1.“First Name" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
2. Button “Submit” has to validate field “email”.
3. When pushing Button “Clear” nothing is being erased from the form.
4. “Cell Phone Service/Current Provider" dropdown list -"other" option should be on the list.
5. “Last name” field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
6. When pushing the Submit button at the page bottom, the form generates an error for Referred By text field, indicating it as a Required field with an (*). While the field label indicates it is not Required.
7. The checkbox” home security service”should be un-indented for consistent vertical alignment with other textboxes in the form.
8. When pushing “Clear” button, message pop up: “Error 17896-Invalid data request…” and contains input in text fields instead of clearing it.
9. In the section "Comments" the size of the text field can be bigger and the field goes over the shape of the specifications.
10. “Primary Phone Number" text field allows to paste the characters in "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section.
2. Button “Submit” has to validate field “email”.
3. When pushing Button “Clear” nothing is being erased from the form.
4. “Cell Phone Service/Current Provider" dropdown list -"other" option should be on the list.
5. “Last name” field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
6. When pushing the Submit button at the page bottom, the form generates an error for Referred By text field, indicating it as a Required field with an (*). While the field label indicates it is not Required.
7. The checkbox” home security service”should be un-indented for consistent vertical alignment with other textboxes in the form.
8. When pushing “Clear” button, message pop up: “Error 17896-Invalid data request…” and contains input in text fields instead of clearing it.
9. In the section "Comments" the size of the text field can be bigger and the field goes over the shape of the specifications.
10. “Primary Phone Number" text field allows to paste the characters in "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section.