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Taulia postmortem bugs

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  • #76
    1. "Actions" button in 11 row the table missing
    2. "Due Date" column name does not match content
    3. "PO #" column name does not match content
    4. "1122339546" order on "1-Oct-2011" does not match to parameters specified in the search (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011)
    5. in "Amount" column sort order wrong: row "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00"
    6. in search resalts of pages link to page "5" is missing
    7. in resalts search found 442 invoices which does not match the number of pages
    32 (10 invoices in 1 page)
    8. "Paiment" column incorect format date
    9. "Invoce #" column title needs to replace on "Invoice #"
    10. in search options "Results per page" = 10 in table 11 rows
    Last edited by AndreyCholovsky; 04-05-2022, 10:39 AM.


    • #77
      #1. Inconsistency in column "Due Date", values out of selected range in label "Invoice date", rows: 3, 7, 10.
      #2. Suggestion: make the columns align to the right edge, in columns: "Inv. Date", "Due Date", "Amount".
      #3. In column "Due Date" mismatch value, it seems to be interchanged with "PO#" column.
      #4. In column "PO#" mismatch value, it seems to be interchanged with "Due Date" column.
      #5. Misspelled in first column title: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #".
      #6. "Actions" button is missing in the row #11 in Search results.
      #7. Inconsistency in Search results: search results display 11 rowsvalues, but in "Results per page" selected 10.
      #8. There is no tooltip for "binocular" icon in "Search my invoices".
      #9. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: rows 7 and 8.
      #10. Misspell in Serch results: "Status" column inthe first row.


      • #78
        1# Inconsistoncy type and format date in the value and content column"Due Date".
        2# Are the values of the "Due Date" and "PO#" columns and the contents-is it correct?
        3# Not shows on the page " " for the result of the actions of the "Invoices" button of breadcrumbs.
        4# Suggestion:Enumeration search of result of pages: link "12345678910...32" move to the right.
        #5 "Search my ivoices": provide all the label colon character at the end.
        #6 Suggestion: increase font size fo label "User Manager/Profile/Help/Logout".
        #7 In the page "Search my invoices" missing for the button "search" input focus.
        #8 Inconsistoncy in the page"Shwoing 422 invoices" for value column"PO#".
        #9 Suggestion: location button"Home","Invoices","Purchase Orders","Payments","My Details","Cash Planner","Your Customer" on one page. It is correct?
        #10 In the page "Search my invoices" missing for the button "Hide search parameters" input foccus.


        • #79
          Taulia bug reports(bugs found during previous homework, rewrited):

          1. Search paremeters and invoices list: Different date data-format. There's "mm-dd-yyyy" in search parameters, and "dd-mm-yyyy" in invoices list
          2. Search parameters: there's no data formatting for all text boxes, except date from and date to. Text boxes for invoice number, purchase order and amount range should contain only numbers. But we can enter letters/symbols too
          3. Search parametes: there's no tooltip for binoculars icon in front of "Purchase Order" text box
          4. Header: there's no space-formatting in top-level header. There's SPACE between User Manager and special character '|', and meanwhile there's no space between Help and special character '|'
          5. Invoices list, header: when button is in focus(hovered?) - mouse icon should be switched. When "Action" button in last column, header of any column or WebPage Logo is in focus - mouse icon is the same(not changing)
          6. Header: user is not able to press on WebPage Logo, because mouse icon is not changed when WebPage Logo is in focus(hovered?)
          7. Invoices list: Payment data is missing for elements with "Approved" status
          8. Invoices list: wrong mouse icon when any of page list element(paginator?) is in focus. It's showing mouse icon for text boxes, not for buttons
          9. Invoices list: there's ".." between number 10 and last page number at search result page list. Should be "..." or text box to type custom page number
          10. Invoices list: suggest to add navigation buttons(next page, previous page) at search result page list


          • #80
            #1. Incorect status name at "Invoices list" colunm 6 raw 1 "Rejcted" need to rename to "Rejected"
            #2. Wrong invoice data sorting result with "6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011" parameters at "Invoces list" displayed results witch includes october month
            #3. Enumeration search results of pages position page №1 has position different from the numbering of other pages
            #4. Date format at "Searce my invoice" tab "Inv. Date" at "Invoices list" must have the same date display format
            #5. Date format at "Searce my invoice" tab "Due date" at "Invoices list" must have the same date display format
            #6. "PO#" numbers duplicates at "PO#" column at raw 2,3,5,6,7,9,11 (40988) and 4,8 (30998)
            #7. Last colum "Actions" at "Invoices list" doesnt have a column title
            #8. Wrong column title at "Invoice list" column 4 header "Due Date"
            #9. Wrong column title at "Invoice list" column 5 header "PO #"
            #10. Tooltip for "Binocular" icon in "Search my invoices" are missing


            • #81
              #1. The titles of the columns "PO#" and "Due date" do not correlate to the data in those columns.
              #2. Inconsistency in the date format of the columns "Invoice date"/"due date" and label "Invoice date" and"to"
              #3. Label "From amount" replace with just "Amount" and add label "to" to the left of the text field.
              #4. After the label "Invoice date" add "from" to the left of the text field.
              #5. Invoice in the 7th row is out of the date range search parameters (1-Oct-2021)
              #6. Invoices of the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th and 11th rows have the same PO# (40988). Is that correct?
              #7. Invoices of the 4th and 8th rows have the same PO# (30998). Is that correct?
              #8. Numerical order of the 1st and 3rd rows of the PO# might be incorrect (PO# of a later date is less than the PO# of an earlier date)
              #9. There might be a problem with the "Payment" column title. If it is supposed to show the date of the payment, then the data in all rows of the column is incorrect. If it is meant to show the number of the payment order in some preferred format (year and four digits) then the title of the column better be "Payment order #"
              #10. There might be a problem with the number of characters in the rows of the columns "Invoice date" and "Due date". Maybe it will be better to make them all with the same number of characters (changing 5-Jun-2011 to 05-June-2011). Then all rows of the column will be aligned just right.


              • #82
                corrected bug reports TAULIA

                1. Suggestion: implement the ability to sort to ‘Inv. Date’, ‘Due Date’, ‘PO #’, 'Payment’ columns.

                2. ’Invoice status’ field: drop-down menu contains only one value to select should be add other items.

                3. ‘Results per page’ field: drop-down menu contains only one value to select should be add other items.

                4. "Customer" field: drop-down menu contains only one value to select should be add other items.

                5. ‘Inv. Date’ column, row #7: inconsistency between value ‘1 October 2011’ and period (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011) specified in "Invoice date" fields.

                6. Suggestion: ‘Amount’/Inv. Date’/‘Due Date’/‘PO #’/'Payment’ columns should be align to the right for user convenience.

                7. Different format of date: “Invoice date” text field (6/5/2011) , “Inv. Date” column (5-June-2011) , “Due Date” column (40988), “Payment” column (2011-1248).

                8. ‘Amount’ column: sorting should be in descending order, actual resalt - ascending order of values.

                9. ‘Customer’, ‘Invoice date’ labels: when you click on those labels related field (text box) is not selected on.

                10. Inconsistency in “Invoice status” field: when you click Invoice status “Results per page” text box is selected instead of “Invoice status” text box.


                • #83
                  #1. Картинка логотипа компании на странице не является ссылкой на Домашнюю страницу.
                  Company logo image on the page is missing the link to the Home Page.
                  #2. Иконка "бинокль": отсутствует всплывающая подсказка.
                  Tooltip for "binocular" icon is missing.
                  #3. Рекомендация: Поля "Invoice date", "to": добавить возможность выбора даты с помощью "календаря" .
                  Suggestion: "Invoice date", "to" filds: implement "calendar" for date selection.
                  #4. "Download list": иконка "дискета" не соответствует всплывающей подсказке "download".
                  "Download list": icon image(diskette) is not consistent with its tooltip(download).
                  #5. Рекомендация: добавить в таблицу нумерацию строк.
                  Suggestion: implement row numbers to the table.
                  #6. Рекомендация: столбец "Amount": выровнять данные по левому краю.
                  Suggestion: "Amount" column: align data to the left.
                  #7. Столбец "Inv. Date": дата "1-Oct-2011" выходит из диапазона выборки полей "Invoice date", "to"
                  (6/5/2011 -9/30/2011).
                  "Inv. Date" column: the "1-Oct-2011" date is outside of range specified "Invoice date" fields
                  (6/5/2011 -9/30/2011).
                  #8. Столбец "Due Date": данные не соответствуют общепринятому формату дат.
                  "Due Date" column data is not in a common date format.
                  #9. Столбец "PO#": данные в формате даты - это верно? Возможно он содержит данные столбца "Due date"?
                  "PO#" column data given in a date format - is that correct? It seems to be interchanged with "Due date" column?
                  #10. Столбец "Статус": четвертая строка: у статуса "Paid" всплывающая подсказка "Approved".
                  "Status" column, fourth row: replace tooltip ("Approved") with "Paid".


                  • #84
                    1. "Invoice date": add "from" before the text field for data input.
                    2. "Inv.Date" column title: replace "Inv.Date" with "Invoice date".
                    3. "Amount" column title: make results order ascending - add the ascending arrow under the decsending one.
                    4. "Amount" column title: change the mouse pointer for a hand when pointing on "Amount" arrows.
                    5. "Showing 422 invoices" replace with "Showing 452 invoices".
                    6. Replace page 32 with 36 at the bottom.
                    7. "Invoice status": add "Rejected", "Paid", "In process", "Approved" to the drop-down list.
                    8. Invalid invoice in "Showing 422 invoices" in row 7: the invoice date doesn't match the date filter.
                    9. "Results per page": add "20", "50", "100" to the drop-down list.
                    10. "Due date" column title: add arrows of descending and ascending order.


                    • #85
                      #1 Некорректное отображение количество строк, 11 вместо 10.

                      #3 В колонке "Due Date" - отображентся число а не дата
                      #4 В колонке PO #- отображается дата, а не число
                      #5 в колонке "Amount" - некорректная сортировка, нет последовательности, не верная сортировка ">" - от большего к меньшему, фактически наоборот
                      #6 Неверный формат даты "Inv.Date" и "Invoice date"
                      #7 В нумерации страниц результато поска осувет сслыка на "5" страницу
                      #8 количество страниц результатов поиска не осовею количеву результатов "Showing 422 invoices"
                      #9 Грамматические ошибки в словах "Invoice #"
                      #10 Выравнивание результатов поиска по колонкам не однотипное
                      Last edited by Aliaksander; 04-05-2022, 12:42 PM.


                      • #86
                        #1. At "Search by invoice", "Invoice date" filter does not work correctly, the result includes an invoice that goes beyond the search parameter (row #7).
                        #2. Field "Invoice date" should have the same date format with the table's format date. For example DD/MM/YYYY
                        #3. Result of column "Due Date" is not in a common date format. Is that correct? It seems to be swapped with "PO #" column.
                        #4. Result of column "PO #" is given in a date format. Is that correct? It seems to be swapped with "Due Date" column.
                        #5. Suggestion: Give rightmost column title a title name.
                        #6. Suggestion: column "Type" seems to be extra.
                        #7. Invalid row count output with filter "Results per page", 11 rows are shown instead of 10.
                        #8. At 11th row the "Action" button is missing.
                        #9. Search results must align to the center, not to the left side.
                        #10. Enumeration search results of pages: give links from 1 to 43 pages, so 422 invoices will be available. Now only 32 pages are shown.


                        • #87
                          1 Misspelling in column title: "Invoce #" instead of "Invoice #".
                          2 Misspelling in the first row of "Status" column: "Rejcted" instead of "Rejected".
                          3 The list of pages under the table is missing the link to the fifth page.
                          4 Inconsistency in results per page: there are eleven rows shown instead of ten.
                          5 The "Actions" button is missing in the eleventh row of the table.
                          6 "Amount" column: inconsistency in the descending order direction given by the arrow character next to the column title.
                          7 "Search my invoices": "from" label on the left-hand side of the "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) is missing.
                          8 Suggestion:"Type" column seems to be redundant, is that how we want it to be?
                          9 "Search my invoices": "From amount:" fields are missing information about the unit of measurement.
                          10 "PO #" column: a mismatch with the information under the column (dates instead of order numbers).
                          11 The date (1-Oct-2011) in Invoice # 1122339546 is out of the date range specified in "Invoice date" fields (6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011).
                          Last edited by artemartemartemartem; 04-05-2022, 11:38 AM.


                          • #88
                            Old bug repost:
                            #1. In drop-down list by Label "Invoice status" absent other choice
                            #2. In drop-down list by Label "Results per page" only one choice
                            #3. Format of writing values in "Due Date" column is wrong
                            #4. Values of "PO #" column have values of "Due Date" column
                            New repost:
                            #1. In drop-down list by Label "Invoice status" absent other choice
                            #2. In drop-down list by Label "Results per page" only one choice
                            #3. Possibly Incorrect writing format in "PO #" column
                            #4. Possibly Incorrect writing format in "Due Date" column


                            • #89
                              #1. Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) & "Inv. Date" column: (5-June-2011) and 5 column: (28-Sep-2011)
                              #2. "Due Date" column data is not in a common date format
                              #3. PO# column data does not contain purchase order number data
                              #4. Tooltip for "binocular" icon in "Search my invoices" is missing
                              #5. 32 pages is not enough to accomadate 422 search results
                              #6. Search results should display 10 rows ("Results per page" listbox), not 11
                              #7. A mistake was made in the name of 1 column of the table: it is indicated "Invoce #" instead of "Invoice #"
                              #8. In the enumeration search results of pages: link to page "5" is missing
                              #9. Product logo image on the page is missing the link to the Home Page
                              #10. Column "Type" redundant: all searches on the page refer to invoice.


                              • #90
                                Big Boss said -10 bugs.

                                #01. Inconsistency between date formats: "Invoice date" in "Search my invoices" (6/5/2011) and column "Inv. Date" (05-jun-2011) in search result.
                                #02. Inconsistency between currency formats: "From amount:" in "Search my invoices" (100) and column "Amount" ($100.00) in search result.
                                #03. Inconsistency between column title "Due Date" and column content in search results.
                                #04. Inconsistency between column title "PO #" and column content in search results.
                                #05. Inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction, given by the arrow next to the column "Amount" title.
                                #06. "Search my invoices": After "Invoice date" label place separate "from:" before first text field.
                                #07. "Search my invoices": Replace "From amount:" with "Amount" and separate "from:" before first text field.
                                #08. Search results table: Replace tooltip "Approved" in fourth raw, "status" column to "Paid".
                                #09. Search results table: The 7 raw is outside the "Invoice date" search range.
                                #10. Suggestion: All data fields and column headers in the Search Results table need to be right-aligned.

