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Taulia postmortem bugs

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  • 1. Should be a colon after labels in


    • 12. Showing 11 accounts per page instead of 10 when "Results per page" filter is set to "10".
      13. Section "Search in my accounts" label "Invoicing date": the word "from" is missing
      14. Section "From the amount:" the word "from" is missing
      15. In the column "Date of inv." the date "October 1, 2011" is displayed with the established range from 06/05/2011 to September 30, 2011
      16. Missing tooltip for binoculars icon in "Purchase order" line
      17. In the table, the format "date" in the columns "Date inv." and "order number" does not follow the format MM/DD/YYYY.
      18. Table columns and headings do not match in alignment
      19. There is an extra space after "1" in "Pagination".
      20. In the line "From the amount" in the value 1000000, a space or a dot is needed (it is visually inconvenient to determine)
      21. The "PO#" column data is displayed in the Due Date column.
      22. Pagination after 10 (..) missing another dot (...)
      23. Column name "Date Inv." (abbreviation) incomprehensible to the user
      24. In the line "Invoice date" the date 06/5/2011 is incorrectly indicated, according to the MM / DD / YYYY format, the date should be 06/05/2011
      25. There are extra spaces in the upper right corner after the links.


      • #1. "Due Date" column data is not in a common date format.
        #2. "PO #" column data is giveen in a data format - is that correct? It seems to be interchanged with "Due Data" column.
        #3. Invoice 1122339500; 1122339546; 1122339302 : the "22-Oct-2011" ; "31-Oct-2011" ; "13-Oct-2011" date is outside of range (6/5/2011-9/30/2011) specified in "Due Data" fields.
        #4. Link to page 5 is missing under the search results table.
        #5. Searh results table : 11 rows are shown instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox.
        #6. Leftmost column title: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #".
        #7. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".
        #8. Search results table: 11 row is missing the "Actions" button.
        #9.Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should gobelow "$22,376.00" , not above/
        #10. "Amount" column inconsistensy between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction given bu the arrow next to the column title.


        • 1. Указаны денежные выражения не в денежном формате (0,00) напротив лейбла "From amount:" секции "Search my invoices"
          2. Не указана валюта денежных средств рядом с лейблом "From amount:"
          3. Лейблом "Results per page" определено 10 row с результатами поиска, по факту в table "Showing 422 invoices" 11 row
          4. Отсутствуют character " " рядом с обозначениями column "Inv. Date" и "Due Date" для выстраивания invoices по датам
          5. Отсутствует единообразие в написании дат в поисковике "Search my invoices" и в результатах поиска table "Showing 422 invoices"
          6. В окне лейбла "Invoice date" отсутствует "..." (троеточие) для возможности выбора даты из календаря
          7. Отсутствуют двоеточия после лейблов в секции "Search my invoices"
          8. Допущена ошибка в названии column "Invoce #" секции "Search my invoices". Надо заменить на "Invoice #"
          9. Отсутствует кнопка " " рядом с обозначением column "Invoce #" для выстраивания invoices по номерам.
          10. В четвертом row, column "Status" во всплывающем тултип неверное значение "Apprоved". Надо заменить на "Paid"


          • 1. Should be a colon after labels in "Search my invoices".
            2. Inconsistency between format date in "Search my invoices" MM/DD/YY and format date in column "Inv. Date" DD-MM-YY.
            3. Page #5 is missing in "Showing 422 invoices".
            4. "Inv. Date", row #7, the date "1-Oct-2011" doesn't correspond the search range in "Invoice date".
            5. In "Showing 422 invoices": 11 rows instead of 10 rows (according to "Results per page").
            6. Misspelled word "Rejected" in "Status" column, 1th row.
            7. "Status" column, row #4, "Approved" tooltip should be replaced by "Paid" tooltip.
            8. The number of pages cannot accommodate the number of search results.
            9. In "Amount" column, rows #7, #8, the sorting order is violated: $22, 409.37 should be below $22,376.00.
            10. Button "Action" is missing in the row #11.


            • #1. Date format is worded inconsistently: "Invoice date" field with " 6/5/2011"and "Inv. Date" column in row 2 with "5-Jun-2011"
              2. “Payment” column: possible incorrect data format
              #3. “Due Date” column: there are non-common calendar date format
              #4. “PO #” column: there are dates instead of numbers. Possible it's incorrect
              #5. Binocular icon doesn’t clearly indicate its action (tooltip required)
              #6. Diskette icon doesn’t clearly indicate its action, rename tooltip from "download" to "Save As"
              #7. Proposal: replace "Download list" with "Save As"
              #8. Search labels are worded inconsistently: “search” button and binocular icon have the different look
              #9. Search results table is not formated over the entire page width
              #10. Proposal: rename "
              Inv. Date" to "Invoice Date"

              Last edited by VadmanDV; 04-07-2022, 06:47 AM.


              • Taulia bug reports:

                #1. Column title sorted isn't center, sorted at right side.
                #2. "Due Date" column data is not in common date format.
                #3 "PO#" column data is given in a date format - is that correct? It seems to be interchanged with "Due Date" column .
                #4. Button "Actions" is missing in 11th row.
                #5. Inv. date in 7th row "1-Oct-2011" is incorrect for filter on search panel Invoice date "6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011".
                #6. In main panel need changed "Your customer" to "Customer".
                #7. Field "From amount:" - have ":" , all other fields don't have ":".
                #8. Link to page 5 is missing under the search results table.
                #9. Inconsistency in date formats used in "Invoice date" fields vs "" column.
                #10. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results.


                • #1. Inconcistency in date format "Invoice date" (9/30/2011) search field and "Inv. Date" column (13-Sep-2011).
                  #2. "Due Date" column data is not a common date format.
                  #3. "PO #" column data is given in a date format, not number.
                  #4. "Inv. date" column: the "1-Oct-2011" date does not satisfy the search range (6/5/2011-9/30/2011).
                  #5. Search results has 11 rows, but should has 10.
                  #6. "Action" button is missing in the row #11.
                  #7. "PO #" column name does not give an understanding of what data is contained in the column. Should to write the full name of the column.
                  #8. "Amount" column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the sorting sign direction (descending) at the column title.
                  #9. "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
                  #10. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".


                  • #1. Задано результатов на странице (Results per page) - 10, фактическое количество результатов -11.
                    #2. Содержимое колонки "Due Date" возможно не соответствует названию.
                    #3. Содержимое колонки "PO #" возможно не соответствует названию.
                    #4. Дата на 7 строке результатов поиска, колонки "Inv. Date" не соответствует заданным параметрам поиска. (Результат "1-Oct-2011", заданный диапазон "6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011")
                    #5. Колонка "Amount".При условии параметра сортировки результатов поиска "По возрастанию", строки результатов 7 и 8 не соответствуют условиям.
                    #6. Орфографическая ошибка в названии первой колонки. Ожидаемое название "Invoice #". Фактическое название "Invoce #".
                    #7. Ссылка на страницу 5 результатов поиска отсутствует.
                    #8. Информация о количестве найденных результатов "Showing 422 invoices" не соответствует количеству отображаемых страниц "32",как при условии содержания в каждой странице 10 результатов, так и при условии содержания в каждой странице 11 результатов.
                    #9. Отсутствует кнопка "Actions" в 11 строке результатов поиска.
                    #10. В блоке "Search my invoices" двоеточие только в ярлыке "From amount:".


                    • 1. Missing the "Actions" button in the 11th row
                      2. Misspelled the word "Rejected" in the 1st row in the 7th column
                      3. Missing the 5th page of the website
                      4. "Due Date" and "PO #" are interchanged
                      5. Misspelled the name of the 1st column "Invoice #"
                      6. There are 10 given results per page in the text field under the label "Results per page",
                      but actually we have 11 results on the page
                      7. The date format in the search parameters and in the search results (columns 3 and 5) are different
                      8. In the 3rd and the 5th column in the 2nd row "5-Jun-2011" doesn't match to a range
                      "6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011" in the search parameters
                      9. The label "invoice date" needs a colon
                      10. In the 2nd column dates need to be aligned right


                      • 1. Input field “Invoice number” : input not only digits: input leters, digits and characters
                        2. Input field “Purchase order” input not only digits: input leters, digits and characters
                        3. Input field “From amount:” input not only digits: input leters, digits and characters
                        4. Input field “Invoice date” and “to” should be of type “Date”
                        5. Inconsistency in date formats: ”Invoice date” field (6/5/2011) & ”Inv. Date” column: (5-June-2011)
                        6. ”Due Date” column data is not in a common date format
                        7. ”PO #” column data is given in a date format - is that correct?
                        8. The ”1-Oct-2011” date is outside of range (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011) specified in "Invoice date" fields
                        9. Misspelled column title: ”Invoce #” instead of ”Invoice #”;
                        10. There is no button to navigate between the next and previous pages.
                        11. Replace “Inv. Date #” with ”Invoice date” for general consistency in the table header
                        12. Replace “PO #” with ”Purchase order” for general consistency in the table header
                        Last edited by Jana; 04-05-2022, 10:30 AM.


                        • #1. Suggestion: правом верхнем углу "Logout" нет поля с именем пользователя, который ввел свой логин
                          #2. Suggestion: если добавить нумерацию строк в таблице, это упростит работу пользователя и будет видно, что строк сейчас 11 а не 10
                          #3. В поле Лейбла “From amount” можно забивать буквы. А должны быть только цифры
                          #4. В поле лейбла “Invoice data” нет календарика для выбора даты
                          #5. Содержание столбцов "РО#" и "Due Date" не соответствует их содержанию
                          #6. В столбце "Due date" не должно быть даты
                          Last edited by Elenamih; 04-05-2022, 10:24 AM.


                          • Taulia bug reports
                            1. Column "Invoce#": the word "invoce#" is written incorrectly, it must be replaced with "Invoice#"
                            2. Column "Status": the word "rejcted" is written incorrectly, it must be replaced with "rejected"
                            3. Column "Type" is superfluous, since we only search among invoices
                            4. We are looking for 10 results per page (listbox), but the page displays 11 search results
                            5. The 7th row is superfluous: the date of the Invoice is 11/01/2011, and the specified search interval is from 05/06/2011 - 09/30/2011
                            6. Found 422 invoices cannot fit on 32 pages based on 10 invoices per page.
                            7. In the lists of pages with invoices, page 5 is missing
                            8. Column "Amount": rows 7 and 8 are not the correct sort order, the sum of row 7 22,409.37 is greater than the sum of row 8 22,376.00
                            9. Column "Amount": sorting is not displayed correctly, sorting from largest to smallest is indicated, and sorting from smallest to largest is displayed on the page
                            10. No button "Actions" on the 11th row.
                            11. "Search my invoices": provide all the label with the colon character at the end
                            12. Inconsistency in date format: "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011), but "Inv. Date" column (5-June-2011)


                            • #1 "PO#" column title does not correspond to column data .Replace "PO#" column title with "Due Date" column title
                              #2 "Due Date" column title does not correspond to " Purchase order" column. Replace "Due Date" column title with "P0#" column title
                              #3 Replace "Rejcted" button title in "Status" column first row with "Rejected"
                              #4 Missing "from" in "Invoice Date" text field
                              #5 Replace "From amount" lable with " Amount from "
                              #6 Date format type in " invoices date" field incosistly with date format in "Inv Date" column and "Due Date" column.
                              #7 Dates 1-oct- 2011 in "Inv Date" column and 22-oct-2011 31-oct-2011 in "PO#" column inconsistly with search date from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 in "invoce date" field
                              #8 Missing "Next" page button and "Previous" page button.
                              #9 Replace, tooltip in "Status" column , fouth row "Approved" tooltip with "Paid" tooltip
                              #10 Missing "from" in "From amount" text field
                              Last edited by Pepe; 04-05-2022, 10:55 AM.


                              • 1. In pagination missing link to page "5".
                                2. There are 10 rows in the "Results per page" label, but 11 are show.
                                3. There is missing "Actions" button in the last column of the search results table.
                                4. Misspelled word "Invoce #" in first column. Replace with "Invoice #".
                                5. Search results "Showing 422 invoices" inconsistency to number of page pagination.
                                6. Sort mismatch in 'Amount' column with column heading arrow.
                                7. Label "Search my invoices": "binocular" icon not has tooltip.
                                8. Format field "Invoice date" label inconsistency to format "Inv. Date" column. (6/5/2011 vs 28-Sep-2011)
                                9. Suggestion: add the name of the last column.
                                10.Suggestion: align the column names on the left edge.
                                Last edited by Mykhailo_Horobets; 04-05-2022, 10:38 AM.

