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Energy-Telecom test cases and bug reports

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  • #16
    Since the forum doesn't accept more than 10000 characters in one post, the second part (including the other test cases, the bug report, and the notes) is located on the following link:

    SECTION "Contact Information"

    "City" TextField test cases

    Accepts all characters
    Input "S.a0!@$," into "City" TextField. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:

    Lower boundary
    Input "a" into "City" TextField. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:

    Max input
    Input 50 characters into "City" TextField. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:

    Max input +1 character
    Input 51 characters into "City" TextField. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    50 first characters accepted

    Paste of max input +1 character
    Paste 51 characters from the clipboard into "City" TextField. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    50 first characters accepted

    Required field
    Leave "City" TextField blank. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "Please enter your city" message appears

    "State" dropdown list test cases

    Item selected
    Select "OR" item in "State" dropdown list. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:

    Item not selected
    Skip "State" dropdown list. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "Please select your State" message appears

    "Phone" TextFields test cases

    Accepts digits
    Input "221", "560" and "2234" into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:

    Required field
    Leave "Phone" TextFields blank. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "Please enter your phone number" message appears

    Fixed length of 1 of 3 "Phone" TextFields
    Input "22", "560" and "2234" into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "Please enter a valid phone number" message appears

    Fixed length of 2 of 3 "Phone" TextFields
    Input "221", "56" and "2234" into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "Please enter a valid phone number" message appears

    Fixed length of 3 of 3 "Phone" TextFields
    Input "221", "560" and "223" into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "Please enter a valid phone number" message appears

    Doesn't accept letters in 1 of 3 "Phone" TextFields
    Input "221a", "560" and "2234" into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "Please enter a valid phone number" message appears

    Doesn't accept letters in 2 of 3 "Phone" TextFields
    Input "221", "56a" and "2234" into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "Please enter a valid phone number" message appears

    Doesn't accept letters in 3 of 3 "Phone" TextFields
    Input "221", "560" and "223a" into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "Please enter a valid phone number" message appears

    Doesn't accept special characters in 1 of 3 "Phone" TextFields
    Input "22!", "560" and "2234" into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "Please enter a valid phone number" message appears

    Doesn't accept special characters in 2 of 3 "Phone" TextFields
    Input "221", "56!" and "2234" into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "Please enter a valid phone number" message appears

    Doesn't accept special characters in 3 of 3 "Phone" TextFields
    Input "221", "560" and "223!" into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "Please enter a valid phone number" message appears

    Max digit limit in 1 of 3 "Phone" TextFields
    Input "2212", "560" and "2234" into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "221", "560" and "2234" accepted

    Max digit limit in 2 of 3 "Phone" TextFields
    Input "221", "5603" and "2234" into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "221", "560" and "2234" accepted

    Max digit limit in 3 of 3 "Phone" TextFields
    Input "221", "560" and "22342" into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "221", "560" and "2234" accepted

    Max pasting digit limit in 1 of 3 "Phone" TextFields
    Paste "2212" from the clipboard, input "560" and "2234" into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "221", "560" and "2234" accepted

    Max pasting digit limit in 2 of 3 "Phone" TextFields
    Input "221", paste "5603" from the clipboard and input "2234" into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "221", "560" and "2234" accepted

    Max pasting digit limit in 3 of 3 "Phone" TextFields
    Input "221", "560" and paste "22342" from the clipboard into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "221", "560" and "2234" accepted

    Doesn't accept "1" as 1st digit in 1 of 3 "Phone" TextFields
    Input "121", "560" and "2234" into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "Please enter a valid phone number" message appears

    Doesn't accept "11" as 2nd and 3rd digits in 1 of 3 "Phone" TextFields
    Input "211", "560" and "2234" into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "Please enter a valid phone number" message appears

    Doesn't accept "1" as 1st digit in 2 of 3 "Phone" TextFields
    Input "221", "160" and "2234" into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    "Please enter a valid phone number" message appears

    "Best Way To Contact Me" dropdown list test cases

    Item selected
    Select "Email" item in "Best Way To Contact Me" dropdown list. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:

    Item not selected
    Skip "Best Way To Contact Me" dropdown list. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:

    "Referred by" TextField test cases

    Accepts all characters
    Input "By. 0!@$," into "Referred by" TextField. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:

    Non-required field
    Leave "Referred by" TextField blank. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:

    Lower boundary
    Input "w" character into "Referred by" TextField. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:

    Max input
    Input 100 characters into "Referred by" TextField. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:

    Max input + 1 character
    Input 101 characters into "Referred by" TextField. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    100 first characters accepted

    Paste max input + 1 character
    Paste 101 characters from the clipboard into "Referred by" TextField. Push "Submit" button.
    Expected result:
    100 first characters accepted


    Short description:
    "Referred by" is set as a required TextField, though it isn't one (as per the requirements).
    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review" web page.
    2. Leave "Referred by" TextField blank.
    3. Push "Submit" button.
    4. "Please enter the name of the person you were referred by" message appears.

    Short description:
    Inconsistency in letter cases of the word "number" in error messages
    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review" web page.
    2. Leave "Phone" TextFields blank.
    3. Push "Submit" button.
    4. "Please enter your Phone number" message appears.
    5. Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review" web page.
    6. Input "1", "345" and "2233" into the 3 corresponding "Phone" TextFields.
    7. Push "Submit" button.
    8."Please enter a valid Phone Number" message appears.

    Short description:
    The page does not support "https" encryption.
    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review" web page.
    2. Look at the padlock icon left of the URL bar.

    Short description:
    "Months left on current contract:" dropdown list doesn't have "11" item
    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review" web page.
    2. Open "Months left on current contract:" dropdown list in "1. Cell Phone Service" section.
    3. The list doesn't have "11" (months) item.

    ID#: (Can we combine several bugs of the list in one bug report?)
    Short description:
    Invalid item in "State" dropdown list
    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review" web page.
    2. Open "State" dropdown list in "Contact Information" section.
    3. The list has an invalid item: "BC".
    Last edited by alex_cyberneticist; 04-19-2022, 12:32 PM.


    • #17
      Made a test case in Excel. But I can't attach Excel files, added jpg.
      Attached Files


      • #18
        BUG REPORT
        #1. "Email" field is not processed as a required field when it is left empty
        #2. Requirements to the "Phone" fields do not clarify which out of 3 fields are required
        #3. "Referred by" field: there is no information in the requirement on the field being/not being a required field
        #4. "Referred by" field: inconsistency between the field not having the asterisk, but being proceseed as a required field
        #5. Confusing/misleading error message when user pushes the "Clear" button
        #6. “Current Provider” fields docked inconsistently,“Current Provider” fields docked inconsistently, they need to be aligned.
        #7. “1. Cell Phone Service ": "Current Provider" drop-down list sorted not in alphabetical order.
        #8. “1. Cell Phone Service ": “Other” is not present in “Current Provider” drop-down list.
        #9. It is better to calculate “State”, “City” by "ZIP" than ask for input.
        #10. "5. Home Security Service": "Current Provider" drop-down list sorted not in alphabetical order.
        #11. "7. Gas and Electric Services": "Current Provider" drop-down list sorted not in alphabetical order.
        #12. “1. Cell Phone Service”: “24” is redundant in “Months left on current contract”.
        #13. “7. Gas and Electric Services”: replace “opento” with “open to”.

        - text field
        - accepts all characters
        - No more than 50
        - Required field.

        Test cases:
        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Pass/Fail
        1.1 Accepts all characters City = New York ЛГР78?(*& accepted Pass
        1.2 Max input 50 characters accepted Pass
        1.3 Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted Fail
        1.4 Required field empty field "required field" message Pass
        BUG REPORT
        #1. Please, provide the minimal number of characters for " City " field
        #2. "City" field accepts 51 characters instead of 50 as per requirements
        #3. Error message “Please enter the name of the person you were referred by” in non-required field
        #4. Please provide whether another language is acceptable in the Energy-Telecom Service Review. Different languages and sp. characters are accepted.

        - List Box offering the list of all 50 states
        - Required field

        Test cases:
        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Pass/Fail
        2.1 Accept states State = MA Accepted Pass
        2.2 50 states check 50 states List Box for all 50 states Fail
        2.3 Required field empty field "required field" message Pass
        BUG REPORT
        #1. List Box has “BC” that is not state of USA
        #2. List Box has “Other” that is not state of USA. Please provide requirments that "other" can be applicable to USA
        #3.The list contains the postal code "IND" instead of "IN" for the state of Indiana.
        #4. There are no states Hawaii and Nevada.

        - text field
        - accepts digits
        - letters
        - some special characters
        - 255 characters
        - Required field.

        Test cases:
        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Pass/Fail
        3.1 Accept text, digits, letters, some special characters accepted Pass
        3.2 Special characters that is not allowed input njls223 error message Fail
        3.3 Sp. charactor is missed error message Fail
        3.4 Sp. charactor is missed njls223@gmailcom error message Fail
        3.5 Max input 255 characters accepted Pass
        3.6 Max+1input 256 characters not accepted Fail
        3.7 Required field empty field error message Fail
        BUG REPORT
        #1. "Email" field is required sp. characters: ”@”, “.” ( , njls223@gmailcom emails are accepted).Please provide requirments.
        #2. Space character is not allowed in "Email" field (njls223 email is accepted). Please provide requirments.
        #3. "Email" field accepts 256 characters instead of max 255 as per requirements.
        #4. Different languages are accepted.
        #5. "Email" field is not processed as a required field when it is left empty

        - 3 text fields accepting 3-3-4 chars
        - digits only
        - Required field.
        Test cases:
        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Pass/Fail
        4.1 Accept digits 902-123-1234 accepted Pass
        4.2 Max+1 input 1234-1234-12345 123-123-1234 accepted Pass
        4.3 non-digits input 901-123-2O21 901-123-221 accepted Fail
        4.4 Required field empty field error message Pass
        4.5 lower boundery 2 digits input 12-123-1234 error message Pass
        4.6 Accept digits 123-456-7890 accepted Fail
        BUG REPORT
        #1 "Phone" field accepts non-digits, they could be pasted
        #2 Provide if "Phone" field requireds only existing telephone code number. "Phone" field accept not all digits: 123-456-7890 is not allowed (error message).
        Last edited by VadmanDV; 04-17-2022, 11:54 AM.


        • #19
          First Name:
          - text field
          - accepts all characters
          - No more than 31
          - Required field

          Test cases:
          ID/ Purpose /Instruction /Expected Result

          #1. Accepts all characters - First name = 25Misha!@#$ - accepted
          #2. Max input - 31 characters - accepted
          #3. Max+1 input - 32 characters - 31 accepted
          #4. Required field - empty field - "required field" message
          #5. Lower boundary, one character - "X" - accepted
          #6. Paste - 25Misha!@#$ - accepted
          #7. Paste - 32 characters - 31 accepted

          Last Name:
          - text field
          - accepts all characters
          - No more than 31
          - Required field

          Test cases:
          ID/ Purpose /Instruction /Expected Result

          #1. Accepts all characters - Last name = $_Biden1 - accepted
          #2. Max input - 31 characters - accepted
          #3. Max+1 input - 32 characters - 31 accepted
          #4. Required field - empty field - "Enter your Last Name" error message
          #5. Lower boundary, one character - "Y" - accepted
          #6. Paste - $_Biden1 - accepted
          #7. Paste - 32 characters - 31 accepted

          Street Address:
          - text field
          - accepts all characters
          - No more than 255
          - Required field

          Test cases:
          ID/ Purpose /Instruction /Expected Result
          #1. Accepts all characters - Street Address = 123 Main Street, #14 - accepted
          #2. Max input - 255 characters - accepted
          #3. Max+1 input - 256 characters - 255 accepted
          #4. Required field - empty field - "Enter your Street Address" erroe message
          #5. Lower boundary, ??? character - "?????" - accepted
          #6. Paste - 123 Main Street, #14 - accepted
          #7. Paste - 256 characters - 255 accepted

          - text field
          - accepts all characters
          - No more than 50
          - Required field.

          Test cases:
          ID/ Purpose /Instruction /Expected Result
          #1. Accepts all characters - City = Portland*1 - accepted
          #2. Max input - 50 characters - accepted
          #3. Max+1 input - 51 characters - 50 accepted
          #4. Required field - empty field - "Enter your City" error message
          #5. Paste - Portland*1 - accepted
          #6. Paste - 51 characters - 50 accepted

          - List Box offering the list of all 50 states
          - Required field.

          Test Cases:
          ID/ Purpose /Instruction /Expected Result
          #1. Entering correct data - OR - accepted
          #2. Amount of states - 50 - accepted
          #3. Amount of states - empty field - "Select your State" error message

          - text field
          - accepts 5 characters
          - digits only
          - Required field
          - Existing

          Test Cases:
          ID/ Purpose /Instruction /Expected Result
          #1. 5 digits, existing - 94085 - accepted
          #2. 6 digits - 940851 - 94085 accepted
          #3. 4 digits - 9408 - "enter valid ZIP" message
          #4. Required field - empty field - "Enter your ZIP Code" error message
          #5. Invalid input - letter - 94O85 - "digits only" message
          #6. Invalid input - sp. character - 9408% - invalid
          #7. Paste 6 digits - 940851 - 94085 accepted
          #8. Paste Letter - 9408F - "enter valid ZIP" message
          #9. Paste Sp.Character - 9408* - "enter valid ZIP" message

          - text field
          - accepts digits
          - letters
          - some special characters
          - 255 characters
          - Required field.

          Test Cases:
          ID/ Purpose /Instruction /Expected Result
          Accepts all characters - Email = - accepted
          #2. Max input - 255 characters - accepted
          #3. Max+1 input - 256 characters - 255 accepted
          #4. Required field - empty field - "requred field" message
          #5. Lower boundary, ??? character - "?????" - accepted
          #6. Paste - - accepted
          #7. Paste - 256 characters - 255 accepted

          - 3 text fields
          - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
          - Required field.

          Test Cases:
          ID/ Purpose /Instruction /Expected Result
          #1. 10 digits - 223 456 7890 - accepting
          #2. 9 digits - 223 456 789 - "Valid Phone Number" error message
          #3. Required field - empty field - "Enter your Phone number" error message
          #4. Accepted Letter - 223 456 789O - not applicable
          #5. Accepted Sp.Character - 223 456 789* - not applicable
          #6. Paste 9 digits - 223 456 7890 - accepting
          #7. Paste Letter - 223 456 789O - "Valid Phone Number" error message
          #8. Paste Sp.Character - 223 456 789* - "Valid Phone Number" error message

          =====================================BUG REPORTS============================

          #1. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
          #2. "First Name" field paste accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
          #3. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
          #4. "First Name" field paste accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
          #5. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
          #6. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
          #7. "Street Address' field paste accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
          #8. "State" the field must contain 50 states, no 49 as it accepts now
          #9. "State" non-existent abbreviation "BC"
          #10. "State" wrong abbreviation "IND", replaced by "IN"
          #11. "State" is absent "HI"
          #12. "ZIP" field paste accept up to 5 characters, no 6 as it accepts now
          #13. "ZIP" field paste accept up to 5 characters, field must not accept letters "9408F"
          #14. "ZIP" field paste accept up to 5 characters, field must not accept special characters "9408*"
          #15. "Email" is a required field, if left empty no error is thrown
          #16. "Email" field there is no possibility to put a special sign "_" which is required
          #17. "Email" field should accept up to 255 characters, no 90 as it accepts now
          #18. "Email" field paste accept up to 255 characters, no 90 as it accepts now
          #19. "Phone" fields paste "789O" must not accept letters
          #20. "Phone" fields paste "789*" must not accept sp.characters
          Last edited by Anna Bushlanova; 04-14-2022, 04:51 AM.


          • #20
            Last Name:
            - text field
            - accepts all characters
            - No more than 31
            - Required field

            Test cases:
            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
            #1. Accepts all characters Last name = Ivanov25@! accepted
            #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
            #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
            #5. Lower boundary,one character "X" accepted
            #6. Paste any characters paste Ivanov25@! accepted
            #7. Paste max+1 character paste 32 character 31 accepted

            - text field,
            - accepts all characters
            - No more than 50
            - Required field.

            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
            #1. Accepts all characters City = Chicago@23 accepted
            #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
            #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
            #5. Lower boundary,one character "X" accepted
            #6. Paste any characters paste Chicago@23 accepted
            #7. Paste max+1 character paste 51 character 50 accepted

            - List Box offering the list of all 50 states
            - Required field.

            Test cases
            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
            #1. Required field empty field "required field" message
            #2. Accepts any state from the list chose NY accepted

            - text field
            - accepts digits, letters, some special characters
            - 255 characters
            - Required field.

            Test cases
            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
            #1. Accepts digits, letters and accepted
            ONLY NEXT special characters
            "@" , "_" , "-" , "."
            #2. Accepts digits, letters and Ivanov25!Chicago? error message "check spelling your email"
            OTHER special characters
            #3. Max input 255 characters accepted
            #4. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
            #5. Required field empty field "required field" message

            BUG REPORTS============================
            #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
            #2. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
            #3. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
            #4. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
            #5. "City" field may content list Box offering cities due to chosen "State" field
            #6. "City" field may not content digits
            #7. "State" field should include states in alphabetical order
            #8. "State" field should include "Other" in the end of the list, not in the middle as its now
            #9. Special characters in the text field "Email" are the characters which are allowed in giving name of mail account.
            They are "@" , "_" , "-" , ".".



            • #21
              "First Name" Test case:
              ID Purpose - Instruction - Expected result
              #1. accepts all characters - Lena2403@# - accepted
              #2. Max input - 31 characters - accepted
              #3. Max input+1 - 32 characters - 31 accepted
              #4. Required field - empty field - "enter your First Name" message
              #5. Min input 1 character - L - accepted
              #6. Copy/paste input - Lena2403@# - accepted
              #7. Copy/paste Max input+1 - 32 characters - 31 accepted

              "Last Name" Test case:
              ID Purpose - Instruction - Expected result
              #1. accepts all characters - Kuz2403@# - accepted
              #2. Max input - 31 characters - accepted
              #3. Max input+1 - 32 characters - 31 accepted
              #4. Required field - empty field - "enter your Last Name" message
              #5. Min input 1 character - L - accepted
              #6. Copy/paste input - Kuz2403@# - accepted
              #7. Copy/paste Max input+1 - 32 characters - 31 accepted

              "Street Address" Test case:
              ID Purpose - Instruction - Expected result
              #1. accepts all characters - Lenina654@# - accepted
              #2. Max input - 255 characters - accepted
              #3. Max input+1 - 256 characters - 255 accepted
              #4. Required field - empty field - "enter your Street Address" message
              ???#5. Min input 1 character? - L - accepted
              #6. Copy/paste input - Lenina654@# - accepted
              #7. Copy/paste Max input+1 - 256 characters - 255 accepted

              "City" Test case:
              ID Purpose - Instruction - Expected result
              #1. accepts all characters - Perm33@# - accepted
              #2. Max input - 50 characters - accepted
              #3. Max input+1 - 51 characters - 50 accepted
              #4. Required field - empty field - "enter your City" message
              #5. Min input 1 character - P - accepted
              #6. Copy/paste input - Perm33@# - accepted
              #7. Copy/paste Max input+1 - 51 characters - 50 accepted

              "State" Test case:
              ID Purpose - Instruction - Expected result
              #1. Choosing 1 of the 50 proposed states - WY - accepted
              #2. Required field - -- - "select your State" message

              Last edited by Elena Kuzovleva; 04-13-2022, 05:46 AM.


              • #22
                "ZIP" Test case:
                ID Purpose - Instruction - Expected result
                #1. accepts 5 characters - 90210 - accepted
                #2. accepts 6 characters - 902100 - 5 accepted
                #3. accepts 4 characters - 9021 - "enter a valid ZIP Code" message
                #4. Invalid input 4 digits+1 letter - 9021O - not accepted "enter a valid ZIP Code" message
                #5. Invalid input 4 digits+1 sp.simbol - 9021@ - not accepted "enter a valid ZIP Code" message
                #6. non - existent ZIP code - 00000 - "enter a valid ZIP Code" message
                #7. Required field - empty field - "enter your ZIP Code" message
                #8. Copy/paste input - 90210 - accepted
                #9. Copy/paste Max input+1 - 902101 - 5 accepted
                #10. Copy/paste input all characters - KJi#4 - "enter a valid ZIP Code" message

                "Email" Test case:
                ID Purpose - Instruction - Expected result
                #1. accepts Email (digits, letters, sp.characters) - - accepted
                #2. accepts non-existent Email - len123@# - "enter a valid Email" message
                #3. Max input - 255 characters - accepted
                #4. Max input + 1 character - 256 characters - 255 accepted
                #4. Required field - empty field - "enter your Email" message
                ???#5. Min input 1 character? - L - accepted
                #6. Copy/paste input - 255 characters - accepted
                #7. Copy/paste Max input+1 - 256 characters - 255 accepted

                "Phone" Test case:
                ID Purpose - Instruction - Expected result
                #1. accepts 3-3-4 characters - 908-271-9312 - accepted
                #2. accepts 4-4-5 characters - 9080-2710-93120 - 3-3-4 accepted
                #3. accepts 2-2-3 characters - 90-27-931 - "enter a valid Phone Number" message
                #4. Invalid input 3-3-3 digits+1 letter - 908-271-931S - not accepted "enter a valid Phone Number" message
                #5. Invalid input 3-3-3 digits+1 sp.simbol - 908-271-931# - not accepted "enter a valid Phone Number" message
                #6. non - existent ZIP code - 000-000-0000 - "enter a valid Phone Number" message
                #7. Required field - empty field - "enter your Phone number" message
                #8. Copy/paste input - 908-271-9312 - accepted
                #9. Copy/paste Max input+1 - 9080-2710-93120 - 3-3-4 accepted
                #10. Copy/paste input all characters - 908-27l-931S - "enter a valid Phone Number" message

                BUG REPORTS:
                #1. "First name" field accepts 30 characters, instead of 31 characters as per requirements.
                #2. "Last name" field accepts 30 characters, instead of 31 characters as per requirements.
                #3. "Street Address" field accepts only 100 characters, instead of 255 characters as per requirements.
                #4. "Street Address" field, incomplete requirement: it is necessary to specify the minimum number of characters because the address cannot consist of one character.
                #5. "State" list box offering the list of 49 states + 1 option "other", instead of 50 states as per requirements.
                #6. "ZIP" field accepts copy/past more than 5 characters.
                #7. "ZIP" field accepts copy/past all characters, instead only digits as per requirements.
                #8. "ZIP" field accepts non-existent ZIP code 00000.
                #9. "Email" field incomplete requirement: Email must be in a generally accepted form, where "x" is digits, letters, some special characters. "Email" field accepts invalid Email.
                #10. "Email" field accepts copy/past more than 255 characters.
                #11. "Email" field accepts empty field. "Enter your Email" message is missing.
                #12. "Email" field, incomplete requirement: it is necessary to specify the minimum number of characters because the Email cannot consist of one character.
                #13. "Phone" field suggestion: the number copied in full should be paste into 3 fields at once.
                #14. "Phone" field accepts copy/past all characters, instead only digits as per requirements.


                • #23

                  -text field
                  -accepts digits,letters, some special characters.
                  -255 characters
                  -Required field

                  Test cases:
                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                  #1. Accepts some characters First name = accepted
                  #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
                  #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                  #4. Required field empty field "requred field" message
                  #5. Input without "@" "inna" "enter a valid email address" message
                  #5. Input without "." "inna@com" "enter a valid email address" message

                  =====================================BUG REPORTS("Email" field)============================
                  #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Email" field
                  #2. Please, provide what kind of "some special characters" are acceptable for "Email" field
                  #3. Please provide the user in "error message" what kind of special characters are required in "Email" field
                  #4. There is no error message when entering an invalid email address in "Email" field
                  #5. "Email" field accept more than 255 characters as required
                  #6. There is no "requred field" message when entering an empty field


                  • #24
                    Lesson 7
                    First Name:
                    - text field
                    - accepts all characters
                    - No more than 31
                    - Required field
                    Test cases:
                    ID Purpose - Instruction - Expected Result
                    #1. Accepts all characters - First name = 25Misha!@#$ - accepted
                    #2. Max input - 31 characters - accepted
                    #3. Max+1 input - 32 characters - 31 accepted
                    #4. Required field - empty field - "required field" message
                    #5. Lower boundary, one character - "X" - accepted

                    Street Address:
                    - text field
                    - accepts all characters
                    - No more than 255
                    - Required field
                    Test cases:
                    ID Purpose - Instruction - Expected Result
                    #1. Accepts all characters - First name = 123 Main Street, #14 - accepted
                    #2. Max input - 255 characters - accepted
                    #3. Max+1 input - 256 characters - 255 accepted
                    #4. Required field - empty field - "requred field"
                    ???#5. Lower boundary, ??? - character "?????" - accepted

                    - text field
                    - accepts 5 characters
                    - digits only
                    - Required field
                    - Existing
                    Test Cases:
                    ID Purpose - Instruction - Expected Result
                    #1. 5 digits, existing - 94085 - accepted
                    #2. 6 digits - 940851 - 94085 accepted
                    #3. 4 digits - 9408 - "enter valid ZIP" message
                    #4. Required field - empty field - "required" error message
                    #5. Invalid input - letter - 94O85 - "digits only" message
                    #6. Invalid input - sp. character - 9408% - "digits only" message

                    ------------------------------------------------------- new ------------------------------------------

                    #7. Copy/Paste 6 digits/Letter/Sp.Character - 94OO&! -"5 digits only" message

                    Last Name:
                    - text field
                    - accepts all characters
                    - no more than 31
                    - Required field
                    Test cases:
                    ID Purpose - Instruction - Expected Result
                    #1. Accepts all characters - Last name = 25Sidorov#$ - accepted
                    #2. Max input - 31 characters - accepted
                    #3. Max+1 input - 32 characters - 31 accepted
                    #4. Required field - empty field - "required field" message
                    #5. Lower boundary, one character - "Y" - accepted

                    - text field
                    - accepts all characters
                    - no more than 50
                    - Required field
                    Test cases:
                    ID Purpose - Instruction - Expected Result
                    #1. Accepts all characters - 25Sidorov#$ - accepted
                    #2. Max input - 50 characters - accepted
                    #3. Max+1 input - 51 characters - 50 accepted
                    #4. Required field - empty field - "required field" message
                    #5. Lower boundary, one character - "Y" - accepted
                    ???#6. Lower boundary, ??? - character "?????" - accepted

                    - list Box offering the list of all 50 states
                    - required field
                    Test cases:
                    ID Purpose - Instruction - Expected Result
                    #1. Not chosen - "-----" - "required field" message

                    - text field
                    - accepts digits, letters, some special characters
                    - 255 characters
                    - required field
                    Test cases:
                    ID Purpose - Instruction - Expected Result
                    #1. Accepts all characters - - accepted
                    #2. Max input - 255 characters - accepted
                    #3. Max+1 input - 256 characters - 256 accepted
                    #4. Required field - empty field - "required field" message
                    #5. Lower boundary, one character - "Y" - accepted
                    ???#6. Lower boundary, ??? - character "?????" - accepted
                    ???#7. What character accepted - character "?????" - accepted

                    - 3 text fields
                    - accepting 3-3-4 chars
                    - digits only
                    - required field
                    Test cases:
                    ID Purpose - Instruction - Expected Result
                    #1. 10 digits - 900-123-4567 - accepted
                    #2. 11 digits - 900-123-45678 - no possibility
                    #3. 9 digits - 900-123-456 - "10 digits only" message
                    #4. Required field - empty field - "required" error message
                    #5. Invalid input - letter/sp. character - 900-12?-O!@4 - no possibility
                    #6. Copy/past Invalid input - letter/sp. character - 900-12?-O!@4 - "10 digits only" message

                    =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
                    #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
                    #2. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                    #3. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements

                    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- new ------------------------------------------------------

                    #4. The "Referred by" field is required, but not marked *, which indicates required field
                    #5. "Last Name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                    #6. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "City" field
                    #7. "Street Address" field should accept up to 255 characters, no 100 as it accepts now
                    #8. The "Email" field can be filled with more than 255 characters, while it should be no more than 255 characters
                    #9. The "Email" field can be filled with some special characters, please specify which ones?
                    #10. The "Email" field is required, the form accepts it empty
                    #11. In the "Cell Phone Service" section, in the "My monthly bill is approximately" field, it is allowed to fill in English letters, but the field must contain numbers and one character - "."
                    #12. In all sections of the form, the fields "My monthly bill is approximately" and the field "Total Bill" do not have the same style when filling out
                    #13. In the field "State" in the drop-down list, you need to remove "Other" and add 50 states, now 49 states
                    #14. There is no error message in the "ZIP" field when entering 00000 (non-existent value)
                    #15. Copying / pasting allows you to fill in the "Phone" field with all characters
                    #16. Copy/paste allows you to fill in the "Primary Phone Number" field in the "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section with all characters
                    #17. Copy / paste allows you to fill in the "ZIP" field not only numbers, but more than 5 of all characters
                    #18. The form for "Phone" contains three text fields, when filling out, the cursor does not move to subsequent fields when the maximum number of digits is reached (3-3-4)
                    #19. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Email" field
                    Last edited by Olga123456; 04-14-2022, 09:43 AM.


                    • #25

                      Test suit "First name"

                      - text field
                      - accepts all characters
                      - no more than 31
                      - required field

                      Test cases:

                      #1. All letters_input(Fedor)_accept_ passed

                      #2.Letters & simbols_input (Fedor+-@)_accept_passed

                      #3. Letters & number_input (Fedor3)_accept_passed

                      #4. Letters & whitespace_input (Fedor )_accept_passed

                      #5. Cyrillic letters_input (Федор)_accept_passed

                      #6. Name consist of 2 words_input (Fedor Gary)_accept_passed

                      #7.31 characters_input(31 symbols)_accept_failed

                      #8. less than 31 characters_input (30 symbols)_accept_passed

                      #9. Paste more than 31 characters_paste(32 symbols)_don't accept_passed

                      #10. more than 31 characters_input (32 symbols)_don't accept_passed

                      #11. Field is empty(required field) _The field left empty_msg "Please enter your First Name"_passed

                      Test suit "Last name"

                      - text field
                      - accepts all characters
                      - no more than 31
                      - required field

                      Test cases:

                      #1. All letters_input (Fedorov)_accept_ passed

                      #2.Letters & symbols_input (Fedorov+-@)_accept_passed

                      #3. Letters & number_input (Fedorov3)_accept_passed

                      #4. Letters & whitespace_input (Fedorov )_accept_passed

                      #5. Cyrillic letters_input (Федорoв)_accept_passed

                      #6. Last Name consist of 2 words (Fedorov Gavrilov)_accept_passed

                      #7.31 characters_input(31 symbols)_accept_failed

                      #8. less than 31 characters_input (30 symbols)_accept_passed

                      #9. Paste more than 31 characters_paste(32 symbols)_don't accept_passed

                      #10 more than 31 characters_input (32 symbols)_don't accept_passed

                      #11. Field is empty(required field)_The field is left empty _msg "Please enter your Last Name"_passed

                      Test suit "Street adress"

                      - text field
                      - accepts all characters
                      - no more than 255
                      - required field

                      Test cases:

                      #1. All letters (Vernadckogo)_accept_ passed

                      #2.Letters & special character (Vernadckogo+@#)_accept_passed

                      #3. Letters & number (Vernadckogo3)_accept_passed

                      #4. Letters & whitespace (Vernadckogo )_accept_passed

                      #5. Cyrillic letters (Вернадского)_accept_passed

                      #6. Street Address consist of some words (45 стрелковой дивизии)_accept_passed

                      #7. no more than 255 characters_input (255 different characters)_accept_faild

                      #8. Paste 256 characters_paste(256 different characters)_don't accept_passed

                      #9 256 characters_input (256 different characters)_don't accept_passed

                      #10. Field is empty(required field) _The field is left empty_msg "Please enter your Street Address"_passed

                      Test suit "City"

                      - text field
                      - accepts all characters
                      - no more than 50
                      - required field.

                      Test cases:
                      #1. All letters_input (Los Angeles)_accept_ passed

                      #2.Letters & symbols_input (Los Angeles+-@)_accept_passed

                      #3. Letters & number_input (Los Angeles3)_accept_passed

                      #4. Cyrillic letters_input (Лос-Анджелес)_accept_passed

                      #5.50 characters_input(50 symbols)_accept_passed

                      #6.Paste more than 50 characters_paste(50 symbols)_accept_passed

                      #7. Paste more than 50 characters_paste(51 symbols)_don't accept_passed

                      #8 more than 50 characters_input (51 symbols)_don't accept_passed

                      #9. Field is empty(required field)_The field is left empty _msg "Please enter your City"_passed

                      Test suit "States"


                      -list Box offering the list of all 50 states
                      - required field

                      Test cases:
                      #1. State list can be selected in the dropdown _click on the arrow in the field 'States' and select a state_state is selected and accepted_passed
                      #2.There are all 50 states in the dropdown list_click on the arrow in the field 'States'_50 abbreviations of states in it_failed
                      #3. Abbreviations of states is correct_click on the arrow in the field 'States'_Abbreviation of states is correct in the dropdown field_ failed
                      #4. The field is left empty _Leave the field empty_msg "Please select your State"_passed

                      ==========================bug reports====================================
                      #001."First name" don't accept 31 characters_input 31 valid characters_field accepted 31 characters_field don't take 31 characters(only 30)

                      #002."Last name" don't accept 31 characters_input 31 valid characters_field accepted 31 characters_field don't take 31 characters(only 30)

                      #003."Street address" don't accept 255 characters_input 255 valid characters_field accepted 255characters_field don't take 255 characters(only 100)

                      #004.Only 48 correct states is in the field "States"_click on the arrow in the field "States"_dropdown list appeared with 50 correct abbreviations of states_in the field only 48 correct abbreviations of states (no two abr:NV,HI:BC
                      does not exist)
                      Last edited by Galgal; 04-18-2022, 04:52 AM.


                      • #26
                        - text field
                        - accepts 5 characters
                        - digits only
                        - Required field
                        - Existing

                        Test cases:

                        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                        #7 Paste 5 digits, existing / 94085 / accepted
                        #8 Paste 6 digits / 940851 / "enter valid ZIP" message
                        #9 Paste 4 digits / 9408 / "enter valid ZIP" message
                        #10 Invalid paste - letter / 94O85 / "enter valid ZIP" message
                        #11 Invalid paste - sp. character / 9408% / "enter valid ZIP" message

                        =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
                        #4. "ZIP" field should accept when paste only 5 characters, no 6 as it accepts now
                        #5. "ZIP" field should accept when paste only 5 characters, no 4 as it accepts now


                        - text field
                        - accepts all characters
                        - no more then 50
                        - Required field

                        Test cases:

                        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                        #1 Accepts all characters /Dallas23@ /accepted
                        #2 Max input /50 characters /accepted
                        #3 Max+1 input /51 characters /50 characters
                        #4 Required field /empty field /"enter City" message
                        #5 Paste Max /50 characters /accepted
                        #6 Paste Max+1 /51 characters /50 accepted

                        =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
                        #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "City" field


                        - List Box offering the list of all 50 states
                        - Required field

                        Test cases:

                        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                        #1 choice state /FL /accepted
                        #2 choice state /Other /accepted
                        #3 choice special character /-- /*Please select your State* message

                        =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
                        #1. suggestion: *--* special character of List Box N/A
                        #2. Inconsistency: *Other* is located in the middle of the list
                        #3. suggestion: *Other* of List Box N/A
                        #4. "State" field is not processed as a required field when *Other*
                        #5. Inconsistency: *BC* is located in the middle of the list
                        #6. valuem *HI* it is necessary to add in List Box
                        #6. Inconsistency: *IND* contains 3 letters


                        - text field
                        - accepts digits
                        - accepts letters
                        - accepts some special characters
                        - 255 characters
                        - Required field

                        Test cases:

                        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                        #1 Accepts all characters /1fg& /accepted
                        #2 Required field /empty field /accepted
                        #3 Lower boundary, ?character /????? /accepted
                        #4 Max input /255 characters /accepted
                        #5 Max+1 input /256 characters /accepted
                        #6 Paste Max /255 characters /accepted
                        #7 Paste Max+1 /256 characters /accepted

                        =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
                        #1. Please, specify which special characters are used for the text field
                        #2. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Email" field
                        #3. "Email" field should accept when paste no more then 255 characters, no 256 as it accepts now
                        #4. "Email" field should accept when input no more then 255 characters, no 256 as it accepts now
                        #5. Suggestion: for "Email" field create a template *________@_________.______*


                        - 3 text fields
                        - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
                        - Required field

                        Test cases:

                        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                        1# 3-3-4 digits /234-567-8900 /accepting
                        2# Paste 3-3-4 digits /234-567-8900 /accepting
                        3# Invalid input, 1st digit *1* /134-567-8900 /*Please enter a valid Phone Number* message
                        4# Invalid input, 1st digit *0* /034-567-8900 /*Please enter a valid Phone Number* message
                        5# 2-2-3 digits /23-45-678 /*Please enter a valid Phone Number* message
                        6# 4-4-5 digits /2345-6789-12345 /234-678-1234 accepted
                        7# Paste 3-3-4 digits /234-567-8900 /accepting
                        8# Paste 2-2-3 digits /23-45-678 /*Please enter a valid Phone Number* message
                        9# Paste 4-4-5 digits /2345-6789-12345 /234-678-1234 accepted

                        =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
                        #4. Suggestion: the value of the first character must be neither 0 nor 1

                        Last edited by asus20212704; 04-18-2022, 07:30 AM.
                        ROMAN YA


                        • #27
                          First Name:
                          - text field
                          - accepts all characters
                          - No more than 31
                          - Required field

                          Test cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail
                          1 Accepts all characters First name = 25Misha!@#$ accepted accepted Pass
                          2 Max input 31 characters accepted 30 characters accepted Fail (BR #2)
                          3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted 30 characters accepted Fail (BR #2)
                          4 Required field empty field "required field" message "enter your First Name" msg Pass
                          5 Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted accepted Pass
                          6 Paste Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted 30 characters accepted Fail (BR #2)
                          7 Paste Max input 31 characters accepted 30 characters accepted Fail (BR #2)

                          Last Name:
                          - text field
                          - accepts all characters
                          - No more than 31
                          - Required field

                          Test cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail
                          1 Accepts all characters Last name = 31Anton*&^ accepted accepted Pass
                          2 Max input 31 characters accepted 30 characters accepted Fail (BR #4)
                          3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted 30 characters accepted Fail (BR #4)
                          4 Required field empty field "required field" message "enter your Last Name" msg Pass
                          5 Lower boundary, one character "R" accepted accepted Pass
                          6 Paste Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted 30 characters accepted Fail (BR #4)
                          7 Paste Max input 31 characters accepted 30 characters accepted Fail (BR #4)

                          Street Address:
                          - text field
                          - accepts all characters
                          - No more than 255
                          - Required field

                          Test cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail
                          1 Accepts all characters Street Adress = 1234qwer!@#$ accepted accepted Pass
                          2 Max input 255 characters accepted 100 characters accepted Fail (BR #3)
                          3 Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted 100 characters accepted Fail (BR #3)
                          4 Required field empty field "required field" msg "enter Street Address" msg Pass
                          5 Paste Max input 255 characters accepted 100 characters accepted Fail (BR #3)
                          6 Paste Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted 100 characters accepted Fail (BR #3)
                          ??7 Lower boundary (??? characters) "???" accepted

                          - text field
                          - accepts all characters
                          - no more than 50
                          - required field

                          Test cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail
                          1 Accepts all characters City = 12<Kyiv> accepted accepted Pass
                          2 Max input 50 characters accepted accepted Pass
                          3 Max+1 input 51 characters 50 char. accepted 50 char. accepted Pass
                          4 Paste Max input 50 characters accepted accepted Pass
                          5 Paste Max+1 input 51 characters 50 char. accepted 50 char. accepted Pass
                          6 Required field empty field "required field" msg "required field" msg Pass

                          - list Box
                          - offering the list of all 50 states
                          - required field

                          Test cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail
                          1 list of all 50 states NA 50 states in the list 49 states + "other" Fail (BR #5)
                          2 Required field not selected "required field" msg "select State" msg Pass

                          - text field
                          - accepts 5 characters
                          - digits only
                          - Required field
                          - Existing

                          Test cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail
                          1 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted accepted Pass
                          2 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted 94085 accepted Pass
                          3 4 digits 9408 "enter valid ZIP" msg "enter a valid ZIP" msg Pass
                          4 Required field empty field "required" error msg "required" error msg Pass
                          5 Invalid input - letter 94O85 "digits only" msg "94O85" accepted Fail (BR #6)
                          6 Invalid input - sp. character 9408% "digits only" msg only digits accepted Pass
                          7 Paste 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted 940851 accepted Fail (BR #7)
                          8 Paste invalid input - letter 94O85 "digits only" msg "94O85" accepted Fail (BR #8)
                          9 Paste invalid input - sp.char. 9408% "digits only" msg "94O8%" accepted Fail (BR #9)
                          ??10 Nonexisting data "???" "enter existing ZIP" msg

                          - text field
                          - accepts digits
                          - accepts letters
                          - accepts some special characters
                          - 255 characters
                          - required field

                          Test cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail
                          ?? 1 Valid input (digits+letters) ??? accepted ??? (BR #10)
                          ?? 2 invalid input - sp. characters ??? "enter valid data" msg ??? (BR #10)
                          3 Max input 255 characters accepted accepted Pass
                          4 Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted 256 accepted Fail (BR #12)
                          ?? 5 Lower boundary - ??? ??? accepted ??? (BR #11)
                          6 required field empty field "required field" msg no error msg Fail (BR #14)
                          7 Paste Max input 255 characters accepted accepted Pass
                          8 Paste Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted 256 accepted Fail (BR #13)
                          ?? 9 Paste invalid input - sp. char ??? "enter valid data" msg ??? (BR #10)

                          - 3 text fields
                          - accepting 3-3-4 chars
                          - digits only
                          - required field

                          Test cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail
                          1 Valid input, existing 310-456-7890 accepted accepted Pass
                          2 Max+1 input / each field 3101-4567-78901 3-3-4 chars accepted 3-3-4 chars accepted Pass
                          3 invalid input - letter 31O-456-7890 only digits accepted only digits accepted Pass
                          4 invalid input - sp. char. 3!0-456-7890 only digits accepted only digits accepted Pass
                          5 Paste Max+1 input / each field 3101-4567-78901 3-3-4 chars accepted 3-3-4 chars accepted Pass
                          6 Paste invalid input - letter 31O-456-7890 only digits accepted all characters accepted Fail (BR #15)
                          7 Paste invalid input - sp. char. 3!0-456-7890 only digits accepted all characters accepted Fail (BR #16)
                          8 required field empty field "required field" msg "required field" msg Pass
                          9 Invalid input - 9 char 310-456-789 "enter valid data" msg "enter valid data" msg Pass

                          ====================BUG REPORTS======================
                          #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
                          #2. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                          #3. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
                          #4. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                          #5. "State" listbox should contain all the 50 states, no 49 states + "other"
                          #6. "ZIP" field should not accept letters (as per requirements)
                          #7. "ZIP" field accepts 6 characters by "paste" function (instead of 5 as per requirements)
                          #8. "ZIP" field accepts letters by "paste" function (instead of digits only as per requirements)
                          #9. "ZIP" field accepts sp. characters by "paste" function (instead of digits only as per requirements)
                          #10. Please, provide the information about available sp. characters for the "Email" field
                          #11. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for the "Email" field
                          #12. "Email" field accepts 256 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
                          #13. "Email" field accepts 256 characters by "paste" function instead of 255 as per requirements
                          #14. "Email" field do not made as a "required field"
                          #15. All "Phone" fields accept letter by "paste" function (instead "only digits" as per requirements)
                          #16. All "Phone" fields accept sp. characters by "paste" function (instead "only digits" as per requirements)


                          • #28
                            First Name
                            -text field
                            -accepts all characters
                            -No more than 31
                            -Required field.
                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts all characters First name = 25Andrei@#$ accepted
                            #2. Max input 31 characters 30 accepted
                            #3. Required field empty field "required field" message
                            #4. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted

                            Last Name
                            -text field
                            -accepts all characters
                            -No more than 31
                            -Required field
                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts all characters Last Name = 25Cholovskii@#$ accepted
                            #2. Max input 31 characters 30 accepted
                            #3. Required field empty field "required field" message
                            #4. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted

                            Street Address
                            -text field
                            -accepts all characters
                            -No more than 255
                            -Required field
                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts all characters Street Address = Zorge street #11 accepted
                            #2. Max input 255 characters 100 accepted
                            #3. Required field empty field "required field" message
                            #5. Lower boundary, character "X" accepted

                            -text field
                            -accepts all characters
                            -No more than 50
                            -Required field.
                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts all characters City = Bataisk#11 accepted
                            #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
                            #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                            #5. Lower boundary, character "X" accepted


                            • #29
                              - text field
                              - accepts 5 characters digits only
                              - Required field
                              - Existing
                              Test Cases:
                              ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                              #1. 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted
                              #2. 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted
                              #3. 4 digits 9408 "enter valid ZIP" message
                              #4. Required field empty field "required" error message
                              #5. Invalid input - letter 94O85 "digits only" message
                              #6. Invalid input - sp. character 9408% "digits only" message
                              #7. Paste 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted
                              #8. Paste 6 digits 940851 "digits only" message
                              #9. Paste Invalid input - letter 94O85 "digits only" message
                              #10.Paste Invalid input - sp. character 9408% "digits only" message

                              -text field
                              -accepts digits letters
                              -some special characters
                              -255 characters
                              -Required field
                              Test cases:
                              ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                              #1. Accepts all characters Email "" accepted
                              #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
                              #3. Max input + 1 256 characters accepted
                              #4. Required field empty field accepted

                              3 text fields accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
                              Required field.
                              Test cases:
                              ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                              #1. 3-3-4 chars (digits only) Phone "9083214621" accepted
                              #2. 3-3-4 chars (digits/Letter/Sp.Character) 9O8321462@ fields only accept numbers
                              #3. Max+1 numbers (908+1) (321+1) (4621+1) fields accept only the declared number of digits
                              #4. Max-1 numbers 908 321 462 "required field" message
                              #5. Required field empty field "required field" message
                              #6. Paste 3-3-4 digits 908 321 4621 accepted
                              #9. Paste Invalid input - letter 9O8 321 4621 "required field" message
                              #10.Paste Invalid input - sp. character 908 321 462% "required field" message

                              =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
                              #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" and "Email" field
                              #2. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                              #3. "Last Name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                              #4. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
                              #5. "State" field state name "other" and "BC" does not exist please delite from drop list
                              #6. "State" field state "IND" from drop list need change to "IN"
                              #7. "State" field need add "HI" Hawaii and "NV" Nevada in drop list
                              #8. “Zip” field accept mach more digits when use copy/past instead of 5
                              #9. “Zip” field accept letter instead of numbers
                              #10. "Email" field accept mach more characters instead of 255
                              #11. "Email" field accept empty field "requred field" message is absent
                              #12. "Phone" fields at use copy/past accept letters and sp. characters
                              #13. Please will do field "Phone" in one boks
                              Last edited by AndreyCholovsky; 04-13-2022, 08:57 AM.


                              • #30
                                Last name:
                                -text field
                                -accepts all characters
                                -No more than 31
                                -Required field.

                                Tets cases:
                                ID Purpose: Instruction: Expected result:
                                #1. Accepts all characters Last name=123Tim@$ accepted
                                #2. Max input 31 characters aceepted
                                #3. Max input+1 32 characters 31 accepted
                                #4. Required field empty field "Required field" error massage
                                #5. Lower boundary, one character "X' accepted

                                text field
                                -accepts all characters
                                -No more than 50
                                -Required field.

                                Test cases:
                                ID Purpose: Instruction: Expected result:
                                #1. Accepts all characters City=Paris11#$! accepted
                                #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
                                #3. Max input+1 51 characters 50 accepted
                                #4. Required field empty field "Required field" error massage
                                #5. ??Lower boundary "X" accepted

                                -List Box offering the list of all 50 states
                                -Required field.

                                Test cases:
                                ID Purpose: Instruction: Expected result:
                                #1. all 50 states are on the listbox list open a list box 50 states in the list box
                                #2. required field empty field "Please select your State" massage

                                -text field
                                -accepts digits
                                -accepts letters
                                -accepts some special characters
                                -255 characters
                                -Required field.

                                Teste cases:
                                ID Purpose: Instruction: Expected result:
                                #1. Accepts digits, letters, some special characters accepted
                                #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
                                #3. Max input+1 256 characters 255 accepted
                                #4. Required field empty field "Required field" error massage
                                #5. Non-existent email ol1231@paoraropdl.eoaro "Please enter existing Email" massage
                                #6. ?? Lower boundary?? "X" accepted

                                -3 text fields
                                -accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
                                -Required field.

                                Test cases:
                                ID Purpose: Instruction: Expected result:
                                #1. 10 digits, existing Phone= 999 888 7777 accepted
                                #2. 9 digits 999 888 777 "enter valid Phone" massage
                                #3. 11 digits 999 888 77771 999 888 7777 accepted
                                #4. Required field empty field "Please enter your Phone" massage
                                #5. invalid input-letter 999 888 777T "digits only" massage
                                #6. invalid input-sp,character 999 888 777$ "digits only" massage
                                #7. Paste 10 digits 999 888 7777 999 888 7777 accepted
                                #8. Paste 9 digits+1 letter 999 888 777T "digits only" massage
                                #9. Paste 9 digits+1 sp.caracter 999 888 777@ "digits only" massage

                                =====================================BUG REPORTS================================
                                #1."Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                                #2."Clear" button does not work and gives an incorrect error
                                #3."Email" required field indicator should be red, not blue
                                #4."State" field: in the listbox, the line "other" is excess
                                #5."City" field: the lower boundary should not be 1 character
                                #6."State" list box: the names of the states should be in alphabetical order
                                #7. Error massage: After sending, it gives an error that the Referred by field is required, but it is not
                                #8."Email" should be a required field
                                #9."Email" field Accepts more than 255 characters,there shouldn't be more 255 as per requirements
                                #10. "Email" field: accepts all special characters, but there should be some
                                #11. "Phone" filed should accept only digits, not the letters and sp.characters, when you do copy paste
                                #12. Inconsistency: pressing TAB incorrect row order
                                #13."State" list box: bs is an extra state, since it is a state of Canada, not USA
                                #14. "State" list box: The state of "ind"(indiana) is incorrectly abbreviated, sould be "IN"
                                #15. "State" list box: The state of Hawaii is missing
                                #16. "State" list box: The state of Nevada is missing
                                #17."State" list box: The state of District of Columbia is missing
                                #18. "Phone" fields: automatic transition from fields doesn't work
                                #19. The size of the "Clear" button doesn't match the size of the "Submit" button
                                Last edited by Tim24; 04-17-2022, 04:44 AM.

