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Online class January 6th, 2022: UI test assignment for TAULIA PROJECT

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  • #16
    Taulia project:
    • PO# is in the date format.
    • Due date is in wrong/PO format
    • 422 invoices do not correspond correctly to the amount of pages and the amount of rows in each page.
    • Invoice Date appears to be in different format that what we see in search results.
    • If it’s ordered by the amount, some items aren’t ordered correctly. 22409 is before 22376.
    • Invoice number field accepts letters.
    • Some spelling errors - Rejcted


    • #17
      Bug Reports for TULIA

      #1. In "Search my Invoice" section all the labels should have colon at the end
      #2. Incorrect number of rules per page: 11 instead of 10 (as per "Results per page" list box)
      #3. Inconsistency in date format: " Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) vs Inv. Date Column (22-Aug-2011)
      #4. First cell in " Status" column: replace " Rejcted" with " Rejected"
      #5. Data in the "Due Date" column doesn't look like being in any common date format
      #6. Data in the "PO#" column looks like being in date format rather than PO# format
      #7. "Amount" column: ascending order is broken ( $22,409.37 goes before $22,376.00)
      #8. "Amount" column: data is sorted in ascending order while the arrow in the column title points to descending order
      #9. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
      #10. Search Results Table: Link to Page 5 is missing


      • #18
        1. In the field "Search my invoices" all labels should end up with the colon character;
        2. Incorrect number of invoices in the result page: 11 results instead of 10 as it shown in "Results per page" list box on "Search my invoices" field;
        3. Swap column names "PO #" and "Due Date" in the result page;
        4. Sorting of digits in the column "Amount" in the result page should be from smallest to largest. Swap these strings witn Invoce#: 1122339546 and 1122339134;
        5. In the result page the last sting with Invoce# 1122338095 doesn't have button "Actions";
        6. In the result page replace the name of the first colomn to "Invoice";
        7. Incorrect number of invoices in the label "Showing 422 invoices".


        • #19
          Taulia project:
          1. “Invoce” column title misspelled, “Invoice” instead “Invoce”.
          2. First cell in “Status” column misspelled, “Rejected” instead “Rejcted”.
          3. “Search my invoices” section, all the labels should have a colons at the end.
          4. “Showing 422 invoices”, 422 is larger than 32 pages time 10.
          5. Incorrect number of “Results per page”: 11 lines instead of 10.
          6. “Showing 422 invoices” section, “Due date” column contain data from “PO#” column (28- Sep-2011) instead (100444) and etc.
          7. “Showing 422 invoices” section “PO#” column contain data from “Due date” column(100444) instead (28-Sep-2011).
          8. “PO#” column in the third, seventh and tenth line’s contain incorrect dates (22-Oct-2011), (31-Oct-2011) and (13-Oct-2011) while “Invoice date”: “Due date”until (30/Sep/2011).
          9. “Invoice date” column in the line seven contain incorrect date (1-Oct-2011), while “Invoice date” (5/Jan/2011 to 30/Sep/2011).
          10. Page #5 link is missing.
          11. “Invoice date:” label contain different date formats (mm/dd/yyyy) instead (mm-dd-yyyy).
          12. “Action” button missed in line 11.


          • #20
            1. Inconsistency in section “Search my invoices” only one label “From amount” has colon. all labels should have a colon at the end.

            ON MAC OS
            2. Incorrect result per page 11 instead of10.

            3. “Due date” column does not provide relevant information. Probably provide “PO#” information.

            4.“PO#” column does not provide relevant information. Probably provide “Due date” information.

            5."Status" column/row 4 icon: the tooltip reads "Approved" instead of "Paid”.

            6. Date format doesn’t match in “Invoice date” field vs “Inv.Date” column.

            7. Digits in "Payment" column are ambiguous. don't show any value, except the year of payment.

            8. "Payment" column/ row 5, when select digits in row it becomes possible to open an additional taskbar. all rows should be able open the same taskbar.
            Attached Files
            Last edited by BulatK; 01-11-2022, 08:10 PM.


            • #21
              1# Incorrect number results per page:11 instead of 10.
              2# "Status" column/first cell: misspelling "Rejcted" instead " Rejected"
              3# "Due Date" column: the information does not match the date format
              4# "Invoice date" field: date format (6/5/2011) inconsistent "Due Date "column(29-aug-2011)
              5# "Search my invoices "section/"customer" field: list box has no option to choose from (only has "General Electric "option)
              6# "Pagination" line: skipped page number 5
              7# "Status" column/row 4 icon: the tooltip reads "Approved" instead of "Paid"
              8# "Amount" column/row 7 "$22,376.00" breaks the sorting order


              • #22
                1. No default input focus on “First Name” field.
                2. In “ZIP” field access letters instead to digits only.
                3. “Wireless Aircard” field has square instead round.
                4. “Provider” field not in new (separately) line.
                5. In “ I Am opento using different provider” field missing space between words “open” “to”
                6. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are not consistent.


                • #23

                  #1 All labels in “Search my invoices” should end up with colon : (only label “From amount:” contains it).

                  #2 Mismatch in the label “Result per page” 10 vs 11 are on page.

                  #3 Contradiction in format in the label “Invoice date” of Section “Search my invoices” (06/25/2011) vs in the column “Inv. Date” of Section “Showing 422 invoices” (29-Aug-2011).

                  #4 “Invoce #” column in Section “Showing 422 invoices” has a misspelling to “Invoice #”.

                  #5 “Status” column of the Section “Showing 422 invoices” in the first line ‘Rejcted’ should be replace with ‘Rejected’.

                  #6 “Refresh” button in the Section “Showing 422 invoices” does not refresh the data.

                  #7 “Actions” button is missed in the 11th result of Section “Showing 422 invoices”.


                  • #24
                    1. Inconsistency in date format:"Search my invoices" section "Invoice date" field
                    is in format 6/5/2011 and "Inv.Date" column is in format 22-Aug-2011

                    2. Invoices results table colum 7 "Status" cell 1: change "Rejcted" to "Rejected"

                    3. Invoices results table column 8 "Payment":incorrect datas: should be date format

                    4. Invoices results table column 4 "Due Date":incorrect datas: PO# format
                    instead date format.

                    5. Invoices results table column 5 PO#: incorrect datas: date format
                    instead PO# format.

                    6. Invoices results table row 11 doesn't have "Action" button

                    7. Invoices results table: incorrect number of results - 11 rows, should be 10

                    8. Invoices results table "Showing 422 invoices": Change "Showing 422 invoices"
                    to "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".

                    9. The links down of the Invoices results table:There is no link to page 5.

                    10. "Showing 422 invoices": there are 32 links down
                    of the Invoices results table, but it should be 43 links for 422 invoces.

                    11. Invoices results table column 6 "Amount" incorrect order symbol: should be
                    Ascending order symbol (according to the "Search my invoices" section
                    "From amount" field the range is from 100 to 100000)


                    • #25
                      1. 'Inv. Date' column and 'Invoice date' input field have inconsistent values ('6/5/2011' at 'Invoice date' input field and '5-Jun-2011' at 'Inv. Date' column).
                      2. Label for the first column has misspelled name 'Invoce' instead of 'Invoice'.
                      3. Last shown invoice on the page 1 is missing push button 'Action'.
                      4. Status for the first column has misspelled name 'Rejcted' instead of 'Rejected'.
                      5. Taulia sign in the upper left corner sign does not return to the home page.
                      6. Missing link for page 5 at search results pages.
                      7. Number format at 'Amount' column is inconsistent: some values has '.' others ','.
                      Last edited by Mia Shibanova; 01-11-2022, 08:09 PM.


                      • #26
                        1. "Due date" and "PO #" columns are mixed up -there are dates in “PO#” column and numbers in “Due date”
                        2. Table headings and data cells should be centered altogether to be easier to read
                        3. The spelling of the first word in the “Status” column should be changed from Rejcted to Rejected
                        4. All the labels in the top of the page should end up with colon
                        5. There is 11 search results instead of 10, if you chose to show 10 results in “Results per page” item, the table shows you 11 results
                        6. There is a misspelled word in the first column heading, “Invoce#” should be changed to “Invoice#”
                        7. it would be better if all the date formats were the same whereas there is 6/5/2011 format in the “Invoice status” and 29-Aug-2011 format in the table
                        8. there is no default focus field for input on the page
                        9. “Invoice status” should let user choose different status options instead of "all" only
                        10. the is a button “Actions” missing on the last table line


                        • #27
                          No default input focus. Nice to have the "INVOICE NUMBER" data input field as default.

                          No default button. Nice to have the "SEARCH" button as default.

                          The "DUE DATE" column and the "PO #" colum are mixed up. In the "DUE DATE" column should be dates instead of numbers. In the "PO #" colum should be numbers instead of dates.

                          The format of the dates in "INV. DATE" and "PO #" columns are different from the date format in "INVOICE DATE - TO" fields.

                          The "INVOICE NUMBER" input field accepts letters and special symbols. This field should accept only numbers.

                          The "CUSTOMER" listbox contains only "GENERAAL ELECRTRIC" item. If you want to leave this element as a listbox, you need to add more items or "other" item. If it's only one item then you don't need this listbox.

                          The "PURCHASE ORDER" input field accepts letters and special symbols. This field should accept only numbers.

                          "FROM AMOUNT - TO" input fields accept letters and special symbols. This field should accept only numbers.

                          "INVOICE DATE - TO" input fields don't accept any input or are locked.

                          The "INVOICE STATUS" listbox contains only one item. If you want to leave this element as a listbox, you need to add more items or "other" item.

                          The "RESULTS PER PAGE" listbox contains only one item. If you want to leave this element as a listbox, you need to add more items.

                          The "INVOCE #" column contains a grammar mistake in the name. Should be "INVOICE #"

                          There are 11 items in the search table instead of 10 as we have in the "RESULTS PER PAGE" listbox.

                          The last item in the search table doesn't have the "ACTIONS" button.

                          Nothing happens after pushing the "SEARCH" button with any values in the data input fields.


                          • #28
                            1. "Search my Invoice"
                            the list box "From Amount:" has colon only, rest of list boxes - don't
                            2. Wrong number of rows 11 instead of 10 as per list box "Results per page"
                            3. Inconsistent date format: " Invoice date" - 6/5/2011 and "Date Column" - 22-Aug-2011
                            4. " Status" column: misspelled word " Rejcted" with " Rejected"
                            5. "Due Date" column has incorrect date format
                            6. Column "Amount" has ascending order but amount of $22,409.37 and $22,376.00 don't follow the order
                            7. Missed quick page link number 5
                            8. "Due Date" column shows "PO#" data
                            9. "PO#" column shows "Due Date" data
                            9. "Showing 422 invoices" section should be "1-10 of 320 invoices"
                            10. "Inv.Date" should have name "Invoice Date"


                            • #29
                              1. At the top of the page we see links indicating that we are logged in as a user without entering a username and password.
                              2. Link "Hide search parameters" not working.
                              3. The ":" sign is missing in the end of the fields name (Invoice number, Customer, Purchase order, Invoice date, Invoice status, Results per page, to).
                              4. Text fields "Invoice number", "Purchase order", "From amount:" allow to enter/copy wrong data type.
                              5. The alt tag is missing from the binoculars image.
                              6. There is no focusing element by default.
                              7. "Invoce", " Rejcted" grammatical errors.
                              8. Displays 11 lines per page instead of 10.
                              9. According to the search, 422 values were found, but 32 pages are displayed instead of 43.
                              10. There is no "Action" button in the 11th field.


                              • #30
                                #1 Inconsistency in design
                                "User Manager" and "Profile" options in the top right menu (the one starting with "User Manager") have spaces after them, "Help" doesn't.

                                Both "From amount:" and "to" input fields allow letters when they should only allow numbers.

                                The names of the columns are misaligned with the columns of the "Showing 422 invoices" table. All columns should be slightly moved to the right to align with the headers.

                                "Due Date" and "PO #" headers in "Showing 422 invoices" table are mixed up. "Due Date" column should be named "PO #", and "PO #" column should be named "Due Date"

                                The first line of the Showing 422 invoices" table and the next to the last line of the table have 6 digits in PO numbers.

                                The table is sorted in ascending order, however invoices #1122339546 (5th from the bottom) and #1122339134 (4th from the bottom) are flipped, so $22,409.37 goes before $22,376.00.

                                Arrow to the right of the header "Amount" indicates descending order of the "Showing 422 invoices" table, but the actual displayed order is ascending.

                                There is a misspelling "Rejcted" in the first line of the "Status" column of "Showing 422 invoices" table.

                                There is a misspelling "Invoce#" (first column).

                                There is no restriction on amount of characters you can insert in the "Invoice number" input field.
                                Last edited by Maria Prikhodko; 01-12-2022, 04:18 PM.

