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TAULIA Bug Reports

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  • #1. In the 7th row of the "Invoices table" the is out of
    the requested Invoice date period.
    #2. The style of date displaying in the Invoices table is different
    from the style displaying next to the "Invoice date" label.
    #3. In the Invoice table the column "Due Date" displays PO#.
    #4. In the Invoice table the column "PO#" displays due dates.
    #5. "Action" buttons do not have drop down list.
    #6. "Payment" column of the "Invoice table": displayed only years and time of
    the payments. Months and days are missing. Inconsistency of displaying payment dates.
    #7. The downmost row of the "Invoices table", "Payment" column: displayed
    irrelevant/not existing time of the payment (2011-1488).
    #8. Navigation menu should be highlighted.
    #9. "Hide search parameters" button does not have a special character (vertical arrow, which indicates hide and show option).


    • #1 Column titles "Due Date" and "PO#" have to be swapped
      #2 In "Amount" column row #7 should follow after row #8
      #3 Labels' "Invoice number" and "Purchase order" data input fields accept all types of characters, instead of only digits
      #4 Inconsistency of date types in the data input field of label "Invoice date".


      • Bug report for Taulia:
        1. In "Amount" column the unit of measurement is not specified.
        2. "Search my invoices": the label "From amount:" - the unit of measurement is not specified.
        3. "Search my invoices": the label "From amount:" in Text filled is missing -special character for cents.
        4. "Search my invoices": the label "Invoice date" dissimilarity with Table column "Inv. Date": different format mm/dd/yy and dd-MM-yy.
        5. "Search my invoices": the label "Invoice date" dissimilarity with Table column "PO #" : different format mm/dd/yy and dd-MM-yy.
        6. In "PO #" column inappropriate information (no # in the column).
        7. In "Due Date"column іnappropriate information (no dates in the column).
        8. Sorting order violation in "PO #" column: gives the date after 9/30/2011.
        9. In "Payment" column unclear information opposite tags "Paid" (This is the date of payment or nober of payment).
        10. There are no name column #9 Actions.
        11. Align the content in the table on the right field.
        12. Numbers are duplicated in "Due Date" column.
        13. "Search my invoices": the label "Purchase order" the function of the binoculars is unclear.
        14. In "Status" column the difference between "Paid" and "Approved" is anclear.
        15. "Actions" button in the nine column haven't pin of drop down list box.
        Last edited by Roksolyana; 03-30-2022, 05:50 PM.



          1#. The "Invoce #" column header does not display correctly and should be changed to "Invoice #".
          2#. There is no "Actions" button on line 11.
          3#. Results per page" shows 10 rows, the table shows 11 rows.
          4#. The "Invoice date" contains the dates from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011, the table shows the wrong date (31-Oct-2011) on the line №122339546
          5#. The link to page "5" is not displayed (1 2 3 4 6 7 7 8 9 10 ... 32).
          6#. Correct "Rejcted" to "Rejected" on the first line of the table
          7#. The distance between pages "1" and "2" is greater than the distance between other pages (1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 ).
          8#. When "Showing 422 invoices" is displayed, the number of pages "1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 . 32"
          9#. There are no colons in the "Invoice number", "Customer", "Purchase order", "Invoice date", "Invoice status", "Results per page", "to" filter fields.
          10#. In the header of the site the button "Invoices" is always highlighted by a frame (without hovering over it).
          11#. The "Search" button is not highlighted when the cursor is put on it.
          12#. The "binoculars" element (Purchase order) should be placed against the "Search" button.



            #1 - #11 were done in the class.

            #12. Date format in the line “Invoice date” and “to” is different from date from Showing table, make them the same format.

            #13. Content of column Due Date and PO# mixed up, swap column names.

            #14. Line “From amount:” should be replace “Amount from:”.

            #15. Amount format in the line “From amount” doesn’t have decimal places as in column “Amount” from the table.


            • #1. Switch data at columns "Due Date" and "PO#"

              #2. At the row 7 column "Inv. Date" the data is out of range

              #3. Label "From amount" must use financial format

              #4. Label "to" at row "From amount" must use financial format

              #5. Column "Row#" is missing

              #6. No title at "Action" column

              #7. All search results at all columns need to be alignment on the right side

              #8. Column name and data columns must have same alignment

              #9. Sorting order need to be added to all columns

              #10. Low quality image site logo at the top left corner

              #11. Administrative informations area at the bottom of page is missing

              #12. Provide "user" at the top right corner with the colon character

              #13. All dates in columns and in labels must be in the same date format

              #14. Low quality images near "Refresh" and "Download list" (diskette and arrows images)
              Last edited by Skorostelyova; 03-30-2022, 08:32 PM.


              • #1.1 Replace "Search my invoices" with "Search parameters"
                #1.2 Inconsistency click in text button "Hide search parameters"
                #2.1 Replace "Invoice number" with "Invoice number:"
                #2.2 Increase textfild "Invoice number:" to 35-40 characters wide
                #2.3 Only digits allow edit in "Invoice number:" textfield
                #3. Replace "Customer" with "Customer:"
                #4.1 Delete "Purchase order" text field in "Search parameters"
                #4.2 Delete icon button in "Purchase order"
                #5. Only digits allow edit in "From amount:" textfield
                #6. Replace "Invoice date" with "Invoice date:"
                #7. Add functional to select day at "Invoice date:"
                #8.1 Replace "Invoice status" with "Invoice status:"
                #8.2 Unknow data format in status drop-list "Invoice status:"
                Last edited by shchetnikovich; 03-31-2022, 07:33 AM.


                • 1. столбец "Inv. Date", "Due Date", "PO #", "Amount" выровнять по правому краю;

                  2. Изменить даты в 3-м столбце:
                  "5-Jun-2011" на "05-Jun-2011",
                  "1-Aug-2011" на "01-Aug-2011",
                  "1-Oct-2011" на "01-Oct-2011",
                  "1-Aug-2011" на "01-Aug-2011",
                  "3-Jul-2011" на "03-Jul-2011".

                  3. Изменить даты в столбце "PO #":
                  "5-Jul-2011" на"05-Jul-2011"
                  "2-Aug-2011" на "02-Aug-2011"

                  4. В столбце "Payment" не заполнены строки 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10.
                  5. В крайнем справа столбце отсутствует кнопка "Actions"
                  6. В столбце "Amount"нарушена сортировка по леревантности от меньшего к большему.
                  7. В столбце "Due Date" много повторяющихся чисел
                  8. Исправить слово "Invoce #" на "Invoшce #"
                  9. исправить формат написания дат на месяц, дата, год.
                  10.Заменить названия в колонках:"Due Date" на "PO #"
                  11.Заменить названия в колонках:"PO #" на "Due Date".
                  12.Строчек 11, а должно быть 10 согласно поиску
                  13.Пропущена 5 страница

                  Last edited by Olena_; 03-30-2022, 09:34 PM.


                  • 1. "Search my invoices" colon and list box for entering value has to much blanc space.
                    2. Remove binoculars icon fom it place.
                    3. Row "Invoice date" and column "Inv. Date" colun "Payment" dates had different type display.
                    4. "Showing 422 invoices" is not a summary of 32 list search results by 10 on page.
                    5. "Results per page" had amount 10 actually there is 11 rows on page displaed.
                    6. "Actions" button on row 11 is missed


                    • #1 Sorting invoice date violation in "Inv. Date" column in the row #7.
                      #2 In the "Due date" column is digit but should be date.
                      #3 "PO#" column is date but should be number.


                      • 1# There is an missprint in the row status in the table, replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
                        2# Different sum format in lookup table and data table. (100 & $100.00)
                        3# Different date format in lookup table and data table. (9/30/2011 & 28-Sep-2011)
                        4# Column names 4 and 5 do not match the data.


                          1. In "Search my invoices" invoice date ranges between June and September but column "PO #" shows invoices for October
                          2. Remove underline in the titles of the table "Showing 422 invoices" if they are not links
                          3. Replace date format order in "Inv.Date" column from "dd/mm/yyyy" to "mm/dd/yyyy"
                          4. Name of label "Invoice date" should be renamed to "Invoice date from"
                          5. Date format in label "Invoice date" is not consistent with "PO #" column
                          6. Replace name of the label "From amount:" to "Amount from:"
                          7. Column "PO #" and "Due Date" should be switched with places
                          8. Line height in 11th row is not the same with the height of other rows
                          9. In "Search my invoices" invoice date ranges between June and September but column "Inv.Date" shows invoices for October
                          10. Date format in label "Invoice date" is not consistent with "Inv.Date" column
                          11. Replace date format order in "PO #" column from "dd/mm/yyyy" to "mm/dd/yyyy"


                          • #1. The date format is inconsistent: replace the date format in search results from "dd-mm-yyyy" to "mm/dd/yyyy"
                            #2. The most left column title in the search results is misspelled, replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"
                            #3. Under column title "Status": replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
                            #4. The search results should display only 10 rows as per "Results per page"
                            #5. The search results should not display the 7th row, it does not meet the search parameters
                            #6. The 11th row (which should not be displayed) is missing the "Actions" button
                            #7. All the labels in the "Search my invoices" section should end with a colon character
                            #8. The "Type" column is redundant since there is no difference in the search results type
                            #9. The search results: swap the results between "Due Date" and "PO #"
                            #10. The "Amount" column has inconsistency between the actual sorting order and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title
                            #11. The "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should be below "$22,376.00"
                            #12. Enumeration of search results pages is missing the link to page "5"
                            #13. 32 pages are not enough to accommodate 422 search results
                            #14. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
                            #15. Inconsistency in the enumeration of search results pages: too wide spacing between "1" and "2"
                            #16. Inconsistency in the search results: all the search results should have a center align


                            • Taulia Bug Reports:
                              #1. Inconsistency in menu bar “User Manager Profile Help Logout” due to differences in spaces
                              #2. “Search my invoices”: all labels should come with colon character ‘:’ at the end, not only the label “From amount”

                              #3. Replace “Showing 422 invoices” by “Showing 1-10 out of 422 invoices”
                              #4. The first column “№" of rows is missing

                              #5. “Showing 422 invoices” section has 11 rows instead of 10 as it indicates by "Results per page" box
                              #6. Misspelling: replace the name of the column “Invoce #” by “Invoice #” and “Rejcted” in the column “Status” by “Rejected”
                              #7. Change column’s names “PO #” and “Due Date” with each other
                              #8. Inconsistency in date formats throughout the web-page: in “Search my invoices” - Invoice date, in Inv.Date, PO#, “Payment” columns, which should be in the format: DD-MM-YYYY
                              #9. Align Right content in “Inv.Date”, “Due Date”, “PO#”, “Amount” and “Payment” columns
                              #10. The button “Action” in the last row in missing
                              #11. “Amount” column: inconsistency between actual sorting ascending order and arrow direction which comes with “Amount” column
                              #12. “Amount” column: the amount $22,376.00 should come above $22,409.37, not below
                              #13. Hove over the “Paid” status in 4th row: the tooltip says “Approved” instead of “Paid”

                              #14. Miscalculation: total number of pages (32) * results per page (10) is not equal to “showing 422 invoices”
                              #15. Link to the page 5 under “Showing 422 invoices” is missing
                              #16. “Search my invoices”: consider changing "From amount" label to "Amount from"


                              • 1. "Hide search parameters"; link is not clickable
                                2. "Download lIst" link is not clickable.
                                3. "Refresh link" is not clickable.
                                4. Numer "40988" is repeting many times in the 'PO' column.
                                5. The page redirection links at the bottom left corned are not clickable.
                                6. "Invoice date" field is not changeble, not possible to change "from" and "to" dates.
                                7. "Invoice status" drop down box should have more options, not only "All.
                                8. "Cutomer" drop down box shouls have more choices, not only "General Elctric".
                                9. "Search" ,top-right, box should be clickable.

