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TAULIA Bug Reports

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  • 1. В результатах поиска отображается большее количество результатов, при фильтре 10 результатов на страницу.
    2. В таблице поиска отображается 11 результатов, при фильтре 10 результатов на страницу
    3. Результаты поиска выровнены по левому краю, а названия столбов по центру.
    4. Неправильный формат даты в элементе "invoice date" 9/30/2011
    5. В нумерации страниц поиска отcуствует 5 страница.
    6. Выход даты за граничные значения, в столбце "PO" отображается 31.Aug.2011, при ограничении в 30.Sept.2010
    7. Поменять название колонки "Due date" на "PO#". В этой строке отображаются адреса почтовых ящиков.
    8. Поменять название колонки "PO#" на "Due date". В этой колонке отображаются граничные значения даты поиска.
    9. Кнопка "Actions" отсутствует в 11 строке результатов поиска.
    10. В блоке "Search my invoices" добавить двоеточие после всех элементов.
    11. В столбце "Amount" треугольник сортировки отображает результаты "по увеличению", при настройке "по уменьшению".
    12. В столбце "Amount" при фильтрации по увеличению сумма "$22,409.37" отображается раньше "$22,376.00".
    13. В столбце "Invoce#" исправить на "Invoice#"
    14. В столбце "Status" в первой строке исправить "Rejcted" на "Rejected".
    15. Изменить "showing 422 invoices" на "showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"


    • #1 Inconsistency between "Due Date" and "PO #" colums: the column title should be interchanged.
      #2 Inconsistency between date format in "Invoice date" box (mm/dd/yyyy) and "Inv.Date" column (dd-mm-yyyy)
      #3 Search results shouldn't display dates after 9/30/2011, as per "Invoice date" box (row 7, "1-Oct-2011")
      #4 Inconsistency between "Invoice status" label and "status" Column tittle> should have the same name.
      #5 "From amount" label should be "Amount from"
      #6 Enumeration search results pages: should have "Next" bottom


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        • 1. "Actions" button is missing in the row #11

          2. 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results

          3. Search results should display 10 rows (as per "Results per page" listbox), not 11

          4. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 0f 422 invoices"

          5. "Type" column is redundant since all the search results are of same type (invoice)

          6. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00", not above

          7. "Amount" column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction
          given by the arrow next to the column title

          8. Leftmost column title: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"

          9. Misspelled word in first row/"Status" column

          10 Enumeration search results of pages: link to page "5" is missing

          11 "Search my invoices": provide all the label with the colon character at the end

          12. Date must be in format MM/DD/YYYY instead of DD/MM/YYYY

          13. Every column header should have sorting arrows.

          14. Need to change them. Column headers must be slided to the right.

          15. "Logout" should be "Log Out".

          16. "User Manager" would be better after changing it for "Profile Settings"

          17. In the "Search my invoices" menu, in row 4 "From amount" should be changed to "Amount"

          18. In the "Search my invoices" menu, in the 4 th row both columns should have drop down menu options.

          19. In column "Inv. Date" 5-Jun-2011 the 5 should be changed to 05.

          20. In column "Inv. Date" 1-Aug-2011 Invoice # 1122339135 the 1 should be changed to 01

          21. In column "Inv. Date" 1-Oct-2011 the 1 should be changed to 01

          22. In column "Inv. Date" 1-Aug-2011 Invoice # 1122339134 the 1 should be changed to 01

          23. In column "Inv. Date" 3-Jul-2011 the 3 should be changed to 03

          24. In column "PO #" 5-Jul-2011 the 5 should be changed to 05

          25. In column "PO #" 2-Aug-2011 the 2 should be changed to 02

          26. Next to page numbers the "next " button is missing.

          27. Next to page numbers the "previous" button is missing.

          28. In Payment column the date format is invalid. Therefore it needed some change to HH:MM:SS

          29. In the "Search my invoices" menu, in row "Invoice date" the date form “from” is wrong M/D/YYYY. Needs to be changed for MM/DD/YYYY.

          30. In the "Search my invoices" menu, in row "Invoice date" the current date form at „to” is wrong. M/DD/YYYY which is false. Needs to be changed for MM/DD/YYYY.

          31. Wrong search results been shown.Data were requested from 06/05/2011 to 09/30/2011 and results are being shown for different dates.

          32. Column Header "Due Date" and "PO #" are falsely placed.

          33. At the bottom of the page the Copyright symbole is missing.


          • #1 The date format of the search field is different from the date format in the "Inv. Date" and "Due Date" columns
            #2 The "Actions" button is missing in line #11
            #3 In the table header "showing 422 invoices" should be replaced with "showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
            #4 Wrong number of pages under the table with 11 invoices per page and total
            number of invoices 422 should be 39 pages
            #5 Under the table there is no link to page number 5
            #6 Swap data in "Due Date" and PO# columns
            #7 Incorrect sequence in the table for increasing in the "Amount" column, lines #8 and #9 should be replaced
            #8 Change the word "Rejcted" in line #1 to "Rejected"
            #9 Remove the column "Type" remove since we are in the folder "Invoices"
            #10 In the search, a request for 10 accounts, and the table displays 11 accounts
            #11 In the search query for dates until September 30, 2011, and the table displays invoices for October
            #12 The name of column #1 "Invoce" should be replaced with "Invoice"


            • TAULIA BUG REPORTS (include which i have found but not have limited all the bugs)

              1.Возможно дублирование ссылок User Manager и Profile (верхняя правая часть экрана)- значат одно и тоже.
              2. В фирменном знаке (верхняя правая часть экрана) заменить на


              • - With invoice date parameter set to "6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011" showing an item dated by 1-Oct-2011 in the search result
                - Due Date column doesn't show date
                - #PO column should't show dates
                - #PO column is not aligned to the right
                - Advisably add Next and Prev. links to the pagination block
                - Advisably set input type number to the fields "Invoice number" and "Purchase order"


                • #1. There is a "Search" button, but there is no field where you need to enter the search text
                  #2. In the line "Inv. Date" there is a dot after "Inv", but there is no dot in the line "Due Date"


                  • 1. В графе ''Status" слово Reijcted была пропущена буква i.
                    2. Где указаны номера страниц нет ссылки на страницу N 5.
                    3. В графе " Amount" нарушен порядок сортировки от маленьькой к большой сумме.
                    4. В слове " Invoice" пропущена буква i.
                    5. Не правильно написан формат месяц, день, год. В талице указано через дефис.
                    6. Графу "Inv.Date" поменять местами с "PO#".
                    7. В графе 'Due.Date" повторяется одна и таже сумма"40.998" и разные счета фактуры.
                    8. Выровнить заголовки и данные всех столбцов.
                    9. В последним столбце отсутствует кнопка "Actions".


                    • 1. Missing letter in word (Rejcted) first row


                      • 1. "Inv. Date" column: select of date 1-Oct-2011 from label "Invoice date ... to 9/30/2011" has uncorrected.
                        2. The table doesn't have column "Customer"
                        3. Pointer doesn't appear when hover over the logo


                        • #1. “Logout” link is shown for a user who is not logged in
                          #2. “Search my invoices”: add a colon to each label
                          #3. “Search my invoices”: replace the “From amount:” label with “Amount”
                          #4. “Search my invoices”: add the “from:” label before the “From amount:” input box
                          #5. “Search my invoices”: add the “from:” label before the “Invoice date” input box
                          #6. “Search my invoices”: align the binoculars icon next to the “Purchase order” input box
                          #7. “Search my invoices”: location of the “Search” button is inconvenient
                          #8. Miscalculation in “Showing 422 invoices”: 422 is larger than 32 pages times 10 (or even 11)
                          #9. Search results table: replace “Showing 422 invoices” with “Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices”
                          #10. Search results table: center the columns’ titles
                          #11. Search results table: replace “Invoce #” column title with “Invoice #”
                          #12. Search results table: the value “Rejcted” in the 1st row of the “Status” column is misspelled
                          #13. Inconsistency in date formats used in “Invoice date” fields vs cells of “Inv. Date” column
                          #14. Values shown in the “Inv. Date” column are out of range given in the “Invoice date” field
                          #15. “Due Date” column: values are provided NOT in a common date format
                          #16. “PO #” column: values are provided in a common date format. Is that how we want to enumerate POs?
                          #17. Search results table: align the values left in the “Inv. Date” column
                          #18. Search results table: align the values left in the “PO #” column
                          #19. Search results table: align the values by the decimal point in the “Amount” column
                          #20. Search results table: wrong order of values in the 7th and 8th rows of the “Amount” column
                          #21. Search results table: in the “Amount” column title replace the ascending sort selector icon with the descending icon
                          #22. Search results table: the “Actions” button is missing in the 11th row
                          #23. Search results table: 11 rows are shown instead of 10 as per “Results per page” listbox
                          #24. Search results table: the tooltip to the “Paid” icon reads “Approved” instead of “Paid” in the 4th row
                          #25. Enumeration of pages: link to page “5” is missing
                          #26. Enumeration of pages: the space between page “1” and page “2” is bigger than between others


                          • #1. Inconsistency in the date format between the date in the search form and the date in the list.
                            #2. Inconsistency in the aligning of the data in the table: the table headers are aligned to the right while the data in the table are aligned to the left.
                            #3. The data in the "Due Date" and "PO #" are mixed up.


                            • Сообщение об ошибке

                              1# Ссылаясь на GUI измените расположение ,, User Manager | Profile | Help | Logout " в конец всей страницы
                              2# В таблице ,, Search my invoices " 4,5 строка нет слова ,, From "
                              3# В столбце ,,status '' опечатка ,, Rejcted "
                              4# Строка 4 столбец 7, при наведении на знак ,, paid " отображается неверное ее описание ,, approved"
                              5# Знак ,, бинокль " не нужен , т. к. есть кнопка ,,search''
                              6# В блоке ,, search my invoices " кроме цифр можно вводить буквы
                              Last edited by gadjhi; 03-31-2022, 12:57 PM.


                              • #1. Разный формат написания даты в Invoice date мм/дд/гг в таблице дд-мм-гг.
                                #2. Лишняя картинка в Purchase order " бинокль".
                                #3. Несоответствие:Необходимо поменять местами название заголовков таблицы Due Date и РО#
                                #4. Несоответствие: в From amount: запрашиваемые параметры от 100 до 1000000 суммы без точек и запятых, а в таблице с точками и запятыми.
                                #5. В Invoice date запрашиваемые даты с 6/5/2011 до 9/30/2011. В результате 3 и 10 строчики инвойсы за октябрь.

