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Energy-Telecom test cases and bug reports

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  • #61
    First Name:
    #1. Accept all characters First Name = sveta1! accepted
    #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
    #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
    #4. Required field empty field "Please enter your First Name" message
    #5. One character "X" accepted
    #6. Paste 31 characters paste in field First Name accepted
    #7. Paste 32 characters paste in field First Name 31 accepted
    #8. One character/Sp/Char "@" accepted
    #9. One character/digit "1" accepted

    Last Name:
    #1. Accept all characters Last Name = Smirnova27@ accepted
    #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
    #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
    #4. Required field empty field "Please enter your Last Name" message
    #5. Paste 31 characters paste in field Last Name accepted
    #6. Paste 32 characters paste in field Last Name 31 accepted
    #7. One character/letter "P" accepted
    #8. One character/Sp/Char "@" accepted
    #9. One character/digit "1" accepted

    Street Address:
    #1. Accept all characters Street address = shirokaya #25 accepted
    #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
    #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
    #4. Required field empty field "Please enter your Street Address" message
    ???#5. Lower boundary, ??? character "?????" accepted
    #6. Paste 255 characters paste in field Street Address accepted
    #7. Paste 256 characters paste in field Street Address 255 accepted

    #1. Accept all characters City = Port St. Lucie9 accepted
    #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
    #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
    #4. Required field empty field "Please enter your City" message
    #5. Paste 50 characters paste in field City accepted
    #6. Paste 51 characters paste in field City 50 accepted
    #7. One character/letter "P" accepted
    #8. One character/Sp/Char "@" accepted
    #9. One character/digit "1" accepted

    #1. Required field empty field "Please select your State" message
    #2. 50 states scroll in List Box accepted

    #1. 5 digits existing ZIP = 62505 accepted
    #2. 6 digits 625053 5 accepted
    #3. 4 digits 6250 "Please enter a valid ZIP Code" message
    #4. Invalid input- letter 625O5 "Digits only" message
    #5. Invalid input- sp.char 625@5 "Digits only" message
    #6. Required field empty field "Please enter your ZIP Code" message
    #7. Paste 6 digits 625053 5 accepted
    #8. Paste 4 digits+1 letter 625O5 "Digits only" message
    #9. Paste 4 digits+1 sp. character 625@5 "Digits only" message
    #10. Paste 5 letters "OOOOO" "Digits only" message
    #11. Paste 5 sp. characters "@@@@@" "Digits only" message

    #1. valid email accepted
    #2. input email 256 characters 256 characters 255 accepted
    #3. Required field nothing "Please enter your Email" message
    #4. type non-existing/letter "pppppp" "Please enter a valid Email" message
    #5. type non-existing/digits "111" "Please enter a valid Email" message
    #6. type non-existing/sp.char "!@" "Please enter a valid Email" message

    #1. type existing phone number 345 010 9999 accepted
    #2. non-existing phone number 333 444 5555 "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message
    #3. type 9 digits 345 010 999 "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message
    #4. type 11 digits 345 010 99991 10 accepted
    #5. Required field nothing "Please enter your Phone number" message
    #6. paste non-existing 345 01O 9999 "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message
    phone number/letter
    #7. paste non-existing 345 01@ 9999 "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message
    phone number/sp.char

    #1. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
    #2. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
    #3. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
    #4. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
    #5. "ZIP" field allows to use letters when pasted
    #6. "ZIP" field allows to use special characters when pasted
    #7. "ZIP" field allows to use more 5 characters when pasted
    #8. "State" field in List Box offering "other" instead of state "HI"
    #9. "State" field in List Box offering state "ВС" instead of state "NV"
    #10."State" field in List Box offering state "IND" instead of state "IN"
    #11. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
    #12. No error message when the "Email" field is not filled in
    #13. "Phone" field allows to use letters when pasted
    #14. "Phone" field allows to use special characters when pasted
    Last edited by Julperch; 04-13-2022, 03:01 PM.


    • #62
      - text field
      - accepts all characters
      - no more than 50
      - required field
      - existing

      Test cases:
      ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
      #1. Accepts all characters City = Los-Angeles accepted
      #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
      #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
      #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
      #5. Lower boundary, ??? character "????" accepted

      - list Box offering the list of all 50 states
      - required field

      Test cases:
      ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
      #1. Choose State from list box State = FL accepted
      #2. Required field empty field "required field" message

      - text field
      - accepts digits, letters, some special characters
      - no more than 255 characters
      - required field

      Test cases:
      ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
      #1. Accepts digits, letters, some special characters Email = accepted
      #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
      #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
      #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
      #5. Invalid input Testirovschik357@gmail "enter valid email" message

      - 3 text fields with 3-3-4 chars
      - accepts digits only
      - required field

      Test cases:
      ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
      #1. Accepts 3 text fields with 3-3-4 chars (digits only) 235-657-9876 accepted
      #2. Required field empty field "required field" message
      #3. Max+1 input 235-657-98764 235-657-9876 accepted
      #4. Invalid input 235-657 "enter valid phone" message
      #5. Invalid input 2o5-657-98l6 "digits only" message

      #1. Incorrect Tab order after field "First name": selected "Referred by" field instead of "Last Name" field.
      #2. In drop down list box "State" Indiana state abbreviation "IND" instead of "IN".
      #3. In drop down list box "State" 49 states instead of 50.
      #4. All "Phone" fields accept letters and special characters if they was inserted by copy-paste.
      #5. "First Name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
      #6. "ZIP" field accepts letters.
      #7. Inconsistency in sizes of buttons "Submit" and "Clear".
      #8. Incorrect Tab order after field "Me": selected "Current Provider" field instead of "Referred by" field.
      #9. Incorrect Tab order after field "Referred by": selected "Last Name" field instead of "Current Provider" field.
      #10. "Email" field accepts incorrect input data: no "invalid email" message.
      Last edited by Olga Apollonova; 04-16-2022, 02:38 PM.


      • #63
        Test cases:
        #7. Paste 6 digits 940851 "Please enter a valid ZIP Code" message
        #8. Paste 4 digits with 1 letter 94O85 "Please enter a valid ZIP Code" message
        #9. Paste 4 digits with 1 sp.character 94O&5 "Please enter a valid ZIP Code" message
        #10. Indicates required field enter correct data the red color will change to blue

        #1. Text field.
        #2. Accepts all characters.
        #3. No more than 50.
        #4. Required field.

        Test cases:
        #1. Accepts all characters City = 94 N/Y accepted
        #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
        #3. Max +1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
        #4. Required field empty field "Please enter your City" massage
        #5. Indicates required field enter correct data the red color will change to blue

        #1. The list of all 50 states.
        #2. Required field

        Test cases:
        #1. The list of all 50 states all 50 states in the List Box 50 states
        #2. Required field empty field "--" "Please select your State" massage
        #3. Indicates required field enter correct data the red color will change to blue

        #1. text field
        #2. accepts digits,
        #3. accepts letters,
        #4. accepts some special characters.
        #5. 255 characters.
        #6. Required field.

        Test cases:
        #1. accepts digits, letters, some special characters accepted
        #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
        #3. Max +1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
        #4. Input without special characters "@" "Please enter your Email" massage
        #5. Required field empty field "Please enter your Email" massage
        #6. Indicates required field enter correct data the red color will change to blue

        #1. 3 text fields
        #2. accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only).
        #3. Required field.

        Test cases:
        #1. Input 3-3-4 chars 223 456 7890 accepted
        #2. Change first field 023 456 7890 "Please enter a valid Phone Number" massage
        #3. Change second field 123 056 7890 "Please enter a valid Phone Number" massage
        #4. Paste letters fgh kgm mvlk "Please enter a valid Phone Number" massage
        #5. Paste special characters $%^ &*( )(*& "Please enter a valid Phone Number" massage
        #6. Required field empty field "Please enter a valid Phone Number" massage
        #7. Indicates required field enter correct data the red color will change to blue

        BUG REPORTS:
        #1. "ZIP" field not should accept letters when enter
        #2. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "City" field
        #3. In the list box "state" should be 50 states, no 49 as it accept now
        #4. In the list box "state" can not be state "Other" as per the requirements
        #5. In the list box "state" state Indiana should have an abbreviation "IN", no "IND" as it accept now
        #6. In "Specific Data Requirements" row "Email" the number of characters (255) has no limits (MIN and MAX)
        #7. Аurther testing of the field "Email" is not possible because it has no validation
        #8. Not requirements for "Referred by" field
        #9. Not should paste letters in "Phone" fields (digits only)


        • #64
          Test Cases:
          #1. 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted
          #2. 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted
          #3. 4 digits 9408 "enter valid ZIP" message
          #4. Required field empty field "required" error message
          #5. Invalid input - letter 94O85 "digits only" message
          #6. Invalid input - sp. character 9408% "digits only" message
          #7. Paste 5 Letter UOOOU "digits only" message
          #8. Paste 5 Letter Sp.Character ***** "digits only" message
          #9. Paste 5 "0" zero 00000 "enter valid ZIP" message

          Test Cases:
          #1. Accepts all characters Name city=Miami accepted
          #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
          #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
          #4. Required field empty field "requred field" message
          #5. Lower boundary 1 characters accepted

          Test Cases:
          #1. Select from the list state FL accepted
          #2. Required field empty field "requred field" message

          Test Cases:
          #1. Accepts all characters for email accepted
          #2. Accepts characters not for email 94ss// error message
          #3. Max input 255 characters accepted
          #4. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
          #5. Required field empty field "requred field" message
          #6. Lower boundary 1 characters accepted

          Test Cases:
          #1. Only digits 3-3-4 250-630-5599 accepted
          #2. Paste 3-Letter-3 digits-4digits sss-630-5599 "digits only" message
          #3. Paste 3-sp character-3 digits-4digits 1*1-630-5599 "digits only" message
          #4. Only digits 2-3-4 25-630-5599 3-3-4 accepted
          #5. Required field empty field "requred field" message
          #6. Еntering a non-existent number 000-630-5599 "enter a valid Phone Number"message

          need more full requirements:
          BUG Reports
          #1.For "ZIP" field can paste not existing zip (for example 5 ziro "00000")
          #2."CITY" field should accept more than 50 characters
          #3.For "CITY" field can paste 1 characters (may be city only one character)
          #4.For "CITY" field can insert only sp.charecter
          #5.For "CITY" field can insert only digits
          #6."Email" field can accept characters for email
          #7."Email" field allows to enter non-existent email
          №8."Email" field allows to enter only 1 character (need change lower boundary)


          • #65
            First Name:
            - text field
            - accepts all characters
            - No more than 31
            - Required field

            Test cases:
            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result
            #1 Accepts all characters First name = 25Misha!@#$ accepted accepted
            #2 Max input 31 characters accepted 30 characters accepted
            #3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted 30 characters accepted
            #4 Required field empty field "required field" msg "enter your First Name" msg
            #5 Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted accepted
            #6 Paste Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted 30 characters accepted
            #7 Paste Max input 31 characters accepted 30 characters accepted

            Last Name:
            - text field
            - accepts all characters
            - No more than 31
            - Required field

            Test cases:
            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result
            #1 Accepts all characters Last name = Petrenk0?!. accepted accepted
            #2 Max input 31 characters accepted 30 characters accepted
            #3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted 30 characters accepted
            #4 Required field empty field "required field" msg "enter your Last Name" msg
            #5 Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted accepted
            #6 Paste Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted 30 characters accepted
            #7 Paste Max input 31 characters accepted 30 characters accepted
            #8 Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted accepted

            Street Address:
            - text field
            - accepts all characters
            - No more than 255
            - Required field

            Test cases:
            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result
            #1 Accepts all characters Street Adress = Nova STR. 28\1 accepted accepted
            #2 Max input 255 characters accepted 100 characters accepted
            #3 Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted 100 characters accepted
            #4 Required field empty field "required field" msg "enter Street Address" msg
            #5 Paste Max input 255 characters accepted 100 characters accepted
            #6 Paste Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted 100 characters accepted
            #7 Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted accepted

            - text field
            - accepts all characters
            - no more than 50
            - required field

            Test cases:
            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result
            #1 Accepts all characters City = |Dnipr0| accepted accepted
            #2 Max input 50 characters accepted accepted
            #3 Max+1 input 51 characters 50 characters accepted 50 characters accepted
            #4 Paste Max input 50 characters accepted accepted
            #5 Paste Max+1 input 51 characters 50 characters accepted 50 characters accepted
            #6 Required field empty field "required field" msg "required field" msg
            #7 Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted accepted

            - list Box
            - offering the list of all 50 states
            - required field

            Test cases:
            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result
            #1 list of all 50 states NA 50 states in the list 49 states + "other"
            #2 Required field not selected "required field" msg "select State" msg

            - text field
            - accepts 5 characters
            - digits only
            - Required field
            - Existing

            Test cases:
            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result
            #1 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted accepted
            #2 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted 94085 accepted
            #3 4 digits 9408 "enter valid ZIP" msg "enter a valid ZIP" msg
            #4 Required field empty field "required" error msg "required" error msg
            #5 Invalid input - letter 94O85 "digits only" msg 94O85" accepted
            #6 Invalid input - sp. character 9408% "digits only" msg "94O8%" accepted
            #7 Paste 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted 940851 accepted
            #8 Paste invalid input - letter 94O85 "digits only" msg "94O85" accepted
            #9 Paste invalid input - sp.char. 9408% "digits only" msg "94O8%" accepted

            - text field
            - accepts digits
            - accepts letters
            - accepts some special characters
            - 255 characters
            - required field

            Test cases:
            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result
            #1 Valid input accepted accepted
            #2 Max input 255 characters accepted accepted
            #3 Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted 256 accepted
            #4 Lower boundary "X" accepted acepted
            #5 required field empty field "required field" msg no error msg
            #6 Paste Max input 255 characters accepted accepted
            #7 Paste Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted 256 accepted

            - 3 text fields
            - accepting 3-3-4 characters (digits only)
            - required field

            Test cases:
            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result
            #1 Valid input, existing 888-452-1505 accepted accepted
            #2 Max+1 input / each field 8888-4528-15058 3-3-4 chars accepted 3-3-4 chars accepted
            #3 invalid input - letter 888-452-15O5 only digits accepted only digits accepted
            #4 invalid input - sp. char. 888-452-!505 only digits accepted only digits accepted
            #5 Paste Max+1 input / each field 8888-4528-15058 3-3-4 chars accepted 3-3-4 chars accepted
            #6 Paste invalid input - letter 888-452-15O5 only digits accepted all characters accepted
            #7 Paste invalid input - sp. char. 888-452-!505 only digits accepted all characters accepted
            #8 required field empty field "required field" msg "required field" msg

            ====================BUG REPORTS======================
            #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
            #2. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
            #3. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
            #4. "Street Address" field, incomplete requirement: it is necessary to specify the minimum number of characters because the address cannot consist of one character.
            #5. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
            #6. "State" listbox should contain all the 50 states, no 49 states + "other"
            #7. "ZIP" field should not accept letters (as per requirements)
            #8. "ZIP" field accepts 6 characters by "paste" function (instead of 5 as per requirements)
            #9. "ZIP" field accepts letters by "paste" function (instead of digits only as per requirements)
            #10. "ZIP" field accepts sp. characters by "paste" function (instead of digits only as per requirements)
            #11. Please, provide the information about available special characters for the "Email" field
            #12. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for the "Email" field
            #13. Please, provide e-mail to check lucky pass.
            #14. "Email" field accepts 256 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
            #15. "Email" field accepts 256 characters by "paste" function instead of 255 as per requirements
            #16. "Email" field is required, it should be "required field" error message if field is empty.
            #17. All "Phone" fields accept letter by "paste" function (instead "only digits" as per requirements)
            #18. All "Phone" fields accept sp. characters by "paste" function (instead "only digits" as per requirements)
            #19. "City" field, incomplete requirement: it is necessary to specify the minimum number of characters because the City name cannot consist of one character.
            Attached Files


            • #66
              Energy-Telecom Service Review
              #1 First name field
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
              1. Accept all characters First name = 55John$% Accepted
              2. One character name First name = U Accepted
              3. Empty "First name" field First name = (empty space) Fail
              4. Max input 31 character: Vladislava-Ekaterina-Maria-Eliz Accepted
              5. Max input +1 character 32 characters: Vladislava-Ekaterina-Maria-Eliza Fail
              6. Asterisk changed colour First name = 55John$% Asterisk changed colour
              7. Fail foreign language characters First name = Жора Fail
              8. Paste name in the field RMB + Paste = 55John$% Accepted
              9. Paste name in the field Ctrl + V = 55John$% Accepted

              #2 Last name field
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
              1. Accept all characters Last name = 55Malkovich$% Accepted
              2. One character last name
              Last name = Y Accepted
              3. Empty "Last name" field
              Last name = (empty space) Fail
              4. Max input
              31 character: Swarzznegger-Malkovich-Willis-% Accepted
              5. Max input +1 character
              32 characters: Swarzznegger-Malkovich-Willis-%$ Fail
              6. Asterisk changed colour
              Last name = 55Malkovich$% Asterisk changed colour
              7. Fail foreign language characters
              Last name = Петров Fail
              8. Paste last name in the field
              RMB + Paste = 55Malkovich$% Accepted
              9. Paste last name in the field
              Ctrl + V = 55Malkovich$% Accepted

              #3 Street Address field
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
              1. Accept all characters Street Address = 901 Cherry Avenue@% Accepted
              2. One character Street Address
              Street Address = C Accepted
              3. Empty "Street Address" field
              Street Address = (empty space) Fail
              4. Max input
              255 character: San Bruno, California, US (paste x10 times)+ Youtu Accepted
              5. Max input +1 character
              256 characters: San Bruno, California, US (paste x10 times)+ Youtub Fail
              6. Asterisk changed colour
              Street Address = 901 Cherry Avenue@% Asterisk changed colour
              7. Fail foreign language characters
              Street Address = Петровка Fail
              8. Paste last name in the field
              RMB + Paste = 901 Cherry Avenue@% Accepted
              9. Paste last name in the field
              Ctrl + V = 901 Cherry Avenue@% Accepted

              #4 City field
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
              1. Accept all characters City name = 55Springfield$% Accepted
              2. One character city name
              City name = N Accepted
              3. Empty "City name" field
              City name = (empty space) Fail
              4. Max input
              50 character:Los_Angeles_Dallas_Huston (paste x2 times) Accepted
              5. Max input +1 character
              51 characters:Los_Angeles_Dallas_Huston (paste x2 times)+ T Fail
              6. Asterisk changed colour
              City name = 55Springfield$% Asterisk changed colour
              7. Fail foreign language characters
              City name = Бобруйск Fail
              8. Paste city name in the field
              RMB + Paste = 55Springfield$% Acceted
              9. Paste city name in the field
              Ctrl + V = 55Springfield$% Acceted

              #5 State field
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
              1. The list of all 50 states Push arrow on a "State field" Shows a list of 50 states
              2. Choose state from the list
              Push arrow on a "State field" choose "UT" Accepted
              3. Don't choose state
              Push arrow on a "State field" + choose "--" Fail
              4. Choose state by pushing letter
              Choose state field + press"U" Accepted "UT" state
              5. Asterisk changed colour
              Push arrow on a "State field" choose "UT" Asterisk changed colour

              #6 ZIP field
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
              1. Accept digits ZIP = 12345 Accepted
              2. Doesn't input characters
              ZIP = IT_$% Fail
              2. One digit
              ZIP = 1 Accepted
              3. Empty "ZIP" field
              ZIP = (empty space) Fail
              4. Max input
              5 digits:12345 Accepted
              5. Max input +1 character
              6 digits:123456 Accepted
              6. Asterisk changed colour
              ZIP = 12345 Asterisk changed colour
              7. Paste ZIP in the field
              RMB + Paste = 12345 Accepted
              8. Paste ZIP in the field
              Ctrl + V = 12345 Accepted
              9. Doesn't Paste characters
              RMB + Paste ZIP = IT_$% Fail
              10. Doesn't Paste characters
              "Ctrl" + "V" ZIP = IT_$% Fail
              11. Doesn't Paste 6 characters
              RMB + Paste ZIP = 77_$%@ Fail

              #7 Email field
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
              1. Accept digits,letters,some special characters email = Accepted
              2. Invalid email
              email = Fail
              3. Fail with some special characters
              email = work%/?\ Fail
              3. Empty "email" field
              email = (empty space) Fail
              4. Max input
              255 character:workingtwentybuttons12345 (paste x10 times)+ Accepted
              5. Max input +1 character
              256 characters:workingtwentybuttons12345 (paste x10 times)+ Fail
              6. Asterisk changed colour
              email = Asterisk changed colour
              7. Fail foreign language characters
              email = почта Fail
              8. Paste email in the field
              RMB + Paste = Accepted
              9. Paste email in the field
              Ctrl + V = Accepted

              #8 Phone fields
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
              1. 3 phone fields Accept only digits phone = 800 555 3333 Accepted
              2. 3 phone fields fail with special characters and letters
              phone = 1b$ 2v% 3n# Fail
              3. Left phone field with 2 digits
              phone = 80 555 3333 Fail
              4. Central phone field with 2 digits
              phone = 800 55 3333 Fail
              5. Right phone field with 2 digits
              phone = 800 555 33 Fail
              6. Empty "3 phone fields"
              phone = (empty space) Fail
              7. Max input +1 digit in 3 phone fields
              phone = 8001 5551 33331 Fail
              8. Asterisk changed colour
              email = Asterisk changed colour
              9. Fail foreign language characters
              phone = АПР АПР АПРО Fail
              10. Paste foreign language characters
              RMB + Paste = АПР АПР АПРО Fail
              11. Paste email in the field
              RMB + Paste = 800 555 3333 Accepted
              12. Paste email in the field
              Ctrl + V = = 800 555 3333 Accepted

              Bugs will be later here....


              • #67
                1. Тест кейсы: (last name):

                текстовое поле
                принимает все символы.
                Не более 31.
                Обязательное поле.

                ID назначение инструкция ожидаемый результат
                #1. Поле принимает любые символы Фамилия = Андреев1990!"; принято
                #2. Максимальное количество символов 31 символ принято
                #3. Максимальное количество символов+1 32 символа 31 символ принят
                #4. Обязательное поле пустое поле ошибка об отсутствии символов в поле
                #5. Нижняя граница по количеству символов 2 принято

                2. Тест кейсы: (city):

                текстовое поле
                принимает все символы
                не более 50
                обязательное поле

                ID назначение инструкция ожидаемый результат
                #1. Поле принимает любые символы Город = Сочи; принято
                #2. Максимальное количество символов 50 символ принято
                #3. Максимальное количество символов+1 51 символа принят 31 символ
                #4. Обязательное поле пустое поле ошибка об отсутствии символов в поле
                #5. Нижняя граница по количеству символов С принято

                3. Тест кейсы: (State):

                Окно списка
                предлагающее список всех 50 штатов
                Обязательное поле

                ID назначение инструкция ожидаемый результат
                #1. Окно списка наведение фокуса на окно открывшийся список штатов
                #2. список штатов выбор любого шатата из списка принято
                #3. обязательное поле штат не выбран ошибка об отсутствии выбранного штата

                4. Тест кейсы: (Email):

                текстовое поле
                принимает цифры, буквы, некоторые специальные символы.
                255 символов.
                Обязательное поле.

                ID назначение инструкция ожидаемый результат
                #1. Поле принимает цифры, буквы, некоторые специальные символы принято
                #2. Поле принимает цифры, буквы, некоторые специальные символы testing2022(((.com некорректный формат адреса почты
                #3. Максимальное количество символов 255 принято
                #4. Максимальное количество символов +1 256 принято 255 символов
                #5. Обязательное поле пустое поле ошибка об отсутствии электронной почты

                ===================================BUG REPORTS=====================================

                #1. В выпадающем списке "State" указано 49 штатов и слово "othere"
                #2. Возможно требуется сократить количество максимальных символов в "Email"
                #3. При нажатии кнопки "Sumbit" не отображается требование об обязательном заполнеии поля "Email"
                #4. При внесении адреса электронной почты без доменного имени сервера не отображается ошибка/замечание.
                #5. Символ "*" возле "Email" отображается в синем цвете при нажатии кнопки "Sumbit"
                #6. Указание "* Indicates required field" - отображается в синем цвете, а обязательные поля для заполнения отмечены красным символом "*"


                • #68

                  First Name:

                  - text field

                  - accepts all characters - No more than 31

                  - Required field

                  Test cases:

                  ID Purpose Instruction

                  Expected Result accepted

                  "required field" message accepted
                  • #1. Accepts all characters
                  • #2. Max input (30 characters )
                  • #3. Max+1 input
                  • #4. Required field empty field - "required field" message
                  • #5. Lower boundary, one character

                  Last Name:

                  - Text field

                  - Accepts all characters

                  - No more than 31

                  - Required field

                  Test cases:

                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                  #1. Accepts all characters : = (@63sg are accepted

                  #2. Max input 30 accepted

                  #3. Required field - empty field - "required field" message

                  #4. Lower boundary, one character - "U” - accepted

                  Street Address:

                  - text field

                  - accepts all characters - No more than 255

                  - Required field

                  Test cases:

                  #1 Accepts all characters : = (@63sg are accepted

                  #2 32 , 31 characters -no input

                  #3 30 characters -input

                  empty field-"required field" message


                  - Text field

                  - Accepts all characters

                  - No more than 50

                  - Required field

                  Test cases:

                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                  #1. Accepts all characters t54d1,k l# are accepted

                  #2. Max input - 50 characters - accepted

                  #4. Required field - empty field - "required field" message

                  #5. Lower boundary, one character - "X" - accepted


                  - List Box offering the list of all 50 states

                  - Required field

                  Test cases:

                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                  #1. Amount states 50 - Counting amount states in list - 49 states

                  #2. Required field - empty field - "required field" message


                  - Text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters

                  - 255 characters

                  - Required field

                  Test cases:

                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                  #1. Accept all characters - accepted

                  #2. 255 characters - accepted

                  #3. Required field - empty field - message

                  #4. Lower boundary, one character - "l " - not accepted


                  - 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)

                  - Required field - 255 characters

                  Test cases:

                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                  #1. Filling in 3 text fields with numbers (3-3-4) - 444 666 8990- accepted

                  #2. Filling in 3 text fields with numbers (3-3-4) - 111 555 5555 - "required field" message

                  #3. Filling in 3 text fields with numbers (3-3-4) - 000 555 5555 - "required field" message

                  #4. Required field - empty field - "required field" message

                  # not accepted letters

                  ==============BUG REPORTS=============

                  # ZIP -all capital letters change to (zip).

                  # states are not in the alphabetical order

                  # city column accepted numbers

                  # street column accepted 1 character

                  low boundary 1 character input

                  # name column Lower boundary, one character(number ) - "5 ” - accepted

                  Kate K


                  • #69
                    Test cases for "First name/Last name" (FN):
                    ID Purpose Instruction Expected result Actual result Bug№
                    1. accepts all chars FN = 25 misha"!$ accepted accepted
                    2. max input FN = 31 chars accepted accepted 30 chars 1
                    3. max input+1 FN = 32 chars 31 accepted accepted 30 chars 2
                    4. max input+1 FN = paste 32 chars 31 accepted accepted 30 chars 3
                    5. required field FN = empty field "required field" msg "required field" msg
                    6. lower boundary, 1 char FN = A accepted accepted

                    Test cases for "Last name" (LN):
                    1. accepts all char LN = 25 misha"!$ accepted accepted
                    2. max input LN = 31 chars accepted accepted 30 chars 4
                    3. max input+1 LN = 32 chars 31 accepted accepted 30 chars 5
                    4. max input+1 LN = paste 32 chars 31 accepted accepted 30 chars 6
                    5. required field LN = empty field "required field" msg "required field" msg
                    6. lower boundary, 1 char LN = K accepted accepted

                    Test cases for "Street Address" (SA):
                    1. accepts all chars SA = Ab,1/№ accepted accepted
                    2. max input 255 chars SA = 255 chars accepted accepted 100 chars 7
                    3. max input 256 chars SA = 256 chars 255 accepted accepted 100 chars 8
                    4. max input 256 chars SA = paste 256 chars 255 accepted accepted 100 chars 9
                    5. required field SA = empty field "required field" msg "required field" msg
                    6. lower boundary, 4 char SA=i,3 "required field" msg accepted 3 chars 10
                    7. lower boundary, 4 char SA=i,3$ accepted accepted

                    Test cases for "City":
                    1. accepts all char City = Ab,1/№ accepted accepted
                    2. max input 50 char City = 50 chars accepted accepted
                    3. max input 51 char City = 51 chars 50 accepted accepted 50
                    4. max input 256 char City = paste 51 chars 50 accepted accepted 50
                    5. required field City = empty field "required field" msg "required field" msg
                    6. lower boundary, 4 char City=i,3 "required field" msg accepted 3 chars 11
                    7. lower boundary, 4 char City=i,3$ accepted accepted

                    Test cases for "State":
                    1. List box offering of 50 states State = click&scroll&count Downlist of states,counted all 50, choosed one downlisted 49 12,13,14,15
                    2. required field State = empty field (ignored) "required field" msg "required field" msg
                    3. Rechoose state State = click&scroll&click another another state has been chosen another state has been chosen

                    Test cases for "ZIP":
                    1. accepts 5 char (digits), existing ZIP = 94084 accepted accepted
                    2. accepts 4 char (digits) ZIP = 9408 "error msg "required field" "error msg "required field"
                    3. accepts 6 char (digits) ZIP = 940844 accepted 94084 accepted 94084
                    4. accepts 5 char (letters%sp. char) ZIP = 94o8! "error msg "invalid ZIP" "error msg "invalid ZIP"
                    5. accepts 6 char (paste digits) ZIP = paste 940844 accepted 94084 pasted all digits 16,17
                    6. accepts 5 char (paste letters%sp. char) ZIP = paste 94o8! "error msg "invalid ZIP" "error msg "invalid ZIP"
                    7. required field ZIP = empty field "required field" "required field"


                    • #70
                      Test cases for "Email":
                      1. accepts digits, letters, some sp.char Email = accepted accepted
                      2. accepts digits, letters, some sp.char Email = adres$ "error msg "invalid Email, character "@" is missing" accepted 18
                      3. accepts digits, letters, some sp.char Email = adress@gmail,com "error msg "invalid Email, character "." is missing" accepted 19
                      4. accepts digits, letters, some sp.char Email = adress@gmail/com "error msg "invalid Email, character "/" is unappropriate" accepted 20
                      5. max input 255 char Email = 255 char, with sp. char "@" and ".com" accepted accepted
                      6. max input 256 char Email = 256 char, with sp. char "@" and ".com" 255 char accepted accepted all chars 21
                      7. common sense test1 Email = adress@gmailcom. "error msg "after dot must be a two letters at least" accepted 22
                      8. lower boundary, 6 char Email = accepted accepted
                      9. lower boundary, 5 char Email = 1@a.i "error msg "to short Email" accepted 23
                      10. required field Email = empty field "required field" "required field"
                      11. max input paste 256 char Email = 256 char, with sp. char "@" and ".com" 255 char accepted accepted all chars 24
                      12. common sense test2 Email = "error msg "after a character "@" msut be one another letter at least" accepted 25
                      13. typing mistake test Email = adress" "error msg "invalid Email, character """ is unappropriate" accepted, data loss 26

                      Test cases for "Phone":
                      1. accepts 3-3-4 chars, existing Phone = 6503071070 accepted, all fields are filled as 650-307-1070 accepted 650 only 27
                      2. accepts 3-3-4 chars with letters Phone = 65o3o71o7o "error msg "invalid Phone, Phone number must contain 12 digits" "error msg "Please enter a valid Phone Number"
                      3. accepts 3-3-4 chars with paste letters Phone = paste 65o3o71o7o "error msg "invalid Phone, Phone number must contain 12 digits" "error msg "Please enter a valid Phone Number"
                      4. accepts 3-3-4 chars with paste sp char Phone = paste 650307107$ "error msg "invalid Phone, Phone number must contain 12 digits" "error msg "Please enter a valid Phone Number"
                      5. lower boundaries field 1 Phone = 503071070 "error msg "invalid Phone, Phone number must contain 12 digits", all fields are filled as 50-307-1070 "error msg "Please enter a valid Phone Number"
                      6. lower boundaries field 3 Phone = 503071070 "error msg "invalid Phone, Phone number must contain 12 digits", all fields are filled as 503-071-070 "error msg "Please enter a valid Phone Number"
                      7. lower boundaries field 2 Phone = 650 071070 "error msg "invalid Phone, Phone number must contain 12 digits", all fields are filled as 650-071-070 "error msg "Please enter a valid Phone Number"
                      8. required field Phone = empty field (ignored all) "required field" "Please enter your Phone number"
                      9. required field 1 Phone = empty field (ignored first field) "error msg "invalid Phone, Phone number must contain 12 digits" "Please enter your Phone number"
                      10. required field 2 Phone = empty field (ignored second field) "error msg "invalid Phone, Phone number must contain 12 digits" "Please enter your Phone number"
                      11. required field 3 Phone = empty field (ignored third field) "error msg "invalid Phone, Phone number must contain 12 digits" "Please enter your Phone number"

                      =======Bug reports (WITHOUT UI'S Usability Guidelines TESTING)========
                      ID short description
                      1. Field "First name" should accept up to 31 chars, not 30 as it accepts now
                      2. Field "First name" should accept up to 31 chars, not 30 as it accepts now
                      3. Field "First name" should accept up to 31 chars, not 30 as it accepts now
                      4. Field "Last name" should accept up to 31 chars, not 30 as it accepts now
                      5. Field "Last name" should accept up to 31 chars, not 30 as it accepts now
                      6. Field "Last name" should accept up to 31 chars, not 30 as it accepts now
                      7. Field "Street Address" should accept up to 255 chars, not 100 as it accepts now
                      8. Field "Street Address" should accept up to 255 chars, not 100 as it accepts now
                      9. Field "Street Address" should accept up to 255 chars, not 100 as it accepts now
                      10. Field "Street Address". Please provide a minimal amount of chars for "Street Adress"
                      11. Field "Street Address". Please provide a minimal amount of chars for "Street Adress"
                      12. Field "State". Please provide list of state in abc manner
                      13. Field "State" contains 49 states
                      14. Field "State". There is shouldn't be an "other" state in the USA
                      15. Field "State". Mouse scroll is disabled, but it shouldn't be
                      16. Field "ZIP". Menu item "Paste" pasted all chars in clipboard instead of pasting five digits only
                      17. Field "ZIP". Please provide to allowing an overtyping in that field
                      18. Field "Email" should accept a valid Email, but it accepts "adres$". Shall we make a popup msg "invalid Email, character "@" is missing"?
                      19. Field "Email" should accept a valid Email, but it accepts "adres$gmail,com". Shall we make a popup msg "invalid Email, character "." is missing"?
                      20. Field "Email" should accept a valid Email, but it accepts "adres$gmail/com". Shall we make a popup msg "invalid Email, character "/" is unappropriate"?
                      21. Field "Email" should accept 255 chars only, but it accepts 255+
                      22. Field "Email" should accept a valid Email, but it accepts "adress@gmailcom.". Shall we make a popup msg "after dot must be a two letters at least"?
                      23. Field "Email". Please provide a minimal amount of chars for "Email". Shall we make a popup msg "to short Email" if there is less than 5 chars?
                      24. Field "Email" should accept 255 chars only, but it accepts 255+ then paste chars.
                      25. Field "Email" should accept a valid Email, but it accepts "". Shall we make a popup msg "invalid Email, after a character "@" msut be one another letter at least"?
                      26. Field "Email" has data loss while use char """ in Email adress.
                      27. Field "Phone" didn't make jump to next field while phone number is typing
                      28. Field "Reffered by" shouldn't be required as it is.


                      • #71
                        --------Last Name field requirements:
                        text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.

                        Test cases:

                        ID\ Title\ Instructions\ Expected result
                        1.\ Accepts all characters\ Frist name= Qa09-@$ \ Accepted
                        2.\ Maximum input\ 31 characters\ Accepted
                        3.\ More than maximum input\ 32 characters\ 31 accepted
                        4.\ Required field\ empty field\ "Required field" msg.
                        5.\ Lower boundary\ one character\ Accepted

                        --------Street Address field requirements:
                        text field, accepts all characters. No more than 255. Required field.

                        Test cases:

                        ID\ Title\ Instructions\ Expected result
                        1.\ Accepts all characters\ Street Address= Solnechnaya@!=+, 8 \ Accepted
                        2.\ Maximum input\ 255 characters\ Accepted
                        3.\ More than maximum input\ 256 characters\ 255 accepted
                        4.\ Required field\ empty field\ "Required field" msg.

                        ---------City field requirements:
                        text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.

                        Test cases:

                        ID\ Title\ Instructions\ Expected result
                        1.\ Accepts all characters\ Boston7>?[} \ Accepted
                        2.\ Maximum input\ 50 characters\ Accepted
                        3.\ More than maximum input\ 51 characters\ 50 accepted
                        4.\ Required field\ empty field\ "Required field" msg.

                        ---------State field requirements:
                        List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.

                        Test cases:

                        ID\ Title\ Instructions\ Expected result
                        1.\ State chosen from list box\ FL \ accepted
                        2.\ Required field\ empty field\ 'please select your State' error message

                        ---------ZIP field requirements:
                        text field, accepts 5 characters (digits only). Required field.

                        Test cases:

                        ID\ Title\ Instructions\ Expected result
                        1.\ 5 Digits\ existing\ 34087\ accepted
                        2.\ 6 Digits\ 340877\ 34087\ accepted
                        3.\ 4 Digits\ 3408\ 3408\ "Please enter a valid ZIP Code" error message
                        4.\ Required field\ Empty Field\ "Please enter your ZIP Code" error message
                        5.\ Invalid input\ letter 34O87\ "Please enter a valid ZIP Code" error message
                        6.\ Invalid input\ sp. character 3408@\ "Please enter a valid ZIP Code" error message
                        7.\ Paste 6 digits\ Paste 340878\ 34087 accepted
                        8.\ Paste invalid input\ letter B4087\ "Please enter a valid ZIP Code" error message
                        9.\ Paste with a Sp. Char.\ Paste 3?057\ "Please enter a valid ZIP Code" error message
                        10.\ Non-existing ZIP\ 00000\ "Please enter a valid ZIP Code" error message

                        ----------Email field requirements:
                        text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field.

                        Test cases:

                        ID\ Title\ Instructions\ Expected result
                        1.\ Existing email\\ accepted
                        2.\ Invalid email\ just mail\ "Please enter a valid email" error message
                        3.\ Max input\ 255 characters, existing email\ accepted
                        4.\ More than max input\ 256 characters\ 255 accepted
                        5.\ Required field\ empty\ "Please enter your email" error message

                        --------Phone field requirements:
                        3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). Required field.

                        Test cases:

                        ID\ Title\ Instructions\ Expected result
                        1.\ 10 digits\ 234-567-1234\ accepted
                        2.\ 11 digits\ 234-567-12345\ 234-567-1234 accepted
                        3.\ 9 digits\ 234-567-123\ "Please enter your Phone number" error message
                        4.\ Required field\ empty\ "Please enter your Phone number" error message
                        5.\ Invalid input\ letter: 234-567-123F\ 234-567-123 accepted
                        6.\ Invalid input\ special characters: 23?-+67-1@34\ 236-713-4 accepted
                        7.\ Paste invalid input\ letter: 234-567-123F\ 234-567-123 accepted
                        8.\ Paste invalid input\ special characters: 23?-+67-1@34\ 236-713-4 accepted

                        =========Bugs report:
                        1.\ "Street Address" field has typing and pasting limit 100 characters instead of 255 characters
                        2.\ "ZIP" field accepts typed letters. It may accepts digits only
                        3.\ "ZIP" field accepts more then 5 pasted digits and letters instead of accept no more than 5 digits only
                        4.\ "Phone" field accepts any pasted characters, instead of accept only digits
                        5.\ "Last name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 characters
                        6.\ "Email" field accepts 1063 characters instead of accept 255 characters
                        7.\ Phone numbers format like 1XX-XXX-XXXX, 0XX-XXX-XXXX, XXX-1XX-XXXX, XXX-0XX-XXXX is not valid for an array of NANP numbers.
                        Probably, registration with such numbers should give an error


                        • #72
                          Last Name:
                          - text field
                          - accepts all characters
                          - No more than 31
                          - Required field
                          Test cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                          #1. Accepts all characters Last name="30Smith#." accepted
                          #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
                          #3. Max input+1 32 characters 31 accepted
                          #4. Lower boundary "Q" accepted
                          #5. Required field empty field "required field" message
                          - text field
                          - accepts all characters
                          - No more than 50
                          - Required field
                          Test cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                          #1. Accepts all characters "30Boston#$" accepted
                          #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
                          #3. Max input+1 51 characters 50 accepted
                          #4. Lower boundary "Q" accepted
                          #5. Required field empty field "required field" message
                          - List Box offering the list of all 50 states
                          - Required field
                          Test cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                          #1. List Box offering the list of all 50 states Chek the List Box for presence of all 50 states 50 states
                          #2. Required field Choose "--" "required field" message
                          - text field
                          - accepts digits
                          - accepts letters
                          - accepts some special characters
                          - 255 characters
                          - Required field
                          Test cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                          #1. accepts exists email "" accepted
                          #2 accepts digits "30" accepted
                          #2. accepts letters "Rt" accepted
                          #3. accepts some special characters "@ . – _" accepted
                          #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
                          #3. Max input+1 256 characters 255 accepted
                          #5. Required field empty field "required field" message
                          - 3 text fields
                          - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
                          - Required field
                          Test cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                          #1. accepting 3-3-4 chars "123-456-7890" accepted
                          #2. accepts letters "Rt" not accepted
                          #3. accepts special characters ". - '" not accepted
                          #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                          =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
                          #1. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, not 30 as it accepts now
                          #2. Better calculate city by ZIP code rather than ask for input
                          #3. Delete "BC" from the List Box "State"
                          #4. Delete "Other" from the List Box "State"
                          #5. Add "DC" to the List Box "State"
                          #6. Add "HI" to the List Box "State"
                          #7. Replace "IND" with "IN" in the List Box "State"
                          #8. Add "NV" to the List Box "State"
                          #9. "Email" field should add checking for existence of email
                          #10."Email" should accept "_", field doesn't accept it now
                          #11."Email" field accepts more than 255 characters
                          #12."Email" field doesn't show "required field" message
                          Last edited by RITOVT; 04-13-2022, 04:27 PM.


                          • #73
                            First name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Exp. Result
                            1 accepts all characters First Name: = Will561#@! accepted
                            2 Max input 31 characters 31 characters accepted
                            3 Max input 31+1 characters 32 characters 31 accepted
                            4 Required field Empty field Message "Required field"
                            5 Lower boundary "C" accepted
                            City: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.
                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Exp. Result
                            1 accepts all characters City: = Chicago #13 accepted
                            2 Max input 50 character 50 characters accepted
                            3 Max input 50+1 characters 51 characters 50 accepted
                            4 Required field Empty field Message "Required field"
                            5 Lower boundary "C" accepted
                            State: List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.
                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Exp. Result
                            1 List Box offering the list of all 50 states Check all 50 states are present 50 states are present
                            2 Choose 1 state Choose 1 of 50 states accepted
                            3 Required field Empty field Message "Required field"
                            Email: text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field.
                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Exp. Result
                            1 accepts digits,letters,some special characters Email: = accepted
                            2 Max input 255 character 255 characters accepted
                            3 Max input 255+1 characters 256 characters 255 accepted
                            4 Required field Empty field Message "Required field"
                            5 Lower boundary "C" accepted
                            Notice: Need clarification which special characters are accepted?

                            Bug report:
                            1. "First name" field - accept only 30 characters (must 31)
                            2. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "First name" field
                            3. "Last Name" field - accept only 30 characters (must 31)
                            4. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Last name" field
                            5. "State" list box - has only 49 states
                            6. "State" list box - state "BC" doesn't exist
                            7. "State" list box - State "HI" is missing
                            8. "State" list box - State "NV" is missing
                            9. "State" "other" dose not exist
                            10. "Email" field - accept 256 characters (must 255)
                            11. "Email" field = Empty field - No warning Message "Required field"
                            12. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Email" field
                            13. "Email" field - Need clarification which special characters are accepted?
                            14. "Street address" field - accept only 100 characters (must 255)
                            15. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
                            16. "Phone" field - do not accept valid number "312 742 4747" (all fields are filled out)
                            Last edited by Vladimir_Gi; 04-14-2022, 11:48 AM.


                            • #74


                              • #75

                                Last Name:

                                -accepts all characters
                                -No more than 31
                                -Required field

                                Test cases:

                                ID Purpose........................................ Instruction ..............................Expected Result

                                1. input all characters .......................Last Name = Oleg10\ ............accepted \ "*" of blue color
                                2. Max input ......................................31 characters ........................accepted \ "*" of blue color
                                3. Max+1 input ..................................32 characters .......................31 accepted
                                4. input copy\paste ...........................Last Name = Oleg10\ ............accepted \ "*" of blue color
                                5. Maximum input when copy\paste ...32 characters .......................31 accepted
                                6. Required field................................. empty field.......................... "required field" message \ "*" of red color
                                7. Lower boundary, one character ......."Y" .....................................accepted \ "*" of blue color

                                BUG REPORTS:
                                1. "Last Name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now

                                -accepts all characters
                                -No more than 50
                                -Required field

                                Test cases:

                                ID Purpose ..............................................Inst ruction .................Expected Result

                                1.input all characters ............................City = Arzamas-6 ......accepted "*" of blue color
                                2.Max input ...........................................50 characters ............accepted "*" of blue color
                                3.Max+1 input .......................................51 characters 50....... accepted
                                4.input copy\paste......................... ........City = Arzamas-6 .....accepted \ "*" of blue color
                                5.Maximum input when copy\paste...... 51 characters ...........50 accepted
                                6.Required field .....................................empty field ............."required field" message \ "*" of red color
                                7.Lower boundary, one character.............. "Y"........................ accepted \ "*" of blue color

                                -List Box offering the list of all 50 states
                                -Required field

                                Test cases:

                                ID Purpose .................................................. ..................Instruction ................................................Ex pected Result

                                1.List Box offering the list of all 50 states ...........AL,АК,AZ,AR,CA,CO,CT,DE, FL ........................all 50 states are
                                .................................................. ..........................GA,HI,ID,IL,IN,IA,KS,KY, LA,ME
                                .................................................. ..........................MD,МА,MI,MN,MS,МО,MT,NE, NV,NH
                                .................................................. ..........................NJ,NM,NY,NC,ND,ОН,ОК,OR, РА,RI
                                .................................................. .........................SC,SD,TN,ТХ,UT,VT,VA,WA,W V,WI,WY

                                2.Required field .................................................. empty field .................................................. ......."required field" message \ "*" of red color
                                3.Choose .................................................. ...................CA............................. ................................... accepted \ "*" of blue color

                                BUG REPORTS:
                                1.add to list of states DC (District of Columbia)
                                2.there is a non-existent one in the list of states - "BC"
                                3.not in the list: "HI","NV".
                                4.misspelled Indiana state abbreviation: "IND" - correctly: "IN"
                                5.put at the end of the list "Other"

                                -accepts digits,letters,some special characters
                                -Max 255 characters
                                -Required field

                                Test cases:

                                ID Purpose .................................................. .............Instruction ..............................................Expe cted Result

                                1.input digits,letters,some special characters.......... valid email = \ "*" of blue color
                                2.Max input............................................. ..................255 characters ........................................accepted "*" of blue color
                                3.Max+1 input .................................................. ........256 characters .......................................255 accepted
                                4.input copy\paste .............................accepted \ "*" of blue color
                                5.Maximum input when copy\paste .........................256 characters........................................ 255 accepted
                                6.Required field............................................. ...... empty field............................................. ......"required field" message \ "*" of red color
                                7.not accepts invalid email (without @)............... invalid email = "required field" message \ "*" of red color

                                BUG REPORTS:
                                1.specify what special characters?
                                2.Max input > 255 characters
                                3.input copy\paste 256 characters - accepted 256 characters
                                4.accepted empty field - missing message "required field" \ "*" of blue color
                                5.accepted invalid email (without @) "", missing message "required field" \ "*" of blue color
                                6.accepted all characters (\,!& ...)
                                -3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
                                -text fields #1 - 3 chars (digits only)
                                -text fields #2 - 3 chars (digits only)
                                -text fields #3 - 4 chars (digits only)
                                -Required field

                                Test cases:

                                ID Purpose ...........................................Instruc tion ......................Expected Result

                                1. input digits...................................... 996 888 7766 ................accepted "*" of blue color
                                2. input digits+letters ..........................99b 88B 776b ................"required field" message \ "*" of red color
                                3. input digits+special characters .......99@ 88& 7?66 ..............."required field" message \ "*" of red color
                                4.text fields #1. max+1 input.............. 4 digits 3 digits............... accepted
                                5.text fields #1. input copy\paste .......3 digits ............................accepted
                                6.text fields #1. input copy\paste ........4 digits ..........................3 digits accepted
                                7.text fields #1. input copy\paste....... 3 letters ...........................not accepted
                                8.text fields #1. input copy\paste ........3 special characters ........not acceptedr
                                9.text fields #2. max+1 input ..............4 digits 3 digits................. accepted
                                10.text fields #2. input copy\paste ...... 3 digits ...........................accepted
                                11.text fields #2. input copy\paste ........4 digits ..........................3 digits accepted
                                12.text fields #2. input copy\paste ......3 letters ..........................not accepted
                                13.text fields #2. input copy\paste...... 3 special characters ........not acceptedr
                                14.text fields #3. max+1 input.............. 5 digits.......................... 4 digits accepted
                                15.text fields #3. input copy\paste....... 4 digits ...........................accepted
                                16.text fields #3. input copy\paste .......5 digits ...........................4 digits accepted
                                17.text fields #3. input copy\paste .......4 letters .........................not accepted
                                18.text fields #3. input copy\paste ......4 special characters........... not acceptedr
                                19.input digits.................................... 99 888 7766....................... "required field" message \ "*" of red color
                                20.input digits ..................................996 88 7766 ......................."required field" message \ "*" of red color
                                21.input digits ..................................996 888 776........................ "required field" message \ "*" of red color

                                BUG REPORTS:
                                "Referred by" is optional, but site says: "* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by" and does not send
                                Last edited by KraDiMan; 04-13-2022, 05:37 PM.

