№6. Строка №7, столбец №3
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Taulia postmortem bugs
#1. Поле "Invoice number": принимает не только цифры, но и буквы и специальные символы.
#2. Поле "Purchase order": принимает не только цифры, но и буквы и специальные символы.
#3. Поле "From amount" и поле "to" (справа от "From amount" ) принимает не только цифры, но и буквы и специальные символы.
#4. Лейбл поля "From amount:" : заменить лейбл на "Amount" и слева от поля проставить "from:".
#5. Лейбл поля "Invoice date": слева от поля проставить "from:".
#6. Различный формат дат в поле "Invoice date" (9/30/2011) и столбцах "Inv. Date" и "PO #" (29-Aug-2011). (предложение: привести все даты к формату "29-Aug-2011").
#7. Названия столбцов "Due Date" и "PO #" не соответствует их содержанию (вероятно они перепутаны местами).
#8. Колонка "Inv. Date": строка № 7 (1-Oct-2011) выходит за границы диапазона, указанного в поле "Invoice date" (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011).
#9. Логотип компании "taulia" в верхнем, левом углу страницы: нет линка для перехода на домашнюю страницу компании (курсор при наведении на него не меняет свой вид на "палец").
#10. Поле "Amount:" : не указан тип вносимых данных. Заменить лейбл на "Amount ($):".Last edited by Katkov740; 04-05-2022, 03:18 AM.
#1. In the column "Invoce #" the letter is missing "Invoice"
#2. The button "Actions" is missing in the 11 row
#3. Page 5 is missing from the search results
#4. "Search my invoices" the label comes with a colon ( : ) at the end
#5. The format of the search date "Invoice date" (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011) Inconsistency the format in the search results "Inv. Date" (29-Aug-2011)
#6. "Results per page" - 10, "Showing 422 invoices" - 11 rows
#7. In "Showing 422 invoices": 422 is lager than 32 pages
#8. In the column "Status" in row 4, the tooltip is incorrectly written
#9. Inconsistency in column "Amount" ascending order
#10. Clicking on the logo does not return to the home page
#1 Missed colon character in all labels except "From amount:" in the "Search my invoices" form.
#2 Suddgesion: textbox "From amount:" should have a number filter.
#3 Misspelled the first column title: "Invoice #" instead of "Invoce".
#4 "Due date" column data is not in data format.
#5 "PO #" column data is in data format.
#6 In the "Amount" column sorting order violated: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00".
#7 Inconsistency in the "Amount" column between actual sorting order and direction of the arrow next to the column title.
#8 The title of the last column (Actions) is missing.
#9 The "Type" column is redundant since all searching results are the same type "Invoice".
#10 In the fourth row of the "Status" column replace the tooltip with "Paid".
#11 In the 11th row "Actions" button is missing.
#12 Link to page "5" is missing in the search result of pages.
#13 Search results should display 10 results instead of 11 (as per the "Results per page" listbox).
#14 32 pages are not enough to accommodate 422 search results.
#1. Search by Due Date is omitted in block "Search my invoices".
#2. The website not responsive to fit screen resolution 1920x1080 or higher.
#3. Fifth table heading: replace "PO #" with "Purchase order #". (The non-expert user will have no problem understanding these descriptive row and column headers.)
#4. Table structure is worded inconsistently so prevent users to quickly scan and compare data.
#5. Underscore in column names is redundant since they are not links.
#6. Favicon is omitted.
#7. Unit of measurement is omitted in label "From amount".
#8. In block "Search in my accounts" there is no difference between required and optional data entry fields.
#9. Top menu font size: replace with 12px.
#10. Column "Invoices" account numbers are assigned inconsistently (no increment by Invoice date, numbers are assigned randomly ).Last edited by evkalinka; 04-05-2022, 10:34 AM.
#1. Different date formats in the Section "Search my invoice" (mm/dd/yyyy) and "Results" (dd - MMM - yyyy)
#2. "Due Date" column data is not in a common date format
#3. The data in the "PO #" column is in a date format that does not match the invoice number
#4. Invalid search results in the table: "Inv. Date" the 7th row of the date column outputs a date (October 1, 2011) that is out of range (5/06/2011 - 30/09/2011)
#5. Incorrect tooltip at the column "Status" line 4: "Approved" intead of "Paid".
#6. Missing Tooltip for "binocular" icon: In "Search my invoices". Solution: add missing Tooltip "Find" for "binocular" icon.
#7. Invalid search results in the table: "PO #" the 11th row of the date column outputs a date (October 31, 2011) that is out of range (5/06/2011 - 30/09/2011)
#8. Suggestion: replace "Profile" with the user name in the right top corner of the page
#9. Incorrect sign of sort at the heading of "Amount" column: Sorting in the table is ascending, but arrow sign shows descending sort
#10. Suggestion: In search parameters in the field: "Invoice date" add the word "from"
1. Inconsistency: Срок действия счетов в строках 2, 3 и 10 один месяц + 1 день. В остальных строках ровно 1 месяц.
2. Дата выставления счета 1122339546 (1-Oct-2011) не соответствует заданному диапазону при поиске (6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011).
3. Формат данных в столбце "Due Date" не является форматом даты. Возможно перепутаны заголовки столбцов "Due Date" и "PO #".
4. Inconsistency: Формат дат в разделе "Search my invoices" не совпадает с форматом дат в разделе “Showing invoices”.
5. В четвертой строке столбца "Status" заменить всплывающую подсказку с "Approved" на "Paid".
6. Suggestion: В разделе "Showing invoices" выровнить содержимое столбцов по центру или заголовки по левому краю.
7. Заголовок первого столбца заменить с "Invoce #" на "Invoice #".
8. В первой строке столбца "Status" ошибка в слове "Rejcted". Правильно будет "Rejected".
9. Количество строк в выдаче поиска 11, что не соответствует заданным параметрам поиска (10).
10. В заголовке "From amount:" отсутствует указание на единицы измерения вводимого значения. Возможно стоит добавить к заголовку символ "$".
#1. Suggestion: Make page numbers active links
#2. Main menu in the header: when moving the arrow to other buttons, the "Invoices" button remains active
#3. Suggestion: replace the column title "Inv.Date" with "Invoice Date" to ensure consistency
#4. "Payment" column data has a non-standard format
#5. Suggestion: In the "Search my invoices" block, include the "Payment" section, since it is in the search results
Last edited by ElenaBolycheva; 04-05-2022, 03:57 AM.
Taulia Bug Report
#1. Titles: "Due date" and "PO #" could be switched between each other. Or data in these 2 columns to be revised as they don’t correspond with its titles
#2. Inconsistency and different date formats between the "Invoice Date" text field: MM/DD/YYYY (for example: 6/5/2011) and "PO #" column: DD-MM-YYYY (for example: 28-Sep-2011)
#3. Currency data in the "Amount" column are left-sided. Is it better to align it to the right side?
#4. Suggestion: “Status" title could have dropdown sorting arrow
#5. Suggestion: "Invoice Date" textfield could have dropdown sorting (calendar) arrow
#6. Data in the "Due date" column shows the same number '40988' in many rows. Is it correct?
#7. Suggestion: “Actions” buttons column in the rightmost corner of the table missing the title above
#8. In the fourth row of the “Status” column, tooltip shows ‘Approved’ instead of ‘Paid’
#9. Page # 5 is missing at the bottom enumeration page search results
#10. Last 11th row #1122338095 is extra because the table should reflect only 10 results/page
Все равно кажется что коряво, но честно пытался соответствовать всем правилам написания bug report
1. "Due Date" column data is not in a common date format
2. "PO #" column data is not a common number format
3. "Inv. Date" rows #7 : "1-Oct-2011" date is outside of range (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011) specifield in "Invoice date" field
4. Textbox "Invoice number" allows to typing letter and special character
5. Textbox "From amount:" & "to" allows to typing letter and special character
6. Showing form is not contain colum "Due Date"
7. "Search my invoices" is not contain textbox "Payment"
8. Range elements form "Search my invoices" with сonsistency showing form
9. Textbox "Invoice date" & "to" replace on the dropbox calendar
10. Tooltip for "binocular" icon in "Search my invoices" is missing
Было раньше
1. "Purchase order" и "Due Date" data of the rows mixed up
2. "Invoice date" given 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 in "Inv. Date" show 1-Oct-2011
3. Textbox "Invoice number" allows you to enter letter and special character, but format digital
4. Textbox "From amount:" & "to" allows you to enter letter and special character, but format digital
5. No search parameters on the field "Due Date" ( отсуствует поиск по параметру "Due Date" )
6. No search parameters on the field "Payment" ( отсуствует поиск по параметру "Payment" )
7. Range search parameters with сonsistency в Showing forms ( сделай по сортировку параметров поиска в соотвествии с showing или наоборот)
8. "Invoice number" add calendar
9. Delete character binoculars, because there is button "Search"
10. Tab is a not correctly working
11. Uncorrectly format data in "Payment"
1) Column 'Payment': missing ":" between hours and minutes.
2) "Invoice# 1122338095": incorrect time value for minutes (over 59)
3) "Status Column, first row: "Rejcted" replace with "Rejected"
4) Inconsistency in labels: "Invoice number" - "Invoce #" & "Purchase order" - "PO #"
5) 'Amount' heading has wrong specified direction of triangle.
6) Missing button 'Actions' for the last result.
7) Paginator missing link to page 5.
8) Button "Hide search parameters" missing tringale icon.
9) Suggestion: remove year in "Payment' column.
10) Suggestion: align column titles to center in "Showing 422 invoices"
#1. 11 rows is displayed in the table, although "Results per page" was set=10.
#2. Page with number "5" is missing under "Showing invoices" table.
#3. "$22,409.37" value is displayed before "$22,376.00" value in "Amount" column, although Ascending sorting order is applied.
#4. "Actions" button is missing in the last row in the table.
#5. Column "Inv. Date" have row with date is out of selected date range (1-Oct-2011) of "Invoice date".
#6. "Amount" arrow image display "Descending" sorting order in the table, although results displays with "Ascending" order.
#7. The number of "Showing invoices" (422) is more then quantity of all invoices on 32 pages (32*11=352).
#8. Mispelling words "Invoce #" and "Rejcted" in the table.
#9. Inconsistency between format date in "Invoice date" form fields and "Inv. Date" column in the table.
#10. Inconsistency between tooltip and column "Status" for 4 row, "Status"="Paid", but tooltip="Approved".Last edited by Sergyz; 04-05-2022, 04:04 AM.
#1. 422 search results are too much to fit in 32 pages
#2. Row #11: "Actions" button is missing in the rightmost column
#3. "Status" column: replace "rejcted" with "rejected" in the first row
#4. Misspeled word in the leftmost column title
#5. Link to page "5" is missing in the search results of pages
#6. "Amount" label: currency indication "($)" should be added
#7. The top right corner of the screen: display user name next to the "Logout" link
#8. "Search my invoices": each label should be provided with the colon caracter at the end
#9. Remove "Type" column from the table. There are the same type (invoice) of all search results in the table
#10. Provide "binocular" icon with the tooltip in "Search my invoices"
#1. Misspelling the "Your Customer" folder tab title. Replace with "Your Customers".
#2. "Search my invoices" section / "Invoice date" fields: add the label "from:" for the first date field.
#3. Inconsistency value formatting "From amount:"/"to" search fields versus "Amount" column of the search result. Use a single format for date values.
#4. Inconsistency "Invoices" folder tab title vs "Search my invoices" section title. Use the "Search invoices" title.
#5. Inconsistency buttons height of "Search"/ "Actions" buttons.
#6. Add the Reset button to the "Search my invoices" section.
#7. "Search my invoices" section: add the Clear button for the "Purchase order" field.
#8. "Search my invoices" section: add the Calendar button for the "Invoice date" fields.
#9. Add a label for the pagination control of the search result.
#10. Add an indication for applying the search values to the search result section.