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Online class January 6, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom (Functionality Testing)

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  • #16
    1. "Email" field marked as required but it isn't
    2. "Referred by" field not marked as required but it is, should be not required
    3. "ZIP" field accepts letters should be only digits
    4. "ZIP" field accepts more than 5 digits if copy/paste
    5. "First Name" field accepts 30 characters should be 31
    6. "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters should be 31
    7. "State" field List Box offers 48 states should be 50
    7. "State" field List Box inconsistency: IND against other options (CA, IL, ect.)
    8. "State" field List Box offers "other" option should be only 50 states
    9. "Phone" field accepts letters if copy/paste should be only digits
    10. "Email" field accepts more than 255 chars, should be 255
    11. "Street Address" field accepts 100 chars should be 255
    12. "Cell Phone Service" section "Current Provider" listbox should offer more providers (AT&T)
    13. "Cell Phone Service" section "Current Provider" listbox should be alphabetic order.
    14. "Cell Phone Service" section "Current Provider" listbox should offer "other" option
    15. "Cell Phone Service" section" My monthly bill is approximately:" field accepts letters should be only digits
    16. "Cell Phone Service" section "Months left on current contract:" listbox should offer 12 months
    17. "Cell Phone Service" section "Number of phones on plan:" listbox should offer less than 100 phone numbers (personal or household plan information)
    18. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "Primary Phone Number:" field accepts letters if copy/paste should be only digits
    20. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section " Current Provider" listbox should be alphabetic order.
    21. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately:" field accepts letters if copy/paste should be only digits
    22. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "Total Bill:" field accepts letters if copy/paste should be only digits
    23. Tab order doesn't work correctly.
    24. No default buttons in the form.
    25. "clear" button doesn't clear the form
    26. inconsistency between "Clear" and "submit" buttons.
    27. "clear" button invokes misleading message (Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!)


    • #17
      1. "First name" only accepts 30 characters and not intended 31.
      2. "Street address" field accepts only 100 characters not 31.
      3. States list box is missing two states, Nevada and Hawaii
      4. British Columbia (BC) needs to be removed from the list of states.
      5. Field "ZIP accepts letters, not only digits.
      6. "Email" field accepts more than 225 characters.
      7. "Email" field accepts characters that are not listed in requirements, but does not accepts the listed "_" character.
      8. Field "Referred by" does not have an asterisk but acts as a required field upon submitting the application .
      9. Field "Months left on current contract" does not have list option " other"
      10. Field "Provider" in the "High speed Internet service" section is disabled.
      11. Field "Current provided" in the "Cell phone service" section does not have list box option "other"
      12. "Clear" button provides an error .


      • #18

        Energy - Telecom Bug Report
        1. "First name" field accepts 30 all characters instead of required 31
        2. "Last name" field accepts 30 all characters instead of required 31
        3. "Street address" field accepts 100 all characters instead of required 255
        4. "State" listbox has "BC" which doesn't belong to US territories.
        5. "State" listbox has misspelled state "IND"
        6. "State" listbox has 48 states instead of having 50
        7. "State" listbox remove "other" from the list
        8. "ZIP" field accepts letters instead of required digits only
        9. "Email" field accepts more characters than required 255
        10. "Phone" field accepts letters through copy/paste instead of required only digits
        11. After correcting copied/pasted letters in ”Phone" field the form cannot be submitted.
        12. “Clear” button doesn’t clear any information from the form and shows an error
        13. Page doesn’t refresh after submitting with an errors
        14. “Referred by” field doesn’t have an asterisk but falls under required fields while submitting the form
        15. “Current provider” listbox doesn’t have AT&T in the list
        16. “Current provider” listbox should have “other” in the list
        17. “My monthly bill is approximately” should have amounts in the range format 1-100, 100-200 etc.
        18. “Primary Phone Number” accepts letters through copy/paste instead of digits only
        19. Button “Clear” has misleading error message
        20. Tab order doesn't work correctly.


        • #19
          Testing Bug Reports:
          1. "First Name" field - A maximum input of only 30 characters permitted. Should be 31.
          2. "Last Name" field - A maximum input of only 30 characters permitted. Should be 31.
          3. "Street Address" field - A maximum input of only 100 characters permitted. Should be 255.
          4. "State" list box doesn't list all 50 US states. Remove 'Other' value.
          5. "State" list box doesn't list all 50 US states. Remove 'BC' value.
          6. "State" list box doesn't list all 50 US states. Remove 'IND' value.
          7. "State" list box doesn't list all 50 US states. Add 'DC' value.
          8. "State" list box doesn't list all 50 US states. Replace 'IND' with 'IN' value.
          9. "State" list box doesn't list all 50 US states. Add 'HI' value.
          10. "State" list box doesn't list all 50 US states. Add 'NV' value.
          11. "State" values are not all in alphabetical order. Should be.
          12. "ZIP" field accepts alphanumeric characters. Should only accept digits.
          13. "ZIP" field accepts more than 5 characters, when copy-pasted into field. Should only accept max of 5.
          14. "Email" field is marked as required with an asterisk symbol, but it is not set to required status
          15. "Email" field inputs are not validated as email address format (i.e. ---@---.----).
          16. "Email" field - Input of more than 255 characters permitted. Max should be 255.
          17. "Phone" fields accept alpha and special characters, when copy-pasted into field. Should only accept digits.
          18. "Referred by" is behaving like a required field, but according to requirements it shouldn't be.
          19. The 'Clear' button returns a confusing error message.
          20. The 'Clear' button doesn't clear any entered data.
          21. Under Section 1 'Cell Phone Service', the "Current Provider" list box should have an 'Other' value added.
          22. Under Section 1 'Cell Phone Service', the "Current Provider" list box should have a 'None' value added.
          23. Under Section 1 'Cell Phone Service', the "Months left on current contract" list box should have 0-24 and More values, similar to the "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately" list box.
          24. Under Section 1 'Cell Phone Service', "My monthly bill is approximately" permits alpha entries, which it shouldn't.
          25. Under Section 2 'Local/Long Distances/International Service', "Bundled with" field should have a "None" value option added. Or that field should use checkboxes, not radio buttons.
          26. Under Section 3 "Type of Service", the "Wireless Aircard" option is preceded by a checkbox. Should be a radio button like the other options.
          27. Under Section 4 'TV Service', "Bundled with" field should have a "None" value option added. Or that field should use checkboxes, not radio buttons.
          28. Under Section 7 'Gas and Electric Services ', label for check box is misspelled. Should say 'I am open to using different provider'.
          29. "Submit" and "Clear" button size and text font size are not the same.
          30. "Submit" button should be default button.
          31. No default field focus (ex. First Name)
          32. Tab order does not follow successive fields


          • #20
            #1 Field “First Name” accept invalid characters such as digits, special characters, wild cards.

            #2 Field “Last Name” accept invalid characters such as digits, special characters.

            #3 Fields “ZIP” accept letters, it should only except five (5) digits.

            #4 Field “Best Way To Contact Me” take two lines, but could fit one line.

            #6 Field “Best Way To Contact Me” has each word in a sentence starts with a capital letter. Not necessary.

            #7 Not enough options in the list in the field “Current Provider”. Can add for example “Other”/“Non” etc.

            #8 Field “Minutes on plan:” missing a text box/list box on a left.

            #9 Field “Number of phones on plan:” has a grammatical error - article “a”missing. Should be “Number of phones on a plan:”

            #10 In the list box of the field “State” the word “Other” should be at the bottom of the list
            Last edited by OlgaVTsy; 01-17-2022, 04:56 PM.


            • #21
              1. Inconsistency in "Referred By" field: it has no asterisk, but it is processed as a required filed.
              2. Inconsistency in colour of asterisks in section Contact Information: when unfilled form submitted, warning message is shoving up of required fields with asterisks that have blue and red colours (field “ZIP” and “Phone”)
              3. When unfilled form submitted, warning sight “* Indicates required field” marked in blue colour that contradicted with a red colour of asterisks in “Contact Information”
              4. In section Contact Information, field “First name" allows to type only 30 characters that contradicted with 31 in requirements.
              5. In section Contact Information, field “Last name" allows to type only 30 characters that contradicted with 31 in requirements.
              6. In section Contact Information, field “Street Address” allows to type only 100 characters that contradicted with 255 in requirements.
              7. Listbox "State" in section “Contact Information” offering 49 States instead 50 that sets out in requirements
              8. Choice "Other" in the listbox “State” is not applicable when mentioned all 50 states
              9. In the listbox “State” value is not consistent because included Canada’s province BC
              10. Size of listbox “State” is not enough to include choice “Other” instead it shows “Othe”
              11. In section “Contact Information” text field of “ZIP” accepts letters that contradicted with requirements
              12. Text field “Email” in section “Contact Information” allows to fill more than 255 characters that contradicted with requirements
              13. Text field “Referred by” in section “Contact Information” accepts digits and special characters
              14. In section “1. Cell Phone Service”, listbox “Current Provider” doesn’t have choice “Other” that applicable for this field
              15. In section “1. Cell Phone Service”, text-box “My monthly bill is approximately” accepts letters
              16. When submitted letters instead of digits In section “1. Cell Phone Service”, text-box “My monthly bill is approximately” no warning messages is showing up.
              17. Listbox “Number of phones on plan” in section “1. Cell Phone Service” allows to choice 100 and more phones that not logical choice for privet person
              18. Listbox “Months left on current contract” in section “1. Cell Phone Service” accepts only 10 months instead 12.
              19. Listbox “Months left on current contract” in section “1. Cell Phone Service” doesn’t have choice “Other”
              20. Label “International calls included?” in section “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” doesn’t have semi-columns
              21. Label “Long distance included?” in section “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” doesn’t have semi-columns
              22. Section 7 "Gas and Electric Services" has a misspelling "I am opento using different provider" instead of "Open to"
              23. Unavailability of default input focus. There is no data input fields with default input focus.
              24. A Default input button is placed beyond of a page screen
              25. A Default input button does not active by default
              26. Tab order is incorrect. When use the Tab after a filled out input field "First Name" it goes to "Referred by" in illogical way
              27. The control buttons is active even if input fields is empty. Disable controls when don't fill the form
              28. There are no available fields with providing of Default values
              29. When push button "Clear" it shows pop-up error "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
              30. Inconsistency in buttons “Submit” and “Clear” in button’s size and shrift


              • #22
                Bug Report for Energy-Telecom (Functionality Testing) according to requirements:

                #1. "First name" field accepts 30 characters, instead of no more than 31.
                #2. "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters, instead of no more than 31.
                #3. "Street address" accepts 94 characters, instead no more than 255.
                #4. "State" List Box offering 49 states instead of all 50.
                #5. There should be no "Other" option for the State.
                #6. "ZIP" field accepts characters, not only digits.
                #7. "ZIP" allows to copy-paste both characters and special characters.
                #8. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters.
                #9. "Email" field should act as a required field, when there is no input.
                #10. "Email" field does not accept special character "_".
                #11. Next to "Email" field the asterisk is blue, should be red.
                #12."Phone" field accepts characters, when copy pasted.
                #13. "Referred by" acts as a required field when there's no input.
                #14. "Clear" button does not clear the form
                #15. "Clear" button gives the misleading message "Error! 17896..."
                #16. No default button in the form.
                #17. In cell phone service "Current Provider" list box, the "Other" option should be available.


                • #23
                  1. In Contact Information section, "State" drop dawn list - "BC" need to be deleted.
                  2. In Contact Information section, "State" drop dawn list- "IND" misspelled. Correct value "IN".
                  3. In Contact Information section, "State" drop dawn list- missing state "NV" and "HI" .
                  4. In Contact Information section, "State" drop dawn list- "Other" need to be deleted.
                  5. In Contact Information section, "Street Address" field accepts only 100 characters instead of 255.
                  6. In Contact Information section, "First Name" field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
                  7. In Contact Information section, "Last Name" field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
                  8. In Contact Information section, "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters instead of 255.
                  9. In Contact Information section, "Email" field not mandatory.
                  10. In Contact Information section, ZIP field allow write letters, not only digits.
                  11. In Contact Information section, "Referred by" non-mandatory field works like mandatory after push the button "Submit".
                  12. In Contact Information section, "Best Way To Contact Me" each word in field label wrote in upper case. Should be regular.
                  13. Default button is missing.
                  14. Default input is missing.
                  15. In Cell Phone Service section, "My monthly bill is approximately" field allow write letters, not only digits.
                  16. Tab order incorrect. After "First Name" it moves to "Referred by" instead of "Last Name".
                  17. The system allows to write Email without "@". Email field not validate.
                  18. In Gas and Electric Services section, check box "I am open to using different provider" - "opento" misspelled. Correct "open to".
                  19. In Digital Phone Service with Video Phone section, position of check box is not in line to others check boxes in sections " Home Security Service" and Gas and Electric Services.
                  20. In High Speed Internet Service section, the position of check box "Wireless Aircard" is not correct.
                  21. Pressing button "Clear" show an Error pop-up instead of clear the form.
                  22. The size of button "Submit" and "Clear" is not the same.
                  23. The font size of button "Submit" and "Clear" is not the same.


                  • #24
                    Contact Information
                    1) Field "First Name:" accepts 30 characters, instead of 31.
                    2) Field "Last Name:" accepts 30 characters, instead of 31.
                    3) Field "Street Address:" accepts 100 characters, instead of 255.
                    4) Field "State:" Listbox includes 49 states, instead of 50.
                    Field "State:" Listbox "BC" should be removed (is not state of USA).
                    Field "State:" Listbox missing "HI" state.
                    Field "State:" Listbox missing "NV" state.
                    Field "State:" Listbox replace "IND" with "IN".
                    Field "State:" Listbox "other" should be removed.
                    5) Field "ZIP:" accepts letters.
                    Field "ZIP:" when copy-paste field accepts more than 5 characters.
                    Field "ZIP:" when copy-paste field accepts special characters.
                    Field "ZIP:" when you highlight entered characters you can't change tham by typing new one on keyboard.
                    6) By the Requirements "Email:" field is Required, but the form can be submitted without it.
                    Field "Email:" accepts more than 255 characters.
                    7) Field "Phone:" when copy-paste field accepts letters
                    Field "Phone:" when copy-paste field accepts special characters.


                    • #25
                      1. Web form has no default button;
                      2. Tab order after field "First Name" leads to "Referred by" instead of Field "Last Name";
                      3. Field "First Name" accepts 30 characters instead of 31;
                      4. Field "Last Name" accepts 30 characters instead of 31;
                      5. Field "Street Address" accepts 100 characters instead of 255;
                      6. Remove "BC" State in Drop-down list "State";
                      7. Move "Other" to the bottom of the Drop-down list "State";
                      8. There are only 48 States in Drop-down list "State" instead of 50;
                      9. Field "ZIP" allows to paste more than 5 digits;
                      10. Field "ZIP" accepts letters;
                      11. Field "Phone" allows to paste letters;
                      12. "Current provider" Drop-down list has no option "Other";
                      13. Data input field "My monthly bill is approximately" accepts letters;
                      14. Drop-down list "Months left on current contract" has only 10 months instead of 12;
                      15. Data input field "Primary Phone Number" accepts letters;
                      16. Data input fields "My monthly bill is approximately" allow to paste letters;
                      17. Data input fields "My monthly bill is approximately" allow to paste special characters;
                      18. Correct misspelling "opento" in the Radio button title;
                      19. "Clear" button invokes confusing pop-up error message;
                      20. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are inconsistent by height.


                      • #26
                        Energy Telecom Web Form Functionality Testing Bug Report:

                        #1. "ZIP" field accepts non-digits
                        #2. Remove "Other" from "State" listbox
                        #3. Change "IND" in the "State" listbox to "IN"
                        #4. Remove "Referred by" field from list of required fields as it has no asterisk
                        #5. "Email" field should behave like a Required field as it has asterisk
                        #6. "Current Provider" listbox in "Cell Phone Service" section should have "Other" option
                        #7. "Current Provider" listbox in "Cell Phone Service" section should have "AT&T" option
                        #8. "My monthly bill is approximately" field in "Cell Phone Service" section accepts non-digits
                        #9. "Clear" button does not clear the form
                        #10. "Clear" invokes the error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data..."
                        #11. No Default Button is assigned
                        #12. In "Gas and Electric Services" section space is missing between to words "opento"
                        #13. "Email" field accepts invalid addresses
                        #14. "First Name" field's character limit is 30 instead of 31
                        #15. "Last Name" field's character limit is 30 instead of 31
                        #16. "Number of phones on plan" listbox has more options than limited amount in the US


                        • #27
                          1. TAB order working illogical, should go from “first name” to “last name” not to “referred by”
                          2. “Email” field should be required (has an asterisk but form had been submitted without it)
                          3. “Referred by” should not be required
                          4. “State” listbox should be ordered alphabetically
                          5. “Email” field should not be accepted without “@“
                          6. No default button in the form
                          7. “Zip” field should be accept digits only
                          8. “First name” and “last name” fields should not accept special characters, especially “*”
                          9. “State” listbox: change IND to IN
                          10. “State” listbox: remove “BC” (it is not USA)
                          11. “State” listbox: remove “other” from the list
                          12. “Cell phone services” “current provider” listbox: add option “other”
                          13. “Cell phone services”, “My monthly bill is approximately:” field should accept digits only
                          14. “My monthly bill is approximately:” field limit input 4 digits only
                          15. “Street access” field accept 100 characters only (requirements is 255)
                          16. “Email” required to accept “_”
                          17. Button “clear” and “submit” should be the same size and format
                          18. “Number of phones on plan” listbox should offer choices from 1 to 10 maximum
                          19. “I am opento using different provider” need to change to “I am open to using different provider”
                          20. “Clear” button unabled
                          21. "My monthly bill is approximately:" field limit input from 1 to 9999


                          • #28
                            #01. Contact Information: "Referred by" field has no an asterisk but behaves as required field.
                            #02. Contact Information: "Email" field behaves as not required field
                            #03. Contact Information: Make sure all required field has no input, push "Submit" button. "Email" field has a blue asterisk instead the red.
                            #04. Contact Information: "First Name" field accepts no more 30 characters instead 31
                            #05. Contact Information: "Last Name" field accepts no more 30 characters instead 31
                            #06. Contact Information: "Street Address" field accepts no more 100 characters instead 255
                            #07. Contact Information: "State" list box - replace "IND" item with "IN" item
                            #08. Contact Information: "State" list box - add "HI" item for Hawaii
                            #09. Contact Information: "State" list box - add "NV" item for Nevada
                            #10. Contact Information: "State" list box - remove "DC" item
                            #11. Contact Information: "State" list box - replace "Other" item move to the bottom of the list
                            #12. Contact Information: "Email" field accepts more that 255 characters instead less 255
                            #13. Contact Information: "Email" field accepts more that 255 characters instead 255 and less
                            #14. Contact Information: "Email" field accepts special characters except some special some special characters – @ . – _
                            #15. Contact Information: "ZIP" field accepts letters instead of being digits only
                            #16. Contact Information: "ZIP" field accepts paste special characters and letters instead of being digits only
                            #17. Contact Information: "ZIP" field accepts paste more than 5 characters instead instead of being 5 digits only
                            #18. No default button at the page. It should be "Submit" button
                            #19. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are not consistent in font size and dimensions
                            #20. Push "Clear" button: misleading/confusing message pops up. Nothing is cleared
                            #21. Cell Phone Service: "Current Provider" list box - add "Other" item
                            #22. Cell Phone Service: "Current Provider" list box - add "AT&T" item
                            #23. Cell Phone Service: "My monthly bill is approximately" accepts letters instead being digits only
                            #24. Cell Phone Service: "My monthly bill is approximately" accepts paste special characters and letters instead of being digits only
                            #25. Cell Phone Service: "My monthly bill is approximately" might be no more 3 or 4 digits
                            #26. Cell Phone Service: "Months left on current contract" - add item up to 36
                            #27. Cell Phone Service: "Number of phones on plan" - might be limit the range of items from 1 to 5
                            #28. Cell Phone Service: "My monthly bill is approximately" - it would be nice using list box with range items instead text field
                            #29. Local/Long Distances/International Service: "My monthly bill is approximately" text field - it would be nice using list box with range items instead text field
                            #30. Local/Long Distances/International Service: "Total Bill" text field - it would be nice using list box with range items instead text field
                            #31. Local/Long Distances/International Service: "Bundled with" radio buttons has no initial value.
                            #32. Local/Long Distances/International Service: "International calls included?" radio buttons has no initial value. It might be "No"
                            #33. Local/Long Distances/International Service: "Long distance included?" radio buttons has no initial value. It might be "No"
                            #34. Local/Long Distances/International Service: "I am interested in Unlimited Calling:" radio buttons has no initial value. It might be "No"
                            #35. High Speed Internet Service: "My monthly bill is approximately" text field - it would be nice using list box with range items instead text field
                            #36. TV Service: "My monthly bill is approximately" text field - it would be nice using list box with range items instead text field
                            #37. Gas and Electric Services: replace "opento" with "open to" at the bottom label
                            #38. Contact Information: "Email" field with 5 of more highlighted characters no replacement with new data input
                            #39. TAB order problem: from "First name" field, it goes to "Referred by" instead of "Last Name" field


                            • #29
                              • 1.) “First Name” text field should allow 31 characters instead allows 30 characters
                              • 2.) “Last Name” text field should allow 31 characters instead allows 30 characters
                              • 3.) “Street Address” text field should allow 255 characters instead allows 100
                              • 4.) “State” listbox is missing HI,NV, IN
                              • 5.) “State” listbox need to remove other option and IND
                              • 6.) “ZIP” text field accepts letters instead of just accepting numbers
                              • 7.) “Email” text field does not accept underscore _
                              • 8.) “Email” text field accepts more than 255 characters
                              • 9.) “Phone” text field accepts special characters when you copy and paste instead of just numbers


                              • #30
                                Bug Report: Energy-Telecom Service Review

                                1. First Name field accepts 30 characters "instead of 31"
                                2. Last Name field accepts 30 characters "instead of 31"
                                3. Street Address field accepts 100 characters "instead of 255"
                                4. In State Drop Box 48 states "instead of 50"
                                5 ZIP text field accept letters
                                6. Email field accept 1063 characters ''instead of 255"

