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Energy-Telecom test cases and bug reports

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  • #76

    -text field

    -accepts 5 characters

    -digits only

    -required field


    Test Cases:

    ID Purpose Instruction Expected result

    1. 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted

    2. 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted

    3. 4 digits 9408 enter valid “ZIP”message

    4. Required field empty field “required” error message

    5. Invalid input - letter 94O85 “digits” only message

    6. Invalid input - sp.charac. 9408$ “digits” only message

    7. Paste 6 - 1 digits 11111 accepted

    8. Paste 6 digits 111111 enter valid “ZIP”

    9. Paste 4 digits 1111 enter valid “ZIP”

    10. Paste 6 letters gggggg enter valid “ZIP”

    11. Paste 6 - 1 letters ggggg enter valid “ZIP”

    12. Paste 6 sp.characters @@@@@@ enter valid “ZIP”

    13. Paste 6 - 1 sp.characters @@@@@ enter valid “ZIP”


    -text field

    -accepts digits

    -accepts letters

    -some special characters

    -255 characters

    -required field

    Test Cases:

    ID Purpose Instruction Expected result

    1. Accepts all characters accepted

    2. Accepts digits accepted

    3. Accepts letters accepted

    4. Accepts some sp.char. !@$ accepted

    5. Input 255 characters quantity ch.255 accepted

    6. Input 255+1 characters quantity ch.256 accepted

    7. Required field empty field accepted


    -3 text fields

    -accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only).

    -required field

    Test Cases:

    ID Purpose Instruction Expected result

    1. 3 text field (984)-137-8232 accepted

    2. Accepting 3-3-4 chars(digits only) 984-137-8232 accepted

    3. Accepting 3-3-3 chars(digits only) 984-137-823 enter a valid Phone Number

    4. Required field field empty enter a valid Phone Number

    1. Please provide “ZIP” field amount of 5 characters (only digits).
    2. “Paste” in the pop-up menu of “ZIP” field should be disabled when we paste letters or special characters.
    3. “ZIP” field should be disabled for the data entry of letters and special characters.
    4. Please provide “Email” with required field(*). The most valuable data is the contact information.
    5. “Email” should be existing.
    6. “Email” field accepts more than 255 characters.
    7. “Phone” number should be field with exist international country telephone code (1).
    8. Please provide “Phone” field additional text field for the country telephone code.
    9. “Phone” number in the 3 text fields should be disabled when we paste letters or special characters(use only digits).
    10. “Phone” numbers format should be exist with amount of 9 digits: (1)984-137-82.


    • #77
      ID: Steps: Expected results: Actual result: Pass/Fail
      First Name:
      accepts all characters
      1. in the field "First name" enter: qvertiASDFйцуукФЫВА_!"№;%$#
      2. push "submit"
      accepted (First Name: no error message) pass
      First Name:
      No more than 31
      in the field "First name" enter: 1234567890123456789012345678901 31 accepted fail (30 accepted)
      First Name:
      Required field
      1. First Name: empty field
      2. push "submit"
      error message: enter First Name: pass
      First Name:
      input 32 characters
      in the field "First name" enter: 12345678901234567890123456789012 31 accepted fail (30 accepted)
      Last Name: accepts all characters 1. in the field "Last Name" enter: qvertiASDFйцуукФЫВА_!"№;%$#
      2. push "submit"
      accepted (Last Name: no error message) pass
      Last Name: No more than 31 in the field "Last Name" enter: 1234567890123456789012345678901 31 accepted fail (30 accepted)
      Last Name: Required field 1. Last Name: empty field
      2. push "submit"
      error message: enter Last Name: pass
      Last Nam:
      input 32 characters
      in the field "Last Name" enter: 12345678901234567890123456789012 31 accepted fail (30 accepted)
      Street Address: accepts all characters 1. in the field "Street Address" enter: qvertiASDFйцуукФЫВА_!"№;%$#
      2. push "submit"
      accepted (Street Address: no error message) pass
      Street Address: No more than 255. in the field "Street Address" enter: 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 12345 255 accepted fail (100 accepted)
      Street Address: Required field 1. Street Address: empty field
      2. push "submit"
      error message: enter Street Address: pass
      Street Address:
      input 256 characters
      in the field "Street Address" enter: 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 123456 255 accepted fail (100 accepted)
      City: accepts all characters 1. in the field "City" enter: qvertiASDFйцуукФЫВА_!"№;%$#
      2. push "submit"
      accepted (City: no error message) pass
      City: No more than 50 in the field "City" enter: 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 accepted pass
      City: Required field. 1. City: empty field
      2. push "submit"
      error message: enter City: pass
      input 51 characters
      in the field "First name" enter: 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 1 50 accepted pass
      State: List Box offering the list of all 50 states. List Box "State" offering the list of all 50 states. accepted fail (List box, offers a list of 49 states.)
      State: Required field. 1. State: empty field
      2. push "submit"
      error message: select State: pass
      ZIP: accepts 5 characters (digits only) 1. in the field "ZIP" enter: 12345
      2. push "submit"
      accepted pass
      ZIP: enter 6 characters (digits only) 1. in the field "ZIP" enter: 123456
      2. push "submit"
      accepts 5 characters pass
      ZIP: paste 6 characters (digits only) 1. in the field "ZIP" paste: 123456
      2. push "submit"
      accepts 5 characters fail (Please enter a valid ZIP Code)
      ZIP: accepts 5 characters (no digits only) 1. in the field "ZIP" enter: 1234S
      2. push "submit"
      error message: digits only fail (Please enter a valid ZIP Code)
      ZIP: enter 4 characters (digits only) 1. in the field "ZIP" enter: 1234
      2. push "submit"
      error message: enter a valid ZIP Code pass (Please enter a valid ZIP Code)
      ZIP: Required field. 1. ZIP: empty field
      2. push "submit"
      error message: enter ZIP: pass
      Email: accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 1. in the field "Email" enter:
      2. push "submit"
      accepted pass
      Email: accepts digits, letters 1. in the field "Email" enter:
      2. push "submit"
      error message: enter a valid Email fail (accepts invalid email format)
      Email: 255 characters 1. in the field "Email" enter: tcase123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 67890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 67890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 67890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890@gmai
      2. push "submit"
      accepted pass
      Email: 256 characters 1. in the field "Email" enter: tcase123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 67890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 67890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 67890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 6789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901@gma
      2. push "submit"
      error message: enter a valid Email fail (accepts 256 characters)
      Email: Required field 1. Email: empty field
      2. push "submit"
      error message: enter Email: fail (accepts empty field)
      Phone: 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). 1. in the field "Phone" enter: 213-456-7890
      2. push "submit"
      accepted pass
      Phone: 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). invalid number 1. in the field "Phone" enter: 123-456-7890
      2. push "submit"
      error message: enter a valid Phone number: pass
      Phone: Required field. 1. Phone: empty field
      2. push "submit"
      error message: enter Phone number pass


      • #78
        Last Name:

        - text field,
        - accepts all characters
        - No more than 31.
        - Required field

        Test Cases:

        ID purpose Instructions Expected Result

        #1. Accepts all characters Last Name=nino167@$% accepted
        #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
        #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
        #4.Required field empty field "required field" massage
        #5. Lower boundary, one character "R" accepted

        Street Address:
        - text field,
        - accepts all characters.
        - No more than 255.
        -Required field.

        Test Cases:

        ID purpose Instructions Expected Result

        #1. Accepts all characters street address=144 Clugston street accepted
        #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
        #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
        #4.Required field empty field "required" error massage
        #5. Lower boundary, one character "c" accepted

        - text field,
        -accepts all characters.
        -No more than 50.
        -Required field.

        Test Cases:

        ID purpose Instructions Expected Result

        #1. Accepts all characters City=Pittsburgh accepted
        #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
        #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
        #4.Required field empty field "required" error massage
        #5. Lower boundary, one character "P" accepted

        State: -
        -List Box offering the list of all 50 states.
        - Required field

        Test Cases:

        ID purpose Instructions Expected Result

        #1. input
        -List Box offering the list of all 50 states. one of 50 states accepted
        #2 Invalid input BC accepted
        #3. Valid input NV ???????
        #4.Required field empty field "required" error massage

        -text field,
        accepts digits, letters, some special chars
        .-255 chars.
        - Required field.

        Test Cases:

        ID purpose Instructions Expected Result

        #1. Accepts digits, letters, some special chars ####%%^&*FFGH!@12 accepted
        #2. Max input 255characters accepted
        #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
        #4.Required field empty field "required" error massage
        #5. Lower boundary, one character "%" accepted

        - 3 text fields,
        -accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only).
        - Required field.

        Test Cases:

        ID purpose Instructions Expected Result

        #1. Accepts 3-3-4 chars (digits only 123-123-1234 accepted
        #2. invalid past -letters qwe-qwe-qwer " error " massage
        #3. Invalid input -sp.characters @#$-%$#-@#$ "error " massage
        #4.Required field empty field "required" error massage


        • #79
          City text field

          #1. Accepts all characters 5Rincon#$% Accepted
          #2. Max input 50 characters Accepted
          #3. Input 51 characters Isn't accepted
          #4. Required field Empty field "Please enter your City" message appears

          Email field

          #1. Accepts all characters Accepted
          #2. Max input 255 characters Accepted
          #3. Input 258 characters Accepted (Bug report)
          #4. Required field Empty field "Please enter your Email" message isn't appears (Bug report)

          1) Field "Email' should accept 255 characters, no 256 as it accepts now.
          2) Required field "Please enter your Email" isn't appears.


          • #80
            1) Accepts all characters adam$!$ email accepted
            2) Accepts digits email accepted
            3) Accepts letters email accepted
            4) Accepts special characters @#$%^&* email accepted
            5) Accepts 255 characters max input 255 characters accepted
            6) Accepts max 255+1 characters input 256 characters accepted 255
            7)Required field empty field " required field" message
            8) Lower boundary, 1 character " X" "please, enter valid email' message

            1) Area code is 3 digits at the first field 123 accepted
            2) The second field is 3 digits 456 accepted
            3) The third field is 4 digits 6789 accepted
            4) Accepts digits only (202)123-5678 accepted
            5) Required field empty " required field" message


            • #81
              First Name:
              - text field
              - accepts all characters
              - No more than 31
              - Required field.

              ID | Purpose | Instruction | Expected Result
              #01 | Accepts all characters | Type "23Yevgen&(Co)" | Accepted
              #02 | Max input | Type 31 characters | Accepted
              #03 | Max+1 input | Type 32 characters | 31 characters accepted
              #04 | Max+1 input paste | Paste 32 characters | 31 characters accepted
              #05 | Required field | Empty field | "Required field" message
              #06 | Lower boundary, one character | Type "A" | Accepted
              #07 | Accepts all characters pasted | Paste "23Yevgen&(Co)" | Accepted
              #08 | Max input paste | Paste 31 characters | Accepted
              #09 | Lower boundary, one char paste | Paste "A" | Accepted

              Last Name:
              - text field
              - accepts all characters
              - No more than 31
              - Required field.

              ID | Purpose | Instruction | Expected Result
              #01 | Accepts all characters | Type "42Bushlanov$%^" | Accepted
              #02 | Max input | Type 31 characters | Accepted
              #03 | Max+1 input | Type 32 characters | 31 characters accepted
              #04 | Max+1 input paste | Paste 32 characters | 31 characters accepted
              #05 | Required field | Empty field | "Required field" message
              #06 | Lower boundary, one character | Type "B" | Accepted
              #07 | Accepts all characters pasted | Paste "42Bushlanov$%^" | Accepted
              #08 | Max input paste | Paste 31 characters | Accepted
              #09 | Lower boundary, one char paste | Paste "B" | Accepted

              Street Address:
              - text field
              - accepts all characters
              - No more than 255
              - Required field.

              ID | Purpose | Instruction | Expected Result
              #01 | Accepts all characters | Type "148 Grace Street, #5" | Accepted
              #02 | Max input | Type 255 characters | Accepted
              #03 | Max+1 input | Type 256 characters | 255 characters accepted
              #04 | Max+1 input paste | Paste 256 characters | 255 characters accepted
              #05 | Required field | Empty field | "Required field" message
              #06 | Lower boundary, ?? character | Type "????" | Accepted
              #07 | Accepts all characters pasted | Paste "148 Grace Street, #5" | Accepted
              #08 | Max input paste | Paste 255 characters | Accepted
              #09 | Lower boundary, ?? char paste | Paste "????" | Accepted

              - text field
              - accepts all characters
              - No more than 50
              - Required field.

              ID | Purpose | Instruction | Expected Result
              #01 | Accepts all characters | Type "31Portland!^)" | Accepted
              #02 | Max input | Type 50 characters | Accepted
              #03 | Max+1 input | Type 51 characters | 50 characters accepted
              #04 | Max+1 input paste | Paste 51 characters | 50 characters accepted
              #05 | Required field | Empty field | "Required field" message
              #06 | Lower boundary, one character | Type "C" | Accepted
              #07 | Accepts all characters pasted | Paste "31Portland!^)" | Accepted
              #08 | Max input paste | Paste 50 characters | Accepted
              #09 | Lower boundary, one char paste | Paste "C" | Accepted

              - List Box
              - offering the list of all 50 states
              - Required field.

              ID | Purpose | Instruction | Expected Result
              #01 | Selеct Stаte | Selеct "ОR" | Accеpted
              #02 | 50 stаtes | Expаnd List Bоx | Thеre arе 50 stаtes in List Bоx
              #03 | Аll 50 stаtes | Compаre with еxisting stаte list | Thеre arе аll 50 stаtes in List Box
              #04 | Rеquired fiеld | Еmpty field | "Rеquired field" message

              - text field
              - accepts 5 characters
              - digits only
              - Required field.

              ID | Purpose | Instruction | Expected Result
              #01 | Valid ZIP | Type "97124" | Accepted
              #02 | 6 characters | Type "971244" | "97124" accepted
              #03 | 4 characters | Type "9712" | "Enter valid ZIP" message
              #04 | Letter in ZIP | Type "97l24" | "Enter valid ZIP" message
              #05 | Spec.char in ZIP | Type "97!24" | "Enter valid ZIP" message
              #06 | Required field | Empty field | "Required field" message
              #07 | Paste 6 characters | Paste "971244" | "97124" accepted
              #08 | Paste Letter in ZIP | Paste "97l24" | "Enter valid ZIP" message
              #09 | Paste Spec.char in ZIP | Paste "97!24" | "Enter valid ZIP" message

              - text field
              - accepts digits, letters, some special characters
              - 255 characters
              - Required field.

              ID | Purpose | Instruction | Expected Result
              #01 | Accepted characters | Type "" | Accepted
              #02 | Max input | Type 255 characters | Accepted
              #03 | Max+1 input | Type 256 characters | 255 chars accepted
              #04 | Lower boundary, ?? character | Type "????" | Accepted
              #05 | Required field | Empty field | "Required field" message
              #06 | Max+1 input paste | Paste 256 characters | 255 chars accepted
              #07 | Accepted characters paste | Paste "" | Accepted
              #08 | Max input paste | Paste 255 characters | Accepted
              #09 | Lower boundary, ?? char paste | Paste "????" | Accepted

              - 3 text fields
              - accepting 3-3-4 chars
              - digits only.
              - Required field.

              ID | Purpose | Instruction | Expected Result
              #01 | Valid phone number | Type "503", "846", "3979" | Accepted
              #02 | 4-4-5 chars | Type "5033", "8465", "39790" | "503", "846", "3979" accepted
              #03 | 2-2-3 chars | Type "50", "84", "397" | "Enter valid phone" message
              #04 | Letter in phone | Type "5O3", "84h", "39F9" | "Enter valid phone" message
              #05 | Spec. char. in phone | Type "5@3", "8$6", "39?9" | "Enter valid phone" message
              #06 | Required field | Empty fields | "Required field" message
              #07 | 4-4-5 chars paste | Paste "5033", "8465", "39790" | "503", "846", "3979" accepted
              #08 | Letter in phone paste | Paste "5O3", "84h", "39F9" | "Enter valid phone" message
              #09 | Spec. char. in phone paste| Paste "5@3", "8$6", "39?9" | "Enter valid phone" message
              #10 | 2-2-3 chars paste | Paste "50", "84", "397" | "Enter valid phone" message
              #11 | Valid phone number paste | Paste "503", "846", "3979" | Accepted

              ==================================BUG REPORTS==================================
              #01 "First Name" field doesn't allow type more than 30 characters
              #02 "First Name" field doesn't allow paste more than 30 characters
              #03 "Last Name" field doesn't allow type more than 30 characters
              #04 "Last Name" field doesn't allow paste more than 30 characters
              #05 "Street Address" field doesn't allow type more than 100 characters
              #06 "Street Address" field doesn't allow paste more than 100 characters
              #07 Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
              #08 "State" Listbox contains only 49 states out of 50
              #09 "BC" in "State" Listbox is not state
              #10 "HI" is absent in "State" Listbox
              #11 "NV" is absent in "State" Listbox
              #12 Misspell in "IND" in "State" Listbox
              #13 "ZIP" field allow paste more than 5 digits
              #14 Please, provide "*@*.*" template validation for "Email" field
              #15 Please, clarify list of special characters should be in "Email" field
              #16 "Email" field doesn't allow type "_" character
              #17 "Email" field allow type more than 255 characters
              #18 Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Email" field
              #19 "Email" field allow empty - is not required
              #20 "Email" field allow paste more than 255 characters
              Last edited by usegda; 04-14-2022, 12:22 AM.


              • #82

                Testing First/Last Name
                1. Text field
                2. Accepts all characters
                3. No more than 31
                4. Required field
                Test Cases:
                1. Accepts all characters 808O@) accepted
                2. No more than 31 chars 31 characters accepted
                3. Max+1 characters 32 characters 31 characters accepted
                4. Paste Max+1 characters 32 characters 31 characters accepted
                5. Lower boundary, one char “X” accepted
                6. Required field empty <Error> message
                ++++++++++++++++++BUG REPORT++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                1. ‘First name’ (‘Last name’) field: more than 30 characters are not allowed to enter, not 31 as per requirements

                Testing Street Address
                1. Text field
                2. Accepts all characters
                3. No more than 255
                4. Required field
                Test Cases:
                1. Accepts all characters 808O@) accepted
                2. No more than 255 chars 255 characters accepted
                3. Max+1 characters 256 characters 255 characters accepted
                4. Paste Max+1 characters 256 characters 255 characters accepted
                5. Required field empty <Error> message
                6. Lower boundary, one char “X” accepted
                ++++++++++++++++++BUG REPORT++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                1. “Street Address” field: Please, provide a minimum number of characters for the field
                2. “Street Address” field accepts no more than 100 characters, not 255 as per requirements

                Testing ZIP
                1. Text field
                2. Accepts 5 characters
                3. Digits only
                4. Required field
                Test Cases:
                1. Accepts 5 digits 80808 accepted
                2. Type Max+1 characters 808080 80808 accepted
                3. Paste Max+1 chars 808080 <Error> message
                4. Max-1 characters 8080 <Error> message
                5. Type Digits+Letter 8080O <Error> message
                6. Paste Digits+Letter 8080O <Error> message
                7. Type Digits+spec.characters 8080@ <Error> message
                8. Paste Digits+spec.characters 8080@ <Error> message
                9. Required field empty <Error> message


                • #83
                  First Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
                  Test cases

                  ID. Purpose - Instruction - Expected Result
                  1. Accepts all characters - First name = 88Marharyta$% - Accepted
                  2. Max input 31 char. - First name = 1234567890123456789012345678901 - Accepted
                  3. Max input 31+1 characters - First name = 12345678901234567890123456789012 - 31 character accepted
                  4. Max input (31+1 paste) - First name = 12345678901234567890123456789012 - 31 character accepted
                  5. Lower boundary (1 character) - First name = "N" - Accepted
                  6. Required field (null) - First name = NULL - "enter First name" msg
                  7. Required field (space) - First name = " " - "enter First name" msg

                  Last Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
                  Test cases
                  1. Accepts all characters - Last name = Ivanov111! - Accepted
                  2. Max input 31 char. - Last name = aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbb1111111111# - Accepted
                  3. Max input 31+1 characters - Last name = aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbb1111111111#0 - 31 character accepted
                  4. Max input (31+1 paste) - Last name = aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbb1111111111#0 - 31 character accepted
                  5. Lower boundary (1 character) - Last name = "N" - Accepted
                  6. Required field (null) - Last name = NULL - "enter Last name" msg
                  7. Required field (space) - Last name = " " - "enter Last name" msg

                  Street Address: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 255. Required field.
                  Test cases
                  1. Accepts all characters - Street Address = 1234 - Gogolya avenue, 24/3 - Accepted
                  2. Max input 255 characters - Street Address = qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwe - Accepted
                  3. Max input 255+1 characters - Street Address = qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwe% - only 255 characters accepted
                  4. Max input 255+1 characters (paste) - Street Address = qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwertuioop[-qwe% - only 255 characters accepted
                  5. Lower boundary (1 character) - ??? - ???
                  6. Required field (null) - Street address = NULL - "enter Street Address" msg
                  7. Required field (space) - Street address = " " - "enter Street Address" msg

                  ​​​​​​City: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.
                  Test cases
                  1. Accepts all characters - City = Poltava123/ - Accepted
                  2. Max input 50 characters - City = aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbb6666666666!!!!!!!!!!0000000000 - Accepted
                  3. Max input 50+1 characters - City = aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbb6666666666!!!!!!!!!!0000000000 + - only 50 characters accepted
                  4. Max input 50+1 characters (paste) - City = aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbb6666666666!!!!!!!!!!0000000000 + - only 50 characters accepted
                  5. Lower boundary (1 character) - City = "O" - Accepted
                  6. Required field (null) - City = NULL - "enter City" msg
                  7. Required field (space) - City = " " - "enter City" msg

                  State: List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.
                  Test cases
                  1. List of all 50 states (exist state) - State = HI - Accepted
                  2. List of all 50 states - State - doesn’t contain non-existent states
                  3. Required field - State = "- -" - "enter State" msg

                  ​​​​​​ZIP: text field, accepts 5 characters (digits only). Required field.
                  Test cases
                  1. 5 digits, exist - ZIP = 96162 - ZIP accepted
                  2. 5 digits, not exist - ZIP = 00000 - "ZIP doesn’t exist" msg
                  3. Only digits (4 Digits + 1 letter) - ZIP = 9616L - "only digits" msg
                  4. Only digits (4 Digits + 1 letter paste) - ZIP = 9616L - "only digits" msg
                  5. Only digits (Digits + special character) - ZIP = 9616$ - "only digits" msg
                  6. Only digits (Digits + special character paste) - ZIP = 9616$ - "only digits" msg
                  7. 4 digits - ZIP = 9616 - "enter valid ZIP" msg
                  8. 6 digits - ZIP = 961621 - only 5 digits accepted
                  9. 6 digits paste - ZIP = 961621 - only 5 digits accepted
                  10. Required field (null) - ZIP = NULL - "enter ZIP" msg
                  11. Required field (space) - ZIP = " " - "enter ZIP" msg

                  Email: text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field.
                  1. Accepted digits, letters, some??? special characters - ivanov123#$ - ??
                  2. Input 255 char. - Email = 1234567890qwertyuiop1234567890qwertyuiop1234567890 qwertyuiop1234567890qwertyuiop1234567890qwertyuiop 1234567890qwertyuiop1234567890qwertyuiop1234567890 qwertyuiop1234567890qwertyuiop1234567890qwertyuiop 1234567890qwertyuiop1234567890qwertyuiop1234567890 qwert - Accepted
                  3. Max input 255+1 character ??? - Email = ???
                  4. Required field - Email = NULL - "enter email" msg

                  ​​​​​Phone: 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). Required field.
                  Test cases
                  1. Correct input - Phone = 309-309-3099 - Accepted
                  2. Incorrect input (2-3-4 digits) - Phone = 30–309-3099 - "enter a valid Phone" msg
                  3. Incorrect input (3-2-4 digits) - Phone = 309-30-3099 - "enter a valid Phone" msg
                  4. Incorrect input (3-3-3 digits) - Phone = 309-309-309 - "enter a valid Phone" msg
                  5. Incorrect input (4-3-4 digits) - Phone = 3099-309-3099 - only 3-3-4 digits accepted
                  6. Incorrect input (4-3-4 digits) paste - Phone = 3099-309-3099 - only 3-3-4 digits accepted
                  7. Incorrect input (3-4-4 digits) - Phone = 309-3099-3099 - only 3-3-4 digits accepted
                  8. Incorrect input (digits+letter) - Phone = 3O9-309-3099 - "digits only" msg
                  9. Incorrect input (digits+letter paste) - Phone = 3O9-309-3099 - "digits only" msg
                  10. Incorrect input (digits+special character) - Phone = 30)-309-3099 - "digits only" msg
                  11. Required field - Phone = "NULL" - "enter a valid Phone"
                  12. Required field - Phone = '309- - " - "enter a valid Phone"

                  Bug report
                  1. Incorrect quantity of character in "First name". Must accept max input - 31 characters, now accept max - 30 characters.
                  2. Please, disallow in "First name" special characters/digits if inputs only one character in the field (for example - "!", or "2", or ".")
                  3. Incorrect quantity of character in "Last name". Must accept max input - 31 characters, now accept max - 30 characters.
                  4. Please, disallow in "Last name" special characters/digits if inputs only one character in the field (for example - "!", or "2", or ".")
                  5. Incorrect quantity of character in "Street Address". Must accept max input - 255 characters, now accept max - 100 characters.
                  6. Please, provide minimum quantity of characters for "Street Address"
                  7. Please, disallow in "City" special characters/digits if inputs only one character in the field (for example - "!", or "2", or ".")
                  8. Not secure input in field "First name", "Last name", "Street Address", "City", "Email" can input special characters for scripting
                  9. Incorrect list of "State" - no state Havaii "HI" in the drop-down list
                  10. Incorrect list of "State" - state "IND" doesn’t exist
                  11. Maybe, should range states in "State" in correct ascending order (from A to Z)
                  12. Delete "Other" from the drop-down list in "State"
                  13. The form doesn’t check if the entered ZIP exists (ZIP 00000 was accepted)
                  14. Delete opportunity "paste" 6 digits into "ZIP" field
                  15. Need list of special characters which are allowed in "email". In requirements - "some"
                  16. "Email" not more than 255 characters? Now form accepted 256 character
                  17. "Email" field IS not required. The form accepted an empty field. Error msg doesn’t exist.
                  18. Delete opportunity "paste" digit+letter and digit+special character into "Phone" field.
                  19. In the requirements nothing about "Referred by:" field - is it required field or not? On the form there isn't asterisk, but if this field is empty - there is msg "Please enter the name of the person you were referred by"
                  20. Tab order doesn't work in the correct way. From the "First name" tab moves the cursor to "Referred by:" field, but the next field - it is "Last name".
                  21. Confusing error msg when user pushes "Clear" button.
                  22. Block "Cell Phone Service", "My monthly bill is approximately:" field accept letters and special characters (special characters if you use "paste")
                  23. Block "Gas and Electric Services", misspelling in check-box "I am opento using different provider". Replace "opento" with "open to".
                  24. Please, add variant "Other" in the end of the drop-down list "Current Provider:", block "Cell Phone Service"
                  25. Maybe, should range in ascending order (from A to Z) in the drop-down list "Current Provider:", block "Cell Phone Service".
                  26. Please, add variant "More" in the "Months left on current contract:" field, block "Cell Phone Service".
                  27. Need put autofocus on the first field "First name" when the page loads
                  28. Maybe, we should rearrange the "ZIP" field. When a user fills in the "ZIP" field - we can automatically fill in the "City" and "State" fields.
                  29. Inconsistency in the button’s size, font “Submit” and “Clear” in the end of the form.
                  30. Inconsistency in the position and alignment of the text fields block “Contact Information” and other blocks: block “Contact information” text fields are right-aligned, another blocks - left-aligned.
                  31. Inconsistency in the size of text fields in the block “Contact information” -
                  32. Inconsistency in the size of the drop-down fields and other text fields in all blocks.
                  33. Block “High Speed Internet Service”, “Type of service:”: replace “Wireless Aircard”, now it looks like one of the variants “Type of service”.
                  Last edited by Bogoutdinova.m; 04-15-2022, 02:52 PM.


                  • #84

                    First Name:
                    - text field
                    - accepts all characters
                    - No more than 31
                    - Required field

                    Test cases:

                    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                    #1. Accepts all characters First name = Srauzin@# 1965 accepted
                    #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
                    #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
                    #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                    #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted

                    Last Name

                    - text field
                    - accepts all characters
                    - No more than 31
                    - Required field

                    Test cases:

                    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                    #1. Accepts all characters First name = Rauzin_S@# 1965 accepted
                    #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
                    #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
                    #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                    #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted

                    Street Address:

                    - text field
                    - accepts all characters
                    - No more than 255
                    - Required field

                    Test cases:

                    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                    #1. Accepts all characters First name = 123 Main Street, #14 accepted
                    #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
                    #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                    #4. Required field empty field "requred field" message
                    #5. Lower boundary, ??? character "?????" accepted


                    -text field
                    -accepts all characters
                    -No more than 50
                    -Required field

                    Test cases:

                    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                    #1. Accepts all characters Citi = Binghamton@_3-$ accepted
                    #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
                    #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                    #4. Required field empty field "requred field" message
                    #5. Lower boundary, ??? character "?????" accepted

                    - list Box offering the list of all 50 states
                    - required field.
                    Test cases:

                    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                    #1. Any State taken from list box example "NY " accepted
                    #2. Required field empty Please select your State


                    - text field
                    - accepts 5 characters
                    - digits only
                    - Required field
                    - Existing

                    Test Cases:

                    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                    #1. 5 digits, existing 13905 accepted
                    #2. 6 digits 139051 13905 accepted
                    #3. 4 digits 1390 "enter valid ZIP" message
                    #4. Required field empty field "required" error message
                    #5. Invalid input - letter I13905 "digits only"message
                    #6. Invalid input - sp. character 1390% "digits only" message
                    #7+++ Paste 6 digits/Letter/Sp.Character 139A@2 "enter valid ZIP" message

                    - text field
                    - accepts digits, some special characters, letters
                    - 255 characters
                    - Required field

                    Test Cases:

                    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                    #1. Verify the input field accepted
                    #2. Accept all characters accepted
                    #3 Verify an email id cannot exceed 255 characters accepted


                    - 3 text fields
                    - accepting 3-3-4 digits only
                    - required field

                    Test Cases:

                    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                    #1. Entering the valid 10 digit 9878775856 accepted
                    #2 Entering the Less than 10 digits 987877585 enter a valid Phone Number
                    #3 Entering the more than 10 digits 98787758567 accepting only 10 first digits
                    #4 Entering the 10 "Zero" 0000000000 enter a valid Phone Number

                    =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
                    #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
                    #2. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                    #3. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements


                    • #85
                      OLGA SHABLIY

                      #1 Accepts all characters, existing city Olympia accepted
                      #2 Max input 50 characters accepted
                      #3 Max +1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                      #4 Required field Empty field “required field” message
                      #5 Paste max input +1 51 character 50 accepted
                      #6 Paste min input O Error message
                      #1 List box opens list of states Click on list box List of states shown
                      #2 State selected WA States submitted
                      #3 All states presented Click on list box 50 states shown
                      #4 States abbreviations are correct Click on list box All abbreviations are correct
                      #5 Required field empty field “required field” message
                      #1 Accepts existing email accepted
                      #2 Accepts 255 characters 255 characters accepted
                      #3 Max input +1 256 characters 255 accepted
                      #4 Required field Empty field “required field” message
                      #5 Paste email accepted
                      #6 Incorrect input olga.volga Error message
                      #1 Accepts digits 3462137200 accepted
                      #2 Max input +1 34621372000 10 digits accepted
                      #3 Type letters 346213720O Letters not accepted
                      #4 Type special characters 346213720@ Special characters not accepted
                      #5 Required field empty field “required field” message

                      BUG reports:
                      1. “City” input accepts digits and special characters instead of letters only.
                      2. Please, provide minimum number of letters for “City” input.
                      3. “First” and “Last name” input accepts digits and special characters
                      4. “Street address” input accepts special characters
                      5. “State” list has BC and “Other” which not the US states.
                      6. “State” List box does not have HI and NV states.
                      7. Replace IND to IN in the list of List box “State”.
                      8. ‘Email” field accepts more than 255 characters.
                      9. “Required field” message is missing after submitting “Email” empty field.
                      10. Please, provide characters that accepted by “Email”.
                      11. “Referred by” input accepts digits and special characters.
                      12. “Referred by” field is required field, an asterisk should be placed.


                      • #86
                        Text field accepts all characters
                        No more than 50
                        Required field
                        ID Purpose: Instruction: Expected Result:
                        #1 accepts all characters enter: Las ЙЁщ 67 @$-+/ accepted
                        #2 accepts 50 characters enter any 50 charcters accepted
                        #3 no more than 50 enter any 51 characters 51-st character not entered
                        #4 required field leave empty "requred field" error message
                        ================================================== ===============================================
                        List Box offering the list of all 50 states
                        The state selection by letter
                        Required field
                        ID Purpose: Instruction: Expected Result:
                        #1 the list of all 50 states push offers list of 50 states
                        #2 select state by letter push and enter "N" offers state abriviation with "N"
                        #3 required field leave empty "requred field" error message
                        ================================================== =================================================
                        Text field accepts digits, letters, some special characters
                        255 characters
                        Required field

                        ID ................ Purpose: .................................................. ..........Instruction:............................ ..............................................Expe cted Result:
                        #1................. all characters except incorrect ones...................enter: ! ...... ...accepted
                        #2................. incorrect characters is not accepted ..................enter: ssk≥@000
                        Last edited by Vitali Kharytanovich; 04-14-2022, 07:46 AM.


                        • #87
                          Test Cases:
                          City: TC #1. Accepts all characters "City"= Berry #1 accepted BR#1.
                          #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
                          #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                          #4. Required field empty field "Required field" message
                          #5. Lower boundary, one character "City"= # accepted BR#2.
                          State: TC #1. Field "State" List Box offering of all 50 states. Offering of all 50 states offering of 49 states BR#3.
                          #2. Field "State" List Box offering "Other" states. Offering "Other" states accepted BR#4.
                          #3. Required field empty field "Required field" message
                          ZIP: TC #1. 5 digits 95608 accepted
                          #2. 6 digits 956089 accepted 95608
                          #3. 4 digits 9560 error message
                          #4. Invalid input - letter 956O8 error message
                          #5. Invalid input - special character 9560% error message
                          #6. Required field empty field "Required field" message
                          Email: TC #1. Accepts all characters qwert12345!@#$% accepted
                          #2. Max input 225 characters accepted 40 digits or 35 letters BR#5.
                          #3. Required field empty field "Required field" message BR#6.
                          #4. Lower boundary, one character q accepted
                          Bug Reports:
                          BR#1. Requirements for field "City" contradictory. "City"field should not accept only digits or sp.characters. Now accepts.
                          BR#2. Field"City" can not contain one character(digits or sp.character). Now accept.
                          BR#3. Field"State" offering of 49 states now. There should be 50.
                          BR#4. Field"State" offering word "Other". Accept now. It is ambiguous. Need error message.
                          BR#5. Field"Email"accepted 40 digits or 35 letters now. Provide the minimal amount of characters for "Email"field.
                          BR#6. Field "Email" is Required field, when the field is empty we have NOT Required field message now.


                          • #88
                            Возникли вопросики, здесь это обсуждать можно или нет?
                            1. Смущает требование к полю "City" : "... accepts all characters. .... : Название города в США может иметь любой знак кроме латинских букв? Если это ошибочное требование, что в таком случае делать тестировщику? Уточнять требование или тестировать как указано?
                            2. Поле "State" имеет тип "List Box", в требованиях указано только количество -50 шт. Как считать количество, вручную? А если нужно допустим 500 значений пересчитать, есть какие-то инструменты?
                            3. Если имеются в списке нереальные названия, например "Other", это нужно иметь корректный список для проверки?


                            • #89

                              Last Name
                              • text field.
                              • accepts all characters.
                              • No more than 31.
                              • Required field.

                              Test cases:
                              ID Purpose Instruction. Expected Result

                              #1. accepts all characters. Last Name=Guzel111#! accepted

                              #2. Max input 31 characters 31 characters 31 accepted

                              #3. Max+1 32 characters 31 accepted

                              #4. Required field. Empty field


                              • #90
                                -text field(текстовое поле)
                                -accepts 5 characters(принято 5 символов)
                                -digits only(только цифры)
                                -Required field(обязательное поле)

                                Тестовый пример:
                                Цель. Инструкция.Ожидаемый результат.
                                1. 5 цифры принимает 42355 принимает
                                2. 6 цифр принимает 423556 принимает 5 цифр
                                3. 4 цифры принимает 4235 сообщение /введите действущий почтовый индекс/
                                4. обязательное поле пусто сообщение/ Пожалуйста, введите свой почтовый индекс/
                                5. неверная буква ввода 42355О сообщение/Пожалуйста, введите действительный почтовый индекс/
                                6. недопустимый символ ООООО сообщение/Пожалуйста, введите действительный почтовый индекс/
                                7. вставить/цифры/буквы/спец.символ/ №№№Вв сообщение/Пожалуйста, введите действительный почтовый индекс/

                                -текстовое поле
                                -принимает все символы
                                -не более 50
                                -обязательное поле

                                Тестовый пример:
                                Цель/Инструкция/Ожидаемый результат/
                                1.принимает все символы Краснокаменск принимает
                                2.мах.ввод 50 символов 50 символов принимает
                                3.мах.ввод 50 символов +1 51 символ принимает 50 символов
                                4.пустое обязательное поле пусто сообщение/Пожалуйста, введите свой город
                                5.нижняя граница,1 символ У принимает

