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Taulia postmortem bugs

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  • #1. Invoice date from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011. Search results contain date later than 9/30/2011 (row 7)
    #2. "Amount" column: align right
    #3. Suggestion: replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 оf 422 invoices for Custumer <Custumer Name>"
    #4. Row 4, column "Status": replace tooltip "Approved" with "Paid"
    #5. "Search my invoices": replace "From amount:" with "Amount: from"
    #6. "Search my invoices": replace "Invoice date" with "Invoice date: from"
    #7. Pagination: the distance between 1 and 2 is greater than between the other page numbers
    #8. Pagination: replace ".." with "..."
    #9. Suggestion: remove the distance to the right of the button "Actions"
    #10. Make the date format the same in the "Search my invoices" and search results


    • 1. Имя зарегистрированного пользователя в колонке “Logout” отсутствует.
      2. Знак ":" в колонке под "Search my invoices" присутствует не у всего списка.
      3. В колонке "From amount" слово "From" должно быть помещено слева от числового значения.
      4. Колонка "Type" содержит избыточное количество "Invoice", так как результат поиска того же типа.
      5. Отсутствует заголовок колонки со значениями "Actions".
      6. В колонке "Amount" последовательность значений не соответствует расположению стрелки рядом с заголовком столбца.
      7. Непоследовательно расположены значения "$22,409,37" & "$22,376,00" в колонке "Amount".
      8. Нумерация страниц не содержит страницу 5.
      9. Нумерация страниц не содержит кнопки переключения страниц вперед и назад.
      10. В колонке "Inv. Date" обозначение даты (29-aug-2011) не соответствует заданному выше параметру (8/29/2011) в поле "Search my invoices".
      Last edited by Yana Blinova; 04-05-2022, 11:25 AM.


      • 1. Misspelled word "Rejcted" in first row status column.
        2. Inconsistency in date formats MM-DD-YYYY "invoice date"
        3. Results per page 10 showing 11
        4. Misspelled column title: "Invoice"
        5. "Actions" button is missing in the row #11
        6. Link to page "5" is missing under the search results table.
        7. Inconsistency value: column "Amount" row #8
        8. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results.
        Last edited by Lx88; 04-05-2022, 11:05 AM.


        • 1. Suggestion: add button "binocular" for the field "Invoice number"
          2. Suggestion: add sign ":" for separation the hour and minute in column "Payment"
          3. Suggestion: change the display of the cursor when hovering over the "Actions" button
          4. Distance between digit "1" and "2" in the page list too big - is that correct? It seems need reduced.
          5. Add an "Action" button on line 11
          6. Convert in common format date in column "Inv. Date": (5-Jun-2011) and field the "Invoice date": (6/5/2011)
          7. Inconsistency in time format: "2011-1488" column "Payment" Row "№11"
          8. Search result out of query range: (1-Oct-2011) column "Inv.Date" Row "#7" specified in the field "Invoice date"
          9. Replace tooltip "Approved" with "Paid" in Column "Status" Row "#4"
          10. Add page "5" in the page list bottom left side of the screen
          Last edited by Oleg M; 04-05-2022, 10:53 AM.


          • 1. Согласно "Results per page" количество инвойсов на странице 10, отображается 11.
            2. 32 страницы недостаточно чтобы отобразить 422 инвойса.
            3. В 7 строке не соответствует дата "1-Oct-2011" заданному диапазону "Invoice date" (6/5/2011 – 9/30/2011).
            4. Нарушен порядок сортировки суммы столбца "Amount": "22,409.37" должно следовать за "22,376.00".
            5. В 4 строке несоответствие надписи при наведении курсора ("Approved") названию на иконке ("Paid").
            6. В столбце "Amount" сортировка отображается от меньшего значения к большему, что не соответствует направлению треугольника справа от "Amount".
            7. Не хватает двоеточия после наименования полей для поиска в блоке "Search my invoice".
            8. Формат значения в поле "Due date" не выглядит как подходящий формат для отображения даты.
            9. Формат значения в поле "PO #" не выглядит как подходящий формат для номера заказа.
            10. В столбце "Status" заменить "Rejcted" на "Rejected".


            • 1. add a down arrow next to "Hide search parameters"
              2. "Search my invoices": values in the “From amount" field should be formatted as "1,000,000.00" instead "1000000"
              3. "Search my invoices": format values in the "From amount" & "to" fields to include decimal points, for example "100.00"
              4. inconsistency: Replace floppy disk icon next to the "download list" button with a download icon (is the download list a button? Maybe it should by just a hint over a download button?)
              5. suggestion: add a sort arrow (maybe add a sorting capability to the columns?) next to the column titles in the search result table
              6. suggestion: in the "Amount" column, align the data to the left side
              7. suggestion: in the "Inv. Date" and "PO #" columns align the data to the centre
              8. inconsistency: swap data output in columns "Due Date" and "PO #"
              9. search result table: row 7 data does not match search parameters, the date "1-Oct-2011" is outside of range specified in "Invoice date" fields
              10 "Invoice status": add the statuses "In process", "Approved", "Paid", "Rejected" to the drop-down field


              • 1. "Inv. Date" column: "1-Oct-2011" searching result is out of range (from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011).

                2. Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) and "Inv. Date" column (5-June-2011).

                3. Data in "Due Date" column is not in date format and "PO #" column doesn't contain PO number.
                Suggestion: the contents of these columns should be swapped.

                4. Inconsistent text alignment: header row content is center aligned and other rows content is left aligned.

                5. "Showing 422 invoices" replace with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".

                6. Invoice 1122339044, status column: replace tooltip "Approved" with "Paid".

                7. Link to page 5 is missing in search result pages.

                8. The link to the Home Page in Company Logo is missing.

                9. Search results should display 10 rows as per "Results per page".

                10. First column header: "Invoce" replace with "Invoice".


                • Bug report

                  #1. Inconsistency between total number of invoices shown in search result (422) and number of invoices on 32 pages (422 is not 32*10)
                  #2. "Results per page" field required 10 rows, inconsistent with search result presents 11 rows.
                  #3. "Actions" button is missing in 11th row
                  #4. The sort order in column "Amount" in rows 7 and 8 is inverse (22,409.37 more than 22,376.00)
                  #5. Data in "Due Date" column has not a common data format.
                  #6. Is it correct that data in column "PO#" has common date format?
                  #7. Link to page "5" is missing in numbering pages of search results.
                  #8. Replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #" in first column title.
                  #9. "Amount" column: the direction of sorting order given by the arrow is not consistent actual result.
                  #10. Product logo image on the top of the page has not the link to the home page


                    1. Change the title of the column “From amount” into “Amount”.
                    2. Change “Showing 422 invoices” into “Showing 1-10 of 422”.
                    3. Inconsistency in date format in column “Inv.Date” (29-Aug-2011) and “Due date” ( 5-Jul-2011) into month/date/year.
                    4. Inconsistency in pages enumeration - page 5 is missing.
                    5. Search parameters violation - showing 11 results per pages instead of 10.
                    6. Inconsistency between actual sorting order in column “Amount” and showing by arrow next to the column title.
                    7. Inconsistency in sorting order in column “Amount” - amount $22,409.37 should be under amount $22,376.00.
                    8. Suggestion: Column “User Manager” should indicate user name (login).
                    9. Invoice date parameters inconsistency - search parameters rage between 06/05/2011to 09/30/2011 but in raw 7 invoice is dated 10/01/2011.
                    10. Inconsistency in “Invoice date” range from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 and “Inv. date” in raw 7 (1-Oct-2011).


                    • 1. "Cursor: default" when pointing over the "Actions" button changes to "cursor: text". It should be changed to "cursor: pointer" .
                      2. "Cursor: default" when pointing over the name of the columns "Invoice#", "Type", "Inv. Date", "Due Date", "PO#", "Amount", "Status", "Payment" changes to "cursor: text" . It should be changed to "cursor: pointer"
                      3.Leftmost column's name "Invoces #" to be replaced on Invoices#".
                      4. In the page numeration, number 5 is missing.
                      5. In the page numeration line, add the possibility to go to the "previous", "next" and "first", "last" pages
                      6. In the form "Search May Invoices" "From Amount" to be replaced with the label "Amount". The "From" label should be to the left of the text field.
                      7. In the "From" text field , can be entered numbers, letters, special characters. Only numbers should be accepted.
                      8. In the "to" text field , can be entered numbers, letters, special characters. Only numbers should be accepted.
                      9. When you select the "action" button, the cursor changes to the "enter information" sign, but should to the "take" sign
                      10. The text field of the "Results Per Page" label allows you to select only 10 results. Add the ability to select a different quantity.
                      11. The text field of the label "Invoice Status" contains only "all". It should contain the ability to select each status separately "Rejected", "Raid", "In process", "Approved".


                      • #1. "Search my invoices": too much white space on the right.
                        #2. "Search my invoices": provide the date field ("6/5/2011" and "9/30/2011") with a drop-down box of day, month, and year selection.
                        #3. Inconsistency in "Search my invoices" section: there is no binocular sign in front of the "Invoice number" field but there it is in front of the "Purchase order" field.
                        #4. Inconsistency in from/to labels: label "from" is missing before the date field "6/5/2011".
                        #5. Misspelling in the column title "Invoce #": replace with "Invoice #".
                        #6. Suggestion: column titles are right-aligned, but they should be centered.
                        #7. User's name is missing on the top right corner of the page.
                        #8. Suggestion: add link to the next page (for example "Next page>>") in the enumeration search results.
                        #9. There is no currency sign in the "From amount" line.
                        #10. There is no need for the "Refresh" button. It seems like it has the same function as the "Search" button.


                        • #1. Строки на странице с результатами выделены через одну -это правильно?

                          The lines on the results page are separated by one -is this correct?

                          #2. Значёк "#" стоит только в заголовках "Invoce#" and "PO#" -это правильно ?

                          The "#" icon is only in the headings "Invoce#" and "PO#" - is this correct?

                          #3. Строки на странице с результатами выделены через одну -это правильно?

                          The lines on the results page are separated by one -is this correct?

                          #4. Поменять местами заголовки столбцов "Due Date" и "PO #"

                          Swap the column headers "Due Date" and "PO #"

                          #5. В столбце "Status" всплывающая подсказка иконки "Paid" подписана "Approved"

                          In the "Status" column, the tooltip for "Paid" icon is signed "Approved"

                          #6. В первой строке столбца статус заменить "Rejcted" на "Rejected"

                          In the first row of the status column, replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"

                          #7. Кнопка "Action" отсутствует в строке №11

                          The "Action" button is missing in line #11

                          #8. Предложение: выровняйте названия столбцов по левому краю.

                          Suggestion: align the column names on the left edge.

                          #9. В разбивке на страницы отсутствует ссылка на страницу "5".

                          In pagination missing link to page "5".

                          #10. "Search my invoices": отсутствует подсказка для значка "binocular".

                          "Search my invoices": Tooltipe for "binocular" icon is missing.


                          • 1. In 7th row/"Inv. Date" column the 1-Oct-2011 date is not relevant to filter of "Invoice date" label

                            2. The data of the "Due Date" column does not correspond to the date

                            3. The data of the "PO #" column does not correspond to the purchase order - is this how it should be? It seems that the data of the "Due Date" column should be in the "PO #" column,
                            and the data of the "PO #" column should be in the "Due Date" column

                            4. "Invoice Date" label should be with a separate "from:" label placed to the left of the text field

                            5. "Search" button in "Search my invoices" field is not highlighted when the mouse cursor hovers over it


                            • 1. Product icon "Taulia" has no link to the home page;
                              2. Inconsistancy between date format: "Search my invoices" date fields (MM/DD/YYYY) vs results table (DD-MM-YYYY);
                              3. Invoice #1122339044: "Approved" tooltip in "Status" colomn instead of "Paid";
                              4. Misspelling in colomn header: "Invoce #" instead of "Invoice #";
                              5. Results table has 11th rows per page instead of 10 per page as chosen in "Search my invoices";
                              6. The last (11th) row in results table has no "Actions" button;
                              7. Repleace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices" in Results table`s header;
                              8. Missmatch between "Download list" link and it`s icon in Results table`s header: "Save"/"Save as" link text is expected from diskette icon;
                              9. Different abbriviation in colomn headers: "Inv. Date" vs "PO#";
                              10. 5th page in navigation under results table is missing.


                              • TAULIA BUG REPORTS
                                #1. Misspelled word in first row "Status" column
                                #2. "Actions" button is missing in the row #11
                                #3. Suggestion: implement "Actions" title to the rightmost column with "Actions" buttons
                                #4. 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results
                                #5. Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) & "Inv. Date" column: (5-June-2011)
                                #6. Search results should display 10 rows (as per "Results per page" listbox), not 11
                                #7. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page "5" is missing
                                #8. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
                                #9. Add currency indication to the "Amount" label: for example "Amount ($)"
                                #10. Leftmost column title: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"

