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TAULIA Bug Reports
Taulia Bug Report(GUI Testing)
Найдено во время урока:
1. В настройках отображения стоит "показывать 10 результатов на страницу", показывает 11
2. На "не нужном" результате(которого не должно быть) не отображается кнопка Action
3. В столбце Status опечатка Rejected -> Rejcted
4. В заголовках таблицы стоит привязка к центру, в самих данных нет(режет глаза)
5. В нижнем меню выбора страницы результатов нет номера 5
6. В нижнем меню выбора страницы должно быть 43 страницы, отображается 32
7. В заголовках таблицы, а именно в первом столбце опечатка Invoice # -> Invoce #
8. Кнопка "Hide Search Parameters" не скрывает параметров поиска(другие кнопки тоже не работают, но мы ведь говорим про UI)
9. Перепутаны столбцы Due Date и PO#
10. Стоит сортировка по Amount, но строки 7 и 8 перепутаны местами
11. Строка 4 столбец 7(Amount) -> при наводе на иконку(paid) выводится неверное ее описание(выводится approved, должно быть paid)
12. Отсутствует "специальный символ" после лейблов(статичного текста)
Найдено в ходе выполнения ДЗ:
1. Настройки поиска: непонятно, для чего нужен бинокль напротив Text Box для ввода Purchase Order, ведь есть кнопка Search
2. Настройки поиска и лист инвойсов: в настройках поиска формат даты mm-dd-yyyy, в окне с списком результатов формат даты dd-mm-yyyy
3. Настройки поиска: отсутствует форматирование введенных данных. Например поля invoice number, purchase order, amount range могут содержать только цифры, но мы можем ввести и буквы
4. Настройки поиска: при наведении на бинокль отсутствует дефиниция для иконки
5. Заголовок страницы(хедер): В топ-левел хедере отствует явный признак расставления пробелов между словами и символом разделения. Пример: после User Manager идёт сначала спейс, потом символ разделения. После Help идёт сразу символ разделения
6. Лист инвойсов: при наведении на кнопку ("Actions" в последнем столбце, заголовок любого столбца, логотип сайта) не меняется иконка мыши. P.S Несмотря на то, что ни одна кнопка не включена на странице, при наведении на другие кнопки иконка меняется
7. Заголовок страницы(хедер): Исходя из того, что при наведении на логотип сайта не меняется иконка мыши(должна показывать, что мы можем совершить клик на этот элемент и что-то произойдет), выявлено нарушение общепринятых норм(если смотреть по предоставленному гайдлайну, то это пункт 5.1 имеющий приоритет 5)
8. Лист инвойсов: отсутствует номер платежа для элементов с статусом "Approved"
9. Лист инвойсов: иконка мыши меняется на неверную при наведении на любой из элементов списка страниц(paginator?)
10. Лист инвойсов: в списке страниц(paginator?) между числом 10 и числом отображающим последнюю страницу используется "..", должно быть "..."
11. Лист инвойсов: в списке страниц(paginator?) отсутсвуют кнопки навигации(на страницу назад, на страницу вперед)
Found during lesson:
1. Search parameters: "results per page" option is set to 10, but 11 elements displayed
2. Invoices list: No "Action" button for the last element in list
3. Invoices list: 1st row, Status column, misspelled "Rejected" word, now its "Rejcted"
4. Invoices list: column headers are alligned to the center/right, data is alligned to the left
5. Invoices list: in page list at the bottom(paginator?) number 5 is not presented
6. Invoices list: should be 43 pages at page list, but there's only 32
7. Invoices list: Misspelled 1st column header. Should be "Invoice #" instead of Invoce #
8. Search parameters: "Hide search parameters" button is not hiding this part of page(block?)
9. Invoices list: Due Date showing wrong data type
10. Invoices list: PO# showing wrong data type(probably swapped with Due Date column)
11. Invoices list: There's sort by amount, but row#7 and row#8 in wrong positions(should be swapped, cuz row#7.amount > row#8.amount)
12. Invoices list: When status icon in row#4 column "Status" is in focus - wrong icon definition is displayed. Should be "Approved" instead of "paid"
13. Search parameters: There's no special character ':' after every label
Found during homework:
1. Search parameters: why do we need binoculars icon to the right of text box for purchase order input. We already have search button at the bottom of search parameters page part(block?)
2. Search paremeters and invoices list: Different date data-format. There's "mm-dd-yyyy" in search parameters, and "dd-mm-yyyy" in invoices list
3. Search parameters: there's no data formatting for all text boxes, except date from and date to. It means, that text boxes for invoice number, purchase order and amount range should contain only numbers. But we can enter letters/symbols too
4. Search parametes: there's no definiton for binoculars icon(should be text definiton of icon while its in focus)
5. Header: there's no space-formatting in top-level header. F.e: there's SPACE between User Manager and special character '|', and meanwhile there's no space between Help and special character '|'
6. Invoices list, header: when button is in focus - mouse icon should be switched. When "Action" button in last column, header of any column or WebPage Logo is in focus - mouse icon is the same(not changing)
7. Header: user is not able to press on WebPage Logo, because mouse icon is not changed when WebPage Logo is in focus. It is breaking 5.1 guideline advice with relative importance = 5
8. Invoices list: Payment data is missing for elements with "Approved" status
9. Invoices list: wrong mouse icon when any of page list element(paginator?) is in focus. It's showing mouse icon for text boxes, not for elements with Click option
10. Invoices list: there's ".." between number 10 and last page number at search result page list. Should be "..." or text box to type custom page number
11. Invoices list: there's no navigation buttons(next page, previous page) at search result page list
P.S Сообщение будет дополняться
1. Возможно необходимо указывать имя пользователя, который залогинился (Рядом с "Logout")
2. Возможно необходимо указать еще одну колонку с выводом названия компании General Electric. Есть "Download list". Может там не быть в сохраненном списке название компании, которая указана в параметрах поискаLast edited by EvgenVasiliev; 03-29-2022, 02:59 PM.
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Bug Report that was discussed on webinar 30 March 2022:
1. “Action” button is missing in raw #11.
2. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 results.
3. Search results should display 10 rows (as per the “Results per page” Listbox), not 11.
4. Replace “Showing 422 invoices” with “Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices”.
5. “Type” column is redundant since all the search results is of the same type (invoice).
6. Sorting order violation in the “Amount” column “$22,409.57” should go below “$22,376.00”, not above
7. “Amount” column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title.
8. Leftmost column title: replace “Invoce #” with “Invoice #”
9. Misspelled word in first row/ “Status column”.
10. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page “5” is missing.
11. Use the character “:” after each label on the “Search my invoices” section.
New Bug Report to the Webpage Taulia:
1. Incorrect search results in the Table: results like “22-Oct-2011” in the 3rd row, “1-Oct-2011” and “31-Oct-2011” in the 7th row, “13-Oct-2011” in the 10th row – are not in the range of defined period from 5 June 2011 to 30 September 2011.
2. Logic inconsistency in column titles: “Due Date” column title should be before the “Inv. Date” column title.
3. Mismatch between column title “Due Date” and calendar dates displayed in the column: due date always start first, not later “Invalid date”.
4. Mismatch between column title “Inv. Date” and calendar dates displayed in the column: invalid date always goes after “Due Date” (not earlier).
5. Incorrect naming of a column in the Table of invoices: in the 4th column replace “Due Date” with “PO #”.
6. Incorrect naming of a column in the Table of invoices: in the 5th column replace “PO #” (purchase order) with “Due Date”.
7. Align column “Amount” to the right side according to financial standard representing data.
8. Adjust the last column “Actions” to the right side of the Table (delete redundant space on the Table).
9. At the bottom of the table replace “1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 .. 32” to “1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 … 32” to represent pages with a search result (use “three dots …” instead of “two dots ..”)
10. In the 4th column suspiciously displayed the same purchase order “40988” (seven times) with different invoices;
11. In the 4th column suspiciously displayed the same purchase order “30998” (two times) with different invoices;
12. Replace the naming of the label “Invoice date” with “Invoice date from:”
13. Sorting order violation in the “Amount” column “$100.10” should go below “$100.10”
14. Align all column titles and data (content) in the Table to a single standard (so the Table will look more consistent and polished)
15. Instead of “User Manager” use the name of the current logged in user.
16. Different date format is used in “Search my invoices” and “Showing invoices” table: 6/5/2011 and 29-Aug-2011
17. “Download list” button usually is displayed at the bottom of the table.
18. “Refresh” button usually is displayed near the “Showing result” by pages (according to user-friendly interface).
19. Using the character “$” in the column “Amount” could result in a problem with calculating data: use the character “$” in the column title “Amount in $” instead.
After this task, I can't just see the websites without trying to find some mistakes.Last edited by Vasyl-007; 03-30-2022, 10:27 PM.
1. Decimal places not specified in search parameter 'From amount'.
2. The headings "PO#" and "Due date" are reversed with each other.
3. In the heading 'Invoice#' missed letter 'i'.
4. In the heading 'Amount' wrong specified direction of triangle.
5. The date format in selectable range (month.day.year) doesn`t match the format in the results list (day.month.year).
6. The date format in selectable range is spelled out through a slash '/', and in the results list it`s spelled out with dash '-'.
7. Wrong time format for the column 'Payment'. А year and a time without a month and a day.
8. Wrong time format for the column 'Payment'. Missing ":" between hours and minutes.
9. In the date format in selectable range, the value of the month is indicated by a number, and in the results list it`s indicated by letters.
10. Incorrect time value for minutes (over 59) for the last result (Invoice# 1122338095)
11. The 'Status' heading missing the word 'Invoice' like it did in the set range.
12. In the column 'Status' in the word 'Rejected' of the first result is missing the letter 'e'.
13. Column 'Amount^' sorted out of order the value '22,376.00' is lower than '22,409.37'.
14. Missing column header with buttons 'Actions'.
15. Missing button 'Actions' for the last result.
16. In the 'Due Date' column, three values in the results list exceed the set date limit (Invoice# 1122339500,1122339546,1122339302).
17. The number of displayed results per page is 11, if 10 is specified.
18. Showing 422 results on 32 pages. Even with 11 results per page, there schould be more than 38 pages.
19. In the paginator missed page number 5.
20. The button 'Next page' is missed.
21. The search parameter 'Purchase order' without word 'number'.
22. The 'Logout' button is available without loggin in.
23. The 'Hide search parameters' button is displayed incorrectly, There is no triangle icon.
24. The search parameter 'Invoice date' doesnt contain the word 'From'.
25. Columns headers are shifted right against the results columns.
26. The two indexes are longer than the standart for US indexes (Invoice# 1122339225, 1122339302).
1. в 4 столбце "Due Date" повторяется число № 40988
2. в 4 столбце "Due Date" повторяется число № 30988
3. в 9 столбце отсутствует наименование столбца
4. 7 строка 3 столбец дата "1-Oct-2011" не соответствует критерию поиска
5. в выпадающем меню "result per page" нет другого числа, кроме 10
6. в выпадающем меню "invoice status" нет возможности выбрать критерий помимо "all"
1. The label "From amount" should be renamed to "Amount from"
2. The column header "Invoce #" should be renamed to "Invoice #"
3. 11 results per page is displayed, while we have chosen 10 results per page under the "Search my invoices" section..
4. "Showing 422 invoices" is incorrect. There are 32 pages each of which contains 10 or 11 results (see report nr 3). 11 * 32 = 352. There are two possible fixes 1) Rename the text to "Showing 352 invoices" 2) Show 39 pages instead of 32.
5. The column headers "Due Date" and "PO #" should be swapped.
6. The values under the column "Amount" are sorted in ascending order but the down arrow indicates that the list is sorted in descending order. Two possible fixes: 1) Display an up arrow instead of a down arrow 2) Sort column "Amount" in descending order.
7. The button "Actions" on the 11th row is missing.
8. The row where "Amount" equals $22,409.37 should be swapped with the row where "Amount" equals $22,376.00.
9. Page number 5 is not displayed in the pagination section.
10. Values under the "Amount" column should be aligned by the dot (.) separating integer from the fraction part but in reality all values are aligned left .
11. The date range of the invoices is set from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 but the search results contain invoice from October (id=1122339546).
12. The column header "Rejcted" should be renamed to "Rejected".
13. The label "Invoice date" could be renamed to "Invoice date from" since there is also a label "to".
14. There is a field "Customer" but no information about the customer is reflected in the search results.
15.The text "Showing 422 invoices" could be renamed to "Showing 1-10 invoices" on the first page, "Showing 11-20 invoices" on the second page etc.
16. If you hover the mouse over the icon which is placed to the left of the word "Paid" (id = 1122339044) then you will see the word "Approved" instead of "Paid". It contains even more errors in the corresponding HTML code( 'title="Approved" alt="Approved"').
17. The table headers ("Invoce #", "Type" etc) are aligned right while all the rows below that are aligned left. It doesn't look very nice.
18. If you press the "Refresh" button then the page will not refresh but if you press the binoculars near the "Purchase order" label then it will.
19. Post indices of the rows with ids 1122339225 and 1122339302 are longer than 5 digits.Last edited by jaroslavtavgen; 03-29-2022, 04:18 PM.
TAULIA Bug Reports
#1. The web page is centered. Part of the available screen space (left and right side) is not used. //("Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines").
#2. The organization’s logo on the top of the web page has not a link to the homepage (the cursor does not change shape when a user has placed it over the logo). //("Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines").
#3. There is no user name ( no user photo/picture) on the top of the page.
#4. Navigation tabs ('Home', 'Invoices', 'Purchase Orders', 'Payments', 'My Details', 'Cash Planner', 'Your Customer'), located at the top of the page don't looks like real-world tabs. //("Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines").
#5. Labels: 'Invoice number', 'Customer', 'Purchase order', 'From amount:', 'Invoice date', 'Invoice status', 'Results per page' are not close to their associated data entry fields. //("Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines").
#6. Column 'Due Date' contents should be replaced by column 'PO #' contents.
#7. Column 'PO #' contents should be replaced by column 'Due Date' contents.
#8. Headings of columns ('Invoce #', 'Type', 'Inv. Date', 'Due Date', 'PO #', 'Amount', 'Status', 'Payment') should have left align, like data in their columns.
#9. Entry field 'Invoice date'. The Data format in this entry field should be MM/DD/YYYY.
#10. 'Search' button. The 'Search' button should be on the left bottom of the 'Search my invoices' section, under the 'Results per page' label.
#11. 'Binocular' button which is right of the 'purchase order' entry field. After pushing the 'Binocular' button the web page is refreshed.
#12. Text in the label 'Invoice date' should be replaced with 'From invoice date'.
#13.'Download list' and 'Refresh' buttons should have frames that must remain visible on the screen. //("Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines").
#14. Date "1-Oct-2011" in row 7 of the 'Invoice date' column is out of range of the 'Invoice date' and 'to' entry fields.
#15. Text in the heading of column 'Invoce #' should be replaced with 'Invoice #'.
#16. The column with the 'Actions' buttons doesn't have a 'Heading'.
#17. There are two different data formats:
- 'Invoice date' and 'to' entry fields have MM/DD/YYYY format;
- 'Inv. Date' and 'PO #' columns have DD-Month-YYYY format.
#18. Data format in 'Inv. Date' and 'PO #' columns should be DD-Month-YYYY.
#19. The data format in the 'Payment' column should be YYYY-MM-DD-HHMMSS.
Other Strange Things (OST):
OST#1. When following the link: http://taulia.portnov.com/, you are already in the user account. You needed to be logged in account before.
OST#2. When following the link: http://taulia.portnov.com/, folder tab 'Invoices' is active. Should be active 'Home'. //("Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines").
OST#3. When following the link: http://taulia.portnov.com/, input data in entry fields: 'Customer', 'From amount:', 'to', 'Invoice date', 'to', 'Invoice status', 'Results per page' already exists. Should be filled by Default (or Empty). //("Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines").
OST#4. When following the link: http://taulia.portnov.com/, the filter in column 'Amount' is already active.
OST#5. When following the link: http://taulia.portnov.com/, the user already can see the result of the search.
Some questions here:
- What is the point of the 'Binocular' button?
- Should the 'taulia' company's website have a Site map? //("Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines").
- What is the Data format for the 'Invoice date', 'to' entry fields, and 'Inv. Date', 'PO #' columns?
- What is the Data format for the 'Payment' column?Last edited by Aleks Bel; 03-31-2022, 11:29 AM.
#12 Title "Due date" and title "PO #" should be switched between each other.
#13 Consistency in the "Invoice Date" box: MM/DD/YYYY (6/5/2011) does not match data in the "PO #" column: DD/MM/YYYY. (28-Sep-2011)
#14 All numbers in the "Amount" column is left sided.
#15 "Status" title is missing the ascending/descending sorting arrow.
#16 "Invoice Date" box does not have sorting calendar arrow.
#17 Data in the "Due date" column shows the same number '40988' in many rows.Last edited by Khurshida_M; 03-30-2022, 02:26 AM.
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BUG REPORTS for Taulia.
#1. Column "Status": pointing with a mouse to the image on row 4, next to the word "Paid", it shows inccorect meaning "Approved".
#2. Height of the row 11 is inconsistant and smaller than all above.
#3. Name of the column "Due Date" should be swapped with the next column "PO #".
#4. Row 7 doesn't match the search results of "invoice date" and shouldn't be shown here.
#5. Label "Invoice date" should include word "from" after colon( : ).
#6. Label "From amount" has incorrect placement of word "From" it should be placed after word "Amount" with colon( : ).
#7. Label image(binocular) at the end of the Search option of "Purchase order" doesn't have an explanation of it's meaning when pointed at it with a mouse.
#8. Binocular has a function of refreshing.
#9. Enumeration search results of pages: page 1 has an inconsistant spacing with all other page numbers next to it.
#10. Rightmost column title doesn't have a title name.
Possible Bugs:
#1. Enumeration row: there is only 2 dots between page 10 and last page 32, it should have 3 dots(...).
#2. Logo of the web-site has a bad texture quality when you zoom in the page.
#3. Label "From amount" shouldn't have a possibility to insert letters inside the listbox.
#4. Label "User Manager" and "Profile" has a spacing after them and causing inconsistancy.
#5. When you select all the text on the page with your mouse, it reveals that there is extra column without naming on it under the refresh button.
#6. Label image of a floppy disk next to the label "Download list" has a missing word "list", when pointed on it with a mouse.
Not including all the bugs that Mikhail already showed us.
1. Даты счетов-фактур установлены с 05.06.2011 по 30.09.2011, (счета за октябрь лишние
2. "Due Date" и "PO#" перепутаны
3. Страница 5 отсутствует
4. Количество страниц не соответствует количеству счетов на странице
5, "Payment" даты оплаты не корректны
6. "From amount" не корректны, ("$" to 1000000
7. "Invoice #" ошибка, ( нет буквы "I"
8. Отсутствует сортировка счетов, (по возврастанию или убыванию
Last edited by babochka2908; 03-29-2022, 05:38 PM.
1.Отсутсивие двоеточий в "Invoice number", "Customer", "Purchase order". "Invoice date". Invoice status" and " Result per page".
2.В графе 'Amount" не работает select.
3.В invoice № 1122338095 отсутствует кнопка "Actions".
4.Invoice date имеют разный формат - только цифры в левом посиковике и письмено месяц в результатах.
5.Формат страниц неверный , нет страницы номер 5.
6.Po# имеет даты, но не имеет самого номера.
7.Due date не имеет дату, содержит номер.
#1. "From amount:" text field accepts letter characters
#2. text field "to" in the "From amount:" line accepts letter characters.
#3. The search result does not match the query string "Invoice date 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011" - In Column "Inv. Date" there is a string with date 1-Oct-2011
#4. Delete the "Invoice Status" string or add to listbox ability to choose statuses.
#5. Delete the "Results per page" string or add to listbox possibility of selecting pages .
#6. The values of Column "Due Date" and "PO #" are changed in places.
#7. The requested date format in the "Invoice Date" row does not match the search result format.Last edited by Ivanov; 03-29-2022, 09:51 PM.
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#1. In the 4th row in the "Status" column icon has the wrong description when the pointer targeting on it
#2. Wrong values in the column "Due Date". There are no dates
#3. Wrong values in the column "PO #". There are no PO numbers
#4. Differences of date typing in the columns "Inv. Date", "Due Date" and in the search parameters
#5. In the column "Payment" rows 2, 4, 11 have inconsistency. The years start from ascending order to descending
#6. In the search box "Search my invoices" inconsistency colons after parameters for search
#7. In the search box "Search my invoices" parameter "Invoice date" missing a piece of the description "From", but has "to"
#8. In the search box "Search my invoices" parameter "From amount:" missing a piece of the further description of parameter "From", but has "to"Last edited by Oleg_Pyshenkin; 03-30-2022, 12:37 AM.
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#1 "Search" button move to the left under "Results per page" label
#2 In the last row in search results add button "Previous"
#3 In the last row in search results add button "Next"
#4 Label "From ammount:" change to label "Ammount from:"
#5 Column title "Due Date" switch with column title "PO #"
#6 In column "Status" in first row replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
#7 Row with invoice # "1122338095" in search results does not meet hight parameters of others
#8 Row with invoice # "1122339500" in search results must be deleted as it does not meet search parameters
#9 Enumeration search results of pages: distance between page "1" and "2" bigger than between others except between "10" and "32"
#10 Column Status row 4: graphic icon "Paid" shows title "Approved"
#11 "From ammount:" label: specify currency of payment
#12 In search results invoice # row "1122339225": number "100444" has more than 5 digits
#13 In search results invoice # row "1122339302": number "101302" has more than 5 digits
#14 Replace "Download list" with "Download"
#15 Clicking "binoculars" icon refreshes the page
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