#1. "First name" and "Last name" fields accept only 30 characters instead of 31.
#2. "State list" BC should be removed from the list.
#3. "State list" 'Other' should be removed.
#4. "Email" field contest more than 255 characters.
#5. "Email" field accept incorrect form when submitted.
#6. "Email" field doesn't accept (_) symbol.
#7. "ZIP" field accept incorrect input '00000'
#8. "ZIP" field accept copy-paste letters and special characters instead of 5 digits.
#9. "ZIP" field accept more than 5 digits when copy-paste.
#10. "Referred by" field hasn't asterisk but behavior as a required field
#2. "State list" BC should be removed from the list.
#3. "State list" 'Other' should be removed.
#4. "Email" field contest more than 255 characters.
#5. "Email" field accept incorrect form when submitted.
#6. "Email" field doesn't accept (_) symbol.
#7. "ZIP" field accept incorrect input '00000'
#8. "ZIP" field accept copy-paste letters and special characters instead of 5 digits.
#9. "ZIP" field accept more than 5 digits when copy-paste.
#10. "Referred by" field hasn't asterisk but behavior as a required field