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Online class January 6, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom (Functionality Testing)

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  • #31
    #1 Section "Contact information", field "Email" doesn't list into required field - Critical
    #2 Section "Contact information", field "ZIP" allows typing letters instead digitals (in Chrome) - Critical
    #3 Section "Contact information", field "City" allows typing no more than 49 characters (in Chrome) - Serious
    #4 (in Chrome) Section "Contact information", field "First Name" allows typing no more than 30 characters - Serious
    #5 (in Chrome) Section "Contact information", field "Last Name" allows typing no more than 30 characters - Serious
    #6 (in Chrome) Section "Contact information", field "Street address" allows typing no more than 100 characters - Serious
    #7 (in Chrome) Section "Contact information", field "Email" allows typing more than 225 characters - Serious
    #8 (in Chrome) Section "Contact information", field "ZIP" allows to input ZIP code which wouldn't compare with filled out City and State - Critical
    #9 (in Chrome) Section "Contact information", field "Email" allows fill in characters without "@" and "." (incorrect e-mail address) - Critical
    #10 There is no one default button - Minor
    #11 Section "Local/Long Distances/International Service" force user to repeat already filled out information - Minor
    #12 (in Chrome) Section "Contact information", it is allow to copypaste not only digitals into the field "Phone" - Serious
    Last edited by DenisPal; 01-17-2022, 02:11 PM.


    • #32
      1.Field “Email” didn’t implement (doesn’t behave) as a required field. Base on requirements it required field.
      2. Field “Referred by” implemented (behave) as required field. But doesn’t required by requirements.
      3.Field “Email” accept any invalid formats of email address . (.. ” :@— should validate input data.
      4. Default button is not implemented. Would like to get it for moving input focus based on tab order.
      5.Section “Cell Phone Service” listbox “Current Provider” doesn’t include all possible providers in US. We should add option “other”.
      6. Section “Cell Phone Service” listbox “Months left on current contract” should have “12” monthes.
      7.Section “Cell Phone Service” listbox “Months left on current contract” should have option “other”.
      8.Section “Cell Phone Service” listbox “Number of phones on plan” contain an excessive amount of phones. Should contain up to “12”.
      9.“First name” field accepts less than 31 characters (only 30).
      10. “Street Address” field accepts less than 255 characters (only 89).
      11.“Email” field accepts less than 255 characters (only 250).


      • #33
        1. "First name:" field is limited to 30 characters instead of 31.
        2."Last name:" field is limited to 30 characters instead of 31.
        3. "Street Address:" field is limited to 100 characters instead of 255.
        4. Remove "Other" item in "State:" list box.
        5. Listbox "State:" doesn't have 50 states in USA.
        6. ''State'' list box should not has incorrect option 'BC'.
        7.''State'' list box misses 'HI' option.
        8. ''State'' list box misses 'NV' option.
        9. ''State'' list box has misspelled option 'IND' instead of 'ID'.
        10. "ZIP:" field should accept only digits.
        11. "ZIP:" field limit input to no more than 5 digits.
        12. "ZIP:" field should accept only existing zip code.
        13. "Email:" field should accept underscore ''_'' character.
        14. "Email:" field should accept no more than 255 characters.
        15. ''Referred by'' field behaves as a required field.


        • #34
          Regarding specific Data Requirements (Energy-Telecom)

          #1. "First name" field accepts only 30 characters and not 31
          #2. "Last name" field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31
          #3. "Street address" field accept only 100 characters
          #4. "State" list box "BC" - remove, "IND" - change to IN, "HI, NV" - missing
          #5. "Referred by" field, behave as is required field (asterisk)
          #6. "Email" field asterisk symbol not properly behave
          Last edited by Tarasbilyk; 01-17-2022, 03:03 PM.


          • #35

            1. Contact information section: "First Name" field accepts only 30 characters not 31 as supposed to.
            2. Contact information section: "Last Name" field accepts only 30 characters not 31 as supposed to.
            3. Contact information section: "Street Address" field accepts 100 characters only instead of 255 as supposed to.
            4. "State" list box offers 51 states instead 50 as required.
            5. "State" list box: remove "--".
            6. "State" list box: remove "BC" as incorrect.
            7. "State" list box: replace "IND" with "IN".
            8. "State" list box: remove "Other".
            9. "State" list box: the entire list of states needs to be validated to make sure there is no missing states, and all states are named correctly.
            10. Contact information section: "ZIP" field accepts letters instead digits only as required.
            11. Contact information section: "ZIP" field accepts copy and paste more than 5 digits.
            12. There is no error message about missing email information after submitting form with no input email info in the "Email" text field with asterisk.
            13. Contact information section: "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters limit by requirements.
            14. Contact information section: "Phone" field accepts copy and paste letters instead digits only as required.
            15. Cell Phone Service" section: "Current Provider" list box: missing some big providers - for example AT&T.
            16. Cell Phone Service" section: choice confusing - can be checked two opposite each other options: "I am happy with my current provider" and
            "I am open to using different provider".
            17. Cell Phone Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately:" field accepts letters instead dollar amount in digits only.
            18. Cell Phone Service" section: "Minutes on plan:" list box is inconsistent and uneven from minimum to maximum minutes choice.
            19. Cell Phone Service" section: "Months left on current contract:" list box missing "11" and "12".
            20. Cell Phone Service" section: "Months left on current contract:" list box - remove choice "0".
            21. Local/Long Distances/International Service section: "Primary Phone Number:" field accepts copy and paste letters instead digits only.
            22. Local/Long Distances/International Service section: "My monthly bill is approximately:" field accepts copy and paste letters instead digits only.
            23. Local/Long Distances/International Service section: "My monthly bill is approximately:" field - missing default format of the dollar amount.
            24. Local/Long Distances/International Service section: "My monthly bill is approximately:" field accepts more than two digits of cent.
            25. Local/Long Distances/International Service section: "Total Bill:" field accepts more than two digits of cent.
            26. Local/Long Distances/International Service section: "Total Bill:" field accepts copy and paste letters instead digits only.
            27. Local/Long Distances/International Service section: "Total Bill:" field - missing default format of the dollar amount.
            28. High Speed Internet Service section: "Current Provider:" list box needs to be validated.
            29. High Speed Internet Service section: "My monthly bill is approximately:" field accepts copy and paste letters instead digits only.
            30. High Speed Internet Service section: "My monthly bill is approximately:" field accepts more than two digits of cent.
            31. TV Service section: "My monthly bill is approximately:" field missing default format of the dollar amount.
            32. TV Service section: "Months left on plan:" list box - remove "0" month.
            33. TV Service section: "Months left on plan:" list box has listed more than 12 months.
            34. Home Security Service section: "My monthly bill is approximately:" field - missing default format of the dollar amount.
            35. Gas and Electric Services section: "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" and "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" fields accept
            copy and paste letters instead digits only.
            36. "I am opento using different provider" check field misspell "opento", supposed to be "open to".
            37. The push button "Clear" does not work. Confusing message appears when push the button.
            38. The push buttons "Submit" and "Clear" are inconsistent and both boxes have a different size.


            • #36
              #1. Sales lead email messages: "Email" data does not present.
              #2. Sales lead email messages: "Referred by" data is lost.
              #3 Contact Info section: "Email" If customer did not fill/left empty email address, sign * changes color and behave like it is correct answer.
              #4. Contact Info section: "Referred by" does not have asterisk symbol, but behave as required field.
              #5. Contact Info section: "Name" allow 30 characters, instead of 31.
              #6. Contact Info section: "LastName" allow 30 characters, instead of 31.
              #7. Contact Info section: "Street Address" allow less than 100 characters, instead of 255.
              #8. Contact Info section: "State" not in an alphabet order.
              #9. Contact Info section: "State:" listbox: states list contains US States "Other".
              #10. Contact Info section: "State:" listbox: states list contains Canada BC.
              #11. Contact Info section: "State:" listbox: states list contains 48 states instead of 50.
              #12. Contact Info section: "State:" listbox: state change IND to IN.
              #13. Contact Info section: "Zip:" accepts letter characters not only numbers.
              #14. Contact Info section: "Email" can accept unless characters number instead of 255.
              #15. "High Speed Internet Service" section: "Provider" is in wrong place. (right side instead of left)
              #16. "High Speed Internet Service" section: "Provider" does not have provider list.
              #17. Contact Info section:- Tab order in wrong direction. First Name - Referred by" instead of Name-Last name
              #18. No default input focus on text field
              #19. Customer able to push the "Submit button" even if does not filled any text field or with uncompleted text forms.
              #20. In section "Gas and Electric Services" there is missing space in label "I am opento using different provider".
              #21. If push the "Clear" button it does not provide clear text fields but show misleading error window/pop-up.
              #22. The Tab order work does not include circle check boxes.
              #23. In section "Cell Phone Service" customer may check all box even with opposite label meaning.
              #24. "Cell Phone Service" section: "Current Provider:" list does not contain all providers.
              #25. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons have different size and font size/style.
              #26. "Energy-Telecom" form does not have the default button "Submit"



              Last edited by sunlight_s; 01-17-2022, 04:56 PM.


              • #37
                Bug Report Energy-Telecom

                1. No default input focus implemented.
                2. Tab order is incorrect, input focus goes from “First name:” -> “Referred by:” -> “Last Name:” instead of “First name:” -> “Last name:”.
                3. “Contact Information:” section /“First name:” input text field accept only 30 characters instead of 31.
                4. “Contact Information:” section /“Last name:” input text field accept only 30 characters instead of 31.
                5. “Contact Information:” section /“Street address:” input text field accept less characters (100) only instead of 255.
                6. “Zip:” input field accept letters.
                7. “State:” listbox, “NV” state missed.
                8. “State:” listbox, “HI” state missed.
                9. “State:” listbox, remove “BC”.
                10. “State:” listbox, replace “IN” instead “IND”.
                11. “State:” listbox, there are only 48 states instead 50.
                12. “State:” listbox, remove option “Other”.
                13. “Contact Information:” section / “Email:” input text field accepts more than 255 characters.
                14. “Contact Information:” section/ “Email:” input text field not accepting underscore symbol (“_”).
                15. “Email:” input text field indicated as a “Required field”.Form can be submitted without any input data on “Email:” text field.
                16. “Referred by:” is a required field, missed asterisk (" * ").
                17. “Cell phone service:” section/ “Current provider:” list box, option “Other” should be placed at the end of the list.
                18. “Cell phone service:” section/ “My months left on current contract:” list box should have an options from 0-12 months instead 0-10;
                19. “Cell phone service:” section/ “My months left on current contract:” list box should contain an option “More” at the end of the list.
                20. “Cell phone service:” section/ “I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:” list box, should have an option from 0-12 instead of 0-24.
                21. “Cell phone service:” section/ “My monthly bill is approximately:” text field not accepting special character, dot (".").
                22. “My monthly bill is approximately:” amount input field accept letters.
                23. “TV service:” section/ “Months left on plan:” list box, should contain an option “More” at the end of the list.
                24. When you push on “Clear” button, you get a confusing error message (“Error 17896 - Invalid data request....").


                • #38
                  #1. "State " list box should automatically calculate the correct State based on the entered Zip code
                  #2."Contatct information "section / "First name" field accept 30 characters instead 31
                  #3. "Contact information " section / "Street Address " field accept more than 255 characters when copy-paste
                  #4. "Contact Information" section /label "Referred by " does not have an asterisk , after submit indicates as required field
                  #5. "Contact Information " section / "Phone " text field accepting spec. characters when copy-paste
                  #6. "Cell Phone Service" section / "Current Provider " list box does not complete list of current providers
                  #7. "Contact Information " section / "Email " label - after submit , the asterisk remains blue, while the rest of the asterisk turn red
                  #8. The form is submitted without filling "Email" field, being required field


                  • #39
                    1. “First Name” and “Last Name” text field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
                    2. “Street Address” text field accepts no more than 101 characters instead of 255.
                    3. “State” list box remove “BC” and “other” from list.
                    4. “State” list box lists 48 states instead of 50.
                    5. “State” list box replace “IND” with “IN”.
                    6. “ZIP” text field accepts letters and digits instead of only digits.
                    7. “Email” text field accepts more than 255 characters.
                    8. “Email” text field has an asterisk but when submitting form it’s not required.


                    • #40
                      Energy Telecom testing to specific requirements
                      1. Contact Information: "First name field" accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements
                      2. Contact Information: "Last name field" accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements
                      3. Contact Information: "State" list drop box does not offer all 50 states
                      4. Contact Information: "State" list drop box - invalid state item in the list - "BC"
                      5. Contact Information: "State" list drop box - invalid item in the list - "Other"
                      6. Contact Information: "State" list drop box - incorrect abbreviation for the state - correct "IND" to "IN"
                      7. Contact Information: "Zip" text field accepts invalid characters (letters, special characters) when copied and paste
                      8. Contact Information: "Email" field does not accept special character "_" ( "underscore")
                      9. Contact Information: "Email" field is not working as required field - form can be submitted without email entered
                      10. Contact Information: "Referred by" behaves as required field but is not required per instructions
                      11. Contact Information: Inconsistency in "asterisk" color- red and blue
                      12. "Clear" button does not function right - gives error message
                      13. "Clear" button does not look consistent with "Submit" button
                      14. Wrong tab order in the form - after "First name" tap goes to "Referred by"


                      • #41
                        Bug Report Energy-Telecom

                        #1 "First Name" field accept only 30 characters instead of 31.
                        #2 "Last Name" field accept only 30 characters instead of 31.
                        #3 "Street Address" field accept only 100 characters instead of 255.
                        #4 "State" list box contains state "other".
                        #5 "State" list box contains wrong state "BC".
                        #6 "ZIP" field accepts letters instead (digits only).
                        #7 "Email" field accept more than 255 characters.
                        #8 "Phone" field accept letters (copy-paste) instead (digits only).


                        • #42
                          #1 "First Name" should take no more than 31 characters, but it only takes 30.
                          #2 "Last Name" should take no more than 31 characters, but it only takes 30,
                          #3 "Street Address" should take no more than 255 characters, but it only takes 100.
                          #4 List of states - Remove "Other", it should only display a list of 50 states.
                          #5 List of states - Remove "BC"
                          #5 List of states - Add "HI" after "GA"
                          #6 List of states - Change "IND" to "IN"
                          #7 List of states - Add "NV" after "NE"
                          #8 "Zip" accepts letters, change it to digits only
                          #9 "Email" accepts more than 255 characters, change it to 255 or less
                          #10 When submitted without the "Email" filled out, it does not show an error message, which it should because "Email" is a required field.
                          #11 "Referred by" is not a required field but it shows an error message if submitted without it.
                          #12 In section "7. Gas and Electric Services" - put a space between "open" and "to" in the last line.
                          #13 TAB order is missing in the "Phone" field.


                          • #43
                            "Email" field has blue asterisk instead of red when the form is submitted without any information input.

                            There is no error message for empty required "Email" field.

                            "Referred by" is a required field, but it doesn't has asterisk.

                            There is no "Other" option in "Current Provider" drop down list.

                            There is no "More" option in "Months left on current contract" drop down list (section "1. Cellphone Service").

                            There is no "More" option in "Months left on plan" drop down list (section "4. TV Service").

                            "First Name" input field allows 30 characters instead of 31.

                            "Last Name" input field allows 30 characters instead of 31.

                            "Street Address" input field allows 100 characters instead of 255.

                            BC (British Columbia) is on the "State" drop down list, not an American state.

                            HI (Hawaii) is absent from the "State" drop down list.

                            Indiana is abbreviated as IND instead of IN on the "State" drop down list.

                            Nevada (NV) is absent from the "State" drop down list.

                            "ZIP" input field allows letters instead of digits only.

                            "Email" input field allows more than 255 characters.

                            "Email" input field allows all special characters instead of some.

                            "ZIP" input field asks for a manual input instead of automatic calculation after "City" and "State" fields are filled out.
                            Last edited by Maria Prikhodko; 01-17-2022, 05:46 PM.


                            • #44
                              "First Name" field only accept 30 characters instead of 31
                              "Last Name" field only accept 30 characters instead of 31
                              "Street Address" accepts only 101 characters instead of 255
                              "State" listbox does not include all 50 states
                              "ZIP" field accept non-digit characters
                              "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters
                              Section "2. Local/Long Distance/International Service" accepts more than 4 digits for cents instead of only 2.
                              Section "1. Cell Phone Service" in "My monthly bill is approximately" tab does not accept fractions of a dollar as in other related fields
                              Section "3. High Speed Internet Service" "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts copy and paste letters instead of digits only


                              • #45
                                1. "Zip" field accepts alphabetic characters
                                2. "Zip" field should accept digits only.
                                3. "Email" field has an asterisk but is not listed as a required field.
                                4. "Name" field accepts numerals and special characters, should only accepts alphabetic characters.
                                5. Tab button moves from "First Name" field to "Referred By" field
                                6. Tab button should move from "First Name" field to "Last Name" field.
                                7. "First Name" field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31 characters
                                8. "Last Name" field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31 characters.
                                9. "State" list box is missing HI and NV.
                                10. "State" list box remove option "Other" from the list.
                                11. "State" list box replace IND with IN for Indiana.
                                12. "Referred By" is listed as a required field, but does not have an asterisk
                                13. "Referred By" should not be a required field.
                                14. "Clear" button prompts a misleading error message, "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
                                15. "Clear" button does not clear the page.
                                16. Inconsistent GUI implementation between "Submit" and "Clear" buttons.
                                17. Cell Phone Service: "Current Provider" list box needs "Other" option.
                                18. Cell Phone Service: "Current Provider" list box needs AT&T.
                                19. High Speed Internet Service: "Bundled With" needs "Neither" option.
                                20. TV Service: "Bundled With" needs "Neither" option.

