1. Date format of the "invoice date" label field is different compared to the "inv.Date" field of the main table.
"6/5/2011" vs "28-Sep-2011"
2. Contracted form of "Inv.Date" is not correct being the column title.
3. User Profile menu tabs in the right upper corner ("User Manager" "Profile" "Help" "Logout") are disabled
4. "Hide search parameters" is displayed as a test field, not as a functioning or enabled button.
5. "Hide search parameters" and "Search my invoices" fields are located in the same row, using different text formating. "Hide search parameters" should come with "Bold" text formatting.
6. "Search" Button is disabled
7. "Customer" label dropdown option is redundant as there is only one option to choose from a dropdown.
8. "From amount" label field is missing "$" character. It corresponds with "Amount" column value "$100.10"
9. Add a colon ":" to every label staring from " Invoice number" to "Results per page"
10. "From amount" label value is presented without hundredths after the dot. Replace "100" with "$100.00"
11."Invoice status" label dropdown is redundant as there is only one option to choose from a dropdown.
12. "Invoice status" label dropdown contains the single option to be chosen ("All")
13. Add more "Invoice statuses" to the dropdown so it corresponds with the "Status" column from the table.
14. Misspelled word "Rejcted" in a "status"column. Replace it with "Rejected"
15."Invoice date" ranges go from "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011" . "PO" dates are far beyond these dates. Example:1-Oct-2011
16. "Due date" column displays random values, not exact dates.
17. Misspelled Column name : "Invoce". Replace it with "Invoice"
18. Order vialation of "amount" column. "$22,409.37" should go after "$22,376.00"
19. "results per page" shows "10" as a value. This corresponds with the amount of invoices displayed in a table (table shows 11 invoices)
20. "action" button is missing for the 11th row
21. Remove hash symbol "#" from the "PO#" table name.
22. "Actions" button is disabled
23. "Actions" button should be presented in a form of dropdown, presenting all possible options.
24. All columns in a table should be aligned to the column name.
25. Pagination count is missing page number: "5"
26. "Type" column is redundant as the type option is the same for all invoices.
27. Tabs on the upper page such as: "Home", "Invoices", etc., are disabled.
28.Inconsistency of the actual sorting order and the direction of the arrow in the "Amount Column"
29. Total searches value 422 does not match the number of pages and the number of invoices presented on a page.
30. Pages 10 and 32 are separated with two dots. Replace ".." with "..."
31."Results per page" label has no option in a dropdown menu.
32."download list" displayed a text field. It will be more user friendly if it will be displayed as a button.
33. "Purchase orders" button on the top should be replaced with either "Purchases" or "Orders".
34."Your customer" tab name should be replaced with a more user fiendly one. Example: remove "Your" leave "Customer" only.
35 "Invoice date" fields from - to , do not allow to change the date.
36. "Search" button is disabled.
37. Pressing the "Binocular" character reloads the page.
38. "Invoice number" field accepts both : letters and digits. Add a notification (error pop up) indicating that digits only should be entered.
39. Random spacing between table colomns.
40. Page numbers presented at the bottom of the page are not active. You can check the data presented on the page "1" only.
41. Remove hash symbol "#" from the "Invoice #" table name.
42. Company's logo on the top, is disabled. Enable the logo so users can return to the main page by clicking the logo.
42. "Amount" column values should be aligned by a dot. Set a tab to the delimiter.
"6/5/2011" vs "28-Sep-2011"
2. Contracted form of "Inv.Date" is not correct being the column title.
3. User Profile menu tabs in the right upper corner ("User Manager" "Profile" "Help" "Logout") are disabled
4. "Hide search parameters" is displayed as a test field, not as a functioning or enabled button.
5. "Hide search parameters" and "Search my invoices" fields are located in the same row, using different text formating. "Hide search parameters" should come with "Bold" text formatting.
6. "Search" Button is disabled
7. "Customer" label dropdown option is redundant as there is only one option to choose from a dropdown.
8. "From amount" label field is missing "$" character. It corresponds with "Amount" column value "$100.10"
9. Add a colon ":" to every label staring from " Invoice number" to "Results per page"
10. "From amount" label value is presented without hundredths after the dot. Replace "100" with "$100.00"
11."Invoice status" label dropdown is redundant as there is only one option to choose from a dropdown.
12. "Invoice status" label dropdown contains the single option to be chosen ("All")
13. Add more "Invoice statuses" to the dropdown so it corresponds with the "Status" column from the table.
14. Misspelled word "Rejcted" in a "status"column. Replace it with "Rejected"
15."Invoice date" ranges go from "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011" . "PO" dates are far beyond these dates. Example:1-Oct-2011
16. "Due date" column displays random values, not exact dates.
17. Misspelled Column name : "Invoce". Replace it with "Invoice"
18. Order vialation of "amount" column. "$22,409.37" should go after "$22,376.00"
19. "results per page" shows "10" as a value. This corresponds with the amount of invoices displayed in a table (table shows 11 invoices)
20. "action" button is missing for the 11th row
21. Remove hash symbol "#" from the "PO#" table name.
22. "Actions" button is disabled
23. "Actions" button should be presented in a form of dropdown, presenting all possible options.
24. All columns in a table should be aligned to the column name.
25. Pagination count is missing page number: "5"
26. "Type" column is redundant as the type option is the same for all invoices.
27. Tabs on the upper page such as: "Home", "Invoices", etc., are disabled.
28.Inconsistency of the actual sorting order and the direction of the arrow in the "Amount Column"
29. Total searches value 422 does not match the number of pages and the number of invoices presented on a page.
30. Pages 10 and 32 are separated with two dots. Replace ".." with "..."
31."Results per page" label has no option in a dropdown menu.
32."download list" displayed a text field. It will be more user friendly if it will be displayed as a button.
33. "Purchase orders" button on the top should be replaced with either "Purchases" or "Orders".
34."Your customer" tab name should be replaced with a more user fiendly one. Example: remove "Your" leave "Customer" only.
35 "Invoice date" fields from - to , do not allow to change the date.
36. "Search" button is disabled.
37. Pressing the "Binocular" character reloads the page.
38. "Invoice number" field accepts both : letters and digits. Add a notification (error pop up) indicating that digits only should be entered.
39. Random spacing between table colomns.
40. Page numbers presented at the bottom of the page are not active. You can check the data presented on the page "1" only.
41. Remove hash symbol "#" from the "Invoice #" table name.
42. Company's logo on the top, is disabled. Enable the logo so users can return to the main page by clicking the logo.
42. "Amount" column values should be aligned by a dot. Set a tab to the delimiter.