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TAULIA Bug Reports

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  • SU 2-1
    ​​​​​​ =============Taulia bug reports============
    Second edition after the lesson 4

    #12. Add currency indication next to the "Amount" label: for example, "Amount ($)".
    Suggestion: add a convertation button to display the purchase order in different currency. For example, to exchange purcheses in Euro to the dollar.
    #13. Swap the coloumn titles for the "Due Date" and the "PO#" coloumns.
    #14. Suggestion to "Search my invoices" section: replace the "Purchase order" label with the "Purchase order (PO#)" to better users' understanding what is PO# stands for.
    #15. "Search my invoices" section: colon character in the end is missing for most of the labels.
    #16. "Search my invoices" section: the tooltip for the "binocular" icon is missing.
    #17. Date format inconsistency: compare the "Invoice Date" field with the "Inv Date" coloumn.
    #18. Represented invoices should refer to the required period of "from 06/05/2011 to 09/30/2011", while there are some odd outrange orders of 13-th, 22-nd and 31-st of October, 2011 in the 3-d, 7-th and 10-th raws respectively.
    #19. Below the search result table: Replace ".." with "..." between links to page 10 and to page 12.
    #20. The 4th line in the "Status" coloumn: the icon has a wrong "Approved" tooltip instead of "Paid".
    #21. Suggestion: represent user name near the "Logout" button on the top right corner of the screen.
    Last edited by Mayya M; 04-05-2022, 12:40 PM.



      #1. Wrong column title: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #";

      #2. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should be below "$22,376.00", not above;

      #3. Doesn't work date edit in input field "from" in row parameter "Invoice date";

      #4. Doesn't work date edit in input field "to" in row parameter "Invoice date";

      #5. "Search" button does not accept Search parameters;

      #6. "Download list" link doesn’t allow to download file;

      #7. "Refresh" link doesn’t refresh result table;

      #8. "Actions" buttons in search results doesn’t respond to pressing;

      #9. Column "Due Date" doesn't have Date format in results;

      #10. Column ’PO #' and 'Due Date' is mixed up;

      #11. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results;

      #12. Search results should display 10 rows (as per "Results per page" listbox), not 11;

      #13. Wrong results. In the results table should not be a row with the Invoice Date "1-Oct-2011" when in the "Search my invoices" request we have an Invoice date between "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011";

      #14. Incorrect display with number of parameter “Results per page” , should be 10 string, but we see 11 string;

      #15. Page number 5 is missing, in showing result 1 to 32 pages;

      #16. Incorrect format “From amount:”

      #17. Number of pages doesn’t active for 1 to 32;


      • 1. "Actions" button is missing in row 11
        2. Invoce # misspelled
        3. Due Date and PO # has content switched
        4. Amount filter works wrong (7) 22,409.37 goes before (8) 23,376.00
        5. Shows 11 results filter says should be 10
        6. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results
        7. 5 page link is not shown
        8. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
        9. Column Type is useless if shows only one type
        10. Invoice date filter shows month first and date results shows date first, is confusing
        11. Some of the PO # content is violated
        12. Should be "Rejected" not "Rejcted"
        13. Add filters
        14. Add ( : ) to the labels in the search settings
        15. PO # content repeats itself


        • #1. "Actions" button is missing in the row #11

          #2. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results

          #3. Search results should display 10 rows (as per "Results per page" list box), not 11

          #4. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"

          #5. "Type" column is redundant (избыточный) since all the search results are of same type (invoice)

          #6. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00", not above

          #7. "Amount" column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title

          #8. Leftmost column title: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"

          #9. Misspelled word in first line/"Status" column

          #10. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page "5" is missing

          #11. "Search my invoices": provide all the label with the colon character at the end

          Bug report
          Environment: Windows 10, ver. 21H2 + Google Chrome Browser, ver. 100.0.4896.60 (64-bit)

          #12. "Search my invoices" and "Inv. Date" data format is inconsistent, including inconsistency in "Inv. Date".

          #13. Two buttons for searching are in different places and have different look.

          #14. Data in "Due Date" column is not date; "PO #" column doesn't contain PO number - the contents of these columns should be swapped.

          #15. "PO #" from "Due Date" column are the same for different purchases.

          #16. Search results pages: add buttons "First", "Next", "Previous", "Last page".

          #17. "Inv. Date": searching results are out of range.

          #18. Inconsistent text alignment: header row content is center aligned and other rows content is left aligned.


          • 1. Line with the columns name: Replace "Due Date" with "PO#"
            2. -//-: column with "actions"is missed
            3. -//: column "Type" is redundant
            4. -//-: Columns "Due date" , "PO#", "status", "Payment" might have arrow consistany
            5. Invoices list line 11: button "actions" is missed
            6. Search results give 11 lines, might be 10
            7. search form and results list might have equal datas format


            • TAULIA ( bug reports:

              #1 Button "Actions" is missing in last row one page table.

              #2 Column "Status" in first row, text "Rejcted" replace "Rejected".

              #3 Column "Type" has the same value, as this table contains only invoices.

              #4 Wrong order сolumn "Amount", row 7 - "$22,409.37" replace row 8 - "$22,376.00".

              #5 Column "Amount", amount align to the right.

              #6 Under hover buttons "Actions", should change the cursor.

              #7 Сolumn "Due Date" does not contain the date, title column "Due Date" replace "PO #".

              #8 Showing invoices in the wrong date order column "Inv. Date".

              #9 Page 5 is missing from the numbering in search result.

              #10 Search result showing "422" invoices, but it should be "320".

              #11 Showing "11" row, but it should be "10" row.

              #12 Column "Amount" showing icon arrow from more to less.

              #13 Not available special character ":" at the end of all labels "Search my invoices"

              #14 Text field "Invoice number" for numbers only.

              #15 Showing search results before 9/30/2011, column "Inv. Date" date "1-Oct-2011"


              • Bag reports
                #1. in row #11 отсутствует *Actions* button
                #2. в колонке *Status* в 4 ом ряду результат *Paid* подсвечивается всплывающим результатом *Approved*
                #3. в *Purchase order* *бинокль* не активный
                ROMAN YA


                • BUG REPORT

                  1. Masks for “Invoice Date” are different in the result table and the text box .
                  2. “Invoice Date” is not updatable in the text field.
                  3. Payment column results came out in two different colors.
                  4. No columns has index sorting
                  5. Header “Amount” has an arrow which is not responding.
                  6. Text field Amount(From To) has no mask.
                  7. Text field “Invoice Number” has no mask.
                  Last edited by eugenef; 04-04-2022, 01:01 PM.


                  • TAULIA bug reports:
                    1. Logo compani in left most screen is disable.
                    2. In Navigation bar "Invoices" has frame.
                    3. Setting the date of the search 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 selected resalt data is not correct Row
                    "1122339546" in "Inv.Data"
                    Last edited by Kssenia; 04-04-2022, 01:35 PM.


                    • Bug reports Taulia

                      #1. Отсутствует кнопка "Action" в строке #11
                      #2. Отсутствует название столбца "Action"
                      #3. Данные и элементы таблицы смещены и не отцентрованны относительно заголовков
                      #4. Кнопка "Refresh" должна находится в области "Search my invoices"
                      #5. Результат поиска ограничен числом 10, в таблице отображается 11 строк
                      #6. В колонке "Invoce #" заменить на "Invoice #"
                      #7. В колонке "Status" в первой строке "Rejcted" заменить на "Rejected"
                      #8. Отсутствует страница #5 в нумерации страниц
                      #9. Не активны номера страниц при наведений и нажатий
                      #10. В колонке "Inv. Date" строка с датой 1-Oct-2011 не соответствует заданным параметрам поиска в "Invoice date"
                      #11. В столбце "Inv. Date" формат дат вида day-mouth-year не соответствуют формату в "Invoice date"
                      #12. Названия столбцов "Due Date" and "PO #" переставить местами
                      #13. Колонка "Type" - лишний столбец
                      #14. Column "Payment" данные не соответствуют формату day-mouth-year
                      #15. В таблице отсутствует колонка "Customer"
                      #16. Колонка "Status", четвертая строка "Paid" при наведении курсора высвечивается статус "Approved"
                      #17. Убрать меню "User Manager" т. к. меню "User Manager" и "Profile" имееют одинаковуй функцию
                      #18. Меню "Profile" отсутствует имя активного аккаунта
                      #19. "Search my invoices" лейбл "Customer" в listbox по умолчанию заполнено General Electric
                      #20. "Search my invoices" лейбл "Invoice number" - только для ввода числовых значений
                      #21. "Search my invoices" лейбл "Purchase order" - только для ввода числовых значений
                      #22. "Search my invoices" лейбл "Invoice status" в listbox отсутствуют статусы "Reject","Paid","In process","Aproved"


                      • 1. The binocular icon next to the "Purchase Order" input text field does not have a tooltip (while hovering the cursor over the icon).
                        2. The yellow "Search" button should be moved to right beneath "Results per page" label. Currently the button is located too far from the input fields (can be inconvenient for the user) - suggestion!
                        3. The titles for the columns in search results section should be aligned horizontally TO THE CENTER of their corresponding columns (currently they are located haphazardly).
                        4. There is an empty dysfunctional area below the "Refresh" button. All columns of search results should be proportionally aligned for better visual perception by the user.
                        5. The "PO#" contraction may be unclear for the user - it should be spelled in a more comprehensive manner.
                        6. Unclear enumeration of invoices in "Due Date" column: rows 1 and 10 have 6-digit numbers while they precede several other invoices according to date of issue,. Looks incorrect: why can an earlier invoice have a 6-digit number, and a later one has a 5-digit number?
                        7. The "TAULIA' logo looks very vague, has a low resolution - if possible, it should be of a higher visual appeal to the user.
                        8. Incomprehensible numeric combinations in the "Payment" column. If it is a date format, it definitely needs reformatting!
                        9. 7 labels in the "Search my invoices" form should be adjusted to the right and closer to the input text fields for better visual perception by the user.
                        Last edited by Engvox; 04-04-2022, 12:44 PM.


                        • По уроку #3
                          1.Найдена ошибка в программе Taulia
                          2. Задан период сортировки (Дата счета) до 30.09.2011, а строка 7 отражено 01.10.2011.
                          3.Можно приложить скрин с экрана с ошибкой.

                          теперь пишем следующую ошибку в новом сообщении.
                          Пунк 1- повторяем
                          2. Не соответствует название столбцов(Срок сдачи) и (Номер заказа )- надо поменять их между собой.
                          Last edited by ALEKSANDRA 1; 04-04-2022, 12:51 PM.


                          • Taulia bug report:

                            #1.User's login name is missing in the upper right corner.
                            #2.Columns "Due Date" and "PO#" are switched places.
                            #3.Data in column "Inv Date" in row 7 doesn't match searching criteria in label "Invoice date"
                            #4.Wrong pop up description appears (Approved) when point to sign "Paid" raw 4, column "Status".
                            #5.Data in "Inv.Date" column is not align on their right side.


                            • 1. "Logout" исправить на "Log out"
                              2. Возле "Logout" вывести


                              • Отсутствие кнопки "Actions" в 11-ой строке - это не баг, т.к. задано 10 Results per page. Все 10 кнопок на месте, а просто 11-я строка лишняя...

