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Online class January 6th, 2022: UI test assignment for TAULIA PROJECT

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  • #61
    Taulia UI
    #1. Replace the misspelled header for the "Invoce#" with "Invoice#".
    #2. There are 11 results shown on the page instead of 10 which is selected as an option.
    #3. In "Search my invoice" section the names for the fields are missing ":".
    #4. In "Inv.Date" column the date format is inconsistent with the one in "search my invoice" section.
    #5. The date format in "Due Date" column must be fixed.
    #6. "PO #" column format must be fixed.
    #7. In the "Amount" field the system is sorting the amounts wrong.
    #8. Inconsistency in title Showing 422 invoices can not be displayed on 32 pages with parameter of 10 results per page.
    #9. There are displayed invoices with dates outside the search parameters given in "Search my invoice".
    #10. There is missing link for page#5 on the bottom of the page.


    • #62
      Taulia UI
      #1 In "Search my invoice" box with "invoice number" lets enter letters but requires only numbers
      #2 In "Search my invoice" not clear "Purchase order" box meaning ("Purchase order date/number)
      #3 Remove colon "From amount:" to "From amount"
      #4 Options in "Invoice status" have choice "ALL". Add "Rejected", "Paid", "In process", "Approved"
      #5 Inconsistency in table and search section:
      - "Invoice number" in search section and "Invoice #" in table
      - "Invoice date" and "Inv.Date"
      - "Purchase order" and "PO #"
      ALL of them need the same name
      #6 Table shows 11 results per page instead of 10 (requred in "Results per page" box)
      #7 Inconsistency with date format in "Invoice date" - 6/5/2011 and Inv.Date - 29-Aug-2011


      • #63
        #1 labels don't have colons ( except for one (from amount).
        #2 Drop down bars on "invoice status","results per page" and "customer" do not show more than the option already in use.
        #3 Invoice dates are not brought up in order from "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011).
        #4 Inconsistent date format "6/5/2011" and "29-Aug-2011"
        #5 In the "Due date" column there are not dates.
        #6 PO# column has dates instead of PO#.
        #7 PO# that are in the "Due date" column are inconsistent there are some with 5 digits and a couple with 6 digits.
        #8 Status column has a misspelled "Rejcted" instead of "Rejected".
        #9 Actual results show 11 invoices when the "results per page" bar shows 10.
        #10 Invoice "1-Oct-2011" is out of the range by the invoice dates to "9/30/2011"
        #11 In the "From amount" and "to amount" there are no commas or periods to separate the digits.
        #12 On the bottom links to go to the next page there is not a page "5" it goes "1 2 3 4 6".
        #13 Bottom links to go to the next page don't work.
        #14 There are missing payment numbers.
        #15 Row 11 doesn't have Actions button.
        #16 "Amount" has an arrow for drop down bar that doesn't work.
        #17 The "Purchase order" has a symbol or character next to the bar that if it's clicked it refreshes the website.


        • #64
          Test a pencil

          • Pencil Length 14-14.5 cm
          • Pencil color “Green”
          • Pencil cover wood

          Pre-conditions: There is a pencil green color.

          Test data: Length, color, material pencil.
          ID Title Instruction Expected result
          1# measuring a pencil 15cm does not meet the requirements
          2# color pencil green complies with requirements
          3# cover wood a pencil wood complies with requirements


          • #65
            Test a toaster

            • Toaster length 20 cm
            • Tester color “White”
            • There is a timer (5min)

            Pre-conditions: There is a white toaster

            Test data: Length, color, timer, timer 5 min.
            ID Title Instruction Expected result
            1# measuring a toaster 20cm complies with requirements
            2# color toaster white complies with requirements
            3# timer timer complies with requirements
            4# timer (5min) 7min does not meet the requirements


            • #66
              Test restore password

              • “User name” field accepts 256 characters
              • “E-mail address” field accepts 256 characters
              • “Number phone” field accepts 11 characters (numbers)

              Pre-conditions: Field “restore password”

              Test data: 256 characters, +1 965-323-40-57, +1 965-323-40-5G

              ID Title Instruction Expected result
              1# “User name” field 256 accepts 256 characters
              2# “e-mail address” field 256 accepts 256 characters
              3# “phone” field (1)-(965)-(323)-(40)-(57) accepts 11 characters
              4# “phone” field with a letter (1)-(965)-(323)-(40)-(5G) does not accepts


              • #67
                1. Headings unaligned with columns content.
                2. Table rows unnumbered.
                3. The logo in header doesn't contain the link to the homepage.
                4.Search parameters. Unreadable binocular icon.
                5. There is no link to the page 5 at the bottom of the table.
                6. Row 1 - Status. Misspelling in word "Rejected".
                7. "Search my invoices" section. The colon is only in "From amount:"
                8.Search parameters. Missing word "from" in "invoice date".
                9. The table header says "Showing 422 invoices", while actually 32 pages with 11 results cannot be more than 331.
                10. Table header. Misspelling in word "Invoice".
                11. There are set "10 results per page" while actually, 11 indicated.
                12. Row 11. "Actions" button missing.
                13. Row 7. The search result doesn't meet search parameters. "1-Oct-2011" is not in the search date range "6/5/2011- 9/30/2011".
                14. Amount column. The "up-down triangle" icon indicates descending order while actually there is ascending order.
                15. Rows 7 and 8 should be swapped: Search results are in amount ascending order, but Row 7 amount is bigger than Row 8 amount.
                Last edited by Aldina; 02-10-2022, 07:11 PM.


                • #68
                  Помимо 11 багов, которые разобрали на уроке добавила бы:

                  1. Не виден логин пользователя: в верхнем правом углу добавить наименование пользователя (логин).
                  Объединить "User Manager" и "Profile" под одним названием "логин пользователя"
                  2. Не верный критерий отбора: строка 7 "1-oct-201" лишняя
                  3. Не видно соответствие критериям отбора по параметру "General Electric": Добавить колонку в начало таблицы выборки "General Electric"
                  4. Не верный формат значений столбец 4 "Due Data", изменить на верный формат
                  5. Не понятно название столбца "РО#": Название столбца PO# расшифровать
                  6. Нет возможности сортировки столбца 1 "Invoce #": добавить возможность сортировки.
                  7. Нет возможности сортировки столбца 3 "Inv. Date": добавить возможность сортировки
                  8. Нет возможности сортировки столбца 4 "Due Date": добавить возможность сортировки
                  9. Нет возможности сортировки столбца 6 "Status": добавить возможность сортировки
                  10. Нет возможности сортировки столбца 7 "Payment": добавить возможность сортировки
                  11. Не верный формат значений дата и месяц столбца "Payment": изменить значения дня и месяца на верный формат.
                  12. Расхождения в формате дата в выборке и дата в таблице: привести к общему формату либо месяц/день/год либо день-месяц-год
                  13. В Search my invoices в строку "Invoice date" перед первым окошком добавить "from"
                  14. В Search my invoices в строку "Purchase order" сделать раскрывающееся окно подобно "Invoice status"
                  15. Не отображено наименование валюты на сайте: добавить выбор валюты либо указать, что в долларах США
                  16. В 5 столбце "PO #" убрать символ "#"
                  17. Добавить внизу сайта знак копирайта
                  18. Добавить внизу сайта контактную информацию
                  19. Добавить внизу сайта год создания
                  20. Убрать пустое место после колонки 9 "Actions", подвинуть правое поле.
                  21. Нет названия у колонки 9 с кнопками "Actions"
                  22. В Search my invoices в строке "Invoice status" в раскрывающемся окне нет вариантов выбора.
                  23. В Search my invoices в строке "Results per pagе" в раскрывающемся окне нет вариантов выбора.
                  24. В Search my invoices в строке "From amount:" добавить разделение на десятичные знаки.
                  25. В Search my invoices в строке "From amount:" в графе "to" добавить разделение на десятичные знаки.
                  26. В Search my invoices в строке "From amount:" добавить ограничение на вводимое число в пределах сумм столбца "Amount"
                  27. В Search my invoices в строке "Invoice number" поставить разрешение на добавление только цифр.

