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TAULIA Bug Reports

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  • 1. "Search my invoices": in the row "Invoice date" raplace "9/30/2011" whith "30/9/2011"
    2. In the column "PO #" is redundant all rows with search resolts of october
    3. In the row "1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 .. 32" replace ".." whith "..."
    4. "Due Date" column: is repeats many times search resolts "40988"
    5. Inconsistency by used different date formate in the "Invoice date" with "Inv. Date" and "PO #" columns


    • 1. Данные столбца "Due Date" представлены в формате цифр - это правильно? Кажется, он взаимозаменяем со столбцом "PO #".
      2. Данные столбца "Amount" представлены в формате суммы оплаты - это правильно? Кажется, он взимозаменяем со столбцом "Payment".
      3. Данные столбца "Payment" представлены в формате цифр - это правильно? Кажется, он взаимозаменяем со столбцом "Amount".
      4. В столбце "Оплата" отсутствуют данные в следующих строчках: 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10.
      5. Invoice # 1122339546: в стобцах "Inv. Date" и "PO #" несоответствие параметра отбора "Invoice date" в параметрах поиска.
      6. Значок "от большего к меньшему" в загаловке столбца "Amount" не соответствует сортировке ярлыка "From amount:" в параметрах поиска.
      7. В строках 7 и 8 в столбце "Amount" нарушен порядок сортировки.
      8. Не активен значок "от меньшего к большему" в заголовке столбца "Amount".
      9. Орфографическая ошибка в заголовке столбца "Invoce #" (должно быть "Invoice #").
      10. Орфографическая ошибка "Rejcted" в первой строке столбца "Status" (должно быть "Rejected").
      1. The "Due Date" column data is in numeric format - is that correct? It seems to be interchangeable with the "PO#" column.
      2. The "Amount" column data is presented in the format of the payment amount - is that correct? It seems to be interchangeable with the "Payment" column.
      3. The data in the "Payment" column is in numeric format - is that correct? It seems to be interchangeable with the "Amount" column.
      4. In the "Payment" column, there is no data in the following lines: 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10.
      5. Invoice # 1122339546: in the columns "Inv. Date" and "PO #" there is a mismatch in the selection parameter "Invoice date" in the search parameters.
      6. The "largest to smallest" icon in the "Amount" column header does not match the sorting of the "From amount:" label in the search options.
      7. In lines 7 and 8, the sort order is broken in the "Amount" column.
      8. The "lowest to highest" icon in the "Amount" column heading is not active.
      9. Spelling error in column header "Invoce #" (should be "Invoice #").
      10. Misspelled "Rejcted" in the first row of the "Status" column (should be "Rejected").


      • 1) Сортировка указана до 30.09. Результаты даны и за более поздние даты, которые не подходят по указанным парпаиетрам .
        2) Перепутаны поля "Due Date" и "PO #".
        3) Неокрректное значение в поле "Payment". Не несет информативности вторая часть.
        4) Если в поле"Payment" указаны года, то не во всех строчках проставлены "гг".
        5) В указании наомерации страниц, вместо многоточия , указаны две точки.
        6) В поле "Hide search parameters" в параметре "Invoice status" нет выбора значения, кроме "All". НИчего другого не выбрать.При этом галочка дает понять, что есть выбор дополнительных пунктов.
        7) В поле Hide search parameters в параметре "Results per page", предоставлено только единсвенное значение "10". Ни большего ,ни меньшего значения нет.При этом галочка дает понять, что есть выбор дополнительных пунктов.


        • TAULIA Bug report

          #1 Column "Due Date" should be placed insted of "PO#"
          #2 Enumeration of search result pages: extra space between page number "1" and "2"
          #3 Column "Status" row 4: wrong text in the "Paid" tooltip.
          #4 The text-align of the first table row should be changed to "center"
          #5 Filter block and table have different date and time data types
          #6 Dropdowm list for label "Results per page" has only one item
          #7 Enumeration of a search result pages should have "next" character


            12# In column “PO #” date instead of order number.
            В колонке “Номер заказа” вместо номера заказа стоят даты.
            #13 In column “Due Date” does not contain dates, but simply sets of numbers. It's probably the order numbers.
            В колонке “Срок” стоят не даты, а набор чисел. Вероятно, это номера заказов.
            #14. In column Inv. Date rong sorting not as in the given search conditions.
            Search results should be displayed from 06/05/2011 to 09/30/2011.
            Неправильная сортировка в графе “Inv. Date” - не как в заданных условиях поиска. Результаты поиска должны отображать от 6/5/2011 до 9/30/2011.
            #15. In the "Payment" column, the dates are missing "-". Provide all the label with the dash character at the end
            В колонке “Платеж” в датах не хватает “-”. Проставить везде недостающий знак тире.
            с 12 по 15 пункт я написала сама в дополнение к отчету, написанном на уроке.


            • #1 В "Search my invoices" при перемещении каретки по текстовым полям не выделяется кнопка "Search".
              #2 В таблице "Showing 422 invoices" кнопки "Actions" являются ссылками.
              #3 Несоответствие формата дат в "Search my invoices" / "Invoice date" (мм/дд/гггг) и таблице "Showing 422 invoices" , в колонках "Inv. Date" и "PO #" (дд/мм/гггг).
              #4 В "Search my invoices" / "From amount"/ "to" нет десятичной точки и разделителя груповых разрядов.
              #5 Несоответствие формата отбражения денежных средств в "Search my invoices" / "From amount" и "Showing 422 invoices" колонке "Amount".
              #6 В "Search my invoices"не обозначено " * " какие поля обязательные для заполнения.
              #7 В таблице "Showing 422 invoices" нет четкого разделителя между колонками
              #8 Нет поля поиска по странице.


              • #1. Different dates format: at the first listbox of label “Invoice date” date format is “6/5/2011” and at the second listbox is “9/30/2011” but we expected this date format “DD/MM/YY”, because we see that kind of date in “Table” below.

                #2. Date format: change data format at label “invoice date” it’s more readable when date format is “DD/MM/YY” with leading zeros.

                #3. Inconsistency between date formats in listbox of label “Invoice date” (“6/5/2011”, “D/M/Y”) and column “Inv. Date” (for example in first row “29-Aug-2011”, “DD/Mon/YY”).

                #4. Swap data in columns “Due date” and “PO#

                #5. There is a period in label “Invoice date” but there is no label “from” after label “Invoice date” in front of listbox but there is label “to

                #6. The labels of columns should be centered to the left.

                #7. Difficult to understand information about payment in column “Payment”.

                #8. The row #7 should not be in the Table because of Inconsistency between it’s date “1-Oct-2011” and the maximum searching date “9/30/2011”.

                #9. Suggestion: separate label “From amount” to “Amount” and “From” and place “From” in front of first listbox of label “From amount”.

                #10. Verify: amount of spaces between labels “Home” and sign “|”, label “Profile” and sign “|” on the right side of the Header.

                #11. Suggestion: place label “Home” after “Logout”.

                #12. Suggestion: replace label “Profile” to “Username” on the right side of the Header.

                #13. Suggestion: add special sign “$” to both of “From amount” listbox.

                #14. Notice: Product logo image has very low quality.

                #15. Inconsistency: label "PO#" at the table has special character "#" against label "Purchase order" at "Search my invoices" form.
                Last edited by oMz1g; 04-13-2022, 07:50 AM.


                • #1. In the end of label "Invoice date" is missing a preposition "from"
                  #2. Payment time in the column "Payment" in the last row is invalid (2011-1488), can't be 88 minutes
                  #3. "Due Date" column is swapped with "PO #" column (or data format error in both columns ?)
                  #4. Quantity of rows in the search result should be 10 (as per "Results per page" listbox), not 11
                  #5. Link to page "5" is missing in the enumeration search
                  #6. "Search my invoices": add all the label with the colon character at the end
                  #7. Arrow sign near the label "Amount" in the column turned in the wrong direction (from largest to smallest), inconsistency with search results
                  #8. Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) vs. "Inv. Date" column (5-June-2011)
                  #9. Tooltip of the label "Paid" in column "Status" in the 4 row does not correspond with the label (Approved)
                  #10. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 0f 422 invoices"
                  Last edited by Olia Midway; 04-13-2022, 07:18 AM.


                  • #1. "Actions" button is missing in the row #11
                    #2. 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search resaults
                    #3. Search resaults should display 10 rows ( as per "Resaults per page" listbox),not 11
                    #4. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
                    #5. "Type" colum is redundant since all the search results are same type (invoice)
                    #6. Sorting order violation in "Amount" Column: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00", not above
                    #7. "Amaunt" column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order ( ascending)and the direction given by the arrow next tothe column title
                    #8. Leftmost column title: replace "Invoce#" with "Invoice#"
                    #9. Misspelled word in first row/"Status" column "Rejcted" replace with "Rejected"
                    #10. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page "5" is missing
                    #11. "Search my invoces": provide all the lable with colon character at the and
                    #12. Invoices list: column headers are alligned to the center/right, data is alligned to the left


                    • TAULIA BUG REPORTS
                      1 In the name of first column "Invoce" missing letter. The word is spelled correctly - Invoice
                      2 The button "Actions" is missing from the 11th line and 9th column
                      3 Second column "Type", might has no purpose.
                      4 In the column "Inv. Date" at 7th line the date "1-Oct-2011" is outside the above entered parameters.
                      5 In the column "Amount" is not correct sorting
                      6 At the label names are missing special character ":"
                      7 At the column "Due Date" are numbers uncharacteristic of dates systems
                      8 The number of list pages does not match the quantity of invoices
                      9 The missing title in the last column
                      10 At the column "PO #" are symbols more characteristic of dates systems.
                      11 Indicate of pages of pagination are incorrectly, more correct might be: "Showing 1-10 0f 422 invoices"
                      12 Duplicated records in the column "Due Date" 40988 and 30998
                      13 Get 11 results per page instead of 10
                      14 Missing footer part on the page (
                      15 Width of the website page doesn't fit to the monitor screen
                      16 "Invoice number" input field accepts any characters and languages
                      17 "Purchase order" input field accepts any characters and languages
                      18 "From amount:" input field accepts letters
                      19 "Invoice date" Input field does not accept any changes
                      Last edited by Olechka; 04-14-2022, 01:27 PM.


                      • Bug report for Taulia:

                        #1 Missing page #5 in pagination.
                        #2 "Search my invoices": provide all the label with the colon character at the end.
                        #3 "Search my invoices": Bring the "date picker" to the same format (for USA MM-DD-YYYY).
                        #4 "Search result page": 11 results are shown instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox.
                        #5 "Search result page": replace column header "Invoce" with "Invoice".
                        #6 "Search result page": swap the headers "Due Date" and "PO#".
                        #7 "Search result page": "Type" column is redundant since all the search results are of same type (invoice).
                        #8 "Search result page": Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00", not above.
                        #9 "Amount" column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction
                        given by the arrow next to the column title.
                        #10 "Search result page": In #11 row "Action" button is missing.
                        #11 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results.
                        #12 Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 0f 422 invoices".
                        #13 In the fourth column, the same purchase order "40988" is repeated seven (7) times for different invoices.
                        #14 In the fourth column, the same purchase order "30998" is repeated two (2) times for different invoices.
                        #15 In the payment column, change the date and time format (for the USA MM‑DD‑YYYY hh:mm:ss).
                        #16 Invoice 1122339546: The "1-Oct-2011" date is outside of range specified in "invoice date" fields.
                        #17 "Search my invoices": Tooltip for "binocular" icon is missing.
                        #18 "Status" column (row 4): replace tooltip "Approved" with "Paid".
                        #19 Product logo image on the page is missing the link to the "home page".
                        #20 "Download list": icon image ("Diskette") is not consistent with its tooltip ("Download").
                        Last edited by mdr4k3; 04-18-2022, 11:12 AM.


                        • 1234567891011 Test


                          • Sorry for being late.

                            1. A mistake in the word “Invoice” in the first column.

                            2. Amount of pages doesn’t correlate with amount of the Invoices.
                            3. Amount of invoices shown is eleven but it must be 10.
                            4. Should add colon character in the end of every label text, not only “From amount”.
                            5. "Amount" column has ascending order in fact, but its image means descending one.
                            6. Result with Invoice number 1122339546 in the 7th row shouldn’t be shown cause its Date 1-Oct-2011 doesn’t fit the search set.
                            7. Search set has label “Customer” but it’s not shown in the table.
                            8. "Due Date" Column content must contain dates, but it contains numbers. "PO #" column contain dates but it shouldn’t.
                            9. The table has “Due Date” and “Payment” columns but the search set doesn’t.
                            10. Rows with “Amount” column meanings “$22,409.37” and “$22,376.00” should be changed in order.


                            • TAULIA BUG REPORTS by Shvedenko
                              #1. "Due Date" column: have recurrent numbers
                              #2. Sorting order violation in "7 row": betwen "6/5/2011" - "9/30/2011" date
                              #3. "Calunm names": should be replace on left side
                              #4. Cursor isn't chanche after aim on "Page numbers" on table
                              #5. Cursor isn't chanche after aim on "Site Logo"
                              #6. "Search my invoices": check "Invoice date"/date format "6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011"
                              #7. "Binoculars" opposite "Purchase order" is redundant, "Search my invoices" list have button "Search"
                              #8. Some "Due Date" are longer then other, in row "1" and "10"
                              #9. "From amount:" is missing sumbol "$" like in "Amount" column
                              #10. "Invoce #" and "PO #" column is redundant sumbol "#"


                              • TAULIA BUG REPORTS

                                1. Набор записей в таблице не соответствует выбранным в "Search my invoices" значениям по полю "Invoice date": "6/5/2011" to: "9/30/2011".
                                2. Привести поля ввода "From amount" в "Search my invoices" и данные в столбце "Amount" в таблице к единому денежному формату чисел.
                                3. Непонятно назначение иконки бинокль рядом с текстовым полем ввода "Purchase order" в "Search my invoices".
                                4. Порядок лэйблов в "Search my invoices" не соответствует порядку столбцам в таблице.
                                5. Не использовать октоторп в названии столбца "PO #" в таблице.
                                6. Заменить название столбцов в таблице: "PO #" на "Due Date", "Due Date" на "Purchase order"
                                7. Используйте единый формат даты в таблице в полях "Inv. Date", "Due Date" и в текстовых полях "Invoice date" в "Search my invoices"
                                8. Отсутствует название столбца в последнем столбце "Actions".
                                9. Задано слишком большое расстояние между столбцом "Actions" и границей таблицы справа.
                                10. Отсутствует столбец "Customer" в таблице.
                                11. Кнопка "Download list" и кнопка с иконкой "Download" нагружают восприятие информации.
                                12. Кнопка "Refresh" и кнопка с иконкой "Refresh" нагружают восприятие информации.
                                13. Отобразить данные в столбце "Payment" в формате удобном и понятном для пользователя.
                                14. Несодержательное название столбца "Inv. Date" в таблице.
                                15. Заменить "Hide search parameters" на кнопку с иконкой стрелка вниз/вверх. При нажатии на строку с заголовком "Search my invoices" раздел должен сворачиваться/разворачиваться.
                                16. Кнопка "Search" должна располагаться в разделе "Search my invoices" в левой нижней части, под лэйблами.
                                17. Произвести выравнивание столбцов в таблице к единому стилю.
                                18. Заменить лэйбл "Invoice date" на "From Invoice date" в разделе "Search my invoices".

