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TAULIA Bug Reports

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    #1. Upper menu line is not align to right side of page.
    #2. The "Invoices" item selection frame of the top menu is visible at
    all times.
    #3. Size of each item in top menu should be the same.
    #4. In the "Search my invoices" category all items must end with colon,
    not only item "From amount".
    #5. The binoculars icon is not aligned horizontally and vertically to
    the fields on the side and bottom.
    #6. Search button is not align to right side of page.
    #7. The "Showing" line should look like "1-10 from 422".
    #8. The distance between "Download list" and "Refresh" should be the
    same as the distance from the "Refresh" and the right side of page.
    #9. Column headings are not left aligned.
    #10. The heading of the first column should be "Invoice #".
    #11. The "Type" column is redundant if only invoices are being
    #12. The header "Invoice Date" contains an abbreviation, should be
    written entirely.
    #13. Headers of the "Due Date" and "PO #" columns should be swap.
    #14. Sign of decrement in headers "Amount" should be fixed to sign of
    #15. Columns are not align to right side of page.
    #16. There are 11 lines in the table, should be 10.
    #17. In column "Amount" in rows 7 and 8 order of increment is broken.
    #18. In column "Status" in row 1 should be word "Rejected".
    #19. In the last row of table the "Actions" button is missed.
    #20. Line with links to pages is not align to center of row.
    #21. In links line distance between "1" and "2" are greater, than
    between other links.
    #22. In links line the "5" link is missed.
    #23. There are lesser pages in links line for 422 results.
    #24. There is two dots in links line between "10" and "32", should be
    three dots.
    #25. The download icon is not align vertically to "Download list".
    #26. There is ether dot and comma used in cost format. Should be
    something one.
    #27. Line "From Amount" should be looks like "Amount from".
    #28. Line "Invoice date" should be looks like "Invoice date from".
    #29. The date formate in "Invoice date" and in table are diffrent.
    #30. The date in column "3" in row "7" are out of parameters of
    searching. Shoudn be shown.


    • Testing for bugs TAULIA: Search invoices

      #1. In the upper row last tab replace "Your Customer" with "Customer"
      #2. In the upper row inconsistency with "Search my Invoices", replace with "Search"
      #3. In upper label column replace "Invoice Number" with "Number"
      #4. In upper label column replace "Invoice status" with "Status"
      #5. In upper label column replace "Invoice Date" with "Date"
      #6. In "Purchase order" label add parameters for search
      #7. Label "From amount:" replace to "Amount"
      #8. “Actions” button is missing in the row#11
      #9. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 invoices search results
      #10 Search results should display 10 rows (as per “Results per page” listbox), not 11
      #11 Replace “Showing 422 invoices” with “Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices”
      #12 ”Type“ column is redundant since all the search results are of the same type(Invoice)
      #13 Sorting order violation in “Amount” column: “22,409.37” should go below “22,376.00”, not above
      #14 “Amount” column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title.
      #15 Left most column title: replace “Invoce #” with “Invoice #”
      #16 Misspelled word in first row "Rejcted" in ”Status” column
      #17 Column "Due Date" is irrelevant to the value of the coloumn
      #18 Column "PO#" is misleading since it contains "Date" value
      #19 Column "Payment" and its value is irrelevant
      #20 "Inv. Date" replace with "Date"
      #21. Inconsistency with "Inv Date" and "Due date"
      #22 "Status" column should give option for drop down menu
      #23 Inconsistency with date format "28-Sep-2011" vs "9/30/2011"
      #24 "Amount" format replace with the decimal format "100,000"


      • 1. Нету имени (id) залогиневшегося пользователя
        2. Столбцы Due Date и PO# поменять друг с другом местами
        3. Нету двоеточий после названий параметров запроса
        4. Нету возможности сортировки по разным столбцам
        5. дата инвойса в 7 строке не соответствует параметру запроса по дате
        6. Нет названия столбца, под которым располагаются кнопки "Actions"
        7. За столбцом с кнопками "Actions" лишний столбец


        • 1. Spacing between items in the menu in the top right corner is not consistent.
          2. Logo in the top left corner may have to include a link to a homepage and be enabled.
          3. Labels of search parameters should have colons at the end.
          4. The dropdown list of the "Customer" search parameter should have an option to select all. If there are several options, there should be a relevant column in search results field.
          5. The "From amount:" search parameter should be replaced with "Amount from:".
          6. The dropdown list of the "Invoice status" search parameter has only "All" item, however, there are more statuses in search results.
          7. The binoculars sign next to the "Purchase order" field in search parameters is redundant as there is a "Search" button.
          8. Search results header should say "Showing 1-10 of 422 Invoices".
          9. The title "Invoce #" is misspelled.
          10. Titles of columns "Due Date" and "PO #" may have to be swapped.
          11. Invoice date format in search results should correspond with the format in search parameters.
          12. Invoice amounts in the search results should be aligned to the right.
          13. Buttons "Actions" in the serach results are disabled; there is no hand pointer when hovered.
          14. The "Type" column is redundant as every item is an invoice.
          15. The "Due Date" search parameter is unavailable, however, it appears in results. Impossible to filter by "Due Date".
          16. The "Payment" column is not informative as the data format is unknown: it may have to be "Payment Order No.".
          17. The "Amount" column is in ascending order, but should be in descending order as per the arrow next to the label.
          18. Lines 7 and 10 fall out of invoice date range: from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011.
          19. There should be 10 results per page, but 11 results appear.
          20. Page 5 is missing in the list of pages with search results in the bottom.
          21. There should be a total of 43 pages (422 invoices, 10 per page), but not 32.
          22. Each page number shall include a link to such page and be enabled. Now only text cursor appears when hovering.
          23. The "Actions" button is missing on the last line (line 11).
          24. Lines 7 and 8 should be swapped as per the ascending order of the amount.
          25. The column with "Actions" buttons is not labeled.
          26. The last column (the one after the "Actions" buttons) is empty, not used (the source HTML code includes a separate column).
          27. The status "Rejcted" is misspelled.
          28. When hovering over the status on line 4, it shows a wrong description: "Approved" instead of "Paid".


          • #1 Столбец "invoce#" ошибка в записи, заменить на "invoce"
            #2 Столбец "invoce#" ошибка, вместо решетки заменить на знак возрастание или убывание
            #3 Столбец "invoce#" не корректно отображается результат поиска, в хаотичном порядке
            # 4 Столбец "PO #" ошибка, заменить решетку на знак возрастание или убывание. В результатах поиска упорядочить по возрастанию или убыванию
            #5 Столбец "Тип" нижнее подчеркивание выполнено пунктирной строкой
            #6 В параметрах поиска, в строке "дата счета" задаются параметры в цифровом эквиваленте, а результатах поиска отображается в буквенном


            • 1.Заменить "Logout" на "Log out"
              2.Поменять местами "Due Date" и "PO#"
              3.Заменить буквенное обозначение даты в столбце "Inv. Date" на цифирное
              4.Выравнивание всех столбцов
              5.Удалить лишние пространство после "Actions"
              6.Кнопку "Search" перенести под "Results per page"


              • #12. Column names violation: column "Due Date" should be "PO#", column "PO#" should be "Due Date"
                #13. "Inv date" column in the Search Results section has different format from "Invoice date" in the "Search my invoices" (DD-MMM-YYYY) vs (DD/MM/YYYY)
                #14. Unknown format in the "Payment" column
                #15. Replace screen tip "Approved" with "Paid" in the line 4 of the "Status" column
                #16. Missing title in the right most column of the Search Result
                #17. Delete space after "User Manager" and "Profile" in the right top corner of the page
                #18. Delete space after "Download List" in the top right corner of the Search Result section
                #20. Redundant options to refresh using "Refresh" and refresh icon, "Download List" and floppy disk icon (used with the screen tip "Download"
                #21. Inconsistency between number format in the "Amount" column in the Search Result and "From amount:" line in the "Search my invoices" section
                #22. Delete space after page 1 in the page search in the left bottom corner


                • TAULIA bug reports
                  #12. The column headings “Due Date” and “PO #” are reversed.
                  #13. Invoice dated "1-Oct-2011" does not match the "Invoice date" selection conditions "06/05/2011" to "9/30/2011" (7th row of column)


                  • 1. Перепутаны заголовки столбцов "Due Date" и "PO #".
                    2. Дата выставления инвойса в строке 7 (1-Oct-2011) не попадает в заданный диапазон при поиске (6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011).
                    3. Формат дат в разделе "Search my invoices" не совпадает с форматом дат в разделе “Showing invoices”.
                    4. Срок действия счета в строках 2, 3 и 10 один месяц + 1 день. В остальных строках ровно 1 месяц.
                    Last edited by Alexey Zubov; 04-05-2022, 02:05 AM.


                    • #1 six of the seven search parameters are missing a colon at the end
                      #2 in the search parameter "From amount" are missing signs of thousand separator (comma) and decimal separator (dot)
                      #3 binoculars icon opposite the field "Purchase order" is redundant
                      #4 in the table with search results data in the columns "Due Date" and "PO#" need to swap places
                      #5 data in the column "PO#" is not correct: seven of invoices have purchase order #40988, two invoices have purchase order #30988
                      #6 date view in the search parameter "Invoice date" and in the search results in columns "Inv.Date" and "Due Date" must have the same view
                      #7 invoice #1122339546 has " 1-Oct-2011" that does not match the date search parameters "from 6-May-2011 to 30-Sep-2011"


                      • 1. Несоответствие между форматом дат в ячейке выбора дат у лейбла "Invoice date" и форматом дат в столбцах "Inv.Date" и "PO#"
                        2. В верхнем правом меню управления аккаунтом не показывает имя пользователя
                        3. В столбце "Amount" несоответcвие между значком сортировки (по убыванию) и выводом результатов (по возрастанию)
                        4. В столбце "Payment" отсутствуют номера транзакций у платежей со статусами "Rejcted, In process, Approved".
                        5. В нумерации страниц с результатами поиска нет кнопок навигации: на страницу назад, на страницу вперед, к первой странице, к последней странице.
                        6. В нумерации страниц с результатами поиска между номером 10 и номером 32 использовано две точки вместо трех точек.
                        7. Несоответствие диапазона дат в параметрах поиска ("Invoice date" до 30 сентября 2011) и результатах поиска (дата 01 октября 2011).

                        1. Mismatch between the date format in the date selection cell of the label "Invoicedate" and the date format in the columns "Inv.Date" and "PO#"
                        2. The account management menu in the upper right does not show the user name
                        3. In the "Amount" column, the mismatch between the sort icon (descending) and the results output (ascending)
                        4. In the "Payment" column, there are no transaction numbers for payments with the statuses "Rejected, In process, Approved".
                        5. There are no navigation buttons in the numbering of pages with search results: back to the page, forward to the page, to the first page, to the last page.
                        6. In the numbering of the search results pages, between number 10 and number 32 uses two dots instead of three dots.
                        7. Date range mismatch in search parameters ("Invoice date" until September 30, 2011) and search results (date October 01, 2011).


                        • 01.
                          Severity: Minor
                          Short description: In the field with the label "From amount" "to" comma and point are missing in amount "1000000"
                          Steps to reproduce:
                          #01. Launch the Taulia application in your browser
                          #02. Navigate to tne "Invoices" page
                          * Mouse-Click on "Invoices" folder tab - "Invoices" folder opens
                          #03. Search invoices with the following values used:
                          - Customer = General Electric
                          #04. In field "From Amount" write 100, in field "to" write 1000000
                          #05. Observe: In the field with the label "From amount" "to" comma and point are missing in amount "1000000"

                          Severity: Suggestion
                          Short description: It's necessary to add "from" to the label "invoice date"
                          Steps to reproduce:
                          #01. Launch the Taulia application in your browser
                          #02. Navigate to tne "Invoices" page
                          * Mouse-Click on "Invoices" folder tab - "Invoices" folder opens
                          #03. Observe: Pretext "from" in the label "Invoice date" is missing

                          Severity: Minor
                          Short description: "Due Date" column: values are provided not in a common date format
                          Steps to reproduce:
                          #01. Launch the Taulia application in your browser
                          #02. Navigate to tne "Invoices" page
                          * Mouse-Click on "Invoices" folder tab - "Invoices" folder opens
                          #03. Search invoices with the following values used:
                          - Customer = General Electric
                          - From Amount = 100 to 1000000
                          - Invoice date = 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011
                          - Invoice status = All
                          - Results per page = 10
                          #04. Observe: In the column "Due Date" in the search results values are provided not in a common date format

                          Severity: Minor
                          Short description: "PO#" column: values are provided in a common date format
                          Steps to reproduce:
                          #01. Launch the Taulia application in your browser
                          #02. Navigate to tne "Invoices" page
                          * Mouse-Click on "Invoices" folder tab - "Invoices" folder opens
                          #03. Search invoices with the following values used:
                          - Customer = General Electric
                          - From Amount = 100 to 1000000
                          - Invoice date = 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011
                          - Invoice status = All
                          - Results per page = 10
                          #04. Observe: In the column "PO#" in the search results values are provided in a common date format

                          Severity: Minor
                          Short description: In the column "Due Date" date "31-Oct-2011" does not much search requirements "Invoice date from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011"
                          Steps to reproduce:
                          #01. Launch the Taulia application in your browser
                          #02. Navigate to tne "Invoices" page
                          * Mouse-Click on "Invoices" folder tab - "Invoices" folder opens
                          #03. Search invoices with the following values used:
                          - Customer = General Electric
                          - From Amount = 100 to 1000000
                          - Invoice date = 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011
                          - Invoice status = All
                          - Results per page = 10
                          #04. Observe: In the search results in the column "Due Date" date "31-Oct-2011" does not much search requirements "Invoice date from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011"

                          Severity: Minor
                          Short description: Missing column content centering
                          Steps to reproduce:
                          #01. Launch the Taulia application in your browser
                          #02. Navigate to tne "Invoices" page
                          * Mouse-Click on "Invoices" folder tab - "Invoices" folder opens
                          #03. Search invoices with the following values used:
                          - Customer = General Electric
                          - From Amount = 100 to 1000000
                          - Invoice date = 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011
                          - Invoice status = All
                          - Results per page = 10
                          #04. Observe: In the column of the search results content isn't centered

                          Severity: Minor
                          Short description: Inconsistency in date format used in "Invoice date" fields vs cells of "Inv.Date" column (mm/dd/yyyy vs dd-mm-yyyy)
                          Steps to reproduce:
                          #01. Launch the Taulia application in your browser
                          #02. Navigate to tne "Invoices" page
                          * Mouse-Click on "Invoices" folder tab - "Invoices" folder opens
                          #03. Search invoices with the following values used:
                          - Customer = General Electric
                          - From Amount = 100 to 1000000
                          - Invoice date = 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011
                          - Invoice status = All
                          - Results per page = 10
                          #04. Observe: In the search results in the column "Inv.Date" values are provided in date format "dd-mm-yyyy", whereas in the "Invoice date" fields used date format "mm/dd/yyyy"

                          Severity: Minor
                          Short description: Cursor doesn't change to "hand" shape when hovering over button "Actions"
                          Steps to reproduce:
                          #01. Launch the Taulia application in your brouser
                          #02. Navigate to the "Invoices" page
                          * Mouse-Click on "Invoices" folder tab - "Invoices" folder opens
                          #03. Search invoices with the following values used:
                          - Customer = General Electric
                          - From Amount = 100 to 1000000
                          - Invoice date = 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011
                          - Invoice status = All
                          - Results per page = 10
                          #04. Navigate mouse pointer over the button "Actions"
                          #05. Observe: Cursor doesn't change to "hand" shape, probably link is missing

                          Severity: Minor
                          Short description: Cursor doesn't change to "hand" shape when hovering over any page number
                          Steps to reproduce:
                          #01. Launch the Taulia application in your brouser
                          #02. Navigate to the "Invoices" page
                          * Mouse-Click on "Invoices" folder tab - "Invoices" folder opens
                          #03. Search invoices with the following values used:
                          - Customer = General Electric
                          - From Amount = 100 to 1000000
                          - Invoice date = 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011
                          - Invoice status = All
                          - Results per page = 10
                          #04. Navigate mouse pointer over any page number in the page's bottom
                          #05. Observe: Cursor doesn't change to "hand" shape, probably link is missing

                          Severity: Minor
                          Short description: Cursor doesn't change to "hand" shape when hovering over logo
                          Steps to reproduce:
                          #01. Launch the Taulia application in your brouser
                          #02. Navigate to the "Invoices" page
                          * Mouse-Click on "Invoices" folder tab - "Invoices" folder opens
                          #03. Navigate mouse pointer over logo in the page's header
                          #05. Observe: Cursor doesn't change to "hand" shape, probably link is missing

                          Severity: Minor
                          Short description: Company logo, name and slogan is out on focus
                          Steps to reproduce:
                          #01. Launch the Taulia application in your brouser
                          #02. Navigate to the "Invoices" page
                          * Mouse-Click on "Invoices" folder tab - "Invoices" folder opens
                          #03. Observe: Logo, company name and slogan is out on focus
                          Last edited by P_Sychev; 04-05-2022, 08:08 AM.


                          • Отчет об ошибках Таулия
                            1. Содержимое столбца "Due Date" должно быть заменено содержимым столбца "PO#".
                            2. В нижнем меню выбора страницы отсутствует страница № 5.
                            3. Некорректный формат выравнивания даты в столбце.


                            • 1. В поле ввода "Invoice number" можно писать буквы , а допустимы только числа.
                              2. "Invoice Date" задано 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011, а в результате поиска - 1-Oct-2011 (column "Inv. Date", row=7).
                              3. Column "Due Date" значения не соответствуют названию столбца.
                              4. Column " PO#" значения не соответствуют названию столбца.
                              5. "Invoice Date", "Inv. Date", "Due Date" - формат даты необходимо привести к единообразию.
                              6. Column "PO#" (номер заказа) - значения неуникальные.
                              Last edited by TatianaZh; 03-31-2022, 08:31 AM.


                              • 1. "Search my invoices": Not marked Required and Optional Data Entry Fields
                                3. Column name "Due Date" swap with "PO #"
                                3. "40988" repeated 7 times in the "Due Date" column
                                4. All the column names need to align to the center of column
                                5. "1-Oct-2011" don't correspond to the selected option "Invoice date"/to "9/30/2011"
                                6. ".." in pagination replace with "..."

