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Taulia postmortem bugs

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  • #1 Заголовки таблицы результатов не имеют однозначного соответствия названиям блока параметров поиска ("Invoice number" и "Invoce #", "Invoice date" и "Inv. Date", "Invoice status" и "Status"
    #2 Формат дат таблицы результатов отличается от формата дат в блоке параметров поиска ("6/5/2011" и "5-Jul-2011")
    #3 Формат денежных единиц таблицы результатов отличается от формата денежных единиц в блоке параметров поиска ("1000000" и "$97,544.98")
    #4 Поля ввода цифровых данных в блоке параметров поиска позволяют вводить как цифры так и символы и знаки препинания
    #5 Кнопка с иконкой "Бинокль" обновляет строки ввода, расположена в нелогичном месте и возможно дублирует кнопку "Search"
    #6 Блок данных пользователя (правый верхний угол экрана) не содержит информацию об аккаунте (логин пользователя) для однозначной аутентификации
    #7 Колонка таблицы результатов с кнопками "Actions" не имеет заголовка
    #8 Нижняя строка таблицы результатов не содержит кнопки "Actions" как остальные строки
    #9 Количество строк таблицы результатов ("11") больше, чем определено строкой "Results per page" ("10") блока параметров поиска
    #10 В названии строки ввода блока параметров поиска "From amount:" необходимо поменять порядок слов на "Amount from:"
    Last edited by Sergeost; 04-05-2022, 12:43 PM.


    • Извините за копирование из редактора. Побоялся потерять информацию из-за подвисания форума.

      Taulia - Сообщения об ошибках:

      1. Проставить знак ":" в конце каждого лейбла меню "Search my invoices" (по примеру лейбла "From amount:").
      2. Столбец "Type" лишний, неинформативен. Страница и так отображает раздел "Invoices".
      3. В таблицу следует добавить столбец "Custumer", так как в меню "Search my invoices" есть соответствующий лейбл, и, если поиск будет произведён по нескольким покупателям, было бы удобно видеть, какому покупателю выставлен инвойс.
      4. Привести к единообразию формат дат на всей странице.
      5. Несоответствие содержания названию столбца "Due Date".
      6. Несоответствие содержания названию столбца "PO #".
      7. В левом верхнем углу таблицы заменить "Showing 422 invoices" на "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".
      8. На странице должно отображатья 10 результотов поиска, как задано в параметрах поиска, не 11.
      9. В перечислении страниц пропущена страница "5".
      10. Исправить название столбца "Invoce #" на "Invoice #".


      • 1. Suggestion: logo Taulia image could have tooltip with link to home page.
        2. Search my invoices: separate "From amount:" to "From" and "amount" and replace with each other.
        3. Search my invoices: add "from" after "Invoice date".
        4. Search my invoices: all labels schoud come with a colon ( at the end.
        5. Leftmost column title "Invoce #" replace with "Invoice #"
        6. "Inv. Date" column include value in 7th row (1-Oct-2011) inconsistency with the rage "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011-9/30/2011)
        7. "Status" column: the 4th row "Paid" with inconsistency tooltip - "Approved" instead "Paid". Replace.
        8. Inconsistency under table: the list of pages with missing page #5.
        9. 32 pages under table are not enough for 422 results for showing (as per "Showing 422 invoices")
        10. Suggestion: replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"


        • #1 In label "Invoice date" : the "1-Oct-2011" date is outside of range: Requirements-(6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011).
          #2 Error in column title :"Invoce #" instead of "Invoice #".
          #3 In label "Results per page": requirements 10 pages - showing 11 pages.
          #4 In column "Inv. Date": date chronological inconsistency.
          #5 In column "Inv. Date": Inconsistency in date formats:"Invoice date" field (6/5/2011)/ "Inv. Date" column: (5-June-2011).
          #6 In сolumn title "Due Date" does not match content, swap "Due Date" & "PO #".
          #7 In column "PO #" : chronological inconsistency.
          #8 In column "Amount" : Requirements (descending order), the search result (ascending order).
          #9 In row "1122338095" : missing button "Actions".
          #10 In row "Showing 422 invoices": 352 invoices shown.


          • #1. "Profile" link in top right corner does not indicate information about current user, preferable to use link with user name logged in.
            #2. Move "Your Customer" tab next to "Invoices" tab in Main Menu Bar for compliance with arrangement order of labels below.
            #3. Add currency in "From Amount" label ( ex, "From Amount ($):")
            #4. Inconsistency format of date in "Invoice Date" label and "Inv.Date" column. Should be same format of date (ex, MM/DD/YYYY)
            #5. Replace label "Invoice Date" with "Invoice Date From:"
            #6. "Download List" link has wrong icon(diskette icon used for save option, for download use icon with down arrow)
            #7. Invoice from "1-Oct-2011" (7th row of table) doesn't match search terms(from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 )
            #8. Align right "Amount" column for better readability
            #9. Add "Next Page" button for convenience next to enumeration search results of pages
            #10. Add the ability to sort by any of the columns


            • 1. Row 11 in search result field: button "Actions" is missing
              2. Search result field: there is should be 10 rows instead of 11 (as shown in "Results per page" list box)
              3. In "Amount" column: inconsistensy between column data (ascending) according with arrow sign next to the column title (should be descending)
              4. In "Amount" column: row 7 & row 8 are reversed (according in descending order)
              5. In "Status" column, row 4: incorrect tooltip ("Approver") for label "Paid"
              6. In "Search my invoices" field: every label (such as "Invoice number", "Customer" etc.) should have a colon at the end
              7. Search result field, column "PO#", row 3: the "22-Oct-2011" date is outside of the specified period (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011)
              8. Search result field, the lowest row (pages numbering): the digit "5" is missing
              9. Search result field, the lowest row (pages numbering): 32 pages are not enough to accomodate 422 search results (according with the stated)
              10. Search result field, "Invoce #" column: misspelled column title: "Invoce #" instead of "Invoice #"
              Last edited by N@t@; 04-05-2022, 12:49 PM.


                1. Page 5 link is missing in pagination links.
                2. Suggestion: Add Home page link to the Product logo.
                3. Separation between “Download list” and “Refresh” buttons are not clearly descriptive while mouseover the buttons.
                4. “Download list” (with download tooltip) has provided with inconsistent image (“Save”).
                5. Suggestion: Provide Printing Option near “Download list” button.
                6. Suggestion: Add label to “binocular” button to clarify button purpose (for example “Search by PO#”).
                7. Suggestion: Add “$” in row “From amount” right of each input fields to specify measurement unit in “Search my invoices” multiply search option field.
                8. In “Search my invoices” multiply search option field label “From amount” has to be replaced by “Amount” and “from” label to be placed left of first input field in this row.
                9. In “Search my invoices” multiply search option field “from” label should be placed left of first input field in row with “Invoice date” label.
                10. Data in column with “Due Date” heading of Search results table is in not usable date format.
                11. Data in column with “PO#” heading of Search results table is in date format instead of some usable format for PO#.
                12. Misspelled word in column heading name “Invoce #” of Search results table replace with “Invoice #”.


                • #1. The text input field is missing near the “Search” button (it doesn’t look logical)

                  #2. In the line "Inv. Date” there is a dot after “Inv” but there is no dot after “Due” in the line “Due Date”

                  #3. Invoice field “#1122338095” is noticeably smaller than other fields

                  #4. “Actions” button missing in field “#1122338095”

                  #5. Missing page "5" at the bottom of the table

                  #6. Replace “Invoce” with “Invoice” in the first column of the table

                  #7. Change the word “Rejcted” to “Rejected” in the “Status” column

                  #8. Mismatch in the “Type” column with the word “lnvoice” we are already in the “Invoice” section (looks illogical)

                  #9. Inconsistency in the label called “Results per page” in the table “11” rows and in the label “10”

                  #10. The arrow in the “Amount” column mismath with the increase in the amount of money in this column


                  • #1 Product logo image on the page is missing the link to the Home Page
                    #2. 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results
                    #3 . Leftmost column title: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"
                    #4 Misspelled word in first row/"Status" column
                    #5 Suggestion: “Status" title could have dropdown sorting arrow
                    #6 Download List": icon image (diskette) is not consistent with its tooltip (download)
                    #7 Due Date" column data is not in a common date format
                    #8 Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 0f 422 invoices"
                    #9 Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00", not above
                    #10 Invoice 1122339044, status column: replace tooltip (Approved) with Paid


                    • Taulia bug reports:
                      1. Rename Action button "Download list" to "Download" like tooltip
                      2. Suggestion: "Search my invoices" add button "Clear" to remove previous input user info in the all label


                      • #12 Suggestion: rename the "User Manager" button to "Log in".
                        #13 Suggestion: "binoculars" icon img. vs "Search" button are interchanged?
                        #14 In the search line "Invoice number" there is ability to enter digits,letters or special characters. Leave the option to enter only digits.
                        #15 In the search line "Purchase number" there is ability to enter digits,letters or special characters. Leave the option to enter only digits.
                        #16 In the search line "From amount/to" there is ability to enter digits,letters or special characters. Leave the option to enter only digits.
                        #17 Inconsyst format "Invoice date" in the search line vs "Invoice date" column.
                        #18 "Invoice date" in the search line is missing "from".
                        #19 Uncorrect values in "Due Date" column.
                        #20 Uncorrect values in "PO#" column.
                        #21 "Action" button, the arrow changes to a text cursor, when you hover mouse over.
                        #22 Suggestion: Enable sorting in columns: "Invoice", "Data", "Payment".
                        #23 "Payment" column uncorrect format of date.
                        #24 Search results displaying 22 oct in the row #7 despite the fact that the filter is installed from 6 to 9 months.


                        • TAULIA BUG REPORTS

                          #1 The page "1" in the drop-down list at the bottom of the table is located separately from the rest of the pages
                          #2 "Hide search parameters" label without icon image
                          #3 Search results should display invoices with date from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 in "Inv.Date" column, field with data from 1-Oct-2011 in 7 row is not applicable
                          #4 "Payment" column:date without ":" character in the middle of them all
                          #5 Inconsistency:"Home" label near the "User Manager", not "Invoices"
                          #6 Enumeration search results of pages:number "1" without "_" character
                          #7 Enumeration search results of pages:next pages after 10 page display ".." without "<>" character
                          #8 "PO#" column display data of the other column "Due date". It seems incorrect.
                          #9 "Payment" column: display only year of payment without day/mounth
                          #10 Date format in columns "Inv.Date" and "PO#" as month/date/year, not date/month/year


                          • Previous version

                            #12. Column ‘Due Date’ has only just numbers, not dates.
                            #13. Column ‘PO’ have dates. It need have numbers, number of purchase order.
                            #14. The Binoculars icon does not have a hint ( pop-up hint)
                            #15. There are no some information about payment in column ‘Payment’
                            #16. Date in the Row #7 is out of search range
                            #17. The date formats in the search box and the results are different
                            #18. There's no navigation buttons(next page, previous page) at search result page list
                            #19. ‘Due date’ column is redundant because we have ‘Invoice date’
                            #20. Instead of ‘User Manager’ use the name of the current logged in user.

                            Current version

                            #12. "Due Date" column data is not in a common date format
                            #13. PO #" column data is given in a date format - is that correct? It seems to be replaced with "Due Date" column.
                            #14. Tooltip for “binocular” icon in “Search my invoices” is missing.
                            #15. Suggestion: not clear information in “Payment” column. Date or amount?
                            #16. Invoice 1122339546: the "1-Oct-2011" date is outside of range (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011) specified in "Invoice date" fields
                            #17. Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) & "Inv. Date" column: (5-June-2011)
                            #18. Suggestion: there's no navigation buttons(next page, previous page) at search result page list
                            #19. Add currency indication to the "Amount" label: for example "Amount ($)"
                            #20. Instead of ‘User Manager’ use the name of the current logged in user.


                            • #2. Invoice 1122339546: the "1-Oct-2011" date is outside of range (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011) in"Invoice date" fields"I
                              #3. Suggest adding a sort command by date modified in "Status" column
                              #4. Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) and
                              "Inv. Date" column: (5-June-2011)
                              #6. " Due Date" column data is not in a common date format
                              #7. " PO #" column data is in a common date format,is this correct

                              остальные некорректные ...


                              • Bug_4042022_1.Отсутствует опция поиска по "invoice" статусу: "Payment Date" в меню "Search my invoices"
                                Bug_4042022_2.1. Отсутствует кнопка для сортировки полученных результатов поиска в результатах отбора по параметрам "Search my invoices" в колонке "Invoce ".
                                Bug_4042022_2.2. Отсутствует кнопка для сортировки полученных результатов поиска в результатах отбора по параметрам "Search my invoices" в колонке "Inv. Date".
                                Bug_4042022_2.3. Отсутствует кнопка для сортировки полученных результатов поиска в результатах отбора по параметрам "Search my invoices" в колонке "Due Date" .
                                Bug_4042022_2.4. Отсутствует кнопка для сортировки полученных результатов поиска в результатах отбора по параметрам "Search my invoices" в колонке "PO #".
                                Bug_4042022_2.5. Отсутствует кнопка для сортировки полученных результатов поиска в результатах отбора по параметрам "Search my invoices" в колонке "Status".
                                Bug_4042022_2.6. Отсутствует кнопка для сортировки полученных результатов поиска в результатах отбора по параметрам "Search my invoices" в колонке "Payment".
                                Bug_4042022_3.1. Suggestion: Отсутствует кнопка "Стрелка влево" навигации/переход между страницами с результатами поиска в результатах отбора по параметрам "Search my invoices".
                                Bug_4042022_3.2. Suggestion: Отсутствует кнопка "Стрелка вправо" навигации/переход между страницами с результатами поиска в результатах отбора по параметрам "Search my invoices".
                                Bug_4042022_4.Отсутствует разделение по разрядам в водимых числах в поле "to" в форме "From amount:" в Search my invoices. (Можно запутаться в количесте введенных символов: 10000000 или 100000000)
                                Bug_4042022_5.Фомат выводимых цифровых данных в столбце "Payment" в результатах отбора по параметрам "Search my invoices" не имеет однозначную трактовку.
                                Bug_4042022_6.Отображаются данные в 7й строке (Invoce # 1122339546) в таблице с результатами поиска по параметрам, которые выходят за границы установленнх параметров (диапазон дат) поиска .
                                Bug_4042022_7.Отсутствует нумерация строк выводимых результатов поиска.
                                Bug_4042022_8. Содержимое столбцов не отцентровано относительно заголовков/названий столбцов в таблице с результатами поиска по заданным параметрам.
                                Bug_4042022_9. Количество страниц с результатати поиска в нижней части таблицы, по заданному параметру "10", не соответствует "Showing 422 invoices" в шапке этой таблицы
                                Bug_4042022_10. Количество выводимых строк на первой странице таблицы с результатами поиска (отображается 11 строк) не соответствует заданному параметру "Results per page" (10) в "Search my invoices".
                                Bug_4042022_11. Отсутствуют данные о защите авторских прав: "Copyright

