- Search results table: replace “Showing 422 invoices” with “Showing 10 invoices of 422”.
- Search results table: 11 results are shown instead of 10, while just 10 is selected in “Results per page” listbox.
- Search results table: replace “Invoce #” in the left most title with “Invoice #”.
- Search results table: “Rejcted” is misspelled in first result under “Status” column. Replace it with “Rejected”.
- “Due Date” column: the data in the column doesn’t look in known date format.
- “PO #” column: the data is shown in date format. Is it how it supposed to look like?
- “Amount” column: the data is shown from smaller to bigger, but $22,409.37 is above $22,376.00.
- Search results table: the triangle on the right of “Amount” title is indicating that data in the column should be in descending order. In fact the data is shown in ascending order.
- Search results table: “Actions” button is missing for the 11th result.
- Links to the result pages: page 5 is missing.
- Header of the page: inconsistency in font size between 2 lines of titles.
No announcement yet.
Online class January 6th, 2022: UI test assignment for TAULIA PROJECT
- Links “USER MANAGER/PROFILE/ HELP/LOGOUT” doesn’t do any action after pushing on it.
- Top menu buttons doesn’t act after pushing on it.
- In “SEARCH MY INVOICES” section “HIDE SEARCH PARAMETERS” button doesn’t act after pushing on it.
- In “SEARCH MY INVOICES” section “SEARCH” button doesn’t act after pushing on it.
- In “SEARCH MY INVOICES” section most of the labels doesn’t end up with the colon character.
- In section “SHOWING 422 INVOICES” columns “TYPE” and “INVOICE” messed up by location.
- In section “SHOWING 422 INVOICES” , Invoice#1122338095 doesn’t have “ACTIONS” button.
- In section “SHOWING 422 INVOICES” column “PAYMENT” doesn’t match data.
- In section “SHOWING 422 INVOICES” column “DUE DATE”doesn’t match data.
- In section “SHOWING 422 INVOICES” column “PO#” doesn’t match data.
- In section “SHOWING 422 INVOICES” 11 invoices per page instead of 10.
Bug Reports Taulia
#1 Column "Search for my account" should contain colons at the end of all sections.
#2 In the section "From amount:" the format of the value in the data entry windows does not correspond to the monetary format.
#3 In the section "Results per page" value specified is 10, actual result is 11 lines.
#4 Result of the table name "Showing 422 invoices" is incorrect for specified number of pages.
#5 The date format on the page is not the same.
#6 Position of the sort symbol in the column the "Amount" is opposite to the result.
#7 In the column "Amount" the sequence is broken in the lines Invoice #1122339546 and #1122339134.
#8 The name of the column "Invoce #" should be changed to "Invoice #".
#9 In the column "Payment" the numbering of payments is broken relative to the date.
#10 The line Invoice #1122338095 don't have button "Actions".
#11 In the bottom of the page missing page #5.
#12 In the main menu the button "Your Customer" should be "Your Customers" !!!Not sure!!!
#13 The name of the column "PO #" should be changed to "PO"
Bug Reports Taulia
1. The name of "Invoce" column is misspell
2. The "Inv.Date" column format is not consistent and different from the "Invoice date" in search text field
3. The columns "Due Date" and "PO#" have to be switch each other
4. The dollar amount in search text field missing dollar symbol "$" before digits
5. The text field " From amount:" does not have prefilled format with cent portion
6. All text fields in search panel are missing colon except "From amount:"
7. The first line result has misspelling "Rejcted" in column "Status"
8. The result of search has 11 lines instead 10 per page
9. Nothing happens when switching to see page 2 and so on.
10."Refresh" button doesn't refresh the page
#1. Add "$" sign to the "From amount" field and "to" field
#2. Add "Search" label to the search icon (binoculars)
#3. Sorting problems in "Amount" column: "$110.10" must be below "$110.00"
#4. Decimal points are missing in the number "1000000"
#5. Different currency formatting in the "From amount" field and the "Amount" column
#6. Reverse titles of the columns "PO#" and "Due Date"
#7. Replace title of the column "Payment" to "Receipt #"
Last edited by omega8omega; 01-12-2022, 04:51 PM.
Bug Report for Taulia:
1. "Search invoices" all the labels should have colons
2. "Invoice number" field should allow only numeric characters
3. "Customer" label has a dropdown field with only one option
4. "Purchase order" field is enabled. Input of any purchase order and pushing the button search, does not generate a new search.
5. "From amount" and "to amount" fields let you put in the letters, instead of numeric digits only
6. There is inconsistency with the input field date-format in "Invoice date" and the column "PO#": 6/5/2011 VS 28-Sep-2011
7. "Invoice date" field is inactive, there's no other date can be put in, but only 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011
8. "Invoice status" drop box has only 1 option, instead of 4: "paid/rejected/in process/approved"
9. "Results per page" has only one option "10" results per page, should have more options
10. Instead of having "10 results per page" as indicated, it shows 11
11. The 11th line does not have actions button
Taulia Bug Report
1. The “Taulia” bunner is inactive.
2. Replace “Showing 422 Invoices” with “Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices”.
3. Replace “Invoce #” column title in Search Result table with a “Invoice #”.
4. There are 11 searching results in the Search Result table instead 10 per “Results per page” listbox.
5. In “Search my invoice” table all labels (except “From amount" with missing colon character at the end.
6. The link to the page ”5” below search result table is missing.
7. “Amount” column sorting order should be descending per column title.
8. “PO#” column in search table has mismatch data.
9. “Due Date” column is search table has mismatch data.
10. The mice cursor is changing from arrow to text on the “Actions” button in a search table.
1. No default input focus on the page
2. "Invoice number" check box accepts letter instead of being only numbers
3. There is a wrong data in the "Due date" column (numbers instead of date)
4. PO# column has wrong data
5. The amount of invoice shown 422 doesn't correlate with number of pages (32)
6. Inconsistency in colons: only "From amount" label has colon.
7. Links below search results: link to page 5 is missing
8. "Amount" column sorting order is increasing while have to be decreasing according to arrowhead in the column title.
9. There are 11 search in "Results per page" instead of 10.
10. There are links to 32 pages below search table which is less then 422 invoices
11. Inconsistency in date format. Compare "Invoice date" field and "Inv. date" column.
#1. In a Search my invoices section all the labels don't have a colon at the end
#2. Results per page should be 10 instead of 11
#3. First cell in “Status” column misspelled “Rejcted” instead “Rejected”.
#4. "Due Date" column has Inconsistency in date format
#5. Invoice results table row 11 doesn't have "Actions" button
#6. In page search results table #5 is missing
#7. Invoice dated “1-Oct-2011” is outside of searching request
1.TAB ORDER problem from "First name" field, it go to "referred by" instead of "Last Name"
2."Referred by" does not has an asterisk, its a required field
3."Rederred by" accepts special characters
4."City" field accept 51 characters
5."State" listbox: remove "BC" item
6."State" listbox: replace "IND" with "ID"
7."State" listbox: only have 48 state instead of 50
8."ZIP" field accepts more then 5 character when you copy and paste
9."Email" field accepts 268 characters
10."Cell Phone Service box" in "Current Provider" listbox: doesn't have "other" option
11."Cell Phone Service box" in "My monthly bill is approximately" text field accept digits and letters.
12."Cell Phone Service box" in "Months left on current contract" does not give you option for 11 and 12 months
13."High Speed Internet Service" in "Provider" text field accepts characters and digits.
14. On the bottom of this form "Clear" button does not work, message error pops up "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!
1. There are no colon characters for labels in "Search my invoices" section
2. In table "Showing 422 invoices" we need to change the heading of the first column "Invoce #" to "Invoice #"
3. In table "Showing 422 invoices" in the column "Status" we need to change "Rejcted" to " Rejected"
4. In table "Showing 422 invoices" the columns data is misplaced between "Due Date" and "PO #"
5. The pages links of the table missing page number 5
6. Instead of 10 "Results per page" we get 11 results
7. "Invoice date" from "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011" but in table results we get "Inv.Date" from "1-Oct-2011"
8. "Invoce #" "1122338095" there is no "Actions" button
9. the 4th icon "Paid" from the top in column "Status" has wrong tooltip "Approved"
10. In the column "Amount" should be Descending Order instead of Ascending order
Menu Search my invoices
Bug#1 in the Menu Search my invoices- not colons after category.
Bug#2 orthographic error Invoce # - on Invoice
Bug#3 Lost #5 in the numbers of the pages at the bottom of the page
Bug#4 in the column Due Date - Column filling does not match the title
Bug#5 in the column PO # - Column filling does not match the title
Bug#6 in the column Status - orthographic error - Rejcted, correct - Rejected
Bug#7 in the column Payment - dash is missing.
Bug#8 in the option Results per page - 10, in real - 11.
#1. Inconsistent use of colon after text field under "Search my invoices"
#2. Table first has misspelling in word " Invoce"
#3. First line in textfield has a misspell in word "Rejcted"
#4. Incorrect number of page results: It is 11 instead of 10 as shown in "Results per page" text field
#5. Inconsistent input of dates compare to " Search my invoices" to the colon " inself
#6. No default input focus: "Invoice number" field is a good candidate
#7. "Inovice status" listbox: add other options ( Rejected, Paid, In process, Approved)
#8. LInk to page 5 at the end is missing
#9. "Amount" listbox in header is inactiveLast edited by valeriaso; 01-23-2022, 05:05 AM.
#1. "Due Date" column data is misplaced with PO# column data.
#2. Remove colon(":") from "From amount" column.
#3. 4th line in "Status" column has an "approved" tooltip instead of to be "paid".
#4. There are 11 search results instead 10 as it suppose to be.
#5. 32 pages is not enough to fit 422 search results.
#6. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with " Showing 10 of 422 invoices"
#7. It's unclear how invoices are sorted; "Sort by" menu item is missing.
#8. 11th search result is missing "Actions" menu item.
#9. Substitute "Inv.Date" label with "Invoice Date".
#10. Replace ".." with "..." between links "10" and "32".
#11. Link "5" is missing between links "4" and "6".