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Energy-Telecom test cases and bug reports

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  • State field Requirement:
    - List Box
    - All 50 states
    - Codes are existing
    - Required field

    ID...Purpose...................................... .............................Instruction.......... ........Expected Result
    #1...Choose a state code from the dropdown list box.........choose 'AL'.................Accepted
    #2...List consists of 50 states codes................................-................................50 codes
    #3...All states are available to choose...............................scroll down the list......Available
    #4...Required field............................................. ...............'--'.............................."required field" message

    Bug reports
    #1. The list сontain wrong codes 'BC', 'IND', 'Other'. Codes 'HI', 'IN', 'NV' are missing.

    Last edited by Pavel Korolev; 04-14-2022, 09:54 AM.


    • ZIP
      - text field
      - accepts 5 characters
      - digits only
      - Required field
      - Existing

      Test Cases:
      #7. Existing zip 00000 "not existing" error message
      #8. Invalid input - Paste 6 digits paste 940851 not accepted
      #9. Ivalid input - Paste 5 with letters paste 94O85 not accepted
      #10. Ivalid input - Paste 5 with sp.characters paste 9408% not accepted

      Last Name
      - text field
      - accepts all characters
      - No more than 31
      - Required field

      Test Cases:
      #1. Accepts all characters Voronina.1 accepted
      #2. Max input: 31 characters Voronina.1Voronina.1Voronina.1. accepted
      #3. Max input+1: 32 characters Voronina.1Voronina.1Voronina.1.. 31 accepted
      #4. Required field empty "required field" error message
      #5. Max input paste: 31 characters paste Voronina.1Voronina.1Voronina.1. accepted
      #6. Max input+1 paste: 32 characters paste Voronina.1Voronina.1Voronina.1.. 31 accepted

      - text field
      - accepts all characters
      - No more than 50
      - Required field.

      Test Cases:
      #1. Accepts all characters Nizhny Novgorod, 52 accepted
      #2. Max input: 50 characters 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 accepted
      #3. Max input+1: 51 characters 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 1 50 accepted
      #4. Required field empty "required field" error message
      #5. Max input paste: 50 characters paste 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 accepted
      #6. Max input paste+1: 51 characters paste 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 1 50 accepted

      - List Box
      - offering the list of all 50 states
      - Required field.

      Test Cases:
      #1. Happy path NY accepted
      #2. Required field "--" value "required field" error message

      - text field
      - accepts digits, letters, some special characters
      - 255 characters
      - Required field

      Test Cases:
      #1. Accept digits, letters, some sp. characters accepted
      #2. Invalid input: sp. characters info "valid e-mail" error message
      #3. Max input: 255 characters 255 characters accepted
      #4. Max input+1: 256 characters 256 characters 255 accepted
      #5. Required field empty "required field" error message
      #6. Max input paste: 255 characters paste 255 characters accepted
      #7. Max input+1 paste: 256 characters paste 256 characters 255 accepted
      #8. Incorrect e-mail info "invalid e-mail" error message

      - 3 text fields
      - digits only
      - accepting 3-3-4 chars
      - Required field

      Test Cases:
      #1. Happy path 123-456-7890 accepted
      Happy path test case is not passed so that there are no need to do other tests. But is requirements should be expanded then go on.
      #2. Invalid input: letters 9O5-665-0877 not accepted
      #3. Invalid input: sp. characters 905-66%-0877 not accepted
      #4. accepting 3 digits in 1st field: 4 digits 9051-665-0877 3 accepted
      #5. accepting 3 digits in 1st field: 2 digits 90-665-0877 not accepted
      #6. accepting 3 digits in 2d field: 4 digits 905-6651-0877 3 accepted
      #7. accepting 3 digits in 2d field: 2 digits 905-66-0877 not accepted
      #6. accepting 4 digits in 3d field: 5 digits 905-665-08779 4 accepted
      #8. accepting 4 digits in 3d field: 3 digits 905-66-087 "invalid phone" error message
      #9. required field empty "required field" error message
      #10. accepting 3 digits in 1st field: paste 4 digits paste 9051-665-0877 not accepted
      #11. accepting 3 digits in 1st field: paste 2 digits paste 90-665-0877 "invalid phone" error message
      #12. accepting 3 digits in 2d field: paste 4 digits paste 905-6651-0877 3 accepted
      #13. accepting 3 digits in 2d field: paste 2 digits paste 905-66-0877 "invalid phone" error message
      #14. accepting 4 digits in 3d field: paste 5 digits paste 9051-665-08779 4 accepted
      #15. accepting 4 digits in 3d field: paste 3 digits paste 905-66-087 "invalid phone" error message

      Bug Reports
      #1. The "Phone" field doesn't accepted 3-3-4 digits as per requirements (if "123-456-7890" is submitted there is the error message).
      comments: maybe requirements should be expanded and the field should accept only existing phone number, but now there are not such requirement at all.

      #2. "ZIP" field accepting non-existent ZIP-code.
      #3. Suggestion: don't accept more than 5 digints in the "ZIP" field when you paste it.
      #4. Suggestion: don't accept letters in the "ZIP" field when you paste it.
      #5. Suggestion: don't accept special characters in the "ZIP" field when you paste it.
      #6. "Last Name" field: accept only 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements.
      #7. Suggestion: Provide the "City" field by minimal amount of characters.
      #8. The "State" list box offers only 49 states instead of 50 as per requirements.
      #9. Suggestion: In the "State" list box move value "Other" to the end of list.
      #10. Suggestion: Fill the "State" field automatically according to value of the "City" field.
      #11. "State" field: "BC" doesn't exist in USA.
      #12. "Email" field shouldn't accept some special characters f.e. space.
      #13. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters instead of 255 by per requirements.
      #14. "Email" field is not required as per requirements - there is no error message if "Email" field is empty.
      #15. Suggestion: Provide "Email" field by minimal amount of characters.
      #16. Suggestion: Provide "Email" field by required characters "@", "." because without it e-mail is incorrect.
      #17. Suggestion: don't accept more than 255 characters in the "Email" field when you paste it.
      Last edited by USVoronina; 04-14-2022, 10:25 AM.


      • TEST CASES
        Area ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
        First Name 1 Accepts all characters First name = 25Misha!@#$ accepted
        2 Max input 31 characters accepted
        3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
        4 Required field empty field "required field" message
        5 Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted
        6 Paste over max input psaste 32 characters 31 accepted
        Street Address 1 Accepts all characters First name = 123 Main Street, #14 accepted
        2 Max input 255 characters accepted
        3 Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
        4 Required field empty field "requred field" message
        ???5 Lower boundary ??? character "?????" accepted
        6 Paste over max input psaste 256 characters 255 accepted
        ZIP 1 5 digits, existing "94085" accepted
        2 6 digits "940851" 94085 accepted
        3 4 digits "9408" "enter valid ZIP" message
        4 Required field empty field "required" error message
        5 Invalid input - letter "9408X" "digits only" message
        6 Invalid input - sp. Character "9408%" "digits only" message
        7 Paste - 6 digits paste "940851" 94085 accepted
        8 Paste - letters paste "X" field stays empty
        9 Paste - sp. Characters paste "%" field stays empty
        Street Address 1 Accepts all characters "123qwe!@#" accepted
        2 Max input 255 characters accepted
        3 Max+1 Input 256 characters 255 accepted
        4 Paste - Max+1 Input paste 256 characters 255 accepted
        5 Required field empty field "requred field" message
        City 1 Accepts all characters "123qwe!@#" accepted
        2 Max input 50 characters accepted
        3 Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
        4 Required field empty field "requred field" message
        State 1 All 50 states Ensure: listbox contains all 50 states TRUE
        2 Required field empty field "requred field" message
        Email 1 accepts digits "123" accepted
        2 accepts letters "asd" accepted
        3 accepts some (WHITCH ONES?????) sp. characters ???????? accepted
        4 Max input 255 characters accepted
        5 Max +1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
        6 Paste - Max+1 input paste 256 characters 255 accepted
        7 Required field empty field "requred field" message
        Phone 1 Accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only) "650" "307" "1070" accepted
        2 Letter input "65X" "30X" "10X" "65" "30" "107" accepted
        3 Sp. Characters input "65$" "30$" "107$" "65" "30" "107" accepted
        4 Max +1 input "6501" "3071" "10701" "650" "307" "1070" accepted
        5 Paste - max +1 input paste "6501" "3071" "10701" "650" "307" "1070" accepted
        6 Paste - Letter paste "65X" "30X" "10X" "65" "30" "107" accepted
        7 Paste - sp. Characters paste "65$" "30$" "107$" "65" "30" "107" accepted
        Last edited by AntonPG; 04-14-2022, 10:04 AM.


        • ZiP:
          -text field
          -accepts 5 characters
          -digits only
          -required field

          Test cases:
          #1. 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted
          #2. 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted
          #3. 4 digits 9408 error message
          #4. required field empty "required field message"
          #5. Invalid input- letter 94o85 "digits only message"
          #6. Invalid input - sp character 9408% "digit only message"
          #7. Paste 6 digits paste 940851 "valid ZIP code only"
          #8. Paste letter 94o85 "digits only message"
          #9. Paste special chaacter 9408% "digits only message"

          -text field,
          -accepts all characters.
          -No more than 50.
          -Required field.

          Test cases:
          #1. Accept all characters Long Beach67@# accepted
          #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
          #3. Max input+1 51 characters 50 accepted
          #4. Required field empty field "required field message"


          • Test Suit. Phone number:
            - 3 text fields
            - accepts 3-3-4 chars digits only
            - required field
            - first part existed

            Test Cases:
            ID _Purpose____________________ Instruction_____________ Expected result
            #1. 3-3-4 digits, first pt existed______ 650-307-1070 __________accepted /HP/
            #2. 4-4-5 digits, first pt existed ______6501-3071-10701 _______650-307-1070 accepted
            #3. 3-3-4 digits, firs pt inexistant _____123-307-1070 __________"incorrect phone number" message
            #4. 3-3-4 digits, letters, sp. chars ____l23-3O7-1&70 __________"digits only" message
            #5. paste max input +1 characters ___first pole paste 6501 _____650-307-1070 accepted
            _______________________________second pole paste 307L
            _______________________________third pole paste 1070$
            #6. empty fields /empty fields/ "required field" message

            ===============================BUG REPS=========================

            #1. Phone number fields might be pasted by special characters and letters
            #2. The form might be submitted without email adress, "Email" is required field by requirements
            #3. Please, provide the minimum lenght of "Email" field
            #4. Field "Reffered by" asked as required field after the form submition, there's no requirement about that
            Last edited by Ilya_Samokhvalov; 04-14-2022, 10:09 AM.


            • Test cases for Energy-Telecom
              Requirements: First Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
              1 Accepts all characters First name = 25Misha!@#$ accepted
              2 Max input 31 characters accepted
              3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
              4 Required field empty field "required field" message
              5 Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted
              6 Check Copy-paste Paste 32 characters from notepad 31 accepted
              Bug reports
              #1 "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, not 30 as it accepts now
              Suggestion: "First name" field should not accept digits and special characters
              Requirements: Last Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
              1 Accepts all characters Last name = 25Portnov!@#$ accepted
              2 Max input 31 characters accepted
              3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
              4 Required field empty field "required field" message
              5 Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted
              6 Check Copy-paste Paste 32 characters from notepad 31 accepted
              Bug reports
              #1 "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, not 30 as it accepts now
              Suggestion: "Last name" field should not accept digits and special characters
              Requirements: Street Address: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 255. Required field.
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
              1 Accepts all characters Street address = 123 Main Street, #14 accepted
              2 Max input 255 characters accepted
              3 Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
              4 Required field empty field "required field" message
              5 Lower boundary, ??? Character "?????" accepted
              6 Check Copy-paste Paste 32 characters from notepad 255 accepted
              Bug reports
              #1 "Street Address" field should accept up to 255 characters, not 100 as it accepts now
              Suggestion: Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
              Requirements: City: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
              1 Accepts all characters City = Los Angeles accepted
              2 Max input 50 characters accepted
              3 Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
              4 Required field empty field "required field" message
              5 Lower boundary, ??? Character "?????" accepted
              6 Check Copy-paste Paste 51 characters from notepad 50 accepted
              Bug reports
              Suggestion: Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
              Suggestion: "City" field should not accept digits and special characters
              Requirements: State: List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
              1 Dropdown check Verify that dropdown is enable or not enable
              2 Select check Check that user able to select the value from the listbox enable
              3 Color check Check the color when user hover the mouse on value enable
              4 Scroll check Check that user able to scroll the list through mouse. enable
              5 Required field empty field "required field" message
              Requirements: State: List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
              1 Dropdown check Verify that dropdown is enable or not enable
              2 Select check Check that user able to select the value from the listbox enable
              3 Color check Check the color when user hover the mouse on value enable
              4 Scroll check Check that user able to scroll the list through mouse. enable
              5 Required field empty field "required field" message
              Bug reports
              #1. There is "BC" abbreviation in the list. There is no state "BC" in USA, удалить it
              #2. There is "SC" abbreviation in the list. There is no state "BC" in USA, удалить it.
              #3. In the list is missing "HI" (Hawaii), add it between "GA" and "ID".
              #4. In the list is missing "NV" (Nevada), add it between "NE" and "NH".
              Suggestion: Place "Other" in the end of the list
              Suggestion: "State" shouldn't have "--" value
              Requirements: "ZIP": text field, accepts 5 characters (digits only). Required field.
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
              1 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted
              2 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted
              3 4 digits 9408 "enter valid ZIP" message
              4 Required field empty field "required" error message
              5 Invalid input - letter 94O85 "digits only" message
              6 Invalid input - sp. Character 9408% "digits only" message
              7 Paste 6 digits/Letter/Sp.Character Paste 6 characters from notepad disable
              8 ????? Check if ????? "enter valid ZIP" message
              Bug reports
              #1. "ZIP" accepts characters, must accept only digits
              #2. "ZIP" accepts special characters pasted from notepad
              #3. Please, put the limit to the "ZIP" when anything is pasted from notepad.
              #4. "ZIP" should verify that inputed ZIP code exist.
              Suggestion: Write "Please enter only digits" when user tries to write characters
              Suggestion: Write "Please enter only digits" when user tries to write sp. characters
              Requirements: Email: text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field.
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
              1 Email format check Email = accepted
              2 Max input 255 characters accepted
              3 Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
              4 Required field empty field "required" error message
              5 @ is required character "enter valid email" message
              6 .com is required portnov.m@gmailcom "enter valid email" message
              7 @@ not alowed "enter valid email" message
              Bug reports
              #1. "Email" is not requested field.
              #2. Please, specity allowed special characters
              #3. Plese, put the limit to the "Email" -255 characters, now it is above it.
              #4. "Email" accepts incorrect format of email
              Requirements: Phone: 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). Required field.
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
              1 10 digits, existing 865-242-4868 accepted
              2 Max input of 1st field 3 digits accepted
              3 Max+1 input of 1st field 4 digits 3 accepted
              4 Max input of 2nd field 3 digits accepted
              5 Max+1 input of 2nd field 4 digits 3 accepted
              6 Max input of 3rd field 4 digits accepted
              7 Max+1 input of 3rd field 5 digits 4 accepted
              8 character input in 1st field fff disable
              9 character input in 2nd field fff disable
              10 character input in 3rd field ffff disable
              11 sp.character input in 1st field @@@ disable
              12 sp.character input in 2nd field *** disable
              13 sp.character input in 3rd field **** disable
              14 Required field empty field "required" error message
              Bug reports
              #2. "Phone" accepts characters pasted from notepad
              #2. "Phone" accepts special characters pasted from notepad
              Suggestion: Pointer should move it self filling the correct char limit
              Last edited by sansara007; 04-19-2022, 01:28 PM.


              • Test cases:Energy-Telecom Service Review

                Last Name:


                -text field,
                -accepts all characters.
                -No more than 31.
                -Required field.

                ID Title Instruction Expected Results

                #1. Accepts all characters Yurii86#1$ accepted
                #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
                #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
                #4. Required field empty field "required field" message



                -text field,
                -accepts all characters.
                -No more than 50.
                -Required field.

                ID Title Instruction Expected Results

                #1. Accepts all characters YuRiI 86*!# accepted
                #2. Max imput 50 characters accepted
                #3. Max+1 imput 51 characters 50 accepted
                #3. Required field empty field "required field" message



                -List Box offering the list of all 50 states.
                -Required field.

                ID Title Instruction Expected Results

                #1. List Box Choose from 50 states accepted
                #2. Required field empty field "required field" message


                Test Data: Emal: 6_57@./
                Email: invalid


                -text field,
                -accepts digits,letters,
                -some special characters.
                -255 characters.
                -Required field.

                ID Title Instruction Expected results

                #1. accepts digits, 6_57@./ accepted
                #2. special characters "required field" massage
                #2. Required field empty field "required field" massage
                #3. Max+1 imput 256 characters 255 accepted
                #3. Max imput 255 characters accepted



                -3 text fields,
                accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
                -Required field.

                ID Title Instrucion Expected results

                #1. 3 fields, 3-3-4 (digits only) 123-456-7890 accepted
                #2. Non-digits/letter 123-456-789O "required field"massage
                #3. Fewer digits 2-2-3 12-45-789 "required field"massage
                #4. Required field empty field "required field"massage

                Last edited by Yurii86; 04-14-2022, 10:13 AM.


                • Test Cases:

                  #7. Paste 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted
                  #8. Paste 6 digits 940851 "enter valid ZIP" message
                  #9. Paste 4 digits 9408 "enter valid ZIP" message
                  #11 Invalid paste - letter 94O85 "enter valid ZIP" message
                  #12 Invalid paste - Sp.Character 9408% "enter valid ZIP" message

                  =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
                  #1. 'Index' field accepts more than 5 digits when pasted - against requirements.
                  #2. "Index" field accepts letters when pasted - against requirements.
                  #3. 'Index' field accepts special characters when pasted - against requirements.


                  • Energy-Telecom_test_new1.txt


                    • "City:" FIELD.

                      Specific Data Requirements:

                      -Text field.
                      -Accepts all characters.
                      -No more than 50.
                      -Required field.

                      TEST CASES:

                      ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                      #1. Accepts all characters. "City:" = 09Bob-*)/. accepted
                      #2. Max input. 50 characters accepted
                      #3. Max+1 input. 51 characters 50 accepted
                      #4. Max+1 paste. 51 characters 50 accepted
                      #5. Required field. empty field "Please enter your City" message
                      ?-#6. Lower boundary. ??? characters -specify accepted

                      BUG REPORTS:

                      #1. Please provide the minimal amount of characters for "City:" field.


                      "State:" FIELD.

                      Specific Data Requirements:

                      -List Box offering the list of all 50 states.
                      -Required field.

                      TEST CASES:

                      ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                      #1. List Box offering the
                      list of all 50 states. choose some state accepted
                      #2. Required field. empty field "Please select your State" message


                      "Email:" FIELD.

                      Specific Data Requirements:

                      -text field.
                      -accepts digits, letters, some special characters.
                      -255 characters.
                      -Required field.

                      TEST CASES:

                      ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                      #1. Accepts digits, letters,
                      some special characters. "Email:" = 01.Mai-l@#_№ accepted
                      #2. Required field. empty field "required field" message
                      #3. Max 255 characters. 255 characters accepted
                      #4. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                      #5. Max+1 paste 256 characters 255 accepted
                      ? #6. Lower boundary. ??? characters -specify accepted

                      BUG REPORTS:

                      #1. The "required field" message does not appear when specifying the empty field "Email:".
                      #2. "Email:" field accepts more than 255 characters. It do not meet the requirements.
                      #3. Please provide the minimal amount of characters for "Email:" field.
                      #4. "Email:" field accepts address without "@" character.
                      #5. "Email:" field accepts the letters not from the Latin alphabet.
                      #6. "Email:" field accepts address with "space" character.
                      #7. Please provide more detailed requirements in the "accepts digits, letters, some special characters" paragraph.

                      "Phone:" FIELD.

                      Specific Data Requirements:

                      -text fields.
                      -accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only).
                      -Required field.

                      TEST CASES:

                      ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                      #1. accepting 3-3-4 chars
                      (digits only): 347- code of NY. 347 456 3210 accepted
                      #2. 012- non-existent tel.code. 012 456 3210 "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message
                      #3. Required field. Empty field. "Please enter your Phone number" message
                      #4. Partially empty field.
                      Accepting 3-0-4 chars (digits) 347 ... 3210 "Please enter your Phone number" message
                      #5. Input 4-4-5 chars (digits) 3471 4569 32108 not accepted
                      #6. Letters, special characters input. Qa-@ _ not accepted
                      #7. Letters, special characters paste. yX{ #+ "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message

                      "Referred by:" FIELD.

                      BUG REPORTS:

                      #1. "Referred by:" - is not required field. But if the field is empty "Please enter the name of the person you were referred
                      by" message is appear on the screen.



                      • First Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
                        Last Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
                        Street Address: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 255. Required field.
                        City: text field, accepted all charecters. No more then 50. Requred field.
                        State: List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.
                        ZIP: text field, accepts 5 characters (digits only). Required field.
                        Email: text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field.
                        Phone: 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). Required field.
                        Last Name:
                        Text fieled
                        accepts aii characters
                        No more than 31
                        Requred field
                        Tecs Cases :

                        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                        Pasitive test
                        #1. All valid characters Yevhen1987@% No erorr messang
                        Yevhen 1987 @$ No erorr messang

                        #2. Max input characters qwe?tyui+p[]asd&ghjk23@#$%&*-_= No erorr messang

                        #3. Input 1 character f No erorr messang

                        Negative test

                        #1. Max+1 input characters qwe?tyui+p[]asd&ghjk23@#$%&*-_=_ fieled takes 30 characters

                        #2. Input " spase " " spase " erorr messang

                        Bag report; Last Name
                        #1. Takes only 30 character. In fieled " Last Name ".

                        __________________________________________________ _________________________________

                        Text field
                        Accepted all charecters
                        No more then 50
                        Requred field

                        Test cases :

                        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                        Pasitive test

                        #1. All characters, valid 1301 Sixth Ave., New York, No erorr messang
                        #2. 50 character 456ldrinsp131501 Sijkyxth Avehgcb., Ne,nb)+w York, No erorr messang

                        Negative test

                        #1. Max+1 character 456ldrinsp131501 Sijkyxth Avehgcb., Ne,nb)+w York,+ filead takes 50
                        #2. Empti fieled Erorr messang

                        __________________________________________________ __________________________________

                        Email :
                        text field
                        accepts digits
                        some special characters
                        255 characters
                        equired field


                        • 1st, 2nd and 3rd fields were considered during the 7th class.
                          (4) Last Name:
                          - text field
                          - accepts all characters
                          - No more than 31
                          - Required field.

                          Test cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                          #18. Accepts all characters Last name = Sam23*&^ accepted
                          #19. Max input 31 characters accepted
                          #20. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
                          #21. Required field empty field "required field" message
                          #22. Lower boundary one character "F" accepted
                          (5) City:
                          - text field
                          - accepts all characters
                          - No more than 50
                          - Required field

                          Test cases:
                          #23. Accepts all characters City = Orlando23*&^ accepted
                          #24. Max input 50 characters accepted
                          #25. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                          #26. Required field empty field "required field" message
                          #27. Lower boundary one character "7" accepted
                          (6) State:
                          - List Box offering the list of all 50 states
                          - Required field.

                          Test cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                          #28. Accept of selection a state FL accepted
                          #29. Required field empty field "required field" message
                          (7) Email:
                          - text field
                          - accepts digits
                          - letters
                          - some special characters
                          - 255 characters
                          - Required field

                          Test cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                          #30. Accepts all characters Email = Orlando777*&^ accepted
                          #31. Max input 255 characters accepted
                          #32. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                          #33. Required field empty field "required field" message
                          (8) Phone:
                          - 3 text fields
                          - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
                          - Required field

                          Test cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                          #34. Max input digits in each field 3-3-4 (digits only) accepted
                          #35. Max+1 input 4-4-5 (digits only) 3-3-4 accepted
                          #36. Required field empty field "required field" message
                          #37. Input letters abc-def-ghij not allowed to input any letters
                          $38. Input sp. characters !@#-$%^-&*() not allowed to input any sp. characters
                          BUG REPORTS
                          #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field.
                          #2. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now.
                          #3. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements.
                          #4. ZIP code 00000 (test case #17) is not currently assigned by the US Postal Service to any city
                          #5. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 (test cases #19 and #20) characters, no 30 as it accepts now.
                          #6. The list of states is non in alphabet order
                          #7. "Email" field accepts no more than 255 characters (test case #32) instead of 256 as per requirements.
                          #8. "Email" field is not required (test case #33), but it hs to be according to requirements
                          Last edited by Sergei23; 04-14-2022, 11:36 PM.


                          • DZ:

                            Last Name:
                            - text field
                            - accepts all characters
                            - no more than 31
                            - required field

                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts Happy path Last name = Fan25@ accepted
                            #2. Accepts special character at the beginning of the word Last name = #$%Fa ? REQUIREMENT -> bag #3.
                            #3. Max input 31 characters accepted
                            #4. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
                            #5. Required field empty field "required field" message
                            #6. Lower boundary, one character "B" accepted

                            - text field
                            - accepts all characters
                            - no more than 50
                            - required field

                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts Happy path City = Japan accepted
                            #2. Accepts special character at the name City City = #$%Fa ? REQUIREMENT -> bag #4.
                            #3. Max input 50 characters accepted
                            #4. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                            #5. Required field empty field "required field" message
                            #6. Lower boundary, one character "D" accepted

                            ===BUG REPORTS===
                            #1. "Last Name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                            #2. Имя, вводимое в "First Name" field не может начинаться с символов/ special character
                            #3. Фамилия, вводимая в "Last Name" field не может начинаться с символов/ special character
                            #4. "City" field can not be special characters in name


                            • ZIP:
                              - text field
                              - accepts 5 characters
                              - digits only
                              - Required field
                              - Existing

                              Test Cases:
                              #1. 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted
                              #2. 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted
                              #3. 4 digits 9408 "enter valid ZIP" message
                              #4. Required field empty field "required" error message
                              #5. Invalid input - letter 94O85 "digits only" message
                              #6. Invalid input - sp. character 9408% "digits only" message
                              #7. Paste more then 5digits 940851 "enter a valid ZIP"
                              #8. Paste Non-digits/Letter 94O85 "enter a valid ZIP"
                              #9. Paste Non-digits/sp.character 9408@ 9408@
                              #10. Non-exiting Zip 5-digit 00000 "enter a valid ZIP"

                              =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
                              #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
                              #2. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                              #3. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
                              #4. More then 5 digits are entered in the "Zip" field when copy paste.
                              #5. "Zip" field when copy paste not only numbers but also letters are entered.
                              #6."Zip" field when copy paste not only numbers but also sp.character are entered.
                              #7. "Zip"field should accept 5 characters no 4 as it accepts now.


                              • 1. Test cases for email in web-form
                                text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field.
                                ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Fact Result
                                1 Accepts all characters nasty@test123 accepted ok
                                2 Required field empty field "required field" message fail
                                3 Max input 255 characters accepted ok
                                4 Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted fail
                                5 Paste all characters nasty@test123 accepted ok
                                6 Paste Max input 255 characters accepted ok
                                7 Paste Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted fail
                                BUG REPORTS
                                1 Recommendation: make two special characters @ . required in field email
                                2 Required field EMAIL was accepted when empty field (deleted @ and press submit)
                                3 "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters instead of 255 as per requirements

