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Taulia postmortem bugs

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  • #91
    #1. There are 10 rows in "Results per page" and 11 in the final table
    #2. Line 11 is missing the "Actions" button
    #3. 32 pages are not enough to display 422 invoices ("Showing 422 invoices","Results per page"="10" or 11)
    #4. No link to page 5
    #5. In "Due Date" column the format is not date
    #6. In the column "PO #" format date
    #7. Invoice in line 7 dated October 1, 2011 is not relevant
    #8. Is it true that all value formats in a table are left aligned (perhaps numbers, dates and currencies on
    the right)
    #9. The date format in the "Invoice date" label ("6/5/2011") does not match the date format in the table
    "Inv. Date" column, "5-Jun-2011"
    #10. "Hide search parameters" doesn't look like a control


    • #92
      Ребят, то, что вы пишете это конечно здорово, но это не баг репорты. Это краткое summary. Пишите с шагами, набивайте руку.


      • #93
        1. Колонка "Payment" не корректное отображение даты.
        2. Повторяются значения в колонке "PO#"
        3. "Invoice status" добавить варианты в выпадающем списке.
        4. Добавить в кнопку "Action" функционал : download, save, print
        5. Оформить подвал (FOOTER)
        6. Добавить сортировку для колонок "PO#"
        7. Кнопке "Search" добавить анимацию.
        8. Кнопке "Download list" добавить анимацию.
        9. Кнопке "Refresh" добавить анимацию.
        10. В поле "Invoice number" убрать ввод букв
        Last edited by Alekseno; 04-05-2022, 06:09 AM.


        • #94
          01. Search results table: the "Type" column is redundant since "Invoices" tab is selected already.
          02. Search results table: the first column's header: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #".
          03. Link to page 5 is missing at the bottom of the search results table.
          04. Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" fields & "Inv. Date" column.
          05. 7th row of the search results table: "1-Oct-2011" date is outside of range specified in the "Invoice date" fields.
          06. "Search my invoices": the search parameter "Due date" is missing (while the "Due Date" column is present in the search results).
          07. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" above "$22,376.00".
          08. Search results table: "Amount" column values are aligned to the left, not to decimal-point.
          09. "Search my invoices": provide all the labels with the colon character at the end.
          10. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results.


          • #95
            #1 кнопка *Actions* отсутствует в 11 ряду
            *Actions* button is missing in row 11

            #2 не одинаковый формат даты в *Invoice date* и *Inv. Date*
            date format is not the same in *Invoice date* and *Inv. Date*

            #3 предложение: справо от *Logout* разместить *user name*
            suggestion: to the right of *Logout* place *username*

            #4 логотип продукта в правом верхнем углу нет активной ссылки на сайт компании
            the product logo in the upper right corner does not have an active link to the company's website

            #5 не соответсвие в встолбце *Status* 4 ряда *Paid* и tooltip *Approved*
            discrepancy in the column *Status* 4 rows *Paid* and tooltip *Approved*

            #6 нет всплывающего окна значок *бинокль*
            no tooltip icon *binoculars*

            #7 заголовок столбца *Invoce #* заментить на *Invoice #*
            column title *Invoice #* replace with *Invoice #*

            #8 "Showing 422 invoices " не сможет разместиться в 32 страницах при значении *Results per page* 10
            "Showing 422 invoices" will not be able to fit in 32 pages with the value *Results per page* 10

            #9 Label 8 из 9 нет двоеточия (забыл правильное их название)
            Label 8 of 9 no colon

            #10 предложение: удалить столбец *Type*
            suggestion: delete the *Type* column
            ROMAN YA


            • #96
              #1. "Logout" link in the top right of screen - is that correct? on the page without authorization it should be written "Login".
              #2. Suggestion: add user name next to "Logout" link.
              #3. "Invoice number" label dialog box is only for numbers, not for letters.
              #4. The cursor indicator changes to text mode when hovering over the "Action" button, and not to the hand cursor.
              #5. The cursor indicator changes to text mode when hovering over the enumeration search results of pages, under the table, and not to the hand cursor.
              #6. Alignment of numbers by point in Column "Amount".
              #7. Colomn titles are not aligned relative to column contents.
              #8. Dates are inconsistable on the label field "Invoice date" and on the table "Inv. Date" column.
              #9. Replace the icon image next to "Download List" with a more relevant: for example, put an icon image "down arrow" instead of an icon image "floppy disk".
              #10. Icon image "binoculars" at next to "Purchase order" label: add the tooltip.


              • #97
                #1. Inconsistency in date format - field "6/5/2011" near "Invoice date" and column "Inv. Date" "29-Aug-2011".
                #2. Inconsistency in date format - field "6/5/2011" near "Invoice date" and column "PO #" " 28-Sep-2011".
                #3. Spelling mistake in leftmost column heading - actual "Invoce #" , expected "Invoice #".
                #4. Missing word "from" before fields: "From amount:" and "Invoice date" in "Search my invoices" section.
                #5. Redundant row in search results by the listbox "Results per page", actual "11" , expected "10".
                #6. Spelling mistake in "Status" column, first row, actual word "Rejcted", expected word "Rejected".
                #7. Missing link to page №5 in numbering search results.
                #8. Incorrect tooltip in column "Status", row №4, actual "Approved", expected "Paid".
                #9. Incorrect sorting order in column "Amount" : row №7 "$22,409.37" should be after row №8 "$22,376.00".
                #10. Need a colon at the and, for all label in the "Search my invoices" section.


                • #98
                  #1. "Hide search parameters" button in "Search my invoices" section doesn't have a button appearance. However, cursor turns pointer shape above "Hide search parameters" header.
                  #2. "Hide search parameters" button in "Search my invoices" section doesn't have a highlighting when cursor is above "Hide search parameters" header.
                  #3. Binocular icon in "Search my invoices" section doesn't have a tooltip.
                  #4. "Refresh" button in search results table doesn't have a highlighting when cursor is above "Refresh" header.
                  #5. "Actions" buttons in search results table have the same color as even rows fill color. Shouldn't "Actions" buttons color be more distinctive?
                  #6. Inconsistency between "Purchase order" label in "Search my invoices" section vs "PO #" column header in search results table.
                  #7. Inconsistency between "Invoice number" label in "Search my invoices" section vs "Inv. Date" column header in search results table.
                  #8. Change search result table values alignment to right border alignment for 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th columns.
                  #9. First text input field for date search range (next to the "Invoice date" label) in "Search my invoices" section should have a "from:" label before the text input field.
                  #10. "Invoice date" label in "Search my invoices" section doesn't have any tip for users about data format to be used for data search range input.


                  • #99
                    #1. Inconsistency the date formats "invoice date" in "search my invoice" and "Inv. Date" in the table of the search results.
                    #2. Suggestion: move the button "Search" under "Results per page".
                    #3. Misspelled ellipsis below the page in numbers of the pages: "1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 .. 32".
                    #4. The cursor does not change its image on "hand" when hovering over dropdown listboxes "Customer", "Invoice status", "Results per page", buttons "Actions" and numbers of pages below the page.
                    #5. Suggestion: show tooltip hovering on dropdown listboxes.
                    #6. "Due Date" column data does not have a common date format. It seems to be mixed up with the header of
                    "PO #" column.
                    #7. Suggestion: add the column "Row #" in the table of the search results.
                    #8. The column with the "Actions" buttons doesn't have a header.
                    #9. Inconsistency in sorting order on 7 and 8 rows in the "Amount" column ("$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00").
                    #10. Mismatch in the number of displayed search results in "Showing 422 invoices" and in the table's search results (32 pages can't display 422 results).


                    • #1. The "Results" column shows per page indicates 10, in fact - 11
                      #2. Missing page 5 in page list
                      #3. Suggestion: delete "Type" column
                      #4. Two dots in page list 10..32
                      #5. Different size of rows in the table: row 11 is narrower than the rest
                      #6. Double spacing in the page list between the numbers "1" and "2"
                      #7. Non-existent dates in "Payment" column - 2011-1488
                      #8. Sorting in the "Amount" column: need to sort by point in the amount
                      #9. Column names: full and abbreviated names
                      #10. Sorting in the "Amount" column: rows 7 and 8 are swapped


                      • #1 В меню "Искать мои счета" отсутствует двоеточие в столбцах "Номер счета", "Клиент", "Заказ на покупку", "Дата счета", "Статус счета", "Страница результатов"
                        #2 Кнопка "Действие" отсутствует в строке 11
                        #3 Заголовок крайнего левого столбца "Invoce" необходимо заменить на "Invoices"
                        #4 Поменять местами название столбцов "Срок сдачи" c "Номер заказа"
                        #5 В результатах поиска пропущена страница №5
                        #6 В соответствии со списком "Результатов на странице" должно быть 10 строк а по факту 11
                        #7 Второй столбец "Type" является избыточным , везде результат поиска один и тот же
                        #8 Несоответствие в форматах дат "Дата счета" 6/5/2011 и столбец "Инв. Дата" 29-Aug-2011
                        #9 32 страницы недостаточно для размещения 422 строк
                        #10 В столбце "Количество" раскладка от большого к меньшему а по факту наоборот


                        • 2. При заполненном поле "Invoice number" сделать остальные фильтры неактивными.
                          2.1. При заполненном поле "Purchase order" сделать остальные фильтры неактивными.
                          3. Добавить фильтр "Due Date".
                          4. В фильтре "Invoice date" изменить формат ввода данных на 29-Aug-2011. Не использовать 6/5/2011. (Необходимо уточнить в каком формате эти даты вводятся в "invoices" и такой формат использовать везде. Пользователь не должен думать как называется 8ой месяц или вспоминать какой по счету август).
                          5. Фильтр "Invoice status" выполнить дропбокс со статусами: Rejcted, Paid, In process, Approved, All.
                          6. Фильтр "Results per page" выполнить одно из предложенных изменений: дополнить вариантами (10,15,20,25,30)/убрать фильтр.
                          8. Текст "Showing 422 invoices" не отображает действительности. Выполнить в формате "Показано 11 из 422 invoices".
                          9. В 7 строке, столбец "Inv. Date" отображен результат "1-Oct-2011". Фильтр "Invoice date" работает неверно.
                          10. Подобрать ширину столбцов так, чтоб строка результатов была заполнена полностью и равномерно.
                          10.1. Выполнить выравнивание всех данных в таблице по цетру относительно своей ячейки. ( Заглавие столбцов уезжает, относительно данных под ними)
                          11. Убрать столбец "Type". (Предварительно уточнить зачем он. Мой аргумент: заходя в "Invoices" мы уже точно знаем, что ищем)
                          12. Над столбцом с кнопками "Actions" добавить название "Actions".
                          12.1. Заменить содержимое кнопки "Actions" на "...".


                          • 1."PO #" column data is given in a date format - is that correct? It seems to be interchanged withSuggestion: implement "Actions" title to the rightmost column with "Actions" buttons "Due Date" column
                            2.Product logo image on the page is missing the link to the Home Page
                            3.Invoice 1122339546: the "1-Oct-2011" date is outside of range (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011) specified in "Invoice date" fields
                            4. Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) & "Inv. Date" column: (5-June-2011)
                            5. "Status" column, fourth row: replace tooltip ("Approved") with "Paid"
                            6."Due Date" column data is not in a common date format
                            7.Suggestion: implement "Actions" title to the rightmost column with "Actions" buttons
                            8. "Status" column, fourth row: replace tooltip ("Approved") with "Paid
                            9.From amount" label should be replaced with "Amount" with a separate "from:" label placed to the left of the text field
                            10.Suggestion: user name should be displayed next to the "Logout" link in the top right corner of the screen


                            • #1 Ошибка: в меню профиля "Logout" слитно, необходимо раздельно "Log Out"
                              #2 Ошибка:в первом столбце "Invoce" ошибка в слове, необходимо "Invoice"
                              #3 Ошибка: в столбце "Status" ошибка в слове "Rejcted", необходимо "Rejected"
                              #4 Ошибка: в строке, где указано количество страниц, отсутствует цифра "5"
                              Last edited by alekseykomarov; 04-05-2022, 07:03 AM.


                              • #1."Invoice date" label. Incorrect date type mm/dd/yyyy in selectable range
                                #2."Search my invoices" label. Missing logically word "from" befoe selectable range "from amount" and "Invoice date"
                                #3.Heading on Search result "PO#". Incorrect data on this column.
                                #4.Heading on Search result "Due date". Incorrect data on this column.
                                #5.The date range in "Invoice date" is set from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011. But one of results form "" contain October
                                #6. Suggestion: bad resolution of Product logo (quality)
                                #7. There is no logined user name on main Heading menu.
                                #8. "Hide search parameter". There is no arrow direction down as for drop down seach menu
                                #9. Column "Type" is excess for searching.
                                #10. Column "Payment" in Searching results. Time values is not correct, like 2011-HR:MIN
                                Last edited by Konstantine; 04-05-2022, 07:29 AM.

