За исключением найденных на уроке:
#1. Column "Status", first row: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
#2. Column "Status", fourth row: Hint "Approved" of the "Paid" picture replace with "Paid"
#3. Column "Due Date" replace with column "PO #"
#4. 7th row: Invoice Date (1-Oct-2011) is out of range of values specified in the "Invoice date" fields of the search parameters
#5. Заменить тип курсора "выделение текста" на "указательный палец" при наведении на ссылки переключения между страницами,
на кнопки "Actions" и на все titles в блоке результатов поиска.
#6. Page "5" link is missing in the search results section.
#7. Don't allow to entering any letter type characters in the fields: "Invoice number", "Purchase order", "From amount:" of the search parameters section.
#1. Column "Status", first row: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
#2. Column "Status", fourth row: Hint "Approved" of the "Paid" picture replace with "Paid"
#3. Column "Due Date" replace with column "PO #"
#4. 7th row: Invoice Date (1-Oct-2011) is out of range of values specified in the "Invoice date" fields of the search parameters
#5. Заменить тип курсора "выделение текста" на "указательный палец" при наведении на ссылки переключения между страницами,
на кнопки "Actions" и на все titles в блоке результатов поиска.
#6. Page "5" link is missing in the search results section.
#7. Don't allow to entering any letter type characters in the fields: "Invoice number", "Purchase order", "From amount:" of the search parameters section.