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Taulia postmortem bugs

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  • 1. "Actions" button is missing in #11 line.
    2. Random amount in lines: #7, #8
    3. "Results per page" should be 10, but it has 11 lines
    4. Colon is just in "From amount"
    5. Invoice date is from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011. October in line #7.
    6. 422 invoices can't fit in 32 pages
    7. Page #5 is missing
    8. Binocular icon is not on it's place
    9. Typo in "Rejected". It's "Rejcted"
    10: Typo in "Invoce #"
    11: Probably "Next" button is missing near pages
    12: Need to fix space from "Invoce #" to "Payment#"
    13: "Search" button is probably not on it's place


    • Taulia Bugs report (

      #1. Necessary to swap the header on the columns “Inv. Date #” on “Due Date #” on the “Showing 422 invoices” table

      #2. The invoice with the date “1-Oct-2011” should not be present on the column “Inv. Date #” because was selected date to “9/30/2011”

      #3. The column “Due Date #” repeats 7 times the same date of invoices “40988 #”

      #4. The column “Due Date #” repeats 2 times the same date of invoices “30998 #”

      #5. The whole rows on the column "PO #" don't have date consistency

      #6.”Invoce #” column does not have data consistency

      #7. “Inv.Date #” column does not have date consistency

      #8. On the column “PO #” all rows should have correct date format “Sep-28-2011”

      #9. Enumeration search of numbers has wide distance between the numbers 1 and 2

      #10. On the “Status #” column is “Rejcted” with the mistake “rejected”

      #11. Please replace on the column “Status #” the row rejected it has a mistake

      #12. The value in the column Status has a mistake. Should be Rejected instead of Rejcted

      #13. Tooltip for the binocular icon in “Search my invoices” is missing.

      #14. Align in the middle all column titles

      #15. The “Invoice number #” field should be write-only digits

      #16. “From amount: #” and “to #” fields should be write-only digits

      #17. “Actions #” buttons are disabled

      #18. “From amount: #” field should be have “from” position

      #19. “Invoice date #” field should be have “from” position

      #20. “Logo #” on the main page is not available

      #21. The “Payment #” column has incorrect date and time

      #22. On the left corner below to transition to the new pages is not impossible


      • #1. Incorrect tool tip in the status row in the fourth line, 'Paid' icon.
        #2. Inconsistency in amount column, there is incorrect sorting, should be from high to low.
        #3. In “Search my invoices” It is necessary to add colon characters in each label.
        #4. “Due date” column has incorrect format.
        #5. "PO" column has incorrect format.
        #6. There is a suggestion that "Due date" should be substituted with "PO" column.
        #7. There is insufficient quantity of pages, 32 pages is not enough to contain all invoices.
        #8. Numbering: there is a missing page number 5.
        #9. Diskette icon: revision is required, its tool tip may be incorrect.
        #10. The word "Invoce" must be replaced with “Invoice” in the first column.


        • Taulia postmortem bugs

          #1. The web page is centered. Part of the available screen space (left and right side) is not used. //("Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines").

          #2. The organization’s logo on the top of the web page has not a link to the homepage (the cursor does not change shape when a user has placed it over the logo). //("Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines").

          #3. Navigation tabs ('Home', 'Invoices', 'Purchase Orders', 'Payments', 'My Details', 'Cash Planner', 'Your Customer'), located at the top of the page don't looks like real-world tabs. //("Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines").

          #4. Labels: 'Invoice number', 'Customer', 'Purchase order', 'From amount:', 'Invoice date', 'Invoice status', 'Results per page' are not close to their associated data entry fields. //("Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines").

          #5.'Download list' and 'Refresh' buttons have no frames that must remain visible on the screen. //("Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines").

          #6. Text in the heading of column 'Invoce #' should be replaced with 'Invoice #'.

          #7. The column with the 'Actions' buttons doesn't have a 'Heading'.

          #8. Suggestion: the 'Search' button should be under the 'Results per page' label'.

          #9. After pushing the 'Binocular' button the web page is refreshed.

          #10. Suggestion: Headings of columns ('Invoce #', 'Type', 'Inv. Date', 'Due Date', 'PO #', 'Amount', 'Status', 'Payment') should have left align, like data in their columns.
          Last edited by Aleks Bel; 04-13-2022, 01:36 PM.



            #1. "Actions" button is missing in the row #11
            #2. 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search resaults
            #3. Search resaults should display 10 rows ( as per "Resaults per page" listbox),not 11
            #4. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
            #5. "Type" colum is redundant since all the search results are same type (invoice)
            #6. Sorting order violation in "Amount" Column: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00", not above
            #7. "Amaunt" column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order ( ascending)and the direction given by the arrow next tothe column title
            #8. Leftmost column title: replace "Invoce#" with "Invoice#"
            #9. Misspelled word in first row/"Status" column "Rejcted" replace with "Rejected"
            #10. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page "5" is missing
            #11. "Search my invoces": provide all the lable with colon character at the and
            #12. Invoices list: column headers are alligned to the center/right, data is alligned to the left
            #13. in the invoice date line, the date is not deleted as in the Frome amount line


              1. Suggestion: assign “Actions” title to the column with “ACTIONS” buttons in the search results table.
              2. Mouse pointer doesn’t get switched to finger-type pointer when hovering over “ACTIONS” buttons in the search results table.
              3. Suggestion: add a calendar icon link next to the text box against the “Invoice date” label in the “Search my invoices” field.
              4. Binocular icon link is missing next to the “Invoice number” label in the “Search my invoices” field.
              5. Suggestion: “Next page”/ “Previous page” links are to be added next to the page switching links in the left-bottom of the screen.
              6. Suggestion: add arrow links next to every column title in the search results table for the possibility to sort the search result data in the ascending/descending order.
              7. The spacing between links to pages 1 and 2 is different compare to others in the left-bottom page’s links row.
              8. Product LOGO image on the page is missing the link to the Home page.
              9. Inconsistency in the date formats: Invoice date” field (6/5/2011) & “Inv. Date” column (5-Jun-2011).
              10. Search results should display 10 rows (as per “Results per page” listbox) , not 11 as it is.


              • TAULIA BUG REPORTS
                1 Provide all labels in "Search my invoices" colon character at the end
                2 Replace label "From amount:" to two labels "Amount" "from:"
                3 Add label "from:" at the right at label "Invoice date"
                4 Change name of the first column from "Invoce #" to "Invoice #"
                5 Change word "Rejcted" at the first string in "Status" column to the "Rejected"
                6 The second column "Type" is redundant, since all types is invoices
                7 11th line is redundant since "Results per page" should be 10
                8 7th line is redundant since date "1-Oct-2011" is does not match with search parameters
                9 The button "Actions" is missing at the 11th line
                10 Column title is missing at the last column


                • TAULIA BUG REPORTS:

                  1. Заголовок первого столбца "Invoce #" заменить на "Invoice #" / First column heading "Invoce #" replaced by "Invoice #"

                  2. Количество рядов (11) в таблице, не соответствует значению поиска ("Results per page" = 10) / Number of rows (11) in the table, inconsistency value search ("Results per page" = 10)

                  3. В рядах 7 ("$22,409.37") и 8 ("$22,376.00") столбца "Amount" нарушение порядка сортировки (По возрастанию) / In the rows 7 ("$22,409.37") and 8 ("$22,376.00") column "Amount" inconsistency sorting (Ascending order)

                  4. В 11 ряду отсутствует кнопка "Actions" / In the 11 row is absent button "Actions"
                  5. В таблице отсутствует 5 страница / In the table is absent 5 page

                  6. Предположение: Количество рядов в таблице (32 page х 10 rows = **320** rows) не соответствует результату поиска "Showing **422** invoices" / Suggestion: Number of rows in the table (32 page х 10 rows = **320** rows) inconsistency search result "Showing **422** invoices"

                  7. В столбце "Amount" значок сортировки (По убыванию) не соответствует результату сортировки (По возрастанию) / In the table "Amount" character sorting (Decsending order) inconsistency search result (Ascending order)


                  • 1) В поле "Invoice date", Сортировка указана с 6/5/2011до 9/30/2011 Результаты даны и за более поздние даты.
                    2) Надо поменять местами названия в столбцах "Due Date" и "PO #".
                    3) В меню "Search my invoice" в параметре "Results per page", предоставлено только единственное значение "10". Ни большего ,ни меньшего значения нет. При этом галочка дает понять, что есть выбор дополнительных пунктов.
                    4) В нумерации страниц, вместо многоточия , указаны две точки.
                    5) В меню "Search my invoices" в параметре "Invoice status" нет выбора значения, кроме "All". Ничего другого не выбрать. При этом галочка дает понять, что есть выбор дополнительных пунктов.
                    6) Столбец "Type" лишний, тк там прописывается , что выданы результаты "Invoice". На данной странице ничего другого выдано не может быть. Поэтому дублирование лишнее.
                    7) В перечисление нумерации страниц, отсутствует 5 страница.
                    8) В "Results per page", указано, чтобы было 10 результатов на странице. Выдано 11.
                    9) В 11 строке отсутствует кнопку "Actions" надо ее добавить.
                    10) В результатах показано 422 инвойса. При этом дано 32 страницы с 10 результатами на каждой. Не сходится сумма результатов.


                    • #1 Tooltip for "binocular" icon in "Search my invoices" is missing
                      #2 There is no sorting arrow in column titles: "Inv. Date","Due Date","Status","Status"
                      #3 Invoice 1122339546: the "1-Oct-2011" date is outside of range (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011) specified in"Invoice date" fields
                      #4 Numbers in "Amount" column must be aligned to rigth not to left
                      #5 There is no sorting arrow in column titles: "Inv. Date","Due Date","Status","Status"
                      #6 Put ":" between hours and minutes in "Payment" column
                      #7 "Download List": icon image (diskette) is not consistent with its tooltip (download)
                      #8 There is no arrow "Next page " in the pages row
                      #9 There is no arrow in "Hide search parameters" title
                      #10 In "Payment" column in row #11 time have 88 minutes that is impossible


                      • 1) All labels of functional fields in area between title "Search my invoices" and button "Search" are dissimilar. Pay attention on special mark ":".
                        2) Incorrect work functional field of row "Purchase order". The functional field must react only numbers.
                        3) Two functional fields of row "From amount:" has over function. Just need a function for writes numbers and special marcs “.” or ”,”.
                        4) First column in table has an error in title "Invoice #".Need change title "Invoice #" on "Invoice #".
                        5) Pages number field has an error, does not have page number 5.
                        6) 32 pages not enought for accomodate 422 invoices messages.
                        7) Title of table “Showing 422 invoices” must change on title ""Showing 1-10 0f 422 invoices".
                        8) Tipe of writed dates in column "Inv. Date" in the table is not the same like in functional fields "Inv. Date".
                        9) Was changed places of titles columns "Due Date" and "PO #".
                        10) Numbers of rows in the table is not the same like in a functional field of "Results per page".
                        11) Guise of writed dates in column " Due Date" in the table is not the same like in functional fields " Inv. Date ".
                        12) Sequence of amounts in column "Amount" in the table is inconsistency to direction of special character "arrow".
                        13) 11 row does not have button "Actions".
                        14) Error of sequence between two rows amounts. Row 7-8 in column "Amount".
                        15) Column "Inv. Date" of table have dates not in borders searches results. Over dates.
                        16) Row 11 is excessive.
                        Last edited by Yurii Shcherbyna; 04-23-2022, 11:32 AM.


                        • TAULIA BUG REPORT
                          #1. "Actions" button is missing in the row #11
                          #2. Page #5 is missing
                          #3. Results on the page should be shown to 9/30/2011, but the results are shown up to october 2011
                          #4. Dates are specified wrong in the column "Inv. Date": month is specified after number of the day
                          #5. Dates are specified wrong in the column "PO #": month is specified after number of the day
                          #6. In the column "Status" replace "Rejcted" for "Rejected"
                          #7. In the column "Amount": amounts are not centered
                          #8. 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results
                          #9. Search results should display 10 rows (as per "Results per page" listbox), not 11
                          #10. Leftmost column title: replace "Invoce #" for "Invoice #"


                          • #1 It seems like column label "Due Date" should be placed insted of label "PO#"
                            #2 Enumeration of search result pages: extra space between page number "1" and "2"
                            #3 Column "Status" row 4: wrong text in the "Paid" tooltip.
                            #4 The text-align of the first table row should be changed to "center"
                            #5 Filter block and table have different date and time data types
                            #6 Dropdowm list for label "Results per page" has only one item.
                            #7 Enumeration of a search result pages should have "next" character
                            #8 "Result per page" listbox should desplay 10 rows, not 11
                            #9 Misculculation in "Showing 422 invoices: 32 pages is not enought to accomodate 422 results.
                            #10 According to date "1-Oct-2011", invoice 1122339546 is out of the search range "6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011"


                            • 1. In listbox drop-down column "Customer" has been only one customer.
                              2. Date format mismatch between row "Invoice date" in "Search my invoices" and columns "Inv. Date", "PO #"
                              3. In #1 row misspelled word: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
                              4. Enumaration search result of pages, panning between 1 and 2 pages.
                              5. In search result row #11 "Actions" button is missing.
                              6. Column "Amount" showing sorting ascending order, rows #7 and #8 is not sorted
                              7. Invalid date format search result "Payment" column in row #11 "2011-1488"
                              8. Suggestion: provide special character colon separating hours and minutes in column "Payment"
                              9. Wrong tooltip while on hover search result in row #4 column "Status": replace "Approved" with "Paid"
                              10. Column title in #1 column: replace "Invoce" with "Invoice".
                              11. "Due Date" and "PO #" columns has incorrect format.
                              12. To navigation between pages: add buttons "Next", "Previous"
                              Last edited by Dastonbek; 04-30-2022, 02:46 AM.


                              • 1. "Search my invoices" provide all the label with a colon character at the end;
                                2. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices";
                                3. Lefmost column replace: "Invoce #" with "Invoice #";
                                4. Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" field - 6/5/2011 and "Inv. Date" column 29-Aug-2011;
                                5. "Due Date" column information does not match column name;
                                6. "PO #" column information does not match column name. Suggest replacing the column name "PO #" with "Due Date" and "Due Date" with "PO #";
                                7. Inconsistency descending order in column "Amount";
                                8. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00" not above;
                                9. Column "Status": replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected";
                                10. "Actions" button is missing in the row #11;
                                11. Search results should display 10 rows (as per "Results per page", listbox) not 11;
                                12. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page "5" is missing;
                                13. 32 pages is not enough to accomadate 422 search results.

