1. In the top menu bar: “Invoices” button should be unselect
1.1 In the top menu bar: “Invoices” button in a frame (outlined), unlike other buttons
2. Column "Type" in the table is redundant
3. Columns in the table are grouped on the left, should be grouped in the center
4. The columns “Due Date” and “PO #” do not match content, maybe the titles should be swapped
5. The title of column “Invoce #” should be replace to “Invoice #”
6. Need to add ninth column in the table with title “Actions”
7. The “Actions” buttons in 9 column are selected with text cursor instead of click cursor
1.1 In the top menu bar: “Invoices” button in a frame (outlined), unlike other buttons
2. Column "Type" in the table is redundant
3. Columns in the table are grouped on the left, should be grouped in the center
4. The columns “Due Date” and “PO #” do not match content, maybe the titles should be swapped
5. The title of column “Invoce #” should be replace to “Invoice #”
6. Need to add ninth column in the table with title “Actions”
7. The “Actions” buttons in 9 column are selected with text cursor instead of click cursor