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Online class January 6th, 2022: UI test assignment for TAULIA PROJECT

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  • #31
    1- Customer filed only one provider on the drop down menu
    2-Inactive icon next to purchase order
    3-Invalid format data on "Due Date"
    4-Invalid data under "PO#"
    5- "Status" field misspelling of "rejcted"
    6- Correct date format on "Payment"
    7- "Results per page" requirement 10, 11 on first page
    8- Missing "Action "Button on last invoice


    • #32
      1. In "Showing 422 invoices" column "Due Date" does not showing a date
      2. In "Showing 422 invoices" column "PO #" showing a date instead of PO #
      3. In "Showing 422 invoices" 11th row missing the "Actions" button
      4. In "Showing 422 invoices" in firs left column switch "Invoce #" to "Invoice"
      5. In "Showing 422 invoices" in the last row with page numbering missing page 5
      6. In "Showing 422 invoices" presents 11 results per page instead of 10 as showing in "Search my invoices" "Results per page"
      7. In "Showing 422 invoices" in "Status" column switch "Rejcted" to "Rejected"
      8. in "Showing 422 invoices" in column "Amount" "$22,376.00" should go before "$22,409.37"
      9. Inconsistency between date format. In "Search my invoices" - "Invoice date" line shown as "6/5/2011" but in "Showing 422 invoices" in "PO #" column shown as "28-Sep-2011"
      10. In "Search my invoices" all labels needs to have a column


      • #33
        Taulia UI Bug Report - redone

        1. There are 11 search results showing instead of 10 as the label "Results per page" says 10
        2. There is invoice for "31-Oct-2011" present in the list when the results should be limited to dates 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 as per "invoice date"
        3. Link to "Page 5" is missing
        4. "Due Date" column does not represent an actual due date
        5. "PO #" column needs to be checked - may be switched with "Due Date" column
        6. Inconsistency in labels format - "Invoice Date" and "Inv. Date"
        7. No "Actions" button on the last invoice on the 1st page

        Taulia Bug Reports
        1. "Search" button is not working
        2. Drop down "Customer" list box has only 1 customer, no other selection offered
        3. "Invoice Date" fields can not be changed
        4. "Invoice Status" drop down box has no choices except "All"
        5. "Results per page" box has only one value "10" and can not be changed
        6. "Download list" button is not working
        7. " Refresh" button is not working
        8. "Page 2", "Page 3", etc. icons are not working
        9. "Page 5" is missing
        10. "Actions" buttons are not working
        11. No "Actions" button on the last invoice on the 1st page
        12. "Due Date" column does not represent an actual due date
        13. "PO #" column needs to be checked - may be switched with "Due Date" column
        Last edited by ayakushenko; 01-13-2022, 06:22 PM.


        • #34
          Taulia bug report.
          #1. The field only "From amount" has the colon character.
          #2. The field "Invoice number" accepts letters.
          #3. Search result table has "Invoice" misspelled.
          #4. The format of date in field "Invoice date", "to" and in columns "", "Due date", "Payment" is not the same.
          #5. The "Amount" column doesn't sort right.
          #6. Sears result table in search page consist of 11 rows instead of 10.
          #7. The page numbering is missing page 5 under search results table.
          #8. Search result table in 11 row missing button "Actions".
          #9. "Showing 422 invoices" is miscalculation.


          • #35
            1) "Search my Invoices" field shows 11 results, but "results per page" is set up to 10.
            2) In "search my invoices" section ONLY "From amount" has colons, it should be for all.
            3) "Invoices number" field allows to put letters instead of digits only.
            4) "Invoice status" field has only "ALL" option, need to add "Paid", "In process", "Rejected", "Approved".
            5) "Invoce #" column in the table is misspelled, has to be changed to "Invoice #".
            6) In "Results" table, Invoice # 1122339225, "status" - rejcted is misspelled, change it to Rejected.
            7) Inconsistency in date format: "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) vs Inv.Date Column (18-Sep-2011)
            8) "Search Results" table, "PO #" and "Due Date" are misplaced with each other.
            9) "Search Results" table, on the bottom does not show #5, it shows - 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10..32
            10) Inconsistency i format: "Invoice Status" filed vs "Status" Column


            • #36
              Taulia bugs report

              1. All labels under "Search my invoices" should have colon at the end.
              2: Results per page” label has 10 elements per page but there are 11.
              3: Misspelled word in "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
              4: Misspelled word in "Invoce" column: replace "Invoce" with "Invoices"
              5: Missing page #5 at the end of the page.
              6: The search string "Show 422 invoices" and the lower one shows 32.
              7. Invoice date: Mm.Dd.Yyyy search results Dd.Mm.Yyyy.
              8. Column "PO #" does not match its content.
              9. Unknown format designations in the column "Payment" in the table Search Result
              10.Mismatch the ikon tooltip reads "Approved" instead "Paid", in the "Status" column, in line four.


              • #37
                #1. Field text labels in "search my invoice" section are all missing colons expect for "From Amount:" text field.
                #2. Invoice #1122339134 should be prior to invoice #1122339546 because amounts are listed form least to greatest.
                #3. Invoice date format in invoice data field does not match with invoice date format in "search my invoices section.
                #4. 11 results are given instead of 10 as selected in "Search my invoice" section.
                #5. Invoice is spelt "invoce #" instead of "invoice #" in "Showing Invoice" section.
                #6. PO # date format is a different date format than from "Invoice date" text field in "Search my invoice" section.
                #7. Misspelt word in status column, "Rejcted" instead of "Rejected".
                #8. Missing page #5.


                • #38
                  1. “Search my invoices” section : missing colon character at the end.
                  2. “Result per page” listbox selected 10, and result is 11.
                  3. In “Invoce#“ title of search result table letter “i” is missing (Invoice).
                  4. Invoice dated “1-Oct-2011” is outside of chosen searching request.
                  5. In first cell of “Status” column missing letter : “Rejcted” replace to “Rejected”
                  6. Missing “Action” button in the 11th row of search results table.
                  7. Link to Page 5 is missing.
                  8. "Showing 422 invoices" replace to "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".


                  • #39
                    1. In the field "Search my invoices" all labels should end up with the colon character;
                    2. Incorrect number of invoices in the result page: 11 results instead of 10 as it chosen in "Results per page" list box on "Search my invoices" field;
                    3. Swap column names "PO #" and "Due Date" in the result page;
                    4. Sorting of digits in the column "Amount" in the result page should be from smallest to largest. Swap these strings with Amount: $22,409.37 and $22,376.00;
                    5. In the result page the last sting with Invoice# 1122338095 doesn't have button "Actions";
                    6. In the result page replace the name of the first column to "Invoice";
                    7. Incorrect number of invoices in the label "Showing 422 invoices" (it is more than having either 10 or 11 results per each of 32 page);
                    8. Inconsistent date format: in "Search my invoices" field string "Invoice date" has "6/5/2011" vs. in the result page column "Inv. Date" has "29-Aug-2011" format;
                    9. In the result page none of the buttons "Actions" works;
                    10. Inconsistency in the result page: the column "Inv. Date" shows "1-Oct-2011" and more, instead of showing results no further than "9/30/2011" as edit box "Invoice date to.." requires;
                    11. In the "Search my invoices" field, edit box "Invoice number" should accept only digits (typing and pasting);
                    12. Unreasonable list box "Customer" in the "Search my invoices" field: it allows only one option to choose;
                    13. In the "Search my invoices" field, edit box "From amount:" accepts negative values;
                    14. In the "Search my invoices" field, edit box "From amount:" should accept only digits;
                    15. Unreasonable list box "Invoice status" in the "Search my invoices" field: it allows only one option to choose;
                    16. Unreasonable list box "Results per page" in the "Search my invoices" field: it allows only one option to choose;
                    17. Pushing on the binoculars icon in "Search my invoices" field clearing "Invoice number" and "Purchase order" edit boxes, but not searching as it supposed to;
                    18. In the "Search my invoices" field, edit box "From amount to" should accept only digits;
                    19. In the "Search my invoices" field, edit box "From amount to" accepts negative values;
                    20. In the result page replace the name of the status in the string with invoice# 1122339225 to "Rejected" (instead of "Rejcted").


                    • #40
                      1. Misspelling in word "Invoice"
                      2. Misspelling in word "rejected"
                      3. All labels are missing colon after the category
                      4. No responses from search engine from typing out invoice number, pasting invoice number, typing out invoice number with symbols, or pasting invoice number with symbols
                      5. Inconsistent format of date labeling
                      6. No default input focus


                      • #41
                        #1. "Search my invoices" section. All the labels should have a colon at the end
                        #2. No default input focus on the page. Field "Invoice number" might be contender
                        #3. No default button on the page. Button "Search" might be contender
                        #4. Incorrect number of results per page: 11 instead of 10 (as per "Results per page" listbox)
                        #5. First column header misspell. Replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"
                        #6. First cell in "Status" column misspell. Replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
                        #7. Inconsistence date format: "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) vs Inv.Date Column (22-Aug-2011)
                        #8. Missing button "Actions" in last line in "Invoices list" field
                        #9. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices" would be nice
                        #10. It could not be 422 results in 32 pages if chosen 10 result per page
                        #11. Ascending sort "Amount" column. Swapping "$22,409.37" and "$22,376.00" invoices
                        #12. Data in the "Due Date" column is not in a common data format
                        #13. Replace ".." with "..." between links to page 10 and page 12 below search results table
                        #14. Links below search result table: link to page "5" is missing
                        #15. "Amount" column sorting order is ascending instead of being descending as per arrowhead in the column title
                        #16. Invoice Dates should be limited to "06/05/2011 to 09/30/2011" while "1-oct-2011" is outside
                        #17. 4th line in "Status" column the icon has "Approved" tooltip instead "Paid"
                        Last edited by fm4x; 01-12-2022, 05:17 PM.


                        • #42
                          1. In the "Search my invoices" section, add a colon to the labels without a colon.

                          2."Invoice number" text field accepts letters, numbers, and special characters instead of only numbers.

                          3. Search results shows 11 entries, although it should be 10 per the "Results per page" list box.

                          4. In first column, replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #".

                          5. In first cell of search results, replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".

                          6. Inconsistency between date format in "Invoice date" text field and "Inv. Date" column in search results.

                          7. In search results, switch "Due Date" and "PO #" values.

                          8. In search results, "Amount" is listed in ascending order. Two invoices (1122339546 and 1122339134) are not in the correct order.

                          9. In search results, invoice date "1-Oct-2011" is outside search parameters.

                          10. In search results, invoice 1122338095 is missing "Actions" button.

                          11. In the page navigation at the bottom of the page, the link to page 5 is missing.


                          • #43
                            1. In the section "Search Invoices" most of the labels are missing a color character at the end
                            2. Data presented in the "Due Date" column is not a common date format
                            3. Date format inconsistency in section "Search my Invoices" and "Inv. Date" column
                            4. In search results table," in left title, replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"
                            5. In search results 11 invoices are present instead of 10 as "results per page" list box
                            6. In first row of search results table replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
                            7. Dates in PO# column in rows 7 and 10 do not fit with invoice dates parameters in section "Search my Invoices"
                            8. Page 5 link is missing in links to the results pages
                            9. "Actions" button missing from last invoice in search results table
                            10 In search results table Amount column sorted from low to high, 22,409.37 (row 7) comes before 22,379.00 (row 8)


                            • #44
                              Taulia Energy-telecom
                              1. Search my invoices section: all the labels should have a colon at the end.
                              2. Search result table: first column misspelled “Invose #” (Invoice)
                              3. Search result table: Link to page “5” missing.
                              4. “Showing 422 invoices” incorrect number of search result.
                              5. Search result table bottom line: absent button “Actions”.
                              6. Search result table: “Due Date” column does not have date format.
                              7. Search result table: “Po #” column looks like date format.
                              8. Search result table: “Type” column redundant because all of them “Invoice”.


                              • #45
                                1. "Invoice date" is set to be from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 but the results display Invoice # 1122339546 from 10/01/2011.
                                2. "Due Date" and "PO #" columns titles are mixed up.
                                3. The results are not sorted. A good way to sort would be by the Invoice date. Or add an extra field to the search - "sort by".
                                4. "Purchase Order" field title in the search is missing the word "number" or "#".
                                5. When the invoice amount over 999 is typed in the search, it is not formatted the same way as "Amount" in the search results. It should be "1,000,000" instead of "1000000"
                                6. "From amount" search fields should have a "$" added to both since the search results display the Invoice "Amount" with a "$" sign.

