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TAULIA Bug Reports

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  • 12. Adjust column headers on center
    13. Name column with buttons "Actions"
    14. Swap column headers "Due Date" and "PO #"
    15. Align column Amount on right
    16. Clarify the contents of the column Payment
    17. Present dates in fields "Invoice date" as in a column "Inv. Date"
    18. October invoice should not be in the list
    19. Expand the contents of the table to the full width (free space on the left)
    20. Place "Search" button in the line above, which will save space on the screen
    21. replace "Invoice number" with "Invoice #" for consistancy
    22. Mark the default input field
    23. Mark the default button
    24. Display tooltips when hovering the mouse over interface elements
    25. Make "Reset" search button
    26. Add "Next", "Previous", "First", "Last" buttons to the bottom bar to move between pages
    27. Add select button "Dark" and "Light" themes of the interface of the web site
    28. In the field "Purchase order" indicate the possible options in the form of a list
    29. All numeric values should be right-aligned, text values are left-aligned, dates are centered
    30. Replace "Search my invoices" with "Search invoices"
    31. In the "From amount" section, present values with a separator for thousands
    32. Arrange search parameters in the same order as the column headings


    • Согласно параметрам поиска, "Results per page" = 10, следовательно срока 11 лишняя или нужно заменить 10 на 11.
      1) В "Hide search parameters" в пункте "Results per page" заменить 10 на 11
      ИЛИ удалить строку 11 из таблицы

      2) Неверное колличество страниц. "Showing 422 invoices", следовательно страниц должно быть 43 ли 39

      Согласно параметрам поиска, сумма должна быть в промежутке от 100 до 100000 - это целые числа, а в таблице мы видим десятичные дроби.
      3) В параметрах поиска "Hide search parameters" значение суммы "From amount" заменить 100 на 100.00
      4) В параметрах поиска "Hide search parameters" значение суммы "From amount":заменить 100000 на 100 000.00
      Или в столбике "Amount" изменить фомат ячеек и использовать целые числа
      Запись чисел в столбике "Amount" нерная.
      5) В строке 5 в столбике "Amount" заменить "$8,834.25" на "$8 834.25"
      Аналогично вместо запятой нужно поставить пробел в строках 6-11
      В столбике "Amount" сортировка от меньшего к большему
      6) Строки 7 и 8 нужно поменять местами, т.к. $22 409.37 > $22 376.00
      НО если учесть временные параметры поиска "Invoice date", то строки 7 не должно быть.
      7) Invoice date не соответствуют строки 1, 7
      Помоиму, каждому "Invoice #" должен соответствовать свой "PO #", но в таблице ммы видим повторение PO # 40988 и PO #30998
      Last edited by Alyona; 03-31-2022, 01:18 PM.


      • #1 Provide default input focus in “Search my invoices”
        #2 Tab order violation between “Purchase order” and “From amount” in “Search my invoices”
        #3 The $ character is redundant since all the search results in “Amount” are in same currency (USD)
        #4 Enumeration of search results pages: the gap between 1 and 2 is wider than between other
        #5 Add “Previous” and “Next” links for navigation between pages of search results
        #6 Search results values are not centered under the column titles
        #7 Digital results should be alignment by the right edge
        #8 The gaps between User Menu items (User Manager Profile Help Logout) are different
        #9 Mismatch between results values and column titles in “Due Date” and ”PO #”
        #10 The Search icon “Purchase order” should be disable without data in the field
        #11 The 7th result is not relevant to search parameters as contents date value out of range
        #12 Incorrect cursor format in enumeration of search results pages
        #13 Different gaps between results value columns
        #14 Enumeration of search results pages should be alignment by the center of page


        • Отчет об ошибках (Taulia):
          1. Столбец "Due Date": указаны значения, несоответствующие формату - дата
          2. Столбец "PO#": указаны значения, несоответствующие числовому формату
          Last edited by Igor_D; 03-31-2022, 03:38 PM.


          • Taulia bug report:
            1. Элементы в разделе
            Last edited by Andrey_bat; 04-04-2022, 01:36 PM.


            • TAULIA Bug Report
              №12. Формат даты
              Last edited by Pavel Kurbatskiy; 03-31-2022, 02:15 PM.


              • 1.invoice #1122338095 - "Actions" button is missing
                2.32 pages is not enough to place 422 invoices
                3."Amount" is set to descending but prices go from the lowest to the highest
                4.invoice #1122339546 need to be placed after invoice #1122339134 due to set sorting
                5.Parameter "Results per page" is set to 10 but the first page shows 11 invoices
                6.Due to parameter "Invoice date" which is set 6/5/2011 to 30/9/2011 table should not contain invoice #1122339546
                7.Incorrect format of date in parameter "Invoice date" (the second text field) : replace it from MM/DD/YYYY with DD/MM/YYYY
                8.Replace the title "Invoce #" in the table with "Invoice #"
                9.Looking at the first row, we can see status "Rejcted" - replace it with "Rejected"
                10."Next page" button is missing in the table
                Last edited by Maxim2004; 03-31-2022, 01:35 PM.


                • Taulia bug report:

                  1. 11 рядов вместо 10 в результатах поиска
                  2. Кнопка "Actions" отсутствует в последней строке результатов поиска
                  3. "Invoce" вместо "Invoice" в заголовке результатов поиска первого столбца
                  4. "Rejcted" вместо "Rejected" в первой ячейке столбца "Status"
                  5. Заменить "Showing 422 invoices" на "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".
                  6. Страница 5 пропущена в результатах поиска: "1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 .. 32"


                    1. Label: Invoice number/ в выпадающих вариантах имеется номер телефона, хотя должны быть только invoice numbers
                    2. Inconsistency in 4th row in the table in coloumn Status при наведении курсора на значок Paid всплывает надпись Approved


                      1. 1. Change the “User manager” hyperlink to “User management”.
                        2. Change the “Your Customer” hyperlink to “Customers”.
                        3. Remove redundant binoculars icon in the “Search my invoices” area.
                        4. Add “from” to the “invoice date” label of the “Search my invoices” area.
                        5. Parameter “Due date” “and Payment” are missing.
                        6. Labels “Invoice number”, “Invoice date” and “Purchase order” doesn’t match the name of column in the table.
                        7. Change the “Invoice date” text boxes with date/time selector in the “Search my invoices” area.
                        8. Filter “Invoice date” doesn’t work.
                        9. Alignment of tables header have to be done by center of columns.
                        10. Change the sorting direction sign to inverse one.
                        11. Naming of column “Payment” have to be more precise
                        12. Wrong data in column “Payment”
                        13. The hand icon must be shown while selecting “Actions” button.
                        14. Add navigation (next, previous, last) buttons to select pages.
                        15. An information (contacts, copyrights etc.) if the site footer is missing.1. Change the “User manager” hyperlink to “User management”.
                        2. Change the “Your Customer” hyperlink to “Customers”.
                        3. Remove redundant binoculars icon in the “Search my invoices” area.
                        4. Add “from” to the “invoice date” label of the “Search my invoices” area.
                        5. Parameter “Due date” “and Payment” are missing.
                        6. Labels “Invoice number”, “Invoice date” and “Purchase order” doesn’t match the name of column in the table.
                        7. Change the “Invoice date” text boxes with date/time selector in the “Search my invoices” area.
                        8. Filter “Invoice date” doesn’t work.
                        9. Alignment of tables header have to be done by center of columns.
                        10. Change the sorting direction sign to inverse one.
                        11. Naming of column “Payment” have to be more precise
                        12. Wrong data in column “Payment”
                        13. The hand icon must be shown while selecting “Actions” button.
                        14. Add navigation (next, previous, last) buttons to select pages.
                        15. An information (contacts, copyrights etc.) if the site footer is missing.


                      • 1. В лист-боксе отображено 11 результатов поиска при заданном параметре 10 строк
                        2. Ошибка (пропуск буквы) в слове Invoce# крайний левый столбец
                        3. Ошибка (пропуск буквы) в слове Rejcted столбец Status
                        4. Пропуск ссылки страницу #5
                        5. В результатах поиска отображены сведения за октябрь месяц при параметрах до 30 сентября
                        6. Выравнивание в столбцах выполнено по левому краю а не по середине
                        7. В последней строке отсутствует кнопка Actions
                        8. Отсутствует наименование столбца для Actions
                        9. Сортировка результатов в столбце Amount должна быть выполнена от большего к меньшему
                        10. В выпадающем списке Invoice status только один параметр All
                        11. В меню From amount цифры не имеют разделителей
                        12. При наведении мыши на логотип, стрелка не модифицируется в руку


                        • 1. Date format of the "invoice date" label field is different compared to the "inv.Date" field of the main table.
                          "6/5/2011" vs "28-Sep-2011"

                          2. Contracted form of "Inv.Date" is not correct being the column title.

                          3. User Profile menu tabs in the right upper corner ("User Manager" "Profile" "Help" "Logout") are disabled

                          4. "Hide search parameters" is displayed as a test field, not as a functioning or enabled button.

                          5. "Hide search parameters" and "Search my invoices" fields are located in the same row, using different text formating. "Hide search parameters" should come with "Bold" text formatting.

                          6. "Search" Button is disabled

                          7. "Customer" label dropdown option is redundant as there is only one option to choose from a dropdown.

                          8. "From amount" label field is missing "$" character. It corresponds with "Amount" column value "$100.10"

                          9. Add a colon ":" to every label staring from " Invoice number" to "Results per page"

                          10. "From amount" label value is presented without hundredths after the dot. Replace "100" with "$100.00"

                          11."Invoice status" label dropdown is redundant as there is only one option to choose from a dropdown.

                          12. "Invoice status" label dropdown contains the single option to be chosen ("All")

                          13. Add more "Invoice statuses" to the dropdown so it corresponds with the "Status" column from the table.

                          14. Misspelled word "Rejcted" in a "status"column. Replace it with "Rejected"

                          15."Invoice date" ranges go from "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011" . "PO" dates are far beyond these dates. Example:1-Oct-2011

                          16. "Due date" column displays random values, not exact dates.

                          17. Misspelled Column name : "Invoce". Replace it with "Invoice"

                          18. Order vialation of "amount" column. "$22,409.37" should go after "$22,376.00"

                          19. "results per page" shows "10" as a value. This corresponds with the amount of invoices displayed in a table (table shows 11 invoices)

                          20. "action" button is missing for the 11th row

                          21. Remove hash symbol "#" from the "PO#" table name.

                          22. "Actions" button is disabled

                          23. "Actions" button should be presented in a form of dropdown, presenting all possible options.

                          24. All columns in a table should be aligned to the column name.

                          25. Pagination count is missing page number: "5"

                          26. "Type" column is redundant as the type option is the same for all invoices.

                          27. Tabs on the upper page such as: "Home", "Invoices", etc., are disabled.

                          28.Inconsistency of the actual sorting order and the direction of the arrow in the "Amount Column"

                          29. Total searches value 422 does not match the number of pages and the number of invoices presented on a page.

                          30. Pages 10 and 32 are separated with two dots. Replace ".." with "..."

                          31."Results per page" label has no option in a dropdown menu.

                          32."download list" displayed a text field. It will be more user friendly if it will be displayed as a button.

                          33. "Purchase orders" button on the top should be replaced with either "Purchases" or "Orders".

                          34."Your customer" tab name should be replaced with a more user fiendly one. Example: remove "Your" leave "Customer" only.

                          35 "Invoice date" fields from - to , do not allow to change the date.

                          36. "Search" button is disabled.

                          37. Pressing the "Binocular" character reloads the page.

                          38. "Invoice number" field accepts both : letters and digits. Add a notification (error pop up) indicating that digits only should be entered.

                          39. Random spacing between table colomns.

                          40. Page numbers presented at the bottom of the page are not active. You can check the data presented on the page "1" only.

                          41. Remove hash symbol "#" from the "Invoice #" table name.

                          42. Company's logo on the top, is disabled. Enable the logo so users can return to the main page by clicking the logo.

                          42. "Amount" column values should be aligned by a dot. Set a tab to the delimiter.


                          • 1. Неверно названы колонки "Inv. Date" и "Due Date".
                            2. В таблице ошибка в слове invoice
                            3. 5-й страницы нет
                            4. Не хватает кнопки "действия" в последней строчке
                            5. Results per page – выводит 11 объектов, а не 10


                              1. В столбце Payment не верный формат даты;
                              2. Не верная сортировка в столбце Amount в строках 7 и 8;
                              3. Нет кнопки Actions в 11 строке;
                              4. Отсутствует 5 страница;
                              5. Название столбцов Due Date и PO # поменять местами;
                              6. В строке 7 указан Октябрь, это недопустимо, тк стоит ограничения с с "6/5/2011" по "9/30/2011
                              7. 422 invoice, должно быть 42 страницы, не 32;
                              8. Results per page задано 10 страниц, выдает на странице 11;
                              9. Большой пробел в межстраничном переходе между 1 и 2;
                              10. Опечатка в Invoce необходимо указать Invoice;
                              11. Опечатка в слове Rejcted;
                              Last edited by Nina Lazutina; 03-31-2022, 02:11 PM.


                              • 1. Заменить лейбл поля "От суммы:" на "Сумма от:"..
                                2. Поменять

