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Energy-Telecom test cases and bug reports

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  • поле: Фамилия (Last Name)
    Требования: текстовое поле, принимает все символы, небольше чем 31. Поле обязательно к заполнению.

    id: цель инструкция ожидаемый результат

    #1. все символы Last Name = Privet31! accepted
    #2. макс. допустимое кол-во 31символ accepted
    #3. мин. допустимое кол-во 1символ accepted
    #4. макс. допустимое кол-во +1 32символ 31accepted
    #5. заполнение поле пустое сообщение "введите данные"
    #6. вставить макс. допустимое кол-во +1 вставить 32символа 31accepted

    ==баг репорт:==
    #1. Last Name принимает только 30 символов вместо 31 как указано в требованиях.
    поле: Город (City)
    Требования: текстовое поле, принимает все символы, небольше чем 50. Поле обязательно к заполнению.

    id: цель инструкция ожидаемый результат

    #1. все символы Last Name = Privet31! accepted
    #2. макс. допустимое кол-во 50символ accepted
    #3. мин. допустимое кол-во 1символ accepted
    #4. макс. допустимое кол-во +1 51символ 50accepted
    #5. заполнение поле пустое сообщение "введите данные"
    #6. вставить макс. допустимое кол-во +1 вставить 51символ 50 accepted
    поле: Штат (State)
    Требования: Содержит список из 50 штатов.Поле обязательно к заполнению.

    id: цель инструкция ожидаемый результат

    #1. количество в списке посчитать 50
    #2. заполнение поле пустое сообщение "введите данные"

    ==баг репорт:==
    #1. В списке 49 штатов вместо 50 как указано в требованиях.

    поле: Емайл (Email)
    Требования: текстовое поле, принимает цифры, буквы,спец.символы – @ . – _ ) 255 символов. Поле обязательно к заполнению.

    id: цель инструкция ожидаемый результат

    #1. макс. допустимое кол-во разреш. символов 255символов accepted
    #3. мин. допустимое кол-во 254символа сообщение "введите данные"
    #4. макс. допустимое кол-во +1 256символ 255accepted
    #5. заполнение поле пустое сообщение "введите данные"
    #6. вставить макс. допустимое кол-во +1 вставить 51символ 255 accepted

    ==баг репорт:==
    #1. В требование необходимо добавить обязательные спец. символы
    #2. В требование необходимо добавить минимальное кол-во символов
    #3. принимает 254 символа хотя в требовании указано 255
    #4. принимает 256 символов хотя в требовании указано только 255
    #5. принимает пустое поле


    • Last name:
      -text field
      -accepts all characters
      -No more than 31
      -Required field.

      Tets cases:
      ID Purpose: Instruction: Expected result:
      #1. Accepts all characters Last name=23Tim@$ accepted
      #2. Max input 31 characters aceepted
      #3. Max input+1 32 characters 31 accepted
      #4. Required field empty field "Required field"error massage
      #5. Lower boundary, one character. "X" accepted

      -text field
      -accepts all characters
      -No more than 50
      -Required field.

      Tets cases:
      ID Purpose: Instruction: Expected result:
      #1. Accepts all characters City=Madrid#21 accepted
      #2. Max input 50 characters aceepted
      #3. Max input+1 51 characters 50 accepted
      #4. Required field empty field "Required field"error massage
      #5. Lower boundary, one character. "X" accepted

      -List Box offering the list of all 50 states
      -Required field.

      Test cases:
      ID Purpose: Instruction: Expected result:
      #1. Accept states State = BC accepted
      #2. List of 50 states. Select a state from the list accepted
      #3. Required field empty field. "Please select your State" massage

      text field
      accepts digits, letters, some special characters
      - 255 characters
      - Required field
      Test cases:

      ID Purpose: Instruction: Expected result:
      #1. Accept digits, accepted
      some special characters

      #2.The field must not contain portnov( error messeg
      special characters other


      • Last Name:
        - text field
        - accepts all characters
        - No more than 31
        - Required field

        Test cases:
        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
        #1. Accepts all characters Last Name = 45Book!& accepted
        #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
        #3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
        #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
        #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted
        - text field
        - accepts all characters
        - No more than 50
        - Required field

        Test cases:
        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
        #1. Accepts all characters City = 45Book!& accepted
        #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
        #3 Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
        #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
        #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted
        -List Box offering the list of all 50 states.
        -Required field.

        Test cases:
        ID Purpose Instructio Expected Result
        #1. List Box offering the list of all 50 states Count the number of states are given in the listbox Number of states included in the list is equal to 50
        #2. States names are given in listbox are correct Validate states names (compare with external official data) States names are given in listbox are match the official data
        #3. Required field "--" "required field" message
        -text field,
        -accepts 5 characters (digits only).
        -Required field.
        ID Purpose Instructio Expected Result
        #1. 5 digits 73301 accepted
        #2. 4 digits 7330 error message
        #3. 6 digits 733011 73301 accepted
        #4. Paste 6 digits 733011 73301 accepted
        #5. Required field empty field "Required field" messege
        #6. digits only/not letter 733O1 not accepted
        #7. Paste Non-digits/letter 733O1 not accepted
        #8. digits only/not sp.char. 733@1 not accepted
        #9. Paste Non-digits/sp.char. 733@1 not accepted

        =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
        #1. "Last Name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
        #2. Requirements to the "State" fields: no information about the states of which country should be in the drop-down list
        #3. Drop-down list of "State" fields: "IND" replace whicn two-letter abbreviation "IN"
        #4. Drop-down list of "State" fields contains abbreviations for state names in the United States and Canada. is that correct?
        #5. Drop-down list of "State" fields:not a complete list of US states, "NV" and "HI" is missing.
        #6. Drop-down list of "State" fields: "--" replace whicn two-letter abbreviation "Select"
        #7. Drop-down list of "State" fields: "Other" is redundant. List Box offering the list of all 50 states.
        #8. "ZIP" field accepted ZIP which does not correspond to the selected state
        #9. "ZIP" field accepted paster letters and sp. characters
        #10."ZIP" field accepted paster more then 5 characters.
        Last edited by Marina_Khromova; 04-18-2022, 01:18 PM.


        • Last Name:
          text field
          accepts all characters
          no more than 31
          required field

          ID Title Insructions Expected Result
          #1. Accepts all characters Smith123.*$ Accepted
          #2. Max input 31 characters Accepted
          #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 characters accepted
          #4. Max+1 paste Paste 32 characters 31 characters accepted
          #5. Required field empty field "Required field" msg
          #6. Lower boundary, 1 character Y Accepted

          Street Address:
          text field
          accepts all characters
          no more than 255
          required field

          ID Title Insructions Expected Result
          #1 Accepts all characters Street Address: Street123^*$ Accepted
          #2 Max input 255 characters Accepted
          #3 Max+1 input 256 characters 255 characters accepted
          #4 Max+1 paste Paste 256 characters 255 characters accepted
          #4 Requared field Empty field "Requared field" msg
          #5 Lower boundary, ??? char ??? Accepted

          text field
          accepts all characters
          no more than 50
          required field

          ID Title Insructions Expected Result
          #1. Accepts all characters San-Francisco123%#$ Accepted
          #2. Max input 50 characters Accepted
          #3 Max+1 input 51 characters 50 characters accepted
          #4 Max+1 paste Paste 51 characters 50 characters accepted
          #4 Required field Empty field "Requared field" msg

          List Box offering the list of all 50 states
          required field

          ID Title Insructions Expected Result
          #1. 50 states at the List Box Count number of states offered by List Box 50 states
          #2. Correct abbreviations of state names Verify abbreviations State names are correct
          #3. Abbreviations are not repeat Verify abbreviations State names are unic
          #4. State names are in alphabetical order Verify alphabetical order Alphabetical order is consistant
          #5. Required field Empty field "Requared field" msg

          text field
          accepts 5 characters
          accepts digits only
          required field

          ID Title Insructions Expected Result
          #1. 5 digits, existing 94085 Accepted
          #2. 6 digits 940851 94085 Accepted
          #3. 4 digits 9408 error msg
          #4. Required field Empty field "Requared field" msg
          #5. Invalid input: letter 94O85 not accepted
          #6. Invalid input: sp.char. 9408% not accepted
          #7. Paste 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted
          #8. Paste letter 94O85 "digits only" msg
          #9. Paste sp.char. 94085% "digits only" msg

          text field
          accepts digits
          accepts letters
          accepts some special characters
          255 characters
          required field

          ID Title Insructions Expected Result
          #1 Accepts digits, letters, Accepted
          some sp.char.
          #2 Max input 255 characters Accepted
          #3 Max+1 input 256 characters 255 characters accepted
          #4 Max+1 paste Paste 256 characters 255 characters accepted
          #4 Requared field Empty field "Requared field" msg
          #5 Lower boundary, ??? char ??? Accepted

          3 text fields
          accept digits only
          accepting 3-3-4 chars
          required field

          ID Title Insructions Expected Result
          #1. 3-3-4 digits input 222-333-4444 Accepted
          #2. 2-2-3 digits input 22-33-444 error msg
          #3. 4-4-5 digits input 2222-3333-44444 not accepted
          #4. Required field Empty field "Requared field" msg
          #5. Invalid input: letter 22g-33s-444t not accepted
          #6. Invalid input: sp.char. 22#-33@-444* not accepted
          #7. Paste 4 digits in the 1 field Paste 2222 222 accepted
          #8. Paste 4 digits in the 2 field Paste 3333 333 accepted
          #9. Paste 5 digits in the 3 field Paste 44444 4444 accepted
          #10. Paste letter in the 1 field Paste 22g not accepted
          #11. Paste letter in the 2 field Paste 33s not accepted
          #12. Paste letter in the 3 field Paste 444t not accepted
          #13. Paste sp.char. in the 1 field Paste 22# not accepted
          #14. Paste sp.char. in the 2 field Paste 33@ not accepted
          #15. Paste sp.char. in the 3 field Paste 444* not accepted

          BUG REPORTS

          #1. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, not 30 as it accepts now
          #2. "Street Address" field should accept up to 255 characters, not 100 as it accepts now

          #3. Sorting order violation in "State" List Box
          #4. "State" List Box: 49 states and string "other" instead of 50 states
          #5. "State" List Box: Incorrect abbreviation "IND" instead of "IN"
          #6. "State" List Box: Inconsistancy in alphabetical order of states name

          #7. "ZIP" field: accepted more that 5 digits if pasted
          #8. "ZIP" field: should accept digits only but letters were accepted
          #9. "ZIP" field: should accept digits only but soecial characters were accepted

          #10. Please detail what kind od special characters "Email" field accepts
          #11. Please clarify the correct email format
          #11. "Email" field accepts more than 255 charactres inputted
          #12. "Email" field accepts more than 255 charactres pasted
          #13. "Email" field accepts invalid email format


          • First Name:
            - text field
            - accepts all characters
            - No more than 31
            - Required field

            Test cases:

            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

            #1. Accepts all characters First name = 25Misha!@#$ accepted
            #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
            #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
            #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted


            Last Name:
            - text field
            - accepts all characters
            - No more than 31
            - Required field

            Test cases:

            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

            #1. Accepts all characters Last name = Brown7%!_+ accepted
            #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
            #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
            #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted


            Street Address:
            - text field
            - accepts all characters
            - No more than 255
            - Required field

            Test cases:

            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

            #1. Accepts all characters Street Address = 123 Main Street, #14 accepted
            #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
            #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
            #5. Lower boundary, ??? character "???" accepted


            - text field
            - accepts all characters
            - No more than 50
            - Required field

            Test cases:

            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

            #1. Accepts all characters City = Los Angeles&123_ accepted
            #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
            #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 51 accepted
            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
            #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted


            - List Box offering the list of all 50 states
            - Required field

            Test cases:

            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

            #1. Offering the list of all 50 states Click on the field accepted
            #2. Required field empty field "required field" message
            #3. Number of states 50 states accepted
            #4. All states exist check real state names accepted
            #5. States order "A"-"Z" accepted


            - text field
            - accepts 5 characters
            - digits only
            - Required field
            - Existing

            Test Cases:
            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

            #1. 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted
            #2. 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted
            #3. 4 digits 9408 "enter valid ZIP" message
            #4. Required field empty field "required" error message
            #5. Invalid input - letter 94O85 "digits only" message
            #6. Invalid input - sp. character 9408% "digits only" message
            #7. Non-existing 00000 "enter valid ZIP" message


            - text field
            - accepts digits, letters, some special characters
            - 255 characters
            - Required field

            Test cases:

            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

            #1. Accepts digits, letters, some special characters Email = accepted
            #2. Invalid input - incorrect characters for email Email = D#8!$ "incorrect email" message
            #3. Invalid input - incorrect format for email Email = A "incorrect email" message
            #4. Max input 255 characters accepted
            #5. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
            #6. Required field empty field "required field" message


            - 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
            - Required field

            Test cases:

            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

            #1. 3-3-4 digits 808-222-3333 accepted
            #2. 1-2-3 digits 80-22-333 "enter valid Phone" message
            #3. Invalid input - incorrect code for phone 111-222-3333 "enter valid Phone" message
            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
            #5. Invalid input - letter 808-abc-defg "enter valid Phone" message
            #6. Invalid input - sp. character 808-##@-!#-+ "enter valid Phone" message

            =====================================BUG REPORTS===========================

            #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
            #2. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
            #3. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
            #4. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
            #5. In "State" field is missing HI, NV in the list of states
            #6. In "State" field is the non-existent state "BC"
            #7. The state of Indiana has the postal abbreviation IN, not IND - replace
            #8. The state "Other" does not exist, remove it from the list
            #9. "ZIP" field accepts the non-existent code "0000"
            #10. "Email" field should accept up to 255 characters, currently it accepts more than 255
            #11. "Email" field accepts incorrect characters
            #12. "Email" field accepts incorrect format for email
            #13. "Email" field is required, no error message is displayed if it is empty now
            #14. "Email" field: sign required field "*" is blue instead of red


            • Test case text field: "EMAIL"

              Screenshot - экрана 2022-04-14 в 19.58.29.png

              Bug reports:
              1. “EMAIL” field should accept up to 255 characters, not 255+ as it accepts now
              2. “EMAIL” field should accept up to 255 characters, not paste 255+ as it accepts now
              3. “EMAIL” field correct email adress, should a special symbol @
              Attached Files


              • City: text field,
                accepts all characters
                No more than 50,
                Required field.

                Test cases:

                #1. Existing city name Las Vegas accepted
                #2. No more than 50 characters 50 char. accepted
                #3. More than 50 characters 51 char. rejected
                #4. More than 50 char. PASTE 55 char PASTE rejected
                #5. Required field empty field "required field" error message
                If digits and special characters should not be allowed:
                #6. Digits are not allowed 123aaa "no dogost allowed" error message
                #7. Spesial characters not allowed $@aaa "no special char. allowed" error message

                List Box offering the list of all 50 states.
                Required field.

                Test cases:
                #1. Choose one of the states from the list SC accepted
                #2. Required field empty field "required field" message

                text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters,
                255 characters,
                Required field

                Test cases:
                #1. Text field, accepts digits, 1432abv@domen!.com accepted
                letters, some special characters
                #2. 255 char. allowed 255 char. accepted
                #3. 256 characters 256 char. error message "only 255 char. allowed"
                #4. Required field empty field "required field" error message
                If more requirements are added:
                #5. Domen verification 1432abv@domen!.com error message "invalid domen"

                Bug reports:
                1. Suggestion: Text field "City": should not accept special characters (and numbers)
                2. "Email" text field: allowed special characters should be specified
                3. "Email" text field: provide minimal amount of characters for the field
                4. Suggestion: "Email" text field: some kind of domen verification should be implemented
                5. Suggestion: "Email" text field: retional number of characters should be allowed for the field, 255 are too many
                6. "Email" text field: the field accepts 256 characters instead of the allowed 255
                7. "Email" text field: empty is accepted instead of showing a respective error message


                • First Name: - text field - accepts all characters - No more than 31 - Required field
                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                  #1 Accepts all characters First name = 25Misha!@#$ accepted
                  #2 Max input 31 characters accepted
                  #3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
                  #4 Required field empty field "required field" message
                  #5 Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted
                  Last Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                  #1 Accepts all characters Last name = 77Vital!@#$ accepted
                  #2 Max input 31 characters accepted
                  #3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
                  #4 Required field empty field "required field" message
                  #5 Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted
                  Street Address: - text field - accepts all characters - No more than 255 - Required field
                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                  #1 Accepts all characters Street Address = 123 Main Street, #14 accepted
                  #2 Max input 255 characters accepted
                  #3 Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                  #4 Required field empty field "required field" message
                  #5 Lower boundary, one character "?????" accepted
                  City: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.
                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                  #1 Accepts all characters Citi = Los Angeles!@#$1 accepted
                  #2 Max input 50 characters accepted
                  #3 Max+1 input 51 characters 50 accepted
                  #4 Required field empty field "required field" message
                  #5 Lower boundary, one character "W" accepted
                  State: List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.
                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                  #1 List Box List Box = 50 states accepted
                  #2 Required field empty field "required field" message
                  ZIP: - text field - accepts 5 characters - digits only - Required field - Existing
                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                  #1 5 digits, existing 94085 94085 accepted
                  #2 6 digits 940851 "enter valid ZIP" message
                  #3 4 digits 9408 "required" error message
                  #4 Required field empty field "required field" message
                  #5 Invalid input - letter 94O85 "digits only" message
                  #6 Invalid input - sp. Character 9408% "digits only" message
                  Email: text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field.
                  ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                  #1 Accepts all characters text field = DolVS!@#$1% accepted
                  #2 Max input 255 characters accepted
                  #3 Max+1 input 256 characters 256 accepted
                  #4 Required field empty field NO "required field" message
                  =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
                  #1. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
                  #2. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                  #3. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
                  #4. "Last Name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                  #5. The "Email" field accepts more than 256 characters, the maximum number is 255 according to the requirements
                  #6. Please make the "Email" field mandatory according to the requirements


                  • First Name:
                    text field
                    accepts all characters
                    No more than 31
                    Required field

                    Last Name:

                    - text field

                    - accepts all characters

                    - No more than 31

                    - Required field

                    Test cases:

                    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                    1 Accepts all characters Last Name = Gtv12051977@&+ accepted

                    2. Max input 31 characters accepted

                    3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted

                    4. Required field empty field "Please enter your Last Name" message

                    5. Lower boundary, one character "1" accepted


                    - text field

                    - accepts all characters

                    - No more than 50

                    - Required field.

                    Test cases:

                    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                    1 Accepts all characters City = New York5$ accepted

                    2 Max input 50 characters accepted

                    3. Max+1 input 51 characters 51 accepted

                    4 Required field empty field " Please enter your City" message

                    5 Lower boundary, one character "N" accepted


                    - List Box

                    - offering the list of all 50 states

                    - Required field.

                    Test cases:

                    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                    1 offering the list State: gives you a choice of 1 and 50 = LA accepted

                    2 Max input 50 states accepted

                    3 Max+1 input 51 states 51 accepted

                    4 Required field empty field " Please select your State" message


                    - text field

                    - accepts digits

                    - letters

                    - some special characters ".", "", "$", "*", "[", "]", "^", "&".

                    - 255 characters

                    - Required field.

                    Test cases:

                    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                    1 accepts digits Email=www.1977chornogor@$] accepted

                    2 Max input 255 characters accepted

                    3 Max+1 input 256 characters 256 accepted

                    4 Lower boundary, one character "Y" accepted

                    5 Required field empty field " Please select your State" message


                    - 3 text fields

                    - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)

                    - Required field.

                    Test cases:

                    ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                    1 3 text fields Phone:= (123) 456 7890 accepted

                    2 Max input #1 fields 3 chars accepted

                    3 Max input #2 fields 3 chars accepted

                    4 Max input #3 fields 4 chars accepted

                    5 Max+1 input #1 fields 4 chars 4 accepted

                    6 Max+1 input #2 fields 4 chars 4 accepted

                    7 Max+1 input #3 fields 5 chars 5 accepted

                    8 Required field empty field "Please enter your Phone number" message

                    =====================================BUG REPORTS============================

                    1 Last name field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now

                    2 "Email": empty field - no message

                    3 "Email" 256 characters or more


                    • TEST CASES:
                      First Name:
                      - text field
                      - accepts all characters
                      - no more than 31
                      - required field

                      Test cases:
                      ID Title Instruction Expected Result
                      #1. Accepts all characters "25Bulaт!@#$" accepted
                      #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
                      #3. Max+1 input 32 characters ` 31 accepted
                      #4. Required field Empty field "required field" message
                      #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted
                      #6. Paste max+1 input Paste 32 characters 31 accepted

                      Last Name:
                      - text field
                      - accepts all characters
                      - no more than 31
                      - required field

                      Test cases:
                      ID Title Instruction Expected Result
                      #1. Accepts all characters "25Khаликов!@#$" accepted
                      #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
                      #3. Max+1 input 32 characters ` 31 accepted
                      #4. Required field Empty field "required field" message
                      #5. One character "Y" accepted
                      #6. Paste max+1 input Paste 32 characters 31 accepted

                      Street Address:
                      - text field
                      - accepts all characters
                      - no more than 255
                      - required field

                      Test cases:
                      ID Title Instruction Expected Result
                      #1. Accepts all characters "123 Main Street, корпус 3/1, #14" accepted
                      #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
                      #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                      #4. Required field Empty field "required field" message
                      ???#5. Min input "?????" accepted
                      #6. Paste max+1 input Paste 256 characters 255 accepted
                      #7. Min-1 input "????" "enter valid Street Address" message

                      - text field
                      - accepts all characters
                      - no more than 50
                      - required field

                      ID Title Instruction Expected Result
                      #1. Accepts all characters "25New-York!@#$" accepted
                      #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
                      #3. Max+1 input 51 characters ` 50 accepted
                      #4. Required field Empty field "required field" message
                      #5. One character "Z" accepted
                      #6. Paste max+1 input Paste 51 characters 50 accepted

                      - List Box
                      - offering the list of all 50 states
                      - required field

                      ID Title Instruction Expected Result
                      #1. Choose the state in list "FL" accepted
                      #2. 50 states Count the amount of states in the box 50 state items
                      #3. All states are existing Compare that list to All state items in the list
                      the actual state list are actual states
                      #4. Required field Empty field "enter valid state" message

                      - text field
                      - accepts 5 characters
                      - digits only
                      - required field
                      - existing

                      ID Title Instruction Expected Result
                      #1. 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted
                      #2. 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted
                      #3. 4 digits 9408 "enter valid ZIP" message
                      #4. Required field empty field "required" error message
                      #5. Invalid input - letter 94O85 "digits only" message
                      #6. Invalid input - sp. character 9408% "digits only" message
                      #7. Paste 6 digits Paste 940851 94085 accepted
                      #8. Paste letter Paste 94O85 "digits only" message
                      #9. Paste sp. character Paste 9408% "digits only" message
                      #10. Accepts only existing ZIP 00000 "enter valid ZIP" message

                      - text field
                      - accepts digits, letters, some special characters
                      - accepts 255 characters
                      - required field

                      ID Title Instruction Excepted Result
                      #1. Valid E-mail "" accepted
                      #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
                      #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                      #4. Required field empty field "enter valid Email" message
                      ???#5. Min input "???" accepted
                      #6. Min-1 input "??" "enter valid Email" message

                      - 3 text fields
                      - accepts 3-3-4 chars
                      - digits only
                      - required field

                      ID Title Instruction Excepted result
                      #1. Valid phone number 456-321-4958 accepted
                      #2. 2-3-4 chars 45-321-4958 "enter valid phone number" message
                      #3. 3-2-4 chars 456-32-4958 "enter valid phone number" message
                      #4. 3-3-3 chars 456-321-495 "enter valid phone number" message
                      #5. Paste 4 chars in first field 4567-321-4958 456-321-4958 accepted
                      #6. Paste 4 chars in second field 456-3210-4958 456-321-4958 accepted
                      #7. Paste 5 chars in third field 456-321-49587 456-321-4958 accepted
                      #8. Invalid input in first field - letter S56-321-4958 the field does not accept any characters except digits
                      #9. Invalid input in second field - letter 456-3A1-4958 the field does not accept any characters except digits
                      #10. Invalid input in third field - letter 456-321-495O the field does not accept any characters except digits
                      #11. Invalid input in first field - sp. char $56-321-4958 the field does not accept any characters except digits
                      #11. Invalid input in second field - sp. char 456-32!-4958 the field does not accept any characters except digits
                      #12. Invalid input in third field - sp. char 456-321-495* the field does not accept any characters except digits
                      #13. Required field empty fields "enter valid phone number" message
                      #14. Required field (1st) ""-321-4958 "enter valid phone number" message
                      #15. Required field (2nd) 456-""-4958 "enter valid phone number" message
                      #16. Required field (3rd) 456-321-"" "enter valid phone number" message
                      #17. Paste invalid input in first field - letter S56-321-4958 the field does not accept any characters except digits
                      #18. Paste invalid input in second field - letter 456-3A1-4958 the field does not accept any characters except digits
                      #19. Paste invalid input in thirs field - letter 456-321-495O the field does not accept any characters except digits
                      #20. Paste invalid input in first field - sp. char $56-321-4958 the field does not accept any characters except digits
                      #21. Paste invalid input in second field - sp. char 456-32!-4958 the field does not accept any characters except digits
                      #22. Paste invalid input in third field - sp. char 456-321-495* the field does not accept any characters except digits

                      BUG REPORTS:
                      #1. "Street Address" field: please, provide the lower boundary of input (minimal amount of characters) to that field.
                      #2. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now.
                      #3. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements.
                      #4. Suggestion for requirements: I think it would be more clear if in "ZIP" field requirement there was "accepts only 5 characters" instead "accepts 5 characters".
                      #5. "Email" field requirement: what does mean "accepts some special characters"? What characters should that field accept?
                      #6. "Email" field requirement: I don't think that this field should accept only 255 characters, as per in requirement. If so, replace "255 characters" with "no more than 255".
                      #7. "ZIP" field requirement: that field should accept only existing ZIP codes, but there is no information about it.
                      #8. "Email" field requirement: there is no requirement for the format of the input in that field. Email should be in format like: "text" + "@" + "text" + "." + "text". If input is not in that format, user should get reasonable message.
                      #9. "Email" field requirement: please, provide the lower boundary of input (minimal amount of characters) to that field.
                      #10. "Phone" field: there is no field (for example, list box or just text box) with list of country or state codes. So the user most likely won't be able to enter the correct phone number.
                      #11. "Current provider" field: there definitely are not every cell phone providers in every state. Maybe, there could be just text box, where the user can type data, or we need to add all other providers that aren't there.
                      #12. "Gas and Electric services": replace "opento" with "open to" in the text next to last check box in that section.
                      #13. After click on the "Clear" button at the bottom of the page, regardless there is info in the form or not, error message "...рдите действие на странице Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" pops up.
                      №14. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now.
                      #15. "State" list box: there is the "Other" item, but it's not supposed to be there, because, as it said in requirements, it's the list of all 50 states.
                      #16. "State" list box, inconsistency: the State of Indiana is displayed as "IND", but in the actual government list it's displayed as "IN".
                      #17. "State" list box: there is not the "HI" state - Hawaii.
                      #18. "State" list box: there is not the "NV" state - Nevada.
                      #19. "State" list box: there is a "BC" item here, but there is no such state in the USA.
                      #20. "ZIP" field, inconsistency: why is it possible to input letters, but not possible to input special characters? We should not to make it possible to input any characters except digits. For example, in "Phone" fields user can't input any characters except digits. Or we should make it possible to input any characters (including special), but display message like "enter valid ZIP code", as how we do when user inputs letters.
                      #21. "ZIP" field: it's not possible to type more than 5 characters, but it's possible to paste more than 5 characters.
                      #21. "ZIP" field: it's not possible to type special characters, but it's possible to paste it.
                      #22. "ZIP" field: it accepts the not existing ZIP codes, like "00000". I think that's not correct.
                      #23. "Email" field: it accepts more than 255 characters.
                      #24. "Email" field: it accepts empty field, so it's not required field, but it should be.
                      #24. "Email" field: this field does not accept underlining.
                      #25. "Phone" fields: these fields does not accept any characters, except digits, if it typed by keyboard. But it accepts letters and special characters, if it pasted.


                      • Телефон:
                        - 3 текстовых поля,
                        - принимает 3-3-4 символа
                        - только цифры
                        - обязательное поле

                        Тест кейсы:
                        № Цель Инструкция Ожидаемый результат

                        1. 3-3-4 цифры, существующий номер 888-452-1505 Принято
                        2. 4-4-5 цифры 8888-4522-15055 Принято 888-452-1505
                        3. 2-2-3 цифры 88-45-150 Сообщение "Введите действительный номер телефона"
                        4. Обязательное поле Пустое поле Сообщение "Введите ваш номер телефона"
                        5. Неверный ввод-буквы, символы 8&b-4$s-15o$ Не разрешит ввести
                        6. Неверный ввод (буквы, символы функцией) "Вставить" 8&b-4$s-15o$ Не разрешит ввести

                        Баг репорт:

                        1. Поле "Телефон" принимает буквы и символы при использовании функции "Вставить", а должно только цифры.


                        • Last Name:
                          - text field
                          - accepts all characters
                          - No more than 31
                          - Required field

                          Test cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                          1 Accepts all characters Last Name = 25Ivanov!@#$ accepted
                          2 Max input 31 characters accepted
                          3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
                          4 Required field empty field "required field" message
                          5 Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted
                          =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
                          1. Last Name " field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements
                          - text field
                          - accepts all characters
                          - No more than 50
                          - Required field

                          Test cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                          1 Accepts all characters City = 25Paris!@#$ accepted
                          2 Max input 50 characters accepted
                          3 Max+1 input 51 characters 51 accepted
                          4 Required field empty field "required field" message
                          5 Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted

                          - text field
                          - accepts the letters , digits, some special characters
                          - No more than 255
                          - Required field
                          - Existing
                          Test cases
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                          1 Accepts all characters Email = accepted
                          2 Entering text without @ Email = qwerty123 mistake
                          3 Max input 255 characters accepted
                          4 Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                          5 Required field empty field "required field" message
                          6 Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted
                          =====================================BUG REPORTS============================
                          1. Please specify the list of special characters
                          2. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for " Email " field
                          3. there is no error if the email is not correct
                          4. Field accepts more than 255 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
                          5. there is no error if the field is empty
                          - text field
                          - digits only
                          - No more than 3 (1-2 chars)
                          - No more than 4 (3 chars)
                          - Required field
                          - Existing
                          Test Cases:
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                          1 3-3-4 digits, existing 333 333 3333 accepted
                          2 4-4-5 digits 3333 3333 33333 3-3-4 digits accepted
                          3 2-2-3 digits 33 33 333 "enter valid phone" message
                          4 Required field empty field "required" error message
                          5 Invalid input - letter 55O 66O 777O "digits only" message
                          6 Invalid input - sp. character 55№ 55% 444$ "digits only" message
                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                          #1. Required field empty field "required field" message


                          • First Name:
                            - text field
                            - accepts all characters
                            - No more than 31
                            - Required field
                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts all characters First name = "Mikhail!&$" accepted
                            #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
                            #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
                            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                            #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" accepted

                            Last Name:
                            - text field
                            - accepts all characters
                            - No more than 31
                            - Required field
                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts all characters Last name = "R@3umov" Accepted
                            #2. Max input Input 30 characters Accepted
                            #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 Accepted
                            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                            #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" Accepted

                            - text field,
                            - accepts all characters.
                            - No more than 50.
                            - Required field.

                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts all characters Last name = "Razumov", "R@3umov" Accepted
                            #2. Max input Input 50 characters Accepted
                            #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 Accepted
                            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message
                            #5. Lower boundary, one character "X" Accepted

                            Requirements for "State":
                            - List Box offering the list of all 50 states
                            - Required field

                            Test Cases for "State":
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                            #1. Offering 50 States List Box offering states 50 States shown in List Box
                            #2. Required field empty field "required field" message

                            - text field,
                            - accepts digits,
                            - letters,
                            - some special characters.
                            - 255 characters.
                            - Required field.
                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts some special characters and digits Email = Accepted
                            #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
                            #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                            #4. Required field empty field "requred field" message
                            #5. Lower boundary, "X" character "X" accepted

                            - 3 text fields,
                            - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only).
                            - Required field.
                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                            #1. 3-3-4 chars (digits only) 774-500-1122 Accepted
                            #2. 3-3-3 chars (digits only) 774-500-112 "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message
                            #3. 3-2-4 chars (digits only) 774-50-1122 "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message
                            #4. 2-3-4 chars (digits only) 77-500-1122 "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message
                            #5. Charactes not accepted 774-500-ABDE Not Accepted
                            #6. Required field empty field "requred field" message

                            Street Address:
                            - text field
                            - accepts all characters
                            - No more than 255
                            - Required field
                            Test cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                            #1. Accepts all characters Street Address = 123 Main Street, #14 accepted
                            #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
                            #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 accepted
                            #4. Required field empty field "requred field" message
                            #5. Lower boundary, "X" character "X" accepted

                            - text field
                            - accepts 5 characters
                            - digits only
                            - Required field
                            - Existing
                            Test Cases:
                            ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                            #1. 5 digits, existing 94085 accepted
                            #2. 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted
                            #3. 4 digits 9408 "enter valid ZIP" message
                            #4. Required field empty field "required" error message
                            #5. Invalid input - letter 94O85 "digits only" message
                            #6. Invalid input - sp. character 9408% "digits only" message
                            #7+++ Paste 6 digits/Letter/Sp.Character

                            Bug Reports:
                            First Name:
                            #1 - "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                            Last Name:
                            #1 - "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                            Street Address:
                            #1 - Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
                            #1 Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "City" field
                            #1 Some states are missing in List Box
                            #2 Some states are not in alphabetical order
                            #3 Option "Other" in List Box should be at the end
                            #1 - 'ZIP' field accepts invalid input - letter.
                            #2 - 'ZIP' field allows to paste more than 5 digits.
                            #3 - 'ZIP' field allows to paste invalid input - special characters
                            #1 - 'Email' field accepts more than 255 characters.
                            #2 - 'Email' field is required, there is no 'required field' error message when field is empty.
                            #1 - Empty field accepted - no "requred field" message


                            • -1 Last name:
                              -text field
                              -accepts all characters
                              -no more than 31
                              -required field

                              Test cases:
                              ID | Purpose |Instruction |Expected result

                              1. accepts all characters |123name!+ |accepted
                              2. no more than 31 |31+1 |accepted 31 characters
                              3. 31 characters |31 |accepted
                              4. no more than 31 |31+1character paste |accepted 31 characters
                              5. required field |empty |"required field"error message
                              6. lower boudary |1 character "X" |accepted
                              -2 City:
                              -text field
                              -accepts all characters
                              -no more than 50
                              -required field

                              Test cases:
                              ID | Purpose |Instruction |Expected result

                              1. accepts all characters | New York123@@ |accepted
                              2. no more than 50 | 50 characters |accepted
                              3. no more than 50 | 50+1 character paste |accepted only 50
                              4. no more than 50 | 50+1 character |accepted 50 characters
                              5. ??? lower boundary ??? ???
                              6. required field | empty |"required field"error message
                              -3 State:
                              -required field
                              -List box

                              Test cases:
                              ID | Purpose |Instruction |Expected result

                              1. required field choose |nothing |"required field"error message
                              -4 ZIP:
                              -text field
                              -accepts 5 characters
                              -digits only
                              -Required field

                              Test Cases:
                              ID | Purpose |Instruction |Expected result

                              1. 5 digits existing |94085 |accepted
                              2. 6 digits |940851 |94085 accepted
                              3. 4 digits |9408 |"enter valid ZIP" message
                              4. required field |empty |field "required" error message
                              5. Invalid input - letter |94O85 |"digits only" message
                              6. Invalid input - sp. char. |9408% |"digits only" message
                              7. 6 digits paste |940851 |94085 accepted
                              8. 5 letter pste |Abcde |"digits only" message
                              9. 5 Sp. char. paste | !!!!! |"digits only" message
                              Bug reports
                              1. Field "last name" accepted only 30 character, not 31 as per requirements
                              2. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "City" field
                              3. Field "ZIP" accepted more thann 5 characters when user doing paste
                              4. Field "ZIP" accepted letters when user doing paste
                              5. Field "ZIP" accepted Special characters when user doing pasteField "ZIP" accepted letters when user doing paste
                              5. Field "ZIP" accepted Special characters when user doing paste


                              • Last Name:
                                - text field
                                - accepts all characters
                                - no more than 31
                                - required field

                                Test cases:
                                ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Bug Report ID
                                #1. Accepts all characters Last name = 34Portnov#$%^ Accepted
                                #2. Max input 31 Characters Accepted 1
                                #3. Max+1 input 32 Characters 31 accepted
                                #4. Required field Empty field "required field" message
                                #5. Lower boundary, one character "C" Accepted
                                __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________

                                - text field
                                - accepts all characters
                                - no more than 50
                                - required field

                                Test cases:
                                ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Bug Report ID
                                #1. Accepts all characters City = 67Los Altos&*( Accepted
                                #2. Max input 50 Characters Accepted
                                #3. Max+1 input 51 Characters 50 accepted
                                #4. Required field Empty field "required field" message
                                #5. Lower boundary, one character "A" Accepted
                                __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________

                                - offering a list of all 50 states
                                - no more than 50 states
                                - required field

                                Test cases:
                                ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result Bug Report ID
                                #1. List of 50 states Selected state = "LA" accepted From AL to WY presented 2, 3
                                #2. Required field Empty field "required field" message
                                __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________

                                ===========================================BUG REPORTS=========================================== ======================

                                #1. "Last Name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                                #2. Inconsistency: Hawaii "HI" and Nevada "NV" states are missed in a list
                                #3. Inconsistency: The "BC" state presented in a list does NOT exist in the US
                                Last edited by alex_shayn; 04-14-2022, 12:48 PM.

