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Taulia postmortem bugs

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  • ​Taulia bug report

    #1. Suggestion: sorting by date option in descending or ascending order should be added to the "Invoice date column" and "Due date" column
    #2."PO#" column and "Due Date" column are given in a wrong format. They seem to be confused one with the other.
    #3. The column "Payment" does not has the # symbol , but the existing data in it is numbers of documents called "Payment"
    #4.All data in columns is not aligned by one type, there are right-, left- and centered columns which should be introduced in one common way
    #5. The sorting option of "Amount" column ( descending order) does not present the data in a proper way. It shows the opposite, ascending order.
    #6. Page 5 is missing in searching results done by application
    #7. The given table of invoices consists of 11 rows, but it should have only 10 rows concerning the chosen parameter "Result per page -10"
    #8. Suggestion: Round "Amount" column to decimal value.
    #9. Different data formats are used in upper and bottom part of represented data table
    #10. Searching results for 422 invoices can not be represented in 32 pages. The number of pages should be extended up to 43 pages.
    Last edited by Sandrita; 04-05-2022, 01:26 PM.


    • 1# " Showing 422 invoices": 422 is langer than 32 pages times 10 (or even 11)
      2# Inconsistency in date formats used in "invoice date" fields vs cells of "Inv. Date" column.
      3# Search results should display rows ( as per "Results per page" listbox, not 11.
      4# "Actions" button is missing in the now #1.
      5# "Due Date" column:values are provided NOT in a common date format.
      6# "PO #" column:values are provided in a common date format. Is that how we want to enumerate POS.
      7# Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$ 22,409,37" should go below "22,376,00", not above.
      8# Page 5 is missing.
      9# "From amount" label should be replaced with "Amount" with a separate "from" label placed to the left of the text field.
      10# Add currency indication to the "Amount" label: for example "Amount ($)".


      • SU 2-5

        1. В строке "Purchase order" при наводке на иконку "бинокль" отсутствует подсказка (tooltype)
        2. В таблице результатов поиска в 1-ом столбце необходимо заменить "Invoce #" на "Invoice #"
        3. В районе надписи "Logout" необходимо указать "User name" зарегистрированного пользователя.
        4. В результатах отображения таблицы не выполнены условия поиска, в таблице отображаются 11 строк в место 10
        5. В колонке "Status" в счете "1122339225", необходимо заменить "Rejcted", на " Rejected"
        6. В строке "1122339546" указаны не допустимые данные поиска, отображается дата 1-Oct-2011 которая выходит за рамки периода отбора 6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011
        7. В таблице поиска необходимо убрать колонку "TYPE"
        8. Привести к общему порядку ввод - вывод даты поиска и отображения "MM/DD/YYYY" или "MM-DD-YYYY"
        9. В строке "1122339044" в графе "Status" некорректно указан tolltype, необходимо заменить "Approved" на "Paid"
        10. В результатах поиска поменять местами обозначение столбцов "Due Date" и "PO #"


        • Taulia bug report:

          #1 Кнопка "Search": расположить ближе к лэйблам "Search my invoices"
          #2 Кнопка "Search": не выделяется при наведении на неё курсора.
          #3 Кнопка "Hide search parameters":не выделяется при наведении на неё курсора.
          #4 Кнопка "Download list": не выделяется при наведении на неё курсора.
          #5 Кнопка "Refresh": не выделяется при наведении на неё курсора.
          #6 Отсутствует нумерация строк в таблице результата поиска.
          #7 Отсутствует лэйбл у кнопок перехода на другую страницу результатов поиска.
          #8 Неактивны кнопки перехода на другую страницу результатов поиска.
          #9 Столбец с кнопками "Actions" не имеет названия.
          #10 4-я строка столбца "Status": заменить тултип к "Paid" с "Approved" на "Paid".


          • Taulia bug report:

            #1. Кнопка "Actions" отсутствует в 9-й колонке в строке 11.
            #2. Добавьте: в перечне листов вывода результатов поиска отсутствует линк на страницу 5.
            #3. Приведите к единому стилю написание формата даты: в строке отбора "Invoice date" "6/5/2011", в колонках "Inv. Date" и "PO #" - "5-Jun-2011".
            #4. Столбец "Due Date" и столбец "PO #": несоответствие названий колонок и выводимого результата.
            #5. Исправьте несоответствие значения "Results per page" (10) и количества выводимых строк на странице (11).
            #6. Столбец "Inv. Date" строка 7: значение не соответствует условиям отбора.
            #7. Столбец "Amount" строки 7 и 8: нарушен порядок сортировки значений (по возрастанию).
            #8. Столбец "Amount": направление порядка сортировки значений, указаное стрелкой, не соответствует фактическому результату сортировки.
            #9. Предложение: в области отбора "Search my invoices" в строке "From amount:" возле числового значения добавить кнопку с возможностью выбора валюты расчетов.
            #10. Предложение: в области отбора "Search my invoices" в строке "From amount:" и строке "Invoice date" добавьте слово-ограничение "от:" слева от значения отбора.
            Last edited by Elina_1; 04-05-2022, 01:44 PM.


            • 1. Mismatch between the date format in the date selection cell of the label "Invoice date" (6/5/2011) and the date format in the columns "Inv.Date" and "PO#" (28-Sep-2011)
              2. Suggestion: show username in the account management menu in the upper right.
              3. In the "Amount" column, the mismatch between the sort icon (descending) and the results output (ascending)
              4. In the numbering of the search results pages, between number 10 and number 32 uses two dots (..) instead of three dots (...).
              5. Date range mismatch in search parameters ("Invoice date" until September 30, 2011) and search results (date October 01, 2011).
              6. Suggestion: add text field in search results page navigation section for the ability to set an arbitrary search results page and go to it
              7. Search results showing does not match ranking by "Amount" column in lines 7 and 8 (line 7 value "$22,409.37" greater than line 8 value "$22,376.00")
              8. There are no characters (":") in the labels
              9. Suggestion: in table column header, "Inv. Date" replace with "Invoice date".
              10. Label "From amount:" - there is no designation of the units of measurement of the input data. Add character "$".


              • Тулия БАГ РЕПОРТ

                #1. Заменить: в нумерации страниц знак ".." на "..."
                #2. Добавить в заглавный логотип ссылку для перехода на домашнюю страницу.
                #3. В графе количества строчек указано число 10. По факту их выдает 11. Исправить на 10.
                #4. Добавить пропущенную страницу 5 в нумерации страниц.
                #5. В столбце "Amount" (количество) стоит указатель сортировки (от большего к меньшему ). По факту, функция работает наоборот.
                #6. В столбце "Invoce"ошибка. Исправить на "Invoice".
                #7. В "Invoice date" в результате поиска даты 9.30.2011 выдает дату 1-Oct-2011.
                #8. В столбце "Amounte" перепутаны местами 7 и 8 строка.
                #9. В одиннадцатой строке отсутствует кнопка "Actions".
                #10. Не правильно указано количество счетов "Invoices" по отношению к количеству страниц.


                • #1. Contradiction of search parameters: "Inv. Date" results are out of range shown in "Search my invoices" table
                  #2. Contradiction of search parameters: "Results per page" textbox is set to 10 while there are 11 results shown
                  #3. Contradiction between the amount of results ("Showing 422 invoices") and the number of pages (results per page is set to 10 - expected number of pages is 43)
                  #4. Column "Due Date" is not in a date format
                  #5. Context is not filtered in a "Purchase order" textbox (possible to input any letter and/or symbol) while "PO#" column shows results in a data format
                  #6. No "Action" button in the last shown row
                  #7. Inconsistency of date formats between "Search my invoices" table and results table.
                  #8. Inconsistency of range defining words "from" and "to" between 4th ("From amount") and 5th ("Invoice date") rows in "Search my invoices".
                  #9. "Amount" column is sorted from largest to smallest while results are shown from smallest to largest
                  #10. "Type" column is excessive since there is no other type of data


                  • 1 Результаты поиска должны отображать 10 строк (согласно списку "Resuits per page")а не 11
                    2 Для размещения результатов поиска (422) недостаточное количество страниц(32)
                    3 Данные в столбце "Due Date" имеют нестандартный формат даты
                    4 Данные столбца "PO#" представлены в формате даты. Предложение: поменять заголовок столбца "PO#" на "Due Date"
                    5 Несоответствие форматов даты: поле "Дата счета" (6/5/2011) и столбец "Дата счета" (June-5-2011)
                    6 Несоответствие форматов суммы: поле "From amount" (100) и столбец "Amount" ($100.10)
                    7 Отсутствует кнопка "Следующая страница"
                    8 Столбец "Тип" является избыточным (результаты поиска одного типа)
                    9 Отсутствует всплывающая подсказка (tooltype) на иконке "бинокль"
                    10 Предложение: выровняйте содержимое столбцов по левому краю


                    • We write 10 errors on the Taulia program.
                      1."Select" does not work in the "Amount" column.
                      2.Absence of colons in "Invoice number".
                      3."Payment" dates are not correct.
                      4.In the heading "Invoice" error.
                      5,Page "5" is missing in the listing.
                      6.Error in the column 'Rejcted".
                      7.Column "Status" graphic icons are incorrect.
                      8.Page format are invalid.
                      9.The button "Next page" is missed.
                      10."Action" button is missing in the row #11.


                      • 1) Missing information at the end of the page: website owner (company), contacts, technical support, year.
                        (or Suggestion: add information about the website owner (company), contacts, technical support, year, at the end of the page.)
                        2) "Invoice date" label: add the word "from:" in the front to the first text field.
                        3) Inconsistency: the mouse cursor icon does not change when hovering to the company logo image, "Actions" buttons,
                        numeration "1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 .. 32", like on the other buttons, links and elements to display.
                        4) "Inv. Date" column, seventh row: "1-Oct-2011" date does not consistent of specified range in "Invoice date" label fields (6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011).
                        5) Replace the date formats in the third and fifth columns similar (analogous) to the display format "Invoice data" fields, or vice versa.
                        6) Suggestion: add a calendar to choose dates in the "Invoice date" fields.
                        7) Numeration search results of pages inconsistent: missing the link to page "5".
                        8) "Status" column, first row: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
                        9) 11 row: missing the "Actions" button.
                        10) "Invoice number" label, "From amount:" label, "Purchase order" label: restrict data entry to numeric set. (ограничить ввод данных числовым набором)


                        • #01. Missing search results pages: Below the search results section in a page navigation bar links to 32 pages are provided, which is not enough to display 422 invoices, 10 per page.
                          #02. Missing link to a search results page: Below the search results section in a page navigation bar a link to page number 6 is missing.
                          #03. Search parameters not met: 11 invoices are shown on a page while only 10 were requested per page as per "Results per page" dropdown box.
                          #04. Inconsistency in row 11: "Actions" button is missing.
                          #05. Inconsistency in search parameter titles: colon symbol ,":", is only used in one title, "From amount:", while not used in others.
                          #06. "Due Date" column appears to use an uncommon data format.
                          #07. "PO #" column contains data formatted as dates. It looks like "PO #" and "Due Date" titles are interchanged.
                          #08. Inconsistent data formats: "Invoice date" text fields use "M/D/Year" format, while "Inv. Date" and "PO #" use "D-Mon-Year" format.
                          #09. Wrong value sequence: In the "Amount" column's rows 7 and 8, values aren't sorted from low to high. "$22,409.37"(row 7) comes before "$22,376.00"(row 8)
                          #10. Search parameters not met: Invoice 7's "Inv. Date" is "1-Oct-2011"(October), while search parameters allow for invoices dated from May to September only.
                          #11. Misspelling in column title "Invoce #", should be replaced with "Invoice #".
                          #12. Misspelling in the first row of "Status" column: "Rejcted" should be replaced with "Rejected".
                          #13. Redundant information provided via "Type" column. Document's type should be clear judging by: page being labeled as "Invoices" in the top navigation bar, search parameters section titled "Search my invoices" and search parameter titles like: "Invoice number", "Invoice date" and "Invoice status".
                          #14. Inconsistent cursor appearance: when hovering the cursor over "Actions" buttons, it changes to "I-shape" for text selection instead of "hand-shape". This doesn't happen with other buttons like: Top navigation bar buttons, "Search", "Hide search parameters", "Download list" and "Refresh".
                          #15. Inconsistency of search results alignment: all content in search results, except titles which are centered, is left-aligned. All content should be centered like titles, except "Amount" column's content, it should be right-aligned.
                          #16. Inconsistency between sorting type signaled by an arrow and actual sorting method used. The arrow after "Amount" column title signals sorting in descending order is used, while actual sorting method used is ascending.


                          • #26 Inconsistency between currency formats in the “From amount” and “to” data fields & the “Amount” column in the search results table – in the first, there is a character ‘,’ after any three digits, but in the second it isn’t.
                            #27 Search results table: in the 4th row in the “Status” column there is the icon “Paid” with tooltip “Approved”. Is it what we want?
                            #28 “Search my invoices”: there is no tooltip for the binocular icon.
                            #29 Taulia logo in the top left corner: there is no link to home page.
                            #30 Top right corner: there is no user name next to the “Logout” link. Is it right?
                            #31 Search results table: the “Download list” icon is not common for this button. This icon usually used for “Save” or “Save as…” buttons, but not for “Download” buttons.
                            #32 Inconsistency: if you navigate mouse pointer to any other button, it changes to hand. But when you navigate mouse pointer to any “Actions” button, it is not changing.
                            #33 The data in the column “Due Date” is not in common date format.
                            #34 The data in the column “PO #” is in common date format. Is it right?


                            • #1. Inconsistency: Date under "Invoice date" label and "Inv. Date" column have different date format.
                              #2. Label "From amount" should be replaced with "Amount" and with separate "From" to the left of text field.
                              #3. Replace "Amount" label to "Amount ()" and add currency sing in parenthesis.
                              #4. Text fields of "Amount ()" and "to" should have field type - currency.
                              #5. Column "Status" in row #4 picture tooltip should be changed on "Paid" instead of "Aproved".
                              #6. Tooltip in "Binocular" picture in "Search my invoices" is missing.
                              #7. "Search" button in "Search my invoices" is inactive when pointing on it.
                              #8. Search inconsistency: "Showing my invoices" showing 11 results instead of 10.
                              #9. Replace column name "Invoce" with "Invoice".
                              #10. First row column "Status": replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
                              #11. Inconsistency: Column "Inv. Date" row 7 reflects invoice dated"1-Oct-2011" which is not within "Invoice date" range.
                              #12. Suggestion: Data in column "PO#" and column "Due Date" should be switched.
                              #13. Enumeration search results: Link to page "5" is missing.
                              #14. "Showing 422 invoices" should be replaced on "Showing 10 out 422" invoices.
                              #15. Row 11 is missing "Actions" button.
                              #16. "Actions" column is missing column name.
                              #17. Column "Type" is redundant because search results are all of the same type: invoices.
                              #18. 422 invoices cannot be accommodated by 32 pages of search results.
                              #19. "Download list" diskette picture should have "Download list" tooltip instead of "Download".
                              #20. Suggestion: There should be user name next to "Logout" in upper right corner.
                              #21. Product image logo should have a link to homepage.
                              #22. Sorting order violation: Column "Amount" arrow shows descending order but the page results have ascending order.
                              #23. Sorting order violation: Column "Amount" row 7: "22,409.37" should be below "22,376.00" not above.


                              • Отчеты об ошибках Taulia:
                                1. Suggestion: in table column header, "Inv. Date" replace with "Invoice date".
                                2. Mismatch between the date format in the date selection cell of the label "Invoice date" (6/5/2011) and the date format in the columns "Inv.Date" and "PO#" (28-Sep-2011)
                                3. In the "Amount" column, the mismatch between the sort icon (descending) and the results output (ascending)
                                4. In the numbering of the search results pages, between number 10 and number 32 uses two dots (..) instead of three dots (...).
                                5. Date range mismatch in search parameters ("Invoice date" until September 30, 2011) and search results (date October 01, 2011).
                                6. Suggestion: show username in the account management menu in the upper right.
                                7. Search results showing does not match ranking by "Amount" column in lines 7 and 8 (line 7 value "$22,409.37" greater than line 8 value "$22,376.00")
                                8. There are no characters (":") in the labels
                                9. Suggestion: add text field in search results page navigation section for the ability to set an arbitrary search results page and go to it
                                10. Label "From amount:" - there is no designation of the units of measurement of the input data. Add character "$".

                                Last edited by VladGarulka132702; 04-06-2022, 08:03 AM.

