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Online class January 6, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom (Functionality Testing)

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  • Online class January 6, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom (Functionality Testing)

    "Referred by:" field behaves as a required field, but does not have an asterisk

    "Email:" field behaves as a not required field, but has an asterisk

    "State:" listbox: remove BC

    "State:" listbox: add missed states HI, NV

    "State:" listbox: replace IND with IN

    "State:" listbox: remove "Other" value

    "1. Cell Phone Service": "Current Provider:" listbox has no "Other" value

    "1. Cell Phone Service": "Months left on current contract:" listbox has no "More" value

    "4. TV Service": "Months left on plan:" listbox has no "More" value

    There is no default button in the Energy-Telecom form

    At the end of the Energy-Telecom form buttons "Submit" and "Clear" look inconsistent

    "First Name:" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31

    "Last Name:" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31

    "Street Address:" text field accepts 100 characters instead of 255

    "ZIP:" text field accepts letters also instead of digits only

    "Email:" text field accepts more than 255 characters instead of 255

    "1. Cell Phone Service": "Months left on current contract:" listbox should offer 0-12 or 0-24 options instead of 0-10

    There is no option to calculate city/county by ZIP in the Energy-Telecom form

    "Clear" button does not clear anything in the Energy-Telecom form

    "Clear" button comes with a confusing error message: "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
    Last edited by Aleksandr Gudkov; 01-17-2022, 08:29 PM.

  • #2
    Bug Report for Energy-Telecom (Functionality Testing)

    Bug 1 At "Contact Information" section "First Name" text field accept 30 characters instead of 31 (as requirement)

    Bug 2 At "Contact Information" section "Email" filed marked as submitted with NO information inputed.

    Bug 3 At "Cell Phone Service" section allow choose all check boxes

    1. Run new Energy-Telecom form
    2. At "Cell Phone Service" section click on every check box one by one
    3. Observe: At "Cell Phone Service" section chosen all check boxes
    Last edited by Mariam P; 01-14-2022, 05:28 PM.


    • #3

      1 "First Name" field Results "accepts all characters. No more than 31" Results accepts no more then 30

      2 "State "List Box : Expected "all 50 states" Results 49 , remove "BC" "IND" from list box input HI, NV,IN

      3 "zip" field Expected "5 characters (digits only)" Results : Luting put letters


      • #4
        1. "First name:" field is limited on 30 characters (instead of 31);
        2. "Last name:" field is limited on 30 characters (instead of 31);
        3. "Street Address:" field is limited on 100 characters (instead of 255);
        4. Remove "Other" item in "State:" list box;
        5. Listbox "State:" doesn't contain all 50 items of states of America;
        6. "ZIP:" field should accept only digits while typing;
        7. "ZIP:" field should accept only digits while pasting:
        - open NotePad and type "12!@qw"
        - copypaste it into "ZIP:" field
        - observe that "ZIP:" field accepts this string
        8. "ZIP:" field should accept only 5 (five) digits while pasting;
        9. "ZIP:" field should accept only existing zip code:
        - fill out all fields in "Contact Information" table
        - in the "ZIP:" field type "12345"
        - push "Submit" button and observe that form will be submitted
        10. "Email:" field doesn't accept underscore (_) character while typing;
        11. "Email:" field accepts more than 255 characters (instead of being limited on 255);
        12. "Email:" field is not behave as a required:
        - fill out all fields in "Contact Information" table, except "Email:" field
        - push "Submit" button and observe that form will be submitted
        13. "Phone:" field should accept only digits while pasting:
        - open NotePad and type "!@qw"
        - copypaste it into any of three "Phone:" fields
        - observe that any of three "Phone:" fields are accept this string
        14. "Referred by:" field is not required but form doesn't submit without filling it;
        15. Pushing the button "Clear" at the very bottom of the page call an error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request...";


        • #5

          1. “First Name” field accepts 30 characters, instead of 31.

          2. “Tab” order from “First Name” field, goes to the “Referred by:” field, not to "Last Name" field.

          3. “Last Name” field accepts 30 characters, instead of 31.

          4. “Street Address” field accepts 100 charters, instead of 255.

          5. Add NV (Nevada) to the list box “State”. It has 49 states in list box instead of 50.

          6. “State” list box has “Other” option in list.

          7. “ZIP” field accepts letters, instead of digits only.

          8. “ZIP” field accepts special characters, when it's past, instead of digits only.

          9. “Email” field accepts indefinite amount of characters, instead of 255.

          10. “Email” field doesn’t accepts under score symbol (_).

          11. „Phone“ field accepts letters, if it is past.

          12. “Best Way To Contact Me:” label - it’s not in a specific data requirement.

          13. “Referred by:” label - it’s not in a specific data requirement.

          14. “Tab” order, from the “Best Way To Contact Me:” field, goes to the next section of application : “Cell Phone Service", to the “Current Provider:” list box.

          15. “Clear” button” is not working: “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!” .
          Last edited by IvannaT; 01-15-2022, 04:26 PM.


          • #6
            Bug Report Energy-Telecom

            1 First Name field accepts 30 characters instead of 31
            2 Last Name field accepts 30 characters instead of 31
            3 Street Address field accepts 100 characters instead of 255
            4 In State Drop Box remove BC
            5 In State Drop Box remove "Other"
            6 In State Drop Box 48 states instead of 50
            7 In State Drop Box change State "IND" to "IN"
            8 ZIP text field accepts letters
            9 Email doesn’t accepts "_" character
            10 Email accepts more than 255 characters
            11 In Cell Phone Current Provider add "Other" in Drop Box.
            12 * Indicates required field has to be in RED color
            13 Asterisk by each field to "Red" color Monthly Bill Text Field accepts letters.
            14 In the Month Left on Cell Phone Service Drop Box change to 24 month
            15 In the Month Left on Cell Phone Service Drop Box Add "Other"
            16 Last upgraded my phone in the Drop Box change "More" to "Other"
            17 Inconsistency in "Select" and "Select One" in Drop Boxes
            18 "We will keep your information strictly confidential" is Misleading
            19 In Cell Phone "wireless card" needs to be Capitalized
            20 "Default" Button is not working for the Phone fields
            21 #3 Form has inconsistency in "Check boxes/Radio buttons"
            22 #3 Form "Aircard" "Card has to be Capitalized.
            23 #4 Form in "Number of receivers" Drop Box change "More" to "Other"
            24 #4 Form in "Months left on plan" Drop Box add "Other"
            25 #6 Form is "confusing"
            26 Inconsistency between "More" and "Other" in drop boxes.
            27 #7 Form fix "Opento" to "Open to"
            28 "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are not the same size
            29 "Clear" Button is not working.
            30 Missing "Date" and "Time" fields.


            • #7
              1) "First Name" field allows to input 30 characters instead of 31 ( as required).
              2) "Last Name" field allows to input 30 characters instead of 31 ( as required).
              3) "Street Address" field allows to input only 100 characters instead of 255 (as required).
              4) "State" list box has a wrong option as "BC" ( not American State), has to be removed.
              5) "State" list box has three-letter abbreviation "IND" instead of "IN".
              6) "State" list box has missing states as Hawaii(HI) and Nevada(NV). Please add them to the "State" list box.
              7) "State" list box has an option "OTHER", has to be removed.
              8) "ZIP" field allows to input letters instead of digits only ( as required)
              9) "Email" field does not allow to input "_" character.


              • #8
                1# “First name” text field accepts only 30 characters (not 31 as supposed to)
                2# “Last name” text field accepts only 30 characters (not 31 as supposed to)
                3# “Street Address” accepts less than 255 characters

                4#“State” List Box shows 49 states instead of 50
                5# “State” List Box: “other” should be removed
                6# “State” List Box should contain only current US states
                7# “Zip” text field allows to type non-digits
                8# “Email” text field accepts more than 255 characters
                9# “Email” text field behaves as not required field
                10# “Referred by” text field behaves as required field
                11# “I am opento using different provider” checkbox should read as “…open to…”
                12# “Clear” button is smaller than “Submit” button
                13# “Clear” button font size is smaller than “Submit” button
                14# “Clear” button doesn’t clear any fields
                15# If “Clear” button is pushed, it gives misleading message “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!”
                16# illogical tab order-if “Tab” button is pressed starting from selected "First Name", focus jumps to "Referred by", then jumps back to "Last Name"
                17# “Months left on current contract:” list box contains only maximum 10 months, probably should be 24
                18# “Number of phones on plan:” number of phones should be limited according rules of providers
                19# All the text boxes related to money should be limited to 4 digits
                20# “My monthly bill is approximately:” text field allows to type non-digits
                21# All the text fields for digits only allow pasting special symbols and text
                22# "Comments" section doesn't restrict the size of the text to enter or paste
                23# "
                Cell Phone Service": Current Provider list box should contain "Other"
                24# All the text fields accept pasting
                special characters. After submission UI is broken and parts of source code appear (see attached screen)
                Attached Files
                Last edited by zazdravnaya; 01-17-2022, 08:33 AM.


                • #9
                  Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom (Functionality Testing)

                  #1. "First name:" text field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31
                  #2. "Last name:" text field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31
                  #3. "Street Address:" text field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255
                  #4. "State:" list box remove "BC" and "Other"
                  #5. "State:" list box replace "IND" to "IN" for Indiana state
                  #6. "State:" list box states "HI" and NV are missing
                  #7. "ZIP" field accepts not digits only
                  #8. "Email:" text field accepts more than 255 characters
                  #9. "Referred by:" field behaves like a required field

                  "1. Cell Phone Service" directory:
                  #10. "Current Provider:" list box field lost "AT&T" and "Other"
                  #11. "My monthly bill is approximately:" digital field accept not digitals only
                  #12. "My monthly bill is approximately:" digital field accept more than 4 digits
                  #13. "Months left on current contract:" list box should be not less than 24 months
                  #14. "Number of phones on plan:" list box should be not more than 5 number of phones

                  "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" directory:
                  #15. "My monthly bill is approximately:" digital field accept more than 4 digits
                  #16. "Total Bill:" digital field accept more than 5 digits

                  "3. High Speed Internet Service" directory:
                  #17. "My monthly bill is approximately:" digital field accept more than 4 digits

                  "4. TV Service" directory:
                  #18. "My monthly bill is approximately:" digital field accept more than 4 digits

                  "5. Home Security Service"
                  #19. "My monthly bill is approximately:" digital field accept more than 4 digits

                  "7. Gas and Electric Services"
                  #20. "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" digital field accept more than 4 digits
                  #21. "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" digital field accept more than 4 digits

                  #22. "Clear" Button causes an error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
                  #23. "Clear" button doesn't clear the form
                  #24. "Email:" field has an asterisk assigned but it is not really required


                  • #10
                    'Energy Telecom Service-Review 'Bug Report (1/15/2022)

                    1. First name field accepts 30 characters 31 instead.
                    2.Last name field accepts 30 characters 31 instead.
                    3. Street address field accepts 100 characters 250 instead.
                    4.In the State list box following state names must be removed: BC, IND, Other
                    5. Add In the State list box States: HI, IN, NV
                    6.In the State box Names of States should be sorted by alphabetically.
                    7.Zip code field type accepts either letters or digits instead of digits only.
                    8.Email field contains 1063 characters (according to requirement it must have 255).
                    9.Email field does not accept "_" (underscore )character.
                    10. Field 'Referred by' is optional not required. If this field uncompleted the form review is not be able to send.
                    11.Field 'My monthly bill is approximately' in the Section #1 Cell Phone Service accepts both of characters letters and digits. This field must have to accept digits characters only.
                    12. 'Clear button' does not clear completed fields. The result of pushing this button is alert window with 17896 error warning.


                    • #11
                      Energy-Telecom Service Bug report

                      #1. Inconsistency between button 'Submit' and 'Clear'
                      #2. "Referred by" field is in the list of requered fields while
                      missing the asterisk character
                      #3. "E-Mail" field has asterisk character while is not in the list
                      of required fields
                      #4. "Street Address" field allows for special characters
                      #5. "ZIP" field allows for letters
                      #6. "E-Mail" field special characters besides "@" and space within
                      the address
                      #7. "Clear" button when pushed gives misleading info
                      *****1. Cell Phone Service Section:
                      #8. "Current provider" list box does not have ATT listed
                      #9. "Current provider" list box does not option to enter nonlisted provider
                      #10. "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows for letters
                      #11. "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows 11 digit number
                      #12. "Months left on current contract" list box limited to 10 months
                      #13. "Months left on current contract" list box allows to select nothing
                      #14. "Number of phones on plan" list box offers choice between 1 and 100
                      or more
                      #15. Add word "ago" in the "months" label after "I last upgraded
                      my phone(s) approximately" field
                      *****2. Local/Long Distances/International Service Section:
                      #16. "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows for 11 digit number
                      #17. "Total bill" field allows 11 digit number
                      *****3. High Speed Internet Service Section
                      #18. "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows 11 digit number
                      *****4. TV Service Section:
                      #19. "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows for 11 digit number
                      #20. "Current Provider" list box allows no selection
                      #21. "Number of receivers" list box allows no selection
                      #22. "Months left on plan" list box allows no selection
                      ***** 5. Home Security Service Section
                      #23. "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows for 11 digit number
                      ***** Section 7
                      #24. "Current Provider" list box allows no selection
                      #25. "My monthly bill is approximately(summer)" field allows for
                      11 digit number
                      #26. "My monthly bill is approximately (winter)" field allows for
                      11 digit number
                      #27. "I am opento using different provider" check box has spelling error


                      • #12
                        Energy-Telecom Service Review | Bug Report |

                        1. "First Name" field does not accept more than 30 characters instead of 31 per requirement

                        2. "Last Name" field does not accept more than 30 characters instead of 31 per requirement

                        3. There is no default button, "Submit" should be the default button

                        4. input focus goes from "First Name" field, to "Referred By" field instead of going to "Last Name" field

                        5. "City" field does not accept more than 40 characters instead of 50 per requirement

                        6. "Street Address" field only accepts 100 characters instead of 255 per requirement

                        7. "State" list box: "BC" option needs to be removed because it is not in the U.S.

                        8. "State" list box: "IND" option is inconsistently abbreviated, should be "IN"

                        9. "State" list box: remove "Other" option

                        10. "State" list box: Hawaii option missing, add "HA"

                        11. "ZIP" field accepts non-digits when it should not

                        12. "Email" field accepts incorrect format when the form is submitted.

                        13. "Email" field has an asterisk next to but is not required when the form is submitted.

                        14. Cell phone service: "Current Provider" list box is missing "AT&T"

                        15. Cell phone service: "Current Provider" list box - "Other" option is needed

                        16. Cell phone service: "My monthly bill is approximately" field shouldn't accept more than 4 digits

                        17. Cell phone service: "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts non digits

                        18. Cell phone service: "Months left on current contract" list box is missing 11-24 options

                        19. "Referred by" field is required but does not have an asterisk

                        20. TV Service: "Months left on plan" list box - other is needed


                        • #13

                          Energy-Telecom Service Review with REQUIREMENTS (Session #5)

                          1. “First Name” title text field in a “Contact Information” table accept 30 characters instead 31.

                          2. “Last Name” title text field in a “Contact Information” table accept 30 characters instead 31.

                          3. “Street Address” title text field in a “Contact information” table accept 100 characters instead 255.

                          4. “ZIP” title text field accept copy paste 6 digits.

                          5. “ZIP” title text field accept copy paste more than 100 letters and special characters in a required text field instead 5 characters (digits only).

                          6. “ZIP” title text field accept type up to 5 letters instead no letters as required.

                          7. “Email” title text field accept 1063 characters instead 255.

                          8. “Email” field has asterisk but behavior as it is not a required field.

                          9. “State” title list box don’t have 50 states list positions as required, and some state's abbreviations are wrong.

                          10. “Referred by” field hasn’t asterisk but behavior as it is a required field.


                          • #14
                            1. "First Name" and "Last Name" text fields accept 30 characters instead of 31.
                            2. "Street address" text field accepts 100 characters instead of 255.
                            3. "State" list box: BC should be removed from the list.
                            4. "State" list box: IND should be replaced with IN (Indiana).
                            5. "State" list box: NV should be added to the list.
                            6. "State" list box: "Other" should be removed from the list.
                            7. "ZIP" text field accepts copy-past more than 5 characters.
                            8. "ZIP" text field accepts copy-past letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                            9. "Email" text field accepts more than 255 characters.
                            10. "Phone" text field accepts to copy-paste letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                            11. "Referred by" text field behaves itself like a required field if it is empty (Please enter the name of the person you were referred by).
                            12 The "Clear" button provides the error message (Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer!!!).


                            • #15
                              #1 'Referred by' field behaves as a required field.
                              #2 'Email' field asterisk color (blue) is inconsistent with red color of other required fields after required fields error message.
                              #3 'Email' field behaves as not required field.
                              #3' Error message is not provided when 'Email' field has no input.
                              #4 'First Name' field should accept letters only.
                              #5 'Last Name' field should accept letters only.
                              #6 'Street Address' field should be validated.
                              #7 'City' field should be validated.
                              #8 'Email' field should be validated.
                              #9 'City' field should accept letters only.
                              #10 'Referred by' field should accept letters only
                              #11 'First Name' field does not accept 31 character (30 only).
                              #12 'Last Name' field oes not accept 31 character (30 only).
                              #13 'Street Address' field accepts no more than 100 character.
                              #14 'State' list box should not has option 'Other'.
                              #15 'State' list box should not has incorrect option 'BC'.
                              #16 'State' list box misses 'HI' option.
                              #17 'State' list box misses 'NV' option.
                              #18 'State' list box has misspelled option 'IND' instead of 'ID'.
                              #19 'ZIP' field accepts invalid input '00000'.
                              #20 'Email' field should accept underscore character.
                              #21 'Email' field should not accepts more than 255 characters.
                              #22 'Submit' push button should be assigned as default.
                              #23 Inconsistency of GUI implementation between 'Clear' and "Submit' push buttons.
                              #24 TAB order is inconsistent with logic input order in 'Contact Information' section: it goes from 'First name' field to 'Referred by' field.
                              #25 'Current Provider' list box in '1. Cell Phone Service' section should has 'AT&T' option instead of 'Nextel'.
                              #26 'I am happy with my current provider' and 'I am open to using different provider' checkboxes should be replaced with radio buttons.
                              #27 'My monthly bill is approximately:' input field should not accept letters.
                              #27 'Months left on current contract:' list box should has options up to 24.
                              #28 'My monthly bill is approximately:' in input field should not accept invalid option '00000000000'.
                              #29 'I like my handset' and 'I am interested in updating my handset' checkboxes should be replaced with radio buttons.
                              #30 'Number of phones on plan' list box should let user to choose no more than 4 phones.
                              #31 'Current Provider' list box in '1. Cell Phone Service' section should have option 'Other'.
                              #32 'Current Provider' list box in '2. Local/Long Distances/International Service' section should has 'T-Mobile' option instead of 'Comcast'.
                              #33 'Bundled with' radio buttons in '2. Local/Long Distances/International Service' section should have 'Not bundled' radio button.
                              #34 'My monthly bill is approximately:' input field '1. Cell Phone Service' section should not accept invalid option '00000000000'.
                              #35 'My monthly bill is approximately:' input field '2. Local/Long Distances/International Service' section should not accept invalid option '00000000000'.
                              #36 'My monthly bill is approximately:' input field '3. High Speed Internet Service' section should not accept invalid option '00000000000'.
                              #37 'My monthly bill is approximately:' input field '4. TV Service' section should not accept invalid option '00000000000'.
                              #38 'My monthly bill is approximately:' input field '5. Home Security Service' section should not accept invalid option '00000000000'.
                              #39 'My monthly bill is approximately (summer):' input field '7. Gas and Electric Services' section should not accept invalid option '00000000000'.
                              #40 'My monthly bill is approximately (winter):' input field '7. Gas and Electric Services' section should not accept invalid option '00000000000'.
                              #41 'I am opento using different provider' checkbox is misspelled.
                              #42 'Current Provider' list box in '3. High Speed Internet Service' section should has 'T-Mobile' option.
                              #43 'Current Provider' list box in '3. High Speed Internet Service' section should has 'Sprint' option.
                              #44 'Bundled with' radio buttons in '3. High Speed Internet Service' section should have 'Not bundled' radio button.
                              #45 'Bundled with' radio buttons in '4. TV Service' section should have 'Not bundled' radio button.

