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Taulia postmortem bugs

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  • #16
    #1. The words "rejcted and "invoce" are misspelled. Should be: "rejected" (1st row of column "Status") and "Invoice" (leftmost column heading)
    #2. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
    #3. "Actions" button is missing in row 11
    #4. Punctuation is not sufficient. "Search my invoices" titles should be followed by a column character in each (8 cases)
    #5. Add currency indication to the "Amount" label: e.g. "($)"
    #6. Date format is inappropriate: Inv.Date & it should be either MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY, not mixed type (9/30/2011 in the "invoice date" search field vs. 5-June-2011 in the "" column). Suggestion: Stick to common date format
    #7. Sorting order violation:
    a) Inconsistency in sorting order: column "Amount" is sorted by ascending, but the instruction is violated
    b) Inconsistency in sorting order of "date": Invoice 1122339546, some dates are from other date range: 1-Oct-2011 is beyond the range "6/05/2011-9/30/2011" specified in "Invoice date" fields
    #8. In "Search my invoices" icon "binocular" is missing
    #9. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page "5" is missing
    #10. Data input fields are substituted: data in columns "Due date" and "PO #" are substituted.
    Last edited by Tory LVR; 04-04-2022, 09:25 PM.


    • #17
      #1. Mismatch: ''Download List" icon is looking as "save as" icon
      #2. Suggestion: label "From amount" replace " Amount" and left of first field write "From;"
      #3. Mismatch; label "Invoice date" field interval and row 7th "Inv. Date" column
      #4. Mismatch column "Inv. Date" format and label "Invoice date" format
      #5. Add Row 11th "Actions" button
      #6. Add page 5 in Page field
      #7. Replace: 1st row "Status" Rejcted with Rejected
      #8. Replace: 4th row "Status "icon's tooltip "Approved" with "paid"
      #9. Replace: column title " Invoce #" with "Invoice#"
      #10. Replace column title "Amount" descending arrow with ascending arrow that consistent the order


      • #18
        1. In the link page down below replace ".." (two dots) to "..." (three dots)
        2. In "Search my invoices" invoice date ranges between "6/5/2011" and 9/30/2011 but column "PO #" shows invoices out of this range
        3. Remove underline in the titles of the table "Showing 422 invoices" if they are not links
        4. Replace date format order in "Inv.Date" column from "dd/mm/yyyy" to "mm/dd/yyyy"
        5. Name of label "Invoice date" should be renamed to "Invoice date from"
        6. Date format in label "Invoice date" is not consistent with "PO #" column
        7. Replace name of the label "From amount:" to "Amount from:"
        8. Column "PO #" and "Due Date" should be switched with places
        9. Line height in 11th row is not the same with the height of other rows
        10. In "Search my invoices" invoice date ranges between June and September but column "Inv.Date" shows invoices for October
        11. Date format in label "Invoice date" is not consistent with "Inv.Date" column
        12. Replace date format order in "PO #" column from "dd/mm/yyyy" to "mm/dd/yyyy"


        • #19

          1. In the word “invoice” in the name of the first column of the table, the letter “I” is missing between the letters “o” and “c”: replace “invoce#” with “invoice#”.
          2. In the word “Rejicted” in the table (2nd row 7th column) is missing the letter “e” between the letters “j” and “c”: replace “Rejcted” with “Rejected”.
          3. In the header and in the table of the document, different formats are used to write dates.
          4. In the header of the document in the listbox “Invoice number” there is no button for selecting an invoice from the invoice directory.
          5. In the header of the document in the listbox “Purchase order” there is no button for selecting an order from the order directory.
          6. The header of the document contains the listbox “Purchase order”. But in the table of the document , the corresponding column is called: “PO#”. For ease of reading and understanding , it would be correct to bring them to one name.
          7. There is no listbox “Payment” with a choice in the header of the document. This information is displayed in the table. That is, there is no match between the header and the table.
          8. There is no listbox “Due date” with a choice in the header of the document. This information is displayed in the table. That is, there is no match between the header and the table.
          9. In the header of the document , 10 rows were selected in the “Results per page” listbox, and 11 rows are displayed in the table. Failure to meet selection criteria.
          10. In the header of the document in the listbox “Invoice date” there are 2 fields for selecting date intervals “from” and “to”. But the word “from” is not written before the first field. That is, the logical structure is broken.
          11. Almost in all labels, except for “From amount”, there is no “:” sign. It’s not up to standard. Inconsistency.
          12. In the “Ammount” column, in the table, all values are monetary terms. It would be logical to center them on the dividing point for ease of reading and understanding.
          13. In the “Ammount” column, in the table, a button with a black triangle shows sorting from largest to smallest. But in fact, the column is sorted from smallest to largest.
          14. In the “Ammount” column, in the table, rows 8 and 9 are reversed. Based on the meaning of sort in this column, the data in the 8th row (“$22,409.37”) should be less than the data in the 9th row (‘$22,376.00”).
          15. The 11 last row of the table the “Actions” button is missing.
          16. The table does not have a column with the data “Customer”, and this label with listbox are present in the document header. Mismatch.
          17. In the table in columns 4 (“Due Data”) and 5 (“PO#”) the data of the columns are swapped. That is, column 4 contains data from the 5th column and vice versa.
          18. At the footer of the table, when listing the numbers of received pages, link to page 5 is missing.
          19. The “Showing invoices” selection in table indicates 422 invoices. Given the stated condition: 10 invoices per page, should getting 43 pages. And at the footer of the document it is reported that pages turned out to be 32.


          • #20
            #1. Search result should display 10 row (as per "result per page" listbox) , not 11
            #2. "Action" button is missing in the row 11
            #3. Misspelled word in first row/"Status" colomn
            #4. Search my invoices": provide all the label with the colon character at the end
            #5. Sortting order violation in "Amount" colomn: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00" , not above
            #6. Leftmost colomn title: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"
            #7. 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results
            #8. Invoice 1122339546: the "1-Oct-2011" date is outside of range (6/5/2011-9/30/2-11) specified "Invoice date" fields
            #9. Product logo image on the page is missing link to the Home Page
            #10. "Due Date" colomn data is not in a common data format


            • #21

              #12. Text field “Invoice number” has to take only numbers.

              #13. When pointing cursor at "Actions" button it doesn't change to a hand.

              #14. Inconsistency in format of date in text fields (Search my invoices / invoice date) and Search results (“Inv. Date” and “PO#” columns).

              #15. The data in columns “PO#” and “Due Date” does not correspond to the name of the column. With places for column names.

              #16. Replace “Rejcted” with “ Rejected” in the first row of the Search results of the “Status” column.

              #17. A ToolTip in the fourth row invoice status does not correspond to the actual status.

              #18. When pointing on binoculars icon there is no ToolTip.
              Last edited by TheRightTimer; 04-05-2022, 12:39 PM.


              • #22
                In an effort to succeed I made more than 10:
                #1 UI Inconsistency: Spaces between vertical bar characters "|" and items are different in the header (above the navigation menu). Suggestion: Between "|" and items: remove spaces, or add missing spaces.
                #2 UI suggestion: After element "Hide search parameters" is't better to add a little squares button with the character "-" inside, and on Press Button change this character to "+", collapse "Search my invoices" block and replace "Hide search parameters" with "Show search parameters". On the next button Press - return everything back.
                #3 Inconsistency: Different data types are using in "search my invoices" (DD/MM/YYYY) and in all date results in table (DD-MM-YYYY where MM is not a number)
                #4 Suggestion: Table column titles: it's better to shift the positions from "right" to "center"
                #5 Inconsistency: Missing column title with buttons "Actions". Suggestion: Add column title "Actions" to the rightmost column.
                #6 Suggestion: rightmost column in the results table: The position of buttons "Actions" better shift from "left" to "right" cells position.
                #7 Inconsistency: Table data in the column "Due Date" incorrect (Date type expected, not a Number).
                #8 Inconsistency: Table data in the column "PO #" incorrect (Type number expected, not a Date type).
                #9 UI suggestion: Add a missing small sorting arrow after column titles "Inv. Date" and "Due Date"
                #10 UI suggestion: Table results header: Add missing "Print" button with icon between "Download list" and "Refresh"
                #11 UI suggestion: Table results bottom: Add missing button "<- Previous" before numbers of pages at the bottom of the table and missing button "Next ->" after.
                #12 Incorrect data in table results. In the results table should not be a row with the "Invoce#" (1122339546) and the "Invoice Date" (1-Oct-2011). The "1-Oct-2011" date is outside of range (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011) specified in "Invoice date" fields.
                #13 UI suggestion: Add missing first column with index number.
                #14 Suggestion: Add "Customer" column in table results. It will help improve the user's work with invoices downloaded lists of different customers.
                #15 In "Search my invoices": replace label "From amount:" with "Amount ($)"
                #16 In "Search my invoices": Add label "From:" before text field (id="grossAmountLower") and text field (id="invoiceDateLower_datePicker")
                #17 Misspelled column title "Invoce #": In results table. Solution: replace "Invoce #" with of "Invoice #";
                #18 Missing Tooltip for "binocular" icon: In "Search my invoices". Solution: add missing Tooltip "Find" for "binocular" icon.
                #19 UI suggestion: Add missing label "Find" after "binocular" icon: In "Search my invoices"
                #20 Missing link for image Logo: In the rightmost corner on the header of the page. Solution: Add link to the project Home Page for Logo image.
                #21 "Download List": icon image (diskette) is not consistent with its tooltip (download). Solution: replace diskette icon with download icon.
                #22 UI Suggestion: In the table results header: Rename "Download List" with "Download Table results"


                • #23
                  #1. Fields in label "Ammount": change formats to currency (such as in the column "Ammount" in search results table).

                  #2. Title of row "PO #": To avoid abbreviatours replace it to "Purchase order #"

                  #3. Suggestion: Take default input focus to field "Invoice number"

                  #4. Take as a default button "Search".

                  #5. Inconsistency in buttons: "Actions" pointer is not the pulm cursor.

                  #6. Violation in values' formats in search results table: "Due date" values are not in date format

                  #7. Violation in values' formats in search results table: "PO #" values are not in common format

                  #8. Suggestion: "Due date" column is probably redundant since there are not this data in "Search my invoices".

                  #9. The row #7 in the column "Inv. Date" ("1-Oct-2011") is not matched to the range in fields of the label "Invoice date".

                  #10. Inconsistency in enumeration search results of pages: redundant space after link "1".

                  #11. Suggestion: Mark required entry fields.


                  • #24
                    #1 Mismatch in "PO #" column: column title contains "#" but values in cells are in common date format
                    #2 Mismatch in "Due Date" column: values in cells are not in common date format
                    #3 Inconsistency between the date format in the "Invoice date" edit boxes (6/5/2011) and the 3dr and 5th columns of the search results table (5-Jun-2011)
                    #4 Suggestion: replace "Profile" with the user name in the right top corner of the page
                    #5 Add "from" between the "Invoice date" label and the "Invoice date" edit box
                    #6 Replace the "From amount" label with "Amount" and "from" between the label and the edit box
                    #7 Add a currency character next to the "From amount" label
                    #8 Suggestion: apply the currency format to the "From amount" edit boxes (100.00 and 1,000,000.00)
                    #9 The "taulia" logo image in the left top corner of the page is missing a link to the home page
                    #10 Suggestion: add an "Actions" title for the rightmost column of the table


                    • #25
                      #1. Row #7 "Inv. Date" column is out of range("1-Oct-2011") as specified by "Invoice date" fields(from "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011")
                      #2. Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" field("6/5/2011") vs "Inv. Date" column("5-Jun-2011")
                      #3. "Amount" column results should be aligned by decimal point not by leftmost character
                      #4. Data displayed in "Due Date" column(for example: "100444") is inconsistent with column title
                      #5. Data displayed in "PO #" column(for example: "28-Sep-2011") is inconsistent with column title
                      #6. Row #4 "Status" column: tooltip text is "Approved" when icon is "Paid"
                      #7. "Search my invoices": inconsistency in naming between "Invoice status" label and "Status" column title
                      #8. Inconsistency in column titles alignment in Search Results Table
                      #9. Misspelled column title: "Invoce #" instead of "Invoice #"
                      #10 Search Results Table: 11 rows are displayed instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox


                      • #26
                        #1. Результат найденных "Invoice" содержит 11 строк, тогда как по условиям поиска строк должно быть 10.
                        #2. "Invoice" в 7 строке имеет дату "1-Oct-2011" что является нарушением условия поиска по дате "Invoice date" 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011.
                        #3. У "Invoice" # 1122338095 в строке 11 отсутствует кнопка "Actions".
                        #4. Название столбца 1 заменить: "Invoce #" на "Invoice #".
                        #5. Формат дат в столбце "Inv. Date" не соответствуют формату дат 6/5/2011, который указан в строке поиска "Invoice date".
                        #6. Отсутствует ссылка на 5 страницу результат поиска.
                        #7. Количество найденных "422 invoices" невозможно уместить в 32 страницах.
                        #8. В столбце "Amount" суммы Invoice упорядочены от наименьшей к наибольшей. Изменить от наибольшей к наименьшей согласно условию сортировки.
                        #9. Непоследовательность: Сумма столбца "Amount" в строке 7 больше суммы в строке 8.
                        #10. Не соответствует Tooltip иконки Paid строки 4 .


                        • #27
                          1. "Search my invoices" section: labels are missing colon at the end
                          2. Redundant "search" icon after "Purchase order" label
                          3. Data format in field Invoice date in "Search my invoices" section is different from format in field Invoice date in "Showing invoices" section
                          4. Misprint. Replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #" in leftmost column title
                          5. Wrong data in Due Date column.
                          6. Wrong data in PO # column.
                          7. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
                          8. 32 pages is not enough for showing 422 results
                          9. Search result should display 10 rows, not 11 rows (because "Results for page" = 10)
                          10. In "Inv. Date", "Due Date", "PO #", "Amount" columns data there should be right alignment
                          11. "Actions" button is missing in the last row #11
                          12. Page #5 is missing in search results
                          13. In "Amount" column data should be displayed in descending order, as the arrow next to label looks down
                          14. Inconsistency in data in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00"
                          15. Misspelling in "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
                          16. Remove extra space between 1 and 2 page numbers in search results
                          17. Wrong result is displayed in row #7: Inv. date "1-Oct-2011" does not match the search query of invoice date "from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011"
                          18. "Hide search parameters" link should be replaced with button or should be underlined (does not look clickable)
                          19. "Type" column is redundant as all the data shown is of the same type
                          20. "Search my invoices" section: "From amount" label should be replaced with "Amount"
                          21. Add "Next" and "Back" button after search results page numbers
                          22. "Showing 422 invoices" label should be provided with the colon at the end
                          23. Move "Search" button to the left side and align it with upper labels
                          24. Add sorting option to all the column titles in search results section


                          • #28
                            1. В колонке интерфейса (LABEL) отсутствуют знаки " : " .
                            2. В колонке интерфейса (LABEL) заменить " От суммы" на "Сумма от" .
                            3. Рядом с кнопкой "Поиск" отсутствует поисковая строка.
                            4. Кнопка "Обновить" не функциональна, а кнопка (биноколь) при нажатии обновляет страницу.
                            5. В колонке "Invoce #" заменить на "Invoice #".
                            6. "Номер заказа"(PO#) во всей колонке стоят даты, поменять местами колонку "Срок сдачи"(Deu data) на "Номер заказа"(PO#) .
                            7. 422 счета не достаточно для 32 страниц.
                            8. В колонке интерфейса заменить "Заказ на покупку" изменить на "№ заказа".(номер заказа).
                            9. Колонка "Тип" (Type) является лишней.
                            10. Логотип компании (в верхнем левом углу) не активен при наведении на него мышкой.


                            • #29
                              #1. Missplelling word on the heading of leftmost column: Should be "Invoice #" instead of "Invoce #"
                              #2. Incorrect number of lines in search results: In the table 11 lines instead of 10, as shown in the "Results per page" field of parameters
                              #3. Seven line of results is out of range: In parameters range is (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011) but in 7 line date is 1-Oct-2011
                              #4. Inconsistent date format in search parameters and search results: In parameters - 6/5/2011, in results - 1-Oct-2011
                              #5. Inconsistency in the label names of search parameters: "From amount" field has colon at the end, but on the other labels - doesn't.
                              #6. "From amount" label should has a currency symbol: For example "From amount ($)"
                              #7. Incorrect sign of sort at the heading of "Amount" column: Sorting in the table is ascending, but arrow sign shows descending sort
                              #8. Inconsistency of sorting order at the "Amount" column: Sum at the 7 line larger than at 8. Should be conversely
                              #9. Missplelling word on the coloumn "Status" line 1: "Rejcted" instead of "Rejected"
                              #10. Incorrect tooltip at the coloumn "Status" line 4: "Approved" intead of "Paid"


                              • #30
                                TAULIA BUG REPORT

                                1#. In part "Search my invoices" after each parameter provide labels
                                with the colon character.
                                2#. In the search parameters "Results per page" - 10,
                                but in the list of results - 11.
                                3#. Row 11 is missing the button "Actions"
                                4#. Numbers in the enumeration of pages with invoices are disabled.
                                There is no cursor or pointer finger.
                                5#. Different format date in search parameters "Invoice date"
                                and in the invoices results from the list in the 3rd and 5th column.
                                6#. In the 1st-row "Status" column wrong spelling world "Rejcted".
                                Change for "Rejected".
                                7#. In the results, list replace "showing 422 invoices" to
                                "showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".
                                8#. In the 4th-row "Status" column "Paid" has the wrong tooltip.
                                9#. In the first column misspelled name "Invoce#" replace with "Invoice#".
                                10#. The company logo is missing the link for Home Page.
                                Last edited by Tatka; 04-05-2022, 01:32 AM.

