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Energy-Telecom test cases and bug reports

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  • First Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
    Test cases:
    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
    #1. Accepts all characters First name = 25Misha!@#$ accepted
    #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
    #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
    #4. Required field Empty field "required field" message
    #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted

    Last Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
    Test cases:
    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
    #1. Accepts all characters Last name = &{$Port109nov accepted
    #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
    #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
    #4. Required field Empty field "required field" message
    #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted

    Street Address: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 255. Required field.
    Test cases:
    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
    #1. Accepts all characters Street Address = 123 Main Street, #14 accepted
    #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
    #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
    #4. Required field Empty field "requred field" message
    ????#5. Lower boundary, ??? character "?????" accepted

    City: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.
    Test cases:
    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
    #1. Accepts all characters City = "Los Angeles-410#@" accepted
    #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
    #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
    #4. Required field Empty field "required field" message
    #5. Lower boundary, one character "Y" accepted

    State: List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.
    Test cases:
    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
    #1. Drop-down list contain 50 states Click on the drop-down list 50 states are available to choose
    #2. Required field Empty field "required field" message

    ZIP: text field, accepts 5 characters (digits only). Required field.
    Test Cases:
    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
    #1. 5 digits input, existing 94085 accepted
    #2. 6 digits input 940851 94085 accepted
    #3. 4 digits input 9408 "enter valid ZIP" message
    #4. Required field Empty field "required field" message
    #5. Invalid input - letter 94O85 rejected/"digits only" message
    #6. Invalid input - sp. character 9408% rejected/"digits only" message
    #7. Paste 6+ digits/Letter/Sp.Character 12345678P@ "enter valid ZIP Code" message
    #8. 5 digits input, not-existing 00000/11111 "enter valid ZIP Code" message

    Email: text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field.
    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
    #1. ???digits, letters, some special characters input??? accepts only Email format
    #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
    #3. Max+1 input 256+ characters "enter valid Email" message
    #4. Required field Empty field "required" error message

    Phone: 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). Required field.
    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
    #1. 3-3-4 digits input 123-456-7890 accepted
    #2. invalid input - less then 3-3-4 digits 12-456-7890/123-45-7890/123-456-789 rejected/"enter valid Phone Number" message
    #3. invalid input - more then 3-3-4 digits 1234-567-8900/123-4567-8900/123-456-78900 rejected/"enter valid Phone Number" message
    #4. invalid input - letters qwe-rty-uiop rejected/"enter valid Phone Number" message
    #5. invalid input - special characters !@#-$%^-&*() rejected/"enter valid Phone Number" message
    #6. Required field Empty field "required" error message
    #7. Paste more then 3-3-4 digits 1234-567-8900/123-4567-8900/123-456-78900 rejected/"enter valid Phone Number" message
    #8. Paste letters/special characters qwe-rty-uiop/!@#-$%^-&*() rejected/"enter valid Phone Number" message

    =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
    #1. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, not 30 as it accepts now.
    #2. "Last Name" field should accept up to 31 characters, not 30 as it accepts now.
    #3. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field.
    #4. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements.
    #5. "State" drop-down list allows to select 49 states only, not 50. Also contains unnecessary position "Other".
    #6. If Paste all fields should accept specified characters and defined amount of characters only.
    #7. "ZIP" field should not accept non-existing ZIP Code "00000" or "11111".
    #8. "Email" field - specify what some special characters can be accepted.
    #9. "Email" field - specify special characters position (only email format can be accepted).
    #10. "Email" field - specify language.
    #11. "Email" field should accept up to 255 characters, not 255+ as it accepts now.
    #12. "Email" field should be marked as required field - there is no "required" error message if "Email" field is Empty.
    #13. "* Indicates required field" text should be red.
    #14. "Phone field" should accepts 3-3-4 chars (digits only) irrespective of method - input or paste.
    #15. "Digits only" message is preferable when field should accept digits only (instead of "enter valid ZIP Code" or "Enter valid Phone Number" message).


    • Requirements:
      - Zip Code is 5 digits,
      - only digest are allowed
      - empty zip code not allowed / required field

      6 copy 4-digits ZIP 1234 Error message "Please, provide 5 digits ZIP code"
      7 copy 6-digits ZIP 12345 Error message "Please, provide 5 digits ZIP code"
      8 copy digits/letter 1234b error message (digits only)
      9 copy digits/Sp. Char. 1234@ error message (digits only)


      The ZIP field accepts copying more than 6 digits
      the ZIP field accepts copying digits/letter
      the ZIP field accepts copying digits/Sp. Char


      • Email:
        Test cases:

        ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
        1 Existing email accepted
        2 Accepted all characters 123456%foma@$ accepted
        3 Max input 255 characters accepted
        4 Max input+1 256 characters 255 accepted msq
        5 Lower boundary??? ??????? accepted
        6 Required field empty error msq
        7 Paste 256 characters 256 characters error msq


        • Last Name:

          - text field,
          - accepts all characters,
          - No more than 31,
          - Required field.

          Test cases:
          ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
          1 Accepts all characters Last Name = Ke42sha%*! Instruction
          2 Max input 31 characters accepted
          3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 characters accepted
          4 Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted
          5 Required field empty field "required field" message


          - text field,
          - accepts all characters,
          - No more than 50,
          - Required field.

          Test cases:
          ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
          1 Accept all caracters City = Dubna34!&@(; accepted
          2 Max input 50 characters accepted
          3 Max+1 input 51 characters 50 characters accepted
          4 Lower boundary, one character "Y" accepted
          5 Required field empty field "required field" message


          - list Box offering the list of all 50 states,
          - required field.

          Test cases:
          ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
          1 Lis Box contains all the 50 states Compare the list with the official list of all states ПЕРЕЧИСЛИТЬ ШТАТЫ???
          2 Required fild empty field "required field" message


          - text field,
          - accepts digits, letters, some special characters,
          - 255 characters,
          - Required field.

          Test cases:
          ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
          1 accepts digits, letters, some special characters accepted
          2 The absence of "@" character "special character '@' require" message
          3 The second level domain (a part of email after special character "@") must exist as a website input the second level domain into the web page adress field in any web browser the inputed address has to provide the web page
          4 Recuired field empty field "Required field" message
          5 Max input 255 characters accepted
          6 Max+1 characters 256 characters 255 characters accepted


          - 3 text fields,
          - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only).
          - Required field.

          Test cases:
          ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
          1 accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only) 876-876-8676 accepted
          2 Any amount of digits less than 3-3-4 98-9-987 "3-3-4 digits only" message
          3 Invalid input - letter 988-706-876O "Digits only" message
          4 Invalid input - sp.character 865-87;-8364 "Digits only" message
          5 Required field empty field "Required field" message

          ========================= BUG REPORTS ============================
          #1. "Last name" field should provide the possibility to input 31 characters, not 30 as it provides now.
          #2. "State" list box contains a mistaken state "BC": it is the name of canadian province, not one of the US states.
          #3. "State" list box contains the word "Other" between "OR" and "PA", it has to be removed from the list box.
          #4. "State" list box has to contain NV and HI states, they doesn't exist in the list box now. "State" menu is incomplete now - 48 states instead of 50.
          #5. "Email" field should provide the possibility to input 255 characters, not infinite amount of characters as it does now.
          #6. The form accepts empty "Email" field after submission instead of showing a "required field" message.
          #7. "Phone" field allows to input all characters in case of "copy-paste" operations, but it has to be avaliable for digits only.


          • Проект -
            Требования -
            First name:
            Specific Data Requirements: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field
            Test cases: ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
            1 Accepts all characters First name = 25Misha!@#$ accepted
            2 Max input 31 characters accepted
            3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
            4 Required field empty field "required field" message
            5 Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted
            Last Name:
            Specific Data Requirements: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field
            Test cases: ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
            1 Accepts all characters Last name = 25Portnov!@#$ accepted
            2 Max input 31 characters accepted
            3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
            4 Required field empty field "required field" message
            5 Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted
            Street Address:
            Specific Data Requirements: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 255. Required field
            Test cases: ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
            1 Accepts all characters 123 Main Street #14 accepted
            2 Max input 255 characters accepted
            3 Max+1 input 255 characters 255 accepted
            4 Required field empty field "required field" message
            5 Lower boundary, ??? character "?????" accepted
            Specific Data Requirements: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field
            Test cases: ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
            1 Accepts all characters Los Altos @/123 accepted
            2 Max input 50 characters accepted
            3 Max+1 input 51 characters accepted
            4 Required field empty field "required field" message
            5 Lower boundary, ??? character "?????" accepted
            Specific Data Requirements: List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field
            Test cases: ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
            1 Amount states 50 Counting amount states in list Box 49 states
            2 Required field empty field "required field" message
            Specific Data Requirements: text field, accepts 5 characters (digits only). Required field
            Test cases: ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
            1 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted
            2 6 digits 940851 940851 accepted
            3 4 digits 9408 "enter valid ZiP" message
            4 Required field empty field "required" error message
            5 Invalid input - letter 94O85 "digits only" message
            6 Invalid input - sp.character 9408% "digits only" message
            7 Paste 6 digits/Letter/Sp.character 123456Letter/?><,. enter valid ZiP message
            Specific Data Requirements: text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field
            Test cases: ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
            1 Accepts all characters misha123?/ accepted
            2 Any email accepted
            3 Max input 255 characters accepted
            4 Max+1 input 256 characters accepted
            5 Required field empty field "required field" message
            Specific Data Requirements: 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). Required field.
            Test cases: ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
            1 Valid Phone Number 650-307-1070 accepted
            2 Invalid Phone Number 123-456-7890 "required field" message
            3 Required field empty field "required field" message
            =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
            # Field Description
            1 First name: "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
            2 Last Name: "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
            3 Street Address: Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
            4 Street Address: "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
            5 State: "State" list box NV (Nevada) is missing
            6 State: "State" list box. IND (Indiana) - correct to "IN"
            7 Zip: "Zip" field allows to paste in all letters & symbols
            8 Zip: "Zip" field allows to paste in more 5 digits
            9 Email: "Email" field does not display error messages when entering letters or symbols
            10 Email: "Email" field is not possible to put the symbol "_"
            11 Phone: "Phone" field allows to paste in all letters & symbols
            12 GUI Clicking the "Clear" button generates error 17896 in the popup window
            13 GUI Title "Best Way To Contact Me:" correct to "Best way to contact me:"


            • Specific Data Requirements:

              First Name
              *Text field
              *Accepts all characters
              *No more than 31
              *Required field
              Test cases:
              1. Accepts all characters 025oLgA_sha!@#$ Accepted
              2. Max chars input 31 characters Accepted
              3. Max chars input+1 32 characters 31 accepted only
              4. Required field empty field "required field" message
              5. Lower boundary,one character "x" Accepted

              Last Name:
              Question - (languages?)
              *Text field
              *Accepts all characters
              *No more than 31
              *Required field
              1. Accepts all characters Medvedev1999!@ Accepted
              2. Max chars input 31 characters Accepted
              3. Max chars input+1 32 characters 31 accepted only
              4. Required field empty field "required field" message
              5. Lower boundary,one character "z" Accepted

              Street Address:
              *Text field
              *Accepts all characters
              *No more than 255
              *Required field
              1. Accepts all characters MkuTuzova@130_#1 Accepted
              2. Max chars input 255 characters Accepted
              3. Max chars input+1 256 characters 255 accepted only
              4. Required field empty field "required field" message
              ??5. Lower boundary,one character "z" Accepted

              City: (all chars - special chars not best practices)
              *Text field
              *Accepts all characters
              *No more than 50
              *Required field
              1. Accepts all characters Las-Vegas!@! Accepted
              2. Max chars input 50 characters Accepted
              3. Max chars input+1 51 characters 50 accepted only
              4. Required field empty field "required field" message
              5. Invalid language russian letters"элва" "english letters only" message

              State: (*abbreviation or whole name of the state? alphabetical order& "other" at the end)

              *List Box offering the list of all 50 states
              *Required field
              1. List box shows states list 50 states list 50 states abbreviation exist
              2. List box slider check slide side slider abbreviation could be chosen
              3. Any character input vi@77_ field is enabled
              4. Cut/paste characters vi@77_ disabled input
              4. Required field empty field "required field" message

              *Text field accepts 5 characters (digits only)
              *Required field
              1. 5 digits input (existing) 12345 Accepted
              2. Invalid input - letter 68O12 "digits only" message
              3. 6 digits input 674288 "enter valid ZIP" message
              4. 4 digits input 3456 "enter valid ZIP" message
              5. Required field empty field "required field" message
              6. Invalid input sp.character @!%&( "digits only" message
              7. Invalid input digit+ sp.character 3456* "digits only" message

              *Text field
              *Accepts digits, letters
              *Some special characters ( find out which exactly characters -list of it)
              *255 characters
              *Required field

              1. Accepts all characters Accepted
              2. max 255 letters input 255 letters Accepted
              3. Max chars input+1 256 characters 255 accepted only
              4. max 255 digits input 255 digits Accepted
              5. Required field empty field "required field" message
              6. Invalid input sp.character @!%&(@gmail/com "valid sp.chars only" message
              ???7.Some special characters need a list

              *3 text fields
              *Accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
              *Required field
              1. 3-3-4 chars digits input 800-123-1234 Accepted
              2. 1-2-4 chars digits input 8-33-2222 "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message
              3. 2-1-3 chars digits input 80-1-123 "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message
              4. 3-4-2 chars digits input 800-1234-12 "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message
              5. Invalid input sp.characters @!%&(? "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message
              6. Invalid input letters afgdfd "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message
              7. Sql injection <12387v#2> "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message
              8. Copy/Paste digits
              and sp.character "+" +800-123-1234 800-123-1234 only accepted
              9. Required field empty field "required field" message

              BUG REPORTS
              #1. Please, provide the minimum amount of characters for "Street Address" field
              #2. "First name" field should accept up to maxlength 31 characters, no 30 characters as it accepts now as per requirements
              #3. "Street Address" field accepts only maxlength of 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
              #4. "Last name" field should accept up to maxlength 31 characters, no 30 characters as it accepts now as per requirements
              #5. States abbreviation "BC"not in alphabetical ordeк at dropdown listbox
              #6. "Other" word at "State" label dropdown box should be at the end of the list, not in the middle.


              • Bug reports fieds "Email"

                "Email" fields must accepts no more than 255 characters, but it accepts more.
                Please provide the minimal amount of characters for "Email" fields


                • FIRST NAME:
                  - text field
                  - accepts all characters
                  - No more than 31
                  - Required field
                  Test cases:
                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                  #1. Accepts all characters First name=@2gis%* accepted
                  #2. Max input 31 characters 30 accepted
                  #3. Required field empty field "required field" message
                  #4. Lower boundary,one character "K" accepted
                  LAST NAME:
                  - text field
                  - accepts all characters
                  - No more than 31
                  - Required field
                  Test cases:
                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                  #1. Accepts all characters Last name=$#eror55( accepted
                  #2. Max input 31 characters 30 accepted
                  #3. Required field empty field "required field" message
                  #4. Lower boundary,one character "K" accepted
                  STREET ADDRES:
                  - texst field
                  - accsepts all characters
                  - No more than 255
                  - Required field
                  Test cases:

                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                  #1. Accepts all characters Street Addres=qe34g&^).,) accepted
                  #2. Max input 255 255 characters 100 accepted
                  #3. Lower boundary,one character "L" accepted
                  #4. Required field empty field "required field" message

                  - text field
                  - accepts all characters
                  - No more than 50
                  - Required field
                  Test cases:

                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                  #1. Accepts all characters City=14fame?*@ accepted
                  #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
                  #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                  #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                  #5. Lower boundary, "K" accepted
                  one character

                  - List Box offering the list of all 50 states
                  - Required field
                  Test cases:
                  ID Purpose Instruction Exspected Result
                  #1. List Box offering the
                  list of all 50 states check if there are 50 in the list of 49 states
                  states in the list
                  #2. in the list of 49 states check listbox instead of the name of one state
                  there is "other"
                  #3. Required field empty field "required field" message

                  - text field
                  - accept 5 characters (digits only)
                  - Required field
                  Test cases:
                  ID Purpose Instruction Exspected Result
                  #1. 5 digits 13748 accepted
                  #2. 6 digits 137489 5 accepted
                  #3. 4 digits 1374 "enter valid ZIP" message
                  #3. 5 letter qwert does not accept
                  #4. 5 special characters !.@$) does not accept
                  №5. Required field empty field "required field" message

                  - text field
                  - accepts digits
                  - accepts letters
                  - accept some special characters
                  - 255 characters
                  - Required field
                  Test cases:
                  ID Purpose Instruction Exspected Result
                  #1. accepts digits 123579 accepted
                  #2. accepts letters characters accepted
                  #3. accept some special
                  characters &)*@>,./ accepted
                  #4. Max input 255 characters accepted
                  #5. Max input+1 256 characters accepted
                  #6. Max input-1 254 characters accepted
                  #7. Lower boundary, "K" accepted
                  one character
                  #8. Required field empty field "required field" message
                  - 3 text field
                  - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
                  - Required field
                  Test cases:
                  ID Purpose Instruction Exspected Result
                  #1. 3 text field check for 3 fields available
                  #2. accepting 3-3-4 digits enter 3-3-4 digits not accepted
                  Please enter a valid Phone Number
                  #3. Required field empty field "required field" message

                  =====================BUG REPORTS====================
                  #1. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                  #2. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                  #3. "Street Address" field should accept up to 255 characters, no 100 as it accepts now
                  #4. "State" "List box" should contain 50 states, not 49 as it is now
                  #5. "State" "List box" instead of the name of one state there is the word "other"
                  #6. The field "Email" accepts 256 characters, but should accept up to 255
                  #7. "Phone"does not accept the number of digits: 3-3-4 specified in the requirements

                  #1."First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                  -Severity - Minor
                  -Priority -
                  -Short Description - "First name" does not contain the specified number of characters
                  -Steps to Reproduce - "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                  #2."Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                  -Severity - Minor
                  -Priority -
                  -Short Description - "Last Name" does not contain the specified number of characters
                  -Steps to Reproduce - "Last Name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                  #3. "Street Address" field should accept up to 255 characters, no 100 as it accepts now
                  -Severity - Serios
                  -Priority -
                  -Short Description - "Street Address" does not contain the specified number of characters
                  -Steps to Reproduce - "Street Address" field should accept up to 255 characters, no 100 as it accepts now
                  #4. "State" "List box" should contain 50 states, not 49 as it is now
                  -Severity - Serios
                  -Priority -
                  -Short Description - "State" "Listbox" does not include all states
                  -Steps to Reproduce - "State" "List box" should contain 50 states, not 49 as it is now
                  #5. "State" "List box" instead of the name of one state there is the word "other"
                  -Severity - Serios
                  -Priority -
                  -Short Description - "State" "Listbox" contains a foreign word
                  -Steps to Reproduce - "State" "List box" instead of the name of one state there is the word "other"
                  #6. The field"Email" accepts 256 characters, but should accept up to 255
                  -Severity - Suggestion
                  -Priority -
                  -Short Description - The field"Email" takes too many characters
                  -Steps to Reproduce - The field"Email" accepts 256 characters, but should accept up to 255
                  #7. Did not accept the number 3-3-4 specified in the requirements
                  -Severity - Serious
                  -Priority -
                  -Short Description - "Phone"does not accept the number of digits
                  -Steps to Reproduce - does not accept the number of digits: 3-3-4 specified in the requirements-
                  "Please enter a valid Phone Number"


                  • Energy Telecom:

                    First Name:

                    Test Case:

                    #1. Accepts all characters First name=25Misha!@# accepted
                    #2. Max input 31 character accepted
                    #3. Max+1 input 32 character 31 accepted
                    #4. Require field empty field "reqiured field" massage
                    #5. Lower boudary, one character "X" accepted

                    Last Name:

                    Test Case:

                    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                    #1. Accepts all characters Last name=25Misha!@# accepted
                    #2. Max input 31 character accepted
                    #3. Max+1 input 32 character 31 accepted
                    #4. Required field empty field "reqiured field" massage
                    #5. Lower boudary, one character "X" accepted

                    Street Address:

                    Test Case:

                    #1. Accepts all characters Street address=25 Vern, #14 accepted
                    #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
                    #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                    #4. Required field empty field "required field" massage
                    #5. Lower boundary, ???character "???"


                    Test Cases:

                    #1. 5 digits, existing 11106 accepted
                    #2. 6 digits 111067 11106 accepted
                    #3. 4 digits 1106 "enter valid ZIP"error message
                    #4. Required field empty field "required" error message
                    #5. Invalid input-letter 11106 "digits only" message
                    #6. Invalid input - sp. character 1110% "digits only" message
                    #7. Paste 5 digits 11106 accepted
                    #8. Paste 5 letters vernon "digits only" accepted
                    #9. Paste 5 Sp character @#$%^& "digit only" message

                    PHONE NUMBER:

                    Test Case:

                    #1. digits accepted 345 556 5678 accepted
                    #2. Valid format characters 3-3-4 accepted
                    #3. Invalid input 4-4-4 error message
                    #2. Invalid input letters sas sha sash "digits only" error message
                    #3. Invalid input sp characters &*****%$#&*)( error message "digits only"
                    #4. Required field empty field "required" error message
                    #5. Paste digits 345 556 5678 accepted
                    #6. Paste letters sas sha sash "only digits" error message
                    #7. Paste sp characters &*********** "digits only" error message


                    Test Case:

                    #1. letters accepted accepted
                    #2. digits accepted accepted
                    #3. valid some sp characters - @ . - _ accepted
                    #4. max input 255 characters accepted
                    #5. max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                    #4. required fields empty field error message "input required"


                    Test Case:

                    #1. accepts all characters City= New York, #123 accepted
                    #2. required field empty field error message "required"
                    #3. max input 50 characters accepted
                    #4. max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted


                    Test Case:

                    #1.required field empty field accepted
                    #2.max value 50 accepted
                    #3.list box States accepted

                    +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Bug Report+++++++++++++++
                    #1. Please, provide the smallest amount of characters for "Street Address" field
                    #2. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, not 30 as it accepts now
                    #3. "Street Address" filed accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 250 as per requirements
                    #4. "State" list box has invalid value "other"
                    #5. "State" has 49 and not 50 states
                    #6. "Referred by" gives message as "Required field"
                    #7. "Email" replace with special character "@" as required


                    • Street adress:
                      - Text field (текстовое поле)
                      - Accepts all characters (принимает все знаки)
                      - No more than 255 (не более 255 знака)
                      - Required field (обязательное поле)
                      Test cases:
                      ID Purpose Instructions Expected result
                      #1. Accepts all characters Street adress = 25Bulkina#8 accepted
                      #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
                      #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                      #4. Lower boundary, "???" character "???" characters accepted
                      ================================================== ===============================================
                      - Text field (текстовое поле)
                      - Accepts all characters (принимает все знаки)
                      - No more than 50 (не более 50 знаков)
                      - Required field (обязательное поле)
                      Test cases:
                      ID Purpose Instructions Expected result
                      #1. Accepts all characters City = 63Samara?& accepted
                      #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
                      #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                      ================================================== ================================================
                      - List Box offering the list of all 50 states (окно списка, предлагающее список всех 50 штатов)
                      - Required field (обязательное поле)
                      Test cases:
                      ID Purpose Instructions Expected result
                      #1. The presence in the list box of all 50 states recalculate the number of states the number of 50
                      #2. Check the spelling of the states check the spelling of the states all the states are spelled correctly
                      ================================================== =========================================
                      - text field (текстовое поле)
                      - accepts 5 characters (digits only) (принимает 5 знаков (только цифры))
                      - Required field (обязательное поле)
                      Test cases:
                      ID Purpose Instructions Expected result
                      #1. 5 digits, existing input 87963 accepted
                      #2. 4 digist input 796 "enter valid ZIP" message
                      #3. 6 digist input 87963 87963 accepted
                      #4. Invalid input - letter input 8?7963"digits only" message
                      #5. Invalid input - sp. character input 8!963"digits only" message
                      #6. Required field empty field "required field" message
                      #7. Сopy paste 6 digist copy paste 879633 879 accepted
                      ================================================== ==========================================
                      - text field (текстовое поле)
                      - accepts digits, letters, some special characters (принимает цифры, буквы, некоторые специальные знаки)
                      - 255 characters (255 знаков)
                      - Required field (обязательное поле)
                      Test cases
                      ID Purpose Instructions Expected result
                      #1. Accepts all characters email = accepted
                      #2. Invalid input - запрещенные знаки 962.& "enter valid email" message
                      #3. Max input 255 characters accepted
                      #4. Max input + 1 characters 256 characters 255 accepted
                      #5. Lower boundary, "???" character "???" characters accepted
                      #6. Required field empty field "required field" message
                      ================================================== ==================================================
                      - 3 text fields (3 текстовых поля)
                      - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only) (принимающих 3-3-4 символа (только цифры))
                      - Required field (обязательное поле)
                      Test cases:
                      ID Purpose Instructions Expected result
                      #1. Accepts all digits input 888-333-2222 accepted
                      #2. Invalid input - letter first txt fields input 8M8-33-2222 "digits only" message
                      #3. Invalid input - letter second txt fields input 888-33T-2222 "digits only" message
                      #4. Invalid input - letter third txt fields input 888-333-2Q22 "digits only" message
                      #5. Invalid input - sp. character first txt fields input &88-333-2222"digits only" message
                      #6. Invalid input - sp. character second txt fields input 888-33%-2222 "digits only" message
                      #7. Invalid input - sp. character third txt fields input888-333-22^2 "digits only" message
                      #8. 2 digits in first txt fields input 88-333-2222"enter valid phone" message

                      BUG Report:

                      1.The "First name" field should contain 31 characters, not 30 as it is now.
                      2.The "Last name" field should contain 31 characters, not 30, as it is now.
                      3. Please specify the minimum number of characters in the "Street address" field.
                      4. The "Street address" field should contain 255 characters, not 100, as it is now.
                      5. In the list window "State" there are states written incorrectly.
                      6. The "ZIP" field displays more than 5 digits using copy paste, .
                      7. The "ZIP" field displays letters using copy paste.
                      8. The "ZIP" field displays special characters using copy paste.
                      9.The "Email" field accepts those characters that are forbidden to be used in writing an email address.
                      10. The "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters.
                      11. The "Email" field accepts an empty field.
                      12. The "Phone" field displays letters using copy paste.
                      13. The "Phone" field displays special characters using copy paste.


                      • =============BUG REPORTS============================
                        #1. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                        #2. "Last name" field accepts up to 30 characters (31 expected)
                        #3. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
                        #4. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
                        #5. "ZIP" field accept (copy/paste) more than 5 digits, letter and sp.character
                        #6. Change places "State" list box and "City" field
                        #7. Change "City" field on "City" list box with city/town
                        #8. In "State" list box – 49 states, no 50 states
                        #9. States in "State" list box located not alphabetically
                        #10. "State" list box have a superfluous word "Other"
                        #11. "State" list box. Replace "IND" for "IN"
                        #12. "Email" field must contain sp.character "@"


                        • TEST CASES
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result
                          Last Name:
                          #1 Accepts all characters Last Name=234valerii@ accepted accepted pass
                          #2 Max input 31 characters accepted 30 characters fail
                          #3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted accepted pass
                          #4 Required field empty field "Please enter your Last Name" message accepted pass
                          #5 Lower boundary, one character Last Name=v accepted accepted pass
                          #6 Copy max+1 characters 32 characters 31 accepted accepted pass
                          #1 Accepts all characters City=234valerii@ accepted accepted pass
                          #2 Max input 50 characters accepted accepted pass
                          #3 Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted accepted pass
                          #4 Required field empty field "Please enter your City" message accepted pass
                          #5 Lower boundary, one character Last Name=v accepted accepted pass
                          #6 Copy max+1 characters 51 characters 50 accepted accepted pass
                          #1 Select of the states 50 states accepted 49 states fail
                          #2 Required field empty field "Please select your State" message accepted pass
                          #1 Accepts all characters Email=234valerii@ accepted accepted pass
                          #2 Max input 255 characters accepted accepted pass
                          #3 Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted 256 accepted fail
                          #4 Required field empty field "Please enter your Email" message no error messages fail
                          #1 Accepts digits Phone=1234567890 accepted accepted pass
                          #2 Does not accept letters Phone=valeriifa not accepted not accepted pass
                          #3 Does not accept special characters Phone=!!@@##$$% not accepted not accepted pass
                          #4 Does not accept letters copied into the first phone text field Copy to first phone text field sdf" cannot be copied asd accepted fail
                          #5 Does not accept special characters copied into the first phone text field Copy to first phone text field "@#!%" cannot be copied @#! accepted fail
                          #6 Does not accept letters copied into the second phone text field Copy to first phone text field sdf" cannot be copied asd accepted fail
                          #7 Does not accept special characters copied into the second phone text field Copy to first phone text field "@#!%" cannot be copied @#! accepted fail
                          #8 Does not accept letters copied into the third phone text field Copy to first phone text field sdfe" cannot be copied asdf accepted fail
                          #9 Does not accept special characters copied into the third phone text field Copy to first phone text field "@#!%^" cannot be copied @#!% accepted fail
                          ======================BUG REPORTS=======================
                          #1 There are no specific requirements for the data to fill in the Cell Phone Service / Local/Long Distances/International Service / High Speed Internet Service / TV Service / Home Security Service / Digital Phone Service with Video Phone / Gas and Electric Services fields
                          #2 The requirement to collect contact data (house number, apartment number) has not been implemented
                          #3 "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, not 30 as it accepts now
                          #4 "State" field should be offered a choice of 50 states, not 49 as it is now
                          #5 States in the "State"field are not in alphabetical order (ВС). There is no state in the USA with the abbreviation BC
                          #6 The abbreviation for the state of Indiana in the states field is IN and not IND
                          #7 In the "State" field an option is proposed that is not a state (Other)
                          #8 The abbreviation of the state District of Columbia (DC) is missing in the states field
                          #9 The "Email" field should accept no more than 255 characters and not as it is now
                          #10 Empty "Email" field doesn't show error message
                          #11 Copies characters (letters) into the first phone text field, which is against the requirements
                          #12 Copies characters (special characters) into the first phone text field, which is against the requirements
                          #13 Copies characters (letters) into the second phone text field, which is against the requirements
                          #14 Copies characters (special characters) into the second phone text field, which is against the requirements
                          #15 Copies characters (letters) into the third phone text field, which is against the requirements
                          #16 Copies characters (special characters) into the third phone text field, which is against the requirements
                          #17 Change "Best Way To Contact Me:" to "Best Way To Contact me:"
                          #18 In the "Best Way To Contact me:" field, the "Select" option must be removed
                          #19 In the field "Best Way To Contact me:" there is no communication option using the requested address data
                          #18 Lack of a uniform approach in application fields that offer options for selection: "--", "Select", " Select one"
                          #19 In the Cell Phone Service / Local/Long Distances/International Service / High Speed Internet Service / TV Service / Gas and Electric Services application fields present various lists of providers
                          #20 Copies characters (letters, special characters) into the "My monthly bill is approximately:", "Total Bill:", "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):", "My monthly bill is approximately (winter)" fields
                          #21 Lack of a systematic approach in the selection of options in the "Minutes on plan:" field

                          ======================GUI BUG REPORTS =======================
                          #1 The mandatory mark of the email field is blue instead of red
                          #2 In "Contact Information" put "Best Way To Contact me:" on one line


                          • Test cases for the "Contact Information" field.

                            Test ID: Last_name_1 Purpose: Accepts all characters Instructions: Last name = Mur$$-kit4 Expected result: Accepted Bug#:
                            Test ID: Last_name_2 Purpose: Required field Instructions: Empty Expected result: A "Please enter your Last Name" message Bug#:
                            Test ID: Last_name_3 Purpose: Maximum input Instructions: Last name = zzzzzzzzzzxxxxxxxxxxzzzzzzzzzzx Expected result: Accepted Bug#: #14
                            Test ID: Last_name_4 Purpose: Lower boundary Instructions: One character, "N" Expected result: Accepted Bug#:
                            Test ID: Last_name_5 Purpose: Maximum +1 input Instructions: Last name = zzzzzzzzzzxxxxxxxxxxzzzzzzzzzzxx Expected result: Not allowed to type more than 31 characters Bug#:
                            Test ID: Last_name_6 Purpose: Paste maximum +1 input Instructions: Last name paste = zzzzzzzzzzxxxxxxxxxxzzzzzzzzzzxx Expected result: Not allowed to paste more than 31 characters Bug#:

                            Test ID: Street_Address_1 Purpose: Accept all characters Instructions: 36 Main, #2 Expected result: Accepted Bug#:
                            Test ID: Street_Address_2 Purpose: Required field Instructions: Empty field Expected result: A "Please enter your Street Address" message Bug#:
                            Test ID: Street_Address_3 Purpose: Maximum input Instructions: 255 characters Expected result: Accepted Bug#: #17
                            Test ID: Street_Address_4 Purpose: Maximum +1 input Instructions: 256 characters Expected result: Not allowed to type more than 255 characters Bug#:
                            ??Test ID: Street_Address_5 Purpose: Minimal input Instructions: ? characters Expected result: Accepted Bug#: #18
                            Test ID: Street_Address_6 Purpose: Paste maximum +1 input Instructions: Paste 256 characters Expected result: Not allow paste more than 255 characters Bug#:

                            ??Test ID: City_1 Purpose: Accepts all characters Instructions: 76, Seventy-six Expected result: Accepted Bug#: #2
                            Test ID: City_2 Purpose: Required field Instructions: Empty field Expected result: A "Please enter your City" message Bug#:
                            Test ID: City_3 Purpose: Maximum input Instructions: 50 characters Expected result: Accepted Bug#:
                            Test ID: City_4 Purpose: Maximum +1 input Instructions: 51 characters Expected result: Not allowed to type more than 50 characters Bug#:
                            ??Test ID: City_5 Purpose: Minimum input Instructions: ? characters Expected result: Accepted Bug#: #3
                            ??Test ID: City_6 Purpose: Minimum -1 input Instructions: ? characters Expected result: An error message Bug#: #3
                            Test ID: City_7 Purpose: Paste maximum +1 input Instructions: Paste 51 characters Expected result: Not allowed to paste more than 50 characters Bug#:
                            ??Test ID: City_8 Purpose: Accepts only letters Instructions: City = 76 Expected result: An error message Bug#: #2
                            ??Test ID: City_9 Purpose: Accepts only letters Instructions: City = Los-Angeles Expected result: An error message Bug#: #2

                            Test ID: State_1 Purpose: Amount of states in the list box Instructions: 50 states Expected result: Abbreviation for 50 US states. Bug#: #19, #20, #21, #22
                            Test ID: State_2 Purpose: Required field Instructions: Not chosen an abbreviation from the list box Expected result: An "Please select your State" message Bug#:
                            ??Test ID: State_3 Purpose: Sorting order Instructions: States are sorted by alphabet Expected result: Abbreviations are sorted by alphabet order Bug#: #5

                            Test ID: Email_1 Purpose: Required field Instructions: Empty field Expected result: An "Please enter your Email" message Bug#: #23, #24
                            Test ID: Email_2 Purpose: Accept digits, letters, some special characters Instructions: Email = Expected result: Accepted Bug#:
                            Test ID: Email_3 Purpose: Not accept the wrong format of email address Instructions: Email = Expected result: An error message Bug#:37
                            Test ID: Email_4 Purpose: Not accept the wrong format of email address Instructions: Email = Expected result: An error message Bug#:37
                            Test ID: Email_5 Purpose: Maximum input Instructions: 255 characters Expected result: Accepted Bug#: #27
                            Test ID: Email_6 Purpose: Maximum +1 input Instructions: 256 characters Expected result: Not allowed to type more than 255 characters Bug#: #27
                            Test ID: Email_7 Purpose: Paste maximum +1 input Instructions: 256 characters Expected result: Not allowed to paste more than 255 characters Bug#: #28
                            ??Test ID: Email_8 Purpose: Minimum input Instructions: ? characters Expected result: Accepted Bug#: #8
                            ??Test ID: Email_9 Purpose: Minimum -1 input Instructions: ? characters Expected result: An error message Bug#: #8
                            ??Test ID: Email_10 Purpose: Paste minimum input Instructions: ? characters Expected result: Accepted Bug#: #8
                            ??Test ID: Email_11 Purpose: Paste minimum -1 input Instructions: ? characters Expected result: An error message Bug#: #8
                            ??Test ID: Email_12 Purpose: Accept special characters as @ - _ . Instructions: ? special characters Expected result: Accepted Bug#: #6
                            ??Test ID: Email_13 Purpose: An error message, when the user uses special characters that are not allowed for the field Instructions: ? special characters Expected result: An error message Bug#: #6

                            Test ID: Phone_1 Purpose: Required field Instructions: Empty field Expected result: An "Please enter your Phone number" message Bug#:
                            Test ID: Phone_2 Purpose: The field accepts the phone number in format 3-3-4 chars Instructions: Phone = 353-353-3535 Expected result: The format for the phone number is 3-3-4 chars. The phone number was accepted. Bug#:
                            Test ID: Phone_3 Purpose: An error message, if the phone number is shorter than 10 chars Instructions: Phone = 353-353-353 Expected result: An "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message Bug#:
                            Test ID: Phone_4 Purpose: The field accepts only 10 chars Instructions: Phone= 353-353-35353 Expected result: The field does not allow to type more than 10 chars Bug#:
                            Test ID: Phone_5 Purpose: The field accepts to paste 10 chars Instructions: Phone= paste 353-353-3535 Expected result: Accept Bug#:
                            Test ID: Phone_6 Purpose: The field accepts pasting no more than 10 chars Instructions: Phone= paste 353-353-35353 Expected result: The field does not allow to paste more than 10 chars Bug#:
                            Test ID: Phone_7 Purpose: The field doesn't accept letters Instructions: Phone= 353-3O3-3535 Expected result: Not accepted Bug#:
                            Test ID: Phone_8 Purpose: The field doesn't accept special characters Instructions: Phone= 353-3?3-3535 Expected result: Not accepted Bug#:
                            Test ID: Phone_9 Purpose: The field does not allow to paste special characters Instructions: Phone= paste 353-3?3-3535 Expected result: Not accepted Bug#: #29
                            Test ID: Phone_10 Purpose: The field does not allow to paste letters Instructions: Phone= paste 353-3O3-3535 Expected result: Not accepted Bug#: #30

                            Last edited by mileelen; 04-14-2022, 10:42 AM.


                            • Bug reports
                              #1 Consider specifying in requirements error messages for required fields.
                              #2 Consider to change a requirement for the field "City" from "accepts all characters" to "accepts only letters", as no cities in the US have special characters in their name; and a few cities that have a numbers in their name, are written by words instead of numbers.
                              #3 Consider specifying in requirements the minimal amount of characters for the field "City".
                              #4 Consider specifying in requirements, that if the user will try to type/paste more characters than allows requirement, the field won't allow it to do them by typing/pasting only the max number for the field.
                              #5 Consider adding a requirement to sort states in the list box "State" by alphabet order.
                              #6 Consider specifying in requirements what special characters should be accepted in the "Email" field. For example, accept only special characters such as @ - _ .
                              #7 Consider specifying an error message for the field "Email", when the user tries to type special characters that are not acceptable.
                              #8 Consider specifying in requirements the minimum amount of characters for the field "Email".
                              #9 In requirements not specified the field "Referred by" as a required one, but while submitting the form gives an error message "Please enter the name of the person you were referred by".
                              #10 Consider specifying in requirements an additional error message for wrong input format for certain fields, as not allowing special characters, digits, or letters.
                              #11 Add a comma after the word "Please" in the second row from the top.
                              #12 Add commas after the word "Please" in all error messages.
                              #13 Consider changing the requirement for the field "Last Name" from "accepts all characters" to accepts only letters and special characters as...
                              #14 The field "Last name " accepts to type maximum 30 characters, instead of 31.
                              #15 The button "Clear" doesn't work properly. Gives the message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
                              #16 Inconsistency between the "Refresh the page" button in the browser and the form.
                              Steps to reproduce:
                              1. Enter any data in any required field and "Submit" the form.
                              2. "Refresh the page" in the browser.
                              3. A "На странице, которую вы ищете, использовалась введенная вами информация. При возврате на эту страницу может потребоваться повторить выполненные ранее действия. Продолжить?" message will appear. Push the button "Продолжить".
                              4. The form won't be refreshed. All input data and error messages will remain in the form.
                              #17 The field "Street Address" allows to type no more than 100 characters, instead of maximum 255 characters as is specified in the requirements.
                              #18 Consider specifying in requirements the minimal amount of characters for the field "Street Address".
                              #19 The list box "State" contains abbreviations only for 49 states, instead of 50 + one "Other".
                              #20 The list box "State" contains an abbreviation "BC" that isn't an abbreviation for any State in the US.
                              #21 The list box "State" doesn't contain the abbreviation "NV" for the State Nevada.
                              #22 The list box "State" doesn't contain the abbreviation "HI" for the State Hawaii.
                              #23 Although in requirements is specified that the field "Email" is required, there is no error message if submit the form with an empty "Email" field.
                              #24 After submitting a required empty "Email" field, the asterisk that belongs to that field doesn't change its color to the red one.
                              #25 Consider to specify in requirements color for asterisks in required fields at:
                              - a red asterisk - for the field that is not fulfilled or contains mistakes
                              - a blue asterisk - for the field that is fulfilled correctly.
                              #26 Consider limiting in requirements the number of characters for the field "Email" to reasonable one.
                              #27 The "Email" field allows typing more than 255 characters.
                              #28 The "Email" field allows to paste more than 255 characters.
                              #29 The "Phone" field allows to paste special characters in, but shows a "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message after submitting the form.
                              #30 The "Phone" field allows to paste letters in, but shows a "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message after submitting the form.
                              #31 In the "Email" fields consider to change automatically an input focus after reaching the allowed maximum number of digits for the field. For example, after typing 3 digits in the first field, an input focus automatically goes to the second field, and so on.
                              #32 Consider specifying in the requirements the message after successfully submitting the form on "Thank you for your participation!", if it's an intended message.
                              #33 Consider specifying in the requirements the correct action of the form, after successfully submitting it, and then pushing the button "Go back" in the browser. The actual action of the form is to go back to the form, as it was fulfilled before the submission.
                              #34 Consider specifying in the requirements and add the button "Go back to web/form" to the "Thank you for your participation!" message, after successfully submitting the form.
                              #35 Consider specifying in the requirements action for the button "Clear".
                              #36 Consider specifying in the requirements the correct format for the email address, like - the user name, the "at symbol" (@), and the domain.
                              #37 The field "Email" accepts the wrong format of email address, without an error message.
                              Last edited by mileelen; 04-14-2022, 10:44 AM.


                              • City:
                                - text field
                                - accepts all characters
                                - No more than 50
                                - Required field.

                                Test Cases:
                                ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
                                #1. Accepts all characters Stavropol485!$@! accepted
                                #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
                                #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                                #4. Paste max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                                #5. Lower boundary, one character "T" accepted
                                #6. Required field empty field "Please enter your City" message

                                Bug reports:
                                #1. need information about lower boundary "City" field

                                ================================================== ====================================

                                - List Box offering the list of all 50 states
                                - Required field.

                                Test Cases:
                                ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
                                #1. Input valid the of state "CA" accepted
                                #2. Required field empty field "Please select your State"
                                #3. Check the number of states Check the number of states Should be 50 states

                                Bug reports:
                                #1. Number of states less than 50
                                #2. Need delete String "Other"

                                ================================================== =====================================

                                - text field
                                - accepts digits
                                - letters
                                - some special characters
                                - 255 characters
                                - Required field

                                Test Cases:
                                ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
                                #1. Input email with digits,
                                letters and special characters accepted
                                #2. Input email only digits accepted
                                #3. Input email only letters accepted
                                #4. Input email only special characters !#$%^ accepted
                                #5. Max input 255 characters accepted
                                #6. Max+1 input 256 characters 50 accepted
                                #7. One character accepted
                                #8. Required field empty field "Please enter your Emale" message

                                Bug reports:
                                #1. Field "Emale" don't required
                                #2. Which special characters less may use
                                #3. Need information about lower boundary "Emale" field

                                ================================================== ================================================== ==========

                                - 3 text fields
                                - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
                                - Required field

                                Test Case:
                                ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
                                #1. Input valid digits 265-556-7124 accepted
                                #2. Copy digits 265-556-71225 accepted 265-556-7122
                                #3. Required field empty field "Please enter your Phone number" message
                                #4. Input letter ert-wer-rrew accept only digits
                                #5. Input special characters !@#-$%^-&*() accept only digits

