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Energy-Telecom test cases and bug reports

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  • REQUIREMENTS First Name:
    - text field
    - accepts all characters
    - No more than 31
    - Required field

    Test cases:
    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
    #1. Accepts all characters First name = 25Gena!@#$ accepted
    #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
    #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
    #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
    #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted

    - text field
    - accepts all characters
    - No more than 31
    - Required field

    Test cases:
    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
    #1. Accepts all characters Last name = 25Chern!@#$ accepted
    #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
    #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
    #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
    #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted

    REQUIREMENTS Street Address:
    - text field
    - accepts all characters
    - No more than 255
    - Required field

    Test cases:
    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
    #1. Accepts all characters First name = 123Street#36 accepted
    #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
    #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
    #4. Required field empty field "requred field" message
    ???#5. Lower boundary, ??? character "?????" accepted

    - text field
    - accepts all characters
    - No more than 50
    - Required field

    Test cases:
    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
    #1. Accepts all characters First name = 123Sity#45 accepted
    #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
    #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
    #4. Required field empty field "requred field" message
    ???#5. Lower boundary, ??? character "?????" accepted

    ???REQUIREMENTS State:
    - List Box offering the list of all 50 states.
    - Required field

    Test cases:
    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
    #1. Accepts all characters First name = 123Street#36 accepted
    #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
    #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
    #4. Required field empty field "requred field" message
    ???#5. Lower boundary, ??? character "?????" accepted

    - text field
    - accepts 5 characters
    - digits only
    - Required field
    - Existing

    Test cases:
    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
    #1. 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted
    #2. 5 digits, non-existing ZIP 00000 "enter valid ZIP" message
    #3. 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted
    #4. 4 digits 9408 "enter valid ZIP" message
    #5. Required field empty field "enter your ZIP" message
    #6. Invalid input - letter 94O85 "enter valid ZIP" message
    #7. Invalid input - sp. character 9408% "enter valid ZIP" message
    #8. +++ Paste 6 digits/Letter/Sp.Character 940851 94085 accepted
    #8. +++ PasteInvalid input - letter 94O85 "enter valid ZIP" message
    #10. +++ PasteInvalid input - sp. character 9408% "enter valid ZIP" message

    - text field
    - accepts digits, letters, some special characters.
    - No more than 255
    - Required field

    Test cases:
    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
    #1. Accepts email Email = accepted
    #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
    #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
    #4. Required field empty field "requred field" message
    #5. Accepts email without "@" "requred email" error message
    ???#6. Lower boundary, ??? character "?????" accepted

    - text field
    - ccepting 3-3-4 chars
    - digits only
    - Required field
    - Existing

    Test cases:
    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
    #1. 3-3-4 digits, existing 650-307-1070 accepted
    #2. 3-3-5 digits 650-307-10701 650-307-1070 accepted
    #3. 3-3-3 digits 650-307-107 "enter valid Phone number" message
    #4. Required field empty field "required" error message
    #5. Invalid input - letter 650-307-107O "digits only" message
    #6. Invalid input - sp. character 650-307-107% "digits only" message
    #7. +++ Paste 6 digits/Letter/Sp.Character 650-307-10701 650-307-1070 accepted
    #8. +++ PasteInvalid input - letter 650-307-107O "digits only" message
    #9. +++ PasteInvalid input - sp. character 650-307-107% "digits only" message

    =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
    #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field main
    #2. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now main
    #3. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements serious
    #4. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, not 30 as it accepts now. main
    #5. Suggestion: "First name" field should not accept digits and sp. character. main
    #6. Suggestion: "Last name" field should not accept digits and sp. character. main
    #7. Suggestion: Please, calculate "State" field and "Sity" field by ZIP main
    #8. "ZIP" field accepts non-existing ZIP (00000) without error message serious
    #9. "ZIP" field allows to invalid input - letter, but not accept minor
    #10. "ZIP" field allows to paste more than 5 digits, but not accept minor
    #11. "ZIP" field allows to paste invalid input - letter, but not accept minor
    #12. "ZIP" field allows to paste invalid input - sp. character, but not accept minor
    #13. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Sity" field main
    #14. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Email" field main
    #15. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters. minor
    #16. No "requred field" error message if the "Email" field is empty serious
    #17. "Email" field accepts invalid input - email without "@" serious
    #18. "Phone" field allows to paste invalid input - letter, but not accept minor
    #19. "Phone" field allows to paste invalid input - sp. character, but not accept minor
    #20. "Clear" button click, it fields does not clear and gives the error "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer!!!" serious


    • 7. Email:
      - text field,
      - accepts digits, letters, some special characters.
      - 255 characters
      - Required field
      Здесь сразу надо уточнять по требованиям:
      *про 255 символов (1. по здравому смыслу - ДО 255, 2.зачем так много? но бог с ним. Куда важнее установить нижнюю границу - типа No less than 10)
      *под "some" подразумевается "." и "@" или что-то ещё?
      * "." и "@"по-хорошему должны быть Required sp.character
      Сначала получить разъяснения по требованиям. Если отталкиваться от здравого смысла, а не от требований, то:
      ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail P/N
      1 accepts all characters accepted accepted Pass HP=P
      2 Required (for example @) "enter valid Email" message accepted Fail (BR 7.1)
      3 Required field Empty field "Required field" message accepted Fail (BR 7.2)
      4 Min input (for example 10) accepted accepted Pass (BR 7.4)
      5 Min-1 input "enter valid Email" message accepted Pass (BR 7.4)
      6??? copy/paste не тестирую, так как большие вопросы к требованиям
      7.1 "@" should be required characters in "Email" field
      7.2 "Email" field should be required as per requirements
      7.3 Suggestion - add the requirements - "." и "@ should be required characters
      7.4 Suggestion - add the requirements - please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Email" field accepts (for example, no less than 10 characters)


      • 4. City:
        - text field
        - accepts all characters
        - No more than 50
        - Required field
        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail P/N
        1 accepts all characters Saint-Petersburg2 accepted accepted Pass HP=P
        2 Max input 50 characters accepted accepted Pass
        3 Max+1 input 51 characters accepted only 50 accepted only 50 Pass
        4 Max+1 input, paste paste 51 ch-r accepted only 50 accepted only 50 Pass
        5 Required field Empty field "Required field" message "Required field" message Pass
        6 Lower boundary, 1 character "H" accepded accepded Pass
        BUG REPORT:
        4.1 Suggestion - некритично установить ниж границу (может тоже есть город из одной буквы), или сверка с почт серевером на предмет существования такого города или подгрузить выпадающий список (2 и 3 - трудоемко, в требованиях нет, стоит ли лезьть?)


        • 3. Street Address:
          - text field
          - accepts all characters
          - No more than 255
          - Required field
          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail P/N
          1 accepts all characters 123 Main Street, #14 accepted accepted Pass HP=P
          2 Max input 255 characters accepted accepted only 100 Fail (see BR 3.1) P
          3 Max+1 input 256 characters accepted only 255 accepted only 100 Fail (see BR 3.1) P
          4 Max+1 input, paste paste 256 ch-r accepted only 255 accepted only 100 Fail (see BR 3.1) P
          5 Required field Empty field "Required field" message "Required field" message Pass P
          BUG REPORTS:
          3.1 (у Михаила) "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
          3.2 (у Михаила) Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
          3.3 Suggestion - Tо separete "Street Address" field for several required fields (for example - Street, house number, apartment number)


          • In addition to the class work

            Last Name:

            - text field
            - accepts all characters
            - no more than 31
            - required field

            Test cases:
            ID: Purpose Instruction Expected result
            #1 accepts all characters Last name=Smirnov2@,? accepted
            #2 Max input 31 character accepted
            #3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
            #4 Required field empty field "required field" message
            #5 Lower boundary "S" accepted

            - text field
            - accepts 5 characters
            - digits only
            - Required field
            - Existing

            Test Cases:
            ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
            #1. 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted
            #2. 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted
            #3. 4 digits 9408 "enter valid ZIP" message
            #4. Required field empty field "required" error message
            #5. Invalid input - letter 94O85 not accepted
            #6. Invalid input - sp. character 9408% not accepted
            #7. Paste 6 digits 940856 94085 accepted
            #8. Paste 6 letters asdfrt not accepted
            #9. Paste 6 sp.characters @#$!%& not accepted

            - text field
            - accepts all characters
            - no more than 50
            - required field

            Test Cases:
            ID Pu-prose Instruction Expected result
            #1. digits, letters, sp.characters omsk12&^ accepted
            #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
            #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 characters accepted
            #4. Required field empty field "required" error message
            #5. Paste Max+1 input 51 characters 50 characters accepted

            - list Box offering the list of all 50 states
            - required field

            Test Cases:
            ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
            #1. list box offers 50 states look through the list all states are listed
            #2. required field empty field "required" error message

            - text field
            - accepts digits, letters, some special characters
            - 255 characters
            - required field.

            Test cases:
            ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
            #1. Digits, letters belka123 accepted
            #2. Some special characters @ . – _ accepted
            #3. Max input 255 characters accepted
            #4. Max input +1 256 characters 255 accepted
            #5. Required field empty field "required" error message

            # Any other special characters??
            # Up to 255 characters?

            - 3 text fields,
            - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
            - required field.

            Test cases:
            ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
            #1. digits only 123-123-1234 accepted
            #2. Max+1 input in all chars 1234-1234-12345 123-123-1234 accepted
            #3. Invalid input, letters 12a-12b-123c not accepted
            #4. Invalid input, sp. characters 12@-12&-123% not accepted
            #5. required field empty field "required" error message

            =========================BUG REPORTS=========================================== =========

            #1. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, not 30 as it accepts now
            #2. "ZIP Code" field accepts more than 5 pasted digits, instead of required 5
            #3. "ZIP Code" field accepts more than 5 pasted letters, instead of not accepting at all
            #4. "ZIP Code" field accepts more than 5 pasted special characters, instead of not accepting at all
            #5. "City" field accepts non-English characters
            #6. "State" list box shows 49 states instead of 50 and includes "Other" which is accepted if chosen
            #7. "State" list box shows "BC", which does not exist.
            #8. "State" list box shows "IND" State, but its common postal abbreviation is "IN".
            #9. There are no "HI" (Hawaii) and "NV" (Nevada) states in the "State" list box.
            #10. If "IND" is chosen in the "State" list box and submitted, the field goes to default value "--"
            #11. Empty"e-mail" field is accepted.
            #12. The asterisk of the "E-mail" field does not change from blue to red when the field is empty
            #13. The address in the "E-mail" field is accepted without the necessary character "@"
            #14. Special character "_" is not accepted in the "E-mail" field from the keyboard, but is accepted if pasted
            #15. "E-mail" field accepts more than 255 characters
            #16. "Phone" field takes pasted letters and special characters, though they are not accepted when submitted
            #17. "Referred by" is not a required field but the form keeps demanding it if the field stays empty.


            • 8. Phone:
              - 3 text fields,
              - accepting 3-3-4 chars
              - digits only
              - Required field
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail P/N
              1 3-3-4 digits, existing? 123-456-7890 accepted "enter valid Phone" message Fail (BR 8.1) Happy Path fail
              !!! не пройден Happy Path, дальше можно не делать.На заготовочка есть)
              2 invalid input, letter 123-456-789О "Digits only" message
              3 invalid input, 123-456-789@ "Digits only" message
              4 3-3-4 digits, non-existing 000-000-0000 "enter valid Phone" message
              5 Required field Empty field "Required field" message
              6 invalid input, 10-1=9 123-456-789 "enter valid Phone" message
              7 invalid input,10+1=11 11234567890 accepted only 10 (1123456789)
              8 copy/paste
              BUG REPORTS:
              8.1 "Phone" field is not accepted 123-456-789О (format 3-3-4 digits only) as per requirements
              8.2 Suggestion - проверить! возможно, нужно каждое их 3х полей сделать обязательным


              • ZIP:
                - text field
                - accepts 5 characters
                - digits only
                - Required field
                - Existing

                Test Cases:
                #7. Paste 6 digits paste 234567 23456 accepted fail
                #8. Paste 5 characters with letter paste 23x56 "enter a valid ZIP Code" message pass
                #9. Paste 5 characters with sp.character paste 23$56 "enter a valid ZIP Code" message pass

                - text field
                - accepts all characters
                - No more than 50
                - Required field

                #1. Accepts all characters New-York$11 accepted pass
                #2. Max characters input 50 characters accepted pass
                #3. Max+1 characters input 51 characters 50 accepted pass
                #4. Required field empty field "required" error message pass
                #5. Paste Max+1 characters paste 51 characters 50 accepted pass

                - List Box offering the list of all 50 states
                - Required field

                #1. All 50 states check list box for all 50 states offers all 50 states fail
                #2. Required field empty field "required" error msg pass

                - text field
                - accepts digits, letters, some special characters
                - 255 characters
                - Required field

                #1. Accepts digits 1234567890 accepted pass
                #2. Accepts letters Qwerty accepted pass
                #3. Accepts sp.characters !@#$%^&*()_+-=<>?/|\ accepted fail
                #4. Max characters input 255 characters accepted pass
                #5. Max+1 characters input 256 characters 255 accepted fail
                #6. Required field empty field "required" error message fail

                - 3 text fields
                - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
                - Required field

                #1. 3-3-4 digits 258-369-0147 accepted pass
                #2. 4-3-4 digits 2580-369-0147 258-369-0147 accepted pass
                #3. 3-4-4 digits 258-3690-0147 258-369-0147 accepted pass
                #4. 3-3-5 digits 258-369-01470 258-369-0147 accepted pass
                #5. 2-3-4 digits 25-369-0147 "enter a valid Phone Number" msg pass
                #6. 3-2-4 digits 258-36-0147 "enter a valid Phone Number" msg pass
                #7. 3-3-3 digits 258-369-014 "enter a valid Phone Number" msg pass
                #8. 3-3-4 letters asd-qwe-zxcv not accepted all letters pass
                #9. 3-3-4 sp.characters !@#-$%^-&*() not accepted all sp.characters pass
                #10. Paste 4-3-4 digits paste 2580-369-0147 258-369-0147 accepted pass
                #11. Paste 3-4-4 digits paste 258-3690-0147 258-369-0147 accepted pass
                #12. Paste 3-3-5 digits paste 258-369-01470 258-369-0147 accepted pass
                #13. Paste letter to 1st field paste a58-369-0147 "enter a valid Phone Number" msg pass
                #14. Paste letter to 2nd field paste 258-b69-0147 "enter a valid Phone Number" msg pass
                #15. Paste letter to 3th field paste 258-369-c147 "enter a valid Phone Number" msg pass
                #16. Paste to 1st field paste @58-369-0147 "enter a valid Phone Number" msg pass
                #17. Paste to 2nd field paste 258-#69-0147 "enter a valid Phone Number" msg pass
                #18. Paste to 3th field paste 258-369-$147 "enter a valid Phone Number" msg pass
                #19. Required field empty field "required" error message pass

                =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
                #1. Requirements do not contain a minimum number of characters in the "City" field
                #2. "ZIP" field must not accept paste 6 and more character
                #3. "State" field offers the list of 49 states, should offer the list of all 50 states
                #4. "Email" field doesn't allow type "_" character
                #5. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters, but shouldn't
                #6. "Email" field does not give an "required" error message when the field is empty


                • ZIP:
                  - text field
                  - accepts 5 characters
                  - digits only
                  - Required field
                  - Existing

                  Test Cases:
                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                  #7. Paste 6 digits "940851" 94085 accepted
                  #8. Paste 6 letter "94O851" "digits only" message
                  #9. Paste 6 Sp.Character "9408%!" "digits only" message

                  - text field
                  - accepts all characters. No more than 50.
                  - Required field.

                  Test Cases:
                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                  #1. Accepts all characters City = Karaganda09%@# accepted
                  #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
                  #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                  #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                  #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted

                  - List Box offering the list of all 50 states.
                  - Required field.

                  Test Cases:
                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                  #1. required field empty field "required field" message
                  #2. Choice one state in the list box one of the proposed in the list box accepted

                  - text field
                  - accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters.
                  - Required field.

                  Test Cases:
                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                  #1. required field empty field "required field" message
                  #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
                  #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted

                  - 3 text fields
                  - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
                  - Required field.

                  Test Cases:
                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                  #1. required field empty field "required field" message
                  #2. input 3-3-4 chars (digits only) 1231231234 accepted
                  #3. input 3-3-3 chars (digits only) 123123123 "required field" message
                  #4. Paste 3-3-4 chars letter/sp.character l23!2z@AS "required field" message
                  #5. Paste 3-3-4 chars (digits only) 1231231234 accepted

                  =====================================BUG REPORTS============================

                  #4. "State" in drop down list box state name "Other"
                  #5. "State" in drop down list box not all state name.
                  #6. "State" when choosing state name "Other" no additional input field
                  #7. "Email" when clicking the mouse on this field, there is no hint which special characters cannot be entered
                  #8. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters
                  #9. "Phone" field can input letter/sp.character when paste
                  #10. In the column "Cell Phone Service" about the provider we can choose two conflicting answers.
                  #11. In the column "Cell Phone Service" lable "My monthly bill is approximately:" field can input letter/sp.characters
                  #12. In the column "Cell Phone Service" lable "Months left on current contract:" in the drop down list box no choice 11 and 12 months
                  #13. In the column "Cell Phone Service" lable "Months left on current contract:" in field cannot be entered manually numbers
                  #14. In the column "Local/Long Distances/International Service" lable "Total Bill:" field can input letter/sp.characters
                  #15. In the column "Local/Long Distances/International Service" lable "My monthly bill is approximately:" field can input letter/sp.characters
                  #16. In the column "High Speed Internet Service" lable "My monthly bill is approximately:" field can input letter/sp.characters
                  #17. In the column "TV Service" lable "My monthly bill is approximately:" field can input letter/sp.characters
                  #18. In the column "Home Security Service" lable "My monthly bill is approximately:" field can input letter/sp.characters
                  #19. In the column "Gas and Electric Services" lable "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" field can input letter/sp.characters
                  #20. In the column "Gas and Electric Services" lable "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" field can input letter/sp.characters


                  • =====Energy-Telecom Service Project======

                    First Name:
                    -text field,
                    -accepts all characters.
                    -No more than 31.
                    -Required field.
                    Last Name:
                    -text field,
                    -accepts all characters.
                    -No more than 31.
                    -Required field.
                    Street Address:
                    -text field,
                    -accepts all characters.
                    -No more than 255.
                    -Required field.
                    -text field,
                    -accepts all characters.
                    -No more than 50.
                    -Required field.
                    -List Box offering the list of all 50 states.
                    -Required field.
                    -text field,
                    -accepts 5 characters (digits only).
                    -Required field.
                    -text field,
                    -accepts digits, letters, some special characters.
                    -255 characters.
                    -Required field.
                    -3 text fields,
                    -accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only).
                    -Required field.

                    ----Test cases----

                    *First Name, Last Name, Address and ZIP were tested in class

                    #ID Purpose Instructions Expected results
                    1 Accept all chars Los-Angeles#2 accepted
                    2 max input 50 chars accepted
                    3 max+1 input 51 chars accepted only 50 chars
                    4 Required field empty field error message/rejected
                    5 lower bound ??? ???
                    6 max+1 paste paste 51 chars accepted only 50 chars

                    #ID Purpose Instructions Expected results
                    1 list of all 50 states verify theare are 50 states
                    2 contains only states verify theare are only states
                    3 Required field accept form with default value error message/rejected

                    #ID Purpose Instructions Expected results
                    1 accept digits, letters, some special characters ??? ???
                    2 max input 255 chars accepted
                    3 max+1 input 256 chars accepted only 255 chars
                    4 max+1 paste paste 256 chars accepted only 255 chars
                    5 Required field empty field error message/rejected
                    #ID purpose instructions expected results
                    1 1st field accept 3 chars (digits only) <123> 123 1234 accepted
                    2 1st field max+1 input <1234> 123 1234 accepted only 3 chars
                    3 1st field max-1 input <12> 123 1234 error message/rejected
                    4 1st field letters input abc no input
                    5 1st field spec. chars input @#$ no input
                    6 1st field letters paste paste abc no paste
                    7 1st field spec. chars paste paste @#$ no paste
                    8 Required 1st field empty only 1st field error message/rejected
                    9 2st field accept 3 chars (digits only) 123 <123> 1234 accepted
                    10 2st field max+1 input 123 <1234> 1234 accepted only 3 chars
                    11 2st field max-1 input 123 <12> 1234 error message/rejected
                    12 2st field letters input abc no input
                    13 2st field spec. chars input @#$ no input
                    14 2st field letters paste paste abc no paste
                    15 2st field spec. chars paste paste @#$ no paste
                    16 Required 2st field empty only 2st field error message/rejected
                    17 3st field accept 3 chars (digits only) 123 123 <1234> accepted
                    18 3st field max+1 input 123 123 <12345> accepted only 4 chars
                    19 3st field max-1 input 123 123 <123> error message/rejected
                    20 3st field letters input abc no input
                    21 3st field spec. chars input @#$ no input
                    22 3st field letters paste paste abc no paste
                    23 3st field spec. chars paste paste @#$ no paste
                    24 Required 3st field empty only 3st field error message/rejected

                    ----Bag report----
                    #1 Theare is should be minimum chars for field "City". Please provide it
                    #2 Missing value. List Box "State" contains only 49 states, must be 50
                    #3 Mismatch. List Box "State" contains contains value "Other", must contain states
                    #4 Field "Email" can accepts some specialchars, Please provide list of acceptable special chars
                    #5 Suggestion. Field "Email" should contain valid Email address like "name@domain"
                    #6 Incorrect "Email" text box size, it can be more then 255
                    #7 No error for empty "Email" value, must be Required field
                    #8 Error "Please enter a valid Phone Number" for correct data in all 3 fields of "Phone"
                    #9 Theare is posability to paste letters and special chars to all of 3 text fields of field "Phone", must be only digits


                    • Last Name:
                      - text field
                      - accepts all characters
                      - No more than 31
                      - Required field
                      ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                      #1. Accepts all characters Last name = Step83#&21 accepted
                      #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
                      #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
                      #4. Required field empty field error message
                      #5. Lower boundary, one character “X” accepted

                      -text field
                      - accepts all characters
                      - No more than 50
                      - Required field
                      ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                      #1 Accepts all characters City name = Sacramento25$% accepted
                      #2 Max input 50 characters accepted
                      #3 Max+1 input 51 characters 50 characters
                      #4. Required field empty field error message
                      #5. Lower boundary, one character “X” accepted
                      -List Box offering the list of all 50 states
                      -Required field
                      ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                      #1 Accepts any state from the list chose NY accepted
                      #2 Required field empty field error message
                      -text field
                      -accepts digits, letters, some special characters
                      -255 characters
                      - Required field
                      ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                      #1. Accepts all characters Email = accepted
                      #2 Accepts all characters Email = error message
                      #3 Max input 255 characters accepted
                      #4 Max+1 input 256 characters 255 characters
                      #5 Required field empty field error message
                      -3 text fields
                      - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
                      - Required field
                      ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                      #1 accepts 3-3-4 digits 650 307 1070 accepted
                      #2 accepts 4-4-5 digits 6501 371 10701 650 307 1070
                      #3 accepts 2-2-3 digits 65 30 107 error message
                      #4 Invalid input – letter 65o 3o7 1o70 65 37 170
                      #5 Required field empty field error message

                      =====================================BUG REPORTS===========================
                      “Last Name” field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                      “State” list box offering the list of 49 states , instead of 50 states as per requirements.
                      “State” еhe list window suggests a non-existing state “BC”
                      “State” list window, two states are missing (HI- Hawaii) and (NV- Nevada)
                      “State” list window, incorrect abbreviation of the state name (“IND”- Indiana) must be (IN- Indiana)
                      “Email” if the field is empty, there is no error message, although it is mandatory to fill in
                      “Email” the field accepts more than 255 characters which does not meet the requirements
                      “Phone” fields at use copy/past accept letters and special characters
                      Suggestions "Phone" when filling in the field, the cursor automatically switches to the following


                      • 1. В поле ZIP можно писать буквы
                        2. В поле Email нет проверки регулярного выражения, что содержится @ слева от точки
                        3. В поле Phone можно вставить буквы через copy/past.


                        • Phone:
                          3 text fields,
                          accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only).
                          Required field.

                          Test case:
                          ID Title Instraction Expected result
                          1. valid phone number input 650-759-9755 accepted
                          2. invalid phone number input 65O-759-9755 error massage "Please enter a valid Phone number"
                          3. required field input nothing error massage "Please enter a valid Phone number"
                          4. 3 text field input 650-759 error massage @Please enter your Phone number"


                          text field,
                          accepts all characters.
                          No more than 50.
                          Required field.

                          В требования необходимо внести дополнения: что для названий городов допустимы только буквы, не цифры и специальные знаки.
                          Также необходимо дополнить требования необходимостью взаимодействия с некой базой данных, с которой вводимые города будут связываться.
                          Название города должно содержать не меньше или равно 3-5 (?????) буквам.

                          Test cases:
                          ID Title Instraction Expected result

                          1. accept all caracters input New-York23 accepted
                          2. no input caracters/
                          required fields input nothing error massage "Please enter your City"
                          3. type 49 caracters input Jhdjhxdvkjzdhvklzjdvhzkdgjvzkljgzkdlzkdjvzlkd;vjz accepted
                          4. type 50 caracters input Jhdjhxdvkjzdhvklzjdvhzkdgjvzkljgzkdlzkdjvzlkd;vjzb accepted
                          5. type 51 caracters input Jhdjhxdvkjzdhvklzjdvhzkdgjvzkljgzkdlzkdjvzlkd;vjzb g error massage "Only 50 caracters acceptable"


                          List Box offering the list of all 50 states.
                          Required field.

                          Test case
                          ID Title Instraction Expected result
                          1. required fields inpur nothing error massage "Please enter your State"
                          2. Check, that list box included 50 states
                          3. Check, are all states

                          Bug report
                          1. Названия штатов представлены не в алфавитном порядке/States is not in alfabatical order
                          2. Поле Other лучше переместить в конец списка / "Other" better move down the list
                          3. Is "Other" acceptable?
                          3. Отсутствует возможность введения текста в ручную и автоподбора подходящего варианта.
                          4. Штат IND (INDIANA) состоит из 3 букв, вместо 2


                          text field,
                          accepts digits, letters, some special characters.
                          255 characters.
                          Required field.
                          В требованиях необходимо указать минимальное количество символов, например не менее 3-5

                          Test case
                          ID Title Instraction Expected result
                          1. accept all caracters input horosho_vse2009! accepted
                          2. type 254 caracters accepted
                          3. type 255 caracters accepted
                          4. type 256 caracters error massage "Only 255 caracters acceptable"
                          5. required fields input nothing error massage "Please enter your E-mail"


                          • "Energy-Telecom Service Review" Test cases

                            First Name test cases

                            ID Title Instruction Expected result
                            1. Accepts all characters First name=Maria123# % accepted
                            2. Max input 31 characters Type 31 characters accepted
                            3. Max input 31+1 Type 32 characters accepted 31 characters
                            4. Required field Empty field "required field" message
                            5. Lower input boundary Type 1 character accepted

                            Last Name test cases

                            ID Title Instruction Expected result
                            1. Accepts all characters Last name=Basek123# % accepted
                            2. Max input 31 characters Type 31 characters accepted
                            3. Max input 31+1 Type 32 characters accepted 31 characters
                            4. Required field Empty field "required field" message
                            5. Lower input boundary Type 1 character accepted

                            Street Address test cases

                            ID Title Instruction Expected result
                            1. Accepts all characters Street adress=Main Str.123 accepted
                            2. Max input 255 characters Type 255 characters accepted
                            3. Max input 255+1 Type 256 characters accepted 250 characters
                            4. Required field Empty field "required field" message
                            5. Lower input boundary Type 1 character accepted

                            City test cases

                            ID Title Instruction Expected result
                            1. Accepts all characters City=Saint-Petersburg 123! accepted
                            2. Max input 50 characters Type 50 characters accepted
                            3. Max input 50+1 Type 51 characters accepted 50 characters
                            4. Required field Empty field "required field" message
                            5. Lower input boundary Type 1 character accepted

                            State: List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.

                            ID Title Instruction Expected result
                            1. Listbox of 50 states Press drop-down button of the list List of 50 states is shown
                            2. Required field Empty field "required field" message
                            3. 1 state choose Choose ME accepted

                            ZIP test cases

                            ID Title Instruction Expected result
                            1. Accepts digits ZIP=12345 accepted
                            2. Accepts only digits ZIP=1234t accepted 1234
                            3. Max input 5 characters Type 5 characters accepted
                            4. Max input 6 Type 6 characters accepted 5 characters
                            5. Required field Empty field "required field" message
                            6. Lower input boundary Type 4 character "invalid zip code" message
                            7. Paste max input characters Paste 5 characters accepted
                            8. Paste max input+1 Paste 6 characters acceptes 5 characters
                            9. 00000 non-existing Zip code ZIP=00000 "invalid zip code" message

                            Email test cases

                            ID Title Instruction Expected result
                            1. Accepts valid email accepted
                            2. Email with " " empty space Email=maria "invalid Email" message
                            3. Email with capital letters accepted as
                            4. Email with invalid prefix with "_" "invalid Email" message
                            5. Max input 255 characters Type 255 characters accepted
                            6. Max input+1 Type 256 characters accepts 255 characters
                            7. Required field Empty field "required field" message

                            Phone: 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). Required field.

                            ID Title Instruction Expected result
                            1. Accepts correct phone number Phone=200-223-1234 accepted
                            2. Letters input Phone=2O0-123-1234 not accepted
                            3. Letters paste Paste Phone=2O0-123-1234 not accepted
                            4. Special characters input Phone=!22-223-1234 not accepted
                            5. Special characters paste Paste Phone=!22-223-1234 not accepted
                            6. Invalid area code Phone=123-223-1234 "invalid phone number" message
                            7. Invalid central office code Phone=200-123-1234 "invalid phone number" message


                            Bug reports

                            1. First name accepts only 30 characters, not 31 as required
                            2. Last name accepts only 30 characters, not 31 as required
                            3. Street adress accepts only 100 characters, not 255 as required
                            4. In State drop-down list there is inconsistency in alphabetic order: "BC" displayed above "AL"
                            5. Zip code field accepts 6 characters, not 5 as required
                            6. Zip code field also accepts letters, not digits as required
                            7. Zip code field accepts non-existing "00000" zip code
                            8. Email field accepts non-existing email with " " empty space
                            9. Email field accepts email with capital letters
                            10. Email field accepts email with invalid prefix with "_" in the end (
                            11. Phone number field accepts letters when paste
                            12. Phone number field accepts special characters when paste
                            13. Phone number field accepts invalid central office code
                            14. In "Cell Phone Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts not only digits
                            15. In "High Speed Internet Service" section there is no drop-down list for "Provider""Energy-Telecom Service Review" Test cases


                            • Last Name:

                              - Text field
                              - Accepts all characters
                              - No more than 31
                              - Required field

                              Test cases:

                              ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                              #1. Accepts all characters Last name= 41Olesya%$ accepted
                              #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
                              #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
                              #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                              #5. Lower boundary, one character "f" accepted


                              - Text field
                              - Accepts all characters
                              - No more than 50
                              - Required field

                              Test cases:

                              ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                              #1. Accepts all characters City = 41olesya@ accepted
                              #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
                              #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                              #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                              #5. Lower boundary, ??? character "?????" accepted


                              - list of all 50 states.
                              - Required field

                              Test cases:

                              ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                              #1.List of all 50 states 50 states accepted
                              #2. Required field empty field "required field" message

                              =====================================BUG REPORTS============================

                              #4. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                              #5. "City" according to the requirements, the field accepts 50 characters, but there is a city with more than 50 characters
                              #6."State" HI, IN, NV staff is missing from the list.
                              #7."State" there are non-existing states BC, IND, Other.


                              • Last Name:
                                - text field
                                - accepts all characters
                                - No more than 31
                                - Required field
                                Test cases:
                                #1. Accepts all characters Last name - Yuliya32!@#$ - accepted
                                #2. Max input - 31 characters - accepted
                                #3. Max+1 input - 32 characters - 31 accepted
                                #4. Required field - empty field - "required field" message
                                #5. Lower boundary, ??? character "?????" accepted
                                #6. Paste max+1 - 32 characters - 31 accepted

                                - text field
                                - accepts 5 characters
                                - digits only
                                - Required field
                                - Existing
                                Test Cases:
                                #1. 5 digits - existing 94085 - accepted
                                #2. 6 digits - 940851 - 94085 accepted
                                #3. 4 digits - 9408 - "Please enter a valid ZIP Code" message
                                #4. Required field - empty field - "Please enter your ZIP Code" message
                                #5. Invalid input letter - 94O85 - input failure
                                #6. Invalid input sp. character - 9408% - input failure
                                #7. Paste 6 digits - 940856 - "94085" accepted
                                #8. Paste letter - 94O85 - "Please enter a valid ZIP Code" message
                                #9. Paste sp.character - 9480* - "Please enter a valid ZIP Code" message

                                - text field
                                - accepts all characters
                                - No more than 50
                                - Required field.
                                Test cases:
                                #1. Accepts all characters "San-Fran56co$" - accepted
                                #2. Max input 50 characters - 50 characters - accepted
                                #3. Max+1 input - 51 characters - accepted
                                #4. Required field - empty field - "Please enter your City" message
                                ???#5. Lower boundary, ??? character "?????" accepted
                                #6. Paste 51 characters - 51 characters - accepted 50 characters

                                - List Box offering the list of all 50 states
                                - Required field.
                                Test cases:
                                #1. State selected from list box - Arizona - accepted
                                #2. Required field - empty field - "requred field" message

                                - text field
                                - accepts digits, letters, some special characters
                                - 255 characters
                                - Required field.
                                Test cases:
                                #1. Existing e-mail - 11Anna#$ - accepted
                                #2. Max input - 255 characters - accepted
                                #3. Max+1 input - 256 characters - 255 accepted
                                #4. Required field - empty field - "Please enter your Email address" message
                                ??#5. Lower boundary, ??? character "?????" accepted
                                #6. Paste existing e-mail - 11Anna#$ - accepted
                                #7. Paste max input - 255 characters - accepted
                                #8. Paste max+1 input - 256 characters - 255 accepted

                                - 3 text fields
                                - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
                                - Required field.
                                Test cases:
                                #1. Input 10 ditits - 123-456-7890 - accepted
                                #2. Input 11 ditits - 123-456-78901 - "123-456-7890" accepted
                                #3. Input 9 ditits - 123-456-789 - "error phone' message
                                #4. Required field - empty field - "enter phone' message
                                #5. Invalid input letter - 123-456-789a - "ditits only" message
                                #6. Invalid input sp.character - 123-456-789@ - "digits only" message
                                #7. Paste invalid letter - 123-456-789a - "ditits only" message
                                #8. Paste invalid sp.character - 123-456-789$ - "ditits only" message

                                =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
                                #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
                                #2. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                                #3. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements

                                #4. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                                #5. "ZIP" field accept 6 digits when use copy/past instead of 5 digits
                                #6. "ZIP" field accept letter when use copy/past instead of 5 digits
                                #7. "ZIP" field accept sp.character when use copy/past instead of 5 digits
                                #8. "City" field accept digits
                                #9. "E-mail" field accept more than 255 characters when input
                                #10. "E-mail" field accept more than 255 characters when use copy/past
                                #11. "State" list box contain is non-existing state "BC"
                                #12. "State" list box is incorrect Indiana postal abbreviation: "IND" instead of "IN"
                                #13. "State" list field contains the wrong name state is "Others"
                                #14. "Phone:" field accept sp.character when use copy/past instead of 3-3-4 digits
                                #15. "Phone:" fields field accept letter when use copy/past instead of 3-3-4 digits

