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Taulia postmortem bugs

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  • на русском и английском языках:

    №1. В Label (меню запроса) "Invoice date" в Data input feild указано период с 6/5/2011 по 9/30/2011, а в таблице с
    результатами в "Inv. Date" column в row № 7 указано 1-Oct-2011, то есть 10/1/2011 - дату, которая выходит за
    заданный интервал.
    №2. В таблице с результатами выполнения запроса в "Payment" column указаны неверные даты в rows №№ 2 (2011-1248),
    4 (2011-1844), 8 (2011-2100), 11 (2011-1488).
    №3. Button "Logout" при отсутствии аутентификации сделать неактивной (более светлой по цвету).
    №4. Оставить одно из меню или "User Manager", или "Profile".
    №5. Button "Logout" внести в меню или "User Manager", или "Profile".
    №6. Для увеличения обзора полезного контента изменить дизайн размещения Label и относящихся к ним Data input feild.
    №7. Enumeration search results of pages: отсутствуют указатели для перехода на следующую или предыдущую страницы.
    №8. В таблице с результатами выполнения запроса в "Status" column в rows № 4 неверно отображает tooltip при
    подведении указателя мыши к иконке (а именно "Approved").
    №9. В таблице с результатами выполнения запроса над кнопками "Actions" отсутствует название column.
    №10. Разный формат вывода даты в "Inv. Date" and "Payment" columns.


    • # 1 The page should display 10 results, 11 are shown. At the same time, the Actions button is missing in line 11.
      # 2 the number of results is 422 , which does not match the number of pages displayed in the settings. Displaying 32 pages,
      should be 43
      #3 There is a misspelling in the first column title "Invoce". should be Invoice
      # 4 In the column "Status" in the first line in the word "Rejcted" - a typo. Must be "Rejected"
      # 5 In the "Amount" column, swap the amounts in lines 7 and 8 .
      # 6 swap the column names "Due Date" and "PO #".
      #7 at the bottom in page count results missing page 5
      # 8 Invoice date sorted June 5, 2011 to September 30, 2011, but the invoice also includes October due dates
      # 9 the "Inv. Date" and "PO #" columns are not in the correct date format: d-m-y should be m/d/y
      #10 duplicate order numbers 40988 and 30988 they don't match the dates
      # 11 missing ":" at the top of the document in all labels except "From amount"
      # 12 "From amount" should be replaced with "Amount from"
      # 13 missing invoice number "Invoice number"


      • Bug report for Taulia site:
        #one. missing account number
        #2. it is stated that the results on page 10, in fact-11
        #3. The invoices are sorted from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 but there are rows for October as well.
        #4. Swapped the names of the columns "Due Date" and "PO #"
        #five. Line 11 is missing the "Actions" button
        #6. There is no letter i in the name of 1 column "Invoce". Correct "Invoice"
        #7. In the Status column, the letter e-> "Rejected" is missing from the word "Rejcted"


          #1. Misspelled coloumn #1 title "Invoce #" istead of "Invoice #"
          #2. 10 rows shoud be displaied as required "Results per page" listbox, not 11
          #3. "Action" button is missing in row #11
          #4. 32 pages is not enough for hosting 422 search results
          #5. Tooltip is missig for "binocular" icon in "Search my invoices"
          #6. Logo "Taulia" in the top left corner of the page does not link to the Home page
          #7. 4 row "Status" column tooltip "Approoved" should be replaced with the "Paid"
          #8. There is no need for the "Type" column since the search results are only relevant to "Search my invoices"
          #9. Link to page "5" is missing in the pagination in results of pages
          #10. Arrow next to the "Amount" column requires a descending sort order while the result searches are displayed in ascending order


          • 1. В слове "Invoce #" на вкладке счетов в первом столбце таблицы
            пропущена буква "i". ("Invoice #")
            2. Кнопка "Actions" отсутствует в строке №11 на первой странице в таблице счетов.
            3. Количество страниц "Showing 422 invoices" не соответствует количеству страниц
            отображаемых внизу (32) на вкладке счетов.
            4. Столбцы "Due Date" и "PO #" необходимо поменять местами в таблице счетов на вкладке "Счета"
            5. Количество строк, отображаемых в таблице счетов не соответствует значению в поле "Results per page".
            6. В слове "Rejcted" на вкладке счетов в первой строке таблицы в 7 столбце "Status"
            пропущена буква "e". ("Rejected").
            7. В нумерации страниц таблицы счетов пропущена страница 5
            8. Результаты в столбце "PO #" выходят за диапазон поиска из поля "Invoice date" (6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011)
            9. Символ отображения по убыванию в столбце "Amount" таблицы счетов должен быть по возрастанию
            10. Строка 10 (Invoice #1122339302) не соответствует диапазону поиска из поля "Invoice date" (6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011)


            • #1. Под таблицей результат поиска отсутствует ссылка на 5 страницу результат поиска
              #2. В четвертой строке всплывающее сообщение на пиктограмме "Paid" подписано как "Approved"
              #3. В заголовке таблицы результат поиска исправить написание слова "Invoce" на "Invoice"
              #4. В таблице результат поиска в колонке "Statuse" в 1 строке исправить написание слова "Rejcted" на "Rejected"
              #5. В строке 7 столбца "Inv. Date" дата "1-Oct-2011" не входит в диапазон, установленный в графе поиска "Invoice date"
              #6. Логотип "Taulia" неактивен, нет перехода на главную страницу
              #7. В столбце "Payment" используется не верный формат даты "2011-1248"
              #8. В таблице результат поиска не совпадает формат даты в строке "Invoice date" с форматом в таблице
              #9. В таблице результат поиска в столбце "Amount" не верная сортировка
              Last edited by Andrey Kasimov; 04-07-2022, 12:06 AM.


              • 10 Bug reports

                #1. Misspelled word in first row "Status" column, replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
                #2. "Due Date" column: values are not in date format.
                #3. The company logo Taulia: missing link to Home page.
                #4. Inconsistency in date format "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) vs data of "Inv. Date" column (29-Aug-2011).
                #5. Suggestion: add a Date pickers for "Invoice date" field and "to" field.
                #6. Suggestion: right-align the values for the "Amount" column.
                #7. Replace tooltip "Approved" with "Paid" in "Status" column, 4 row.
                #8. Link to page "5" is missing in search pagination.
                #9. "PO#" column: data is displayed in date format, instead of purchase order number.
                #10. Displays 11 rows instead of 10 row.Search results do not match the selected Listbox options.


                • 1. Inconsistency between an amount format in data fields “From amount …. to” and in the column “Amount”: in the firstly there is no character “,” each three digit, in the secondly it is.
                  2. The invoice dated 1-Oct-2011 goes beyond the date diapason.
                  3. Inconsistency the sizes spaces between links and character “|” in the right up corner.
                  4. The column with the buttons “Actions” there isn’t the title.
                  5. In the icon image of product logo not implemented the link to the home page.
                  6. Inconsistency between the actual sorting order in the “Amount” column (ascending) and assigned (descending).
                  7. The invoice for the amount “22,409.37” should be after the one “22,376.00”, not before.
                  8. Misspelling in the header “Invoce#”: replace with “Invoice #”.
                  9. Which datа should be exist I the column “Payment”? If it’s date there is inconsistence between actual data and the date’s format. If it’s a some kind of number the title this column should be exist “#” character.
                  10. Tooltip “Approved” for image icon in the column “Status”, row fourth, should be replace with “Paid”.


                  • 1. First column in column name misspelled "Invoce #".
                    2. The 9 column is missing a column name.
                    3. Link to page 5 missing in page search result string
                    4. The seventh line of the third column contains the date "1-Oct-2011" which does not match the search parameter.
                    5. In the sixth column "Amaunt" the seventh "$22,409.37" and the eighth "$22,376.00" should be swapped.
                    6. Search results should display 10 rows not 11.
                    7. Incorrect data in the "Due Date" column.
                    8. Incorrect data in the "PO #" column.
                    9. The ninth column of the eleventh line is missing the inscription "Actions".
                    10. 422 search results are not enough to display on 32 pages.


                    • #1. Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) & "Inv. Date" column: (5-June-2011)

                      #2. Misspelled column title: "Invoce #" instead of "Invoice #"

                      #3. Tooltip for "binocular" icon in "Search my invoices" is missing

                      #4. Invoice 1122339546: the "1-Oct-2011" date is outside of range (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011) specified in "Invoice date" fields

                      #5. "PO #" column data is given in a date format - is that correct? It seems to be interchanged with "Due Date" column

                      #6. "Due Date" column data is not in a common date format

                      #7. "Search my invoices": provide all the label with the colon character at the end

                      #8. Misspelled column "Status" first row : "Rejcted" instead of "Rejected"

                      #9. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page "5" is missing

                      #10. Inconsistency in column "Amount": the value 22,409.37 is ahead of the value 22,376.00 They need to be swapped.


                      • 1. Listbox in Label "Invoice status" provide choices
                        2. Sorting order violation in "Payment" column: "2011-1844" should go below "2011-2100"
                        3. Set Listbox in Label "Results per page" by default
                        4. Invoice date field data box: inconsistency in numbers of month: /5/ versus /30/, adjust to 2 characters each
                        5. Search results table: adjust rows titles to the right
                        6. button "Search" in "Search my invoices" seption indicate like default button


                        • #1. Website Footer is missing.
                          #2. Suggestion: in the column "Inv.Date" add ascending and descending sort order.
                          #3. Enumeration search results of pages: replace ".." with "...".
                          #4. Label "Invoice date": add "from:" lable placed to the left of the text field.
                          #5. First order status in the column "Status": replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
                          #6. Data in colomn "Due Date" does not match the column name.
                          #7. Data in colomn "PO#" does not match the column name.
                          #8. "Inv.Date." column: the "1-Oct-2011" date does not match the given search (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011).


                          • Bug repot practice

                            What happened? Where it happened? Under which circumstances?

                            1. The logo at the top left corner of the page doesn’t lead to the “Home” page;

                            2. Suggestion: include a user name next to the “Logout” button at the right top corner of the page;

                            3. Every label in the “Search my invoices” field have to end with the colon (For example, “Invoice number:”);

                            4. “From amount” label format: change to “Amount from:”. Move “from” right next the text field;

                            5. Inconsistency in date format between “Invoice date” label and “Inv. Date” column;

                            6. No tooltip when pointing the cursor at the binoculars icon;

                            7. “Invoice number” label: users shouldn’t be able to type letters into the text field;

                            8. Change “Showing 422 invoices” to “ Showing 1 - 10 of 422 invoices”;

                            9. “Results per page” label shows that there are 10 results per page but we can see 11 rows of data below;

                            10. The last invoice in the last row has no “Actions” button in the end of the row;

                            11. “Type” column is not needed since we are clearly on the “Invoices” page;

                            12. Mismatch in the quantity of pages. There should be 320 results for 32 pages, not 422;

                            13. The 5th page is missing from the list of pages in the very bottom of the page;

                            14. “Due Date” column is not in a common date format;

                            15. “PO #” column is given in a date format and seems to be mixed up with “Due Date” column. Is that the way we want it?;

                            16. “Amount” column: wrong filter indicator shows that the order of the data below is descending where it actually is ascending;

                            17. The amount for the invoice number “1122339134” ($22,376.00) has to be above the amount for the invoice number “1122339546”;

                            18. Change “Rejcted” with “Rejected” in the first row of the “Status” column;

                            19. Tooltip of the status in the fourth row of the “Status” column doesn’t correspond to the actual status of the transaction;

                            20. “Actions” buttons: when moving the cursor on the “Actions” button it should change to the type “pointer” just like it does when pointed on any other button on the page;

                            21. Change the two dots in the pagination on the left bottom of the page with ellipsis;

                            22. Add “Previous” and “Next” buttons to the pagination for convenience;

                            23. Misspelt column title: change “Invoce #” with “Invoice #”.


                            • #1. Inconsistency amount format: "From amount" field (1000000) and "Amoun" column ($1,000,000.00).
                              #2. Inconsistency date format: "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) and "Inv. Date" column (5-Jun-2011).
                              #3. "Due Date"column: the data is not in date format.
                              #4. "PO#" column : the data in date format. It is correct?
                              #5. The value of "Inv. Date" column , row #7: the date "1-Oct-2011" is out of range of the "Invoice Date" label.
                              #6. "Payment" column row with "Paid" status: the data are not in date format. It is correct?
                              #7. "Status" column, row #4: incorrect tooltip. Replace with "Paid" tooltip.
                              #8. The last column of the table:when the mouse cursor is over the word "Actions" of the "Actions" button, it becomes "I-cursor". It is correct?
                              #9. Enumeration search results of pages: extra space between links to page "1" and "2".


                              • #1.Inconsistency:Missing link to page 5 under the Search results table.

                                #2."Showing 422 invoices" should be replaced with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".

                                #3. The title of the first column of the table "Invoce #" must be replaced with "Invoice #".

                                #4.In "Invoice date" the requested dates are from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011. As a result, rows 3 and 10 of invoices for October.

                                #5.Redundant "Type" column in the search results table.

                                #6.Inconsistency in amount formats used in "From Amount" fields 100 to 1000000 vs
                                vs cells of "Amount" column $ 00,000.00.

                                #7.Search results table:missing "Actions" button on row 11.

                                #8.Inconsistency in date formats used in "Invoice date" fields mm/dd/yy vs cells of "Inv. Date" column dd-mm-yy.

                                #9."Due Date" column:inconsistency with the generally accepted date format.

                                #10."Invoice date": missing label "From".

