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TAULIA Bug Reports

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    #1. Search results section missing title for "actions" column.
    #2. Add to searched pages "1 - 32" "previous" and "next" button.
    #3. Search result section title row make center each title in column.
    #4. Searched pages "1-32" is not in center.
    #5. Searched results column "Amount" character "$" pass to the end of each result.
    #6. Sorting order violation in "Invoice #" column: numbers of invoices should go from smallest to largest.
    #7. "Search my invoices" text boxes "Invoice labels" and "to": replace character "/" with "-".


      #1. "Actions" button is missing in the row #11
      #2. 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results
      #3. Search results should display 10 rows (as per "Results per page" listbox), not 11
      #4. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 0f 422 invoices"
      #5. "Type" column is redundant (избыточный) since all the search results are of same type (invoice)
      #6. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00", not above
      #7. "Amount" column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction
      given by the arrow next to the column title
      #8. Leftmost column title: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"
      #9. Misspelled word in first row/"Status" column
      #10. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page "5" is missing
      #11. "Search my invoices": provide all the label with the colon character at the end
      ================================================== ================================================== ==

      #12. The page refreshed when you click on the "binoculars" not on the "refresh" button
      #13. Unclear location of "binoculars" button
      #14. Status column shold display pictures or text
      #15. Inv. Date displays invalid date. Row 7 not comply with date restrictions
      #16. "taulia" header and "Search my invoices" header wrong color
      #17. Sorting order buttons next to all column headers
      #18. Indexes are longer than the standart for US indexes
      #19. Wrong corors scheme in "Search my invoices" part
      #20. No footer info


        #1 Invoice date : the dates are from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 and October is present in the search results.
        #2 There is an error in the column name "Invoce#" / "Invoice".
        #3 Column "Invoce #" chronological inconsistency.
        #4 Row "Results per page":requirements 10 pages - showing 11 pages.
        #5 Column "Inv. Date": date inconsistency.
        #6 Column "Inv. Date": invalid date format month/day/year.
        #7 Column "Due Date": chronological inconsistency.
        #8 Column "PO #" : invalid date format month/day/year.
        #9 Column "PO #" : chronological inconsistency.
        #10 Column "Amount" : Requirements (in descending order), the search result (in ascending order).
        Last edited by Alex_novy; 03-31-2022, 05:37 AM.


        • #1. In the "Search my invoices" section add missing colon ( : ) characters after the labels
          #2. In the "Search my invoices" section chance the label "From amount" to "Amount: from"
          #3. In the "Search my invoices" section in the label "Invoice date" add "from" before the first date input field
          #4. In the "Search my invoices" section remove the "binocular" searchbutton
          #5. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
          #6. In the search results page the number of rowa is 11 instead on 10 as per the "Results per page" listbox
          #7. In the search results page the date format (D-M-Y) is inconsistent with the date format in the "Invoice date" input fields (M/D/Y)
          #8. In the "Due Date" and "PO #" columns the displayed data is not the required output data
          #9. In the search results page align the output data columns layout with the column header positions
          #10. The meaning of the "Payment" column header is not clear
          #11. In the search results page inconsistency between the output dates (incl. October) and the dates range in the "Invoice date" section


          • (I'm not repeating the bug reports discussed and listed during the class.)

            1. Add User name before the "Logout" link (button).
            2. Make the spaces between the "|" elements and the menu items in the top right corner equal 5 pixels.
            3. Remove the "Binoculars" icon in the "Purchase order" row in the "Search my invoices" section
            4. Replace "From amount" with "Amount from"
            5. Change the date format in the "Invoice date" and "to" fields to dd-Mmm-yyyy (to match the date format of the results table).
            6. Left align the first column "Invoice #" including the column title.
            7. Right align all the numerical and date columns (including the column heading) apart from the first column "Invoice #".
            8. Left align all the text columns (including the column heading).
            9. Right align the "Actions" buttons in the table symmetrically to the first column of the table.
            10. Change the size of the "Search" button to match the size of the "Actions" button.
            11. Swap the column data in the "Due Date" and "PO #" columns (only the data, as the column headings are correct).
            12. Replace 2 dots in the pagination component with 3 dots.
            13. Add Left arrow (in front of "1") and Right arrow (behind the last page number) in the pagination component.


            • #1. Mixed columns "Due Date" and "PO"
              #2. Binoculars should be after INvoice number too
              #3. The date format is different ( Search & Result).
              #4. Purchase order is the same for different invoices
              #5. Row "Amount" is not aligned to the right
              #6. There isn't name of row nomber 9.


              • #1. Wrong position in column title at invoces list header "Due Date" and "PO #" need replacment
                #2. Incorect status name at invoces list colunm 6 raw 1 "Rejcted" has to bee "Rejected"
                #3. Wrong invoice data sorting result with "6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011" parameters at invoces list displayed results witch includes October month
                #4. Enumeration search results of pages position page №1 has position different from the numbering of other pages
                #5. Date format at "Searce my invoice" tab and "Inv. Date""Due date" at Invoices list must have the same display format
                #6. PO# numbers duplicates at PO# column at raw 2,3,5,6,7,9,11 (40988) and 4,8 (30998)


                • TULIA BUG REPORTS

                  #1. Заглавие колонн не верно отредактировано по отношению с столбцам
                  #2. Label "Customer" бесполезен, т.к. в listbox - клиент только один.
                  #4. В таблицах отсутствует сортировка Descending order и Ascending order.
                  #5. Заглавие "Due Date" информация указанная ниже в строках не логична
                  #6. Столбец "Type" бесполезен т.к. сортировка происходит только по "Invoice"


                  • 1. В колонке "Inv. Date" 7 ряду, указана дата (1-Oct-2011), которая не вписывается в диапазон, указанный в параметрах поиска (6/5/2011-9/30/2011)

                    2. В колонках "Due Date" и "PO #" перепутаны местами значения (В колонке "Due Date" указаны номера РО, а в колонке "PO #" указаны даты)

                    3. Даты в параметрах поиска и в таблице привести к единому формату

                    4. В колонке "Status", в 5 ряду значению статуса "Paid" не соответствует всплывающая подсказка "Approved", при наведении на иконку

                    5. Выровнять суммы в колонке "Amount" по цифрам после "."

                    6. Значок бинокля, указанный в параметрах поиска "Purchase order" убрать, есть кнопка "Search"

                    7. Числа в параметрах поиска "Amount from" "to" и в таблице привести к единому формату (денежному)

                    8. Отсутствует сортировка в колонках "Invoce #", "Inv. Date" и других если это необходимо
                    Last edited by Leila; 03-31-2022, 05:53 AM.


                    • #12 Logo "TAULIA" in browser's dark theme is too faint
                      #13 Font of a bottom line in basic tab in browser's dark theme is too faint
                      #14 Date format in "invoice date" has inconsistency with basic tab
                      #15 Digits in the field "From amount" needs to be divided by specific character like 1,000,000 (or 1'000'000)
                      #16 Digits in the field "From amount" needs to be divided by specific character like 100.00 and 1,000,000.00 (or 1'000'000.00) which rule is right?
                      #17 Field of invoice date had missed word "from" but has word "to"
                      #18 Between special character "$" and digits in "Amount" column might be a space
                      #19 Column "Due date" had unclear format - misunderstand what means these numbers
                      #20 "Download list" had incorrect icon - which mostly use for "save"


                        1. Colons are lacking on all but one “Search parameters” labels.
                        2. Number of search hits (422) conflicts with 32 search pages
                        3. Date of invoice # 1122339546(1-Oct-2011) conflicts with data given in “Invoice date”
                        4. Ascending order of the column “Amount” is not working
                        5. Align of the column “Amount” is possibly wrong
                        6. Column “Type” is possibly redundant
                        7. Search results has 11 rows when 10 is given in “Results per page”
                        8. “Actions” button is missing in bottom row of results
                        9. Two different formats (one in “Invoice date” and another in “Inv. Date” and “PO #”) for data field are used
                        10. “5” is missing in the list of search pages in the bottom left corner
                        11. Status of invoice 1122339225 (Rejcted) is misspelled
                        12. Column title “Invoce” is misspelled
                        13. Column “Due Date” shows data in numbers not date
                        14. Coumn “PO #” shows data in date not numbers
                        15. Two dots are used before link to 32rd page of results instead of elipsis
                        16. Inconsistency between the Label titles of the search form and the Column titles in the search result
                        17. Status icons in Column “Status” do not pass to its descriptions


                        • #1. TopNavigationSmall replace: "User Manager |Profile |Help| Logout" with "User Manager | Profile | Help | Logout"
                          #2. Replace: "Search my invoices" with "Search parameters"
                          #3. In Search navigation replace: "Purchase order" with "Purchase order number:"
                          #4. Remove the binoculars icon at the end of "Purchase order number:" row and put it in "Invoice Date" row after each text box in this row
                          #5. Align on one line "Search" button and "Results per page"
                          Last edited by koloss08; 03-31-2022, 08:57 AM.


                          • Так как я работал в контроле качества продукции (по простому ОТК) то в части Quality Assurance все легко воспринимается и понимается, особенно в части верификации и валидации. Можно сколько угодно говорить, что советский/российский автомобиль соответствует своим требованиям, заложенным в конструкторской документации на него, но он так и останется советским автомобилем. А еще многие считают, что в ОТК человек платят за то сколько ошибок в изделии он найдет, но это абсурд.

                            Постарался ранжировать по важности, заранее извините за мой кривой английский, некоторые слова переводил в переводчике, но предложения составлял сам.

                            1. "Purchase order" и "Due Date" data of the rows mixed up
                            2. "Invoice date" given 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 in "Inv. Date" show 1-Oct-2011
                            3. Textbox "Invoice number" allows you to enter letter and special character, but format digital
                            4. Textbox "From amount:" & "to" allows you to enter letter and special character, but format digital
                            5. No search parameters on the field "Due Date" ( отсуствует поиск по параметру "Due Date" )
                            6. No search parameters on the field "Payment" ( отсуствует поиск по параметру "Payment" )
                            7. Range search parameters with сonsistency в Showing forms ( сделай по сортировку параметров поиска в соотвествии с showing или наоборот)
                            8. "Invoice number" add calendar
                            9. Delete character binoculars, because there is button "Search"
                            10. Tab is a not correctly working
                            11. Uncorrectly format data in "Payment"


                            • По установленным критериям поиска инвойсы должны быть отобраны в периоде до 30 сентября, однако в отображаемой выборке есть инвойс от 1 октября (7 строка столбца "Inv. Date");
                              One invoice does not match the "Invoice date" selection conditions; 7th row of column "Inv. date" displays "1-Oct-2011" which is after ending of the selected period "9/30/2011".


                              • ОТЧЕТЫ ОБ ОШИБКАХ taulia

                                #1. "Actions" button is missing in the row #11
                                Кнопка " Действия" отсутствует в 11 ряду

                                #2. 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results
                                32 страниц недостаточно для размещения 422 поисковых результатов

                                #3. Search results should display 10 rows (as per "Results per page" listbox), not 11
                                Найденные результаты должны отображать 10 рядов (как указано "Results per page" в листбоксе) не 11

                                #4. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 0f 422 invoices"
                                Заменить "Showing 422 invoices" на "Showing 1-10 0f 422 invoices"

                                #5. "Type" column is redundant (избыточный) since all the search results are of same type (invoice)
                                "Type" колонка избыточна, так как все поиски результатов одинаковы ( выставленные счета)

                                #6. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00", not above
                                Порядок сортировки нарушен в "Amount" колонке "$22,409.37" должна быть ниже "$22,376.00" не выше

                                #7. "Amount" column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title
                                "Amount" колонка - нарушен порядок (последовательность) между действительным порядком сортировки (восходящим) и направлением даваемым ? стрелкой рядом? в заголовке стобца

                                #8. Leftmost column title: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"
                                В крайнем левом стобце заманить "Invoce #" на "Invoice #"

                                #9. Misspelled word in first row/"Status" column
                                Ошибочное слово в первом ряду столбца "Status"

                                #10 Enumeration search results of pages: link to page "5" is missing
                                Нарушение порядка нахождения страниц--ссылка\связь "5" отсутствует

                                #11 "Search my invoices": provide all the label with the colon character at the end
                                "Search my invoices"-предоставляет все ?этикетки? со значком двоеточия на конце

                                Поменять местами заголовки колонок в таблице "Due Date" и "PO #"


                                Last edited by alexQA; 03-31-2022, 09:18 AM.

