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Energy-Telecom test cases and bug reports

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    Last Name:
    ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
    #1. Accepts all characters First name: TEO7$5! accepted
    #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
    #3. Max+1 input 32 characters accepted
    #4. Required field empty field “required field” message

    ZIP code:
    ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
    #7. Paste more than 5 digits paste 9408567 94085 accepted
    #8. Paste Non-digits/letter paste 9408S error message (digits only)
    #9. Paste Non-digits/sp.chars paste 9408% error message (digits only)

    ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
    #1. Accepts all characters First name = Mountain View accepted
    #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
    #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 characters
    #4. Required field empty field “required field” message

    ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
    #1. Choose from the list box CA accepted
    #2. Required field empty field “required field” message

    ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
    #1. Accepts existing email accepted
    #2. Email don’t accepts without sp.chars (@.) oloz error message (valid email)
    #3. Email don’t accepts without letter or digits @. error message (valid email)
    #4. Required field empty field “required field” message

    ID Purpose Instruction Expected result
    #1. Accepts number 3-3-4 (digits only) 925 333 4455 accepted
    #2. Paste Non-digits/letter paste 92i 333 4455 error message (digits only)
    #3. Paste Non-digits/sp.chars paste 925 33# 4455 error message (digits only)
    #4. Paste more than 3-3-4 digits paste 925 333 44556 3-3-4 (digits only)
    #5. Required field empty field “required field” message


    #4. "First Name", "Last Name", "Street Address", "City", "Email" this all fields accepted same date when push "Submit", no error message. Correct date for each field should be different.
    #5. “Last Name” field accept only 30 characters, should accept us to 31.
    #6. “City” field accept up to 51 characters, should accept us no more than 50 as per requirements.
    #7. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for “City field”, city name not 1 character.
    #8. Please, provide the max amount of characters for “City field”, city name not 50 characters.
    #9. “Email” empty field don’t give error message “required field”.
    #10. Please, provide the max amount of characters for “Email field”.
    #11. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for “Email field”.
    #12. Please, provide in “Email” field require input sp.characters (@.) with digits and letters.
    #13. “Referred by” field can be empty, not required field.


    • City Purpose (Цель) Instruction( Инструкция) Expected Result (ожидаемый результат) Notes (примечание)
      #1 Ввод названия города по правилам "@Таганрог56%56 Принятие
      #2 Ввод города 50 символов "@Таганрог56%56"@Таганрог56%56"@Таганрог56%56" 5555 5 Принятие
      #3 Ввод города 51 символ "@Таганрог56%56@Таганрог56%56"@Таганрог56%56"5 5555 0 Сообщение "максимальное количество символов 50"
      #4 Ввод города 1 символ Т Принятие
      #5 Обязательное поле не заполняем Сообщение "Заполните обязательное поле"
      Bug Report В контактной информации в CITI необходимо ограничить правилами в названии города принимать буквы и цифры
      State Purpose (Цель) Instruction( Инструкция) Expected Result (ожидаемый результат) Notes (примечание)
      #1 Выбор валидного штата Arizona Принятие
      #2 Обязательное поле не заполняем Сообщение "Заполните обязательное поле"
      Bug Report Необходимо убрать их списка штатов позицию "Другой"
      В списке для выбора представлено 49 штатов
      При выборе из списка штата "другой" система ошибку не выдает
      ZIP Purpose (Цель) Instruction( Инструкция) Expected Result (ожидаемый результат) Notes (примечание)
      #1 Ввод действительного ZIP 5 цифр 52015 Принятие
      #2 Ввод ZIP 6 цифр 520158 52015 принято
      #3 Ввод ZIP 6 цифр 5201 Сообщение "ZIP состоит из 5 цифр"
      #4 Обязательное поле не заполняем Сообщение "Заполните обязательное поле"
      #5 Неверный ввод - буква 52О15 Сообщение "введите действующий ZIP"
      #6 Неверный ввод - знак 5201$ Сообщение "введите действующий ZIP"
      EMAIL Purpose (Цель) Instruction( Инструкция) Expected Result (ожидаемый результат) Notes (примечание)
      #1 Ввод действительного EMAIL Принятие
      #2 Ввод действительного EMAIL из 255 символов EMAIL из 255 символов 52015 принято
      #3 Ввод действительного EMAIL из 255 символов + 1 символ EMAIL из 256 символов Сообщение "максимально количество символов 255"
      #4 Обязательное поле не заполняем Сообщение "Заполните обязательное поле"
      #5 Ввод EMAIL c запрещенным знаком ; Сообщение "введен неверный EMAIL"
      #6 Ввод EMAIL где некоторые буквы на кирилице Freк Сообщение "введен неверный EMAIL"
      Bug Report Необходимо ограничить длину EMAIL 50 символами
      Необходимо в правилах указать какие конкретно символы возможно использовать для того чтобы протестировать это правило
      При вводе EMAIL сервис сообщает об ощибке в случае ввода EMAI не на латинице
      Система принимает EMAIL начинающийся со специального знака ; (ошибку не выдает)
      Phone Purpose (Цель) Instruction( Инструкция) Expected Result (ожидаемый результат) Notes (примечание)
      #1 Ввод действительного телефона 3 563 562 564 Принятие
      #2 Ввод телефона 9 знаков 566 566 895 Сообщение "телефон должен состоять из 10 знаков"
      #3 Ввод телефона 11 знаков 566 566 895 01 Сообщение "телефон должен состоять из 10 знаков"
      #4 Обязательное поле не заполняем Сообщение "Заполните обязательное поле"
      Best Way To Contact Me:
      Bug Report Если есть приоритетная связь с клиентом через EMAIL, то поле должно быть обязательным для заполнения (красная звездочка вместо синей


      • Last Name:
        -text field
        -accepts all characters
        -No more than 31
        -Required field

        Test cases:

        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

        #1. Accepts all characters John@#77 accepted
        #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
        #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
        #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
        #5. Lower boundary, one character "W" accepted

        -text field
        -accepts all characters
        -No more than 50
        -Required field

        Test cases:

        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

        #1. Accepts all characters St.Louis5 accepted
        #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
        #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
        #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
        ???#5. Lower boundary, ??? character "?????" accepted


        -List Box offering the list of all 50 states
        -Required field

        Test cases:

        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

        #1. List Box offering the
        list of all 50 states 50 states accepted
        #2. Required field empty field "required field" message


        -text field
        -accepts all characters except some special characters
        -255 characters
        -Required field

        Test cases:

        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

        #1. Accepts all characters
        except some special characters accepted
        #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
        #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
        #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
        ???#5. Border limits, ??? special character "?????" accepted
        ???#6. Lower boundary, ??? character "?????" accepted


        -3 text fields
        -accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
        -Required field.

        Test cases:

        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

        #1.Accepts digits only 707-787-5858 accepted
        #2. Max input 3-3-4 chars accepted
        #3. Max+1char input 4-4-5 chars 3-3-4 accepted
        #4. Min-1char input 2-2-3 chars 3-3-4 accepted
        #5. Required field empty field "required field" message

        =====================================BUG REPORTS============================

        #1. "Last Name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now.
        #2.Suggestion: remove the line "BC" from the list of 50 states(field "State"), it does not apply to any of the states.
        #3.Name of the state of Indiana in the lists of 50 states(field "State"): "IND" replace "IN"
        #4.In the "State" field, when you select the state of Indiana ("IND") and click "Submit", the "State" field becomes empty.
        #5.Nevada ("NV") is missing in the "State" field, add Nevada ("NV") to the list of 50 states.
        #6.Suggestion: In the field "State" in the list of 50 states, move the line "Other" to the bottom of the list or delete the line "Other" if there is a condition that the list should include only 50 states.
        #7.Suggestion: In the field "State", when selecting the "Other" line from the list, add a field for entering other information.
        #8.The "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters.
        #9.When the "Email" field is empty and "Submit" is clicked, there is no "Please enter your Email" message.
        #10.Field "Email": The color of the special character "*" indicating the required field is blue, in the remaining required fields the special character "*" is red.
        #11.Suggestion: The color of the special character "*" indicating the required field of all fields should be changed to blue, and when you click "Submit" in the empty fields, the color of the special character "*" should be changed to red.


        • #1. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
          #2. The "Name" field accept characters using the copy/paste function
          #3. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
          #4. "Last Name" field accept characters using the copy/paste function
          #5. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
          #6. "Street Address" field accept no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
          #7. "Street address" field accept characters using the copy/paste function
          #8. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "City" field
          #9. "City" field accept characters using the copy/paste function
          #10. In the "State" field, remove the BC state, it does not belong to the USA
          #11. HI and NV states are missing from the drop-down list of "state"
          #12. Replace the usual staff abbreviation IND with postal IN
          #13.The ZIP field accepts digits using the copy/paste function
          #14.The zip field accepts letters using the copy/paste function
          #15.The zip field accepts special characters using the copy/paste function
          #16.The zip field accepts more than 6 characters using the copy/paste function
          #17.The requirements for the "Phone" fields do not specify which of the 3 fields are required
          #18 First text field using the copy/paste function of 123 digits accepted 3 digits
          #19.Ffirst text field using the copy/paste function of abc characters accepted 3 letters
          #20.First text field using the copy/paste function of special characters +.$ accepted 3 spc. symbols
          #21.Second text field, using the copy/paste function of 123 digits, took 3 digits
          #22.Second text field, using the copy/paste function of abc characters, took 3 letters
          #23.Second text field using the copy/paste special characters +.$ function took 3 special characters
          #24.Third text field using the copy/paste digits 1234 function took 4 digits
          #25.Third text field using the copy/paste abc characters function took 4 letters
          #26 .Third text field using the copy/paste special characters + function.$ accepted 3 special characters
          #27."Submitted" field: There is no information in the request about whether the field is a mandatory/non-mandatory field
          #28."Sent" field: A mismatch between a field that does not have an asterisk, but is treated as a required field
          #29.Confusing/misleading error message when the user clicks the "Clear" button


          • City: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.
            Purpose Instructions Expected Results

            1. accepts all characters - Krasnodar-1 - Accepted
            2. Max imput - 50 characters - accepted
            3.Max +1 - 51 characters - 50 accepted
            4. Required field - empty field - "Required field" message
            5. Lover boundary - K - accepted
            6.Copy/paste max characters +1 - 51 characters - 50 accepted

            State: List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.

            Purpose Instructions Expected Results

            1. Choose one random state - TX - accepted
            2. Required field - empty field - "Required field" message
            3. Choose two states at the same moment - SD/TX - Cannot choose two states - inly one per time

            Email: text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field.

            Purpose Instructions Expected Results

            1. accepts all characters - - Accepted
            2. Max imput - 255 characters - accepted
            3.Max +1 - 256 characters - 255 accepted
            4. Required field - empty field - "Required field" message
            5. Lover boundary - K - accepted
            6.Copy/paste max characters +1 - 256 characters - 255 accepted

            Phone: 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). Required field

            Purpose Instructions Expected Results

            1. accepts all characters - 333-456-5678 - Accepted
            2. Letters and special characters - klp-tgh-@$# - didn't accept
            3.Copy/paste letters and special characters - klp-tgh-@$# - didn't accept
            4. Required field - empty field - "Required field" message
            5. Max imput - 33333-4444444-7777777 - accept 333-444-7777
            6. Max imput copy/paste - 33333-4444444-7777777 -accept 333-444-7777
            7. Lover boundary - 3-5-76 - required field" message


            • Bug report
              #1.List Box "State" is offering the list of 49 states, not 50 one
              #2.List Box "State" state "IND" shold write 2 letters
              #3.List Box "State" list "Other" is should be applicable?
              #4.List Box "State" list "Other" should be in the end of the list
              #5.List Box "State" states aren't in alphabetical order
              #6.List Box "State" states "BC" and "CA" shouldn't be in the list


              • Test cases:Energy-Telecom Service Review

                Last Name:


                -text field,
                -accepts all characters.
                -No more than 31.
                -Required field.

                ID------- Title-----------------------Instruction-------------------------Expected Results------------------------------Actual Result

                #1. Accepts all characters----------Yurii86#1$----------------------------accepted-------------------------------------Pass
                #2. Max input--------------------------31 characters-------------------------accepted------------------------------------Fail
                #3. Max+1 input------------------------32 characters-----------------------31 accepted---------------------------------Fail
                #4. Required field---------------------empty field---------------------------"required field" message------------------Pass message"Please enter your Last Name"



                -text field,
                -accepts all characters.
                -No more than 50.
                -Required field.

                ID--------Title------------------------Instruction------------------------Expected Results------------------------------Actual Result

                #1. Accepts all characters--------------YuRiI 86*!#-------------------------accepted------------------------------------Pass
                #2. Max imput----------------------------50 characters-----------------------accepted------------------------------------Pass
                #3. Max+1 imput-------------------------51 characters-----------------------50 accepted -------------------------------Pass
                #3. Required field------------------------empty field-------------------------"required field" message-----------------Pass-message "Please enter your City"



                -List Box offering the list of all 50 states.
                -Required field.

                ID-------Title-----------------------------Instruction------------------------Expected Results--------------------------Actual Result

                #1. List Box--------------------------Choose from 50 states-----------------accepted-------------------------------------Fail
                #2. Required field-----------------------empty field---------------------------"required field" message-----------------Pass message "Please select your State"


                Test Data:Emal:6_57@./


                -text field,
                -accepts digits,letters,
                -some special characters.
                -255 characters.
                -Required field.

                ID------Title---------------------------------Instruction-----------------------Expected results-------------------------Actual Result

                #1.accepts digits,---------------------------6_57@./
                #2.special"required field" massage----------------Fail
                #3.Required field----------------------------empty field-------------------------"required field" massage----------------Fail
                #4.Max+1 imput-----------------------------256 characters---------------------255 accepted-----------------------------Fail
                #5.Max imput---------------------------------255 characters---------------------accepted----------------------------------Pass



                -3 text fields,
                accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
                -Required field.

                ID-----Title----------------------------------Instrucion-----------------Expected results--------------------------Actual Result

                #1. 3 fields, 3-3-4 (digits only)------823-456-7800----------------accepted-----------------------------Pass
                #2. Non-digits/letter-------------------823-456-780O--------------error message------------------------Pass message "Please enter a valid Phone Number"
                #3. fewer digits 2-2-3-----------------23-56-800--------------------error message------------------------Pass message "Please enter a valid Phone Number"
                #4. Required field----------------------empty field------------------"required field"message------------Pass message "Please enter your Phone number"

                ============================================Bug report=========== ================================================== =====

                #1.В поле Last Name вбивается только 30 символов вместо 31.
                #2."State" в "List Box" не отображается 50 штатов.
                3. "State" "List Box" сделать сортировку штатов по алфавиту.
                4. "State" "List Box" Убрать слово "Other" или перенести в низ списка.
                5. Поле "Email" принимает все символы
                6. Если оставить поле "Email" пустым то оно не выдаёт ошибку о том что оно пустое.
                7. Поле " Email" принимает больше чем 255 символов.
                8. Выбивает ошибку "* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by" но это поле не является обязательным.

                Last edited by Yurii86; 04-17-2022, 09:15 AM.


                • Last name:
                  - text field
                  - accepts all characters
                  - no more than 31
                  - required field

                  Test cases:

                  ID | Purpose | Instruction | Expected result | Actual result
                  #1. | Accepts all characters | 88Katя!# $ | accepted | passed
                  #2. | Max input | input 31 symbols | accepted | failed, only 30 characters accepted
                  #3. | Max input +1 | input 32 characters | 31 accepted | -
                  #4. | Required field | empty field | error "required field" | error "Please enter your Last Name"
                  #5. | Lower boundary | input 1 character | accepted | passed

                  Bug reports:
                  #1. Only 30 characters are availiable

                  - text field
                  - accepts all characters
                  - No more than 50
                  - Required field

                  Test cases:

                  ID | Purpose | Instruction | Expected result | Actual result
                  #1. | Accepts all characters | 88Katя!# $ | accepted | passed
                  #2. | Max input | input 50 symbols | accepted | passed
                  #3. | Max input +1 | input 51 characters | 50 accepted | passed
                  #4. | Required field | empty field | error "required field" | passed, error "Please enter your City"
                  #5. | Lower boundary | input 1 character | accepted | passed

                  - List Box
                  - the list of all 50 states
                  - Required field

                  Test cases:

                  ID | Purpose | Instruction | Expected result | Actual result
                  #1. | 50 states | count states in the list box | 50 states | failed, only 48 states
                  #2. | Required field | empty field | error "required field" | passed, error "Please select your State"

                  Bug reports:
                  #1. Only 48 states are in the listbox
                  #2. Suggestion: put states in the alphabetical order
                  #3. Delete "Other" from the listbox
                  #4. Provide missing two states to list box
                  #5. "BC" is not an american state

                  - text field
                  - accepts digits, letters, some special characters
                  - 255 characters
                  - Required field

                  Test cases:

                  ID | Purpose | Instruction | Expected result | Actual result
                  #1.| digits,letters,spec.characters | 123Kate!#$% | accepted | passed
                  #2.| max input | enter 255 characters | accepted | passed
                  #3.| max input +1 | enter 255 characters +1 | only 255 accepted | failed
                  #4.| Required field | empty field | error "required field"| failed
                  #5.| Lower boundary | input 1 character | accepted | passed

                  Bug reports:
                  #1. Suggestion: specify what special characters are availiable
                  #2. Suggestion: the field must contain "@" and "." characters
                  #3. The field accepts more than 255 characters
                  #4. There is no error "required field" when it is empty
                  #5. Suggestion: the field shouldn't contain only 1 character

                  - 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars
                  - digits only
                  - Required field

                  Test cases:

                  ID | Purpose | Instruction | Expected result | Actual result
                  #1.| digits only | enter "qw1%" | not available | passed
                  #2.| digits only | copy & paste "qw1%" | not available | failed
                  #3.| max input | enter "334-544-9785" | accepted | passed
                  #4.| max input +1 | enter 4-4-5 chars | not available | passed
                  #5.| lower boudary | enter 1-1-1 chars | error | passed, "Please enter a valid Phone Number" error
                  #6.| required field | empty field | error | passed, "Please enter your Phone number" error

                  Bug reports:
                  #1. It is available to copy & paste other characters, not only digits.
                  #2. Suggestion: it is not available to provide phone number that begins with 1 or 0.


                  • "City:" FIELD
                    - Text field.
                    - Accepts all characters.
                    - No more than 50.
                    - Required field.

                    TEST CASES:
                    ID Purpose __________________ Instruction ______________ Expected Result
                    #1. Accepts all characters ______ "City:" = 09Bob-*)/. _______ accepted
                    #2. Max input ________________ 50 characters ___________ accepted
                    #3. Max+1 input ______________ 51 characters ___________ 50 accepted
                    #4. Max+1 paste ______________ 51 characters ___________ 50 accepted
                    #5. Required field _____________ empty field _____________ "Please enter your City" message
                    ?-#6. Lower boundary _________ ??? characters –specify ____ accepted

                    BUG REPORTS:
                    #1. Please provide the minimal amount of characters for "City:" field.
                    "STATE:" FIELD

                    - List Box offering the list of all 50 states.
                    - Required field.

                    TEST CASES:
                    ID Purpose _________________ Instruction _____________ Expected Result
                    #1. List Box offering the
                    list of all 50 states ___________ Choose some state _______ accepted
                    #2. Required field ___________ empty field _____________ "Please select your State" message
                    "Email:" FIELD

                    - Text field.
                    - Accepts digits, letters, some special characters.
                    - 255 characters.
                    - Required field.

                    TEST CASES:
                    ID Purpose ___________________ Instruction __________________ Expected Result
                    #1. Accepts digits, letters,
                    some special characters ________ "Email:" = 01.Mai-l@#_№ ______ accepted
                    #2. Required field ______________ empty field _________________ "required field" message
                    #3. Max 255 characters _________ 255 characters _______________ accepted
                    #4. Max+1 input _______________ 256 characters _______________ 255 accepted
                    #5. Max+1 paste _______________ 256 characters _______________ 255 accepted
                    ? #6. Lower boundary ___________ ??? characters –specify ________ accepted

                    BUG REPORTS:
                    #1. "Email" field is not processed as a required field when it is left empty:
                    the "required field" message does not appear when specifying the empty field "Email:".
                    #2. "Email:" field accepts more than 255 characters. It do not meet the requirements.
                    #3. Please provide the minimal amount of characters for "Email:" field.
                    #4. "Email:" field accepts address without "@" character.
                    #5. "Email:" field accepts the letters not from the Latin alphabet.
                    #6. "Email:" field accepts address with "space" character.
                    #7. Please provide more detailed requirements in the "accepts digits, letters, some special characters"
                    "Phone:" FIELD

                    - Text fields.
                    - Accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only).
                    - Required field.

                    TEST CASES:
                    ID Purpose _______________________ Instruction ________ Expected Result
                    #1. Accepting 3-3-4 chars
                    (digits only): 347- code of NY ________ 347 456 3210 ______ accepted
                    #2. 012- non-existent tel. code _______ 012 456 3210 _____ "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message
                    #3. Required field __________________Empty field _______ "Please enter your Phone number" message
                    #4. Partially empty field.
                    Accepting 3-0-4 chars (digits) ________ 347 ... 3210 _______ "Please enter your Phone number" message
                    #5. Input 4-4-5 chars (digits) _________3471 4569 32108 ___ not accepted
                    #6. Letters, special characters input ___ Qa1@ 3 __________ not accepted
                    #7. Letters, special characters paste ___ yX9 #0 ___________ not accepted

                    BUG REPORTS:
                    #1. Requirements to the "Phone:" fields do not clarify which out of 3 fields are required.
                    #2. "Phone" fields accepts special characters when paste it.
                    "Referred by:" FIELD

                    BUG REPORTS:
                    #1. "Referred by" field: there is no information in the requirement on the field being/not being a required
                    #2. "Referred by" field: inconsistency between the field not having the asterisk, but being processed as a
                    required field (when the field is empty "Please enter the name of the person you were referred by"
                    message is appear on the screen).
                    Last edited by olegon07; 04-17-2022, 09:13 AM.


                    • 1. Обязательные поля
                      Contact Information
                      1. Поле "Email:" помечено звёздочкой другого цвета.
                      2. Нет ошибки при пустом поле "
                      3. Cообщение об ошибке "Please enter the name of
                      the person you were referred by", а поле звёздочкой не отмечено.
                      4. Значения в списках
                      1. В выпадающим списке " State:" не нужны строки "- -", "Other".
                      2. Cell Phone Service в выпадающим списке "Current Provider:" добавить строку "Other".
                      3. Cell Phone Service в выпадающим списке "Months left on current contract" не верное отображение от 0 до10, должно быть от 1 до 12, добавить строку ”None”.
                      4. Cell Phone Service в выпадающим списке "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:" должно быть от 1 до 24, добавить строку ”Less than”.
                      5. TV Service в выпадающим списке "Months left on plan:" должно быть от 1 до 24, добавить строку ”None”.
                      6. Элементы управления
                      1. Кнопки "Submit" и "Clear" разных размеров, имеют разный шрифт.
                      9. Сообщения об ошибках/предупреждения
                      1. При нажатии кнопки "Clear" появляется сообщение "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
                      Last edited by Aleksey96; 04-17-2022, 10:28 AM.


                      • State
                        list Box offering the list of all 50 states
                        required field

                        #1.List Box "State" is offering the list of 49 states, not 50 one
                        #2.List Box "State" state "IND" shold write 2 letters
                        #3.List Box "State" list "Other" is should be applicable?
                        #4.List Box "State" list "Other" should be in the end of the list
                        #5.List Box "State" states aren't in alphabetical order
                        #6.List Box "State" states "BC" and "CA" shouldn't be in the list

                        text field
                        accepts all characters
                        no more than 50
                        required field

                        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                        #1. Accepts all characters City = Pet123=-@ accepted
                        #2. Max input Input 50 accepted
                        #3. Max input +1 Input 51 accepted 50
                        #4. Required field Enpty field "Please enter your City" message
                        #5. The least boundary ??? ???

                        Bug report
                        #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "City" field


                        • ZIP:
                          - text field
                          - accepts 5 characters
                          - digits only
                          - Required field
                          - Existing
                          Test Cases:
                          #1. 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted
                          #2. 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted
                          #3. 4 digits 9408 "enter valid ZIP" message
                          #4. Required field empty field "required" error message
                          #5. Invalid input - letter 94O85 "digits only" message
                          #6. Invalid input - sp. character 9408% "digits only" message

                          #7. Paste 6 digits - existing first 5 accepted
                          #8. Paste Letter - "digits only" message
                          #9. Paste Sp.Character - "digits only" message


                          • Test Cases for "Energy-Telecom Service"

                            First Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.

                            ID Purpos________________________Instruction_________ _____________Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts all characters____________First name = 12James!@#$_________accepted
                            #2. Max input_____________________31 characters_____________________accepted
                            #3. Max+1 input___________________32 characters_____________________only 31 chars accepted
                            #4. Required field__________________empty field_______________________"required field" message
                            #5. Lower boundary, one character____"X"______________________________acce pted

                            Last Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.

                            ID Purpose________________________Instruction________ ______________Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts all characters_____________Last name = 12James!@#$_________accepted
                            #2. Max input_______________________31 characters____________________accepted
                            #3. Max+1 input_____________________32 characters____________________only 31 chars accepted
                            #4. Required field____________________empty field______________________"required field" message
                            #5. Lower boundary, one character______"X"_____________________________acc epted

                            Street Address: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 255. Required field.

                            ID Purpose________________________Instruction________ _______________Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts all characters_____________Street Address = 12James!@#$______accepted
                            #2. Max input_______________________255 characters___________________accepted
                            #3. Max+1 input_____________________256 characters___________________only 255 chars accepted
                            #4. Required field____________________empty field______________________"required field" message
                            ???#5. Lower boundary, one character___"X" ____________________________accepted

                            City: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.

                            ID Purpose________________________Instruction________ ________________Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts all characters____________City = 12James!@#$_______________accepted
                            #2. Max input______________________50 characters_____________________accepted
                            #3. Max+1 input____________________51 characters_____________________only 50 chars accepted
                            #4. Required field___________________empty field_______________________"required field" message
                            ???#5. Lower boundary______________"X"_________________________ _____accepted

                            State: List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.

                            ID Purpose_________________________Instruction_______ ________________Expected Result
                            #1. Select existing state_______________"IL"__________________________ ___accepted
                            #2. Required field____________________empty field_______________________"required field" message

                            ZIP: text field, accepts 5 characters (digits only). Required field.

                            ID Purpose________________________Instruction________ ________________ _Expected Result
                            #1. 5 digits, existing__________________94085___________________ _________accepted
                            #2. 6 digits_________________________940851_____________ ______________94085 accepted
                            #3. 4 digits_________________________9408_______________ ______________"enter valid ZIP" message
                            #4. Required field____________________empty field________________________"required" error message
                            #5. Invalid input - letter________________94O85_______________________ ____"digits only" message
                            #6. Invalid input - sp. character__________9408$__________________________ _"digits only" message
                            #7. Paste 6 digits/Letter/Sp.Character_____9408$I__________________________" digits only" message

                            Email: text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field.

                            ID Purpose____________________________________Instruc tion________________________Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts digits, letters and "@.–_"
                            #2. Max input___________________________________255 characters___________________accepted
                            #3. Max+1 input_________________________________256 characters___________________only 255 characters accepted
                            #4. Required field________________________________empty field______________________"required" error message

                            Phone: 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). Required field.

                            ID Purpose____________________________________Instruc tion________________________Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts digits______________________________123 456 7890______________________accepted
                            #2. Type letters and sp.characters_________________I234 $678 9O123___________________only 234 678 9123 were accepted
                            #3. Paste 3-3-4 digits/letters/Sp.Characters__________I23 4$6 %89O_____________________"digits only" message
                            #3. Paste 4-4-5 digits/letters/Sp.Characters__________!234 4S67 %890I___________________"digits only" message
                            #4. Required field______________________________empty fields_______________________"required" error message

                            ===================================BUG REPORTS=======================================

                            #1. Please provide minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field.
                            #2. "First Name" field should accept 31 characters, instead of 30 as it accepts now.
                            #3. "Last Name" field should accept 31 characters, instead of 30 as it accepts now.
                            #3. "Street Address" field accepts up to 100 characters, instead of 255 as per requirements
                            #4. Please provide minimal amount of characters for "City" field.
                            #5. "State" field has missing options "HI" and "NV" in the drop down listbox.
                            #6. "State" field has a non US state option "BC" and shouldn't be shown in the listbox.
                            #7. "State" field has an inconsistency, one of the options has 3 characters "IND" and should be replaced with "IN"
                            #8. "State" field has an inconsistency, option "Other" shouldn't be shown in the listbox.
                            #9. entering 94O85(which has letter "O" instead of 0) into "ZIP" field shows "* Please enter a valid ZIP Code" as an error message and doesn't show where the customer made a mistake and should show "Digits only" message
                            #10. "ZIP" field has a possibility to paste more than 5 digits, letters and characters, which shouldn't be possible.
                            #11. "Email" field has unclear number of max inputs, max inputs shouldn't overpass 255 characters.
                            #12. "Email" field marked by asterisk and indicated as required field, but leaving empty field doestn't cause "required" error message to show up after submitting the form.


                            • ==================BUG REPORTS============================
                              #6. List "State": there are no HI, NV
                              #7. List "State": the word "other" (for other US territories as a AS, DC, GU, PR, VI): should be at the bottom line
                              #8. List "State": the "BC" is incorrect state
                              #9. List "State": the abbreviation "IND" is incorrect (should be "IN")
                              #10. "Cell Phone Service" field, List "Current Provider": there is no title "Other" at the bottom line
                              #11. "Cell Phone Service" field, List "Current Provider": operator names are not in alphabetical order
                              #12. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" field, List "Current Provider" operator names are not in alphabetical order
                              #13. "Home Security Service" field, List "Current Provider": operator names are not in alphabetical order
                              #14. "Gas and Electric Services", List "Current Provider": operator names are not in alphabetical order
                              #15. "Cell Phone Service" field, List "Number of phones on plan" : containes too many lines, it could be better use 10 and title "More" at the bottom line
                              Last edited by N@t@; 04-17-2022, 06:44 PM.


                              • City:
                                -text field
                                - accepts all characters
                                - No more than 50
                                - Required field.
                                Test cases:
                                #1. Accepts all characters__City= Vega-5* ___accepted
                                #2. Max input ___50 characters ___accepted
                                #3. Max+1 input ___ 51 characters ___ 50 characters accepted
                                #4. Required field ___ empty field ____ "required field" message
                                #5. Lower boundary, 1 character ___ "U" ____ accepted
                                ======Bug reports====
                                #1. Please, provide minimal amount of characters for "City" field
                                #2. Please, provide the list of sp. characters allowed in "City" field

                                • List Box
                                • offering the list of all 50 states
                                • Required field.
                                Test cases:
                                #1. The list offer all 50 states __ Count the number of states __50 states
                                #2. Required field___None state selected____"required field" message
                                #3. State abbreviations are in accordance with USPS standards____Compare all abbreviation with USPS standards___All states have standard USPS abbreviations
                                #4. List of states in alphabetic order___Control the alphabetic order ___ All states are in alphabetic order
                                #5. All elements are consistent to one value ___ Search for mismatch___ No mismatch found
                                ======Bug reports====
                                #1. State drop list: the number of states is 48 not 50.
                                #2. State drop list: there is no state with abbreviation “BC”
                                #3. State drop list: USPS standard abbreviation of Indiana is not “IND” but “IN”.
                                #4. Missing state abbreviation “HI” of Hawaii between “GA” and “ID”
                                #5. Missing state abbreviation “NV” of Nevada between “NE” and “NH”
                                #6. Inconsistency in state abbreviation list: “Other” between “OR” and “PA” is not applicable

                                -text field,
                                -accepts digits, letters, some special characters.
                                - 255 characters.
                                -Required field.

                                Test cases:
                                #1. Accepts digits and letters, some special characters __ Mideya78@gmail.com___accepted
                                #2. Max input ___255 characters ___accepted
                                #3. Max+1 input ___ 256 characters ___ 255 characters accepted
                                #4. Required field ___ empty field ____ "Please enter your Email " message
                                #5. Lower boundary, 6 characters?? ___ "x@y.zz" ____ accepted???
                                ======Bug reports====
                                #1. Please, provide the requirements with the list of applicable special characters
                                #2. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters (6?) for "Email" field
                                #3. Suggestion: provide the requirements with the required email format
                                #4. Missing "Please enter your Email" message when
                                #5. The asterisk on the up left side near the “Email” label should change its color from blue to red when submitting an empty field
                                #4. “Email” field accepts more than 255 characters as per requirements

                                • 3 text fields,
                                • accepting 3-3-4 chars
                                • digits only
                                • Required field.
                                Test cases:
                                #1. Accepts valid number__650-307-1070 ___accepted
                                #3. Max+1 input - first field___ 4-4-5 characters (6500-3007-10700) ___ 3-3-4 characters accepted
                                #4. Do not accept letters __ 65O-3O7-l070 ___ Invalid input message
                                #5. Do not special characters__ 650-307-!070 ___ Invalid input message
                                #4. Required field ___ empty field ____ "Please enter your Phone number " message
                                #5. Lower boundary ___ 2-3-4 character ____ Invalid input message
                                ======Bug reports====
                                #1. Please, clarify in the requirements which of the 3 fields of the phone number is required.
                                #2. Violation of the requirements: all 3 field accept letters and special characters when pasting them

                                “Contact Information” table
                                ======Bug report====
                                #1. Inconsistency: dropbox “Best Way To Contact Me” has the default value “Select” whereas dropbox “State” has the default value “--”
                                #2. Inconsistency in spelling: all words in the controls of the “Contact Information” table are written with the capital letter (for ex., “Best Way To Contact Me”) when control “Referred by” has only one word with a capital letter.
                                #3. Please clarify in the requirement if the field “Referred by” is/isn’t a required field
                                #4. "Referred by" field: inconsistency between the field not having the asterisk, but being processed as a required field – “Please enter the name of the person you were referred by” message when left empty
                                #5. Violation of Tab order in “Contact Information”: when pressing the key “Tab” from the “First Name” field the cursor goes down to the “Referred by:” field at first and only then goes up and right to “Last Name:” field
                                =========Form Bug reports (Beg)====
                                #1. All lists with the name "Current provider" have the default value "Select one" that is illogical because it's impossible to select more than 1 value from each list
                                #2. "1. Cell Phone Service" table: values on the "Current provider" list are not in alphabetical order
                                #3. "1. Cell Phone Service" table: missing value "Other" in the "Current provider" list
                                #4. "1. Cell Phone Service" table: ascending order of "Minutes on plan:" list is not logical (30-200-400-450-500...)
                                #5. "1. Cell Phone Service" table: missing values 11 and 12 in the "Months left on current contract:" list
                                #6. "1. Cell Phone Service" table: replace value "0" with "None" in the "Months left on current contract:" list
                                #7. "1. Cell Phone Service" table: the value "0" is redundant in the "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:" list
                                #8. "1. Cell Phone Service" table: "My monthly bill is approximately:" field should not accept letters by entering or pasting them
                                #9. "1. Cell Phone Service" table: "My monthly bill is approximately:" field should not accept special characters (except “.” and “,”) by pasting them
                                #10. "1. Cell Phone Service" table: “Number of phones on plan:” list has too many values. It would be better to leave 10 of them and add value “More”

