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TAULIA Bug Reports

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    1. The meaning of name column "Payment" is not enough clear and suppose to be "Payment Date"
    2. Incorrect data in column "Payment" (suppose to be date)
    3. "Search my invoices": the field "From amount:" should accept only digit characters
    4. "Search my invoices": missing word "from" in the label "Invoice date"
    5. The date "1-Oct-2011" in the column "Inv. Date" is out of selected period of "Invoice date" from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011


      1. “Search my invoices” - provide all the labels with the colon character at the end.
      2. Change the title of the column “From amount” into “Amount from”.
      3. Change “Showing 422 invoices” into “Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices”.
      4. Ad the title “Action” in the column 9.
      5. Delete column “Type” as it’s useless.
      6. Replace title “Invoce #” with “Invoice #”.
      7. Change data format in column “Inv.Date” and “Due date” and “Payment” into month/date/year.
      8. Switch data at the column”Due date” and “PO #”.
      9. Inconsistency in pages enumeration - page 5 is missing.
      10. Search parameters violation - showing 11 results per pages instead of 10.
      11. If total amount of invoices is 422 it’d be 43 pages instead of 32.
      12. Inconsistency between actual sorting order in column “Amount” and showing by arrow next to the column title.
      13. Inconsistency in sorting order in column “Amount” - amount $22,409.37 should bu under amount $22,376.00.
      14. Column “User Manager” should indicate user name (login).
      15. Invoice date parameters inconsistency - search parameters rage between 06/05/2011to 09/30/2011 but in raw 7 invoice is dated 10/01/2011.
      16. Replace word “Rejcted” into “Rejected” in raw 1 column “Status”.
      17. Equalize the width of all columns.
      18. Raw 11 button “Action” is missing.
      19. Change the title “Payment” into “Payment date”.


      • 12. Значения в колонках "Due Date" и "PO #" необходимо поменять местами
        13. В колонке "Payment" не во всех строках проставлены значения
        14. Также в колонке"Payment" не понятны сами значения. Это диапазоны дат? Если да, то они неверные
        15. В колонке "Amount" значения должны быть выравнены по правому краю, так как это денежные значения
        16. В седьмой строке указана дата 1 октября, а вверху выставлена сортировка по 30 сентября. Значит эта строка не должна была попасть в перечень


        • 1# "Binoculars" image next to the "Purchase order" text field is redundant since there is "Search" button on the right down corner of "Search my invoices" table
          2# Inconsistency between providing data and column name: replace all data in "PO #" with all data in "Due date"
          3# Sorting order violation in "Invoice #" column: invoice numbers should go in ascending order
          4# Sorting order violation in " Payment" column: all numbers should go in ascending order
          5# Replace all "-" characters in "Inv. Date" and "PO #" columns with ''/" character
          6# "Inv. Date" column: arrange all the dates in accord with "Invoice date" text fields from "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011"
          7# Inconsistency in date order: the month should go before the day in "Inv. Date" and "PO #" columns in accord with "Invoice date" text fields.
          8# Inconsistency in date writing style in "Invoice date" text fields and "Inv. Date" column: month name should be replaced by month number

          1) Как правильно называются картинки, на которые можно нажимать для какого-либо действия, например, бинокль рядом с полем "Purchase order"?
          2) Если одна ошибка связана с другой, как учитывать их взаимоотношение в Bug report: например, данные в колонках "PO #" и "Due date" нужно в целом поменять местами, также есть ошибки в самих значениях колонок. Последние описывать с учетом неисправленного несоответсвия названия колонок?
          3) Есть ли какая-то приоритетность описания ошибок: сначала ошибки такого порядка, потом другого? Или писать по мере нахождения?
          4) Если аналогичная ошибка найдена в нескольких местах и исправляется она по одному принципу, можно объединить её описание в одном рипорте или разбить на отдельные?
          Last edited by Tetisoris; 03-31-2022, 12:29 AM.


          • #1. Data in the "Inv. Date" column are not in chronological order
            #2. Different date formats in the Section "Search my invoice" (mm/dd/yyyy) and "Results" (dd - MMM - yyyy)
            #3. Unknown date format in the Search Results table in column "Due Date"
            #4. Name of the column "Due Date" should be swapped with the next column "PO #"
            #5. Invalid search results in the table: "Inv. Date" the 7th row of the date column outputs a date (October 1, 2011) that is out of range (5/06/2011 - 30/09/2011)
            #6. Unknown format designations in the column "Payment" in the Search Results table.
            #7. Invalid search results in the table: "PO #" the 11th row of the date column outputs a date (October 31, 2011) that is out of range (5/06/2011 - 30/09/2011)


            • Taulia Bug Reports:
              #1. Divide each entry fields after Label “Invoice date” into three parts and add descriptive labels: “day”, “month”, “year”.
              #2. Replace column title “Inv. Date” with “Invoice date”.
              #3. Replace column title “PO #” with “Purchase order number”.
              #4. Column “Inv. Date”\Row #7 “1-Oct-2011” is incorrect according to the search parameters Label “Invoice date”.
              #5. Replace Label “Purchase order” with “Purchase order number”.
              #6. Add to all column option of sorting order.
              #7. Add character “next page” under the tablet near Enumeration search results of pages.
              #8. Locate column labels in the center of the fields.
              #9. Leftmost Add column with row`s numbers.
              #10. Add a scrollbar to the tablet.
              #11. Add column “Customer”to the tablet.
              #12. Replace button "Actions" with " Actions …".
              #13. Replace in the top rightermost "Logout" with "Log out".
              #14. Add “from’ before first entry fields past Label “Invoice date”.
              #15. Replace Label “From amount:” “Invoice amount from:”.
              #16. In the list of pages in the invoice table after number "10" it is assunmed character "..." instead of character "..".
              #17. Mistake in the Column Heading of table “Invoce #” - should be “Invoice #”.
              #18. Mistake in the column "Status" \Row #1 of table: instead of “Rejcted” should be “Rejected”.
              #19. Mistake in the column "Status" \Row #4 of the table. When you move cursor to Status dollar icon (before "Paid") instead of “Paid” message box you get “Approved” message box.
              #20. Dates under Due Date Column have incorrect format.
              #21. Dates under Payment Column have incorrect format.
              #22. Add “Actions ...” button to last Row in table.
              #23. Delete column “Type”. It is redundant (избыточный) since all the search results are of same type (invoice).
              #24. 32 pages of 10 lines are not enough to accomodate 422 search results.
              #25. Search result displays 11 lines instead of 10.
              #26. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 0f 422 invoices".
              #27. Column "Amount": Sorting order violation - "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00".
              #28. "Amount" column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title
              #29. Link to page "5" is missing in Enumeration search results of pages.
              #30. "Search in my accounts" you need to specify all labels with a colon at the end.
              #31. In date columns change the date format: always display the day as a two-digit number. Apply date format: MM/DD/YYYY vs DD-MM-YYYY.
              #32. Column "Due Date": the search result value does not match the column`s name.
              #33. Column "PO #": the search result value does not match the column`s name.
              #34. Replace Column Heading "Payment" with "Paymant date".

              Last edited by Marina_Khromova; 03-31-2022, 03:28 AM.


              • 1. Не верно название столбцов № 4 и 5, необходимо поменять местами.
                2. Не правильный формат даты в 3 столбце вместо 5 записать 05 чтобы выровнять даты.
                3. Не правильный формат даты в 5 столбце в строках 2 и 11 нужно поставить 0 спереди.
                4. В 6 столбце десятичные значения отделено от целых точкой, а порядки значений запятой. Необходимо поменять местами.
                5. В 4 столбце повторяються номер 40988 и 30998.
                6. На странице не установлен один формат даты, используються 2 формата.


                • Taulia Bug Reports:
                  1) Mistake in the name of first column of table. “Invoce #” - should be “Invoice #”.
                  2) Mistake in first row of table. Status Column. Instead of “Rejcted” should be “Rejected”.
                  3) Mistake in 4-th row of the table. When you move cursor to Status dollar icon (before "Paid") under "Status" Column, instead of “Paid” message box you get “Approved” message box.
                  4) Dates under Due Date Column have incorrect format.
                  5) Dates under Payment Column have incorrect format.
                  6) 7 and 8 rows of table have mistake under Amount column. This rows should be swapped.
                  7) Last Row in table does not have “Action” button.
                  8) Column “Type” is not needed, as we already searching Invoices.
                  9) In numbers of page, under the table, there is no link to page 5.
                  10) There is 422 search results results and only 32 pages.
                  11) There are 11 rows in Table, when “Results per page” setting is 10.
                  12) Numbers of page, under the table, is not selectable.
                  13) Between number 10 and 32, Instead of the “..” sign, it should be “…”.
                  13) Sorting order in “Amount” column show inconsistency between the direction “sign” and actual sorting order.
                  14) Dates in “Invoice date” in search bar and dates in table have different format.
                  15) “Binocular” icon at search bar near Purchase order does not have meaning.
                  16) Under the table instead of “Showing 422 invoices” should be “Showing 10 of 422 invoices”.
                  17) The table headers and table data under each column are not structured. This makes the table look sloppy because the values in the table are left aligned.
                  18) There is no name of you “Login” in the upper right corner. It makes it difficult to understand which profile or login is used.
                  19) The Taulia logo do not allow to move to “Home Page” (It is impossible to click on it).
                  20) Message box (info box) are not appear when you move cursor to buttons or to the Taulia logo.
                  21) Amount header of table does not allow to change sorting order.
                  22) Poor table heading design with “PO#”. It is hard to understand what this column means.
                  23) In the upper right corner “User Manager ” and “Profile ” have extra space after them and before “|” sign. An example of poor design.
                  Last edited by MikhailKlepikov174; 03-31-2022, 01:31 AM.


                  • 1. Search headers missing ":"
                    2. The date format in the search and result is different.
                    3. There are 10 lines in the search parameters as a result of the search 11.
                    4. According to the search parameters "6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011", as a result of the search, there are invoices for October.
                    5. In the header of the search result table, the column "Invoce #" is misspelled
                    6. In account 1122339225, his status "Rejcted" is misspelled.
                    7. In the header of the search result table, swap the names of the columns "Due Date" and "PO #".
                    8. In the "Amount" column, the sort sign is incorrect.
                    9. In the "Amount" column, when sorted from smallest to largest, the value "$22,409.37" is higher than "$22,376.00"
                    10. The search result is "Showing 422 invoices", but only 352 invoices will fit on 32 pages.
                    11. The "Due Date" column has the values ​​"40988" and "30998" repeated.
                    12. Line 11 is missing the "Actions" button
                    13. When hovering over the "Actions" button, the cursor switches to text input mode.
                    14. In pagination, there is a large gap between 1 and 2 pages.
                    15. Pagination is missing page 5.


                    • #1 Убрать строку с датой 1 октября - не входит в промежуток в поиске
                      #2 Заменить в шапке таблицы "Inv.Date" на "Invoice Date"
                      #3 Поменять местами содержимое колонок "Due Date" и "PO #"
                      #4 Один и тот же номер заказа в нескольких строках
                      #5 В колонке Payment непонятные обозначения
                      #6 Убрать указание года в "Inv. Date" и "Due Date"
                      #7 Разделить значок "Download" и "Download list"
                      #8 Сделать номера страниц активными ссылками
                      #9 Сделать одинаковым формат даты в шапке поиска и таблице
                      #10 В главном меню в шапке при переводе стрелки на другие кнопки, кнопка "Invoices" не перестает быть активной
                      #11 В блок "Search my invoices" включить раздел "Payment"

                      #1 Remove the row with the date October 1 - not included in the gap in the search
                      #2 In the header of the table "Inv.Date" Replace with "Invoice Date"
                      #3 Swap the contents of the "Due Date" and "PO #" columns
                      #4 Same order number on multiple lines
                      #5 In the Payment column, incomprehensible characters
                      #6 Remove year from "Inv. Date" and "Due Date"
                      #7 Separate icon "Download" and "Download list"
                      #8 Make page numbers active links
                      #9 Make the date format the same in the search header and table
                      #10 In the main menu in the header, when moving the arrow to other buttons, the "Invoices" button does not stop being active
                      #11 Include the "Payment" section in the "Search my invoices" block
                      Last edited by ElenaBolycheva; 03-31-2022, 01:28 AM.


                      • 1. в выборке до 30 сентября присутствует инвойс за 1 октября (строка 7)
                        2. значения столбцов "Due Date" и "PO #" перепутаны местами
                        3. даты в столбцах "Inv. Date" и "Due Date" должны быть выравнены по правой стороне
                        4. значения в столбце "Amount" должны быть выравнены по разделителю
                        5. столбцу 9 с кнопками "Action" дать название


                        • #1. Дата "1-Oct-2011" в колонке 3 "Inv. Date" не соответствует применённой сортировке "Invoice date 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011"
                          Sorting order violation in "Inv. Date" colum: date "1-Oct-2011" is incorrect (searching order "Invoice date 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011")

                          #2. Расхождение в указании даты в поиске "Invoice date" "месяц-день-год" с указанием даты в колонке 3 "день-месяц-год"
                          "Inv. Date" colum: inconsistency between date format in search order "Invoice date" (mm-dd-yyyy) and date format in colum (dd-mm-yyyy)

                          #3. Заголовок колонки 4 "Due Date" и колонки 5 "PO #" должны быть заменены местами
                          Replace colum title "Due Date" with colum title "PO #" and colum title "PO #" with colum title "Due Date"

                          #4. Необходимо добавить в таблицу колонку с нумерацией строк
                          Colum with line numbers of row is missing

                          #5. Заголовки колонок смещены на правый край
                          Colums titles are out of centre to the rigt edge

                          #6. В колонке 6 "Amount" необходимо убрать значок "$"
                          Special character "$" in "Amount" colum is redundant since all the search result include "$"

                          #7. В колонке 8 "Payment" неверный формат даты
                          "Payment" colum is incorrect date format

                          #8. Отсутствует название колонки 9
                          Colum #9 hasn't a title name


                          • Bugs found during classwork:

                            #1. “Actions” button is missing in the row #11
                            #2. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results
                            #3. Search results should display 10 rows (as per “Result per page” listbox), not 11
                            #4. Replace “Showing 422 invoices” with “Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices”
                            #5. “Type” column is redundant since all the search results are of the same type (invoice)
                            #6. Sorting order violation in “Amount” column: “$22,409.37” should go below “$22,376.00”, not above
                            #7. “Amount” column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title
                            #8. Leftmost column title: replace “Invoce #” with “Invoice #”
                            #9. Misspelled word in first row / “Status” column
                            #10. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page 5 is missing
                            #11. “Search my invoices”: provide all the label with the colon character at the end

                            Bugs found during homework:

                            #12. “Invoice Date” label and “Invoice Date” column date format mismatch: MM/DD/YYYY vs DD-MM-YYYY
                            #13. 7th row in column “Inv.Date”: “1-Oct-2011” invalid date indication (Invoice date from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011)
                            #14. 5th column (PO#): invalid date indication in 3rd, 7th and 10th rows (Invoice date from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011) it couldn't be “22-Oct-2011” “31-Oct-2011” “13-Oct-2011”
                            #15. Column titles aren't align with its columns results
                            #16. 4th row in “Status” column: sign doesn't match “Paid” it tells us “Approved”
                            #17. “Due Date” column has unusual date format
                            #18. “PO#” column has unusual data in it
                            #19. Buttons “Action”: incorrect mouse pointer reaction
                            #20. Enumeration search results of pages: incorrect mouse pointer reaction
                            #21. Sort sign of “Amount” column title: absent mouse pointer reaction
                            #22. Column title “Inv.Date” replace with “Invoice Date”

                            Bugs stolen from other students:

                            #23. Enumeration search results: replace (..) with (...)
                            #24. The Logo "taulia" in the left top should include link to homepage but it isn't (Взято из книги "Guidelines-book.pdf" 5:1 Enable Access to the Homepage)
                            Last edited by Smith; 03-31-2022, 03:16 AM.


                            • #12 Swap places columns names "Due Date" and PO#
                              #13 Make the columns align to the right edge in columns: "Inv. Date", "Due Date", "Amount"
                              #14 Inconsistency in column "Due Date", values out of selected in label "Invoice date", rows: 3, 7, 10
                              #15 "Download list" and "Refresh" label push-buttons not clearly
                              Last edited by Denis Gorshkov; 04-04-2022, 01:26 PM.


                              • #1. The column "Due date" must be in date format
                                #2. The column "PO#" ("Purchase Order") have to be in numeric format.
                                #3. In the column "Inv.Date" the 7 row is out of range.
                                #4. In search block the string "From amount" have to be "Amount"

