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Energy-Telecom test cases and bug reports

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    • Test Cases
      #7 Paste 6 digits 940850 accepted
      #8 Paste 4 digits 9408 accepted
      #9 Paste input-latter aaaaa accepted

      Bug Reports
      #1 Zip can`t paste 6 digits "940850 accepted"
      #2 Zip can`t paste 4 digits "9408 accepted"
      #3 Zip can`t paste input-latter "aaaaa accepted"


      • #7. Paste 6 digits 123456 "enter valid ZIP" message
        #8. Paste invalid - letter 123g4 "digits only" message
        #9. Paste invalid- sp.character 12<45 "digits only" message

        ===============================BUG REPORTS=========================

        ##. "digits only" message should be instead of "enter valid ZIP" message when we paste a letter in the "ZIP:" field
        ##. "digits only" message should be instead of "enter valid ZIP" message when we paste a sp.character in the "ZIP:" field


        • Тест кейсы
          ID Цель Инструкция Ожидаемый результат
          1. Ввод Существующего в
          "Контактная информация"
          в поле " Email:" Принято

          2. Ввод в поле " Email:" количество вводов 255 символов Принято

          3. Ввод в поле " Email:" ввод количества символов+1 256 символов 255 введено4

          . Обязательность поля пустое поле Сообщение об оплате"Обязательное поле"
          5. ??? степень защищенности
 конкретизация "некоторых специальных символов" в наших требованиях ??? Принято 6. Ввод в поле " Электронная почта:" количество символов нижняя граница ??? Принято сообщения об ошибках 1.


            • TEST CASES ('Last Name' field):
            #1. Accept all characters Last Name = Asd@43$2 acccepted
            #2. Max input 31 characters accepted
            #3. Max+1 input 32 characters 31 characters accepted
            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message should be displayed
            #5. Lower boundary "x" accepted (BUG REPORT)
            • TEST CASES ('City' field):
            #1. Accept all characters City = Fgd#t454! accepted
            #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
            #3. Max+1 input 51 characters 50 characters accepted
            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message should be displayed
            #5. Lower boundary "x" accepted (BUG REPORT)
            • TEST CASES ('Email' field):
            #1. Letters, digits, special characters Email = accepted
            #2. Max input 255 characters accepted
            #3. Max+1 input 256 characters 255 characters accepted (BUG REPORT)
            #4. Required field empty field "required field" message should be displayed
            #5. Lower boundary "x" accepted (BUG REPORT)
            • BUG REPORTS
            #1. Last name can't contain just one character.
            #2. 'Last name' field should accept up to 31 characters. It now accepts maximum of 30 characters.
            #3. City can't contain just one character
            #4. Incomplete requirement for 'Email' input field - accepts some special characters. It should be specified what special characters field accepts.
            #5. 'Email' input field couldn't accept just letters characters.
            #6. 'Email' input field couldn't accept just digits characters.
            #7. 'Email' input field should accept maximum of 255 characters.It accept more than 255 characters.
            Last edited by Valeriy Ber; 04-14-2022, 09:36 AM.


            • First Name:
              - text field
              -accepts all characters
              - No more than 31
              - Required field

              Test cases:
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
              #1 Accepts all characters First name = Firstname32 accepted
              #2 Max input 31 characters accepted
              #3 More than Max input 37 characters 31 accepted
              #4 Required field empty field "empty field" message
              #5 Lower boundary, one character "S" accepted
              #6 Paste Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
              #7 Paste Max input 31 characters accepted

              - 3 text fields
              - accepting 3-3-4 chars
              - digits only
              - required field

              Test cases:
              ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
              #1 Valid input, existing 777-777-7777 accepted
              #2 Max+1 input for each field 7777-7777-77777 3-3-4 chars accepted
              #3 invalid input - letter 777-777-777S only digits accepted
              #4 invalid input - sp. char. 777-777-777$ only digits accepted
              #5 required field empty field "empty field" message
              #6 Invalid (Max-1) input for each field 77-77-777 "enter a valid Phone Number" message

              =================================Bug Reports==========================
              #1. "First Name" field accepts 30 characters maximum, not 31 as per requirements.
              #2. All "Phone Number" fields accept all characters put by pasting, instead of digits only requirements.
              Last edited by artemartemartemartem; 04-14-2022, 09:26 AM.


              • Bug report for specified requirements
                #1."Phono"- Not all combinations of numbers are accepted


                • ============================TEST CASES=============================================
                  ID Purpuse Instruction Expected Result Actual result
                  1.1. "First Name" text field accepts all characters First name = 25Misha!@#$ accepted Pass
                  1.2. Max input for "First Name" text field is 31 characters 31 characters accepted Fail
                  1.3. "First Name" is a required field empty field "required field" message Pass
                  1.4. Lower boundary = 1 character for "First Name" text field "X" accepted Pass
                  2.1. "Last Name" text field accepts all characters Last name = 870ghkH%&^ accepted Pass
                  2.2. Max input for "Last Name" text field is 31 characters 31 characters accepted Fail
                  2.3. "Last Name" is a required field empty field "required field" message Pass
                  2.4. Lower boundary = 1 character for "Last Name" text field "X" accepted Pass
                  3.1. "Street Address" text field accepts all characters Street Adress = 56563075ghguhu$%*()@$% accepted Pass
                  3.2. Max input for "Street Address" text field is 255 characters 255 characters accepted Fail
                  3.3. "Street Address" is a required field empty field "required field" message Pass
                  3.4. Max+1 pasted input for "Street Address" text field is 255+1 paste 256 characters 255 characters accepts Fail
                  4.1. "City" text field accepts all characters City = jhhu7436$&*()%? accepted Pass
                  4.2. Max input for "City" text field is 50 characters 50 characters accepted Pass
                  4.3. Max+1 input for "City" text field is 50+1 51 characters 50 characters accepted Pass
                  4.4. Max+1 pasted input for "City" text field is 50+1 Paste 51 characters 50 characters accepted Pass
                  4.5. "City" is a required field empty field "required field" message Pass
                  4.6. Lower boundary = 1 character for the "City" field City = Y accepted Pass
                  5.1. "State" list box accepts states provided State = FL accepted Pass
                  5.2. 50 states in the "State" list box Count a number of states provided in the list box 50 states in the list box Fail
                  5.3. "State" list box is a required field State = -- "required field" message Pass
                  6.1. 5 digits in the "ZIP" field, existing ZIP = 94085 accepted Pass
                  6.2. 6 digits in the "ZIP" field ZIP = 940850 94085 accepted Pass
                  6.3. 4 digits in the "ZIP" field ZIP = 94085 "enter valid ZIP" message Pass
                  6.4. Required field empty field "required field" message Pass
                  6.5. Invalid input - letter ZIP = 94O85 not accepted Fail
                  6.6. Invalid input - sp. character ZIP = 9408? not accepted Pass
                  6.7. Paste 6 digits in the "ZIP" field Paste 940840 94085 accepted Fail
                  6.8. Paste 4 digits in the "ZIP" field Paste 9408 "enter valid ZIP" message Pass
                  6.9. Paste a letter in the "ZIP" field Paste 94O85 "enter valid ZIP" message Pass
                  6.10. Paste a special character in the "ZIP" field Paste 9408& "enter valid ZIP" message Pass
                  7.1. "Email" field accepts letters, digits and some special characters Email = accepted Fail
                  7.2. Max input for "Email" field is 255 characters 255 characters accepted Pass
                  7.3. Max+1 input for "Email" field is 255+1 characters 256 characters not accepted Fail
                  7.4. "Email" field is a required field Empty field "required field" message Pass
                  8.1. "Phone": three fields accept 3-3-4 digits Phone = 123-456-7890 accepted Pass
                  8.2. Valid input-1 is 2-3-4 digits 12-456-7898 "enter valid phone" message Pass
                  8.3. Valid input-1 is 3-2-4 digits 123-46-7898 "enter valid phone" message Pass
                  8.4. Valid input-1 is 3-3-3 digits 123-456-789 "enter valid phone" message Pass
                  8.5. Valid input+1 is 4-3-4 digits 1234-456-7898 not accepted Pass
                  8.6. Valid input+1 is 3-4-4 digits 123-4565-7898 not accepted Pass
                  8.7. Valid input+1 is 3-3-5 digits 123-456-78986 not accepted Pass
                  8.8. Invalid input - letter Phone = 123-456-789O not accepted Pass
                  8.9. Invalid input - sp. character Phone = 123-456-7&90 not accepted Pass
                  8.10. Paste letter Paste 123-456-789O not accepted Fail
                  8.11. Paste special character Paste 123-456-7&90 not accepted Fail
                  8.12. "Phone" field is a required field Empty field "required field" message Pass
                  ======================================= BUG REPORTS ====================================

                  #1. "First name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                  #2. "Last name" field should accept up to 31 characters, no 30 as it accepts now
                  #3. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
                  #4. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street Address" field
                  #5. There are 49 states in the "State" listbox instead of 50 as required
                  #6. "Other" is in the middle of the "State" List box, however it should be at the end of the list.
                  #7. Inconsistency: ZIP field accepts letters but doesn't accept special characters before submitting the form
                  #8. "ZIP" field accepts 6 digits instead of 5 as in the requirements
                  #9. "Email" field doesn't accept "_" character
                  #10. Inconsistency: the asterisk near the "Email" field is always blue unlike other asterisks that are red when not filled
                  #11. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Email" field
                  #12. Please, specify what exact special characters should or should not be accepted in the "Email" field
                  #13. "Email" field accepts no more than 255 characters as in the requirements
                  #14. "Phone" field accepts letters if paste them
                  #15. "Phone" field accepts special characters if paste them


                  • Energy-Telecom Service Review

                    Last Name:
                    -text field
                    -accepts all characters
                    -no more than 31
                    -Required field
                    ID Purpose Unstruction Expected Results
                    #1 accepts all characters Last Name= Nata24%& accepted
                    #2 Max input 31 characters accepted
                    #3 Max+1 input 32 characters accepted 31 characters
                    #4. Required field empty field "Required field" massege
                    #5. Lower boundery "N" accepted
                    - text field
                    - accepts all characters
                    - No more than 50
                    - Required field.
                    ID Purpose Unstruction Expected Results
                    #1 accepts all characters City = New York,1$ accepted
                    #2 Max input 50 characters accepted
                    #3 Max+1 input 51 characters accepted 50 characters
                    #4. Required field empty field "Required field" massege
                    #5. Lower boundery "N" accepted
                    - List Box offering the list of all 50 states
                    - Required field
                    D Purpose Unstruction Expected Results
                    #1 Select state from list box State: BC accepted
                    #2 Required field empty field "Required field" massege
                    - text field
                    - accepts digits
                    - letters
                    - some special characters
                    - 255 characters
                    - Required field.
                    ID Purpose Unstruction Expected Results
                    #1 accepts all characters Email = accepted
                    #2 Max input 255 characters accepted
                    #3 Max+1 input 256 characters accepted 255 characters
                    #4. Required field empty field "Required field" massege
                    - 3 text fields
                    - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)
                    - Required field.
                    ID Purpose Unstruction Expected Results
                    #1 accepting 3-3-4 chars(digits only) Phone:123-456-7890 accepted
                    #2 accepting 3-3-3 digets+litter Phone:123-456-789O does not accept litter
                    #3 accepting 3-3-3 digets+sp.chars Phone:123-456-789& does not accep sp.chars
                    #4. Required field empty field "Required field" massege
                    Bug Reports:
                    #1. "Last Name" field should accept up to 31 characters, but now accept 30
                    #2. "Contact Information": if the field is empty and push the "submit" button
                    the asterisk naxt to label should change color from blue to red
                    #3. When the "Email" label field is empty and push the "submit" button, it does
                    not show a warning message "Please enter your Email"
                    #4. "State":inconsistency state name
                    #5. "State": List Box offering the list of 49 states +"other" and should be
                    all 50 states
                    #6. "Email" accept more than 255 characters. Should do that?
                    #7. Inconsistency in phone number formats (need firmat XXX-XXX-XXXX or (XXX)XXXXXXX )


                    • #7. Paste 6 digits 940851 94085 accepted
                      #8. Paste invalid input - letter 94O85A "5 digits only" message
                      #9. Paste invalid input - Sp.Character 94085@# "5 digits only" message
                      #10.Non-existing ZIP 00001 "enter a valid ZIP" message

                      BUG REPORTS
                      #4. "ZIP" field allows to paste invalid input - digits/letter/sp. character
                      #5. "ZIP" field allows you to enter letters


                      • Testing "Energy-Telecom Service Review" web-form

                        1 Last Name:
                        - text field
                        - accepts all characters
                        - No more than 31
                        - Required field

                        Test cases:============================================ =================================
                        ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                        #1. Accepts all characters | Last name = 25Andrew@#$ | accepted
                        #2. Max | input 31 characters | accepted
                        #3. Max+1 | input 32 characters | error message
                        #4. Required field |empty field |"required field" message
                        #5. Lower boundary,
                        one character "N" accepted

                        ===================================Bug Reports==========================================
                        - text field "Last Name" max contained 30 characters to input instead of 31.

                        2 City
                        - text field
                        - accepts all characters
                        - no more than 50
                        - required fields

                        Test cases:============================================ ==================================
                        ID Pupose Instruction Expected Resoult
                        #1. Accepts all characters City = 123 Kyiv #14 accepted
                        #2. Max input 50 characters accepted
                        #3. Max+1 input 51 accepted
                        #4. Required field empty field "requred field" message
                        #5. Lower boundary, 3 characters 2 character min 3 character message

                        ===================================Bug Reports===========================================
                        - text field "City" min contained 1 character to input. Minimal name of City in USA is 3 character;
                        - text field "City" max contained 50 characters to input instead of 51.

                        Last edited by A_Chipurin; 04-19-2022, 03:17 AM.


                        • Phone:

                          -3 text fields

                          - accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only)

                          Required field.

                          Test cases:

                          ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result

                          #1. Accepting 3 digits first field(Phone) = 333 accepted

                          #2. Max digits+1 input first field(Phone) = 4444 3 digits accepted, 4 digit carried to second field (Phone)

                          #3. Max digits -1 input first field(Phone) = 11 "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message

                          #4. Accepting 3 digits second field (Phone)=222 accepted

                          #5. Max digits+1 input second field(Phone) = 8889 888 accepted, 9 carried to third field (Phone)

                          #6. Max digits -1 input second field(Phone)=55 "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message

                          #7. Accepting 4 digits third field (Phone)=6666 accepted

                          #8. Max digits+1 input third field (Phone)=66667 only 888 accepted no one

                          # 9. Max digits -1 input third field (Phone)=111 "Please enter a valid Phone Number" message

                          #10. Required field first field(Phone), second field(Phone), third field (Phone) empty fields "Please enter your Phone number" message

                          #11. Accepting 2 digits+letter first field(Phone) = 33p only 33 accepted

                          #12. Accepting 2 digits + symbol first field(Phone) = 44? only 44 accepted

                          #13. Accepting 2 digits +letter second field(Phone)= 77k only 77 accepted

                          #14. Accepting 2 digits + symbol second field(Phone) = 55^ only 55 accepted

                          #15. Accepting 3 digits +letter third field (Phone))= 77k only 77 accepted

                          #16. Accepting 3 digits+ symbol third field(Phone) = 55^ only 55 accepted

                          #17. Copy/paste in first field paste from the buffer=123456789 only 123 accepted

                          #18. Copy/paste in first field paste from the buffer=123456789 only 123 accepted

                          #19. Copy/paste in first field paste from the buffer=123456789 only 1234 accepted

                          BUG REPORTS

                          1. Phone number should have 11 digits, the forms only have 10, maybe need a place for the country code.

                          2. Is a requirement to verify that the state code is correct?
                          Last edited by Romanpron; 04-14-2022, 09:46 AM.


                          • ID Purpose Instruction Expected results
                            #1 text field accepts all characters first name = juliaS268!@=-‘ accepted
                            #2 Max input 31 characters accepted
                            #3 Max+1 input 32 characters 31 accepted
                            #4 required field empty field "required field" message
                            #5 lower boundary one character
                            Last edited by jul.smirnova; 04-14-2022, 09:50 AM.


                            • "State" List box test case

                              - list Box offering the list of all 50 states.

                              - required field.

                              - existing states

                              Test cases:
                              ID Purpose Instrucrion Expected Result
                              #1 list Box offering the list of all 50 states Check amount of states accepted accepted
                              #2 required field empty field "Please select your State" error, accepted
                              =====================BUG REPORT================

                              #1. There is "BC" state in the list box. A state with this abbreviated name does not exist.

                              #2. "ID" state must be in the List Box instead "IND".

                              #3. There are no "NV"(Nevada) and "HI" (Hawai) in the List Box. Add, please.

                              #4. "OTHER" is reduntant in the List Box.
                              #5. Items must be in alphabetical order

                              "Email" test cases

                              - text field

                              - accepts digits, lettes, some special characters

                              - 255 characters

                              - required field

                              Test cases
                              ID Purpose Istruction Expected Result
                              #1 accepted all characters email = "mail123!" accepted
                              #2 Required field message Empty field accepted
                              =====================BUG REPORT===================
                              Requirements about 255 characters are contradictory.

                              "Phone" field Test cases
                              - 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only).
                              - required field.

                              Test cases
                              ID Purpose Instruction Expected Result
                              #1 3 text fields,accepting 3-3-4 chars(digits only) 111-123-1234 "Please enter a valid Phone Number"error
                              #2 required field Empty field "Please enter your Phone number" error
                              Last edited by scherbakov.andrey; 04-14-2022, 10:44 AM.

