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Energy-Telecom test cases and bug reports

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  • #91
    ZIP Cod

    Test Case (continue):

    ID Title............................................. .................Instruction...................... Expected result
    #7. Past more then 5 digits...................................940856... ........................94085 accepted
    #8. Past special characters ..................................9408@........... ................Error message: "Only digits"
    #9. Past letter .................................................. ...9408s.............................Error message: "Only digits"
    #10. Non-existing zip cod (5 digits).........................00004............. ...............Error message: "Non-existing cod"

    Bug report for "ZIP CODE" field:
    #1. ZIP field accepted 4 digitals wihout error message
    #2. ZIP field allows input letters from the keyboard wihtout error message
    #3. ZIP field allows to past more then 5 digits
    #4. ZIP field allows to past special characters wihtout error message
    #5. ZIP field allows to past letter wihtout error message
    #6. ZIP field accepted non-existing zip cod (5 digits) wihtout error message


    Test Case:

    ID .Title .................................................. ............Instruction .................................Expected result

    #1. Accept all characters including "@" "." ...................Accepted
    #2. Accept all characters without "@" "." ................123mashamailcom .......................Error message: "Invalid email"
    #3. Non-existing domain ........................................123masha@0 ...................Error message: "Invalid email"
    #4. Maximum input characters ................................255 characters ............................Accepted
    #5. Maximum+1 input characters ............................256 characters ............................255 accepted
    #6. Required field .................................................. ..empty field .................................Error message: "Required field"
    #7. Past special characters ....................................255 characters .............................Accepted
    #8. Past more then 255 special characters ..............255+1 characters ..........................Accepted only 255

    Bug report for "EMAIL" field:
    #1. Please provide mimimum characters
    #2. Please provide mimimum special characters "@" and "."
    #3. Accepted invalid email without special characters "@" and "." without error message: "Invalid email"
    #4. Accepted invalid email with non-existing domain without error message: "Invalid email"
    #5. Missed empty field without error message: "Required field"
    #6. Email field allows to past more 255 characters
    Last edited by SvetaTiho; 04-14-2022, 01:32 AM.


    • #92

      LAST NAME:
      • text field
      • accepts all characters
      • no more than 31
      • required field.
      Test cases:

      ID Purpose. Instruction Expected results

      #1. Accepts all characters Last name = Smith$2 accepted

      #2. Max input 31 31 characters accepted

      #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted

      #4. Required field empty field “required field” message

      #5. Lower boundary, 1 character “A” accepted

      #6. Max input 31 31 characters (paste) accepted

      #7. Max+1 input 32 characters (paste) 31 accepted

      #8. Lower boundary, 1 character “A” (paste) accepted

      Bug reports:
      1. “Last name” should accept 31 characters instead of 30 as it’s right now.
      2. Inconsistency: the “Last name” accepts characters from other languages.

      • text field
      • accepts all characters
      • no more than 50
      • required field.
      Test cases:

      ID Purpose Instruction Expected results

      #1. Accepts all characters City = New York7& accepted

      #2. Max input 50 characters accepted

      #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted

      #4. Required field empty field “required field” message

      #5. Lower boundary, 1 character “X” error message

      #6. Max input 50 characters (paste) accepted

      #7. Max+1 input 51 characters (paste) 50 accepted

      #8. Lower boundary, 1 character “X” (paste) error message

      Bug reports:
      1. Name of the city should contain more than 1 letter.
      2. Incorrect requirements: the name of the city should contain the letters only.

      • List Box offering the list of all 50 states
      • required field.

      Test cases:

      ID Purpose Instruction Expected results

      #1. Locate “State” dropdown Click on the dropdown to open it 50 states displayed in the dropdown list

      #2. Required field empty field “required field” message

      Bug reports:
      1. List box is offering 49 states instead of 50 as requested.
      2. Delete BC from “List box”.
      3. Delete “Other” from “List box”.
      4. Change “IND” in List box into “IN”.
      5. Add state Nevada “NV” to the “List box”
      6. Add state Hawaii “HI” to the “List box”.

      • text field
      • accepts digits,
      • accepts letters,
      • accepts some special characters
      • 255 characters
      • Required field

      Test cases:

      ID Purpose Instruction Expected results

      #1. Verify the valid email address accepted

      #2 Verify the email address contains digits accepted

      #3. Verify the email address contains letters accepted

      #4. Verify the email address missing @ sign error message

      #5. Verify the email address is missing user name error message

      #6. Verify the email address can contain period accepted

      #7. Verify the email address can contain hyphen accepted

      #8. Verify the email address can contain plus accepted

      #9. Verify the email address can contain underscore accepted

      #10. Verify the email address is missing domain gosha24@ error message

      #11. Max input 255 characters 255 characters accepted

      #12. Max+1 input - 256 characters 256 characters 255 accepted

      #13. Required field empty field “required field” message

      #14. Lower boundary, 1 character “X” error message

      #15. Verify the email address with invalid domain error message

      Bug reports:
      1. Invalid characters accepted, e.g. text in Russian language.
      2. Incorrect acceptance criteria - Please provide list of accepted special character.
      3. Inconsistency in email address format - email address must contain special character @
      4. Inconsistency: email address contains more than 255 characters instead of requested max 255.
      5. Inconsistency in email address format - email address couldn’t contain 1 character.
      6. Empty field in email address unacceptable.
      7. Email address with invalid domain is not acceptable.

      • 3 text fields,
      • accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
      • required field.
      Test cases:

      ID Purpose Instruction Expected results

      #1. Accepts valid phone number 855-466-7467 accepted

      #2. Accepts 3-3-4 digits 855-466-7467 accepted

      #3 Accepts 1-3-4 digits 8-466-7467 error message

      #4. Accepts 4-3-3 digits 8554-466-7467 error message

      #5. Required field empty field “required field” message

      #6. Accepts invalid phone number 123-456-7890 error message

      #7. Invalid input - letter 855-46O-5678 digit only message

      #8. Invalid input - sp.character 855-7$-5678 digit only message


      • #93
        "Phone" field.
        Requirements: "3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). Required field."

        Test cases:
        ID Purpose Instruction Expected result Actual result Fail/Pass
        No.1 valid input (happy path) ("234")-"567"-"8901" accepted accepted passed
        No.2 required field ("")-""-""
        "enter Phone No." message "enter Phone No." message passed
        No.3 not valid input
        (3-3-4 digits '-1')
        "not valid Phone No." message "not valid Phone No." message passed
        No.4 not valid input
        (3-3-4 digits '+1')
        not possible to type in not possible to type in passed
        Missed requirement: area code in "Phone" field shall be in "200"-"999" limits
        No.5 area code,
        boundary valid input
        ("200")-"567"-"8901" accepted accepted passed
        No.6 area code,
        boundary invalid input
        ("199")-"567"-"8901" not accepted not accepted passed
        No.7 spec. character & letter type input ("1?2")-"3$4"-"5@cc" not possible to type not possible to type passed
        No.8 spec. character &letter copy-paste input ("1?2")-"3$4"-"5@cc" not possible to paste possible to paste failed

        Bug reports:
        No.1. "Phone" field accepts characters via copy-paste input instead of digits only according to requirement


        • #94
          Home work ET.

          Street Address:
          - text field
          - accepts all characters
          - No more than 255
          - Required field.

          Test cases:

          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
          #1. Accepts all characters Street Address = 146, King Street, #14 accepted
          #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
          #3. Max + 1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
          #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
          #5. Lower boundary ???

          ZIP Code
          - text field
          - accepts 5 characters
          - digits only
          - requaired field
          - Existing

          Test Cases:

          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
          #1. 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted
          #2. 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted
          #3. 4 digits 9408 error message
          #4. Required field empty field "Required error message"
          #5. Invalid input letter 94o85 "digits only" message
          #6. Invalid input sp. character 9408% "digits only" message
          #7. Paste 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted
          #8. Paste 6 letters accept "digits only" message
          #9. Paste 6 sp. characters !@#$%^ "digits only" message

          Last Name:

          - text field
          - accepts all characters
          - No more than 31
          - Required field.

          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
          #1. Accepted all characters First name = 25Misha!@#$ accepted
          #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
          #3. Max + 1input 32 characters 31 accepted
          #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
          #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted

          - text field
          - accepts all characters
          - No more than 50
          - Required field

          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
          #1. Accepts all characters City #146 accepted
          #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
          #3. Max +1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
          #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
          #5. Lower boundary ???

          - List Box offering the list of all 50 states
          - Required field.

          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
          #1. Required field empty field "required field" message
          #2. Select a state 50 states accepted

          - text field
          - accepts digits, letters, some special characters.
          - 255 characters
          - Required field

          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
          #1. Required field empty field "required field" message
          #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
          #3. Max + 1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
          #4. Accept only digits 12345 error message
          #5. Accept only letters Qwerty error message
          #6. Accept only sp. characters !@#$% error message
          #7. Accepts digits, letters, some accepted
          special characters.
          #8. Accepts some sp. characters ???

          - 3 text fields
          - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
          - Required field

          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
          #1. Accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only) 123-123-1234 accepted
          #2. Accept letters qwe-qwe-qwer not accepted
          #3. Accept sp. characters !@#-!@#-!@#$ not accepted
          #4. Required field empty field "required field" message

          ====================================Bug Reports=======================
          #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
          #2. "First Name" field should accept up to 31 characters, not 30 as itaccepts mon
          #3. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
          #4. "ZIP code" field, after selecting this field, you cannot print on it
          #5. "Last Name" field should accept up to 31 characters, not 30 as itaccepts mon
          #6. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "City" field
          #7. "City" field can paste 60 characters, should be no more than 50
          #8. "State" list box contains 49 states and count 'other', not a list of 50 states
          #9. "Email" field not be "required field", should be "required field"
          #10. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters, instead of 255 as per requirements
          #10. "Phone" field can paste letters and sp. characters, should be only digits
          #11. "Phone" field not accepted, when digits are entered


          • #95
            Bug report
            #1. In the title second line: 'Please fill out this form and our representative will provide you
            with the money saving offer.': delete point?
            FIRST NAME:
            - text field
            - accepts all characters
            - No more than 31
            - Required field
            Test cases
            ID Title Instruction ER
            FN #1 Accepts all characters Татьяна1111///@@ accepted
            FN #2 No more than 31 Max input 31 characters: Татьяна111Татьяна111Татьяна111233 accepted
            FN #3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
            FN #4 Required field Empty field Please Enter your First Name
            FN#5 Lower boundary one character 'A' accepted
            FN Bug report
            BR FN #1 Text field 'FIRST NAME' input 30 characters when paste, not 31
            LAST NAME:
            - text field
            - accepts all characters
            - No more than 31
            - Required field
            Test cases
            ID Title Instruction ER
            LN #1 Accepts all characters Татьяна1111///@@ accepted
            LN #2 No more than 31 Max input 31 characters:
            Татьяна111Татьяна111Татьяна111233 accepted
            LN #3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
            LN #4 Required field Empty field 'Please enter your Last Name' message
            LN #5 Lower boundary, one character 'A' accepted
            LN Bug report
            LR BR #1 Text field 'LAST NAME' input 30 characters when paste, not 31
            STREET ADDRESS:
            - text field
            - accepts all characters
            - No more than 255
            - Required field
            Test cases
            ID Title Instruction ER
            SA #1 Accepts all characters 123 ул. Татьяна №1111 accepted
            SA #2 No more than 255 Max input 255 characters accepted
            SA #3 Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
            SA #4 Required field Empty field Please enter your Street ADDRESS' message
            SA #5 Lower boundary, one character 'A' accepted
            SA Bug reports
            SA BR#1 Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field

            SA BR#2 Text field 'Street Address" input 100 characters when paste, not 255
            - list Box offering the list of all 50 states
            - required field.
            Test cases
            ID Title Instruction ER
            S#1. Any State taken from list box list Box offering the list of all 50 states accepted
            S#2 Required field Empty field ‘Please select your State’ message
            S Bug reports
            S#1. List Box ‘State’ offering the list of 49 states, not 50: consist 49 States and ‘other’
            S#2. Please, provide the states in the list "State" in correct ascending order (from A to Z)
            S#3. Replace "Other" at the end of the list in "State"
            - text field
            - accepts 5 characters
            - digits only
            - Required field
            - Existing
            Test cases
            ID Title Instruction ER
            Z#1. Accepts 5 digits Input 5 digits: 12345 accepted
            Z#2 Accepts 5 +1 digits Input 6 digits: 123456 Accepted 12345
            Z#3 Accepts 5 -1 digits Input 4 digits: 1234 ‘Please enter a valid ZIP Code’ message
            Z#4 Required field Empty field ‘Please enter your ZIP Code’
            Z#5 Invalid input Input letter: l2345 ‘Please enter a valid ZIP Code’ message
            Z#6 Invalid input Input special character: !2345 ‘Please enter a valid ZIP Code’ message
            Z#7 Paste 6 digits/Letter/Sp.Character Paste 6 digits/Letter/Sp.Character: Abcdlk/123456/!@#$%^ Please enter a valid ZIP Code message
            Z#8 Non-existing 5 digit message 00000 ‘Non-existing ZIP Code’ message
            Z#9 Paste 4 digits/Letter/Sp.Character Paste 4 digits/Letter/Sp.Character: Abcd / 1234 / !@#$ Please enter a valid ZIP Code message
            Z#10 Paste space characters Paste 5 space characters Please enter a valid ZIP Code message
            Z Bug reports
            Z#1 Text field ‘ZIP’ accepted Non-existing 5 digit ZIP Code: 00000
            Z#2. Text field ‘ZIP’ paste more than 5 digits/Letter/Sp.Character
            - text field
            - accepts digits, some special characters, letters
            - 255 characters
            - Required field

            ID Title Instruction ER
            E#1 Verify the input field accepted
            E#2. Accept all characters accepted
            E#3. Verify an email id cannot exceed 255 characters accepted
            E #4.
            Required field Empty field ‘Please enter your Email'
            E Bug report
            E BR#1 No massege ‘Please enter yourEmail' when empty field 'Email' after push button 'Submit'
            - 3 text fields
            - accepting 3-3-4 digits only
            - required field
            Test cases
            ID Title Instruction ER
            Ph #1. Entering the valid 10 digit 111-111-1111 accepted
            Ph #2. Entering the Less than 10 digits 11-11-111 ‘Please enter a valid Phone Number' message
            Ph #3. Entering the more than 10 digits 111-111-11111 accepting only 10 first digits
            Ph #4. Required field Empty field ‘Please enter your Phone Number' message
            Ph#5. Entering the 10 "Zero" 000-000-0000 Please enter a valid Phone Number' message
            Ph#6. Paste Letter/Sp.Character fff-fff-ffff / @@@-@@@-@@@@ Please enter a valid Phone Number

            Last edited by Herta; 04-14-2022, 03:05 AM.


            • #96
              List Box offering the list of all 50 states.
              Required field
              Test Cases:
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
              #1. Choose any value GA accepted
              #2. Choose Other Other accepted
              #3. Required field empty field requred field message
              text field
              accepts all characters
              No more than 50
              Required field
              Test Cases:
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
              #1. Accepts all characters #citY585? accepted
              #2. Max input 50 accepted
              #3. Max+1 input 51 50 accepted
              #4. Paste 51 characters 51 50 accepted (cut out the last character)
              #5. Required field empty field requred field. message
              text field
              accepts digits
              some special characters
              255 characters
              Required field
              Test Cases:
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
              #1. Valid email address accepted
              #2. Max input 255 accepted
              #3. Max+1 input 256 255 accepted
              #4. Paste 256 characters 256 255 accepted (cut out the last character)
              #5. Empty email field empty field Message about an empty email field
              #6. Missing @ in email Error message
              #7. Email without domain part Error message
              # 8#9#10 +
              BUG REPORTS
              Email: field accepts 256 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
              Email: field accepts accepts an address without @ in email
              The Email: field accepts accepts an email without a domain in the email
              Missing state "NV" (Nevada) and state "HI" (Hawaii) in "State" sheet
              In the "State" sheet, the line "Other" should be at the end of the list
              No error is displayed when the "email" field is empty
              Asterisk does not change color when field is empty
              Last edited by Novikova Lidia; 04-19-2022, 12:44 PM.


              • #97
                Test Cases Energy-Telecom
                Requirements city:
                -text field
                -accepts all characters
                - No more than 50
                - Required field

                ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                #1 Accepts all characters "12345Qwer*-" accepted
                #2 Max input 50 characters accepted
                #3 Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                #4 Required field empty field "Please enter your City" message accepted
                #5 One digit input "2" accepted
                #6 One letter input "q" accepted
                #7 One digit and one capital letter input "2Q" accepted
                #8 One special character input "$" accepted
                Test Cases Energy-Telecom
                Requirements State:
                -List Box offering the list of all 50 states
                -Required field

                ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                #1 Functional list box Drop Down accepted
                #2 List Box field empty field "Please select your State" message accepted
                #3 Field input litter "m" Finds the abbreviation of the letters of the states "MD"
                #4 Field input digit any number List Box disabled
                Test Cases Energy-Telecom
                Requirements ZIP:
                -text field
                -accepts 5 characters
                -(digits only)
                -required field

                ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                #1 Input 5 digit "90210" accepted
                #2 Max input digits "90210" accepted
                #3 Max+1 input digit "902106" 5 accapted
                #4 Accepted 4 digits "9020" "Please enter a valid ZIP Code"
                #5 Non-exesting "00000" accepted
                #6 Input capital/litters "ASlkk" "Please enter a valid ZIP Code"
                #7 Input special character "@" disabled. digits only
                #8 text field copy/insert "902106" Please enter a valid ZIP Code
                Test Cases Energy-Telecom
                Requirements Email:
                -text field
                -accepts digits
                -some special characters
                -255 characters
                -Required field.

                ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                #1 Text field "" accepted
                #2 Accepted digits "0123456789" accepted
                #3 accepted letters "abcdefghijklmnopqstuwyz" accepted
                #4 accepted capitals litters "" accepted
                #5 Max input 255 characters 255 accepted
                #6 Max+1 input characters 550> accepted
                and litter 52> accepted
                #6 Input capital litter
                and litter, digits
                and characters "" accepted
                #7 One digits "2" accepted
                #8 One litter "p" accepted
                #9 One characters "@" accepted
                #10 Required field empty field accepted
                Test cases Energy-Telecom
                Requirements Phone:
                -3 text fields
                -accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
                -Required field.
                ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                #1 3text field input "408 985 4404" accepted
                #2 3text field copy/insert "408 985 4404" accepted
                #3 1text field input "408" "Please enter your Phone number"
                #4 2text field input "985" " Please enter your Phone number"
                #5 3text field input "4404" "Please enter your Phone number"
                #6 3text field input+1 "4081 9851 44041" disabled. Required field "408 985 4404"
                #7 3text field input litter,
                capital litter, character "40g 985F 4404@" disabled. Required field "408 985 4404"
                #8 3text field empty field "Please enter your Phone number"

                Bug Report Energy-Telecom

                #1 "State:" There is no inconsistency of state abbreviations in alphabetical order in the list.
                #2 "State:" in the List Box "other" does not issue other states.
                #3 "State:" fix state abbreviation "IND"
                #4 "State:" in the List Box not enough states
                #5 "ZIP:" Cut/Copy in the list box "902106"
                #6 "Email:" text field input one special character "@" accepted

                Test Cases Energy-Telecom
                Requirements city:
                -text field
                -accepts all characters
                - No more than 50
                - Required field

                ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                #1 Accepts all characters "12345Qwer*-" accepted
                #2 Max input 50 characters accepted
                #3 Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                #4 Required field empty field "Please enter your City" message accepted
                #5 One digit input "2" accepted
                #6 One letter input "q" accepted
                #7 One digit and one capital letter input "2Q" accepted
                #8 One special character input "$" accepted
                Test Cases Energy-Telecom
                Requirements State:
                -List Box offering the list of all 50 states
                -Required field

                ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                #1 Functional list box Drop Down accepted
                #2 List Box field empty field "Please select your State" message accepted
                #3 Field input litter "m" Finds the abbreviation of the letters of the states "MD"
                #4 Field input digit any number List Box disabled
                Test Cases Energy-Telecom
                Requirements ZIP:
                -text field
                -accepts 5 characters
                -(digits only)
                -required field

                ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                #1 Input 5 digit "90210" accepted
                #2 Max input digits "90210" accepted
                #3 Max+1 input digit "902106" 5 accapted
                #4 Accepted 4 digits "9020" "Please enter a valid ZIP Code"
                #5 Non-exesting "00000" accepted
                #6 Input capital/litters "ASlkk" "Please enter a valid ZIP Code"
                #7 Input special character "@" disabled. digits only
                #8 text field copy/insert "902106" Please enter a valid ZIP Code
                Test Cases Energy-Telecom
                Requirements Email:
                -text field
                -accepts digits
                -some special characters
                -255 characters
                -Required field.

                ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                #1 Text field "" accepted
                #2 Accepted digits "0123456789" accepted
                #3 accepted letters "abcdefghijklmnopqstuwyz" accepted
                #4 accepted capitals litters "" accepted
                #5 Max input 255 characters 255 accepted
                #6 Max+1 input characters 550> accepted
                and litter 52> accepted
                #6 Input capital litter
                and litter, digit
                and characters "" accepted
                #7 One digits "2" accepted
                #8 One litter "p" accepted
                #9 One characters "@" accepted
                #10 Required field empty field accepted
                Test cases Energy-Telecom
                Requirements Phone:
                -3 text fields
                -accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
                -Required field.
                ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                #1 3text field input "408 985 4404" accepted
                #2 3text field copy/insert "408 985 4404" accepted
                #3 1text field input "408" "Please enter your Phone number"
                #4 2text field input "985" " Please enter your Phone number"
                #5 3text field input "4404" "Please enter your Phone number"
                #6 3text field input+1 "4081 9851 44041" disabled. Required field "408 985 4404"
                #7 3text field input litter,
                capital litter, character "40g 985F 4404@" disabled. Required field "408 985 4404"
                #8 3text field empty field "Please enter your Phone number"

                Bug Report Energy-Telecom

                #1 "State:" There is no inconsistency of state abbreviations in alphabetical order in the list.
                #2 "State:" in the List Box the "other" does not issue other states.
                #3 "State:" fix state abbreviation "IND"
                #4 "State:" in the List Box not enough states
                #5 "ZIP:" Cut/Copy in the list box "902106"
                #6 "Email:" text field input one special character "@" accepted


                • #98
                  City: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.
                  ID ________Purpose_____________ Instruction____________ Expected Result
                  1. ___accepts all characters________ New York.@street_______ accepted

                  2. ______Max input___________-___50 characters____________ accepted
                  3._______ Max+1________________ input 51 characters________ 50 accepted
                  4.__ ____Required field____________ empty field______________ "requred field"
                  5. _____Lower boundary??? ????___________________________ accepted

                  List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.

                  1.___ the list of all 50 states________ see the whole list___________ found 50 states
                  2.____ Required field _____________empty field ________________"requred field"
                  Email: text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field.

                  ID_________ Purpose_____________________ Instruction _________________Expected Result
                  1. __accepts digits, letters, ???some special characters??? __________________accepted
                  2. ___Max input__________________________ 255 characters_______________ accepted
                  3.___ Max+1 input________________________ 256 characters_______________ 255 accepted
                  4. ___Required field_______________________ empty field___________________ "requred field"

                  Phone: 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). Required field.
                  ID _______Purpose___________________________ Instruction____________________ Expected Result
                  1. ____accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)__________ 333-555-6664__________________ accepted
                  2. _____(digits only)___________________________ 5%3-@56-4!56+ ________________not acceptable
                  3. ____Max input ___________________________3 text fields 3-3-4 characters __________accepted
                  4. ____Max+1 input_______________________ 3 text fields 4-4-5 characters _____________3 text fields 3-3-4 characters accepted
                  5. _____Required field _____________________empty field ___________________________"requred field"

                  BUG REPORTS:
                  1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "City" field.
                  2. Unknown state "Other" in List Box "State".
                  3. List Box "State" opens in the middle of the list.
                  4. List box "State" not sorted alphabetically.
                  5. Сheck the correctness of the names of the states in the List Box "State".
                  6. What special characters does the text field "Email" accept.
                  7. Text field "Email" has no character limit.
                  8. The "Email" text box does not have a "required field" when the email address is empty.
                  Last edited by Alexandr_1; 04-14-2022, 03:09 AM.


                  • #99
                    1) First Name:
                    - Текстовое поле,
                    - Принимает все символы,
                    - Не более 31,
                    - Обязательное поле,

                    - Один символ.

                    Test cases:

                    ID Цель Инструкция Ожидаемый результат
                    №1. Принимает все символы Frist name = 77
                    Alex!@#$ Accepted
                    №2. Максимальный ввод 31 символ Accepted
                    №3. Максимум +1 ввод 32 символа 31 Accepted
                    №4. Обязательное поле пустое поле "
                    required field" msg.
                    №5. Нижняя граница, один символ "X" Accepted

                    Last name:
                    - Текстовое поле,
                    - Принимает все символы,
                    - Не более 31,
                    - Обязательное поле,

                    - Один символ.

                    Test cases:

                    ID Цель Инструкция Ожидаемый результат
                    №1. Принимает все символы
                    Last name = 77Peters!@#$ Accepted
                    №2. Максимальный ввод 31 символ Accepted
                    №3. Максимум +1 ввод 32 символа 31 Accepted
                    №4. Обязательное поле пустое поле "
                    required field" msg
                    №5. Нижняя граница, один символ "X" Accepted

                    Street Address:
                    - Текстовое поле,
                    - Принимает все символы,
                    - Не более 255,
                    - Обязательное поле,

                    - Один символ.

                    Test cases:

                    ID Цель Инструкция Ожидаемый результат
                    №1. Принимает все символы Street Address = 1125 16th Street, NW@ Accepted
                    №2. Максимальный ввод 255 символов Accepted
                    №3. Максимум +1 ввод 256 символов
                    255 Accepted
                    №4. Обязательное поле пустое поле "required field" msg
                    №5. Нижняя граница, один символ "@" Accepted

                    4) City:
                    - Текстовое поле,
                    - Принимает все символы,
                    - Не более 50,
                    - Обязательное поле,

                    - Один символ.

                    Test cases:

                    ID Цель Инструкция Ожидаемый результат
                    №1. Принимает все символы City = Washington@123 Accepted
                    №2. Максимальный ввод 50 символов Accepted
                    №3. Максимум +1 ввод
                    51 символов 50 Accepted
                    №4. Обязательное поле пустое поле "required field" msg
                    №5. Нижняя граница, один символ "@" Accepted

                    5) State:
                    - Окно списка,
                    - Предлагающее список всех 50 штатов,
                    - Обязательное поле.

                    Test cases:

                    ID Цель Инструкция Ожидаемый результат
                    №1. Окно списка имеется Accepted
                    №2. Предлагает список штатов все 50 штатов Accepted
                    №3. Обязательное поле пустое поле "
                    Please select your" msg

                    6) ZIP:
                    - Текстовое поле,
                    - Принимает 5 символов (только цифры),
                    - Обязательное поле,

                    - Ввод букв,
                    - Ввод символов.

                    Test cases:

                    ID Цель Инструкция Ожидаемый результат
                    №1. 5 цифр, существующий 94085 Accepted
                    №2. 6 цифр 940855 94085 Accepted
                    №3. 4 цифры 9408 “
                    enter valid ZIPmsg
                    №4. Обязательное поле пустое поле "required" eror msg
                    №5. Ввод букв 94О85 “digits onlymsg

                    №6. Ввод специальных символов 94085& “digits onlymsg

                    7) E-mail:
                    - Текстовое поле,
                    - Принимает все цифры, буквы, специальные символы,
                    - Не более 255,
                    - Обязательное поле,

                    Test cases:

                    ID Цель Инструкция Ожидаемый результат
                    №1. Принимает все символы E-mail = Accepted
                    №2. Максимальный ввод 255 символов Accepted
                    №3. Максимум +1 ввод 256 символов 255 Accepted
                    №4. Обязательное поле пустое поле "
                    required field" msg

                    8) Phone:
                    - 3 текстовых поля, принимающих 3-3-4 символа (только цифры),
                    - Обязательное поле.

                    Test cases:

                    ID Цель Инструкция Ожидаемый результат
                    №1. 3 текстовых поля (3-3-4, только цифры) 111-222-3333 Accepted
                    №2. Обязательное поле пустое поле "
                    required" eror msg

                    ===========================Сообщения об ошибках==========================
                    №1. Пожалуйста, укажите минимальное количество символов в поле "Адрес улицы".

                    №2. Поле "Имя" и "Фамилия" должно содержать до 31 символа, а не 30, как сейчас.
                    №3. Поле "Адрес улицы" принимает не более 100 символов вместо 255 в соответствии с требованиями.
                    №4. Поле “Электронная почта” принимает менее 255 символов, вместо 255 в соответствии с требованиями.
                    [FONT=Calibri][FONT=Helvetica][COLOR=#252c2f]№5. Во всех 3х текстовых полях


                    • City:
                      - text field
                      - accepts all characters
                      - no more 50
                      - required field

                      Test cases:
                      ID Purpose ........................................Instructio n............................... Expected Result
                      1. Ввести все символы..................... City: @Москва123................... принять
                      2. Ввести max кол-во символов......... 50 символов............................ принять
                      3. Ввести max+1 кол-во символов...... 51 символ ...............................50 символов
                      4. Обязательно для заполнения.......... пустое поле............................ обязательно для заполнения
                      5. Ввести 1 символ............................ "X"........................................... принять ???
                      ================================================== =======================
                      - list box offering the list of all 50 states
                      - required field

                      Test cases:
                      ID Purpose........................................... .... Instruction................................ Expected Result
                      1. Выбрать из списка штат........................ "CA"........................................ принять
                      2. Обязательно для заполнения ................пустое поле............................. обязательно для заполнения

                      BUG REPORTS:
                      1.Штат "BC" не существует
                      2.Штат"IND" не существует
                      3.Штат"Other" не существует
                      4.Отсутствуют штаты "HI","NV","IN"
                      5.Отсутствует округ ""DC"
                      6.При выборе из списка штатов "--" показыват" Please select your State"

                      ================================================== =========================
                      - text field
                      - accepts digits,letters, some special characters 255 characters
                      - required field

                      Test cases:
                      ID Purpose........................................... ..... Instruction...................... Expected Result
                      1. Ввести все символы.............................. Email: Ivanov@123##....... принять
                      2. Ввести max кол-во символов .................255 символов.................. принять
                      3. Ввести max+1 кол-во символов............. 256 символ..................... 255 символов
                      4. Обязательно для заполнения................. пустое поле.................... обязательно для заполнения
                      5. Ввести 1 символ................................... "X"................................... принять ???

                      Bug Report:
                      1. Принимает 400 символов вместо 255
                      2. Принимает пустое поле, не выдает"Please enter your Email"
                      3. Предоставит минимальное кол-во символов

                      ================================================== ===========================

                      - 3 text fields
                      - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only).
                      - required field.

                      Test cases:
                      ID Purpose........................................... ................. Instruction...................... Expected Result
                      1.Ввести в первое поле рандомные 3 цифры........... 111................................ принять
                      2.Ввести в первое поле буквы................................. aod............................... только цифры
                      3.Ввести в первое поле символы............................ @%*............................. только цифры
                      4.Ввести в первое поле 2 рандомые цифры............ 12................................. только 3 цифры
                      5.Ввести в первое поле 4 рандомные цифры........... 1234............................. только 3 цифры

                      1.Ввести в второе поле рандомные 3 цифры............. 222 ..............................принять
                      2.Ввести в второе поле буквы.................................. aod.............................. только цифры
                      3.Ввести в второе поле символы............................. @%*............................. только цифры
                      4.Ввести в второе поле 2 рандомые цифры.............. 12................................ только 3 цифры
                      5.Ввести в второе поле 4 рандомные цифры............ 1234............................. только 3 цифры

                      1.Ввести в третье поле рандомные 4 цифры............... 2587............................... принять
                      2.Ввести в третье поле буквы.................................... aod................................. только цифры
                      3.Ввести в третье поле символы................................ @%*............................... только цифры
                      4.Ввести в третье поле 3 рандомые цифры................ 128.................................. только 4 цифры
                      5.Ввести в третье поле 5 рандомные цифры.............. 12348............................... только 4 цифры

                      Bug Report:
                      1. Не принимает в первом поле "111", выдает "Please enter a valid Phone Number"

                      ================================================== ==================================
                      Bug Reports"

                      Поле "Referred by:" не обязательно к заполнению, однако выдаёт "* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by"
                      Last edited by vera belonenko; 04-14-2022, 04:42 AM.


                      • City:
                        - text field
                        - accepts all characters
                        - no more than 50
                        - required field

                        Test cases:
                        #1. Accepts all characters Top2*eca accepted
                        #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
                        #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                        #4. Required field empty field “required field” message
                        #5. Lower boundary, 1 char. “&” accepted

                        - text field
                        - accepts 5 characters (digits only)
                        - Required field
                        - Existing

                        Test Cases:
                        #1. 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted
                        #2. 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted
                        #3. 4 digits 9408 “Enter valid ZIP” error message
                        #4. Required field empty field “required” error message
                        #5. Invalid input - letter 94O85 “digits only” message
                        #6. Invalid input - special characters 9408% “digits only” message
                        #7…Paste 6 digits/Letter/Special char

                        BUG REPORTS

                        - text field
                        - accepts digits, letters, some special characters
                        - 255 characters
                        - required field

                        Test cases:
                        #1. Accepts all characters !trUsted* accepted
                        #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
                        #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                        #4. Required field empty field “required” error message
                        #5. Lower boundary

                        BUG REPORTS
                        “Email” fiels accepts 256 characters
                        Specify the list of valid special characters
                        Provide the minimum amount of characters for “Email” field

                        - 3 text fields
                        - accepts 3-3-4 characters (digits only)
                        - required field

                        Test cases:
                        #1. 3-3-4 digits 330-333-2758 accepted
                        #2. 3-3-5 digits 330-275-21389 330-275-2138 accepted
                        #3. 2-2-3 digits 33-27-213 “Enter valid phone #” error message
                        #4. Invalid input - letter 33O-2I4-2384 “digits only” message
                        #5. Invalid input - special character 33!-258-3691 “digits only” message
                        #6. Paste 4-4-8 digits/Letter/Sp.char


                        • Тестирование веб-форм -

                          Energy-Telecom is a web-based application (online form) created for collecting data about contact information and telecommunication/energy services needs info of a person (household). That information will be given to an ACN services broker as a sales lead. The most valuable data is the contact information. The services information is somewhat important but the broker will find further detail on needs and existing services from the prospect.

                          The collected data types should be consistent with data types collected by similar applications used in both Telecommunication and Energy services.
                          State specific adjustment should be made.
                          The collected data is saved in the database
                          Upon the form being submitted the application generates an email (sales leads) with all the information available in the form.
                          The application should be compliant with basic GUI guidelines for WEB applications
                          Specific Data Requirements:

                          First Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
                          Last Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
                          Street Address: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 255. Required field.
                          City: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.
                          State: List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.
                          ZIP: text field, accepts 5 characters (digits only). Required field.
                          Email: text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field.
                          Phone: 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). Required field.
                          ID Module Test description Instruction Expected result Actual result (pass/failed) Result
                          1 first name accepts all characters 25Misha!@#$ accepted
                          2 first name max input 31 characters failed accept only 30
                          3 first name max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted failed accept only 30
                          4 first name required field empty field "required field" message
                          5 first name low boundary one character "X" accepted
                          6 street address Accepts all characters First name = 123 Main Street, #14 accepted
                          7 street address max input 255 characters failed only 100 character
                          8 street address max + 1 256 characters 255 accepted failed only 100 character
                          9 street address Required field empty field "required field" message accepted
                          10 zip 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted
                          11 zip 6 digits, existing 940851 only 5 digits failed 94085 accepted
                          12 zip Required field empty field "required" error message accepted
                          13 zip Invalid input - letter 94O85 "digits only" message accepted
                          14 zip #6. Invalid input - sp. character 9408% "digits only" message accepted
                          15 city accepts all characters 25Misha!@#$ accepted
                          16 city max input 50 characters accepted
                          17 city max input + 1 51 characters failed only 50 characters
                          18 city Required field empty field "required field" message accepted
                          19 state List Box offering the list of all 50 states check 50 states of list box 50 states present accepted
                          20 state Required field empty field "required field" message accepted
                          21 state Required field choose state accepted
                          22 email text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters 25Misha!@#$ accepted
                          23 email required field empty field "required field" message
                          24 email max input 255 characters accepted
                          25 email max + 1 256 characters 256 accepted failled only 255 character
                          26 phone (1st field) accepting 3 chars (digits only) 3 char accepted accepted
                          27 phone (2nd field) accepting 3 chars (digits only) 3 char accepted accepted
                          28 phone (3rd field) accepting 4 chars (digits only) 4 char accepted accepted
                          29 phone Required field empty field "required field" message accepted
                          30 phone accepting 2 chars (digits only) 12_ ___ ____ "required field" message accepted
                          31 phone one box fill two other empty 123 ___ ____ "required field" message accepted
                          32 phone two box fill one empty 123 123 ____ "required field" message accepted
                          33 phone accepting 10 chars (digits only) 123 123 1234 123 123 1234 accepted


                          • Energy-Telecom

                            Last Name:

                            text field.

                            accepts all characters.

                            No more than 31.

                            Required field.

                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                            #1. Accepts all characters Last name = 30Denisov!@#$ accepted
                            #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
                            #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
                            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                            #5. Lower boundary, one character "С" accepted



                            accepts all characters.

                            No more than 50.

                            Required field.

                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                            #1. Accepts all characters City = 30Detroit!@#$ accepted
                            #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
                            #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message


                            List Box offering the list of all 50 states.

                            Required field.

                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                            #1. Accepts all characters State = IND accepted
                            #2. Required field empty field "required field" message


                            text field.
                            accepts digits.
                            some special characters.
                            255 characters.
                            Required field.

                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                            #1. Accepts all characters Email = accepted
                            #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
                            #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                            #4. Required field empty field "requred field" message


                            3 text fields,
                            accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only).
                            Required field.

                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                            #1. Accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only) 912-888-7777 accepted
                            #2. Accept letters qwe-qwe-qwer not accepted
                            #3. Accept sp. characters !@#-!@#-!@#$ not accepted
                            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message

                            =====================================BUG REPORTS============================

                            #1. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                            #2. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters, instead of 255 as per requirements
                            #3. "Email" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
                            #4. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters, instead of 255 as per requirements
                            #5. "Phone" the field accepts characters "!@#-!@#-!@#$" when copying and pasting
                            #6. "Phone" the field accepts characters "qwe-qwe-qwer" when copying and pasting


                            • ZIP:
                              - text field
                              - accepts 5 characters
                              - digits only
                              - Required field
                              - Existing

                              Test Cases:

                              ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                              #1. 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted
                              #2. 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted
                              #3. 4 digits 9408 "enter valid ZIP" message
                              #4. Required field empty field "required" error message
                              #5. Invalid input - letter 94O85 "digits only" message
                              #6. Invalid input - sp. character 9408% "digits only" message
                              #7. Paste 6 digits paste paste 940851 94085 accepted
                              #8. Paste 4 digits and 1 letter paste 94O85 "digits only" message
                              #9. Paste 4 digits and 1 sp. character paste 9408% "digits only" message
                              #10. Non existing ZIP input 11111 "Non existing ZIP" message

                              Last Name:
                              - text field
                              - accepts all characters
                              - No more than 31
                              - Required field

                              Test cases:

                              ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                              #1. Accepts all characters Last name = 25Misha!@#$ accepted
                              #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
                              #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
                              #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                              #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted

                              - text field
                              - accepts all characters
                              - No more than 50
                              - Required field

                              ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                              #1. Accepts all characters City = 25Misha!@#$ accepted
                              #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
                              #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                              #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                              #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted
                              #6. Paste 51 characters paste 51 characters 50 accepted

                              - List Box offering the list of all 50 states
                              - Required field.

                              - text field
                              - accepts digits, letters, some special characters
                              - 255 characters
                              - Required field

                              ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                              #1. Accepts digits, letters, some special characters email = accepted
                              #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
                              #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                              #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                              ???#5. Lower boundary ??? character "?????" accepted

                              - 3 text fields
                              - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
                              - Required field
                              - Existing

                              ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                              #1. accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only) Phone = 909 897 8787 accepted
                              #2. accepting 3-3-4 chars (with letter) Phone = 909 897 878A digits only
                              #3. accepting 3-3-4 chars (with sp. character) Phone = 909 897 878. digits only
                              #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                              #5. Unexisting number Phone = 000 000 0000 "invalid Phone Number" message
                              #6. Paste letters/sp. characters paste "we!jk." digits only

                              =====================================BUG REPORTS============================

                              #1. "ZIP" field accepts letters for input.
                              #2. "ZIP" field accepts paste 6 digits.
                              #3. "ZIP" field accepts paste letters.
                              #4. "ZIP" field accepts paste sp. characters.
                              #5. System accepts non existing "ZIP" 11111.
                              #6. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now .
                              #7. There are 49 states in "State" list, instead of the 50 state name we have value "Other" there.
                              #8. Inconsistency in "State" list, "BC" state is higher in the list then states start with "A" letter.
                              #9. "Email" field have blue "* Indicates required fieldis" with empty field.
                              #10. "Email" field accepts letters/digits without requared special charecters. Please, provide the minimal amount of required special characters for "Email" field, such us: "@" and ".".
                              #11. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters.
                              #12. "Phone" field accepts paste letters/sp. characters.
                              Last edited by Denis Gorshkov; 04-14-2022, 03:41 AM.


                              • First name: -Text field
                                -Accepts all characters
                                -No more than 31
                                -Required field

                                Teste case:
                                ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                                #1. Accepts all characters First name: M@x=123# Accepted
                                #2. Max input 31 characters Accepted
                                #3. Max+ 1input 32 characters 31 accepted
                                #4. Required field Empty field "Required field" message
                                #5. Lower boundary one character "X" Accepted

                                Last name:
                                -Text field
                                -Accepts all characters
                                -No more than 31
                                -Required field

                                Test case:
                                ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                                #1. Accepted all characters. Lsat name: Sm!th456@) Accepted
                                #2. Max input 31 characters Accepted
                                #3. Max+ 1input 32 characters 31 accepted
                                #4. Required field Empty field "Required field" message
                                #5 Lower boundary one character "X" Accepted

                                Street Address:
                                -Text field
                                -Accept all characters
                                -No more than 255
                                -Required field

                                Test case:
                                ID Purpose. Instruction Expected Result
                                #1. Accept all characters Address: 458 West street #145 Accepted
                                #2. Max input 255 characters Accepted
                                #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                                #4. Required field Empty field Required field message
                                #5. Lower boundary one character "X" Accepted

                                -Text field
                                -Accepts all characters
                                -No more than 50
                                -Required field

                                Test case:
                                ID. Purpose Instruction. Expected Result
                                #1. Accept all characters City: Atlanta Accepted
                                #2. Max input 50 characters Accepted
                                #3. Max+ 1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                                #4. Required field. Empty field "Required field" message
                                #5. Lower boundary one character "X" Accepted

                                -List box offering the list of all 50 states
                                -Required field

                                Test case:
                                ID. Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                                #1. List box offering the list of all 50 states State: CA Accepted
                                #2. Required Field Empty field "Required field" message

                                ================================================== =================

                                Bug report:
                                #1. Listbox has "BC" that is not state of US.
                                #2. Listbox has "Other" that is not state of US.

                                -Text field
                                -Accepts five characters (digits only)
                                -Required fields

                                Test case:
                                ID. Purpose. Instruction Expected Result
                                #1. 5 digits existing 10030 Accepted
                                #2. 6 digits 100301 Accepted 10030
                                #3. 4 digit 1003 "Enter valid Zip" message
                                #4 Required field Empty field "Required field". message
                                #5 Invalid input+letter. 10O30 "Digits only" message
                                #6 Invalid input+Sp. Ch. 1003$ "Digits only" message
                                #7. Paste 6 digits 100301 Accepted 10030
                                #8 Paste latter 1003T "Required field" message
                                #9 Paste Sp. Characters 100@0 "Enter a valid ZIP code" message

                                -Text field
                                -Accepts digits
                                -Some special characters
                                -255 characters
                                -Required filed

                                Test case: ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                                #1. Accepts digits and letters Email: Accepted
                                and some sp. characters.
                                #2. Max input. 255 characters Accepted
                                #3. Max+ 1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                                #4 Required field Empty field "Required field" message
                                #5 Paste special characters. 255 characters Accepted
                                #6 Paste more than 255 256 characters. Accepted 255
                                special characters

                                Bug report:
                                #1 Please provide minimum characters.
                                #2 Please provide minimum special characters.
                                #3 Accepted invalid email without "@"
                                #4 Accepted minimum letter
                                #5 Missed empty field without error message: "Required field"
                                #6 Email field allows to paste more then 255 characters

                                -3 text fields
                                -Accepting 3-3-4 (digits only)
                                -Required field

                                Test case:
                                ID. Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                                #1. Accepts valid phone number 565 345 5454. Accepted
                                #2. Accepts 3-3-4 digits 565 345 5454 Accepted
                                #3. Accepts 1-3-4 digits 5 345 5454 Error message
                                #4. Accepts digits+sp. characters 5@5 345 5454 Error message
                                #5 Required field Empty field. "Required field" message

                                Bug report:
                                #1 Phone fields accepts special characters copy/paste.

