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TAULIA Bug Reports

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  • 1. Пагинация после числа 10 должна иметь три точки (...), а не две.
    2. Заголовки столбцов (№ счета-фактуры, тип, дата счета, срок оплаты) перемещены вправо. Они должны быть выровнены по центру столбцов данных.
    3. В колонке "Оплата" неверный формат даты.
    4. Таблица результатов поиска возвращает 11 строк. выбрали 10 в "Results per page" списке.
    5. Нет кнопки "Actions" в 11 ряду.
    6. Колонока "PO #": содержимое не соответсвует.
    7. Колонка "Due Date": форат даты не правильный.
    8. Колонка "Amount" должна от большего к меньшему показать результать. А показывает от меньшего.
    Last edited by Siuzanna; 04-01-2022, 06:31 AM.


      1. Incorrect date format “9/30/2011” in the “Invoice date” field.
      2. Replace columns “Due Date” and “PO#”
      3. Inconsistency between the titles “Invoice Date” and “ Inv. Date” in the first row.
      4. In the column “Inv. Date” displayed date 1-Okt-2011 but as per “Invoice Date “ should be until 9/30/2011
      Last edited by Maryana; 03-31-2022, 07:51 AM. Reason: .


      • Bug Report Taulia:
        1. В таблице результатов, названия столбцов "Due Date" и "PO#" перепутаны. Необходимо поменять местами названия или поменять местами содержимое столбцов.
        2. В таблице результатов в первой строке в колонке "Status" не правильно написано слово "Rejected".
        3. В таблице результатов в 11 строчке отсутствует слово "Actions"
        4. В первой строке таблицы в колонке "Status" написано "Rejected" хотя по требованиям заказывать можно от 100$.



          #1. "Actions" button is missing in the row #11
          #2. 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results
          #3. Search results should display 10 rows (as per "Results per page" listbox), not 11
          #4. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 0f 422 invoices"
          #5. "Type" column is redundant (избыточный) since all the search results are of same type (invoice)
          #6. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00", not above
          #7. "Amount" column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction
          given by the arrow next to the column title
          #8. Leftmost column title: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"
          #9. Misspelled word in first row/"Status" column
          #10 Enumeration search results of pages: link to page "5" is missing
          #11 "Search my invoices": provide all the label with the colon character at the end

          #12. Enumeration search results of pages: too much distance between the number 1 and 2.
          #13. Button (binoculars) about with Purchase order is redundant.
          #14. Misspelled word in button "User Manager".
          #15. В шапке сайта названия разделов нужно исправить согласно правилам орфографии, вторые слова писать с маленькой буквы.
          #16. Align in the middle all column title.
          #17. Правый край окна вывода данных нужно подвинуть ближе к кнопкам "Actions"

          P.S Сообщение будет дополняться
          Last edited by VVM; 03-31-2022, 11:58 AM.


          • Bug report that was discussed on webinar:

            1. “Action” button is missing in raw #11.
            2. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 results.
            3. Search results should display 10 rows (as per the “Results per page” Listbox), not 11.
            4. Replace “Showing 422 invoices” with “Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices”.
            5. “Type” column is redundant since all the search results is of the same type (invoice).
            6. Sorting order violation in the “Amount” column “$22,409.57” should go below “$22,376.00”, not above
            7. “Amount” column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title.
            8. Leftmost column title: replace “Invoce #” with “Invoice #”
            9. Misspelled word in first row/ “Status column”.
            10. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page “5” is missing.
            11. Use the character “:” after each label on the “Search my invoices” section.

            My bug report

            #1. Swap field names column "Due Date" and "PO #".
            #2. In fields "Invoice date" and columns "Inv.Date" "PO #" are date formats differ.
            #3. In column which should be "PO #" a lot of duplicate values.
            #4. In row 7 of column "Inv. Date" value out of range 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011.
            #5. In column "Amount" values ​​must be dot aligned or right side.
            #6. Extra column after buttons "Actions" should be remove.
            #7. Strange short text field above menu "Payments".
            #8. Field "Invoice number" should be able to accept only numbers.
            #9. Field "Purchase order" should be able to accept only numbers.
            #10. Field "From amount" should be able to accept only numbers.
            #11. Columns "Inv. Date" "Due Date" "PO #" should be right aligned.
            #12. Move number of pages "1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 .. 32" to right side.
            #13. In number of pages "1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 .. 32" change ".." (2 point) to "..."(3 point).
            #14. Align button "Search" in "Search my invoices" to left side.
            #15. Add "from" after "Invoice date" in section "Search my invoices".
            #16. Change "From amount:" to "Amount From:" in section "Search my invoices".
            #17. Add sort function to all columns.
            #18. Add to section "Search my invoices" opportunity search by label "Status" with list box(Rejected,Paid,In process, Approved).
            #19. Add to section "Search my invoices" opportunity search by label "Due date" (from .. to ..) like "Invoice date".
            #20. In the upper right corner instead "User manager" show username only.
            #21. Rename "Download list" to "Save" or "Save result".
            #22. In the upper right corner "Profile" is redundant, because we can entry in the menu via click on username.


            • № 1 . Кнопка "Actions" отсутствует в столбце 11.
              №2 . 32 страници не достаточно для того чтоб разместить 422 результата
              №3. в поиске выбран вариант "показывать 10 результатов на странице" а показано 11.
              №4. Заменить "показано 422 результата" на "показано 1-10 из 422"
              №5. Столбец "Type" лишний, поскольку все результаты имеют одинаковый тип "Invoice"
              №6. В столбце "Amount" показания 22,409 должны быть ниже 22,376.
              №7. В столбце "Amount" Несоответствие сортировки данных ( стрелка показывает сортировку по уменьшению а фактически сортирует по возрастанию)
              №8. В первом столбце опечатка в слове "Invoice"
              №9. Ошибка в первом слове в колонке "Status"
              №10. В нуменрации страниц внизу отсутствует страница 5.
              №11. В поле "Search my invoices" доставить двоеточие после каждого Лэйбла.

              №12. В "Search my invoices" в поиске по дате, дата стоит в одном формате, а врезультате поиска в другом формате
              №13. В столбце "Inv. Date" , не смотря на выбранные параметры поиска до 30.09.2011, показан результат 1.10.2011
              №14. В столбце "Payment" некоректные даты
              №15. В столбце "Due Date" отображен не срок сдачи, а номер.
              №16 На верхней панели присутствует несогласованность обращения "My Details" и "Your Customer"
              №17. При наведении курсора на столбец с кнопкой "Actions" появляется курсор как для набора текста.


              • #12. The format of amounts in the data input field under the label "From amount:" and "to" (under the icon "binoculars") should be adjusted to the format the column "Amount"
                #13. The date format in the data input field under the label “Invoice date”...“to” does not match the date formats in columns #3 and #5.
                #14. Swap the column names "Due Date" and "PO #".
                #15. Column "Inv. Date" line #7: date "1-Oct-2011" does not match the selection given by label "Invoice date" ... "to".
                #16. Wrong value format in column "Payment" of row with Status "Paid".
                #17. Column "Status" line #4: when you hover over the icon with dollars and the text "Paid" we see the wrong inscription "Approved".
                #18. When moving the cursor using the "TAB" button from the "Purchase order" data input field, cursor mistakenly get to the "Binoculars" icon.
                #19. When you hover over the "Actions" buttons (in the last column), a text cursor appears instead of an action cursor.
                #20. Enumeration search results of pages: extra space between links to page "1" and "2".


                • #1 Differen format for writing dates in "Invoice data" row and "Inv. Date", "PO#" columns.
                  #2 "Inv. Date" column should contain a date.
                  #3 "РО#" column should contain a date. perchace order number.
                  #4 "Status" column in 4th row, hover the mouse over "Paid" we see "Approved"


                  • Homework #2.
                    Bug reports for Taulia: Search invoices (
                    #1 Bring date fields to the same format and software localization.
                    #2 Add all possible statuses to the "Invoice Status:" label.
                    #3 Make 'Payment' column only visible when 'Invoice Status: Paid' is selected.
                    #4 Replace the binoculars icon in the "Search my invoices" section with a default reset icon.
                    #5 Fix tab key inconsistency.
                    Sorry for my English.


                    • Taulia Bug Reports:

                      1. Mistake in name “Rejcted”. 1st row in the tab. Need to rename to “Rejected”.
                      2. There is no column for the label “Customer” in the table.
                      3. The table has 11 rows. There should be 10 rows.
                      4. Labels in the “Search my invoices” menu are inconsistent. One of them has “:” special character, others don't.
                      5. Inconsistency between number of pages and count of showing invoices.
                      6. Mistake in name of 1st column of the table. There is "Invoce #", but it should be "Invoice #".
                      7. Column “Type” in the table is senseless. Because the meaning of type is just one - “Invoices”. We should put away that column or add the label “Type” in searching parameters menu if it has more meanings than 1.
                      8. There is no “Actions” button in row 11.
                      9. There is no 5th page in the pages line in the footer of the table.
                      10. Inconsistency between the amount “$22,409.37” and amount “$22,376.00”. “$22,376.00” must be higher than “$22,409.37”.
                      11. The date of invoice #1122339546 is out of the searching range.
                      12. The arrow near the “Amount” button looks down. It means descending order. But the data in that column has an ascending order. So that arrow should look up.
                      13. Date of invoice #1122339546 is 1-Oct-2011. But in order to searching dates it must be arranged from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011.
                      14. The row “Invoice number” has a contacts icon. It looks senseless there.
                      15. The row “Purchase order” has a binoculars icon. It looks senseless there.


                      • TAULIA bug reports
                        1. Header: Company logo is not clickable.
                        2. Header: Replace link 'Logout' with 'Log out'.
                        3. 'Search my invoices' section: All labels should have colon character at the end.
                        4. 'Search my invoices' section: Replace the label 'From amount:' with 'Amount from:'.
                        5. 'Search my invoices' section: Add digit grouping symbol ',' for the input fields for min and max amounts.
                        6. 'Search my invoices' section: Add currency character '$' for the input fields for min and max amounts.
                        7. 'Search my invoices' section: Replace the label 'Invoice date' with 'Invoice date from:'.
                        8. Inconsistency in date formats - 'Invoice date' field has format 6/5/2011 and dates in search results section has format 28-Sep-2011.
                        9. Inconsistency 'date/Date' in label 'Invoice date' and titles 'Inv. Date' and 'Due Date'.
                        10. Incorrect number of results per page - 11 results per page instead of chosen 10 results in listbox.
                        11. Number 32 pages in search results section is not enough to show 422 invoices.
                        12. Page numbers in search results section: Remove excess space after the first page number.
                        13. Page numbers in search results section: Link to 5th page is missing.
                        14. Page numbers in search results section: Replace '..' for page numbers skip with '...'.
                        15. Search results section: Replace the 1st column title 'Invoce #' with 'Invoice #'.
                        15. Search results section: Inconsistency in column title alignments and alignments of data in the columns.
                        16. Search results section: Inconsistency in column titles 'Invoce #' and 'Inv. Date'. Both should use the similar word 'Invoice' or 'Inv.".
                        17. Search results section: There is excess column 'Type' because all found results should be of the same type 'invoice'.
                        18. Search results section: Misspelled status 'Rejcted' in the first row of 'Status' column.
                        19. Search results section: Sorting order violation in 'Amount' column - $22,409.37 should be below $22,376.00 not above.
                        20. Search results section: Inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction of the arrow near the column title.
                        21. Search results section: 'Actions' button is missing in the last row on the page.
                        20. Search results section: Column titles 'Due Date' and 'PO #' are mixed up. The 4th column should be 'PO #' and the 5th column should be 'Due Date'.
                        21. Search results section: The 4th column have the same numbers that shouldn't be for PO numbers.
                        22. Search results section: The invoice date (1-Oct-2011, ) in the 7th row are out of specified date range 6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011.
                        23. Search results section: There is wrong tooltip message 'Approved' for the paid icon in the 4th row / 'Status' column.
                        24. Search results section: Cursor takes form of a I-Beam while hovering over buttons and links instead of hand.
                        25. Search results section: Texts in the 'Payment' column have no clear meanings.


                        • #1 "Invoice date" button form date is inconsistency with form in a column "Inv.Date"
                          #2 In row 3th,7th,10th column "Inv.Date" does not meet the requrements of the declared period form
                          #3 "Due Date" and "PO#" columns is change places
                          #4 "Inv.Date" column form date indicated separated by a slash "/", "Invoice Date" in the label by hyphen "-"
                          #5 "Payment" column said year and hour unspecifield by month and day
                          #6 In the row #11 the column "Payment" incorrect time - "1488"
                          #7 "Payment" column the hours and minutes are not separated special character such as ":" or "."
                          #8 "Inv.Date" column the month said the letters, "Invoice date" lable the month said the digits
                          #9 Button is missing in the column "Actions" in the top row


                          • #1 Add a column “Customer” after “Invoice number” column
                            #2 Switch “PO #” and “Due date” titles
                            #3 Rename "PO #" title to "Purchase order #"
                            #4 Replace label "Invoice number" with "Invoice #"
                            #5 Replace column title “Inv.Date” with “Invoice date”
                            #6 Misspelled word at the top right corner of the page: replace “Logout” with “Log out”

                            #7 Add “from” after “Invoice date” label
                            #8 Replace “From amount” label with “Invoice Amount” label
                            #9 Add “from” after new “Invoice Amount” label before the text box
                            #10 Provide drop-down calendar boxes for date selection for "Invoice date" label
                            #11 Rename "PO #" title to "Purchase order #"
                            #12 Assign same date format to "Invoice date" label, fixed "Invoice date"(#1) and "Due date"(#2) columns
                            #13 Provide an option to print the page; button "Print" next to "Download list" button
                            Last edited by Julia R; 03-31-2022, 07:49 AM.


                            • №1. "Invoice date". The results table shows data as of October 1, 2011, which does not match the search parameters of 09/30/2011
                              №2. "Results per page". The result table shows 11 rows even though the search options have a 10 row limit.
                              №3. In the table with the results, the names of the columns "Due Date" and "PO #" are swapped.


                              • 1. "Due Date" column doesn't contain date but contains number.
                                2. "PO #" column doesn't contain number but contains date.
                                3. Column with "Actions" buttons misses the title.
                                4. Inconsistency in date formats in table and in the "Invoice date" input fields in the search parametrs.
                                5. "Download list" button has an image of diskette which is used for "Save" command.
                                6. Alignment of the columns' titles is not centered.
                                7. Enumeration search results of pages contains two dots ".." instead of three dots "...".
                                8. The table is not located in the center, there is too much space on the right side.
                                9. Enumeration search results of pages: there is a bigger space between numbers "1" and "2" than between the other numbers.

