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TAULIA Bug Reports

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  • За исключением найденных на уроке:

    #1. Column "Status", first row: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
    #2. Column "Status", fourth row: Hint "Approved" of the "Paid" picture replace with "Paid"
    #3. Column "Due Date" replace with column "PO #"
    #4. 7th row: Invoice Date (1-Oct-2011) is out of range of values ​​specified in the "Invoice date" fields of the search parameters
    #5. Заменить тип курсора "выделение текста" на "указательный палец" при наведении на ссылки переключения между страницами,
    на кнопки "Actions" и на все titles в блоке результатов поиска.
    #6. Page "5" link is missing in the search results section.
    #7. Don't allow to entering any letter type characters in the fields: "Invoice number", "Purchase order", "From amount:" of the search parameters section.


    • #1 Consider changing the format for the login row at a drop-down list at the right top of the page.
      #2 Consider highlighting a chosen option ("Invoice") in the second row from the top of the page.
      #3 Consider changing the name of the "Payment" column at the table to "Payment #".
      #4 Move closer to the left button "Search" under the searching parameters at the searching field box.
      #5 Consider adding the button "Clear all parameters" next to the button "Search" at the searching field box.
      #6 Data from the column "PO #" should be moved to the column "Due Date" and vice versa.
      #7 In the column "Due Date" many invoices have the same purchases order, but are made on different dates and have different invoice numbers. Consider if it's correct.
      #8 Date format in the column "Inv. Date" is mismatching with the date format in "Invoice date" field at the searching field box.
      #9 Date format in the column "PO #" is mismatching with the date format in "Invoice date" "to" field at the searching field box.
      #10 At the column "PO #" some dates are mismatching with the searching filters at the column "Invoice date" "to".
      #11 Dates in the column "Inv. Date" should be aligned by the right.
      #12 Consider changing the name for the column "Inv. Date" to "Invoice date".
      #13 Numbers in the column "Due Date" should be aligned by the right.
      #14 Dates at the column "PO #" should be aligned by the right.
      #15 Figures in the column "Amount" should be aligned by the right.
      #16 Statuses at the column "Status" should be aligned by the right.
      #16 Consider adding a sorting function and an arrow to the name of the column "Invoce #".
      #17 Consider adding a sorting function and an arrow to the name of the column "Inv. Date".
      #18 Consider adding a sorting function and an arrow to the name of the column "Due Date".
      #19 Consider adding a sorting function and an arrow to the name of the column "PO #".
      #20 Consider adding a sorting function and an arrow to the name of the column "Status".
      #21 Consider adding a sorting function and an arrow to the name of the column "Payment".
      #22 Consider adding the name for the column with "Actions" buttons.
      #22 Consider aligning the column with "Actions" buttons to the left.
      #23 Consider aligning to the right page links "1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 .. 32".


      • Bug reports Taulia:

        1. "Search my invoices": invalid a "binoculars" icon due to existing "Search" button.
        2. Discrepancy in data designation between "Invoice date" text box and "Inv. Date" column: "Invoice date" text box shows mm/dd/yyyy and "Inv. Date" shows dd-mm-yyyy.
        3. Discrepancy in data designation between "Invoice date" text box and "Due Date" column: "Invoice date" text box shows mm/dd/yyyy and "Due Date" shows dd-mm-yyyy.
        4. Replace headings in the 4th and 5th columns: "Due Date" and "PO #".
        5. "Search my invoices": "Invoice number" text box should enable only digit entry.
        6. "Search my invoices": "From amount" and "to" text boxes should enable only digit entry.
        7. "Search my invoices": "Purchase order" text box should enable only digit entry.
        8. Align the heading "Due Date" in the 4th column with the right character according to the other column alignment.
        9. Align the heading "PO #" in the 5th column with the right character according to the other column alignment.
        10. Align the heading "Status" in the 7th column with the right character according to the other column alignment.
        11. The 4th column, which shows purchase order, shows the same order number "40988" in the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 11th rows.
        12. The 4th column, which shows purchase order, shows the same order number "30998" in the 4th and 8th rows.
        13. "Amount" column: "$" character should be used in the column heading instead of repeating in every row.
        14. Enumeration of search result pages: should be 3 dots "..." between links 10 and 32.
        15. Printing option is absent.
        16. Navigation options: a mouse must change to a pointer when pushing "Actions" button in every row.
        17. Navigation options: a mouse must change to a pointer when pushing page numbering links.
        18. "Status" column, 1st row: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
        19. "Inv. Date" column: wrong search result in the 7th row: shown "1-Oct-2011" despite asking date in the "Invoice date" text box: "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011".​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


        • 1. Add the “:” characters in labels at the top part.
          2. “Showing 422 invoices” sing must be replaced by: “Showing 1 – 11 invoices from 422 invoices”
          3. Different type of date format at upper part of search form and table. Must be unique.
          4. “Invoce” title at the top of table part is incorrect. Change to “Invoice”.
          5. “Rejcted” title at 1st table line is incorrect. Change to “Rejected”.
          6. No need to keep the “Type” column. It is “invoice” only.
          7. At the “Results per page” field selected “10”. Table has 11 rows.
          8. In the line of pages (under the table) “5” page is missing.
          9. According to the line of pages (under the table) results must have 352 rows. At the headline of form says, that “Showing 422 invoices”.
          10. List sorted by “Amount” column by descending order. In fact, table has ascending order.
          11. 7th and 8th rows at the table must be swapped.
          12. The “amount” column must be aligned by “.” character.
          13. Binnacle sign at the search parameters zone has no sense.
          14. 11th row at the table has no “Actions” button. Other rows have.
          15. Data of “Due Date” and “PO #” columns is swapped.
          16. “PO” at the head of “PO #” column must be deciphered.
          17. Column headers are aligned to the center, data is aligned to the left. Must be the same.
          18. Incorrect popup on hover at 4th row in “status” column.
          19. when the "Action" button at last column is in focus - mouse icon must be change (as it at any other buttons does).
          20. Some results are out of define range by the “date” column (3rd, 7th and 9th results).
          21. The line of pages (under the table) must have the control buttons (forward, backward, etc.)


          • #1 Результат отбора: Выбрано "Отображать 10 строк на странице", фактически отображено 11 строк
            #2 Шапка таблицы: "Показано 422 счета", фактически 32 стр на 11 строк = 352 счета
            #3 Меню таблицы: Орфографическая ошибка - "Invoce #" следует писать "Invoice #"
            #4 Колонка "Amount": Предполагается отбор по убыванию суммы, фактически отбор по возрастанию суммы
            #5 Колонка "PO #": Формат даты в колонке отличается от формата в параметрах поиска
            #6 Строка №11 таблицы: Дата счета выходит за рамки заданного отбора (6/5/2011-9/30/2011)
            #7 Колонка "Amount": Строчки 7 и 8 расположены по убыванию значений в отличие от всей колонки
            #8 Колонки "Due Date" и "PO #": Колонки перепутаны местами
            #9 Строка 11: Отсутствует кнопка "Actions"
            #10 Нумерация страниц: отсутствует страница №5
            #11 Меню таблицы: При наведении курсора на активные ссылки (Invoce #, Type и т.д) он не меняется на cursor: pointer
            #12 Строка №4 Колонка "Status": При наведении курсора на иконку "Paid" всплывает box "Approved"
            #13 Нумерация страниц: При наведении курсора на активные ссылки страниц он не меняется на cursor: pointer
            #14 Шапка таблицы: Иконка "Download" и ее название "Download list" не соответствуют друг другу. Возможно нужно оставить лишь "Download"


            • TAULIA BUG REPORTS
              #1. 'Actions' button is missed in the 11 raw.
              #3. 'Due Date' and 'PO' colomns are swaped.
              #4. Payment's column format is wrong.
              #6. Missed 5 page in the enumeration.
              #7. It should be 10 invoices per each page.
              #8. Showing invoices is not 432 (11 invoices * 32 pages = 352).
              #9. In 'Status' column: 'Rejcted' to 'Rejected'.
              Last edited by Angellok; 04-03-2022, 12:23 PM.


              • Taulia project bug report

                #1. In label “invoice date” replace date formate from month/day/year to day/month/year.
                #2. Misspelled word in the first column title.
                #3. All labels do not have a colon at the end.
                #4. There is no 5th page in the enumeration of results pages.
                #5. Correct misspelled word in the first row “status”column: “rejcted#” with “rejected#”
                #6. “Action” button is missing in the row #11
                #7. In the “Amount” column, the seventh and eighth rows are out of order: “$22,409.37” should go below “$22,376.00”
                #8. The arrow to the right of column title “Amount”does not correctly indicate the sort order.
                #9. Search result rows should be left-aligned with column titles.
                #10. The label “results per page” show 10 but search results show 11 rows. Need to remove 1 row.
                #11. Need 43 pages to display 422 search results.


                • #12 "Search my invoices": отсутствует поиск по параметру "Payment" для фильтрации результатов колонки 8.
                  #13 Результаты поиска в колонке "Inv. Date" строка 2 и 7 не соответствуют значениям параметра "Invoice date" ("Search my invoices")
                  #14 Результаты в колонке Due Date не соответствуют заголовку колонки
                  #15 Результаты в колонке PO # не соответствуют заголовку колонки


                  • BUG REPORT FOR Taulia:

                    1. В колонке статус, в счете "1122339044", при наведении курсора на значок зеленого цвета с купюрами и стрелочкой, во всплывающем контекстном меню,
                    отображается статус "одобрено", а в остальных значках такого типа "оплачено". Думаю, стоит использовать один термин у всех этих значков.
                    2. Перепутаны местами наименования колонок: "Due Date" и "PO#", либо их значения во всех строчках. В сформированных результатах
                    по поисковому запросу.
                    3. В окне ввода поискового запроса, в строке "Purchase order", при наведении курсора на значок бинокля не всплывает контекстного меню/подсказки
                    с наименованием значка
                    4. В сформированных результатах по поисковому запросу, не у всех колонок в наименованиях присутствуют значки "#"
                    5. В колонке статус, в счете "1122339302", при наведении курсора на значок письма с карандашом, во всплывающем контекстном меню,
                    отображается статус "In process", а в остальных значках такого типа "В процессе". Думаю, стоит использовать один термин у всех этих значков.
                    6. В колонке "Amount", в суммах, после значения тысяч установлен знак ",", а после значения сотен знак "." Это корректно?


                    • 1. Inconsistency of the date formats in the field of label “Invoice date” and in the column “inv. Date” and column “Due Date”.
                      2. Inconsistency in fields “From amount”: add “from” before first field “From amount”.
                      3. Inconsistency in fields “Invoice date”: add “from” before first field “Invoice date”.
                      4. The column “Due Date” are provided values not common date format.
                      5. The column “PO #” are provided values date format. Is it how should be?
                      6. Inconsistency: binocular icon is missing tooltip, the other icons have.
                      7. Inconsistency in format names of label “Invoice number” and column title “Invoce #”.
                      8. The value of invoice in column “Inv. Date”: row 7 is out of search resalts “Invoice date” (its out of from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011)
                      9. Inconsistency: only in mobile version column “Payment” the values of rows 5, 6 are active (after button the value it propose to make a phone call on the number value ), but not other.
                      10. Only in mobile version column “Invoce #” the values are active (after button the value it propose to make a phone call on the invoice number value ). Is it how should be?


                      • #1 Colomn title "Due Date" change with colomn title "PO#"
                        #2 Date format in label "Invoice date" should comply with date format in "Inv date" colomn
                        #3 Sorting order volation in "Inv Date" colomn: "1-Oct-2011" should missing
                        #4 Colomn "Invoce #": replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice number"
                        #5 Title is missing in the colomn #9
                        #6 Mouse move over button "Paid" in the row #4. Replace tooltip "Approved" with "Paid"
                        #7 Mouse move over button "Binoculars": tooltip is missing
                        #8 Enumeration search results of pages: link to page "Next page" is missing


                        • #1. date format mismatch in search and results
                          #2. search field headers do not have colons
                          #3. 422 invoices do not fit on 32 pages of 11 lines
                          #4. leftmost column heading: "Invoce#" replaced with "Invoice#"
                          #5. wrong name of 4th and 5th column
                          #6. sorting in ascending table does not match selected descending sort
                          #7. the number of rows does not match the search terms
                          #8. missing "Actions" button on line 11
                          #9. missing page 5 in the numbering of search results
                          #10. rows 7 and 8 in the table are not in ascending order
                          #11. in line 4, when you hover over the field, the status "paid" displays "Approved"
                          #12. change "Rejcted" status in the table to "Rejected"
                          #13. the value "40988" in the "Due Date" column is repeated for different "Invoice"
                          #14. the date in line 7 1-Oct-2011 is out of scope for the given search


                          • 1." Po#" column is not correct. It must be up to 9.30.2011. Excess 3 line " 22- oct-2011"
                            Excess 7 line "31- oct-2011"
                            Excess10 line "13- ocr-2011"
                            2. Replace special character in the " Amount" column. Using dots instead the comma.
                            3. Inconsistency in date formats" Inv. Date" column. Replace "-" in the date for " /"
                            4. Inconsistency in date formats " Po#" column. Replace "-" in the date for "/"
                            5. " Inv. Date" column 7th row is excess
                            6. " PO#" column, 2th row is inconsistency the actual sorting. Use 4-aug-2011
                            7. "Amount" column is align the numbers on the right side
                            8. " Due data" column is align the numbers on the right side
                            9. " Due data" column is align the numbers on the right side
                            10. " Inv. Data" column is align the numbers on the right side
                            11. "Amount" column 1th row is violates the requirements " From Amount" column. From "100" is not from "100,10"
                            Last edited by Uglanich; 04-03-2022, 03:01 PM.


                            • TAULIA Bug Reports at Apr 4, 2022
                              1. Сolumns "Due Date" and "PO #" are swapped.
                              2. Icon triangle next to the column "Amount" turn over.
                              3. Incorrect display quantity pages (32 pages * 11 lines = 352 invoices).
                              4. Swapped values "$22,409.37" and "$22,376.00".
                              5. Values "Rejcted" replace to "Rejected"in the column "Status" in the first line.
                              6. Pop-up menu shows "Approved" instead of "Paid" in the column "Status "on lines "1122339044".
                              7. Missing button "Actions" in 11 lines with Invoce number "1122338095".
                              9. Missing icon page "5" in down menu of pages.
                              8. In top sort menu lines "Results per page" display number "10", but on page 11 results.
                              9. Name of a column "Invoce #" replace to "Invoice #".
                              10. When hovering the mouse over the button "Actions" in the far right column, cursor should look like type "pointer".
                              11. The date format in the "Inv. Date" field: MM/DD/YYYY does not match date format in the "PO #" column DD-MMM-YYYY.


                              • Taulia bug report:
                                1.Select does not work in the "Amount'" column;
                                2.In column "Status" in first row replace "Rejcted" for "Rejected";
                                3.Absence of colons in "Invoice number";
                                4.Row has dates, but does not have the number itself;
                                5.This date does not have a date, contains a number;
                                6. Page format invalid, no page number 5;
                                7. Column "Status" row 4 icon "Paid" shows title "Approved".

