street address

                          Rq-s: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 255. Required field.

                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected result

                          #1 Max input 255 charachters Not accepted
                          #2 Input caharchters 1678, #$% charchters & letters Accepted

                          Bug Report
                          #4 City

                          Rq-s: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.

                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
                          #1. City name input New-York accepted
                          #2. Max input 50 charchters accepted
                          #3. Lower boundry “Y” charachter accepted
                          #4. Required field empty field “Required field”
                          #5. Max input +1 input 51 charchters not accepted

                          #1. “Street address” accepts not more than 100 charachters.
                          #2. “Contact information” when you push “tab” button it goes from “first name field” to “referred by”. Should go to “Last name” field first.


                          • Energy Telecom test cases

                            First Name:
                            - text field
                            - accepts all characters
                            - No more than 31
                            - Required field
                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts all characters First name = 25Misha!@#$ accepted
                            #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
                            #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
                            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                            #5. Lower boundary one character "X" accepted
                            #6. Paste Max input 31 characters accepted
                            #7 Paste max+1 32 characters 31 accepted
                            #8 Has it asterisk check asterisk before"First Name" yes/no
                            Last Name:
                            - text field
                            - accepts all characters
                            - No more than 31
                            - Required field
                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts all characters Last name = 13Petrov.,"111 accepted
                            #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
                            #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
                            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                            #5. Lower boundary one character "X" accepted
                            #6. Paste Max input 31 characters accepted
                            #7 Paste max+1 32 characters 31 accepted
                            #8 Has it asterisk check asterisk before"Last Name" yes/no

                            Street Address:
                            - text field
                            - accepts all characters.
                            - No more than 255.
                            - Required field.

                            Test cases
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected result

                            #1 Accept all characters Street Address= 64 5th Street California 545 $$@!>/<''/,. accepted
                            #2 Max input 255 characters accepted
                            #3 Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                            #4 Required field empty field "required field" message
                            ???#5 Lower boundary "Q" мы не знаем нижнюю границу accepted
                            #6 Paste Max input 255 characters accepted
                            #7 Paste max+1 256 characters 255 accepted
                            #8 Has it asterisk check asterisk before"Street Address" yes/no


                            - text field
                            - accepts all characters.
                            - No more than 50.
                            - Required field.

                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts all characters City = 9%%$New York accepted
                            #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
                            #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 51 accepted
                            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                            #5. Lower boundary one character "X" accepted
                            #6. Paste Max input 50 characters accepted
                            #7 Paste max+1 51 characters 50 accepted
                            #8 Has it asterisk check asterisk before"City" yes/no
                            - text field
                            - accepts digits, letters, some special characters.
                            - 255 characters.
                            - Required field

                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts digits, letters,
                            some special characters Email = 1$ accepted
                            #2. Input whithout "@" char Email = 1Petrov$ "@" missing symbol message
                            #3. Input whithout "." char Email = "." missing symbol message
                            #4. Input extra char "@" Email = "@" extra symbol message
                            #5. Max input 255 characters accepted
                            #6. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                            #7. Required field empty field "required field" message
                            #8. Lower boundary Email name = accepted
                            #9. Paste Max input 255 characters accepted
                            #10. Paste max+1 256 characters 255 accepted
                            #11. Has it asterisk check asterisk before"Email" yes/no
                            -3 text fields
                            - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
                            - Required field

                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                            #1. 3-3-4 digits only characters Phone = 332-684-6452 accepted
                            #2. Max+1 input Try to input exra char in each field 3-3-4 accepted
                            #3. Max-1 input 1field Phone =33-684-6452 "enter valid Phone Number" message
                            #4. Max-1 input 2field Phone =332-68-6452 "enter valid Phone Number" message
                            #5. Max-1 input 3field Phone =33-684-645 "enter valid Phone Number" message
                            #6. empty input 1field Phone =( )-684-6452 "enter valid Phone Number" message
                            #7. empty input 2field Phone =332-( )-6452 "enter valid Phone Number" message
                            #8. empty input 3field Phone =33-684-( ) "enter valid Phone Number" message
                            #9. Required field empty field "required field" message
                            #11. Invalid input letter and char Phone =A3$-684-6452 not accepted
                            #12. Invalid input letter and char Phone =332-P8#-6452 not accepted
                            #13. Invalid input letter and char Phone =332-684-E4>2 not accepted
                            #14. Paste non digits symbol Phone =Aj*&@@$F-684-6452 "enter valid Phone Number" message
                            #15. Paste non digits symbol Phone =332-Aj*&@@$F-6452 "enter valid Phone Number" message
                            #16. Paste non digits symbol Phone =332-684-Aj*&@@$F "enter valid Phone Number" message
                            #17. Has it asterisk check asterisk before"Phone" yes/no


                            • Energy-Telecom

                              1. The collected data types should be consistent with data types collected by similar applications used in both Telecommunication and Energy services.
                              2. State specific adjustment should be made.
                              3. The collected data is saved in the database
                              4. Upon the form being submitted the application generates an email (sales leads) with all the information available in the form.
                              5. The application should be compliant with basic GUI guidelines for WEB applications

                              =============Test cases:================
                              First Name, Last name

                              Specific Data Requirements:
                              1. text field
                              2. accepts all characters
                              3. No more than 31
                              4. Required field

                              ID Description Instruction Expected result
                              #1 Accepts all characters first name = "Vlad1975!" accepted
                              #2 Max input input 31 characters in the text field accepted
                              #3 Max+1 input input 32 characters in the text field accepts 31 character
                              #4 Required field empty field "required field" error message
                              #5 min input input 1 character accepted
                              #6 copy/paste max+1 input input 32 characters in the text field accepts 31 character
                              Street Address:

                              Specific Data Requirements:
                              1. text field
                              2. accepts all characters
                              3. No more than 255
                              4. Required field

                              ID Description Instruction Expected result
                              #1 Accepts all characters Street Address: = "Voljskaya nab. 9a-18" accepted
                              #2 Max input input 255 characters in the text field accepted
                              #3 Max+1 input input 256 characters in the text field accepts 255 character
                              #4 Required field empty field "required field" error message
                              #5 min input input 1 character accepted
                              #6 copy/paste input input 256 characters in the text field accepted


                              Specific Data Requirements:
                              1. text field
                              2. accepts all characters
                              3. No more than 50
                              4. Required field

                              ID Description Instruction Expected result
                              #1 Accepts all characters City: = "Nizhny Novgorod #31" accepted
                              #2 Max input input 50 characters in the text field accepted
                              #3 Max+1 input input 51 characters in the text field accepts 50 character
                              #4 Required field empty field "required field" error message
                              #5 copy/paste input input 50 characters in the text field accepted


                              Specific Data Requirements:
                              1. List Box offering the list of all 50 states.
                              2. Required field.

                              ID Description Instruction Expected result
                              #1 Happy path State: = "AR" accepted
                              #2 Required field empty field "required field" error message



                              Specific Data Requirements:
                              1. text field
                              2. accepts 5 characters (digits only)
                              3. Required field.

                              ID Description Instruction Expected result
                              #1 input 5 digits ZIP: = "12345" accepted
                              #2 input 6 digits ZIP: = "123456" accepts 5 characters
                              #3 input 4 digits ZIP: = "1234" "input legal ZIP" error message
                              #4 Non-digits/letter ZIP: = "6O315" the field do not accept letters
                              #5 Non-digit/Sp. Char ZIP: = "6031%" the field do not accept sp. characters
                              #6 Required field. empty field "required field" error message
                              #7 copy/paste 5 digits paste = "6O315" accepted
                              #8 copy/paste 6 digits paste = "123456" accepts 5 characters
                              #9 copy/paste 4 digits paste = "6031" "input legal ZIP" error message
                              #10 copy/paste Non-digits/letter paste = "6O315" the field do not accept letters
                              #11 copy/paste Non-digits/Sp. Char paste = "6031%" the field do not accept sp. characters

                              =============BUG REPORTS================
                              I stay text field "Email:" empty, but i have not "required field" error message .
                              It is needed to mark text field "Referred by" by asterisk, as required.
                              Text field "First Name:" accepts 30 characters only, though 31 required.
                              Text field "Last name:" accepts 30 characters only, though 31 required.
                              Text field "Street Address:" accepts 100 characters only, though 255 required.
                              Сopy/paste to text field "Street Address:" accepts 100 characters only, though 255 required.
                              Additional requirements are needed: minimum number of characters
                              Inconsistency in switching order by "tab" button. The cursor should move to text field "Last name:" after "First Name:", not "Referred by".
                              Inconsistency in the "state:" list field: the items in the list are not ordered alphabetically.
                              Inconsistency in the "state:" list field: "BC" - is not a legal abbreviation of state name
                              Inconsistency in the "state:" list field: "HI" for Hawaii state is absent.
                              Inconsistency in the "state:" list field: legal abbreviation for Indiana state is "IN", not "IND".
                              Inconsistency in the "state:" list field: "NV" for Nevada state is absent.
                              the "state:" list field: "other" N/A for the list of all 50 states requirement.
                              the "state:" list field: "--" value N/A for the list of all 50 states requirement.
                              Text field "ZIP:" the highlighted character cannot be replaced
                              Text field "ZIP:" accepts input of letters, though digits only required
                              If copy/paste, then text field "ZIP:" accepts letters and special characters, though digits only required
                              If copy/paste, then text field "ZIP:" accepts 6 characters, though 5 only required
                              Suggestion for text field "ZIP:" : A pop-up message should appear when trying to input/ a letter or a special sign
                              Last edited by Kislyakov Vladimir; 04-18-2022, 01:33 PM.


                              • Bag reports to web UI for Ebergy Telecom.

                                #1 Checkbox "I am interested in Digital Phone Service (Unlimited Calling)" in #6 question is too close to the left. Need to do as in #5 and #7
                                #2 The sign $ is too close to the fields to be filled in #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #7 questions.
                                #3 In fields "Current Provider:" written "select one". But in fields "Months left on current contract:" and "I last upgraded my phone(is) approximately:" written just "select". Maybe need choos only one variant
                                #4 In field "Primary Phone Number:" i can insert a character other than numbers
                                #5 In the field "I'm interested in Unlimited Call:" I have a question, you need to write "?" at the end

